OMAE2019-95477: Baseline Design of The Deep Turbine Installation-Floating, A New Floating Wind Concept

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Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International

Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland




Jordi Serret†1, Tahsin Tezdogan2, Tim Stratford1, Philipp R. Thies3, Vengatesan Venugopal1

1Universityof Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

2University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
University of Exeter, Penryn, UK

This paper presents the preliminary design of the Deep European countries own extensive lands with wind
Turbine Installation-Floating (DTI-F) concept. The DTI-F conditions enough to produce wind energy at competitive costs.
concept is a hybrid spar buoy-based floating offshore However, production sites are far away from demand and cause
substructure capable of supporting a 7MW wind turbine with the conflicts with other land users. Onshore wind is coming under
uniqueness of being able to raise and lower the tower and greater public criticism as local governments are turning down
nacelle, which simplifies construction, installation, developments. Despite that, wind energy production led the
maintenance, and decommissioning. renewable mix input in 2017 [2], and offshore wind in deeper
A relevant subset of design load cases (DLCs) derived from water will be an increasing source of renewable energy over the
the International Electrotechnical Commission (ICE) standards next few years [3].
is simulated with NREL-FAST software, and the aero-elastic This situation represents a boost for offshore wind and
loads are used for the structural assessment. especially for floating wind, as this technology places the
The paper presents the principal dimensions and crucial turbines far away from the shore. The better quality of the wind
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties. The floating platform resource and environmental considerations will encourage
with three different mooring configurations is designed using developers further offshore, and floating wind turbines are set to
ANSYS AQWA software, and the design is validated with become an attractive solution.
experiments in laboratory conditions. The paper evaluates the Over the last few years, experience has been gained with
design regarding the natural frequencies and the stability of the floating wind technology. It has evolved from being an academic
platform for a chosen site off the Scottish coast. topic to start delivering sustainable, reliable and supply energy
Further, a novel construction method, the materials chosen to the grid. Equinor’s Hywind project [4] installed their first full-
for the construction, and the installation and assembly processes scale spar buoy floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) back in
are also outlined. 2009 in the North Sea, which became in 2018 the world's first
floating wind farm producing electricity to the Scottish grid. [5].
1. INTRODUCTION Hitherto, different floating foundations have been proposed
In 2016, the European Commission published a review of [6, 7]. Semi-submersibles [8, 9], barges [10], and tension leg
the Renewable Energy Directive to ensure that at least 27% of platforms [11, 12] have been developed along with spar buoy-
the final energy consumption within the European Union comes based [13] developments like the DTI-F foundation.
from renewable sources by 2020. In June 2018, the European This study aims to derisk the DTI-F concept further using
Commission has raised its target on renewable energy numerical simulations validated by hydrodynamic testing,
consumption up to 32% by 2030 [1]. although the primary objective of this paper is to present a
reliable and cost-effective solution to the wind industry.

Contact author: [email protected]

1 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

2. DTI-F CONCEPT DESCRIPTION An active ballast system transfers water from the wider
The Deep Turbine Installation-Floating (DTI-F) concept is cylinder to the inner hollow cylinder to float the tower and
a hybrid spar buoy-based floating offshore substructure nacelle set, allowing it to be raised and lowered, avoiding the use
developed by Floating Wind Turbines Ltd. It consists of two of expensive cranes during installation, maintenance and
cylindrical and concentric walls joined by stiffener walls. decommissioning processes.
The outer structure is composed of a 15 m diameter cylinder The substructure has four boat landing areas, serviced by
that increases up to 30 m in diameter by means of a frustum-cone two remotely controlled lifts, ensuring at least one sheltered
type structure, as depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. Below the wider access point regardless of the wave direction.
cylinder, a 40 m diameter water-entrapment heave plate that A total of 553 m2 of deck space located 20 m above the sea-
provides additional hydrodynamic inertia to the floater. level to avoid splashing waves, will give access to the facilities
located within the substructure. It includes elevator accesses, a
workshop, machinery rooms, structural tendons inspection
access space, winches control room, and IT and communications
space among others.
The floating substructure is designed to carry a standard 7
MW offshore wind turbine. However, the initial design is
flexible enough to operate with offshore wind turbines up to 15
MW with suitable modifications, i.e. increasing thickness of the
walls, increasing the reinforcement capacity, increasing
installation depth.



The DTI-F design is strongly site-dependent. The most
relevant site-related parameter for the design is the installation
depth. The site chosen for the evaluation of the design presented
FIGURE 1: DTI-F SUBSTRUCTURE (LEFT) AND COMPLETE in this paper is the Buchan Deep site in the vicinity of the
SYSTEM (RIGHT) WITH DIMENSIONS IN METERS. Hywind test site. This site is selected because of the availability
of data and environmental conditions [14, 15, 16]. The site is
The inner structure of the floater is composed of another depicted in Fig. 3.
hollow cylinder, 7 m in diameter. This hollow cylinder goes from The location has a range of depths between 90 and 120 m
the draft line to the bottom of the structure. The space between depth, dominated by waves coming from the North and South-
the two cylinders at the top provides the necessary buoyancy to West with operational significant wave heights up to 4 m and
the floater. The void space in the wider cylinder at the bottom is peak wave periods up to 8 s. Extreme wave models [14] forecast
used to store the ballast water. This deposit, i.e. the wider a one-year return period wave with a significant height of 15.2
cylinder, has different sealed tanks and stiffener walls for m and 11.2 s period, while the values increase until 17.8 m and
structural reinforcement. Both the inner and wider cylinders are 12.2 s, and 19.7 m and 12.8 s for ten, and fifty-year return
connected at the bottom end of the floater, allowing the tower periods, respectively.
and nacelle set to be raised and lowered down within the inner The primary North Sea tides travel from North to South and
cylinder by flooding them using the ballast water (Fig. 2). A 30 then is reflected off to the North again. As a semi-diurnal tide,
m height flotation cylinder, designed to counteract the weight of flood and ebb phases are flowing parallel to the shore. The spring
the tower and the nacelle, is installed at the bottom of the tower. tidal range is approximately 3.8 m, and the neap is 3.1 m. At 60
This flotation cylinder is a critical component that allows both m depth in Buchan Deep, the mean tidal current speed is
the tower and nacelle to float. approximately 0.37 ms-1 with maximum speeds of 1.27 ms-1

2 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

during spring tides, whereas at 25 m depth the mean speed is 0.40 well-matured projects, such as Hywind, with real prototypes
ms-1 with maximum speeds of 1.42 ms-1 [17]. working on the sea, were initially based on reference wind
Wind speeds are provided by the Nora10 forecast model turbines and then were scaled up or down as required [19].
[18] operated by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute using The development of the DTI-F has been based on a 7MW
wind data from 1980 to 2010, which are extrapolated at the foreshore wind turbine from the outset. The Levenmouth wind
height of 100 m above sea level. The model hindcast provides turbine is owned by Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult and
average wind speed values between 8 and 13 ms-1, maximum dedicated to research purposes. The main properties of the
wind speed values between 20 and 35 ms-1, and turbulence Levenmouth turbine are given in Fig. 4 [20].
intensity of 0.05 for wind speeds of 10 ms-1 at 100 m above the
sea level. The wind direction is predominantly South-Westerly.



The calculation of the loads coming from the interaction

FIGURE 3: BUCHAN DEEP SITE LOCATION [17] between wind and blades, transmitted through the shaft,
equalised by the controller, transmitted to the tower, and
The seabed at Buchan Deep contains superficial deposits of eventually distributed through the foundation, are critical to
Holocene sands in the form of less than 0.5 m thick layers. ensuring the structural integrity of the floating platform. To
Below, quaternary soils up to 40 m thick directly overlying the calculate these aero-servo-elastic loads, NREL FAST has been
basement bedrock [15]. the tool of choice. NREL FAST [21] is a glue code coupling
This location represents the shallower installation limit for results from different simulators and pre-processors. Finally,
this hybrid spar buoy-based concept. Consequently, it challenges these aero-servo-elastic loads must be coupled with the
the design and compromises the maximum cost reductions. hydrodynamic loads to capture the complex behaviour of
Evidently, the deeper the installation site is, the bigger the draft floating wind turbines. Further explanation of the modelling tool,
of the substructure can be designed. Therefore, the height of the the simulations carried out, the complete description of the
cranes required for installation, maintenance, and decommission model, limitations, and results are discussed in [20]. Table 1
decreases, along with the associated costs. presents the diagonal of the ultimate limit state-load matrix
obtained by NREL FAST and Fig. 5 and 6 show the steady-state
4. WIND TURBINE DESIGN simulation results. It should be noted that the results of the
Existing floating concepts in academic studies are aeroelastic simulation are given without magnitudes to protect
predominantly based on reference turbines (e.g. NREL-5MW, ORE Catapult’s / Samsung’s proprietary information.
DTU-10MW) instead of commercial turbines. However, even


Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm) Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN)

Max 42625 149050 19062 2430 527 -8514
Min -40689 -248270 -19346 -2522 -543 -11421

3 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

Figure 5 presents the most relevant steady-state results [20] tested to investigate surge and sway motion reductions whereas
for the Levenmouth offshore wind turbine. Steady-state results the delta connection configuration has been tested to explore the
show the behaviour of different sub-systems, e.g. generator, yaw rotation motion reduction.
controller, for a set of non-turbulent input winds. Therefore,
these results are convenient to characterise the functionality of a
wind turbine.

③ ④ Δ

Shapes and dimensions have been chosen to fulfil functional

requirements included in floating structures recommended
practices [22]. Keeping the natural periods of the structure away
from the periods of excitation as well as controlling the global
FIGURE 5: STEADY-STATE RESULTS OF THE motions, are the main design criteria.
LEVENMOUTH WIND TURBINE Table 2 presents a new analysis of the natural periods and
damping coefficients presented in [23]. Damping coefficients
Figure 6 shows the power coefficient versus the tip speed ratio and natural periods of oscillation for the three different mooring
for a set of steady wind velocities. It shows good agreement of line configurations are expressed as full-scale equivalent values.
the NREL FAST simulation with the commissioning results of
the Levenmouth wind turbine [20]. TABLE 2: RESONANCE PROPERTIES OF THE DTI-F

Damping coefficient (-) Natural period (s)

③ Δ ④ ③ Δ ④
Heave 4×10-3 4×10-3 4×10-3 28 28 28
Surge 2×10 -3
2×10 -3
2×10 -3 169 169 169
Sway * * * * * *
Pitch 1×10-3 8×10-4 1×10-3 88 55 50
Roll 1×10 -3
8×10 -4
1×10 -3 91 55 49
Yaw 1×10 -3
5×10 -3
2×10 -3 121 42 70
* Inconclusive results
The natural period results show that all six degrees of
freedom are longer than the linear wave excitation, as the ocean
5. PLATFORM DESIGN waves contain first harmonic wave energy in the period range of
The DTI-F platform is a spar buoy-based concept. Spar 5 - 25 seconds [23].
buoys have a deep draft minimising vertical wave forces and For a spar buoy-based FOWT the natural periods in surge,
therefore vertical modes motion. The deep draft allows for low sway and yaw should be larger than 100 seconds, 20-35 seconds
centre of gravity designs ensuring big righting moments, and for heave, and 50-90 seconds for roll and pitch [22]. Therefore,
consequently low pitch and roll modes of motion. the results meet the constraints specified in the relevant
Three different catenary mooring configurations have been standards.
proposed for the seakeeping of the DTI-F concept, i.e. (i) three Comparing the results to the Equinior’s (formerly Statoil)
lines distributed at 120 degrees, (ii) four lines distributed at 90 Hywind project results [13], the DTI-F concept has a 25% longer
degrees, and (iii) three lines distributed at 120 degrees with a surge period, a similar heave period, a 75% longer pitch and roll
delta connection (Fig. 7). The four lines configuration has been periods, and a 95% longer yaw period.

4 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

Regarding the global motions, the following limitations and blades are not represented in the geometry, their effect has
have been considered to ensure the proper operability of the wind been modelled having them into account in the mass distribution.
turbine: The optimal density of the mesh must allow fitting seven-
• the amplitude of the roll and pitch rotational modes of panel sizes in one wavelength. For the present study, the results
motion must remain under 10 degrees [24]; and converge for a mesh with a maximum element size of 1 m.
• the induced maximum horizontal acceleration at the However, since the size of the mesh also defines the maximum
nacelle must be kept under 3ms-2 [25]. allowed frequency, the size of the panels has been set up at 0.66
m to increase the range of frequencies considered in this study.
5.1 Construction material
Most of the prototypes developed for FOWT are made of
steel. Steel has favourable mechanical properties, but the cost of
the material and the expensive maintenance required in marine
environments prevents it from being a cost-effective choice.
On the other hand, concrete has been proven a reliable [26]
and cost-effective solution since the 70s when the first concrete
platforms were installed in the North Sea. Since then the
properties of concrete have been improved. Higher strength
mixtures with lower permeability have been developed giving
the opportunity for concrete marine structures to increase their
lifetime and reduce their operations expenditure (OPEX). FIGURE 8: MESH USED BY THE DIFFRACTION CODE
Concrete is also cheaper than steel [27], allowing for further
reductions in construction costs and therefore the capital The main hydrostatic parameters are shown in Table 3 along
expenditure (CAPEX). with mass and inertia properties. The height of the centre of
However, durability and fatigue-related problems have been gravity (CoG), the centre of buoyancy (CoB), and the moments
recorded by the offshore wind industry in the concrete-steel of inertia are calculated from the bottom of the structure.
interface of fixed-bottom offshore wind farms. The most relevant parameter in Table 3 is the CoB to
Even though the durability and fatigue problems in the metacentre distance. This distance must be positive in floating
concrete-steel interface introduce some design challenges, structures in order to be stable. However, it should be kept as
concrete is the material of choice. However, the details regarding small as possible since small CoB to metacentre distances imply
the concrete mix still cannot be reported since they are under a tender floating structure with more significant roll periods
investigation. ensuring a smoother operation of the wind turbine.

5.2 Structural relevant details TABLE 3: HYDROSTATIC, MASS, AND INERTIA

Concrete works well in compression, but not in tension. PROPERTIES OF THE DTI-F IN THE FREE-FLOATING
Therefore, the substructure must always be kept in compression. POSITION
To maintain compression along the substructure, the precast
modules will be post-tensioned using steel tendons. Tendons are Volumetric displacement (m3) 1.69×104
installed through duct pipes in the precast modules, stressed, and Draft (m) 62.00
sealed. To stress the tendons, post-tensioning anchors are placed
between each of the precast modules, and between the top of the Total mass (kg) 1.70×107
substructure and the bottom, i.e. heave plate. Centre of gravity (CoG) height (m) 20.13
The structure also has passive reinforcement consisting of
both, randomly dispersed fibres in the cement mix and corrosion Centre of buoyancy (CoB) height (m) 21.47
protected rebar, e.g. epoxy coated or stainless rebar. Metacentric height (m) 21.62
The structural integrity of the floater is also under analysis. Principal 2nd moments of area (m ) 4
Therefore, neither the amount nor grade of the steel nor the
composition or distribution of the fibres can be disclosed. CoB to metacentre (m) 0.15
X moment of inertia (kgm2) 2.14×1010
5.3 Hydrostatic and hydrodynamic properties of the Y moment of inertia (kgm2) 2.14×1010
The hydrostatic properties of the DTI-F substructure without Z moment of inertia (kgm2) 1.9×109
moorings have been calculated using ANSYS AQWA, a widely
used diffraction software using potential flow theory. The heave (C33), roll (C44), and pitch (C55) hydrostatic
Figure 8 shows the mesh used by the diffraction code to stiffness coefficients measured from the CoG, and their
calculate volumes and stiffness. Even though the tower, nacelle, corresponding computed natural periods of oscillation (T3), (T4),
and (T5) are presented in Table 4.

5 Copyright © 2019 by ASME


C33 1.78×106 N/m T3 28 s

C44 4.41×10 Nm/°
T4 30 s
C55 4.41×10 Nm/°
T5 30 s

The T3 and T4 values shown in Table 4 are smaller than the

ones presented in Table 2. As mentioned before the values in
Table 4 are the natural periods of oscillation of the system
without mooring lines. Once the moorings are attached to the
floater, T4 and T5 values increase due to the line’s additional
stiffness. The value of T3 is the same in Tables 4 and 2. Therefore, FIGURE 11: PITCH, ROLL, AND HEAVE ADDED MASS OF
the mooring line does not increase the stiffness of the system in THE DTI-F. NOTE THAT PITCH AND ROLL ADDED MASS
the heave mode of motion.
The hydrodynamic properties of the DTI-F substructure
without moorings have also been calculated using ANSYS
AQWA. The potential flow theory used by ANSYS AQWA do
not includes viscous effects. Therefore, a drag coefficient of 0.6
[28] has been applied to consider them.
Experiment and numerical results for the free decay
condition in heave are depicted in Fig. 9 showing good



FIGURE 9: EXAMPLE OF FREE DECAY TEST IN HEAVE Further hydrodynamic behaviour analysis considering the
mooring lines beyond the natural periods provided in Table 2,
The response amplitude operators, the added mass, and the will be the subject of future work.
radiation damping of the free floater are depicted in Figs. 10, 11,
and 12 respectively.
5.4 Construction and deployment
The simple geometry of a spar buoy allows the use of a
modular construction scheme. The precast concrete components
can be fabricated off-site under controlled conditions, using
simple formwork, and avoiding expensive slip forming. The
reinforcement can be added in a controlled and efficient way of
producing concrete precast modules. As precast concrete uses
standard forms, modules can be produced in larger numbers,
improving the economies of scale.
Construction will be carried out using a floating production
line without the use of dry docks or similar facilities.
Figure 13 illustrates a typical site layout including a
batching plant, rebar and precast modules construction yards, the
substructure assembly area, and the turbine assembly area.

6 Copyright © 2019 by ASME


The heave plate and the base sections are designed to be

built on a submersible pontoon in shallow waters. With the base
cast and afloat, precast modules are stacked along with the
flotation cylinder (Fig. 14a) and the corresponding tower
sections (Fig. 14b). Once the whole substructure is built, base
and water ballast are added, and the substructure can be towed to
a deeper assembly area (Fig. 14c). Finally, the nacelle and blades
will be assembled (Fig. 14d), and the complete system can be
tested at quayside to allow for troubleshooting before installation
Figure 16 presents the draught requirements from the
in deep waters.
assembly phase to the commissioning stage. It includes the
addition of the base ballast, the fitting of the nacelle, the rotor,
the blades and the transfer of the ballast water until the full
commissioning of the system with the tower erected and the
turbine ready to be tested.




ADDITION OF THE PRECAST MODULES AND TOWER This study presents the first iteration design of the DTI-F.
SECTIONS, C) SUBSTRUCTURE TOWED TO THE TURBINE The DTI-F system lays on the use of concrete for the floater as a
ASSEMBLY AREA, AND D) NACELLE, ROTOR AND BLADES measure to reduce the CAPEX since the price of concrete is two
orders of magnitudes lower than steel prices. The construction
method gathers prefabricated concrete modules with a floating
Figure 15 presents the depths required at each of the
production line resulting in an even greater reduction of CAPEX.
different construction stages. The DTI-F substructure requires
With a very low level of maintenance required, it is also a key
less than 10 m depth for the early stages of the building and from
factor to reduce OPEX.
10 to 25 m depth for the complete floater construction.

7 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

However, the most relevant factor regarding the reduction of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
OPEX is related to the installation and maintenance processes. This work is funded in part by Floating Wind Turbines
Installation and maintenance processes of the DTI-F system are Limited (FWT Ltd), and the Energy Technologies Institute
improved by the possibility of raising and lowering the tower and (ETI); Research Councils UK (RCUK); Energy Programme for
nacelle set multiple times. Other concepts like the Steyco [29] the Industrial Doctorate Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy
self-installing precast concrete telescopic tower and foundation (IDCORE) [grant number EP/J500847/1].
benefits of cost reductions during installation, but not during The aeroelastic model of the Levenmouth wind turbine is
maintenance as they are no able to lower tower and nacelle after based on the data kindly provided by Offshore Renewable
they are raised when installed. Energy (ORE) Catapult.
The natural periods of the floating system are removed from The testing data has been produced thanks to MaRINET2
the typical range of wave periods, and response amplitude support. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
operators, added mass, and radiation damping values are in the innovation programme under grant agreement number 731084.
range expected for a spar buoy.
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9 Copyright © 2019 by ASME

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