OMAE2019-95477: Baseline Design of The Deep Turbine Installation-Floating, A New Floating Wind Concept
OMAE2019-95477: Baseline Design of The Deep Turbine Installation-Floating, A New Floating Wind Concept
OMAE2019-95477: Baseline Design of The Deep Turbine Installation-Floating, A New Floating Wind Concept
Jordi Serret†1, Tahsin Tezdogan2, Tim Stratford1, Philipp R. Thies3, Vengatesan Venugopal1
This paper presents the preliminary design of the Deep European countries own extensive lands with wind
Turbine Installation-Floating (DTI-F) concept. The DTI-F conditions enough to produce wind energy at competitive costs.
concept is a hybrid spar buoy-based floating offshore However, production sites are far away from demand and cause
substructure capable of supporting a 7MW wind turbine with the conflicts with other land users. Onshore wind is coming under
uniqueness of being able to raise and lower the tower and greater public criticism as local governments are turning down
nacelle, which simplifies construction, installation, developments. Despite that, wind energy production led the
maintenance, and decommissioning. renewable mix input in 2017 [2], and offshore wind in deeper
A relevant subset of design load cases (DLCs) derived from water will be an increasing source of renewable energy over the
the International Electrotechnical Commission (ICE) standards next few years [3].
is simulated with NREL-FAST software, and the aero-elastic This situation represents a boost for offshore wind and
loads are used for the structural assessment. especially for floating wind, as this technology places the
The paper presents the principal dimensions and crucial turbines far away from the shore. The better quality of the wind
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties. The floating platform resource and environmental considerations will encourage
with three different mooring configurations is designed using developers further offshore, and floating wind turbines are set to
ANSYS AQWA software, and the design is validated with become an attractive solution.
experiments in laboratory conditions. The paper evaluates the Over the last few years, experience has been gained with
design regarding the natural frequencies and the stability of the floating wind technology. It has evolved from being an academic
platform for a chosen site off the Scottish coast. topic to start delivering sustainable, reliable and supply energy
Further, a novel construction method, the materials chosen to the grid. Equinor’s Hywind project [4] installed their first full-
for the construction, and the installation and assembly processes scale spar buoy floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) back in
are also outlined. 2009 in the North Sea, which became in 2018 the world's first
floating wind farm producing electricity to the Scottish grid. [5].
1. INTRODUCTION Hitherto, different floating foundations have been proposed
In 2016, the European Commission published a review of [6, 7]. Semi-submersibles [8, 9], barges [10], and tension leg
the Renewable Energy Directive to ensure that at least 27% of platforms [11, 12] have been developed along with spar buoy-
the final energy consumption within the European Union comes based [13] developments like the DTI-F foundation.
from renewable sources by 2020. In June 2018, the European This study aims to derisk the DTI-F concept further using
Commission has raised its target on renewable energy numerical simulations validated by hydrodynamic testing,
consumption up to 32% by 2030 [1]. although the primary objective of this paper is to present a
reliable and cost-effective solution to the wind industry.
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The DTI-F design is strongly site-dependent. The most
relevant site-related parameter for the design is the installation
depth. The site chosen for the evaluation of the design presented
FIGURE 1: DTI-F SUBSTRUCTURE (LEFT) AND COMPLETE in this paper is the Buchan Deep site in the vicinity of the
SYSTEM (RIGHT) WITH DIMENSIONS IN METERS. Hywind test site. This site is selected because of the availability
of data and environmental conditions [14, 15, 16]. The site is
The inner structure of the floater is composed of another depicted in Fig. 3.
hollow cylinder, 7 m in diameter. This hollow cylinder goes from The location has a range of depths between 90 and 120 m
the draft line to the bottom of the structure. The space between depth, dominated by waves coming from the North and South-
the two cylinders at the top provides the necessary buoyancy to West with operational significant wave heights up to 4 m and
the floater. The void space in the wider cylinder at the bottom is peak wave periods up to 8 s. Extreme wave models [14] forecast
used to store the ballast water. This deposit, i.e. the wider a one-year return period wave with a significant height of 15.2
cylinder, has different sealed tanks and stiffener walls for m and 11.2 s period, while the values increase until 17.8 m and
structural reinforcement. Both the inner and wider cylinders are 12.2 s, and 19.7 m and 12.8 s for ten, and fifty-year return
connected at the bottom end of the floater, allowing the tower periods, respectively.
and nacelle set to be raised and lowered down within the inner The primary North Sea tides travel from North to South and
cylinder by flooding them using the ballast water (Fig. 2). A 30 then is reflected off to the North again. As a semi-diurnal tide,
m height flotation cylinder, designed to counteract the weight of flood and ebb phases are flowing parallel to the shore. The spring
the tower and the nacelle, is installed at the bottom of the tower. tidal range is approximately 3.8 m, and the neap is 3.1 m. At 60
This flotation cylinder is a critical component that allows both m depth in Buchan Deep, the mean tidal current speed is
the tower and nacelle to float. approximately 0.37 ms-1 with maximum speeds of 1.27 ms-1
③ ④ Δ
FIGURE 9: EXAMPLE OF FREE DECAY TEST IN HEAVE Further hydrodynamic behaviour analysis considering the
mooring lines beyond the natural periods provided in Table 2,
The response amplitude operators, the added mass, and the will be the subject of future work.
radiation damping of the free floater are depicted in Figs. 10, 11,
and 12 respectively.
5.4 Construction and deployment
The simple geometry of a spar buoy allows the use of a
modular construction scheme. The precast concrete components
can be fabricated off-site under controlled conditions, using
simple formwork, and avoiding expensive slip forming. The
reinforcement can be added in a controlled and efficient way of
producing concrete precast modules. As precast concrete uses
standard forms, modules can be produced in larger numbers,
improving the economies of scale.
Construction will be carried out using a floating production
line without the use of dry docks or similar facilities.
Figure 13 illustrates a typical site layout including a
batching plant, rebar and precast modules construction yards, the
substructure assembly area, and the turbine assembly area.