Butaud Static 2013-Author
Butaud Static 2013-Author
Butaud Static 2013-Author
Pauline Butaud1*, Anne Maynadier2, Nicolas Brault, Vincent Placet1, Morvan Ouisse1,
Emmanuel Foltête1, Cécile Rogueda-Berriet1
FEMTO-ST Applied Mechanics Department, Besançon, FRANCE
LaMCoS Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures, Lyon, FRANCE
Shape memory polymers encounter a growing interest over the past ten years particularly because their
eventual bio-compatibility leads to many bio-medical applications. They also present many benefits for
the design of micro-adaptive systems for deployment or controlled damping materials. Indeed, the SMPs
are polymeric smart materials which have the remarkable ability to recover their primary shape from a
temporary one when submitted to an external stimulus.
The present study deals with the synthesis and the thermo-mechanical characterization of a thermally-
actuated SMP. The polymer considered hereafter is a chemically cross-linked thermoset. It is synthesized
via photo polymerization (UV curing) of the monomer tert-butyl acrylate (tBA) with the crosslinking
agent poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and the photoinitiator 2,2-dimethoxy-2-
phenylacetophenone (DMPA).
A mechanical characterization has been performed using three kinds of tests: quasi-static tensile tests,
tensile dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and modal tests. The Young’s modulus and the Poisson ratio
are determined at ambient temperature using the first technique. The DMA is used to determine the
evolution of viscoelastic properties as a function of the temperature and the frequency under harmonic
loading. The modal analysis is employed to identify the viscoelastic properties of the material at higher
frequency. A comparison of the results obtained by these three experimental methods highlights their
Shape memory polymers (SMPs) belong to the class of smart materials. These materials have found
growing interest throughout the last few years. Indeed, in some aspects, SMPs are more efficient than the
well-known metallic shape memory alloy (SMA’s). SMPs particularly offer recoverable strain that can
reach 400% (to be compared to 8% for SMAs), light weight, easy manufacturing and cheapness compared
to SMA [1]. They can be used in a large variety of applications, e.g. actuators, electromechanical systems,
clothing manufacturing, morphing and deployable space applications, control of structures, self-healing,
biomedical devices and so on [2, 3]. The SMPs have the ability of changing their shape in response to an
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
external stimulus [4], most typically thermal activation. When the SMP is heated above the glass transition
temperature , it is soft and rubbery and it is easy to change its shape. If the SMP is subsequently cooled
below , it retains the given shape (shape fixing characteristic). When heated again above , the material
autonomously returns to its original permanent shape [5]. The shape-memory effect is in principle a
behavior inherent to all polymers. However, polymers that exhibit truly exploitable shape-memory effect
must demonstrate a sharp transition temperature and a rubbery plateau, along with relatively large strain
capacity without local material damage [6]. The memory effect of SMP is quite depending on the level of
external constraint. For example if the stiffness of the constraining material is equal to the stiffness of the
shape memory polymer in the rubbery state, the polymer will only recover half of its total strain [7].
The increasing use of SMP for quasi-static and dynamic applications, under various temperature ranges,
has made necessary the characterization of these materials over wide frequency bands [8]. Three kinds of
tests have been performed in this study. First, quasi-static tensile test are used at ambient temperature and
at a controlled loading rate permit to identify the Young’s modulus. Then, a dynamic mechanical analysis
(DMA) is used to determine the evolution of viscoelastic properties as a function of the temperature and
loading frequency. Finally, a modal analysis has been performed to reach higher loading frequencies. In
this last technique, a finite element model is employed to identify the viscoelastic properties of the
material from the dynamic measurements. The main purpose of this work is to check the validity of the
time-temperature equivalence [9] obtained from the DMA measurements, and more exactly to check the
capacity of DMA on a restricted frequency range and at various temperature levels to predict accurately
the viscoelastic properties on a wider frequency range. The predicted viscoelastic properties are compared
to the measurements collected using quasi-static and modal test. This is an important query considering
that measurement combining several experimental methods is particularly time-consuming.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
measuring range was 5-90°C. The measurements were performed during quasi-static tests and DMA to
visualize the possible overheating in the sample.
Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curve obtained from the quasi-static test. The apparent Young’s modulus
is approximately MPa, the ultimate stress (32 MPa) is reached at a strain of 1.8% and the elongation
at rupture is about %.
Stress [MPa]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Strain [%]
Figure 1. Stress – strain curves in tensile test at 1 mm/s, for
tBA/PEGDMA, at ambient temperature
Infrared thermography was used for visualization of the temperature field at the surface of the specimen
during this test. As shown in figure 2, the thermo-mechanical behavior of the tBA/PEGDMA in quasi-
static is quite similar to the classical polymer’s behavior: there is a cooling during the elastic phase, then a
warming during the viscoelastic phase. Heat release is localized first in the necking zone and then heat
propagates along the sample. Finally, rupture occurs with high heat release localized in a very sharp area
around the crack tip.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
-(tranverse strain) [%]
Figure 4 shows the high influence of temperature on the Young’s modulus. Its value is almost constant,
around 2060 MPa from -20°C to 40°C and also constant but 2500 times lower (0.8 MPa) above 60°C.
This abrupt change in the elastic modulus reveals a phase transition between 40°C and 60°C.
Young's modulus [MPa]
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature [°C]
Figure 4. Stress – strain curves in tensile test at several temperature
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
The temperature variation registered by infrared thermography was not significant during this kind of
tests; the variation level is lower than the noise level. The hypothesis of isothermal test is verified, there is
not self-heating of the sample under mechanical solicitation.
The results of the DMA tests are shown in Figure 5. The storage modulus decreases with the temperature
and increases with the frequency. On the contrary, the loss factor increases with the temperature and
decreases with the frequency. These trends are coherent with the classical behavior of a polymer without
measurements on the transition area. Moreover the values of ’ and tan at 1 Hz are consistent with the
results on the tBA/PEGDMA of Ortega et al. [13].
2000 -28°C
E' [MPa]
1000 -1 0 1
10 10 10
0.15 11°C
0.1 16°C
0 -1 0 1
10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5. E’ and tan delta according to the frequency and for several temperatures
Curves of E’ vs. frequency at one temperature can be shifted to overlap with adjacent curves (Figure 5).
The time-temperature superposition shift factors used for E’ must be the same for tan to get time-
temperature equivalence [14]. In our case, the shift factors are obtained through an optimization
procedure (classical least square method) and are equivalent for both E' and tan , therefore the time-
temperature equivalence is validated in a specified temperature and frequency ranges for the
tBA/PEGDMA. The master curves of the storage modulus and tan are given in Figure 6.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
E' [MPa]
1300 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 16°C
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0.2 20°C
0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
f.a [Hz]
Figure 6. Master curves of E’ and tan according to the reduced frequency with
a reference temperature of 20°C
Depending on the temperature, 11 to 13 modes are identified after the model-test correlation (Figure 7).
(b) 1
Finite element model
1 11
-1 0.6
10 15
10 0.4
-5 21
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0.2
Frequency [Hz]
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Figure 7. (a) FRF and (b) MAC Matrix for 22°C experimental data
Just as for DMA, the obtained Young's modulus and tan of the tBA/PEGDMA depend on the
temperature and the frequency as shown in Figure 8.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
1000 29°C
2 3 4
10 10 10
2 3 4
10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 8. E’ and tan according to the frequency and for several temperatures
As expected, the loss factor increases with the temperature and decreases with the frequency. Concerning
the storage modulus, it decreases as planned with the temperature but its variation with the frequency is
unusual, as it decreases too. This trend is not well understood yet, even if some hypotheses are considered.
For example, the Poisson’s ratio used in the finite element model was determined in quasi-static regime
whereas it could fluctuate with the frequency like the storage modulus. Other hypotheses like the isotropic
character of the material are currently under investigation.
This study intends to compare the master curves obtained with the DMA and the results collected by the
modal analysis and the quasi-static tests. Based on the time-temperature equivalence determined by DMA,
the storage modulus predicted by this equivalence should be equal with the quasi-static and modal
modulus, likewise for the loss factor. The DMA master curves and the results of quasi-static tests and
modal analysis in temperature beforehand translated thanks to the shift factor are plotted on a same
graphic (Figure 9). To define the frequency of the quasi-static test, the loading-unloading test period was
taken in account, thus the frequency of this test at low temperature is 0.02 Hz.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
E' [MPa]
Master curve DMA
0 -3 Modal tests
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 Quasi-static tests
10 10
0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
f.a [Hz]
The order of magnitude of E’ at low frequency is respected. The time-temperature equivalence data are
consistent with the quasi-static results. At high frequency, there is a gap of about 50 % between the
storage modulus prediction and the modal results. This is not observed for the loss factor, for which the
comparison is quite conclusive.
There are some options to explain this gap between the modal tests and the master curve. First of all, the
hypothesis of isothermal test could be unverified i.e. the sample could undergoes self-heating under
mechanical solicitation. This possibility was eliminated for DMA tests with infrared thermography but not
for the modal analysis. Secondly, as it was mentioned previously, the Poisson’s ratio could be not
correctly defined in the finite element model. Finally, the most important distinction between modal
analysis and the two others experimental methods is the kind of solicitations. Indeed, whether for quasi-
static or DMA, the test is in tensile on a beam sample, contrary to the modal analysis for which the test is
in bending on a plate and for smaller strain amplitude. It therefore appears necessary to study the behavior
of the tBA/PEGDMA in tensile and compression, and check whether a distinction. Lastly, a post-treatment
is required for the modal data thanks to a finite element model, contrary to DMA and quasi-static data
which are used unaltered.
The objective of this study was to highlight the time-temperature equivalence by comparing three
experimental methods allowing the identification of the storage modulus over frequency and temperature.
This equivalence has been checked on a sample tested with the DMA. Quasi-static tests and modal
analysis have been carried out to explore a wider frequency band. Even though the results are rather
consistent, the time-temperature equivalence is not yet established. Further investigations are needed to
clarify the tBA/PEGDMA behavior. The correlation between quasi-static, DMA and modal analysis
remains to be carried out.
ICAST2013: 24th International Conference on
Adaptive Structures and Technologies
October 7-9, 2013, Aruba
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