Guidelines For The Conduct of Test For Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability On

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Date: 20 February 2007

for the Conduct of Test for
Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability


(Oryza sativa L.)

Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority


Government of India
Reproduced from Plant Variety Journal of India. Vol. 1(1), 2007

First Print 500 copies - February, 2007

CopyrightÓ & Published by Registrar, on behalf of the Chairperson, PPV & FR

Authority, New Delhi - 110 012

Printed by: Chandupress

D-97, Shakarpur, Delhi-92
Ph.: 22526936

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

I. Subject 1
II. Seed material required 1
III. Conduct of tests 1
IV. Methods and observations 2
V. Grouping of varieties 3
VI. Characteristics and symbols 3
VII. Table of characteristics 5
VIII. Explanation for the Table of characteristics 13
IX. Literature 24
X. Working Group details 25

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi
I. Subject 1
II. Seed material required 1
III. Conduct of tests 1
IV. Methods and observations 2
V. Grouping of varieties 3
VI. Characteristics and symbols 3
VII. Table of characteristics 5
VIII. Explanation for the Table of characteristics 13
IX. Literature 24
X. Working Group details 25

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi
I. Subject
These test guidelines shall apply to all varieties, hybrids, transgenics and parental lines of Rice
(Oryza sativa L.)

II. Seed material required

1. The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority (PPV & FRA) shall decide
when, where and in what quantity and quality of the seed material are required for testing a
variety denomination applied for registration under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers'
Rights (PPV & FR) Act, 2001. Applicants submitting such seed material from a country
other than India shall make sure that all customs and quarantine requirements stipulated under
relevant national legislations and regulations are complied with. The minimum quantity of
the seed to be provided by the applicant shall be 3000 grams in case of the candidate variety or
hybrid and 1500 grams for each of the parental line of the hybrid. Each of these seed lots shall
be packed, sealed and properly labeled with details, in ten equal weighing packets and submitted
in one lot.Wherever, individual panicles are to be supplied, such panicles shall be individually
packed and submitted along with the said seed lot, with proper labeling of the denomination,
harvest year and such related details.
2. At least 100 panicles each representing the normal ear size and drawn from the main tiller of
the candidate variety shall be submitted.
3. The seed and ears submitted shall have at least 80% germination, 98% physical purity, highest
genetic purity, uniformity, sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards. In addition the moisture content
of the seed shall not exceed 11-12% to meet the safe storage requirement. The applicant shall
also submit along with the seed a certified data on germination test made not more than one
month prior to the date of submission.
4. The seed material submitted shall not have been subjected to any chemical or bio-physical

III. Conduct of tests

1. The minimum duration of DUS tests shall normally be at least two independent similar growing
2. The tests shall normally be conducted at two test locations. If any essential characteristics of
the candidate variety are not expressed for visual observation at these locations, the variety
shall be considered for further examination at another appropriate test site or under special test
protocol on expressed request of the applicant.
3. The field test shall be carried out under conditions favouring normal growth and expression of
all test characteristics. The size of the plots shall be such that parts of plants could be removed
for measurement and observation without prejudicing the observations on the standing plants
until the end of the growing period. Each test shall include about 2500 plants, in the plot size
and planting space specified below across three replications. Separate plots for observation and

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for measurement can only be used if they have been subjected to similar environmental
conditions. All the replications shall be sharing similar environmental conditions of the test
4. Test plot design
Number of rows : 30
Row length : 6m
Row to row distance : 30 cm
Plant to plant distance : 20 cm
Expected plants / replications : 900
Number of replications : 3 for irrigated and shallow lowland tests
: 5 for upland, saline-alkaline, semi-deep water
and deep water tests.
5. Observations shall not be recorded on plants in border rows.
6. Additional test protocol for special purpose shall be established by the PPV & FR Authority.

IV. Methods and observations

1. The characteristics described in the Table of characteristics (see section VII) shall be used for
the testing of varieties, inbred lines and hybrids for their DUS.

2. For the assessment of Distinctiveness and Stability observations shall be made on 30 plants
or parts of 30 plants, which shall be equally divided among 3 replications (10 plants per

3. For the assessment of Uniformity of characteristics on the plot as a whole (visual assessment by
a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants), a population standard of 0.1% with
an acceptance probability of at least 95% shall be applied. In the case of a sample size of 1500
plants the number of off-types shall not exceed 4.

4. For the assessment of Uniformity of characteristics on single panicle-rows, plants or parts of

plants (visual assessment by observations of a number of individual panicle-rows, plants or parts
of plants) the number of aberrant panicle-rows, plants or parts of plants shall not exceed
2 in 50.

5. For the assessment of all colour characteristics, the latest Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
colour chart shall be used.

6. Unless otherwise indicated, all observations on the leaf shall be made on the penultimate leaf.

2 PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

V. Grouping of varieties
1. The candidate varieties for DUS testing shall be divided into groups to facilitate the assessment
of Distinctiveness. Characteristics, which are known from experience not to vary, or to vary
only slightly within a variety and which in their various states are fairly evenly distributed
across all varieties in the collection are suitable for grouping purpose.

2. The following characteristics are proposed to be used for grouping rice varieties:

a) Basal leaf: Sheath colour (Characteristic 2)

b) Time of heading (50% of plants with panicles) (Characteristic 20)

c) Stem: Length (excluding panicle; excluding floating rice) (Characteristic 29)

d) Decorticated grain: Length (Characteristic 54)

e) Decorticated grain: Shape (in lateral view) (Characteristic 56)

f) Decorticated grain: Colour (Characteristic 57)

g) Endosperm: Content of amylose (Characteristic 59)

h) Decorticated grain: Aroma (Characteristic 62)

VI. Characteristics and symbols

1. To assess Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability, the characteristics and their states as given
in the Table of characteristics (Section VII) shall be used.

2. Note (1 to 9) shall be used to describe the state of each character for the purpose of digital data

3. Legend:

(*) Characteristics that shall be observed during every growing season on all varieties and shall
always be included in the description of the variety, except when the state of expression of any
of these characters is rendered impossible by a preceding phenological characteristic or by the
environmental conditions of the testing region. Under such exceptional situation, adequate
explanation shall be provided.

(+) See Explanation on the Table of characteristics in Section VIII. It is to be noted that for certain
characteristics, the plant parts on which observations to be taken are given in the explanation
or figure(s) for clarity and not the colour variation.

4. A decimal code number in the sixth column of Table of characteristics indicates the optimum
stage for the observation of each characteristic during the growth and development of plant.
The relevant growth stages corresponding to these decimal code numbers are described

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Decimal Code for the Growth Stage

Code Growth stage

10 After germination, emergence of first leaf through coleop-
tile / second leaf visible (less than 1 cm)
40 Booting : the increase in the size of the young panicle and
its inward extension inside the upper leaf sheaths detect-
able as a bulge in the rapidly elongating culm
50 1st spikelet of inflorescence just visible
55 ½ of inflorescence emerged
60 Beginning of anthesis : it begins with the protrusion of the
first dehiscing anthers in the terminal spikelets on the
panicle branches
65 Anthesis half way
70 Milk development stage: formation of white milky sap
within the spikelets.
80 Dough development (spikelets become hard)
90 Ripening (terminal spikelets ripened)
92 Caryopsis hard (can be no longer be dented by thumb nail
and over 90% spikelets ripened)

5. Type of assessment of characteristics indicated in column seven of Table of characteristics is as

MG: Measurement by a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants
MS : Measurement of a number of individual plants or parts of plants
VG : Visual assessment by a single observation of a group of plants or parts of plants
VS : Visual assessment by observation of individual plant or parts of plants

4 PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

VII. Table of characteristics
S.No Characteristics States Note Example Stage of Type of
variety/line observation assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Coleoptile: Colourless 1 Krishna Hamsa, 10 VS
(+) Colour Prasad
Green 2 ---
Purple 3 ---
2. Basal leaf: Sheath Green 1 Rasi, Heera 40 VS
(*) colour Light purple 2 Annada, Bhogali
Purple lines 3 Mahamaya
Uniform purple 4 IR 24, Aruna
3. Leaf: Intensity of Light 3 Rasi, Vandana 40 VG
green colour Medium 5 Heera, Sugandha
Dark 7 IR 24, Swarna
4. Leaf: Anthocyanin Absent 1 Sugandha 40 VG
colouration Present 9 IR 24, Aruna
5. Leaf: Distribution On tips only 1 Vivek Dhan 62, 40 VG
of anthocyanin CSR 10
colouration On margins only 2 Aruna, IR 24
In blotches only 3 ---
Uniform 4 Shyamala
6. Leaf Sheath: Absent 1 Prasad, Govind 40 VG
(+) anthocyanin
colouration Present 9 IR 24, Aruna
7. Leaf sheath: Very weak 1 --- 40 VG
Intensity of Weak 3 Rongilee
anthocyanin Medium 5 Aruna, IR 24
colouration Strong 7 ---
Very strong 9 Shyamala
8. Leaf: Pubescence Absent 1 Sneha, Sugandha 40 VS
(*) of blade surface Weak 3 Nagarjana, Vibhava
Medium 5 IR 24, Aruna
Strong 7 Jaya, Pantdhan 10
Very strong 9 Govind,
9. Leaf: Auricles Absent 1 Vikramarya 40 VS
(*) Present 9 Jaya, Bas. 370
10. Leaf: Anthocyanin Colourless 1 IR 24 40 VS
(*) colouration of Light purple 2 Aruna, Amulya
auricles Purple 3 Hemavathi,

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11. Leaf: Collar Absent 1 --- 40 VS
(+) Present 9 Rasi, IR 24
12. Leaf: Anthocyanin Absent 1 Rasi, IR 24 40 VS
colouration of
collar Present 9 Hemavathi, Aruna
13. Leaf: Ligule Absent 1 --- 40 VS
(+) Present 9 Triguna, IR 24
14. Leaf: Shape of Truncate 1 --- 40 VS
(*) ligule Acute 2 ---
(+) Split 3 Vijetha, IR 24
15. Leaf: Colour of White 1 Rasi, Pantdhan 10 40 VS
(*) ligule Light purple 2 Aruna, Jitendra
Purple 3 IR 24, Shyamala
16. Leaf: Length of Short (<30 cm) 3 VL Dhan 221, 40 MS
blade CSR 10
Medium 5 Bas.385, Bas.386
(30-45 cm)
Long (>45 cm) 7 Bas. 370, Dubraj
17. Leaf: Width of Narrow (<1 cm) 3 Bas. 386, Bas. 370 40 MS
blade Medium (1-2 cm) 5 Pant Dhan 4,
Broad (>2 cm) 7 PTB 56
18. Culm: Attitude Non procumbent 1 --- 40 VS
(for floating rice
only) Procumbent 9 ---
19. Culm: attitude Erect 1 Pantdhan 11, 40 VS
(+) IR 24
Semi-erect 3 IR8,VL Dhan 206
Open 5 Janaki, Prasad
Spreading 7 ---
20. Time of heading Very early 1 Heera 55 VG
(*) (50% of plants (<71 days)
with panicles) Early 3 Rasi, Ravi
(71-90 days)
Medium 5 Vikas, Triguna
(91-110 days)
Late 7 Bas. 370
(111-130 days)
Very late
(> 131 days) 9 Kushal, Sabita
21. Flag leaf: Attitude Erect 1 IR 24, Indira 60 VG
(*) of blade (early Semi-erect 3 VL Dhan 81,
(+) observation) Jawahar
Horizontal 5 ---
Drooping 7 ---

6 PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

22. Spikelet: Density Absent 1 --- 60-80 VS
(*) of pubescence of Weak 3 Krishna Hamsa
lemma Medium 5 Rasi, NDR 359
Strong 7 Vasumati, Vandana
Very strong 9 K 429
23. Male sterility Absent 1 IR 24 65 VG
Present 9 IR 580 25A
24. Lemma: Absent or very 1 IR 24, 65 VS
(+) Anthocyanin weak Swarnadhan
colouration of keel Weak 3 Bhadra, Remya
Medium 5 Aruna
Strong 7 Makom, Janaki
Very strong 9 Malaviyadhan
25. Lemma: Absent 1 IR 24,VL Dhan 81 65 VS
(+) Anthocyanin Weak 3 Remya, Mandya
colouration of Medium 5 Vijaya
area below apex Strong 7 Bhadra, Aruna
Very strong 9 Bhogali, Makom
26. Lemma: Absent 1 Phalguna 65 VS
(*) Anthocyanin Weak 3 Mandya
(+) colouration of Medium 5 Vijaya, Jalpriya
apex Strong 7 Anjali, Shyamala
Very strong 9 RasiJanaki
27. Spikelet: Colour White 1 Jaya, Bas. 370 65 VS
(*) of stigma Light green 2 ---
(+) Yellow 3 Mahi Sugandha
Light purple 4 IR 24, Poornima
Purple 5 Rasi, Mahamaya
28. Stem: Thickness Thin (<0.40 cm) 3 Sneha, K 429 70 MS
Medium 5 Lachit, Govind
(0.40-0.55 cm)
Thick (>0.55 cm) 7 NDR 359,
29. Stem: Length Very short 1 Heera 70 MS
(*) (excluding panicle; (<91 cm)
excluding floating Short (91-110 cm) 3 PR 106, Vajram
rice) Medium 5 Sabita
(111-130 cm)
Long (131-150 cm) 7 Niraja
Very long 9 ---
(>150 cm)
30. Stem: Absent 1 Chaitanya, IR 24 70 VS
(*) Anthocyanin
colouration of Present 9 Amulya,
nodes Hemavathi

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31. Stem: Intensity of Weak 3 CSR 27, RCM 5 70 VS
anthocyanin Medium 5 Shaymala,
coloration of Rongilee
nodes Strong 7 Amulya,
32. Stem: Anthocyanin Absent 1 IR24, 70 VS
colouration of Krishnaveni
internodes Present 9 Prasanna, Janaki
33. Panicle: Length of Very short 1 K 429, Sneha 70-90 MS
(*) main axis (<16 cm)
(+) Short 3 VL Dhan 221,
(16-20 cm) Poornima
Medium 5 NDR 359,
(21-25 cm) Shyamala
Long (26-30 cm) 7 Bas. 370, Rongilee
Very long 9 ---
(>30 cm)
34. Flag leaf: Erect 1 IR 24 90 VG
(*) Attitude of blade Semi-erect 3 Prasanna, VL
(+) (late observation) dhan 81
Horizontal 5 VL Dhan 206
Deflexed 7 ---
35. Panicle: Curvature Straight 1 --- 90 VG
(*) of main axis Semi-straight 3 Barh-avarodhi,
(+) Lachit
Deflexed 5 Govind, ADT 37
Dropping 7 Poornima,
Bas. 386
36. Panicle: Number Few (<11) 3 Kranti, Heera 80-90 MS
per plant Medium (11-20) 5 Tulasi,Krishna
Many (>20) 7 ---
37. Spikelet: Colour White 1 Aditya,Pantdhan 6 80-90 VS
(*) of tip of lemma Yellowish 2 Prasanna,
Pantdhan 12
Brown 3 Madya Vijaya,
Bas. 385
Red 4 ---
Purple 5 Rasi, Hemavathi
Black 6 ---
38. Lemma and Straw 1 Aditya, Chaitanya 80-90 VG
(+) Palea: Colour Gold and gold 2 Vibhava,
furrows on straw Pant Dhan 11
Brown spots on 3 CTH 3

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Brown furrows 4 ---
on straw 5 ---
Brown (tawny) 6 Bhogali
Reddish to light 7 Shyamala
Purple spots /
furrows on straw 8 ---
Purple 9 ---
39. Panicle: Awns Absent 1 Jaya,Krishnaveni 90 VG
(+) Present 9 Pusa Bas.1
40. Panicle: Colour Yellowish White 1 Nidhi, Pantdhan 11 90 VS
(*) of awns (late Yellowsh Brown 2 Nagarjuna,
observation) Bas. 370
Brown 3 -
Reddish brown 4 Bas. 385
Light red 5 ---
Red 6 ---
Light purple 7 ---
Purple 8 ---
Black 9 Bhogali
41. Panicle: Length of Very short 1 Nidhi, Pantdhan 11 90 VG-MS
longest awn Short 3 Shamyala
Medium 5 Bas. 385
Long 7 Kasturi, Bas. 386
Very long 9 ---
42. Panicle: Tip only 1 Jawahar, 90 VS
(*) Distribution of Pantdhan 11
awns Upper half 3 Bas. 370, ASD 20
Whole length 5 Pusa Bas. 1,
Bas. 385
43. Panicle : Presence Absent 1 --- 90 VG
(+) of secondary
branching Present 9 Rasi, Bas. 370
44. Panicle: Weak 1 Pantdhan 10, 90 VG
(+) Secondary Bas. 386
branching Strong 2 Annada,
Pantdhan 11
Clustered 3 ---
45. Panicle: Attitude Erect 1 --- 90 VG
(*) of branches Erect to 3 Sasyasree
(+) semi-Erect
Semi-erect 5 Mangal
Semi-erect to 7 Pantdhan 10
Spreading 9 Pantdhan 4

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46. Panicle: Exertion Partly exerted 3 Suraksha, Vibhava 90 VG
(*) Mostly exerted 5 Chaitanaya,
(+) Pantdhan 4
Well exerted 7 VL Dhan 221
47. Time maturity Very early 1 Heera 90 VG
(days) (<100)
Early (101-120) 3 Rasi, Ravi
Medium 5 Vikas, Triguna
Late (141-160) 7 Bas. 370
Very late (>160) 9 Kushal, Sabita
48. Leaf: Senescence Early 3 VL Dhan 81, 92 VG
K 429
Medium 5 IR 8, Bas. 385
Late 7 Bas. 370
49. Sterile lemma: Straw 1 Tulasi, Pantdhan 11 92 VS
(*) Colour Gold 2 Vibhava, Shanti
(+) Red 3 Ambemohar 157
Purple 4 Bhogali
50. Grain: Weight of Very low (<15 g) 1 PKV HMT, 92 MG
1000 fully Sugandha
developed grains Low (15-20 g) 3 Dubraj, Sita
Medium 5 Bas. 370,
(21-25 g) Bas. 386
High (26-30) 7 Mahamaya, PR 113
Very high (>30 g) 9 Pant Dhan 4
51. Grain: Length Very short 1 Tarunbhog 92 MS
(+) (<6.0 mm)
Short 3 Vajram, CSR 10
(6.1-8.5 mm)
Medium 5 Pant Dhan 4,
(8.6-10.5 mm) CSR 13
Long 7 Sabita, Bas. 386
(10.6-12.5 mm)
Very long 9 IET 18004,
(>12.5 mm) IET 18006
52. Grain: Width Very narrow 1 Sugandha 92 MS
(<2.0 mm)
Narrow 3 Dubraj, Bas. 370
(2.1-2.5 mm)
Medium 5 Pant Dhan 4,
(2.6-3.0 mm) Sabita
Broad 7 Kranthi,
(3.1-3.5 mm) Matangini
Very broad 9 ---
(>3.5 mm)

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53. Grain: Phenol Absent 1 --- 92 VG
(+) reaction of lemma Present 9 ---
54. Decorticated grain: Short 1 Kushal 92 MS
(*) Length Medium 3 Samba Mahsuri
(+) Long 5 Ratna, Triguna
Long* 7 Kasturi, Bas. 370
(Long for
Basmati type)
Extra long 9 ---
55. Decorticated grain: Narrow 3 Shanti 92 MS
(*) Width (<2.0 mm)
(+) Medium 5 Heera
(2.0-2.5 mm)
Broad 7 ---
(>2.5 mm)
56. Decorticated grain: Short slender 1 Dubraj 92 MS
(*) Shape (in lateral Short bold 2 Salivahana
(+) view) Medium slender 3 Samba Mahsuri
Long bold 4 Vikramarya
Long slender 5 Krishna Hamsa
Long slender* 5 Kasturi
(For Basmati
Extra long 6 ---
57. Decorticated grain: White 1 Sugandhamati 92 VG
(*) Colour Light brown 2 ---
Variegated brown 3 ---
Dark brown 4 ---
Light red 5 Jyothi
Red 6 Red Triveni
Variegated purple 7 ---
Purple 8 ---
Dark purple 9 ---
58. Endosperm: Absent 1 --- 92 MG
(+) Presence of
amylose Present 9 Vasumati
59. Endosperm: Very low (<10%) 1 Hiyokumochi 92 MG
(*) Content of Low (10-19%) 3 Norin 18
(+) amylose Medium 5 Taroari Basmati
High (26-30%) 7 Jaya
Very high 9 ---

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60. Varieties with Absent or 1 ---- 90 MG
(+) endosperm of very small
amylose absent Small 3 ----
only Medium 5 ----
Polished grain: Large 7 ----
Expression of Fully 9 ----
white core chalky
61. Gelatinization Low 1 Pusa Basmati 1 92 MG
(+) temperature Medium 3 Taroari Basmati
through alkali High
spreading value medium 5 Kasturi
High 7 ---
62. Decorticated Absent 1 Jaya 92 MG
(*) grain: Aroma
(+) Present 9 Bas. 370

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VIII. Explanation for the Table of characteristics:

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Characteristic 6. Leaf Sheath: Anthocyanin colouration
Characteristic 9. Leaf: Auricle
Characteristic 11. Leaf: Collar
Characteristic 13. Leaf: Ligule

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Characteristic 24. Lemma: Anthocyanin colouration of keel
Characteristic 25. Lemma: Anthocyanin colouration of area below apex
Characteristic 26. Lemma: Anthocyanin colouration of apex
Characteristic 27. Spikelet: Colour of stigma
Characteristic 38. Lemma and Palea: Colour
Characteristic 39. Panicle: Awns
Characteristic 49. Sterile lemma: Colour

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Characteristic 14. Leaf : Shape of ligule

1 2 3

Characteristic 19. Culm : attitude

1 3 5 7

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Characteristic 33. Panicle : Length of main axis

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Characteristic 21 and 34. Flag leaf : attitude of blade (early observation (21), late
observation (34))

1 3 5 7

Characteristic 35. Panicle : Curvature of main axis

1 3 5 7

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Characteristic 43. Panicle : Presence of secondary branching

1 9

Characteristic 44. Panicle : Secondary branching

1 2 3

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Characteristic 45. Panicle : Attitude of branches

1 3 5

7 9

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Characteristic 46. Panicle : Exsertion

3 5 7
Characteristic 51 : Grain : Length
1.Very short
3. Short

5. Medium

7. Long

9.Very long

Characteristic 53: Grain: phenol reaction of lemma

Grains are soaked in 1.5 percent aqueous phenol solution for 24
hours, drained and air-dried. Hull color is then recorded unstained
and stained (Chang, T.T. and E.A. Bardenas, 1965).
Characteristic 54: Decorticated grain: Length (mm)
Please see the diagram "length and width measures of the grain".
Characteristic 55: Decorticated grain: Width (mm)
Please see the diagram "Length and width measures of the grain".
Characteristic 56: Decorticated grain: Shape (in
lateral view)
After dehusking (brown rice) or after milling (polished rice) the length
and breadth of the grains are measured for computing the shape and size.
Select minimum 10 full grains per replication with both the ends intact

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and measure the length and breath by using Grain Shape Tester or Dial Micrometer. Average of length
and breadth measurements are taken in millimeters and length/breadth ratio is calculated. Ramaiah,
1969, classification is used to assign the grain shape based on length and length / breadth ratio.
As referred in Rice Research in India: ICAR Publication, 1985.
State Kernel length (mm) Length/breadth ratio Note
Short Slender < 6.0 > 3.0 1
Short Bold < 6.0 < 2.5 2
Medium Slender < 6.0 2.5-3.0 3
Long Slender > 6.0 > 3.0 4
Long Bold > 6.0 < 3.0 5
Basmati type > 6.61 > 3.0 5
Extra Long Slender > 7.5 > 3.0 6

Note : The classification of extra long slender grain is done according to SES, IRRI 1996; for
Basmati type long slender grain length shall be more than 6.61 mm as per the proceedings of
Annual Rice Workshop, 1998.
Characteristic 58: Endosperm: Presence of amylose
By observation glutinous rice has waxy grains and non-glutinous rice has non-waxy to transparent
with various grades according to the amylose content of the endosperm. When it is necessary
glutinous rice and rice with various grades of amylose content, chemical analysis is needed.
Characteristic 59: Endosperm: Content of amylose
The simplified procedure of Juliano (1971) is used for the amylose content analysis.Twenty whole-
grain milled rice is ground in a UDY cyclone mill (sieve mesh size 60). 100 mg of rice powder is
put into a 100 ml volumetric flask and 1 ml of 95% ethanol and 9 ml of 1N Sodium hydroxide are
added. The contents are heated on a boiling water bath to gelatinize the starch. After cooling for
one hour, distilled water is added and contents are mixed well. For each set of samples run, low,
intermediate and high amylose standard varieties are included to serve as checks. Five ml of the
starch solution is put in a 100 ml volumetric flask with a pipette. One ml of 1 N acetic acid, 2 ml
of iodine solution (0.2 g iodine and 2.0 g potassium iodide in 100 ml of aqueous solution) is added
and volume is made up with distilled water. Contents are shaken well and let stand for 20 minutes.
Absorbance of the solution is measured at 620 nm with a spectrophotometer of standard make.
Amylose content is determined by using a conversion factor and the results are expressed on a dry
weight basis.The moisture content of the sample is essentially constant and need not be determined
if the relative humidity and temperature of the laboratory is controlled.
State Content of amylose Note
Very low 3-9% 1
Low 10-19% 3
Medium 20-25% 5
High 26-30% 7
Very high > 30% 9

22 PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

Characteristic 60: Polished grain: Expression of white core (Varieties with
endosperm of amylose absent only)
Degree of chalkiness describes the milled sample rice with respect to (a) white core (b) white
belly and (c) white back. Chalky white spots often appear in the starchy endosperm. A white
chalky region extending to the edge of the ventral side and towards the centre of the endosperm
is called a white core. Soft textured, white spots occurring in the middle part on the ventral side
(side on which the embryo lies) are called abdominal white or white belly. A long white streak on
the dorsal side is called the white back.

State Kernel (%) Note

Absent or very small None 1
Small <25% 3
Medium 26-50% 5
Large 51-75% 7
Fully chalky >75% 9

Characteristic 61: Gelatinization temperature

Gelatinization temperature through alkali spreading and clearing test (Little et. al.,
Duplicate sets of six whole milled grains are spaced evenly in transparent plastic boxes (50 mm x
42 mm x 22 mm) containing 10 ml of 1.7% Potassium Hydroxide. The dishes are kept at 27-
30oC for 23 hours undisturbed in an incubator. Standard varieties must be used as checks for high,
intermediate and low gelatinization temperature.The spreading of kernels noted on a 7 point scale
is expressed as average of six values. Scoring is done of follows:
Alkali spreading Value / Scale
1. Kernel not affected
2. Kernel swollen
3. Kernel swollen, collar incomplete and narrow
4. Kernel swollen, collar complete and wide
5. Kernel split or segmented, collar complete
6. Kernel dispersed, merging with collar
7. All kernel dispersed and intermingled

Alkali spreading Classification Gelatinization Note

Value / Scale Temperature
6-7 High Low 1
4-5 Medium Medium 3
3 Low, Medium High, Medium 5
1-2 Low High 7

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Characteristic 62: Decorticated grain: Aroma
The method consists of adding about 15 ml of water to 5g of rice sample in a test tube (200 mm
x 35 mm), soak for 10 minutes. Cook the sample in the water bath for 15 minutes. Transfer the
cooked rice in to a petri dish. After cooling keep it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then the
petri plates are opened and the contents are smelled. The samples possessing the scent, as one
could easily feel, produce a sharp and readily recognizable aroma. (DRR, unpublished).
SS : Strongly Scented
MS : Mild Scented
NS : Non Scented

1. ". Matsuo T (Eds.) (1993-97) : "Science of the Rice Plant (Volumes 1-3)" Rural culture
Association,Tokyo, Japan.
Vol.1 Morphology (1993)
Vol.2 Physiology (1995)
Vol.3 Genetics (1997), Indices (1997)
2. Chang T.T. and E. A. Bardenas 1965.The morphology and varietal characters of the rice plant.
Technical Bulletin 4, IRRI, Philippines, 40 p
3. Ramaiah K., 1969. Grain Classification page No. 629 - Rice Research in India, ICAR
Publication, 1985.
4. Juliano B.O., 1971. A simplified assay for milled rice amylose. Cereal Sci. Today 16: 334-339.
5. Little RR, G.B. Hilder and E.H. Dawson 1958. Differential effect of dilute alkali on 25
Varieties of milled white rice. Cereal Chem. 35: 111-126.
6. Singh R.K., U.S. Singh and G.S. Khush (Eds.) (2000)
Aromatic Rices. Oxford and IBH Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.

24 PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

X. Working Group details:
The Test Guideline developed by the National Core Committee in consultation with the
Project co-ordinator (Rice), the Nodal Officer, DUS Testing, DRR, Hyderabad and the Task
Force (1/2005) constituted by the PPV&FR Authority
The Members of the Task Force (1/2005)
Dr. M. V. Rao (Chairman)
Dr. S. Bala Ravi
Dr. A. Seetharam
Dr. O. P. Makhija
Dr. S. P. Sharma
Dr. B. S. Dhillon
Dr. R. V. Singh
Dr. J. L. Tikkoo
Dr. (Mrs.) Malathi Laxmi Kumaran
Dr. (Mrs.) Roshini Nair
Dr. S. K. Chakrabarty

Nodal Person
Dr. (Mrs.) N. Shobha Rani
Dr. L. V. Subba Rao

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi 25

PPV & FR Authority, GOI, New Delhi

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