The Effects of Gadget To Academics Perfo

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The Effects of Gadget to

Academics performance of
Selected Grade 10 Students of
Quezon National High school
Ediline Joy Padernal
Quezon National High School
February 29 2016
The term technology comes from the Greek word “techne”, which means the art or skill used
in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal,
handle an applied input/ output relation or perform a specific function; technology is the
making, modification, usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques and method of
organisation (Liddel, Scott, Jones & McKenzie, 1940). That means, it can refer to the collection
of tools, including machinery, modification, arrangements and procedures. Over the last 200
years there has been a significant change in the term technology. In the 20th century i.e.
during the industrial revolution the term has gained its popularity worldwide (Cradock &
Baldwin, 1833). Technology is the energy that acts as the driving force to drive or to run our
lives. It is nothing but the results of the innovations and creativity of human beings. It converts
the natural resources into consumer goods which are used by the society and human beings. It
has brought the automation level into such a height that human effort and his time has been
saved to a great extent. Due to this, the access to information has now become easier and the
distant locations are getting closer. IT and communication system has provided such facilities
that the world is now feeling like a small globe virtually. However not all technology has been
used for peaceful purposes. The development of weapons of mass destruction has created
serious threat to society throughout history.

Many devices have become popular across generations, with a majority now owning cell
phones, laptops and desktop computers. Younger adults are leading the way in increased
mobility, preferring laptops to desktops and using their cell phones for a variety of functions,
including internet, email, music, games, and video.

It is said that electronics gadgets modifies the world. It is now the most acquired by many. This
will show the true power of electronically gadgets. Excessive use of mobile phones causes
students to fare poorly in elementary, junior high and high school, not only because it makes
them lose their concentration due to a lack of sleep, but also because it apparently
compromises what they have studied, researchers say.

“Electronic gadgets are the instruments which can perform many activities at a
time with vast speed & makes the hard work efficient one.” Some of them are in following
figure, there are many ‘Electronic gadgets’, which we are using in day days life such as
computer, T.V., mobile, I-pod, pen drive, etc. available easily. These instruments helps us by
making easy paper work, entertaining, for communication etc. But not to limit only this, these
instruments are proved useful in almost every industry. Electronic gadgets operate many
machines, ships, aero planes, and industrial activities. Also they are used to identify
conditions for the performance of any works. (Agrawal, S.(n.d.). The Influence of Electronic
Gadgets in Student Life. Retrieved from

: The Effects of Gadget to Academics performance of

Selected Grade 10 Student Quezon National High school

Students who spend several hours each day staring into mobile phones or smartphones tend
to change their sleeping habits and stay up late to use the devices, education ministry research
published Thursday showed.

According to Cynthia Roberson (n.d.), teaching and learning nowadays is really difficult for
both teachers and students. Teachers expect more to their students and students also expects
more to learn from their teachers, but with gadgets or electronic devices in the system of
education, it is not that difficult anymore for both teachers and students, and with the help of
this, it satisfies the growing list of technology standards and mostly prepare students for the
life beyond K-12 classroom.

Negative Impacts of Gadget to Student

Health Problems
The technology is causing many health issues in children. The surveys conducted from
time to time tell that due to increasing use of gadgets, children are suffering from the
health problems like back pain, weak eyesight etc. Due to less physical activities, the
fatness is common to see in today’s children.

Social Relationship
Technological gadgets have posed a bad impact on social relationships. Children are
addicted to gadgets. They don’t have time to sit with their parents and to spend some
good time with them. They prefer to connect with their friends and relatives via text
messaging, chatting etc., rather than meeting them actually. Means, they are
connected with others in the virtual world, but not in the real world.

Poor Academic Performance

Technology has been found to have its negative impact on academic performance on
most of children. There are many technological gadgets to which children are addicted.
They waste their valuable time on these silly gadgets without worrying about the
studies. This is resulting in their poor academic performance.

Negative Impact on Character

This is one of the biggest problems created by growing technology. Children are future
of our country, our world. The sad thing is that due to increasing technology, children
have been found going away from their moral values. Internet is working as curse for
children’s character. Rather than using Internet in productive manner, children use it as
source of adult content.

Negative Impact on Writing Skills

Writing is an art which every person must own. Technology has its negative effect on
writing skills of children. Standard English is not used in the text messaging, chatting.
While writing text messages, no one cares about the spelling, punctuation and
grammar. This is resulting in poor writing skills of children.

According to the Researcher In the year where electronic gadgets are not yet invented
like computers, students are not yet engage in activities using technologies. Students
rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and review their school
lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets
students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their
studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their education.

The concept mental health comes from the corresponding concept of mental hygiene. The
term “mental hygiene” had been suggested to Clifford Beers by Adolf Meyer (Howels, 1975)
and gained the popularity by the creation of the National Commission of Mental Hygiene in
1919. Latter the International Committee on Mental Hygiene was created and after that
superseded by the World Federation of Mental Health. Mental health is not just the absence
of mental illness. It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or
her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make contribution to his or her community (WHO, 1950). Mental
health is about how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about others, and how we are able
to meet the demands of life. Mental illness refers to kind of general mental health problems
we can experience in certain stressful circumstances. For example work pressure can cause us
to have poor concentration, mood swings and sleep disturbance. Such problems being
temporary in nature are relative to the demands of a particular situation makes on us and
generally respond to support and reassurance. Though almost everybody suffers from mental
health problem at times, such temporary problems do not lead to mental illness. However
being mentally unhealthy affects our potential as human beings and may lead to more serious
problems. Mental illness can be defined as the experiencing of severe and distressing
psychological symptoms to the extent that normal functioning is seriously hampered.
Examples of such symptoms include anxiety, depressed mood, obsessive thinking, delusions
and hallucinations etc. The recovery always needs some professional help. These helps may be

counselling or psychotherapy, drug treatment or lifestyle changes etc (Kitchener, Jorm & Kelly,
2002). The consequences of addiction i.e. addiction to technology is the effect of it upon
health, particularly on mental health.

Mobile/cell phone

Mobile phone or cell phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio
link while moving around a wide geographical area. Besides telephony it can also provide a
variety of other services like text messaging, playing music, e-mail, internet access, infrared,
Bluetooth, business applications, gaming and photography etc. It was first introduced in 1973
and in 1983 the first mobile phone was commercially available (Heeks, 2008). From 1990 to
2011, the number of world-wide mobile phone users grew from 12.4 million to over 6 billion,
covering about 87% of the global population (Saylor, 2012).


Computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a finite set of
erythematic and logical operations. Computer can solve more than one kind of problem at a
particular time as a sequence of operations can be readily changed. A laptop is a type of
computer that can be folded and easily carried out due to its’ small size and battery support
for energy, required to run it. The first laptop was invented in 1979 by British Designer Bill
Magritte. For the laptop producers the year 1989 was quite successful. Now the laptops are
generally used for making programs, storing data, entertainment (music, videos), accessing net
etc. Currently the number of computer users in the world is 900 million to 1 billion i.e. around
80% of the world population are using or having computers (Woyke, 2012).

Smart Phone

A smartphone, or smart phone, is a type of mobile phone built on a mobile operating system
with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. In early
2013 worldwide sales of smart phones exceeded those of feature phones. As of July 18, 2013,
6 90 percent of global handset sales are attributed to the purchase of I-Phone and Android
smart phones (The Gurdian, 22 Dec, 2013).

Services: Internet

The internet is a huge network that links computers together all over the world using a range
of wires and wireless technologies. The World Wide Web is the collection of linked pages
those are accessed using the internet and a web browser. The purposes of using internet are
online shopping, social networking, games, news, travel information, business, advertising and

much more. One of the best common ways of finding information on the web is through the
search engines like Google, Bing. Currently the most popular search engine is Google which is
receiving hundreds of millions of search queries in a day. In the years 2005, 2010, 2013 the
percentage of the world population using internet is 16%, 30% & 39% respectively. In the
developing world it is 8%, 21% & 31% and in the developed world it is 51%, 67% & 77% (ITU,

A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among
people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.
Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, pictures, posts, activities, events, and
interests with people in their network (Boyd & Nicole, 2008). Some of the popular social
networking sites used currently is such as Face book, Google+, Orkut, Twitter etc. Face book
was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004 (Carlson, 2010). As of September 2012,
Face book has over one billion active users, of which 8.7% are fakes. May 2011 Consumer
Reports survey reveals that, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts and 5
million under 10, violating the site's terms of service (Thompson, 2012). Twitter was created in
March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and by July, the social networking site was launched. The service
rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 500 million 7 registered users as of 2012. It is
generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day.
Twitter has become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet after its launch
(, march21, 2012).

Positive Effect

In fact the use of the tech-gadgets and services by the present generation has a positive
impact on IT markets and therefore it is beneficial for the economy. Tech-devices and gaming
may have positive effects on investigating skills, strategic thinking and creativity potential of
the individuals. These tech devices and services are better sources for learning for the youth
and these are the sources of fun and entertainment which help them distract from daily
stresses of life. The digital behaviour of the youth makes them sit at one place for a long
period of time and the eye, hand and mental coordination is maintained during that period. To
cross the levels step by step in the games may improve the engineering skills among the youth
and it may also help in building up good attitudes of moving ahead in life in spite of any
obstacles. Following studies support the positive effects of the tech-gadgets and services.
Internet continues to grow beyond our belief. About 32.7% of the world’s population has
access to the social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, Linked-In, YouTube, Flicker, blogs,
wikis, and many more which let people of all ages rapidly share their interests of the moment
with others everywhere. So the interconnectedness throughout the world is growing rapidly
due to internet use (Tsitsika & Janikian, 2013). 9 When students use laptops and other tech-
devices by the instructor’s advice they are connected to course learning objectives. The

classroom learning and engagement of the young students can be impacted positively by the
use of these digital devices (Samson, 2010). Individuals who are engaged in high level of
technical activities through the digital devices are better in performing cognitive tasks. The
effective use of the gadgets may have positive impacts on cognitive thinking and also makes
them master multitasking (Ophir, Nass & Wagner, 2009). In the medical set up the use of
digital devices may help to a great extent. Easy storage, searching and sharing of patient
information through the computers and accessibility of knowledge regarding recent health
related inventions through internet, have made the work of the medicos easier (Sellen &
Harper, 2002).

Negative Effect

Although the use of tech-gadgets and services has many positive impacts, they are short lived.
In long run it has negative impacts on the individuals. The digital activities make the youth
strong in technical skills but make them weak in real life practical skills. It takes the young
mass away from the reality helping them to live in their imaginary world. Due to the time
spent on the devices the youth are refrained from some outdoor activities with friends and
family. The indulgence in violent games may create more violence in their mind. The more
they use the gadgets, the more they are crazy about it which may distract them from study.
During the time of playing games when they can’t achieve the set target, it may raise their
anxious level higher. After all addiction to the devices may develop unhealthy lifestyle, poor
time management and poor eating habits among the youth. Following studies highlight some
of the negative effects of the tech-devices and services. 10 It would have been a lot better if
the drawbacks or the negative impacts of the use of the digital services would have been
known before some years. As the use of the digital services has negative impacts students
should minimise the use of these tools and should aware about its use (Walsh, 2012). The
voracious use of tech services has negative impacts on the youth. Due to these effects youth
want to do things faster, easier and cheaply. Everybody wants to do things according to their
own schedule and pace, failing in which they become anxious. Face to face communication is
avoided by the young mass, which is not good for the society (Erickson, 2012). Generation-Y
i.e. the present generation is psychologically addicted to the social Medias like face book,
Twitter, Linked In etc. The addiction causes intra-psychic conflicts such as intolerance and
relapse among the youth (Cabral, 2011). Internet gaming and shopping is causing depressive
symptoms among the college students. Implementation of programmes is needed to detect
and decrease these activities among them (Cotton, 2001). The addictive internet use has
negative impacts on mental health. There is a positive relationship between Internet addiction
and psychiatric disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
attention deficit disorder, etc. So the addictive internet use should need clinical help (Young,
1998). Excessive internet use not only generates disorders but it can sometimes be distressing
and disabling (Shapira et al., 2003). Technological addiction is growing day by day in the

countries like Italy, Pakistan, Czech Republic. Indian youths are no less than them in
technological addiction. Online games have caused serious health problems in China (BBC, 11
2007), Korea (Hur, 2006) and Taiwan (Lee, 2007). About 10% of China’s more than 30 million
internet gamers are said to be addicted (Ko, Yen, Yen, Lin & Yang, 2007). Excessive technology
use may affect academic performance, relationships, as well as overall development among
youth. Such baffling technology use has been identified as technology addiction and has many
negative impacts on health and social behaviour (Young, 2004).

Gadgets Has both positive and negative impact

Some studies focus on both the positive and negative consequences of use of the tech-devices
and services and provide a balanced approach regarding the use of the same. Technology is an
integral part of our everyday life as people are dependent on it from all over the world for
communication, organization and employment etc. One cannot stay away from technology
even for a day. Not even a single day goes without a cell phone in hand or without laptop and
net surfing. Although technology being at its best there are basic problems that follow us
everywhere and generally it has drawbacks in the areas of health, public safety and education
(Saez, 2010). Students should be encouraged to develop in a technological world. The
necessity of social networking, computer games or digital habits of them should be
understood by the elders. But simultaneously the consequences of those habits should also be
studied. It is better to study the relationship between technology, child development and the
popular culture. Parents should facilitate a healthy and balanced relationship between
technology and their children helping them to use the social media effectively (Mitchel, 2012).
The studies in the field of internet addiction are conducted by expertise of multiple fields like
academicians and health professionals, etc. The impacts of the same should be investigated
and the problems related to internet addiction should be addressed. By doing the 12 above we
can overcome the negative impacts of internet technology and can use it for development
rather overtaken by it (Chou, Condron & Belland, 2005). As human beings are regularly trying
to reinvent themselves and adopting new and improved ways of lifestyle, this phenomenon
has increased the use of technological gadgets and services up to the extreme. The use of
these tech products has a positive impact on the mass market consumption. Side by side the
never-ending conflict of pop culture is advancing through these activities of the individuals
(Watkins, 2003). Technology is a double edged sword. From the above reviews, it is clear that
the youth of today are the principal consumers of technology. This mixed set of research
findings led to think how the youth is using the technology to bring about positive changes in
their lives and avoids the negative consequences of using technology excessively. Based on the
review of literature, the statement of the problem has been formulated.

There are a number of research work related to this study area conducted basically in western
countries and the countries having a developed society. The availability and facility of the tech-
gadgets and services are large in those countries. Comparatively fewer studies are being
conducted in the developing countries like India and those fewer studies are even conducted
in the metro cities. The studies conducted generally focus on the timing and impact of the
tech-addiction but less focus on the purpose behind it. The youth section of the society is
comparatively neglected in the studies.

The respondents using the gadgets for a long period of time have negative impacts on their
health. Most of the respondents using ear phones for more than 6 hours have hearing
problems compared to the others. The respondents are busy with their gadgets for more than
6 hours are having several problems like problems in logical thinking, headaches, depression,
anxiety, etc. The respondents of the same category also have problems in sleeping, worry
excessively, are afraid of public speaking and have low consciousness. But these problems are
seen less in the respondents using the gadgets below 6 hours. The problems faced decreases
with the decrease in time spent with the gadgets. The present study agrees with earlier studies
confirming over use of the tech-devices and services leads to addiction to the gadgets and has
impacts on mental health of the respondents (Cabral, 2011, Cotton, 2001, Young, 1998). Again,
the study shows that addiction to tech-gadgets has impacts on the life style of the
respondents. The respondents using the gadgets for more time are observed to do less 37
physical work as compare to others. These respondents of this category often spend less time
with their friends and the frequency of visiting their home is low. They prefer indirect
communication i.e. through social media than direct interaction with others. The current study
draws support from Erickson’s (2012) study. In this era of technology, the dependency of the
present generation on the tech- devices and the services provided by them is in the peak
position, and they can’t be refrained from their use completely. It will be an impracticable idea
to think so. As we know it takes a lot of time to make a habit and even take more time to get
rid of it. Whatever positive available in the world, we must practise that. This is also true in
case of using the technological gadgets. Their use should be need driven rather than luxury
driven and they should not compromise with other necessary activities of daily living. In other
word, a limit in the use of e verything is desired. The individual who knows this limit remains
happier in the long run. So the issue of this technological addiction among the youth should be
addressed as youth is the foundation of any society to grow or develop. It can’t be told about
the western countries. They are the developed ones and more dependent on the technology.
So it will be too difficult for them to reverse back. Still they should consider about this

addictive behaviours towards technology. But, it is serious concern for the developing country
like India and its youth. They are in a stage of adoption of the new technology and therefore
they can control and regulate the use of the technology in a constructive way. The unlimited
use of the technology is leading us directly or indirectly to become more self-centred which is
a threat to our cultural belief of togetherness and the values of sharing and caring. As Ayn
Rand has truly said, “One can avoid the reality but one can’t avoid the consequences of
avoiding the reality.” So, the youth of the present generation should be aware about the hard
facts of doing or practising anything extremely.

There are a number of research work related to this study area conducted basically in western
countries and the countries having a developed society. The studies are based upon the
western/ modern culture and the availability and facility of the tech-gadgets and services are
large in those country. Comparatively fewer studies are being conducted in the developing
countries like India related to this area of study and those fewer studies are even conducted in
the metro cities. This study is conducted in NIT campus which comes under a developing city
called Rourkela. This study will be an additional knowledge in the respective field of research
for the upcoming researcher. It will provide important information regarding the students to
the educational institutes like NIT, Rourkela and will help them in formulating their policies
regarding the controlled use of tech-gadgets of the students. It may also help students to
understand the impacts of the addiction to the tech-gadgets and services and make them
aware about the control of the use of the devices.


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