Analisa Wacana Bingkai Media Di Artikel Berita Daring Tentang Kasus Ahok Mengenai Penistaan Agama
Analisa Wacana Bingkai Media Di Artikel Berita Daring Tentang Kasus Ahok Mengenai Penistaan Agama
Analisa Wacana Bingkai Media Di Artikel Berita Daring Tentang Kasus Ahok Mengenai Penistaan Agama
By : Een Juliani, Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, UNY
[email protected]
This study aims to investigate the types and functions of media package device performed by The
Jakarta Post and Republika online news articles about blasphemy case committed by an ex-Jakarta-
Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, more popularly known as Ahok. This research applied a combination
of quantitative and qualitative method under discourse analysis approach. The main instrument was the
researcher herself and data sheet was the secondary instrument. The source of data were 20 articles about
the blasphemy case published during October 2016 - May 2017 in the official website of the two media.
To gain the trustworthiness of the data, triangulation which involved some references, lecturers and two
peer correctors were applied. The result of this research are as follows. First, all types of media package
devices were found in the two media’s selected articles. Root is the most dominant type found in The
Jakarta Post. It is used by The Jakarta Post to present ground of the blasphemy case based on its view.
The two least occurring types found in The Jakarta Post are metaphor and exemplar as it hardly uses
figurative comparison and representative instance to affect the reader’s understanding toward the issue.
On the other hand, Republika attempts to influence the reader by using several values and therefore the
most dominant type is appeal to principle. The two least occurring types found in Republika are
consequence and depiction, since it does not apply many devices with negative sentiment in its articles.
Second, in accordance with the result analysis of the function, the two media have different tendency in
constructing the case. The Jakarta Post uses the device to package the blasphemy case as political
problem. By contrast, Republika attempts to define the case as pure religious conflict.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tipe dan fungsi perangkat kemasan media yang
digunakan oleh artikel berita daring The Jakarta Post dan Republika tentang kasus penistaan agama
yang dilakukan oleh mantan gubernur Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, lebih terkenal dengan sebutan
Ahok. Penelitian ini menggunakan perpaduan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Instrumen utama dari
studi ini adalah peneliti dan lembar data digunakan sebagai instrumen kedua. Sumber data penelitian
ini merupakan 20 artikel tentang kasus penistaan agama yang dilakukan Ahok, dipublikasikan selama
Oktober 2016 – Mei 2017 di web resmi The Jakarta Post dan Republika. Untuk memperoleh tingkat
keabsahan data, triangulasi dilakukan dengan melibatkan beberapa referensi, dosen dan dua korektor
sebaya. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, semua tipe perangkat kemasan media
dapat ditemukan pada seluruh sumber data. Akar permasalahan adalah tipe yang paling dominan di
The Jakarta Post. Perangkat ini digunakan untuk menampilkan alasan mendasar dari kasus tersebut
menurut pandangan The Jakarta Post. Dua tipe yang paling sedikit ditemukan di The Jakarta Post
adalah metafora dan contoh karena media ini jarang menggunakan analogi figuratif dan contoh-
contoh respresentatif untuk mempengaruhi pemahaman pembaca pada isu ini. Sementara itu,
Republika berusaha mempengaruhi para pembaca dengan menggunakan beberapa macam nilai dan
sebab itulah perangkat paling dominan adalah seruan prinsip. Dua tipe perangkat yang paling sedikit
ditemukan di Republika adalah konsekuensi dan penggambaran karena Republika tidak menggunakan
banyak perangkat dengan sentimen negatif dalam artikelnya. Kedua, berdasarkan hasil analisa fungsi
dari perangkat tersebut, kedua media memiliki kecenderungan yang berbeda dalam menyajikan kasus
Ahok tersebut. The Jakarta Post menggunakan perangkatnya untuk mengemas kasus penistaan agama
ini sebagai masalah politik. Sementara itu, Republika berusaha mendefinisikan kasus ini murni sebagai
konflik agama.
Kata kunci: Perangkat Bingkai Media, Tipe, Fungsi, Kasus Penistaan Agama
INTRODUCTION information to omit. Over the same fact,
Nowadays, online news media which different media can present news with distinct
exist with its important roles to reach a large reality constructions based on a certain framing
audience cannot be denied. People prefer online style.
news more as it is easier to access anytime and This study analyses how online news
anywhere as long as the online devices are media frame a controversial issue about Ahok,
available. News media themselves basically an ex-Jakarta’s Christian governor. He was
stand for two purposes: to convey information found legitimately and convincingly conducted a
and to persuade people towards particular view criminal act of blasphemy against Islam due to
(Durant &Lambrou: 2009). News media usually his statement about Al-Maidah verse 51. This
spread a real event in different focus which verse prohibits Muslim to elect a non-muslim
means that the facts on the articles are leader. He mentioned that his rivals in the 2017
constructed. The audience would not be so Jakarta governor election might use the Quranic
critical to examine the difference as well as the verse to trick people to reject him as a governor.
underlying reasons behind the difference since Several Islamic organizations staged a series of
they consider the presented facts as the most massive rallies to demand the Government to jail
important things. As a matter of fact, news media Ahok immediately. After a long legal process, on
use language as a tool to craft the articles in such May 2017, the judges sentenced Ahok to two
a way so that at last the reader would observe a years in prison.
particular event in the same way media view the By the number of people joining the
issue. rally and the number of media discussing this
Kuypers (2009) argues that the facts of issue, it became hot news for few months.
real event in the social life remain neutral before Additionally, online media having unlimited
news media frame them. Therefore, how public scope played a major contributing factor in
receive, manage, and interpret the issue depends making this topic so widespread. Among them
on how news media frame some features of are The Jakarta Post and Republika, two big
reality. News media make a particular part and Indonesian media which also produce English
actor of an event more salient. Then, the real online news articles. In 2016,, a
event appears as a systematic news with a site of ranking newspaper worldwide, published
particular version. a list of top newspapers in Indonesia by web
Framing is a design of real event ranking. The Jakarta Post ranked at number two
constructed by media to influence the reader’s and Republika got the third place. Also, both of
perspective toward the event. In other words, which received several awards for their
news media frame the idea to promote an coverage. For that reasons, the two media have
interpretation based on their perspectives which already been considered as reliable sources by
determine what facts to present and what mass media consumers.
Nonetheless, the two media have Data, Instrument, and Data Collection
different fundamental value in covering news. Techniques
As claimed by The Jakarta Post in its editorial The form of the data were package devices about
column, it upholds the principle of democracy in Ahok’s blasphemy case in online news articles
reporting news. On the other hand, Republika published by the two media during October 2016
tends to prioritize Islamic value in its coverage – May 2017 in their official website. The main
(Hamad in Badara: 2012). Accordingly, there instrument in the study was the researcher
might be distinct framing strategies performed herself supported by the data sheets.
by these media in covering Ahok’s blasphemy Data Analysis
case. Hence, this study aims to reveal how The analysis of this study refers to theory of
actually they frame Ahok’s blasphemy case to media package device introduced by Gamson
win public’s interest and trust under the and Modigliani (1989) and function of framing
discourse analysis approach. proposed by Entman (1993).
Type of Study A. Types of Media Package Device
The problem of this study was media framing in According to Gamson and Modigliani
news articles in which majority of the data are all (1989), media discourse is as a set of an
in form of words. The findings were obtained by interpretive package that constructs and gives
describing, explaining, and interpreting the data. meaning to a particular issue. The media package
There was also the use of numbers to describe selects a particular part of a real event and make
the comparison of media package devices found it more accessible, memorable, and salient.
in the source of data. The numbers help the Media package consists of two main structure:
researcher in interpreting the data. Thus, this framing and reasoning devices. The former
study used the combination of quantitative and devices are metaphor, exemplar, catchphrase,
qualitative method. depiction, and visual image. They are used to
Time and Place of The Study illustrate media’s view toward a problem.
This study is conducted from September 2017 to Meanwhile, the latter are logical reasons
September 2018 inYogyakarta. employed to justify the view constructed by
Subject of The Study framing device. The reasoning devices are root,
The subjects of this study were 20 selected consequence, and appeal to principle.
online news articles about Ahok’s blasphemy a. Metaphor
case taken on and Metaphor is a particular phrase or expression that is used to replace a principal
phrase/expression by using an analogy. Thus,
metaphor should not be interpreted literally.
Jakarta heats up as anti-Ahok rally begins
The phrase heats up is categorized into more emphasis on religious purpose by naming
metaphor because it could not be taken literally the protest with religious element.
which means Jakarta’s temperature becoming d. Depiction
hot or warm at the moment. However, The Depiction is a phrase or sentence that is
Jakarta Post uses heats up to illustrate how used to modify the principal subject or event.
tense and critical situation in Jakarta on 4 The characterization tends to build negative
November 2016, when the demonstrators image.
gathered to voice their aspiration to the Thousands of Hard Liners March Against
blasphemy case. Ahok (9/M1/A3)
b. Exemplar According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s
The Jakarta Post and Republika provide Dictionary (2013), hard line refers to a strict
some examples to support their main idea related person who owns an extremely fixed beliefs and
to the religion of defamation case. The example unwilling to negotiate the beliefs. It can be
could be an event that happened in the past or realized that The Jakarta Post tries to depict
present. protesters negatively as a strict group. Thus, it is
He mentioned the al-Maidah verse because the categorized as depiction.
verse is often used by his political opponents
e. Visual Image
to encourage people not to vote for him.
Ahok’s opponents have used this line of attack An image is essential to visualise the
against him since he started his political career
principle subjects of news article.
in East Belitung in 2003.
The extract is categorized into exemplar
since Ahok recalled his past experience in 2003.
His political rivals used the verse to influence
people for not voting for him. He assumed that it [5]
happened again in 2016 where his political rivals The image demonstrates 212 rally that
used the verse as tool to defeat him in the 2017 was held on 2 December 2016. The extreme
Jakarta’s gubernatorial election. long shot was employed to involve other
c. Catchphrase elements in the surrounding of 212 rally. From
Catchphrase is a catchy phrase which is the picture, it can be seen how massive the
frequently used to represent a person, idea or protest was. The density of protesters
particular important part in news article. symbolizes that Muslims in Indonesia are
Action to Defend Islam III (212 rally) was cohesive and supportive to each other. To
organized to be more than just a rally.
The phrase Action to Defend Islam III sum it up, Republika tends to glorify the spirit
(212 rally) is classified as catchphrase because it and the power of Islam reflected by 212 rally.
is used to regularly by Republika to summarize
meaning of the demonstration. Republika gives
f. Root h. Appeal to Principle
Root is a framing device which analyses This device presents arguments which
cause and effect of a problem. contain various values, such as moral, societal,
Ahok, a Christian and Indonesian of Chinese cultural, constitutional and theological value.
descent in the Muslim-majority country, [8]
Furthermore, MUI said every Muslim should
sparked uproar among Islamic groups and
believe the truth and accuracy of surah Al-
communities after he made a comment on
Maidah verse 51 as a guidance in choosing a
verses in the Quran during his visit to
leader. "It is haram to say Al Maidah verse 51 as
Thousand Islands regency in late September.
a false guidance and it is a religious blasphemy
The police have received around a dozen
of the Quran," Ma'ruf underlined.
reports regarding the case.
In the extract above, Republika shows the
The cause of problem is Ahok’s comment
principle of Islam. All Muslim must believe
on verses in the Quran. As a result, there was
whatever written in the Qur'an, including the
public uproar among Muslims in Indonesia.
Surah Al-Maidah verse 51. In other words,
Additionally, Ahok was reported with the
Republika justifies that if a Muslim choose
blasphemous accusation. Ahok himself is a part
non-Muslim leader, it shows that the person
of minority. He is Christian with Chinese descent
actually does not follow message of the Quran.
living in a Muslim-majority country yet he dare
B. The Function of the Devices to Frame
to interpret the Quran by his own way. Thus, his
Ahok’s Blasphemy Case.
coments that were directed at his rival politicians
The framing devices do not merely exist
became controversial.
without a purpose. They have a specific purpose
g. Consequence
to frame a certain part of news item. Therefore,
This device refers to predicted outcome
the second objective of this research is to explain
might happen in the future. It also could be
how the devices function to frame news articles.
outcome that already happened.
[7] a. To Define Problem
The police have received around a dozen
reports regarding the case. Ahok risks losing his No problem means no news. News is a
candidacy in the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial
text that informs an important event. News
election should he be named a suspect in the
case. A number of leading Muslim figures media have a specific design to package the
have accused law enforcers of protecting
problem. The package will affect the perspective
Ahok in the case. Ahok, who previously served
as deputy Jakarta governor, replaced President of the reader. Thus, the first purpose of media
Joko “Jokowi” Widodo after the latter won the
package device is to define problem.
presidential election in 2014.
Since the problem occurred, Ahok’s Jakarta Heats Up Anti-Ahok Rally Begins
candidacy for the election is very risky. The risk The catchphrase ‘Anti-Ahok’
would happen if Ahok was named a suspect in demonstrates that the rally was actually an action
the blasphemy case. Here, Ahok’s failure in the of opposition. It illustrates that the existence of
2017 Jakarta governor election is presented as Ahok as Jakarta’s active governor is the main
the consequence of the blasphemy case. problem. The Jakarta Post attempts to depict the
rally as a part of political movement to reduce refuse 313 rally. He said that the rally just aims
the electability of Ahok as a good leader. The to deliver aspiration. Every citizen has freedom
rally is intentionally managed to show that Ahok of speech but it must be delivered according to
should not be elected in the election. In short, the law. Hence, if the rally was banned, it
term ‘Anti-Ahok’ denotes that political direction symbolized that the President had violated law of
in Indonesia is now driven more by conservative freedom of speech.
Islamic groups who bring political mission. d. To Provide Treatment Recommendation
b. To Diagnose Causes The last function of the device is to
A problem would not be clear without provide the solution. Media provides a particular
explanation of the cause and effect. Therefore, treatment which is considered as the best way to
the second function of framing/reasoning device solve a certain problem.
is diagnosing causes. This function identifies a The Deputy Chairman of the National
Movement to Guard the Indonesian Council of
person or thing which acts as the ground of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF-MUI), Zaitun Rasmin,
problem. said Muslims involved in 'Aksi Bela Islam'
[35] only demanded law enforcement on the alleged
Ahok is currently being tried for alleged blasphemy case committed by Basuki Tjahaja
blasphemy that angered conservative Muslim Purnama or Ahok.
groups. The case triggered at least two rallies In the expression above, Republika
considered among the largest protests the
country had ever seen, on Nov. 4 and Dec. 2 last implicitly recommends the law enforcement as
year. the most appropriate treatment on the alleged
The first statement shows that the root of
blasphemy case.
this problem is the fury of conservative Muslim
groups. The conservative Muslims are those who
hassle to put the case in court. They asked
All types of media package device can be
repeatedly for the trial of blasphemy allegation
identified in 20 selected articles of The Jakarta
toward Ahok.
Post and Republika. There are 44 data found in
c. To Make Moral Evaluation
The Jakarta Post. Root is the most frequent type
The two previous functions focus on
among the data. It indicates that The Jakarta Post
what and how the problem could occur. The next
focuses on presenting the causal analysis to build
function of media package device is to make
the package. The two least dominant types are
moral evaluation. This function evaluates moral
metaphor and exemplar since The Jakarta Post
value that is embedded on the device.
rarely presents figurative analogy and
The Coordinator of GNPF MUI’s legal team
Kapitra Ampera said that the government representative instances to strengthen its package.
could not banned the upcoming even ‘313 On the other hand, 40 data are found in
rally. He said it would violate the resolution of
the Assembly No. 7 year 1998 about Human Republika. Appeal to principle is the most
Rights. dominant type. This fact proves that Republika
The Coordinator of GNPF MUI’s legal
does indeed use the religious values as priority to
team, Kapitra Ampera, asked the President not
cover news because the religious value is a part the power or ideology behind the framing by
of apppeal to principle. Consequence and using critical theory.
depiction are the two least occurring types REFERENCES
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