Use of Alternative Waste Materials in Producing Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Use of Alternative Waste Materials in Producing Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Use of Alternative Waste Materials in Producing Ultra-High Performance Concrete
1051/ matecconf/201712003014
1 Introduction
In recent years, the possibility of producing ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) has
been widely reported in the literature. UHPC is produced without coarse aggregates at very
low water to cementitious materials ratio, high cementitious materials content, and quartz
fine sand, quartz powder as micro-filler, silica fume or any other suitable mineral admixture,
steel or polymer fibres, and high dosage of superplasticizer. UHPC is reported to possess
very high strength, elastic modulus, ductility (i.e., fracture toughness), and excellent
durability characteristics. The mechanical properties of UHPC typically reported in literature
are: compressive strength > 150 MPa, flexural tensile strength > 25 MPa, modulus of
elasticity > 50 GPa, and fracture energy > 20000 J/m2 [1-4].
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MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
The mixtures of UHPC are developed based on four principles: (i) reduction in porosity
through close packing of raw materials and reduction in water/cementitious materials ratio
with the help of superplasticizer; (ii) improvement in microstructure through close packing
of solid materials, facilitating hydration and pozzolanic reactions, and improving the
interfacial transition zone between aggregates and cementitious products; (iii) enhancement
in homogeneity by eliminating coarse aggregate and using fine raw materials; (iv) increase
in toughness by using fibres. Besides selection of suitable raw materials and mixture design,
the mixing methods and curing regimes also significantly affect the quality of UHPC [5].
The specifications regarding ingredients, mix design, mixing methods, and curing of
UHPC, as reported in literature, are briefly described in the following sub-sections along with
the objectives and significance of the present work.
1.1 Ingredients
Fine quartz sand having particles in the size range of 150 to 600 μm is used as the only
aggregate because coarse aggregate is eliminated from UHPC [2, 3, 5]. Quartz powder having
particle size distribution in the range of 0.1 to 100 μm is used as micro-filler [2, 3, 5]. If very
fine quartz sand is available, the UHPC can be produced without the quartz powder [6].
Ordinary Portland cement with low C 3 A content, low alkali content, and low to medium
fineness is used as primary binder [2, 3, 5]. Silica fume, a byproduct from ferro-silicium
industries with particle size distribution ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 μm is generally used as
mineral admixture [2, 3, 5]. Polycarboxylates are used as most effective superplasticizer for
UHPC to achieve the desirable fluidity [7]. Steel fibers having length of 13 mm and diameter
of 0.2 mm are often used in UHPC mixtures [5].
In addition to cement, silica fume is primarily used as supplementary cementitious
materials in UHPC. However, the use of silica fume may not be economical, particularly if
it is not available locally at a low price. The partial replacement of cement by locally available
cementitious materials would be economical and environment-friendly. The silica fume may
be partially or fully replaced and cement may be partially replaced (without compromising
with the quality of UHPC) by locally available supplementary cementitious materials such
as ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash, metakaolin, limestone powder, rice husk,
steel slag powder, cement kiln dust, nanomaterials (nano-SiO 2 , nano-CaCO 3 , nano-Fe 2 O 3 ,
nano-TiO 2 ), etc. [5, 8-14].
MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
In order to obtain an optimum mixture design satisfying the intended fresh and hardened
properties of UHPC, various trial mixtures should be considered by choosing different sets
of mixture design parameters within their reported ranges satisfying the absolute volume
equation, i.e. the sum of absolute volumes of all the ingredients including air content should
be equal to the total volume of UHPC considered for mixture design for example 1 m3. After
mixture design, the UHPC mixtures should be prepared and tested for flow. The dosage of
superplasticizer should be adjusted to keep the flow as 200 ± 20 mm. Once the required flow
for each of the trial mixtures is achieved, the mixtures should be tested for their hardened
properties. An optimum mixture of UHPC, out of various trial mixtures considered, should
be finally selected based on the high performance at low consumption of cement. UHPC with
lower cement content would be economical and environment-friendly because of reduced
carbon dioxide footprint.
2 Experimental work
2.1 Materials
The ingredients used to prepare different mixtures of UHPC are listed in Table 1 along with their
specific gravities. Locally available dune sand having fine quartz particles was used in its
naturally-graded form in all the mixtures. The particle size distribution of the dune sand used in
this study is given in Table 2. Due to very fine size range of the dune sand, the quartz powder was
not used. A liquid superplasticizer (commercial name: Glenium 51) was used to obtain the
desired flow. Glenium 51 is a polycarboxylic ether (PCE) based superplasticizer with 65%
water content by weight that does not contain chlorides and complies with ASTM C494
Types A and F. Varying dosage of this superplasticizer was used to obtain a flow of 200 ±
20 mm for all the mixtures. Micro copper-coated steel fibres of 0.22 mm diameter and 13
mm length with an aspect ratio, l/d, of 59 were utilized. Fibres are made up of high strength
steel (tensile strength greater than 2850 MPa). Locally available supplementary cementitious
materials namely micro silica, natural pozzolana, limestone powder, cement kiln dust, and
MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
pulverized steel slag were used. The CaO and SiO 2 contents of all cementitious materials
used in the present study are presented in Table 3.
Table 1. List of ingredients used for producing UHPC mixtures.
MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
Taking the basic mixture of UHPC (M0) as a benchmark, various trial mixtures of UHPC
were considered by partially replacing micro silica and dune sand using different
permutations and combinations of the five waste materials, listed in Table 1, keeping
everything same as of mixture M0. These trial mixtures were prepared and tested for flow
and 28-day compressive strength and based on adequate flow and maximum 28-day
compressive strength, a total of seven optimum mixtures of UHPC with partial replacement
of silica fume and dune sand were selected. The details of eight optimally selected UHPC
mixtures for detailed study (i.e., M0 without replacement by waste materials and M1 to M7
with replacement by waste materials) are presented in Table 4.
Table 4. Details of eight optimally selected UHPC mixtures for detailed study
Optimally fixed parameters for all 8 mixtures: w/cm ratio = 0.145 (by mass); Cement content = 900
kg/m3; Mineral admixture content = 220 kg/m3; Water (w) content = 162.4 kg/m3; Superplasticizer
content = 40.3 kg/m3 (3.6% of the mass of cementitious materials); Steel fiber content = 157 kg/m3
Mixtur Optimum use of Waste materials (kg/m3)
MS Sand
e ID waste materials in NP FA LSP CKD PSS
(kg/m3) (kg/m3)
addition to MS
M0 Only MS 220 - - - - - 1005
M1 40% MS and 60% 88 132 - 1042
NP - - -
M2 40% MS and 60% 88 - - 1005
FA 132 - -
M3 80% MS and 20% 176 - - 985
LSP - 44 -
M4 80% MS and 20% 176 - - 1015
CKD - - 44
M5 10% sand replaced 220 - 87 - 868
by LSP - -
M6 5% sand replaced 220 - - 962
by CKD - - 48
M7 5% sand replaced 220 - 48 972
by PSS - - -
MS: Micro Silica; NP: Natural Pozzolana; FA: Fly Ash; LSP: Lime Stone Powder; CKD: Cement
Kiln Dust; PSS: Pulverized Steel Slag
2.3 Tests
Flow test was conducted on each of the eight selected mixtures of UHPC in accordance to
ASTM C1437 and subsequently test specimens were prepared to conduct tests for
determining their compressive strength, flexural strength, fracture toughness, drying
shrinkage, water absorption, DIN water penetration depth, chloride permeability, electrical
resistivity, and reinforcement corrosion rate. The details of specimens and test methods used
for determining various hardened properties of UHPC mixtures are given in Table 5.
MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
work are comparable to that of a patented UHPC mixture with a proprietary name Ductal®
Except few mixtures, the shrinkage is in the same range as that for the normal concrete
The water absorption for these UHPC mixtures is found to be around one-tenth of the
permissible limits for normal concrete. Water penetration depth is zero in all cases indicating
negligible water permeability. Chloride permeability and electrical resistivity values for all
eight mixtures of UHPC are indicating “very low” to “negligible” risk of reinforcement
corrosion. Very low corrosion current densities measured for all the UHPC mixtures (around
one-tenth of the threshold value) have confirmed that they are highly corrosion- resistant.
Table 5. Details of specimens and test methods used to determine hardened properties.
Property Specimen shape and size Specimens Test method
1. Compressive strength 50 mm cube 3 ASTM C 109
2. Flexural tensile strength
40 u 40 u 160 mm prism 3 ASTM C 78
(using 3 point bend test)
40 u 40 u 160 mm prisms Jenq and Shah
3. Fracture Toughness 3
(notched) [23]
4. Drying shrinkage 25 u 25 u 275 mm prism 3 ASTM C 356
5. Water absorption 75 u 150 mm cylinder 3 ASTM C 642
6. Water penetration depth 100 mm cube 3 DIN 1048
7. Rapid chloride
100 u 200 mm cylinder 3 ASTM C 1202
Two probe
8. Electrical resistivity 75 u 150 mm cylinder 3
Wenner method
A centrally embedded rebar in Linear
9. Reinforcement corrosion
75 u 150 mm concrete 3 polarization
cylinder resistance method
Table 6. Summary of test results of eight optimally selected UHPC mixtures
28-d Compressive strength
months (μA/cm2)
Rapid chloride
Mixture ID
Flow (mm)
(MPa ξ)ܕ
MATEC Web of Conferences 120, 03014 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/201712003014
4 Conclusions
Based on the results of the present study, following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The local dune sand and several waste materials available in abundance in Saudi
Arabia have potential to produce UHPC mixtures.
2. The local dune sand was found to be naturally well graded cutting the need for quartz
powder. Arranging quartz powder for producing UHPC is a big hassle and consumes
a lot of time, energy and money.
3. The developed mixtures of UHPC having strength and durability several times more
than the normal concrete could be utilized alternatively in special structural members,
such as long span bridge girders, large-diameter concrete pipes, heavy-duty tanks,
high-rise buildings, precast concrete members etc., and for repairing the deteriorated
concrete structures.
The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support received from King Abdulaziz City for
Science and Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia, through King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, for carrying out this project under the National Science, Technology
and Innovation Plan (NSTIP) funding (Project No. AM-08-2009, Code Number: 09-ADV751-04). The
technical support received from the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department and the Center for
Engineering Research at the Research Institute, KFUPM, are also acknowledged.
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