Cathodic Calculation (ICCP) Single ShalloWell

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Summary ICCP (model Shallow ) max deep 15 m

BQ materials $18,145.00
MP for Installation $2,610.87
Installation Work $3,766.30


Total direct MP yang diperlukan

1. Engineer 1 person
2. Technician 1 person
3. Others (helper) is no needed, because usually it will be subcontracted to others party, its price was explaned at insta

Hal-hal yang perlu diperjelas di spec

1. Coating breakdown harus di tentukan berdasarkan standard atau berdasarkan kemauan Clients
2. Jenis anode ( MMO, wire anodes or other confiquration details)
3. current density harus disebutkan, berdasarkan standard atau client recommendation
4. soil resistivity harus di sebutkan pula atau harus di estimated by client.
5. ulitization factor & safety factor harus disebutkan juga (according to clients)
6. transforemer harus disebutkan kapasitas input : AC current & Voltage capacity 380 , 400, 480 etc. Frequecy 50 atau
7. Junction box : Index Protection berapa (IP) ?, material enclosuresnya apa (SS, Galvanized or Al) & sedikit detail "jero
8. Jenis Cable positive & negative (HMWPE or XLPE/PVC serta sizenya mengikuti AWG atau international.
9. Others cable such for test post juga harus disebutkan size berpa & jenis apa?
10. Safety output transformer harus ditentukan terhadap capasitasnya & efisiensi transformer.
ts price was explaned at installation work

00, 480 etc. Frequecy 50 atau 60 Hz, Phase arus single or three phase.
zed or Al) & sedikit detail "jeroannya"
atau international.
Cathodic Protection Design Calculation

Project : ICCP for FW

Client :
Type of System : Impressed Current (Shello Weld)
Design Life : 20 years A = Surface Area (m2)
CP Current Density (25ºC) : 20 mA/m 2
F = Coating Breakdown
Resistivity : 30000 Ω.cm (Estimasi) iT = Current Density at TºC (mA/m2)
Coating Breakdown : 10 % (Estimasi) t = Design Life (year)
Sf = Safety Factor
Safety Factor : 25 % e = Anode Consumption Rate
Anode Type : Tubular MMO (Type :M103) U = Utilization Factor
Anode Length : 1.006 m
Anode Diameter : 0.0254 m
Anode Surface Area : 0.082 m2 MMO Current Output in Soil:
Max. Anode Current Output (Ia) : 8.01 A/anode Log L= 3.3 - Log Id ; L= Life time
Protection Criteria : -0.85 VCSE Ia= Id * SA

Diameter Height Surface Area Temp Cd Current, It Actual A Anode Qty Anode
System Structure DC
in (m) (m) (m2) 0
C mA/m2 (Amp) at TR (Amp) (ea) Type
ICCP-1 Pipa 8 inch 8.00 0.219 951.00 653.96 30.0 20.00 1.635 3.00 1 M103
TABEL 1.2 DC Voltage Calculation

Project: ICCP for FW

Location: ICCP-1
Protected Area:

Ra Backfill resistivity 0.2 ohm-m standard

RV =
N [ ]
∗f 1 + Rb + RC Anode Length, M-103
Anode Diameter
Environment resistivity
manufacture size
manufacture size
8 La
Ra =
2 πLa
[( ) ]
−1 Backfill colum length
Backfill colum diameter
Number of anodes
ρ 8L Spacing between backfill colum 1 m
Rb =
2 πL
[ ( ) ]
−1 Cable resistance /M , 25 mm2
Cable Length
RC = ρ C∗ LC
Ra 0.15 Ohm
2 La Rb 0.11 Ohm
[ ln ( 0 .656∗N ) ] f 0.82
f 1= 1+ Rc 0.02 Ohm
8L Rv 0.26 Ohm
ln −1
d Rv act. 0.26 Ohm
V DC= ( I DC∗R∗Sf ) +B EMF DC Current 3.00 Amp
I ∗E DC Back emf 2.00 Volt
I AC= DC Safety factor 1.50
√ 3∗E AC ∗Eff VDCTR 3.18 Volt
√ 3∗E AC∗I AC DC Applied Voltage, 6.00 Volt
AC Voltage 400 Volt
Efficiency 0.80
Current AC Iac 0.03 Amp

( Power AC) W 0.02 kVA

manufacture size
manufacture size
List of Material for FW
Item Qty Unit Description Unit Price Estimated Price Remarks (Estimated)
1 1 ea Transformer Rectifier with specification as follow: outdoor type, oil Harga transformer sangat tergantung dari
cooled, pad mounted, class I D 2, hazardous area, 316 SS kapasitasnya & material enclosurenya &
enclosure, three phase bridge. Rectifier type 400V - 3 phase 50Hz $6,000 $6,000 jenisnya. Ada 2 jenis oil cooled atau air cooled.
three wire input, with 230V - single phase 50Hz voltage control

2 1 drum Oil Transformer rectifier, 200 liter/drum $350 $350 Disini saya sebutkan oil karena jenis oil cooled.
3 1 ea MMO anode M-103 , individual anode diameter 0.0254m x Harga sudah harga Vendor lokal (impor China-
1.006m completed with 3m wire 8 AWG (10-mm2) HMWPE, $550 $550 Yuxie)
packaged (canister).
4 1 box Positive Distribution Box: galvanized steel construction coated Sangat tergantung dari jenis "jeroan"nya. Jika
RAL 7032, IP-56 (NEMA 4X & Gasketed), post mounted with Client requirement sangat complete maka sangat
copper bus bar, 2 circuits for anode cable (10 mm2 cable) and 1 mahal, apalagi yang jenis SS IP 56.
circuits for feeder cable 25 mm2, with shunts rated 5 amperes-50 $2,000 $2,000
mV com

5 1 box Negative Distribution Box: galvanized steel construction coated Negative box untuk distribusi current ke pipa biar
RAL 7032, IP-56 (NEMA 4X & Gasketed), post mounted with lebih merata, jadi current dari transformer dispare
copper bus bar, 2 circuits for anode cable (10 mm2 cable) and 1 $2,000 $2,000 di negative box tsb. Biasanya selalu ada
circuits for feeder cable 25 mm2, with shunts rated 5 amperes-50
mV com

6 1 ea Polyken pipeline Primer # 1027 $20 $20 harga Lokal

7 200 meter Cable: 25-mm2 or 4 AWG, single core stranded copper wire with Panjang Cable sangat tergantung dari sumber
High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (HMWPE) insulation for Main arus DC & jarak transformer ke Pipa. Kable
Positive Connection,black $25 $5,000 HMWPE cukup mahal krn produksi US, lokal tidak
ada. Jika mau murah kita pake XLPE/PVC.

8 6 box Test Station for Potential reading: galvanized steel construction

$150 $900
with 150 x 150 x150 mm with 3 terminal.
9 60 meter Cable: 6-mm2 or 10 AWG, single core stranded copper wire with
$7 $420
HMPWE insulation for Potential Measurement. Consumable
10 2 ea Resin splicing kits $35 $70 Consumable
11 4 ea Crimpits 8 Solid-8 Stranded, YC8C8 $25 $100 Consumable
12 1 ea Rubber Tape $15 $15 Consumable
13 1 ea Vinyl tape $20 $20 Consumable
14 1 m Srink-Sleves $50 $50 Consumable
15 1 set Termoweld mold M-106 for cable 25 mm2 $30 $30 Tools
16 1 box Weld metal thermoweld #15 @20/box $10 $10 Consumable
17 1 box Weld sealer Royston handicap @24/box $50 $50 Consumable
18 1 roll Cathodic Protection Buried cable marker 6”x1000 ft $60 $60 Consumable
19 1 ea PVC pipe 2" diameter size. $50 $50 Consumable
20 2 ea Pipe clamp for 2" pipe. $25 $50 Consumable
21 1 Lot Cable tag, PVC Glue, Tie rope, rubber tape, vinyl tape, 1”PVC
$400 $400
cap, 1” Elbow , Bolt and Nut, cable lug. SS Strap 1 ea Consumable

PROJECT : Cathodic Protection for FireWater
ACTIVITY : Installation MP

1 Specialist/ Project Manager

Airfare = Man x Trip x Rp = Rp -
Airport tax = Man x Trip x Rp = Rp -
Taxi Jakarta - Cengkareng = Man x Trip x Rp = Rp -
Taxi work site - nearest city = Man x Trip x Rp = Rp -
Sub Total Rp -

2 Manpower
Airfare = 2 Man x 1 Trip x Rp 1,800,000 = Rp 3,600,000.00
Airport tax = 2 Man x 1 Trip x Rp 60,000 = Rp 120,000.00
Taxi Jakarta - Cengkareng = 2 Man x 1 Trip x Rp 700,000 = Rp 1,400,000.00
Taxi work site - nearest city = Man x Trip x Rp = Rp -
Sub Total Rp 5,120,000.00

3 Operating Transport
Car (Monthly) = Unit x Month x Rp 14,000,000 = Rp -
Car (Daily) = 1 Unit x 9 Days x Rp 800,000 = Rp 7,200,000.00
Fuel (Daily) = 30 Liter x 9 Days x Rp 8,000 = Rp 2,160,000.00
Sub Total Rp 9,360,000.00

4 Accomodation
Specialist (NACE) @ Jkt = Man x Day x Rp 800,000 = Rp -
Specialist (NACE) @ site = Man x Day x Rp 600,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp 600,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer = Man x Day x Rp 500,000 = Rp -
Jr Engineer = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 400,000 = Rp 3,600,000.00
Technician = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 300,000 = Rp 2,700,000.00
Sub Total Rp 6,300,000.00
5 Meal Allowance
Specialist (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp 150,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp 60,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer = Man x Day x Rp 60,000 = Rp -
Jr Engineer = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 60,000 = Rp 540,000.00
Technician = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 60,000 = Rp 540,000.00
Sub Total Rp 1,080,000.00

6 Field Allowance
Specialist (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp 250,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp 160,000 = Rp -
Sr Engineer = Man x Day x Rp 140,000 = Rp -
Jr Engineer = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 120,000 = Rp 1,080,000.00
Technician = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 100,000 = Rp 900,000.00
Sub Total Rp 1,980,000.00

7 Communication Allowance
Specialist (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp = Rp -
Sr Engineer (NACE) = Man x Day x Rp = Rp -
Sr Engineer = Man x Day x Rp = Rp -
Jr Engineer = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 10,000 = Rp 90,000.00
Technician = 1 Man x 9 Day x Rp 10,000 = Rp 90,000.00
Sub Total Rp 180,000.00

Grand Total Rp 24,020,000.00

USD 2,610.87
USD = 9200 IDR
PROJECT : Cathodic Protection for Fire Water
ACTIVITY : Installation

No. Description
1 Mobilisasi dan demobilisasi (include rent car, driver, gasoline, meal, loundry for 30 days)
2 Work Preparation
3 Pekerjaan pengoboran lubang anode (max 15 m) (include alat bor)
Penggalian kabel header anode, 40cm lebar x 80cm dalam
Pemasangan kabel header anode dan ditutup kembali termasuk cable tile dan pasir
4 Pekerjaan pemasangan test station
Penggalian lubang 2x 1 x 1.5 m
Pembuatan concrete block 400x400x500cm untuk test station dan pemasangannya
5 Pemasangan Fondasi Transformer
5 Pekerjaan pemasangan/assembling MMO anode to the hole

USD = 9200 IDR


Qty Unit Price Total

1 lot 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00
1 lot 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
5 m 600,000.00 3,000,000.00
200 m 70,000.00 14,000,000.00
200 m 25,000.00 5,000,000.00

6 ea 150,000.00 900,000.00
6 ea 350,000.00 2,100,000.00
1 ea 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00
1 ea 150,000.00 150,000.00


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