Performance Ensemble Syllabus
Performance Ensemble Syllabus
Performance Ensemble Syllabus
(ENSEMBLE) Syllabus
Andrew Janes, conductor
(Assistant Conductors, Clerks, Librarians)
[email protected] (615)428-7550
Attendance Policy
Every member of the (Ensemble) is expected to attend all rehearsals
and performances. The only acceptable excuses are illness (a verifiable
medical note from a physician is required), family emergency, or preapproved academic conflict, e.g. an exam or field trip in your major area of
study. Academic conflicts must be cleared two weeks in advance by
submitting this in writing to Mr. Janes.
If you are ill, please notify Mr. Janes before 10:00 am on the day of the
rehearsal. Following your absence you must provide Mr. Janes with written
verification of your absence or it will be considered unexcused. Unexcused
absences lower your grade by one letter for each rehearsal missed. (For
example, one unexcused absence means the highest possible grade you may
receive is a B; 2 absences a C, and so on). Unexcused absences from
performances may result in an automatic grade of F, and possible dismissal
from the ensemble.
Tardies accumulate at a rate of two unexcused tardies = one
unexcused absence.
All members of the Wind Ensemble are expected to be in place -- with
a working instrument (mutes, good reeds, etc.), music and pencil -- warmedup, tuned and ready to play by at least 5 minutes before rehearsal begins.
Early is on time, on time is LATE!
Amateurs remember; pros write it in.
Grades will be based on rehearsal participation, evidence of
preparation outside of rehearsal, and each members general conduct,
attitude, and contribution to the enrichment of the group effort. Members of
the Wind Ensemble need to work together (cooperative learning!) towards
the common goal of making music to the absolute best of our abilities.
Each member will receive a final grade based on the following system:
Rehearsals = 5 points per day (on time with all materials, musically
prepared, fully engaged in rehearsal including marking music
Performances = 25 points per concert (on time with all materials,
appropriate attire, and performing to the best of your personal ability)
Sectionals = 10 points per sectional (on time with all materials,
musically prepared, and fully engaged in cooperative sectional work
including marking music appropriately)
The total number of points are then averaged (--- total) for your final grade
using the following scale:
97.5% = A (390 points)
95.0% = B (380 points)
92.5% = C (370 points)
90.0% = D (360 points)
less than 90% = F
Required Sectionals will be held on a bi-weekly basis (The principal player
in each section is responsible for coordinating the sectional and informing Mr.
Janes of any absences from sectionals.)
Additional Information
Concert Dress
Men: Black tuxedo with white shirt; black bow tie; black shoes and black
A black button-down dress shirt may also be used on occasion for Artist Black
Rental options:
Ladies: Black formal dress (no spaghetti straps) --floor or mid-calf length with
long sleeves (past the elbow); black nylons; black shoes (no sandals or open
toes). You may opt to wear a long black formal skirt, or black slacks with a
black long-sleeved blouse. No prom-type dresses, please. Nothing colored
grey black only.
Music & Rehearsals
You are responsible for your own folder - please take it with you after
rehearsal. There will be a fine of $2.00 per page for lost music and $20.00 for
a lost music folder.
When turning in your music, be sure that all personal markings have
been erased. With this in mind, it is best to write as lightly and concisely on
your music as you can.
A rehearsal schedule will be sent via email and posted on the band
bulletin board. Please check this schedule regularly and come to rehearsal
with your music PREPARED IN ADVANCE. Rehearsal is not the time for you to
learn your part rehearsal is the time for you to learn everyone elses part!!!
When turning in your music, be sure that all personal markings have been
erased. With this in mind, it is best to write as lightly and concisely on your
music as you can.
Typical Preparation Schedule (may be adjusted according to concert
By the SECOND rehearsal of each concert cycle, it is expected that each
individual musician has attained COMPETENCY on their own parts.
By the FOURTH rehearsal of each concert cycle, it is expected that each
individual musician has COMMAND of the music on their own parts (able to
demonstrate musicality on all music).
By the SIXTH rehearsal of each concert cycle, it is expected that each
individual musician has attained ARTISTRY on their own parts.
Cell Phones
The use of cell phones in rehearsal will not be tolerated. This is
extremely disrespectful, and essentially tells the conductor that there is
nothing he or she can say to make you a better musician.
Disability Statement
If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing
accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me
soon. Please request that a Disability Resources staff send a SAAR form
verifying your disability and specifying the accommodations you will need.
Learning Objectives
As public performances are the primary product of the (Ensemble), the
development of professional-level ensemble performance skills is the
primary learning objective in this course. While there are a host of other
skills and concepts that you will develop, discover, and learn this semester,
there are four principal learning objectives in this course:
Performance Skills
Students will...
Attain mastery of individual parts
Perform music with others with excellent technical skill (tone, pitch,
blend/balance, articulation, dynamics, rhythm, style)
Perform music with others with excellent expressive skill (style, phrasing,
artistry, etc.)
Ensemble Skills
Students will...
Develop a personal code of conduct in which they dedicate themselves to
the others in the Wind Ensemble (such as being musically prepared for each
sectional and rehearsal, reliance on yourself to complete assigned tasks,
Develop a work ethic which enables them to contribute to the betterment
of the Wind Ensemble in each sectional and rehearsal
Develop a demeanor which enhances the productivity and musicality of
every rehearsal and sectional (such as avoiding personal conversations
during rehearsals, turning off cell phones, removing hats during rehearsals,
Managerial Skills
Students will...
Develop personal planning skills to successfully complete the many and
varied daily tasks required of a professional musician
Professionalism Skills
Students will...
Complete administrative duties in a timely fashion (such as returning
music, enrolling in course, completing personnel tasks assigned, settin
up/running sectionals, etc.)
Demonstrate professional conduct while on tour, in performance venues,
and rehearsals
Perform in appropriate concert attire
Demonstrate promptness with regard to rehearsal, sectional, and
performance times.
Student Learning Outcomes in (Ensemble):
Perform repertoire appropriate to their performance area as members of
Acquire knowledge of the repertoire to be performed, including a historical
and cultural context, including familiarity with a variety of recordings.