Vast Grimm-Just A Taste
Vast Grimm-Just A Taste
Vast Grimm-Just A Taste
Art By:
Ross Brandt [pages: 6-7]
Brian Colin [cover, pages: 3, 72-73, 101]
David LaRocca [pages: 2, 34-35, 100]
Allen Panakal [pages: 101(bkgrd), 103]
Printed in China
Brian Colin &
Ross Brandt
playtested By:
Bill Barnett, Hilary Blake, Jennine Cerra, Jessica Anne Dodaro,
Carey R. Drake, Egg Embry, Michael J. Ertischek, Dave Friant,
Max Hickman, Rhea Jones, David LaRocca, Ray Lewis, Mali-
cat/Malikissa, Drew Nall, Theo Thourson, Tartle Wizard
First Printing
affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare
Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is
published under the MÖRK BORG
Third Party License. |
Infinite Black. All Rights Reserved.
Vast Grimm is © Creature Curation and
MÖRK BORG is copyright is a Trade mark of Creat ure Curation and Infinite Black.
Ockult Örtmästare Games and Vast Grimm logo
Stockholm Kartell.
2 3
The Six, Disciples of Fatuma, set out on a pilgrimage to the primordial
Mausoleum of THEY, in the year zer0. It had been prophesied in the Book
of Fatuma that THEY would be unleashed upon the ‘verse by a mission of
the truly devout. This prophecy came to fruition when The Six harnessed
the power of Tributes to decrypt the mystical lock which had sealed the
Mausoleum. A fervent gust of ancient, stale, particulate-filled air exploded
out of the ancient crypt worming its way into the lungs of The Six.
who drew air with
It was written in the Book of Fatuma that “Those
forw ard, be one with THEY.
THEY would then, from that day
latio ns of THE Y and their
Their breath would be the inha
The Grim m”. As true with the
exhalations would be known as
, all other writin gs in the Book
first prophecy and the release of THEY
t the last seven Torm ents.
of Fatuma have come to pass. All excep
The Six disbanded to travel, sharing the breath of THEY to every corner of
the ‘verse. As missionaries, their preachings spread like a plague infecting
those in their flock with The Grimm.
6 7
You feel. I mean, you can SENTIENT BOT [D6] Begins with
0 credits an
really feel all the feels. 1. Formerly a communications bot in a HP Toughn d d4 Favors
emo|bo You might even have a
soul if The Grimm don’t
remove any need for
one. Your mechanical
mind and body are
medical facility, you have innate
knowledge of nanobyte healing
2. A military Mech, your development
of emotions created a paradox in your
synthetic cortex. Was it right to kill
ess +d8
your mechanical 4. You are a drone. Just a delivery drone. ELECTRIC EYE Your eye is a surveillance
heart to watch them You wonder if someone might hook 2 camera, always wandering around from
you up with some weapons so that you the top of your head or body. Gain +2
take away all the can deliver packages of a higher level. Presence against any visual tests. You
people that share Your emotions run HOT. record up to 1 week of footage before
your feels. THEY 5. As a science bot working on cures for rewriting the data.
infestation, you developed a certain
must go. You’ll small amount of fascination and 3 COME CLOSER One of your appendages
contains a high powered magnet. 2x per
use your superior attachment to those deadly little
knowledge of technology würms. They can’t hurt you, why should day you can activate it and pull a metallic
you hurt them? item from an opponent, friend or non
in a bid to create hope for embedded surface DR10 Strength test.
6. You are alone. Alone in the ‘verse.
the future. Or just a path To your knowledge there are no others
to get out of this weeping like you, but you search anyway, always
4 UH OH You have a self destruct
mechanism that detonates automatically
searching for more of your kind. You when you go to -1 HP. You must announce
sore of a shithole system.
are the sad bot. to the GM at the start of each day if you
have it on or off. If it is off, you may also
choose to engage it at any time except
when you are at 0 HP. A result of 4 on the
Broken chart still kills you, but you do not
explode. The mechanism is hardwired and
you cannot change your mind once it is
engaged until the next day.
5’ Radius 2d6 blast damage. DR12 Agility
test for 1/2 damage.
72 73
W Wö
Wö ör r Ho
Void Revenant Wö r Ho Houn
Merciless undead, Void Revenants are what’s left of the bodies and souls of creatures
murdered by being vented out of airlocks. Void Revenants always seek to revenge
r un Hou d
themselves on those who murdered them. They do so by luring ships to their
location with fake distress calls, boarding the vessel and murdering one of the crew,
whose bodies they then inhabit. Void Revenants are clever concealers and will
often choose to hide in a crew member’s quarters to attack them by stealth
as they sleep. DR12 Presence test to wake up and notice the Revenant.
If at all possible they will work to take control of the ship by any means
necessary to find their own murderers. Void Revenants attack with
a synth rope garrote to kill or use the weapons (and abilities)
equipped to their new hosts. When the Void Revenant’s new host
body is destroyed, it will return to its original corpse at 2 HP.
When the original corpse body is destroyed, the revenant is
dispersed into black dust.
HP 15 Morale N/A
Space Suit Tier 1 -d2 Damage
Synth Garrote d4 + Strangulation
(DR14 Strength or take d4
damage per round)
Special Void Revenants are
clever concealers and prefer
to attack initially through
stealth and strangulation
g e r o f t h ese savag
iable hun g, beasts
The insat g, bone shatterin ing
in n
flesh ripp a viscous, madde
u t s
echoes o berating through it
howl reve den maw.
- r id
HP 30 Morale 10
Thick Hide Tier 2 -d4 Damage
Bite (d6)
Special Bites infect you with
Berserker Madness Disease DR13 Toughness
test to avoid one d4 rounds of berserk
madness, causing uncontrollable attacks
against anyone or anything within reach.
GP 1 on d6
100 101
Quick rules When the tim
e of
Tributes are the magick in Vast Grimm. If you have any Tributes,
consumed all.
roll Presence +d4 at the start of each day. That is the number of
Neuromancy Points (NP) you have to activate Tributes that day. To use a
Tribute, spend a NP and make a DR12 Presence test. If you fail lose 2HP.
Try not to fumble. You won’t like it if you fumble.
Staying alive. HP are hit points, or the amount of health you have. When
you hit zer0 or lower you are Broken and must roll on the Broken Chart to
see what happens next. You can also heal with some Skillz or items, and
when you rest.
Almost all rolls in this
game are made by the cks, each PC starts
players. GMs determine u sta rt ro llin g those shiny math-ro
One last thing befo
the dr (Difficulty Rating), nu mb er of Fa vors. THESE WILL en all else fails,
with a
ca n do wh en you use a Favor, wh
control NPCs and set the There are several
things yo u d of the book.
ge 54 or loo k at the chart at the en
stage for the story. use one! See pa
102 103