Background of The Study

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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

In today’s modern period, globalization changed the lives of the people. Through the help
of technologies, communication is much faster and easier than before. Because of the rapid
advancement of technology, devices like computer, tablets and mobile phones were created.
Mobile phone is popular since the late 1990s (Meek, 2006). The said device were commonly
popular especially to young people and educational institutions. Mobile phones become a
necessity to mankind because of its various functions.
Smartphones have its advantages and disadvantages. It depends upon the user on how he
or she will use it. Devices like smartphones are invented to lighten up the works of an individual.
On top of that, students are able to use smartphones for many purposes by their own way.
For an instance, they may use it to access some information in addition for their studying, to
communicate with their friends or to just simply entertain themselves.
In addition to that, it is mostly the reason for some millennials to be in favor or in risk
particularly in the field of education. Having said that, this study focuses if smartphones affects
the academic performance of Grade 11 students in La Consolacion University Philippines.

Statement of the Problem

This study was made in order to measure the effects of smartphones on the Academic
Performance of Grade 11 students of La Consolacion University. For the researchers to know
this, this study aims to answer the following questions:
1. How often does a student use their phones in a day?
2. Do they use their phones as a medium of learning?
3. How big of a distraction can a smartphone be for a student?
4. Do smartphones always make a negative effect for students in terms of academic

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the use of smartphones to the academic
performance of the students.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the use of smartphones to the academic
performance of the students.

Significance of the Study

This study is beneficial to the following:
Students. They will be able to know how smartphones can affect their academic
performance whether is it positive or negative based on how long they use their mobile phones.
Teachers. They will understand their students' probable routine with their smartphones to
further comprehend how they can formulate a more accurate learning technique for them?
Parents. They will determine that smartphones can affect the academic performance of
their children.
Future Researchers. They could improve this study in order to become more relevant
and credible. They could also base their own study to this research.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to determine the effects of smartphone usage to the
academic performance of grade 11 students in La Consolacion University Philippines.
The other objectives of the study:
1. To determine whether smartphones affect the academic performance of the grade 11
students positively or negatively.
2. To explore how long students in La Consolacion University Philippines spent their
time using their mobile phones.
3. To determine whether smartphones affect the study habits of the students.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted in February 27, 2017 up to March 5, 2017 in La Consolacion
University Philippines.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the effects of smartphones to the academic performance of grade
11 students in La Consolacion University Philippines. The respondents were selected among the
Senior High School Department. The total number of respondents are one hundred (100) grade
11 students.
This study aims to determine how smartphones affects the academic performance of
grade 11 students in La Consolacion University Philippines. Also, the researchers wanted to
know if smartphones have connection to the academic performance of the students. Because the
time of the researchers is very limited it may affect to the scope of the study.

Definition of Terms

Globalization- the development of an increasingly integrated global economy.

Smartphone- a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer. An operating

system capable of running downloaded applications.

Millennials- those people who are born in modern generation.

Akin- similar; alike

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter comprises the findings of other correlated studies. Articles, literature and
studies that were included in this part helps to support and explain information that is relevant
and align to this research.

A new study examined by the researchers from Kent university noting that, "high frequency
cell phone users tended to have a lower GPA [academic scores], higher anxiety, and lower
satisfaction with life relative to their peers who used the cell phone less often.” Mr. Barkley, one
of the researchers, said that cellphones have the possibility in resulting poor academic
performances. The study found that the relationship between smartphones use and academic
performances led to multi-tasking, a habit that has been linked to lower grades in school. It also
found that an average user would check just six minutes on their phone after initiating a study
session and that social networks made them "tied to their phone".

An article posted in a site called "worth of read" mentioned the advantages and disadvantages
of mobile phones for a student. The article said that there is a 50-50 chance for a parent and a
student to get the negative or positive effect when buying mobile phones. It mentioned that
having a mobile phone can help students in terms of academic and safety purposes. As many
knows today, a mobile phone can be of great use in gathering information that may help a
student in doing well in school. But on contrary to this, possessing a mobile phone can also be a
great distraction for students.
This is because there are many applications like games and social media sites that can tempt
the students into not studying and just using their phone all day. It can also cause them lack of
sleep due to excessive phone usage that can hugely affect their performance at school. But as the
author of the article said, it always depends on the student who owns the phone if he will use it
as an advantage for learning or not.

A staff writer named, Shusuke Murai (2015) stated that excessive use of mobile phone causes
students to lose their concentration in school due to lack of sleep. The allocated time for studying
is reduced because of extreme usage of smartphones. The research was conducted last November

2015 with a total of 23, 139 participants. The study reveals that 53.5 percent of junior high
students use mobile phones more than four hours that results to sleep deprivation.

According to Emi Boscamp (2015), a new study by the London School of Economics
prohibited the students to bring their phones and it results to improvement of the student’s test
scores. The said study involved 130,000 students in different school in England since year 2001.
The researchers discovered that prohibiting students in bringing their phones increased the rate
of their test scores by 6.4%

According to M. J. Stollak students who have smart phones were more likely to both
access social media tools and spend time engaging with others. From an educational standpoint,
this means there may very well be a “digital divide” between those who are making connections
with others, and those who might be left behind. Similarly, professors may have to be wary of
assigning projects involving social media to students as some may have an advantage in
completing the work than others.

Robert Earl, a researcher that conducted and discussed if the use of cellphones by students
during their classes could be an advantage or disadvantage, how schools allow cellphones for
safety reasons and if how cellphones can be useful to high school and college students. With his
statistics that served as his proof or evidence, he emphasized and still believes that cellphones do
not belong in the classroom, stating “However none of these supposed advantages can overcome
one very basic disadvantage. Cellphones distract students from schoolwork and class activities.”
Robert also provided information about how student’s IQ will decrease by 10 points due to
students being distracted by their cellphones from their studies.

Chapter 3


Research Design

The study used the Descriptive-Quantitative research design. The researchers assumed
that this type of research design will be best in analyzing and measuring the effects of
smartphones to the academic performance of grade 11 students in La Consolacion University

Research Environment and Respondents

The gathering of data took place in the University and focused on Grade 11 students of
La Consolacion University Philippines’ main campus. 100 respondents were picked from the
population based on the convenience of the researchers. The respondents are from Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand, Technical Vocation (TechVoc)
strand, and Arts and Design Strand.

The respondent must be enrolled in La Consolacion University and must have knowledge
about smartphones and its purposes. They were picked using the convenience sampling
technique. Each respondent was given 5 minutes to answer the survey form given by the
researchers. Confidentiality was maintained in gathering the data.

Tools for Data Gathering

The main data gathering tool used in this study is the questionnaire given to the
respondents. The researchers used the Likert scale in making the survey questionnaires for
efficient and clear data gathering. The questionnaire was approved by the researchers’ research
teacher and the Principal of the Basic Education Department of La Consolacion University

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers followed the following procedures in conducting the research: (1)
Formulating the survey questionnaires, (2) getting permission from the Principal of the Basic
Education Department of La Consolacion University Philippines for conducting the survey, (3)

distributing the survey questionnaires to willing respondents, (4) collecting the answered

Data Analysis

To determine the effects of smartphones to the academic performance of Grade 11 students

in La Consolacion University Philippines, the following descriptive statistics were used:

a. Weighted Mean
To compute for the weighted mean, the formula is:
__ ∑fx
X = weighted mean of the response
f = frequency of responses
x = weight of the criteria
N= total number of respondents
b. Frequency was obtained by summation of the total number of responses in each item.

c. Percentage (%) was computed by dividing the frequency (f) score of each choice by the
total number of respondents (N) and multiplied by 100.

n ∑ xy −∑ x ∙ ∑ y
n= number of respondents
x= sum of the first variable
y= sum of the second variable
∑ ¿ summation of all variables

With these statistical tools, the general weighted mean of responses and the strength of
the relation between the two variables to the topic under study was obtained and was
compared to the range below:

Arbitrary Value Scale of Ranges Interpretation

1 1.00-1.99 Never
2 2.00-2.99 Seldom
3 3.00-3.99 Sometimes
4 4.00-4.99 Often
5 4.99-5.00 Always

Pearson R Qualitative Description

±1 Perfect
± 0.75 ¿<±1 Very High
± 0.5 ¿<0.75 Moderately High
± 0.25 ¿<± 0.5 Moderately low
¿ 0 ± ¿<± 0.25 Very low
0 No connection

Statistical Treatment

After managing the surveys, an interpretation of all the findings was observed by using a
Likert scale and getting the mean and mode of it. Pearson R were also used in which an
interpretation scale was made clear that served as their guide through the help of their teacher,
Mr. Ipapo.

Research Instrument

This study was conducted through the use of survey prepared by the researchers and was
advised by their teacher, Ms. Pearl Gabriel in order for their data to be clear and concise that will
obtain the respondent's experience and demeanor. The researchers also used an approval letter
that served as their guide in conducting their survey legally.

Chapter 4


1. Do you own a smartphone or tablet?

Chart 1


Chart 1 presents that 96% of the respondents own a smartphone or tablet while the
remaining 4% do not have on their own.

2. How often do you use your smartphones and tablets during weekdays?

Chart 2
More Hours
than 8 6% 2-4
Hours 16%
6-8 4-6
Hours Hours
27% 27%

Chart 2 shows that

6% of the respondents use their smartphone 0-2 hours, 16% spent 2-4 hours and 27%
spent 4-6 hours on their smartphones. In the other hand, 27% use their phones 6-8 hours
and lastly the remaining 24% of the respondents use their phones more than eight hours.

3. How often do you use your smartphones and tablets during weekends?

Chart 3
Hours 2-4
4% Hours
49% Hours


Chart 3 presents that 49% of the respondents use their smartphones more than eight hours
during weekend, 20% spent 6-8 hours same as the percentage of the respondents who use their
phones 4-6 hours, 7% use it 2-4 hours and the remaining 4% use their phones 0-2 hours.

4. Do you bring cell phone in school?

Chart 4


Chart 4 shows that among of the respondents 94% bring their phones in school and the
remaining 4% do not bring it at all.

5. How often do you use cell phone during class that disturbs you from learning?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5- Always 1 5

4- Often 24 96

3- Sometimes 31 93

2- Seldom 25 50

1-Never 19 19

Table. 1

In table no. 1 shows the frequency of the respondents who use phone during their class that
disturbs them from learning. The computed mean for question number 5 is 2.63.

6. Do you use your phone during exam week?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5- Always 17 85

4- Often 25 100

3- Sometimes 28 84

2- Seldom 14 28

1-Never 16 16

Table 2

Table 2 presents the data about how many respondents use their phone during exam
week. The measured mean is 3.16.

7. Do you prefer using phone than to study?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Always 5 25

4-Often 18 72

3- Sometimes 42 126

2-Seldom 19 38

1-Never 16 1

Table 3

Table 3 shows the result for item no.7 and the computed mean is 3.01

8. I notice that using phone on exam week results to cramming.

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Strongly Agree 16 80

4- Agree 53 212

3- Neither Agree or Disagree 23 69

2-Disagree 8 16

1-Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table 4

Table 4 shows the result for item no. 8 and the computed mean is 3.77

9. How often do you use your smartphone as a medium of learning (reviewer etc.)?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Always 24 120

4-Often 31 124

3- Sometimes 39 117

2-Seldom 5 10

1-Never 1 1

Table 5

Table 5 shows the result about how often respondents use their smartphone as a medium
of learning. The computed mean is 3.72

10. How often do you use your phone for accessing social media sites, games etc.?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Always 61 305

4-Often 17 68

3-Sometimes 20 60

2- Seldom 0 0

1-Never 2 2

Table 6

Table 6 reveals the data result for item no.10 and the measured mean is 4.35

11. Smartphone helps to improve my learning abilities.

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Strongly Agree 8 40

4- Agree 36 144

3- Neither Agree or Disagree 53 159

2-Disgaree 2 2

1-Strongly Disagree 1 1

Table 7

Table 6 presents the data for no.11 and the computed mean is 3.46

12. Smartphone is accountable for my low academic performance.

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Strongly Agree 2 10

4- Agree 16 64

3-Neither Agree or Disagree 56 168

2-Disagree 25 50

1-Agree 1 1

Table 8

Table 7, shows the result for item no.12 and the measured mean is 2.93

13. Because of too much usage of smartphones, it reduces my time to study?

Arbitrary Value Frequency f∙x

5-Strongly Agree 13 65

4-Agree 44 176

3-Neither Agree or Disagree 22 66

2-Disagree 20 40

1-Agree 1 1

Table 9

In table 9 it shows the outcome of all the answers of the respondents for item no.13 and
the computed mean is 3.48 the computed mean for item 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 shows that
smartphones truly affects the academic performance of grade 11 students in La Consolacion
University Philippines since the measured mean exceeded to the scale given by the researchers.

Responden X Y X2 Y2 XY
t no.
1 28 12 784 144 336
2 24 13 576 169 312
3 25 16 625 256 400
4 19 14 361 196 266
5 22 10 484 100 220
6 20 14 400 196 280
7 21 11 441 121 231
8 20 12 400 144 240
9 28 12 784 144 336
10 23 11 529 121 253
11 21 13 441 169 273
12 27 14 729 196 378
13 27 15 729 225 405
14 11 15 121 225 165
15 29 10 841 100 290
16 23 11 529 121 253
17 11 15 121 225 165

18 31 12 961 144 372
19 32 14 1024 196 448
20 28 14 784 196 392
21 28 13 784 169 364
22 28 12 784 144 336
23 22 16 484 256 352
24 31 13 961 169 403
25 29 11 841 121 319
26 22 9 484 81 198
27 22 10 484 100 220
28 17 13 289 169 221
29 19 14 361 196 266
30 26 14 676 196 364
31 32 14 1024 196 448
32 23 17 529 289 391
33 27 12 729 144 324
34 33 14 1089 196 462
35 23 12 529 144 276
36 24 12 576 144 288
37 29 13 841 169 377
38 33 12 1089 144 396
39 30 16 900 256 480
40 18 12 324 144 216
41 19 12 361 144 228
42 19 11 361 121 209
43 22 9 484 81 198
44 26 12 676 144 312
45 21 12 441 144 252
46 25 16 625 256 400
47 22 11 484 121 242
48 23 14 529 196 322
49 24 10 576 100 240
50 26 14 676 196 364
51 24 10 576 100 240
52 23 13 529 169 299
53 24 12 576 144 288
54 31 17 961 289 527
55 22 12 484 144 264
56 21 11 441 121 231
57 19 12 361 144 228
58 25 16 625 256 400
59 21 14 441 196 294

60 20 14 400 196 280
61 20 11 400 121 220
62 22 13 484 169 286
63 13 14 169 196 182
64 18 12 324 144 216
65 28 15 784 225 420
66 25 13 625 169 325
67 24 15 576 225 360
68 20 8 400 64 160
69 26 15 676 225 390
70 29 15 841 225 435
71 24 16 576 256 384
72 27 22 729 484 594
73 30 12 900 144 360
74 16 13 256 169 208
75 22 10 484 100 220
76 27 13 729 169 351
77 21 13 441 169 273
78 25 13 625 169 325
79 28 12 784 144 336
80 28 12 784 144 336
81 26 12 676 144 312
82 33 14 1089 196 462
83 24 8 576 64 192
84 17 14 289 196 238
85 30 14 900 196 420
86 23 18 529 324 414
87 23 14 529 196 322
88 26 14 676 196 364
89 25 11 625 121 275
90 28 13 784 169 364
91 28 13 784 169 364
92 20 11 400 121 220
93 25 10 625 100 250
94 22 11 484 121 242
95 30 11 900 121 330
96 29 13 841 169 377
97 27 14 729 196 378
98 27 13 729 169 351
99 26 12 676 144 312
100 29 14 841 196 406
TOTAL: 2434 1290 61318 17096 31508

Table 10

In table 10, the variable x shows the degree of smartphone usage of the students while
variable y shows how smartphones can affect their study habits and learning abilities. The
researchers computed the values above in order to measure Pearson r and to articulate the scatter

X and Y-Values


5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Table 11

Table 11 shows that the time a student spent using their smartphones and their academic
performance have a moderate positive relation.

Solution in solving the Pearson r:

n ∑ xy −∑ x ∙ ∑ y
( 100 ) ( 31508 )−(2434)(1290)
√[ (100 )( 61318 ) −(2434)2 ]¿ ¿ ¿
√( 6131800−5924356 ) (1709600−1664100)
√ 9438702000

= 0.11260591

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions, Recommendation.


After the researchers have analyzed and computed all the collected data, the researchers
have come up with the following conclusions:

a. The time a student spent using their smartphones still affects their academic performance.
b. Although it still affects their academic performance, its effect is very low.
c. Almost half of the number of the respondents is not sure about how too much usage of
smartphones can affect their academic performance.
d. Smartphones still have a positive effect on the learning process of the students, contrary
to common mentality that it has only negative effects on their studies.
e. Albeit smartphones helps the students in their studies, half of the number of respondents
agreed that too much usage of their smartphones reduces their time to study, thus results
to cramming especially during examinations.
f. Despite the fact that smartphones sometimes distracts most of the students from studying,
most of them can still manage their academic performance.

This study is recommended to all students, the school and the authority for them to be
aware how smartphones affects the students’ academic performance in a positive or negative
way. It is also recommended to future researchers who will conduct the same study to gather
more information and a bigger value of respondents that will give more relevance and
conciseness to the data that will be analyzed to support the study. On top of that, this study is
recommended to the parents for them to know that just by using smartphones can result to
neither low or high academic performance to their child/children that is/are studying.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones For Students- Worth Of Read. Retrieved from

Boscamp, E. (2015). How Smartphones Affect your Kids’ Academic Performance. Retrieved

Earl, Robert. “Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom?” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media
Company, 18 May 2012. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.

Getting social: The impact of social networking usage on grades among college students in
Proceedings from ASBBS annual conference, 2011, pp. 859-865.

Murai, S. (2015). Overuse of mobile gadgets hampers students’ ability to study, sleep. Retrieved

Vincent, J. (2013). New study links smartphone use in students with increased anxiety and bad
Grades. Retrieved from


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