Moringa Oleifera Lam: Guidelines For The Conduct of Test For Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability On Drumstick

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for the conduct of test

for Distinctiveness, Uniformity
and Stability



(Moringa oleifera Lam)

Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’

Rights Authority (PPV & FRA)
Government of India, New Delhi
fo"k; lwph
Ø- la- vkoj.k i`"B
I fo"k;
II visf{kr jksi.k lkexzh
III ijh{k.k djuk
IV fof/;ka vkSj i;Zo{s k.k
V fdLeksa dk lewghdj.k
VI xq.k vkSj fpg~u
VII xq.k rkfydk
VIII xq.k rkfydk dh O;k[;k


S.No Particulars Page

I. Subject
II. Seed Material Required
III. Conduct of Tests
IV. Methods and Observations
V. Grouping of Varieties
VI. Characteristics and Symbols
VII. Table of Characteristics
VIII. Explanation on the Table of Characteristics
Moringa(Moringa oleifera)

I .Subject

These test guidelines shall apply to all varieties of Moringa.

II. Materials required

1. The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Authority (PPV & FR) shall decide on the
quantity and quality of the plant material required for testing the variety and when and where it
is to be delivered for registration under Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Act, 2001.
Applicants submitting such planting material from a country other than India shall make sure
that all customs and quarantine requirements stipulated under relevant national legislations and
regulations are complied with. As a minimum the applicant should submit 30 plants of moringa
or 100 pure seeds for each centre.

2. The plant material supplied should be visibly healthy, not lacking in vigour, nor affected by any
important pest or disease. The seed should be free from pest s without any seed treatment.

3. The plant material /seed should not have undergone any treatment, which would affect the
expression of the characteristics of the variety, unless the competent authorities allow or
request such treatment. If it has been treated, full details of the treatment must be given.

III. Conduct of tests

1. The minimum duration of the DUS test shall normally be for at least two pod bearing seasons in
succeeding years.
2. The test should be carried out under the conditions ensuring satisfactory growth for the
expression of the relevant characteristics of the variety and for conduct of the examination.
Each test should include total of 6 plants in 3 replications. In particular, it is essential that the
plants produce a satisfactory crop of pod in each of the two growing seasons.

Test plot design

The design of the tests should be such that plants and parts of plants may be removed for
measurements or counting without prejudice to the observations which must be made up to the end
of the growing cycle. The additional test protocol for special purpose may be established by PPV &
1. Locations : two
2. No. of replications : three
3. Treatment unit : Six plants per replication (total 18 plants/location)
4. Spacing : 3*3 m

IV. Methods and observations

The characteristics described in the table of characteristics (see section VII ) shall be used for
the testing varieties for their DUS.

1. For the assessment of Distinctness and Stability, observation shall be made on 18 plants or
30 parts taken 6 plants with the exception on the observation on pods which should be made
on at least 20 pods per replication. In the case of parts of plants, the number should be
taken from each of the plant should be three.
2. For the assessment of Uniformity, the population standard of 5% with an acceptance
probability of at least 95% should be applied. In the case of sample size of 18 plants, the
maximum number of off-types allowed would be 1.
3. All observations on the plant and the parts should be made during flowering and pod stage.
4. Time of bloom should be recorded from 6 months after planting to 75% bloom.
5. All the observations on the plant and the branches should be made during flowering and pod
6. Time of maturity should be recorded from 75% blooming to pods harvest.
7. Observations on the mature pods should be recorded when pods is ready for vegetable
harvest and for after drying of pods.
8. Type of assessment of characteristics as indicated in column of Table VII of characteristics is
as follows.
a) MG: Measurement by a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants.
b) MS: Measurement by a single observation of individual plants or parts of plant.
c) VG: Visual assessment by a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants
d) VS: Visual assessment by a single observation of individual plants or parts of plant

V. Grouping of varieties

1. The candidate varieties for DUS testing shall be divided into groups to facilitate the
assessment of Distinctness, characteristics, which are known from experience not to vary, or
to vary only slightly within a variety and which in their various states are fairly evenly
distributed across all varieties in the collection are suitable for grouping purpose.

2. The following characteristics are used for grouping moringa varieties as

a) Plant growth habit (Characteristics: 1)

b) Leaf shape (Characteristics: 7)

c) Days to full bloom (Characteristics: 13)

d) Days to maturity (Characteristics: 15)

e) Pods shape (Characteristics: 19)

f) Seed shape (Characteristics: 29)

VI. Characteristics and symbols

1. To assess the distinctness, uniformity and stability, the characteristics and their states as
given in the table of characteristics (Section VII) shall be used.
2. Notes (1 to 9) shall be given for each state of expression for different characteristics for the
purpose of electronic data processing.
3. Legend
(*) Characteristics that shall be observed during every growing season on all varieties and
shall always be included in the description of the variety, except when the state of expression
of any of these characters in rendered impossible by a preceding phenological characteristics
or by the environment conditions of the testing region. Under such exceptional situation,
adequate explanation shall be provided.
(+) See Explanation on the table of characteristics in section VIII. It is to be noted that for
certain characteristics, the plant parts on which observations to be taken are given in the
explanation or figure (s) for clarity or not the colour variation.

4. A code number in the sixth column of Table of characteristics indicates the optimum stage for
the observation of each characteristic during growth and development of plant. The relevant
growth stages corresponding to these code numbers are described below:-

a) Observation on plant vigour and habit should be made at the central third of the shoot
during dormant season of adult plants relative to reference cultivars grafted on sweet
seedling root stock.
b) The observations on the leaves should be made on mature leaves from current season’s
c) Observations on flowers should be made at the time of full bloom (75% flowering)
d) Observation on pod at vegetable harvest stage and seed should be made after harvest of
e) Observation on pods and seed should be made after harvest of pods.
VII. Table of characteristics:

S. Characterist Status Notes Example varieties Stage of Types of

No ics observati assessme
ons nt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Plant growth Upright 3 Badami-02 Pod stage VG
(*) habit Spreading 5 Bhagya,
(+) Drooping 7 PKM-02
2. Seedling White (155A) 3 PKM-01, 15 days VS
(+) hypocotyl Green (126A) 5 Bhagya after seed
colour Pink (Red)(043A) 7 PKM-02 emergence
3. Basal shape of Acute 3 PKM-01 VG
(+) first leaf blade Obtuse 5 Bhagya
Rounded 7 PKM-02
4. Apex shape of Acute 3 PKM-02 One month VG
(+) first leaf blade old plants
Obtuse 7 Dhanraj
5. Size of leaf in Small in length & 3 Thar- harsha After 6 MG
(*) primary width months
branches axis Small in length 5 Cuttack-01
for length & but wider
width Large length but 7 Mysore-02
Larger & wider 9 Mysore-03
6. Number of Few 3 Badami-02 After 6 MG
primary months
branches Medium 5 PKM-01
Many 7 Bhagya
7. Colour of leaf Green(126A) 3 PKM-01,Cuttack-01 At VG
Dark green(131A) 5 PKM-02, Dhanraj,
8. Colour of Light Green 3 PKM-01,Bhagya, At VG
petiole (134D) blooming
Medium Green 5 PKM-02, Yelwala-01
Dark green(131A) 7 Thar Harsha
9. Petiole: length Short 3 Dhanraj At MG
(cm) blooming
Medium 5 PKM-02
Long 7 PKM-01
10. Days for Early 3 Pkm-01, PKM-02, MG
flower Medium 5 Tangi-01, Bhubaneshwar-
initiation 01
Late 7 Dhanraj, Badami-02,
11. Inflorescence Short 3 Badami-02, Mysore-03 Flowering MG
length (cm) stage
Medium 5 Bhagya, Mysore-01
Long 7 PKM-01, Dhanaraj
12. Petiole: Absent 1 PKM-01, Dhanraj At VG
anthocyanin blooming
Coloration of stage
axis Present 9 PKM-02, Badami-02
13. Number of Low 3 Thar- harsha At VG
branches in blooming
inflorescence stage
Medium 5 PKM-02, Badami-02,
High 7 PKM-01, Dhanraj,
14. Flower: White (155A) 1 PKM-01 At VS
Bud colour blooming
Pink (035D) 3 PKM-02
Dark 5 Thar- harsha
15. Flower size Small 3 Bhagya At MG
Medium 5 Badami-02
Big 7 Mysore-01
16. Pod length Short 1 Dhanraj, Maturity MG
(*) (cm) <40cm stage
Medium 3 PKM-01
40-60 cm
Long 5 PKM-02
>60 cm
17. Pod girth Thin 3 PKM-02 Maturity MG
(mm) stage
Medium 5 Bhagya
Big 7 Dhanraj,
18. Pod skin Pink (035D) 3 PKM-02 Maturity VG
(*) colour stage
Greenish 5 Bhagya, Thar- harsha
Green (126A) 7 PKM-01
19. Pod : Texture Smooth 1 PKM-02 Maturity MG
of surface stage
Slightly rough 3 PKM-01,Mysore-03,
Rough 5
20. Pod shape Straight 3 Dhanraj Maturity VG
Curved 5 PKM-02
21. Pods/ cluster one 3 PKM-01, PKM-02 Maturity MG
Many 5 Mysore-01
22. Pods/ branch Few 1 Cuttack Maturity MG
Many 9 Bhagya
23. Seed size Small 3 Mysore-03 After VG
Medium 5 Yelwala-01
Large 7 PKM-02
24. Seed colour Light 3 Mysore-03 After VG
Medium 5 PKM-02
Dark 7 Badami-01,Yelwala-01

25. Pod maturity Early 3 PKM-02, Bhagya After MG

Medium 5 Badami-01
Late 7 PKM-01, Dhanraj
26. Hundred seed Low 3 Mysore-03 After MG
weight (g) maturity
Medium 5 Yelwala-01
High 7 PKM-02
VIII. Explanation on the Table of Characteristics

Characteristics 1: Plant: growth habit

Upright Spreading Drooping


Upright- Badami-02 Spreading- Bhagya Drooping- PKM-02

Characteristics 03: Basal shape of first leaf blade

Obtuse(5) Round(7) Acute(3)

Characteristics 04: Apex shape of first leaf blade

Acute(3) Obtuse(7)

Variability in bark colour:

PKM-01: Grey Dhanaraj: Greenish grey PKM-02: Greyish red

Characteristics 05: Variability in leaf shape and size:

Variation in leaflet shape and size:

Characteristics 08: Variation in colour of the petiole:

Light green(3) Medium Green(5) Dark green(7)

Characteristics 14 & 18: Variation in flower bud colour and young pod

Flowers and
pale green
young fruit

Pink buds
and red
young fruit

characteristics 19: Variability in Pod shape and texture:

PKM-01: Rough Surface with PKM-02: Smooth

blister like appearance of Surface with reddish
fruits and green colour pod purple streaks on fruits
Characteristics 20: Variability in Pod size and shape:

1) PKM-01 2) PKM-02 3) Dhanaraj 4) Bhagya 5) Badami-01 6)Badami-02 7)Mysore-01

8) Mysore-02 9) Mysore-03 10) Yelwala-01

Characteristics 23&24: Variation in seed shape and colour:

PKM-2: Brown
Mysore-03: Brown coloured
coloured with Oval
with Triangular Shaped seed
Shaped seed

Badami-01: Black Yewala: Black coloured

coloured seed with seed with Broder wings
Narrow wings
IX. Working Group Details

The test guidelines developed by the task force (1/2018) constituted by the PPV & FR Authority for
Drumstick with consultation by Nodal officer, UHS, Bagalkot. Technical inputs also provided by the
PPV & FR Authority.

The members of the task force :

1 Dr. K. P. Viswanatha Chairman

Vice Chancellor
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV)
Rahuri, Maharashtra - 413722

2 Dr. R. C. Jagadeesha Member

Professor & Head/PI
Department of Biotechnology & Crop Improvement
University of Horticultural Sciences, Udyanagiri, Sector-60,
Navanagar, Bagalkot – 587104

3 Dr. B. S. Tomar Special Invitee

Division of Vegetable Science
ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
Pusa Campus, New Delhi – 110012

4 Dr. Ravi Prakash Member Secretary

Registrar, PPV & FRA, New Delhi

X. DUS testing centers

Nodal DUS Centre Other DUS Centre

Department of Biotechnology & Crop Nil
Improvement , University of Horticultural
Sciences, Udyanagiri, Navanagar, Bagalkot
¼eksfjaxk vksfybQsjk yke½

fof'k"Vrk] ,d:irk ,oa LFkkf;Ro ijh{k.k

djus ds fy, fn'kkfunsZ'k

ikS/kk fdLe vkSj d`"kd vf/kdkj laj{k.k izkf/kdj.k

¼ihihoh ,oa ,Qvkj,½
Hkkjr ljdkj
fo"k; lwph
Ø- la- vkoj.k i`"B
I fo"k;
II visf{kr jksi.k lkexzh
III ijh{k.k djuk
IV fof/k;ka vkSj i;Zo{s k.k
V fdLeksa dk lewghdj.k
VI xq.k vkSj fpg~u
VII xq.k rkfydk
VIII xq.k rkfydk dh O;k[;k


S.No Particulars Page

I. Subject
II. Seed Material Required
III. Conduct of Tests
IV. Methods and Observations
V. Grouping of Varieties
VI. Characteristics and Symbols
VII. Table of Characteristics
VIII. Explanation on the Table of Characteristics
lgtu ¼eksfjaxk vksfybQsjk½

I. fo"k;
ijh{k.k ds ;s fn'kkfunsZ'k lgtu dh lHkh fdLeksa ij ykxw gksaxsA

II. visf{kr lkexzh

1- ikS/kk fdLe ,oa d`"kd vf/kdkj laj{k.k vf/kfu;e ¼ihihoh,Qvkj vf/kfu;e½ 2001 ds
rgr iathdj.k ds fy, fdLe ds Mh;w,l ijh{k.k ds fy, okafNr ikni lkexzh dh ek=k
vkSj xq.koÙkk fdruh] dgka vkSj dc gksxh bldk fu.kZ; ikS/kk fdLe vkSj d`"kd vf/kdkj
laj{k.k izkf/kdj.k }kjk fd;k tk,xkA vkosnd }kjk Hkkjr ds vykok fdlh Hkh vU; ns'k
dh bl izdkj dh cht lkexzh dks izLrqr djrs le; ;g lqfuf'pr fd;k tk,xk fd
lacaf/kr jk"Vª ds dkuwu ,oa fofu;eksa ds rgr lhek 'kqYd vkSj laxjks/k laca/kh fu/kkZfjr
vko';drkvksa dk ikyu fd;k x;k gSA vkosnd }kjk izR;sd dsUnz ds fy, lgtu ds
de ls de 30 ikS/ks ;k 100 'kq) cht izLrqr fd, tkus pkfg,A
2- ikni lkexzh ns[kus esa LoLFk gks rFkk mlesa iq"Vrk dh deh u gks ;k og fdlh egRoiw.kZ
uk'kdtho vFkok jksx ls izHkkfor u gksA cht uk'kdthoksa ls eqDr rFkk fdlh Hkh izdkj
ds chtksipkj ls jfgr gksus pkfg,A
3- tc rd l{ke izkf/kdkjh vuqefr u ns ;k vuqjks/k u djs] rc rd ikni lkexzh dk dksbZ
,slk mipkj ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg, ftlls fdLe ds xq.kksa dh vfHkO;fDr izHkkfor gksrh
gksA ;fn mipkj fd;k x;k gks rks mipkj dk iwjk fooj.k fn;k tkuk pkfg,A

III. ijh{k.k djuk

1- Mh;w,l ijh{k.k dh U;wure vof/k lkekU;r% ijorhZ o"kksZ esa de ls de Qyhnkj ekSle gksus
2- ijh{k.k fdLe ds izklafxd xq.kksa dh vfHkO;fDr ds fy, rFkk ijh{kk djus gsrq larks"ktud
o`f) dh n'kkvksa ds varxZr fd, tk,axAs izR;sd ijh{k.k esa rhu izfrd`fr;ksa esa dqy 6 ikS/kksa
dks 'kkfey fd;k tkuk pkfg,A fo'ks"k :i ls ;g vfuok;Z gS fd ikS/kksa esa nks o`f) ekSleksa ds
nkSjku izR;sd ekSle esa Qfy;ksa dh larks"ktud Qly mRiUu gqbZ gksA

ijh{k.k IykWV fMtkbu %

ijh{k.kksa dh fMt+kbu bl izdkj dh gksuh pkfg, fd ikS/kksa dks i;Zo{s k.kksa gsrq fcuk fdlh iwokZxzg
ds ekius ;k x.kuk djus ds fy, gVk;k tk lds rFkk ;s ijh{k.k o`f) pØ ds var esa fd, tkus
pkfg,A ihihoh vkSj ,Qvkj, }kjk fo'ks"k mn~ns'; ls vfrfjDr ijh{k.k izksVksdkWy LFkkfir fd,
tk ldrs gSaA

1- LFky % nks
2- izfrd`fr;ksa dh la[;k % rhu
3- mipkj bdkbZ % izfr izfrd`fr Ng ikS/ks ¼dqy 18 ikS/ks@LFky½
4- varjky % 3 x 3 eh-

IV. fof/k;ka vkSj i;Zos{k.k

xq.kksa dh rkfydk esa of.kZr xq.kksa ¼vuqHkkx VII d`i;k ns[ks½a dk mi;ksx fdLeksa ds Mh;w,l
ijh{k.k gsrq fd;k tk,xkA
1- fof'k"Vrk ,oa LFkkf;Ro ds ewY;kadu ds fy, 18 ikS/kksa ;k 6 ikS/kksa ds 30 Hkkxksa dks fy;k
tk,xkA bldk viokn ;g gksxk fd Qfy;ksa ij fd, tkus okys i;Zo{s k.k izfr izfrd`fr de
ls de 20 Qfy;ksa ij fd, tk,axAs ikS/kksa ds Hkkxksa ds ekeys esa izR;sd ikS/ks ls fy, tkus okys
i;Zo{s k.kksa dh la[;k de ls de izfr ikS/kk 3 gksuh pkfg,A
2- ,d:irk ds ewY;kadu ds fy, de ls de 95 izfr'kr Lohdk;Z laHkkO;rk ds lkFk 5 izfr'kr
lef"V ekud ykxw gksxkA 18 ikS/kksa ds uewuk vkdkj ds ekeys esa csey s izdkjksa dh la[;k
vf/kd ls vf/kd ,d gks ldrh gSA
3- ikS/ks rFkk Hkkxksa ij fd, tkus okys lHkh i;Zo{s k.k iq"iu vkSj Qyh voLFkk ds nkSjku fd,
tkus pkfg,A
4- iq"iu dk le; jksikbZ ds 6 ekg ls 75 izfr'kr iq"iu rd fjdkWMZ fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
5- ikS/ks rFkk 'kk[kkvksa ls lacaf/kr lHkh i;Zo{s k.k iq"iu vkSj Qyh voLFkk ds nkSjku fd, tkus
6- ifjiDork dk le; 75 izfr'kr iq"iu ls ysdj Qfy;ksa dh rqM+kbZ rd fjdkWMZ fd;k tkuk
7- ifjiDo Qfy;ksa ij fd, tkus okys i;Zo{s k.k rc fd, tkus pkfg, tc Qfy;ka okuLifrd
rqM+kbZ ds fy, rS;kj gksa rFkk ;s i;Zo{s k.k Qfy;ksa ds lw[kus ds ckn fd, tkus pkfg,A

8- xq.kksa ds ewY;kadu dk izdkj xq.kksa dh rkfydk ds dkWye VII esa fuEukuqlkj n'kkZ;k x;k gS %
MG : ikS/kksa ds lewg ;k ikS/ks ds Hkkxksa dh ,dy i;Zo{s k.k }kjk uki
MS : O;fDrxr ikS/kksa ds lewg ;k ikS/ks ds Hkkxksa dh ,dy i;Zo{s k.k }kjk uki
VG : ikS/kksa ds lewgksa ;k ikS/kksa ds Hkkxksa dk ,dy i;Zo{s k.k }kjk n`"VO; ewY;kadu
VS : O;fDrxr ikS/kksa ;k ikS/ks ds Hkkxksa dk ,dy i;Zo{s k.k }kjk n`"VO; ewY;kadu

V. fdLeksa dk lewghdj.k
1- fof'k"Vrkvksa ds ewY;kadu esa lqfo/kk ds fy, Mh;w,l ijh{k.k gsrq izR;k'kh fdLeksa dks
lewgksa esa ckaVk tk,xkA os xq.k tks vuqHko ls Kkr fd, x, gkssx a s vkSj fHkUu ugha gksx
a s
vFkok ,d fdLe esa cgqr de fHkUu gksx a s rFkk tks lEiw.kZ fdLeksa esa viuh fofHkUu
voLFkkvksa esa leku :i ls O;kIr gksaxs] lewghdj.k ds mn~ns'; ls mi;qDr ekus tk,axAs

2- lgtu dh fdLeksa ds lewghdj.k ds fy, fuEufyf[kr xq.kksa dk mi;ksx fd;k tk,xk %
d½ ikS/kksa dk o`f) LoHkko ¼xq.k 1½
[k½ iÙkh dh vkd`fr ¼xq.k 7½
x½ iw.kZ iq"iu ds fnu ¼xq.k 13½
?k½ ifjiDork ds fnu ¼xq.k 15½
M-½ Qyh dh vkd`fr ¼xq.k 19½
p½ cht dh vkd`fr ¼xq.k 20½

VI. xq.k vkSj fpg~u

1- fof'k"Vrk] ,d:irk rFkk LFkkf;Ro dk ewY;kadu djus ds fy, xq.k rkfydk ¼vuqHkkx VII½ esa
fn, x, xq.kksa vkSj mudh voLFkkvksa dk bLrseky fd;k tk,A
2- bysDVªkWfud MsVk izkslfs lax ds iz;kstu ds fy, fofHkUu xq.kksa dh vfHkO;fDr dh izR;sd voLFkk
gsrq fVIif.k;ksa ¼1 ls 9½ dk mi;ksx fd;k tk, A
3- 'kh"kZd %
(*) izR;sd c<+okj ekSle esa lHkh ijh{k.kk/khu fdLeksa ds i;Zofs {kr xq.kksa dk mi;ksx fdLeksa ds
fooj.k esa 'kkfey fd;k tkuk pkfg,A bldk viokn rHkh gks tc iwoZ xq.kksa dh
vfHkO;fDr] ijh{k.k {ks= dh i;; fLFkfr;ksa ;k iwoZorhZ lekaxh xq.kksa }kjk laHko u
gksA viokn dh ,slh fLFkfr esa mfpr Li"Vhdj.k fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
(+) vuqHkkx VIII esa fn, x, xq.kksa dh rkfydk esa nh xbZ O;k[;k ns[ksAa ;g uksV fd;k tk,
fd dqN xq.kksa ds fy, ikS/ks ds ftu Hkkxksa dk i;Zo{s k.k fd;k tkuk gS mudk fooj.k
Li"Vrk gsrq O;k[;k ;k fp= ¼fp=ksa½ }kjk fd;k x;k gS u fd jax laca/kh fofo/krk n'kkZus
ds fy,A

4- ikS/kksa dh o`f) vkSj fodkl ds nkSjku izR;sd xq.k ds i;Zo{s k.k gsrq b"Vre voLFkk dks xq.kksa
dh rkfydk ds NBs dkWye esa fn;k x;k gSA i;Zo{s k.k ds fy, mi;qDrre voLFkk dks bafxr
djus okyh dksM la[;k,a uhps nh xbZ gSA
d½ ikS/ks dh iq"Vrk rFkk LoHkko ij fd, tkus okys i;Zo{s k.k ehBs ikS/k ewyo`ar ij dye
yxk, x, lanHkZ fdLeksa ds lkis{k o;Ld ikS/kksa ds lqIrkoLFkk ekSle ds nkSjku izjksg
ds dsUnzh; rhljs Hkkx ij fd, tkus pkfg,A
[k½ ifÙk;ksa ij fd, tkus okys i;Zo{s k.k orZeku ekSle ds izjksg ls yh xbZ ifjiDo
ifÙk;ksa ij fd, tkus pkfg,A
x½ iq"iksa ij fd, tkus okys i;Zo{s k.k iw.kZ iq"iu ¼75 izfr'kr iq"iu½ ds le; fd, tkus
?k½ okuLifrd rqM+kbZ dh voLFkk ij Qfy;ksa vkSj cht laca/kh i;Zo{s k.k Qfy;ksa dh rqM+kbZ
ds i'pkr fd, tkus pkfg,A
M-½ Qfy;ksa vkSj cht lac/a kh i;Zo{s k.k Qfy;ksa dh rqM+kbZ ds ckn fd, tkus pkfg,A

VII. xq.kksa dh rkfydk dh O;k[;k

Ø-la- xq.k fLFkfr mnkgj.k fdLesa i;Zo{s k.k dh ewY;kadu

voLFkk,a dk izdkj
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. ikS/ks dk o`f)
lh/kk 3 cknkeh&02 Qyh VG
(*) LoHkko QSYkkonkj 5 HkkX; voLFkk
>qdk gqvk 7 ihds,e&02
2. ikS/k lQsn (155A) 3 ihds,e&01 cht VS
(+) chti=k/kj dk gjk (126A) 5 HkkX;k vadqj.k ds
jax xqykch (yky) 7 ihds,e&02 15 fnu
(043A) ckn
3. izFke i=ny uqdhyh 3 ihds,e&01 VG
(+) ds vk/kkj dh eqFkjh 5 HkkX;
vkd`fr xksy 7 ihds,e&02
4. izFke i=ny uqdhyh 3 ihds,e&02 ,d ekg VG
(+) dh uksd dh vk;q ds
vkd`fr ikS/ks
eqFkjh 7 /kujkt
5. yackbZ vkSj yackbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ 3 Fkkj&g"kkZ 6 ekg MG
(*) pkSM+kbZ ds fy, esa NksVh i'pkr
izkFkfed yackbZ esa NksVh 5 dVd&01
'kk[kkvksa ds ysfdu pkSM+h
v{k esa iÙkh yach ysfdu ladjh 7 eSlwj&01
dk vkdkj yach vkSj pkSM+h 9 eSlwj&03
6. izkFkfed vYi 3 cknkeh&02 6 ekg MG
'kk[kkvksa dh i'pkr
la[;k e/;e 5 ihds,e&01
vusd 7 HkkX;
7. iÙkh dk jax gjk (126A) 3 ihds,e&01] dVd^01 iq"i f[kyus VG
dh voLFkk
xgjk gjk (131A) 5 ihds,e&02] /kujkt
8. i.kZoa`r dk jax gYdk gjk 3 ihds,e&01] HkkX; iq"i f[kyus VG
(134D) dh voLFkk
e/;e gjk 5 ihds,e&02]
(140A) ;syokyk&01
xgjk gjk (131A) 7 Fkkj g"kkZ
9. i.kZoa`r % yackbZ NksVk 3 /kujkt iq"i f[kyus MG
¼ls-a eh-½ dh voLFkk
e>ksyk 5 ihds,e&02
yack 7 ihds,e&01
10. iq"iu fudyus vxsrh 3 ihds,e&01] MG
ds fnu ihds,e&02
e/;e 5 rkaxh&01] Hkqous'oj&01
iNsrh 7 /kujkt] cknkeh&02
11. iq"i foU;kl NksVk 3 cknkeh&02] eSlwj&03 iq"iu MG
dh yackbZ ¼ls-a voLFkk ij
eh-½ e>ksyk 5 HkkX;] eSlwj&01
yack 7 ihds,e&01] /kujkt
12. i.kZoa`r % v{k vuqifLFkr 1 ihds,e&01] /kujkt iq"i f[kyus VG
vkSj 'kk[kkvksa dh voLFkk
dk ij
,aFkksfl;kfuu mifLFkr 9 ihds,e&02] cknkeh&02
13. iq"i foU;kl esa vYi 3 Fkkj&g"kkZ iq"i f[kyus VG
'kk[kkvksa dh dh voLFkk
la[;k ij
e/;e 5 ihds,e&02] cknkeh&02
mPp 7 ihds,e&01] /kujkt
14. iq"i % dfydk lQsn (155A) 1 ihds,e&01 iq"i f[kyus VS
dk jax dh voLFkk
xqykch (035D) 3 ihds,e&02
xgjk xqykch 5 Fkkj&g"kkZ
15. iq"i dk vkdkj NksVk 3 HkkX; iq"i f[kyus MG
dh voLFkk
e>ksyk 5 cknkeh&02
cM+k 7 eSlwj&01
16. Qyh dh yackbZ NksVh ¼<40½ 1 /kujkt ifjiDo MG
(*) ¼ls-a eh-½ voLFkk
e>ksyh ¼40-60½ 3 ihds,e&01
yach >60 cm 5 ihds,e&02
17. Qyh dh iryh 3 ihds,e&02 ifjiDo MG
eksVkbZ ¼fe-eh-½ voLFkk
e/;e 5 HkkX;
cM+h 7 /kujkt
18. Qyh ds xqykch (035D) 3 ihds,e&02 ifjiDo VG
(*) fNyds dk jax voLFkk
gYdh gjh xqykch 5 HkkX;] Fkkj&g"kkZ
gjh (126A) 7 ihds,e&01
19. Qyh % lrg fpduh 1 ihds,e&02 ifjiDo MG
dh cukoV voLFkk
gYdh [kqjnjh 3 ihds,e&01] eSlwj&03
[kqjnjh 5
20. Qyh dh lh/kh 3 /kujkt ifjiDo VG
vkd`fr voLFkk
?kqekonkj 5 ihds,e&02
21. Qfy;ka@xqPNk ,d 3 ihds,e&01] ifjiDo MG
ihds,e&02 voLFkk
vusd 5 eSlwj&01
22. Qfy;ka@'kk[kk vYi 1 dVd ifjiDo MG
vusd 9 HkkX;
23. cht dk NksVk 3 eSlwj&03 ifjiDork VG
vkdkj ds i'pkr
e>ksyk 5 ;syokyk&01
cM+k 7 ihds,e&02
24. cht dk jax gYdk 3 eSlwj&03 ifjiDork VG
ds i'pkr
e/;e 5 ihds,e&02
xgjk 7 cknkeh&01]
25. Qyh dh vxsrh 3 ihds,e&02] HkkX; ifjiDork MG
ifjiDork ds i'pkr
e/;e 5 cknkeh&01
iNsrh 7 ihds,e&01] /kujkt
26. lkS chtksa dk vYi 3 eSlwj&03 ifjiDork MG
Hkkj ¼xzk- esa½ ds i'pkr
e/;e 5 ;syokyk&01
mPp 7 ihds,e&02
VIII. xq.kksa dh rkfydk dh O;k[;k
xq.k 1- ikS/kk % o`f) LoHkko

lh/kk QSykonkj >qdk gqvk


lh/kk&cknkeh&02 QSykonkj&HkkX; >qdk gqvk & ihds,e&02

xq.k 03- izFke i=ny dh vk/kkjh; vkd`fr

eqFkjh xksy uqdhyh
eqFkjh ¼5½ xksy ¼7½ uqdhyh ¼3½

xq.k 04- izFke i=ny dh uksd dh vkd`fr

uqdhyh eqFkjh

uqdhyh ¼3½ eqFkjh ¼7½

Nky ds jax esa fofo/krk

ihds,e&01 % /kwlj /kujkt % gYdk gjk /kwlj ihds,e&02 %gYdk /kwlj yky
xq.k 5 % iÙkh dh vkd`fr vkSj vkdkj esa fofo/krk

i=d dh vkd`fr vkSj vkdkj esa fofo/krk

xq.k 08- i.kZo`ar ds jax dh fofo/krk

gYdk gjk ¼3½ e/;e gjk ¼5½ xgjk gjk ¼7½

xq.k 14 vkSj 18- iq"i dfydk ds jax vkSj uo Qyh ds jax esa fofo/krk

ihds,e&01 %
lQsn iq"i
vkSj gYdk
ihyk gjk jax

% xqykch
dfy;ka vkSj
yky jax ds
uo Qy

xq.k 19- Qyh dh vkd`fr vkSj cukoV esa fofo/krk

ihds,e&01 % Qyksa dh QQksys ihds,e&02 % Qyksa ij

tSlh fn[kkoV ds lkFk [kqjnjh ykfyek ;qDr cSaxuh /kkfj;ksa
lrg vkSj gjs jax dh Qyh lfgr fpduh lrg
xq.k 20- Qyh ds vkdkj vkSj vkd`fr esa fofo/krk

1½ ihds,e&01 2½ ihds,e&02 3½ /kujkt 4½ HkkX; 5½ cknkeh&01 6½ cknkeh&02 7½ eSlwj 01

8½ eSlwj 02 9½ eSlwj 03 10½ ;syokyk&01

xq.k 23 vkSj 24- cht dh vkd`fr vkSj jax esa fofo/krk

ihds,e&02 % vaMkdkj
eSlwj 3%; vkd`fr o Hkwjs
vkd`fr o Hkwjs jax ds cht
jax ds cht

cknkeh&01 % pkSM+is u lfgr ;syokyk % pkSM+siu lfgr dkys

dkys jax ds cht jax ds cht
IX. dk;Z cy dk fooj.k

lgtu ds fy, fn'kkfunsZ'k ihihoh vkSj ,Qvkj izkf/kdj.k] ubZ fnYyh }kjk xfBr dk;Zcy
¼01@2018½ ds }kjk uksMy vf/kdkjh] ;w,p,l] ckxydksV ds ijke'kZ ls rS;kj fd, x, gSaA rduhdh
;ksxnku ihihoh ,oa ,Qvkj izkf/kdj.k }kjk fn;k x;k gSA
dk;Z cy ds lnL; %

MkW- ds-ih- fo'oukFk v/;{k

egkRek Qqys d`f"k fo|kihB ¼,eihdsoh½
jkgqM+h] egkjk"Vª&413722

MkW- vkj-lh- txnh'kk lnL;

izk/;kid ,oa v/;{k@iz/kku vUos"kd
tSoizkS|ksfxdh ,oa Qly lq/kkj foHkkx
ckxokuh foKku fo'ofo|ky;] mn;ufxjh
lSDVj&60] uokuxj] ckxydksV& 587 104

MkW- ch-,l- rksej fo'ks"k vkeaf=r lnL;

lCth foKku laHkkx
Hkk-d`-v-i-&Hkkjrh; d`f"k vuqla/kku laLFkku
ubZ fnYyh&110012

MkW- jfo izdk'k lnL;

iathdkj ¼d`"kd vf/kdkj½] ihihoh ,oa ,Qvkj,] ubZ fnYyh

X. uksMy Mh;w,l ijh{k.k dsUnz

Mh;w,l ijh{k.k dsUnz lg uksMy Mh;w,l ijh{k.k dsUnz
tSoizkS|ksfxdh ,oa Qly lq/kkj foHkkx] ckxokuh 'kwU;
foKku fo'ofo|ky;] mn;ufxjh] uokuxj]

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