7–9 minutes
Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air around us, and there
are three ways to track it. The most common of them is absolute
humidity: the mass of water vapour in a given volume of the air
and water vapour mixture, expressed as kg/m3. The second is
specific humidity, equal to the mass of the moisture divided by the
mass of air. It is expressed as a dimensionless number (but
sometimes also as grams per kilogram, among other similar units.)
On a hot day, our body uses sweat to cool itself. Sweat is released
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Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
via our skin to the surface. There, the liquid evaporates. When
water changes phase from liquid to vapour, it absorbs heat from
the surface on which it lies. So when sweat evaporates, it absorbs
heat from the skin, cooling it.
The higher the relative humidity of air, the more it is filled with
moisture. When air already contains a lot of moisture, it won’t
easily accept more. This means that the sweat on your skin can’t
evaporate. At the same time, the body keeps sweating because it
is still expecting to cool itself.
Warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air. So at the same
absolute humidity, the relative humidity of warmer air will be lower
than that of cooler air. It is like saying two vessels can hold the
same amount of water – just that the bigger vessel will be less full
than the smaller vessel.
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Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
The change in the capacity for moisture as the air warms is also
non-linear, meaning it doesn’t increase by the same amount as the
air warms. For example, the difference as it warms over 20º C
from -20º C to 0º C is small, but there is an enormous
improvement in its vapour-carrying capacity as it warms over 20º C
from 30º C to 50º C.
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Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
First, make sure both thermometers show the same reading, say,
under a fan. Next, soak some cotton in cold water and wrap it
around the bulb of one of the thermometers with a rubber band.
Hold this thermometer under the fan, such that water from the
cotton evaporates, and record the thermometer reading after five
minutes. Hold up the other thermometer in the air and record its
reading after five minutes. You will thus have the wet-bulb and dry-
bulb temperatures, respectively.
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Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
For a rough sense, the lower the wet-bulb temperature, the drier
the air is, and the less relatively humid it is.
R H = (e/e s)*100
For e s, use the same formula but replace Td with T, the actual
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Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
6 of 8 25/04/2023, 12:16
Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air around us, and there
are three ways to track it. The most common of them is absolute
humidity: the mass of water vapour in a given volume of the air
7 of 8 25/04/2023, 12:16
Explained | What is relative humidity and why does it matter on a hot da... about:reader?
The higher the relative humidity of air, the more it is filled with
moisture. When air already contains a lot of moisture, it won’t
easily accept more.
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