Digital Publishing Toolkit - The Blog Posts (PDFDrive)
Digital Publishing Toolkit - The Blog Posts (PDFDrive)
Digital Publishing Toolkit - The Blog Posts (PDFDrive)
Digital publications are on the rise. In our daily lives we read more
material than ever on electronic devices, while paper books – once
everyday objects – are becoming collectible design objects. For
publishers, visual designers and artists it can be difficult to keep up with
these developments; few possess the knowledge and resources to
develop a digital publishing practice of their own. For arts and design-
oriented books, going electronic can be an extra challenge because
form and content are deeply intertwined, while electronic book formats
were not engineered with visual publications in mind.
The findings obtained in this research over the past two years have been
documented on the blog
Digital Publishing Toolkit: the Blog Posts collects all these blog posts. This
EPUB consists of texts, images and links to video files. The videos
themselves have been omitted, to prevent the EPUB file from being too
memory intensive to load on some reading devices. It includes
reflections, reports and tools. The blog posts are arranged in reverse
chronological order, with the exception of the earliest post, as we
thought it would be most appropriate to begin the collection with the
original first post.
Institute of Network Cultures
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Rhijnspoorplein 1
1091 GC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
[email protected]
t: +31 (0)20 595 18 65
By Katía Truijen, December 7, 2014 at 3:33 pm.
Geert Lovink and Florian Cramer conclude the afternoon by looking back
on two years of researching digital publishing; a succesful collaboration
between designers, schools, researchers and publishers. Which lessons
can we take from the research?
When one compares reading and publishing to other media that have
been digitized over the past decades, one will see that publishing has
followed a different path. Indeed the field is changing, partly even in a
disruptive way, but it has not changed like the music industry,
newspaper industry or online video where one can see a consolidation
of business models.
Maybe digital publishing will remain in transition for the next couple of
years. Although there are no ‘solutions’ for the industry yet, a lot has
been achieved in the last two years. Effective working approaches have
been developed that work well in this transition phase. As an overall
conclusion one can state that much of these working methods actually
defy the expectations of what is paper and what is electronic. The findings
often have been counter-intuitive. For example, the main expectations
with electronic media is that they allow for rich media, but there is still
not much experimentation in this field. Video is not often integrated into
books to enrich the reading experience. Why are multimedia books still
rarely made?
The two main places for books – the library and the bookshop –
changed dramatically with the rise of digital publishing. It has an
enormous impact on these environments, that are forced to reinvent
themselves. It would be good to extend the research on digital
publishing and take the wider urban context into account. The
transformation of the bookshop and the library have a direct link to the
developments of e-books. What would be the future of the bookstore
and the library?
Libraries may be redefined as centers for digital literacy. After all, there
is a lot of expertise to be found in these environments. Another
interesting development to research is social reading. What tools can we
use in classes to combine deep reading of a text with discussion?
The next ten to twelves minutes I’d like to talk about the way readers
and designers (who are also readers) relate to books, now that books
are becoming digital (a lot of them not all them). As you can see in the
title of my talk the page is my point of convergence. The main question
is: are we ready for a different kind of page or it is impossible to see it.
As McLuhan predicted. Are we indeed trapped in a rearview-mirror view
of our world?
To me she touched on the true core of the ebook. What is that core if a
book is not a collection of physical pages – the page as you know it –
anymore but an epub which is actually html which is the DNA of the
World Wide Web. I decided to interview experts and professionals in the
the field of digital media: (interaction)designers, publishers, developers
and even a writer of modern fiction. I asked them about the future of
the book, about ‘a spotify for books’ (or should I say ‘Blendle’) and I tried
to fish their idea out of them what will happen to the page as we know it.
Just like a did with Hoogenboom. Some of these interviews are on video
and are also to be found on the vimeopage of the Institute of
Networkcultures. I’ve picked some interesting quotes for my talk.
She or he who wants to make a leap into the future of the (e-)book
needs to look at the past of the book. Doing so I discovered how
strongly intertwined form and the content of the traditional book are. In
his A history of reading, first published in 1996, Alberto Manguel explains
that the origins of the book as we know it lie in the 4 AC with the
It might have a lot to do with this quality of keeping the whole world in
your hands.
I would like to leave you with this idea that an electronic book can
posses ‘a fluidity and mutability that ink durably impressed on paper can
never achieve’. Please keep in mind that a digital page is not a page. It
might be ok to use your ereader for reading novels as most people
seem to do but there’s really more to it. Physical books have
irreplaceable qualities, but electronic books have an interactive potential
I at least am looking forward to discover, by experimenting and research
through designing and prototyping.
Harold Konickx
By margreet riphagen, December 23, 2014 at 2:22 pm.
This Toolkit is meant for everyone working in art and design publishing.
No specific expertise of digital technology, or indeed traditional
publishing technology, is required. The Toolkit provides hands-on
practical advice and tools, focusing on working solutions for low-budget,
small-edition publishing.
By Miriam Rasch, December 11, 2014 at 11:34 am.
The Digital Publishing Toolkit was presented via Skype at the Simposio
Literatura e Informatica, with a focus on the INC project. You can find
the program, blog and videos of the symposium here.
By haroldkonickx, December 9, 2014 at 4:48 pm.
By Katía Truijen, December 6, 2014 at 10:07 pm.
Silvio Lorusso is an artist and desiger and PhD Candidate in Design
Sciences at Iuav University of Venice. He investigates experimental
publishing informed by digital technology and has created the Post-
Digital Publishing Archive. During the Digital Publishing Showcase,
Lorusso presented an overview of speculative strategies and best
practices of experimental digital publishing.
Why not playing with the tools that we are already familiar with? Lorusso
argues that not many people are aware of the fact that Microsoft Word
is not so much a software product, but it can actually be understood as
a language. Microsoft Word 2008 even has an ‘AutoSummarize’ 10-
sentence function that examines the document and ‘picks the sentences
most relevant to the main theme’. Lorusso refers to the project of Jason
Huff, who has summarized the 100 most downloaded free books
including Metamorphosis and the Illiad. It’s interesting to ask who would
be the author of this book. Is it Kafka? Microsoft Word? Or Jason Huff?
There are more artists that reflect on the tools that are used for
publishing. Xavier Antin for example has created an installation that
consists of four printers from different periods in time that all print one
colour. By letting the tools express themselves it shows that tools are
never neutral. They all bring their own constrains, systems and
Lorusso argues that because of digital technologies and software, there
has been a paradigm shift in publishing from creating to curating.
Kenneth Goldsmith explains this process in his book Uncreative Writing.It
explores how techniques like word processing, databasing and intensive
programming have influenced the act of writing.
The issue with digital publishing is often that it requires a lot of labour to
do it well and to make it work for every single format. This way
compromises must be made in terms of functionality. The examples of
Lorusso show that many artists play with existing formats by taking
advantage of their specific features. By exposing these features through
art and design, we may create a better understanding of what digital
publishing will look like in the (near) future.
By Becky Cachia, November 30, 2014 at 5:48 pm.
How can small edition, low budget publishing houses edit, design,
and develop a new, hybrid workflow for editing, designing and
The INC subgroup has developed and optimised a workflow for print
and digital publications to make the process of publishing on different
platforms and in different formats easier and more efficient. Murtaugh
gave a concise overview of their “hybrid workflow” by firstly explaining
what is meant by “hybridity”. Within the publishing process, hybridity
refers to a multitude of different things, including different screen sizes
and technologies as well as print vs. digital.
Through their own workflow for this project, the INC subgroup organised
monthly work sessions in order to create situations where team
members could look over each other’s shoulders to fully understand
what each person was doing and how they were doing it. The group
could experience first hand the benefits and challenges of fine-tuning a
hybrid workflow, and could create a system that addresses the
challenges of a dynamic publishing process through being both
structured and yet flexible.
How-to and Style Guides, and running workshops in which the roles of
editors, designers and developers overlap, the digital publication is not
simply added onto the end of the existing print-centred publishing
workflow, but can already inform each step of the process. The idea of
constant feedback and output influencing each step of the process
breaks down the linearity of the workflow and creates single source,
multi-format publishing. By bridging practices, each member of the
workflow can work using the same standard set of style features or even
avoiding certain formatting features that would make the process easier
in the long run.
a set of tools was put together (namely, Markdown, Git, Pandoc and
Make). These are tools that come from a long history of programming
practices and are therefore very robust. In addition, because lots of
different programmers work with them, they are very flexible. For
example, the choice to use Markdown means that the text is reduced to
the very core of what it is. There are no stylistic enhancements or
automatic rendering of the text (as is common in word processing, for
instance). The text is a ‘clean’ source that can then be interpreted by the
designer for the medium specific elements of, for example, different
devices for reading.
Looking ahead
Murtaugh ended the showcase by looking ahead to where the
development of a hybrid workflow and EPUBs can be taken.
During the showcase for nai010 uitgevers, we were shown a new mobile
application developed by PUNTPIXEL and Medamo. My Highlights lets
users create their own, personal ePub from the collection of the
Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. The application allows users to search
by genre, period, artist and so on to assemble their own personal
impressions from the collection, and prioritise content. Presenters Marc
de Bruijn and Barbara Lateur noted that this form of curation could be
used, for example, by a layman wishing to plan their visit to the museum,
or a student planning for their thesis. Moreover, the model could easily
be transferred to any practice with diverse and structurable data
requiring this type of cataloguing, such as a stamp collection.
While multiple device use is common, de Jong and his team made the
decision to focus their ebook development on tablets. He cited a reason
for this as, firstly, the inability for e-reader hardware such as a Kindle
that uses e-ink to show the kind of rich media that was required for the
publication, and secondly, that the e-reader has been transforming into
a more tablet-like device, shown, for example, by the Kindle Fire. The
focus on tablets furthermore allowed access to open, flexible and
sustainable formats: ideal conditions for developing a new way to view e-
During his brief talk nearing the end of the afternoon’s presentations,
Harold Konickx spent fifteen minutes discussing the changing face of the
page in the wake of digital publishing. He began by quoting Marshall
McLuhan, noting that “an environment becomes fully visible only when it
has been superseded by a new environment; thus we are always one
step behind in our view of the world”. This quote was employed as a way
of asking the question, how do readers and designers of digital books
relate to the page now that they are not dealing with a page in itself? As
Konickx asked, evoking McLuhan once more, “Are we ready for a
different kind of page… or are we trapped in a rear-view mirror view of
our world?”
The Digital
Skeuomorphism on iBooks
Coming to the end of his talk, Konickx moved to N. Katherine Hayles’
essay “Intermediation”. Throughout her work, Hayles has been drawing
comparisons between humans and computers to make a claim on our
inter-relation. She argues that literature throughout the 20th century is
computational. Konickx believes that the reading of a physical book lies
in stark difference to the reading of a digital; Hayles would agree with
this, and propose that this difference lies in the constant flux of words
and images that change as a result of our needs. Moreover, Hayles
argues that “a computer can function as a partner in creating
intermediary dynamics in ways that a book cannot,” placing more agency
to a computer as opposed to its printed and bound counterpart.
According to Hayles, engagers with digital books are players rather than
readers, as they have more control over what they are consuming.
Hayles’ primary example of this is Judd Morrissey’s The Jew’s Daughter, a
form of digital literature, she argues, would be impossible when
combined with the durability of ink.
The aim of the project was to create a digital (EPUB) version of Common
Skin, a publication within the series Context Without Walls. This series of
print publications – developed by Valiz and designed by Meeus
Ontwerpt – focuses on contemporary artists worldwide through both
essays and images.
the process of digitalising Common Skin was very challenging and
ambitious. As part of a series with meticulous and extensive design, it
was difficult to do the publication the same justice in a digital format. To
attempt to do so, they created an online and open source tool – called
EPUBster – to create, edit and publish this particular publication as well
as to enable other designers, developers and publishers to create their
own digital publications.
Common Skin to demonstrate the rich layers of text and imagery they
were presented with. As an academic text, there were a lot of footnotes,
quotes and index words. Therefore, they created a book that
showed this rich layered text by incorporating many layers
around the core text. For example, the margins contain index words
to serve as both an entrance to the text and to build a vocabulary for
the series.
Janne and Hilde expressed that when they originally started the project
of transforming the book into a digital version, they wanted to retain and
expand on these characteristics that they had developed for the print
version. They started off with a lot of exciting ideas for the digital version,
e.g. incorporating videos and interactive margins, but they soon realised
that, if they wanted the digital book to be accessed through different
devices, they would not be able to incorporate the characteristics of
their dreams. The only way to retain the potential for the spread
of the book was to focus on making a simple EPUB that could be
read by all devices.
In doing so, they were restricted in many ways. For instance, they could
only use open source typefaces, margin features where not possible,
and the design elements were, more often than not, stripped from the
book, by the device. They were left with the question: Is there
anything left to design?
Upon completing the book, Janne and Hilde asked the question, “What
can the role of the designer be in the digital publishing process,
if it is not only to make an EPUB that is free from errors?” They
now see the potential for experimentation and feel that there are
indeed a lot of possibilities but they are at present not evident and will
only be exposed through further experimentation.
By Andre Castro, November 25, 2014 at 2:56 pm.
Parallel workflows
I disagree with Miriam Rasch when she affirms that “it seems impossible
to avoid multiple work on corrections”. And strongly believe that the
parallel workflow INC has so far followed is not only inefficient. It is a
handicap, when applied to hybrid publishing, ultimately forcing
publishers to exclude the possibility of publishing works in more than
one format.
In such workflow the Markdown is the markup language chosen for the
source files. They constitute the malleable and changeable building
blocks from which the workflow’s outputs are generated. Git – the
distributed version control system –, is both the project’s safety net and
the link between its various actors. It keeps track of changes in the
source files, and syncs them across the source file copies kept by
author, editor, designer and developer. Working under this scheme
allows all the actors involved in the workflow to intervene upon the
source files, and be sure that their changes will be incorporated into the
source files kept by all the other actors.
Like in the current INC’s workflow for hybrid publications, the proposed
collaborative workflow begins with author and editor working on the
manuscript in .docx format. The editor applies a style guide to the
manuscript, which make for a seemingly conversion to Markdown. Once
the manuscript is correctly formatted it is converted into Markdown
source files, and never used again.
The next stage revolves entirely around the Markdown source files –
here my proposal starts to diverge from INC’s current workflow.
Whereas in the current workflow Markdown source files are only of
interest to the developer and at times the editor, in proposed
collaborative workflow all actors work on the Markdown source files.
They all contribute to its preparation for the next stage of conversions.
At this stage, among other actions, the colophon is introduced,
footnotes are checked, figures placed, URLs are hyperlinked.
Once all this supplementary information has been introduced into the
Markdown source files the workflow enters in its conversion stage. The
source files are converted into the various output formats and the
workflow splits into branches, dedicated to each of the outputs. Such
separation does not mean that the actors will become disconnected,
instead they remain connected through the source files. To exemplify
this interconnection of production branches take the case of last minute
corrections. In this scenario the editor receives a draft of the design for
paper book. While reading it she finds typos and elements that need to
be altered. In a collaborative workflow she can implement the necessary
changes directly to the Markdown source file. Both designer and
developer, being notified of such change, sync their Markdown source
files to the editor’s version – a trivial process in Git tracked projects. The
three now have their Markdown source files in their latest version, which
include the editor’s last minute changes. Both designer and developer
only need to integrate those changes into their respective projects,
destined to become one of the publication’s outputs. The EPUB
developer can incorporate the introduced changes by producing a new
EPUP version, via a Makefile, as described in Making the
VolkskrantBuilding.epub blogpost. For the designer, changes can be
incorporated into the inDesign (or Scribus) project through the
conversion of the Markdown source file into an ICML file – As described
by Silvio Lorusso in the Markdown to Indesign with Pandoc (via ICML)
blogpost, importing an ICML file into an inDesign project permits
updating both content and structure, without affecting the project’s
design decisions. In both cases, content changes in the source files, can
be incorporated into the various design projects, destined to produce
the publication’s outputs, without affecting any or reverting prior design
and development work.
From the onset it was clear that TVB had to go from manuscript to its
two output format – EPUB and paper – in little more than one week. We
were starting from good position: the manuscript, a .docx file, was in its
final form and had been carefully edited, with all of its text formatting
accomplished through styles, as described by Miriam Rasch in the Style
Guide for Hybrid Publishing blog-post. This consistency of the
manuscript allows for the necessary format conversions to be
performed with ease and little obstructions. Despite this advantage, the
short time span available for the production of TVB remained a
challenge. While UNDOG design studio worked on the identity of the
book, I developed the EPUB. This meant I had to follow the studio’s lead,
wait for its work to be completed, and only then could I apply the same
identity to the EPUB edition. The adoption of such dynamic, in hybrid
workflows, is highly questionable, given its inefficiency and imposition of
top-down dynamic instead of a more collaborative and egalitarian
approach between all of those involved in the production of a book, but
that is in itself subject for another blog post.
For the production of the TVB ebook, in addition to these tools I chose
to use a Makefile, in a similar way as described by Michael Murtaugh in
the Make Book blog post. The Makefile became center of operations
that compiled all the source files and addressed them to Pandoc, to be
converted into an EPUB.
The big downside of this approach is that it leaves one at the mercy of
the conversion software used. Although Pandoc is an incredibly
powerful piece of software, it is not perfect, as I am afraid no piece of
software is. Pandoc conversions, are sometimes, specially in very small
details, not exactly what one wishes. An example of this is the way
Pandoc handles footnote references in EPUB3 conversions. The
conversion presents superscript footnote reference numbers by
wrapping the numbers in HTML superscript tags ``, as in:
squatters movement.2` tags are a simple means to
The Application
At the time we decided to build the application using a PHP framework,
CakePHP. Having developed multiple applications using the framework,
CakePHP proved to be a familiar environment allowing us to rapidly
prototype the features of the application. One of the downsides of
CakePHP is the slowness of the framework compared to other offerings
and the reliance on what’s often called “automagic” in Cake’s
documentation. As our recent experiences with the Laravel framework,
partly built on Symfony, have been very positive, the initial choice for
CakePHP as a foundation doesn’t seem as straightforward at this point.
One of the restrictions that guided the development process was the
requirement that the application should run on very common server
hardware. As a lot of webhosting environments are of the “shared
hosting” variety, making use of shell programs was out of the question. It
would be relatively simple to build a web GUI on top of calibre’s
command line interface or a document converter like pandoc. Instead
we relied on PHP libraries for most of the generative features of the web
application. Asbjorn Grandt’s PHPePub forms the core of the application
and was packaged, with some modifications, as a Cake plugin in order to
receive content from EPUBster’s MySQL database containing the
publication data.
At first we focussed on processing Markdown formatted text as input for
the various chapters/sections in a publication. After storing the
Markdown text in a database this is then converted to HTML and
subsequently processed by PHPePub. The conversion is done using the
Markdown Extra library packaged as Cake plugin by Maury M.
Marques.WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) orientated approach,
while still supporting Markdown. The WYSIWYG editor is an extended
version of Davi Ferreira’s Medium Editor. As the editor manipulates HTML
directly, no conversion is necessary prior to generating an EPUB. Due to
the fact that the editor uses HTML5’s contenteditable behaviour there is
support for parsing rich text pasted from text editors and word
processors. Bolds, italics, colours, etc. will be pasted as HTML in a
contenteditable element. This introduces several problems however, as
some word processors (notably Microsoft Word) wrap formatted text in
tags with a lot of style attributes, resulting in a lot of undesirable and
superfluous markup when generating an EPUB. Stripping the unwanted
markup (font-families, line-height, etc.), while leaving the desirable
elements (bold, italic, etc.) in place took some modification of the
Medium Editor’s codebase.
The promise of HTML5 web applications packaged as native apps is an
intriguing one, as it seemingly allows a web developer to ignore most of
the problems related to development using native SDKs. This is the
promise of PhoneGap, which gives a developer the tools to package an
HTML5 application and even – with some extra work – use some of the
native features of the targeted device (i.e. camera, compass, etc.) The
foundation of PhoneGap is Apache Cordova and it allows developers to
package HTML, JavaScript and CSS as native application binaries. In
theory one would create one application in HTML and use PhoneGap to
generate all the required application binaries based on that HTML
master for the platforms one wants to support. Apache Cordova also
gives access to device specific functions (camera, compass,
accelerometer, etc.) normally only available to applications built using
the official SDKs. Using PhoneGap a HTML application may interface with
these services through Apache Cordova in a unified way. As an example,
the procedure for accessing photo’s in the HTML context via Apache
Cordova is theoretically the same, whether the generated application
binaries are intended for distribution on an iPhone, Android or Windows
phone or even a Blackberry.PhoneGap in itself only offers the tools to
create the binaries, the actual application can be build using any client-
side application frameworks.
Sencha Touch
Sencha offers a suite of tools, from a UI framework for building mobile
interfaces (Sencha Touch) to a JavaScript framework (Ext JS) and an
application (Sencha Cmd) which handles the packaging of the code into
native binaries. Due to the tight integration of the individual components
and the promise of speed rivaling that of native applications Sencha
appeared to be a viable solution at first sight. As Sencha Touch is heavily
integrated with Ext JS the learning curve is quite high when unfamiliar
with both frameworks. Sencha might have been a viable option when
developing a fully-fledged mobile application to be deployed
commercially, although many other competing options – like Ionic – exist
in that regard.
jQuery Mobile
As the learning curve of Sencha proved to be a little too steep, we turned
to another HTML5 framework: jQuery Mobile. As the name suggests the
framework is build on jQuery and therefore closely tied to the concepts
used in that particular library. jQuery Mobile mainly focuses on a
consistent UI experience on any platform (smartphone, tablet or
desktop) and is less (or not at all) concerned about speed or integration.
Frameworks like Sencha and Ionic try to mimic the native UI widgets (lists,
buttons, etc.) of each platform as close as possible, while jQuery Mobile
uses one style of widgets and aims at rendering them as consistently as
possible across multiple platforms.jQuery Mobile is fairly easy and the
integration with jQuery certainly helps. However, for the My Highlights
application a custom design was created which didn’t really mesh with
the default widgets of the framework. Manipulating and overriding large
portions the framework’s CSS in order to support the design of the My
Highlights application, combined with the framework’s many quirks,
conventions and spotty documentation, made us abandon the
framework after building a portion of the application. jQuery Mobile
offers a lot of options which we didn’t necessarily need and the way
some of the features have been implemented were more of a hassle to
support than actually speeding up development.
No specific framework
Ultimately we considered a more barebones scenario using only jQuery,
a library to handle URL routing (Flatiron Director) and a way to store
client-side data (jStorage). The application communicates with an
external WordPress installation, in lieu of a datasource like Adlib, in order
to receive collection data (via the newfangled WordPress JSON REST API)
and generate an EPUB based on the selections made in the My
Highlights application. This barebones setup, using only relatively small,
individual JavaScript libraries, allowed us to quickly develop a proof-of-
concept application which may be packaged as a PhoneGap binary or
used as a web application.
The code of the application and two WordPress plugins are available on
By Miriam Rasch, October 28, 2014 at 2:58 pm.
Conclusion 3: not all corrections are relevant for all publication formats;
different kinds of corrections are made in different locations. An
example are hyphenations, which are specific to a desktop publishing
file, and do not play a role in a digital file.
A little pre-history
Markdownworkflow how-to).
Types of corrections
spelling mistakes
minor style issues
design issues: loose lines on top or bottom of the page,
hyphenation, blank pages, white space between words, …
images: quality of the image, captions, placing of the images relative
to the text
et cetera
Below is an example of a standard spread marked with editorial
corrections, including spelling, hyphenation, and design questions.
Place of corrections
The corrections are usually marked by the editor and then issued to the
designer, who will process them in the InDesign file, and to the
developer who will do the same in the EPUB. Text corrections need to
be processed in both files in the same way. Design-or lay-out specific
corrections can be divided in desktop publishing corrections (InDesign-
only) and design and technology corrections in the EPUB. This means a
distinction has to be made. To return to the example of hyphenation: an
incorrect hyphenations is specifically a problem of the desktop
publishing file and needs to be manually adapted there, while playing no
role in the HTML file. The same goes for white spaces that are too big or
small; or the other way around, for links in the EPUB that do not work, or
headers which do not appear in the Table of Contents.
Archival file
After processing corrections in the HTML file for the EPUB, this can be
exported to Markdown, to keep as an archival file. Take note: on other
occasions – for example when only producing a print edition or when
the ebook is made in a later stage – it may be necessary to also process
corrections in the Markdown file. This file can then be archived or used
later on to produce the EPUB. In that case, processing these corrections
can be done by the editor.
Communicating corrections
However, the workflow will without a doubt gain in efficiency when there
is attention paid to the nascent state of a publication as well: the style
guide used by a publishing house. In what follows the INC style guide will
be given as an example of how to adjust your publishing style guide in
such a way as to cater for a hybrid publishing workflow.
Language style:
For quotations longer than four lines use blockquote. Don’t use
quotation marks around a block quote. When needed, use double
quotations marks inside a block quote.
Commas and full stops should be placed after the quotation mark, if
they’re not part of the quotation.
All quotations should use single quotation marks except in
instances of a quote inside a quote (in such cases use double
quotation marks inside single quotation marks).
If ellipsis are used in a quotation because the article’s author has
removed or altered text, for example for the sentence to read
grammatically correctly, be sure to put square brackets […] or [has]
around the ellipsis to indicate this notation is made by the author.
cd how-to-tutorial/developer/part2
First the "Notes" header has shifted from a level 2 to level 3. The "–base-
header-level 2" option basically shifts each level by one (in other words
what was 1 becomes 2, was 2 becomes 3 and so on).
Devilish detail: Note the use of the –no-wrap option. This disables
pandoc’s automatic text wrapping feature when outputting, in this case,
markdown. A subtle bug we discovered was that long titles were being
line wrapped which would then break the h2 header in the template
(where the title variable is expanded on a line starting with ## so that
only the first line was considered part of the header). Thankfully this
behaviour can be disabled with –no-wrap.
Now you can use the expand_toc script to create the compiled document:
scripts/ --filter ./ --section-pages >
Installing make
The GNU make utility is a program that can help orchestrate your build
scripts. See the related blog post on how make has been used in the INC
A message should then tell you how to install the program. If make is
correctly installed you will see the message:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
You may need to install the "build-essentials" package:
sudo apt-get install build-essentials
Create a makefile
A Makefile can be seen as a kind of executable notebook that helps
organize ad hoc build scripts into a format that understands how the
pieces fit together as targets and dependencies.
all: reader.epub
Devlish detail: The indented lines of a makefile must use the tab character
(and not spaces). In SublimeText, you can select text to "show invisibles".
You should see the long unbroken dash of a tab character before each
command. Be careful when cutting and pasting code into a makefile that
no spaces get introduced or make will starting inexplicably complaining.
Note how the two command lines from the script have been
turned into rules of the form:
target: dependencies
command(s) to build the target
To trigger the build process. By default the all script will build creating
first the, and then reader.epub.
In the first line, the script’s –list option is used to produce
the list of markdown sources in a format (one file per line) that is usable
in the makefile. These sources are listed as a dependency to
If you alter one of the linked to markdown sources, make will know that it
needs to rebuild first and then reader.epub. If you
subsequently alter just the styles.css file, however, only the final step will
be repeated to update reader.epub.
To use the script, you will need the Python Image Library,
as well as the images2gif python library. If you have installed the python
package manager pip, you can install both with the command:
sudo pip install PIL images2gif
The first post in this series can be found here:Hybrid workflow how-to:
introduction & editorial steps
In part one of this tutorial, we look at using the pandoc tool on the
command line to convert a markdown source that has been edited by
an editor into HTML and EPUB outputs. In addition, we will add
metadata and use pandoc templates and a stylesheet to customize the
Install pandoc
Instructions for installing pandoc on Mac, Windows, and Linux are given
on the pandoc website.
Mac: From the download page, find the green button with a link that
ends with “osx.pkg”. Download and install this.
cd how-to-tutorial/developer/part1
Kylie Jarrett
In the terminal type the following. Note that once you type the K of the
filename you should be able to press the tab key to “auto-complete” the
name of the file:
By default pandoc will attempt to guess the type of the input file based
on the file extension. In this case the “.md” means that pandoc assumes
Markdown input. By default pandoc produces HTML and prints it to the
terminal rather than saving it in a file. To save it to a file, you can use
pandoc’s -o option:
pandoc -o test.html
You can also explicitly state input and output types with pandoc’s –from
and –to options. This can be useful if a filename misses a recognizable
pandoc --from markdown --to html -o test.html
Use a web browser to open the resulting file (test.html) and check the
output. It should appear as formatted HTML. However there are likely
some glitches in the text. This is because pandoc’s default HTML output
is merely a fragment, and not a complete HTML document, and some
information (such as the proper encoding of the text) is not included. If
you open test.html in your editor, you see that the file begins:
<h1 id="a-database-of-intention">A Database of Intention?</h1>
If you reload test.html in the browser, you should see that the character
gliches are corrected. If you look at test.html in your editor, you see it
now begins:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.o
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
code{white-space: pre;}
<h1 id="a-database-of-intention">A Database of Intention?</h1>
The output now contains a proper HTML doctype and head section with,
among other things a character set, which tells the browser to interpret
the text as encoded in the utf-8 standard (Browsers by default assume
the latin-1 character set when a document doesn’t state it’s encoding
which is why the characters were being misinterpreted in the fragment).
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
<meta name="author" content="Mél Hogan" />
<meta name="author" content="M.E. Luka" />
Polluted and Predictive, in 133 Words
code{white-space: pre;}
<h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
<h1 class="subtitle">$subtitle$</h1>
<h2 class="author">$author$</h2>
<h3 class="date">$date$</h3>
In the template, you can see that pandoc provides some sophisticated
tools like conditionals (if) and loops (for) to provide basic handling for
optional elements and lists author names. To customize this standard
template, make a copy of it named custom.html:
pandoc -D html > custom.html
Open the custom.html and change the display of the title and author to:
<h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
You can also see in the template that pandoc provides a number of
ways of adding custom stylesheets. The easiest is to use the –css option.
So create a new file names “styles.css” with the following:
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
#header {
text-align: center;
h1 {
margin-bottom: 0;
.author {
font-weight: bold;
Next time…
In part 2 of this tutorial, we will work on a script to compile a collection
of essays into a single Reader EPUB.
By haroldkonickx, October 14, 2014 at 4:01 pm.
Working in the field of digital media, designer and HVA lecturer Frank
Kloos regretfully admits his love for physical books. Nevertheless
he fantasizes about a reading device that is as good as or maybe even
better than the real thing.
This set of scripts pre-processes HTML files, preserving such entities like
headers, paragraphs, italics, footnotes, tables, images, etc. Some of these
steps are summarised here. The scripts do so by converting the HTML
files into an InDesign-friendly XML structure and employing its Import
XML function.
One of the advantage of using pandoc to obtain ICML is the fact that no
intermediate format is needed – HTML in our previous procedure.
Therefore we can directly use our Markdown source files. Here’s the
syntax to convert one document:
pandoc -s -f markdown -t icml -o my.icml
The generated ICML file is then imported into InDesign with File>Place.
In order to test the output, I used this file, derived from the Society of
the Query Reader.
Both Paragraph Styles and Character Styles are automatically generated.
This manual is divided into three parts, one for each ‘role’ in the book
production process: editor, print book designer, and ebook developer.
Below you’ll find the editorial steps – the first in the process. For the
print design and ebook development see the respective blogposts for
print book designer steps and ebook developer steps (to be published
Please note that the description below starts at a point which in reality is
not the beginning of the publication trajectory, namely when an author
hands in the definitive manuscript – so after the editing and rewriting
process has been rounded off. Should the author already be working in
Markdown format, this will change the workflow. However, in our
experience manuscripts are mainly produced in Microsoft Word and
delivered in .doc or .docx.
So how small edition, low budget publishing houses can implement the
new workflow is what we will turn to now.
Windows: To start pandoc type cmd in the RUN (also called ‘search
programs and files’ in the start panel which can be found under the MS
window icon down in the toolbar), this will enable you to start the
command mode. You get a white/black window saying
C:useryourusername>. There you type pandoc (enter) and the same line
reappears, waiting for pandoc input (see further below).
Mac: To use pandoc open the Terminal from your Utilities folder in your
Applications folder, or through the search bar in the top right of your
screen. Pandoc will be used to convert files in the steps below. Note:
Pandoc does not work on older Mac operating systems.
2. Install a Markdown editor. For Mac, use for example Mou or
MacDown; for Windows, MarkdownPad.
Editorial steps
You receive a digital document containing the definitive manuscript from
an author. We’ll name this file Jane_Writer_def.doc.
STEP 4: Save.
STEP 5: Convert the docx to Markdown using pandoc (for an elaborate
user manual, see the pandoc website):
STEP 7: Check the Markdown file after conversion: are the headers still
marked, is there no funny formatting in the text, are the blockquotes
and italics preserved, for example in the references?
Pr-id: project
P-id: publication series
A-id: number within the series
Type (formerly called Item): type of the item
Book-type: anthology or monograph
Anthology item: TOC, article, index etc.
Item-id: unique no.
Article-title: title of the article
Article-status: submitted, under review, accepted
Author: name(s) of author(s)
Author-email: corresponding address
Author-bio: about the author
Abstract: short description of the article (100 words)
Keywords: 50 keywords for search and indexing
Rights: Creative Commons etc.
STEP 12: Save the final Markdown file into an archive folder. This is the
document that can be send to the print designer and epub developer to
work with in the production of the print book and ebook.
Check format of the images: is the quality good enough for print? Scale
images to smaller size for e-book publication. Store the images and send
to designer and developer.
Corrections form a large part of the editor’s workflow. How to handle
them will be the subject of a separate blogpost.
By Michael Murtaugh, October 1, 2014 at 1:30 pm.
make software
Make is the name of a software program close to the heart of the Free
software movement. When programmer Richard Stallman founded the
GNU (Gnu’s Not Unix) project in the 1980s it was in part an effort to
reclaim the fruits of his own labour, and this meant rebuilding the
essential tools that turn what he writes (computer code) into something
usable (a computer program). According to the GNU website:
For this reason, free software has historically been distributed with
additional programs, known as a make or build scripts, that make it
easier for someone to actually use it. After generations, this practice was
itself codified in a piece of software, make, a distillation of the common
patterns employed in the writing of these scripts. Using make, the
programmer writes a makefile that concisely describes the steps
necessary for each piece of the process (known as rules) and how the
pieces fit together (known as dependencies). In this process outputs are
named, known as targets. Make inherently supports multiple targets
allowing a software to be built in a number of ways to produce different
outputs. Once the makefile is written, a user just specifies a target and
make performs all the steps necessary, in the right order, to produce the
result. When source files are edited, make is clever about only
performing the steps necessary given what has changed.
Beyond just supporting multiple outputs from the same sources, what’s
really significant about using a make in a publishing workflow is that it
makes the various steps of a workflow explicit, including various
“workarounds” and patches. By concisely describing all the steps for a
particular production, the makefile becomes a legible and crucially
editable snapshot of the workflow. Makefiles provide a flexibility and re-
editability that means that as the needs of a project change and as tools
and formats develop, the workflow remains adaptable. Of course, there
are many problems with makefiles: the format, though concise, is
technically challenging and often obscure. Also, make is typically used
from the command line, a way of working that is alien and intimidating
to many non-programmers. Still, the solutions that make offers to a host
of non-trivial problems is at the very least suggestive of the kinds of
features future tools for hybrid publishing would ideally provide.
Nathan Willis’ post on LWN, where I originally read out about Marti’s
Don Marti presentation at SCALE
Don Marti slides
GNU Make the official project homepage
By margreet riphagen, October 1, 2014 at 5:11 pm.
HPL: You developed a toolkit for publishers, can you briefly explain the
focus of this project to our readers?
Cramer: It’s not only for publishers, but also for designers, authors and
editors. The focus is (a) on e-books and e-book technology, (b) on
publishing in the arts, which encompasses everything from theory books
to artists’ experimental publications but in most cases means visually
oriented publishing. We found that in the field of the arts, there is hardly
any existing e-publishing know-how. Yet publishers feel a great urgency
to switch from pure paper publishing to hybrid paper and electronic
publishing for a whole number of reasons: costs, distribution and
outreach, but also new opportunities provided by the electronic
publishing; even if they just boil down to a museum offering, instead of
one heavy exhibition catalogue, customized e-books with a number of
works selected by the individual buyer, or to a publisher selling single
poems instead of a poetry volume.
We eventually want to take our project beyond the Dutch context and
continue our critical R&D in a wider European context. But the toolkit
will be published in English and, by the way of eating our own dog food,
made available in different digital and analog formats.
HPL: Which book will you always have as an analogue copy in your
Cramer: Obviously, George Maciunas’ “Flux Paper Events” (published by
Edition Hundertmark in 1976). And, by, implication, all artists’ books,
bookworks, design books and visual books for which the medium of
paper and the form of the bound codex is indispensable. – On the other
hand, I wouldn’t mind getting rid of thousands of conventional
paperback and hardcover text books in my home library and replace
them with electronic books, for the pragmatic sake of gaining space, and
always having my library with me as searchable files on one USB stick;
despite the obvious usability and durability advantages of paper books.
The first and most important new feature is that we lose the fixed page
as a pivotal reference. In paper production, we can, in principle, change
the book formats at will, but we are completely accustomed to a very
limited number of book formats. This fact is not a plot or ruse, but the
result of centuries of experience with readability, manufacturability,
portability and ease of use.
Hence, the toolkit project strives to find common ground based on the
most general but standardized and reusable techniques we have today.
The project doesn’t want to show what is possible in principle and how
wonderful the future will be, but to help the smaller publisher who
wants to team up in the digital storm to produce decent electronic
versions of their list. In our endeavour, we opted for the open source
EPUB3 format as end product of the production chain. At present, it is
the most versatile standard and as it is well-structured, we assume that
it will become translatable into newer, more powerful, standards in the
future. EPUB3 is already an accepted standard for novels, which makes
it a good basis for our Toolkit.
(i) The first category is the publishing house itself that simply wants their
book to be readable on a standard ereader or tablet without frills, just
as we see novels being easily transposed from paper to various screens.
In this case, the most important issue is that the text and the
illustrations are kept together and that the lay-out, as far as possible,
remains the same. In this case, we have two options: do we freeze the
page in PDF-format, which allows the presentation of the PDF-version
into any available media, or do we translate the pages, as they are, into a
simple EPUB version that allows for so-called reflowable text on an
ereader or tablet. Nothing more, nothing less. In this case, digital
publishing is just the next step in the existing traditional product chain.
(ii) The second line of attack is to step into the cold waters of the endless
digital data sea and try to start from a digital approach in order to be
able to publish a variety of publications based on a base-set of author-
created texts and illustrations. Print on paper will be one outcome, but
this is not the starting point. Here, we have to rethink the production
process and redefine our production chain; as well as that; we have to
look more carefully into the instructions to our authors, as they will also
need to change their habits by changing to new electronic writing aids.
(iii) The final category is the extension of the previous one, namely the
conversion into a real database of texts, illustrations and multimedia
objects from which a myriad of different products can be created,
depending on demand, technological environment, level of complication,
etc. Such a modular, Lego-block-like, structure demands a developed
understanding of what a base-brick of information is, and to what extent
the integrity of the flow of the author’s reasoning and intention is kept.
For these reasons in our Toolkit project, we start from simple standard
wordprocessor files, which we clean from unnecessary embellishments
and subsequently structure them to the extent defined by the demands
of the end product, such as levels of headings, footnotes, illustrations,
active objects, etc. From the structured files, we enable the publishers to
translate their works into EPUB3, as basis for a publication on a digital
device screen, as well as for the possible translation into a web-page or
a printed product.
The old saying in the computer industry “garbage in, garbage out” is true
here as well. For this reason, publishers must get accustomed to
instructing their authors in such a way that the translation chain from
manuscript to reading device is easy and transparent. Only if the
publisher herself understands the new workflow, can the author
understand how to submit work in such a way that the maximum of
publication outlets can be reached without any too heavy editing.
Our Toolkit enables the user to start from old-fashioned MSWord files
and following the correct procedures to see the light of the tablets and
ereaders allowing reading well-designed pages which are fit for re-use
and multiple use, without much further ado.
By kimberley, September 17, 2014 at 2:19 pm.
On the 12th of September the Institute of Network Cultures subgroup
organized a meeting to test the initial results of their research. Their
project focuses on optimalising the publishing workflow for print and
electronic publications – developing a “hybrid publishing workflow” that
will make it easier and more sufficient to publish for several platforms
and formats. For this purpose they have researched and developed
several tools, and created manuals and visualisations that will make this
process accessible for a larger audience.
During the test day the tools and manuals were tested by several people
that each represented a certain role in this workflow: editor, designer,
and developer. Thanks to Andre Castro (developer and designer), Gert-
Jan van Dijk (Uitgeverij Duizend & Een) and his multimedia designer
James Fitzpatrick (Machined Arts Amsterdam), Menno Grootveld
(Leesmagazijn), Geert Lovink (INC), Margreet Riphagen (INC), and Caspar
Treijtel (UvA, University Library) we gained insights in the parts that still
need to be developed further. The results of this test day will be
implemented and published on the blog as soon as possible.
The results of this test day will be implemented, and published on the
blog as soon as possible!
By irina, June 10, 2014 at 12:37 pm.
His talk aimed to give the audience a better understanding of the recent
work of Gilbert Simondon on cybernetics theory. Simonodon’s work
shines a new perspective on Norbert Wiener’s theory of cybernetics,
originally published in 1948, but it is often hard to grasp by readers.
Hence, Haltiwanger wanted to offer the audience a clear analysis of the
essential terms of Simondon’s vocabulary on cybernetics.
You can find a PDF of his original presentation here: Presentation John
By irina, June 5, 2014 at 1:08 am.
Joost Kircz was the first speaker of the 2-day conference “Off the Press –
Electronic Publishing in the Arts”, organized by the Institute of Network
Cultures. From 2006 till 2013, Kircz was a part-time lecturer on
electronic publishing within the Amsterdam University of Applied
Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam), and currently he is involved with
the Digital Publishing Toolkit research project. He regularly publishes his
findings on his personal website,
Kircz argued that one of the most important features from the electronic
medium is its active memory, “a memory that allows for endless reuse
and multiple presentations on a great variety of substrates”. What he
also pointed out is that content stored in an electronic memory cannot
be read by humans. It is instead stored in a coded form: “(…) the most
important conclusion we can draw from the fact that we use structured
coded information as basis for book production, is that this demands
new working methods throughout the whole process from author to
reader. As soon as we take a step away from just a replication from the
printed page, our design, our editorial practises, as well as our
production and dissemination will change from bottom to top and back”,
Kircz warned.
1) Art/design catalogue;
What publishers need then is easy, readable software to work with. Kircz
offered a short history of existing Mark-up Languages that address this
Kircz concluded that “(…) the central issue of our toolkit project is that
we consciously try and define the creation, production, and
consumption of a creative object as one single process. We try and
experiment to create a production pipeline of illustrated texts or
textually explicated collections of images in such a way that right from
the beginning we understand, and appreciate that electronic publishing
is more than reworking existing works, but a new creative branch in
human expression.”
You can find a PDF of his original presentation here: Presentation Joost
By irina, May 29, 2014 at 11:28 am.
You can find a PDF of her original presentation here: Presentation Angie
By jakubdutka, May 28, 2014 at 9:18 am.
Sebastian Luetgert at the closing session of Off the Press 2014
Open Media Library is a local web application that lets you manage and
sync digital media collections. This library software can be described as
“something like iTunes for books, with other libraries instead of a store,
running in your web browser”. What Sebastian proposes in his project is
changing the mindset from peer-to-peer file sharing to archive-to-
archive exchange. Open Media Library allows users to see other peers’
book collections, download them, create own read-list or wishlist, upload
and explore different ways of browsing and display.
The software runs in the web browser and supports EPUBs, PDFs and
any other book format for which there is javascript reader, as well as
plain text. At the moment there is no stable version of the software and
no standalone installer, but users willing to try out the Open Media
Library can run it from Terminal(Mac) or PowerShell(Windows), following
instructions on the website.
If you want to know more about the project, contact Sebastian and Jan
:[email protected]
By jakubdutka, May 28, 2014 at 10:22 am.
Oliver Wise, together with Eleanor Hanson are the co-founders of The
Present Group, a creative studio creating affordable and sustainable
models for funding artists. In their first three years, their subscription art
project has channeled over $20,000 toward funding artist projects,
stipends, and development of critical essays. In May 2010 they began a
web hosting project where a portion of the fees fund prizes for
contemporary artists. Hosting clients get to vote on the recipient of each
grant. At Off the Press Oliver presented their latest project, in
collaboration with Hol Art Books, The People’s E-book, a free online e-
book creation tool. The enterprise started on Kickstarter and raised
three times the pledged goal, with 920 backers.
The goal, Oliver said, was to make the People’s E-book as simple as
possible to encourage and facilitate experimentation with the medium.
Given the EPUB’s finicky nature, Oliver and his colleagues decided to
strip it down to bare essentials: title, cover image and page(s). In order
to make The People’s E-book as user-friendly as possible, instead of
Markdown, it uses a WYSIWYG interface. This, however, created some
problems, since WYSIWYG, being designed to work in browsers, offers a
range of options which would not work on e-readers. To prevent any
potential problems with display and re-flowability, the WYSIWYG had to
be restricted to a certain extent.
Oliver expressed the hope that maybe one day EPUB will take on a life of
its own, like the GIF format, with thousands of people around the world
self-identifying themselves as GIF artists. One of the further experiments
undertaken by Oliver and Eleanor with EPUB format is the Streambooks,
a tool allowing to convert any Tumblr blog into an e-book.
You can find a PDF of his original presentation here: Presentation Oliver
By jakubdutka, May 28, 2014 at 12:28 am.
Miriam Rasch
Miriam Rasch, a co-editor (together with René König) of INC Reader #9,
Society of the Query: Reflections on Web Search, presented the
workflow she and her colleagues followed while working on the Reader.
The Institute of Network Cultures project group involved: Joost Kircz,
Silvio Lorusso, Michael Murtaugh, and Kimmy Spreeuwenberg. Miriam
described their creative process following the principles of hybrid
publishing – creating one publication for several different output
formats. The reasoning behind it was to move the INC publications
beyond the print format and facilitate the distribution on digital devices.
Miriam writes books reviews and guest posts for different websites and
magazines. Look up her personal blog.
By irina, May 28, 2014 at 1:16 pm.
The final session of the “Off the Press: Electronic Publishing in Arts”
conference approached another side of the e-publishing field, namely
what happens after the e-books are launched: where do we distribute,
store and manage them?
In traditional publishing, perhaps the most iconic actor to play this role is
the public library. However, as Mars pointed out in his talk, the public
library itself is currently under a financial, social and political threat.
Furthermore, there is still the question which actors can take up its role
in the virtual world. Proprietary platforms like Google or Amazon have
already stated their ambitions to become such global knowledge
keepers, but this comes with the danger of intellectual copyrights and
censorship. Mars, alongside with the other speakers of this session,
discussed the existing alternatives: open, collaborative, non-proprietary
platforms. How can they be designed to best fit the role of public
libraries, and how should they adapt this role online?
In this context, what vision of public library should we strive for in the
digital world?
Mars identifies three essential pillars of the public library that also
translate to the digital ones: free access, a library catalogue and the
Marcell Mars is one of the founders of Multimedia Institute – mi2 and
net.culture club mama in Zagreb. He initiated Public Library, GNU GPL
publishing label EGOBOO.bits, started Skill sharing in mama + Skill sharing’s
satellites g33koskop, ‘Nothing will happen’ and ‘The Fair of Mean Equipment’.
His full biography here.
By irina, May 28, 2014 at 5:55 pm.
Monoskop (a wiki for art, culture and media technology).
The essential difference between the medium of paper and that of code
is that the latter has a completely different materiality. Despite this, we
are still treating HTML codes to render page-like formats and follow grid
rules, albeit the code itself could allow for much more exploration. The
way that humans structure e-publications reflects old habits (pages
need to be rectangular) or cultural habits (text letters to allow
readability). What would happen if we renounced the use of grid and
rather let text render itself according to the space we offer it – a good
example for this is the conference’s interactive logo. Why is the technical
possibility to reference-link directly to the passage rather than the entire
document so little discussed?
“There is a tremendous amount of both old and recent texts online but
we haven’t done much in opening them up to contextual reading”, Barok
concluded. If the Internet is changing our way of reading, it is only to
allow distraction from linearity, context and vigilance. To counteract the
latter, Barok suggests to authors, designers, publishers and developers
to further explore ways in which referencing and content display can
help readers engage with their e-books and immerse in new reading
experiences. The way linking takes place on the web and the way
scholars reference their works are two perspectives that could unite for
a better communing of texts in e-publishing.
By jakubdutka, May 28, 2014 at 11:36 am.
Alessandro Ludovico during his talk on day 1 of Off the Press 2014
By patricia, May 27, 2014 at 1:39 pm.
With the Epubster Generator, an open source software tool for editing
and designing ebooks, a publisher can create EPub3s with a wide range
of extensive image and design options. But there is more, the Epubster
Pol explains that their focus has been on developing a tool that is both
easy to use and sustainable. However, there are some more style and
design problems that they need to tackle. How to deal with the page
divisions and centrefolds that are a crucial part of Common Skin? And
how can we make it completely bug-free? These are questions Pia Pol
and her team will be working on and seek solutions to during the last leg
of the Digital Publishing Toolkit development period.
You can find a PDF of her original presentation here: Presentation Pia
By ariealtena, May 27, 2014 at 10:44 pm.
Off the Press, Electronic Publishing in the Arts is the third one in a series on
the state of electronic publishing that started with the Unbound Book
(, and was more
recently followed by the presentation of the research of The Publishing
Toolkit at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam in november 2013.
Structured Data
Joost Kircz is the perfect speaker to kick off the conference, that is, if you
want to emphasize the structural aspects underpinning computer
publishing, and bring in knowledge acquired in more than 25 years in
the business. Joost Kircz’ experience in electronic publishing and
database publishing goes back to 1987. He gives a perfect summary of
what happens with editing and publishing when you work electronically.
He stresses the fundamental issue: electronic publishing means storing
data in code which is not human readable, but can be manipulated in
many ways. Markup needs to be structural, to enable output in different
media. This all goes back to SGML (1982), to HTML as sloppy
implementation of SGML, to XML. A good history lesson, in which he also
quickly refers to Markdown as editing tool.
Structured, coded data is the basis for electronic book production. This
fundamental ‘truth’ can’t be repeated often enough as it is apparently
still not understood by many people who work in writing, editing and
publishing. Presentation and content should be strictly separated in
electronic publication. If they are strictly separate, and content is stored
in a structured database, then it’s search, store and retrieve. The
structured data can be used for output in a great variety of media.
Books are made of documents, which are made of paragraphs (and
other structured ‘bits’ of data), which are made of words, made of
letters, made of ASCII, made of, in the end, bits. And then there are
metadata of course. There is no going back to the old way of making
This is what anybody should know, I guess, but this is also where the
problems begin. If you understand that it works this way, and that it has
been like this ever since the 1980s, one wonders why the workflows in
publishing is still not based on this model. (One exception being
database publishing in the academic world). And why, given that this
model is so clear and simple, is the reality of electronic publishing such a
mess? (Was the mess-up created by the sloppy implementation of
HMTL, has the development of visual web design been a factor, or is it
because of the dominance of Word?) The other issue is that the strict
division is all fine when you deal with text. But what happens with
content in which it’s the visual aspect that carries the meaning? Then
maintaining this division is either banal (insignificant), or impossible to
maintain. I guess that in a computer and database universe the answer
is that when it’s solely visual, it should be an image-file.
PostDigital Publishing
The questions after the presentation are on the current state of Google
Books – as there has not been much ‘news’ on that recently. Florian
Cramer mentions that, judging from the website-design Google
Books might be heading more in the direction of selling (or e-books)
than in pursuing the grand scheme of storing all the knowledge of the
Multi-faceted Practices
Elizabeth Castro, wrote about 100 pages (says Florian Cramer) about
cleaning up InDesign files for epub. So Florian Cramer asks her about it.
She answers that InDesign has become much better in this respect, but
also states that InDesign is simply the tool she has used for a long time.
If another tool fits one’s goal better: use that.
But why epub? That is a good question, to which Oliver Wise gives good
answers: epubs are self-contained, good for archiving, they enable a
good reading experience (though better than paper? better than a
laptop? I wonder), they are cross-device (or they are when you know
how to use Calibre for conversion). And yes, an important reason is that
people buy them. He’s probably right. Epubs read on an e-reader
enhance a concentrated reading experience, where being online
enhances a ‘distracted’, link-following, scanning reading experience
(which is not necessarily bad – it is useful in many circumstances).
HTML is king/queen?
Adam Hyde is the man of the Booksprint methodology of making books
(, Floss Manuals
(, Booktype
(, and many more similar
projects. He recently did a Booksprint on Booksprints. He gave up art
after art had brought him to Antarctica. He entitled his talk ‘Books are
Evil, 8 years in the wilderness’, and gives an overview of publishing
projects he has been involved in over the years. His first book-making
platform was based on Twiki. He learned that HMTL is ‘king/queen’ – the
source files for his books are always HTML. He has also learned that
doing Farsi in Regex (I did not know what Regex is) is extremely hard –
touching on the language issue that tends to be forgotten in a
predominantly English-focused world. Hyde finds it amazing and
unbelievable that people in the knowledge industry, and publishing still
reject the idea that HTML is king/queen. Not all the speakers here agree
with him, others champion Markdown, or XML, or would say HTML is too
sloppy. Hyde made a whole range of free softwares from Booki and
Booktype to Lexicon, PubSweet, BookJS and Objavi. And learned that
doing something the simple way is the best way. Import and export is all
file conversion. He ends with ‘Monstruous, Belligerent, Learnings’, the
central argument of which is – again – that HTML is ‘it’. He states that in
our world paper books are weird, as they were digital files first. He has a
great metaphor: printed books are like frozen waves. He pleads: one has
to get into the digital space for real – design does not relate to a fixed
thing (a frozen wave – as can be found in Antarctica), but to data which
flows and can be reflowed. Anything else in this world is crazy. Books –
as printed things – are evil: they brought us copyright, industrial culture,
the myth of the solitary genius. The market conditions for printed books
do not exist without these. He pleads: let’s forget about the book, and
really go into collaborative knowledge production. He’s being
provocative – but he is right as well. Why go back to the book in a
networked world? Only at this point the issues begin. Is science not
collaborative knowledge production? Sure this is possible in a printed
book format too? In the discussion later on, he says that his is a
reversed provocation, against the fiction or myth that books are
authored by a single author, even those are not made by a single
author, they are collaborative efforts.
Florian Cramer chimes in and warns that one should not fight windmills,
not fight against a situation that does not exist anymore, or has lost
power. The myth of the single author is not so strong anymore in a time
of Facebook, Amazon, cloud-storage, and the Clay Shirky collective
intelligence cloud-ideology, with the iPad as the most ‘evil tool’. Also
Marcell Mars reacts (from the audience), making a point of the book as a
cultural structure, rather than a technological one – though it is also
technological. He counters Adam Hyde’s championing of HTML,
mentioning that many things that are great about book technology are
not solved in HTML, like pagination, citation and referencing. To which
Adam Hyde replies with the example of the implementation of ‘doi’
(digital object identifier). It is interesting to see the playing-out of these
differences – shall we call them ideological? – differences that to almost
anyone outside electronic publishing or coding will seem pretty arcane…
In his introduction to the next panel Florian Cramer puts the issues ‘on
the table’, technological ones and pragmatic ones, concerning online
versus offline, epub versus app versus website, issues of file size,
bandwidth and connectivity. He mentions that many of the apps and
tools that people now use unthinkingly do not work without connectivity.
We are not sure bandwidth will stay as cheap as it is now. (And then he
does not even mention that connectivity means tracking use). The world
of epub, he says, is like the world of web design of the middle 1990s.
There is a beautiful standard (epub2 and epub3), but very bad
implementation and support of it by different reading tools. (An
extremely simple but crazy example is that the CSS of the Kobo Touch
displays the emphasis tag as bold instead of italics). And then, Florian
Cramer says, there’s the unworkable Microsoft/Adobe legacy in the
workflow in the editorial and design world. This makes the question how
to publish both on paper and electronic, which should be simple, quite
problematic. He also says that the promise that electronic publishing is
cheaper than print publication is false. (Though sometimes it is cheaper,
we will hear). A slide ‘you must change your life’ states that XML is het
ideal solution (as Joost Kircz outlined). Florian’s pragmatic solution is to
use simple markup languages like Multimarkdown (which Adam Hyde is
Then it’s over to Miriam Rasch, and the current research of the Institute
of Network Cultures (INC) project group. They made two anthologies –
the INC Reader #9 and #8 Unlike Us and Society of the Query. (They can
be downloaded as PDF and epub at different sites). She speaks about
how she changed her habits and workflow as an editor in the course of
the project. (It partly mirrors my own struggles with using softwares,
tools, and way of collaborations in book projects). Getting out books in
various formats is a way of reaching a larger audience. The workflow
starts with Word-documents of writers, these are edited by editors, go
back and forth. A final document is sent by the editor to the designer
who imports it into InDesign to produce a designed PDF, which can be
printed, and made available digitally. It’s institutionalised DIY. (Good
term). Making the epub of Unlike Us was totally separate – it was the only
output format outside this workflow. (This particular epub is one of the
best I ever saw – looking at how it worked on my Kobo, and inspecting
the source code. Many epubs I have on my Kobo Touch have Table of
Contents and footnotes that do NOT work). So how did the workflow
change through producing the epub for Society of the Query? They made
Markdown the central document format for keeping the definite texts
and archiving. The workflow became Word —> MarkDown —> HTML —>
output formats (epub, ibook, website et cetera).
(I did not understand pandoc – the converting tool that Florian Cramer
had advised me to use. I did not even understand where my Mac had
saved the program when I downloaded it. Of course not: it’s a
command-line tool. You need to open the terminal to use it. I’m afraid I
hadn’t used the terminal in three years. But at least I knew that there is
such a thing as terminal access, and that I can learn (again) to use it, and
it is not extremely difficult. Though it might not be extremely attractive
(visually), not intuitive.)
Two other visually oriented projects follow. First an epub3 produced for
the Stedelijk Museum, which is nice enough, or very nice, yet I can’t get
rid of the impression that I’m looking at something which actually is a
website (which it is of course). Arjen de Jong presents the work of the BIS
Publishers workgroup. Their goal was to explore the possibility of rich
media with highly interactive content. He mentions that iBooks Author
has a crazy user agreement, which is unworkable for a real publisher:
epubs created by iBooks Author may only be sold in the Appstore, and
nowhere else. And it only produces one format. So it’s unusable
professionally. They focused on tablets as the platform to produce for,
as that is where their market is. This choice decided the use of tools and
formats. E-readers, he states, move forward really slowly, and are
basically one-function tools: to read texts. (They are, and that’s their forte
too). For anything else (and for reading) we have laptops and tablets.
The publication they worked on – an interactive ‘book’ on sketching,
where the reader or users makes sketches – would be ridiculous to
produce for an e-reader. So it makes sense.
More Presentations
My colleague at V2_ Michelle Kasprzak talks about making epubs for the
Blow-up program of V2_ ( This happens next to the
printed books that V2_ is publishing. (Actually today a new book is
published: Giving & Taking, edited by Joke Brouwer and Sjoerd van
Tuinen). Why did she bother to make these ebooks, that delve deeper
into the theme of each Blowup – events that had to be experienced
there and then? The old reason: books can be distributed over space
and time, and are easily archived. She dug through the archive to find
archive stuff to republish (with help of me, ‘the archive guru’ at V2_), and
combined and mixed it with new and commissioned content. She used
the methodology of the Book Sprint – a masochistic concept, she says
with a smile – to create the e-book on ‘the New Aesthetic’. She
elaborates on the method of Book Sprints: getting the group together,
the nudging needed from someone who oversees the process, the
choice of a central topic. She calls the room where the authors who
were writing the book on the New Aesthetic in 5 days humorously ‘the
torture room’, and ‘the pressure cooker’. She organized a second Book
Sprint about the V2_ long term research project ‘Innovation in Extreme
Scenario’s’, with the ambition to make a reader to explain the topic. The
sprint morphed into writing personal essays on the topic. ‘Write often,
distribute widely’ – is how she ends the presentation. To get the
message out there. Focusing on the methodology of making a book, to
speed up the process, is another angle at electronic book production –
though it is not tied to electronic tools. Even in the 18th Century books
were produced and published very, very fast to react on topical issues.
The Serving Library is a project by Stuart Bailey, David Reinfurt and Angie
Keefer (who presents it here) – they are Dexter Sinister. I have
collaborated with Stuart Bailey in my Metropolis M past, and greatly
admire his work. Angie Keefer gives a short introduction and then shows
a long video – Letter & Spitter. It is about the 1960s breakthrough work of
Donald Knuth (, the
man behind Metafont
and TeX. It’s going into the fundamentals of digital typesetting. Dexter
Sinister made a script to make a single font that is constantly moving
and changing – and this font is used in the video. It’s great, it’s crazy, it’s
what is possible in a computer world, but the video is too slow for my
brain, goes on too long, and I wonder if the message comes across.
All of this, as Sebastian Lütgert says from the audience at the end of the
discussion of the first day, is like the web of 20 years ago. Everything that
is experimented with, all the changes in workflows, all the issues, is what
we have seen 20 years ago. And he asks: is the book really the paradigm
that we want to look at when we are concerned with knowledge
production? (He says a couple of things more that I am unable to
summarise on the fly). He is right, and it is very strange to see the middle
1990s re-enacted. One could also argue that this is exactly great about
epubs: all these tools are quite simple, you need just a few days to
understand them and work with them – and sometimes much less than
that. In fact figuring out how to upload them to the Appstore can take
more time to figure out. It’s fun to make epubs, but it is pretty doubtful
that it’s the only future of reading and publishing.
Art Uncreative Art Spam Art
‘That’s a tough act to follow’, says Oliver Wise from the Present Group,
who is now presenting with Eleanor Hanson Wise. They show The
People’s Ebook, and try to answer the question why it is framed as a tool
for artists. The answer is first in the social scene they are themselves
part of, and secondly because getting artists involved into making epubs,
is a method of pushing the technology further. Their historical example
is Sonia Landy Sheridan’s residence at 3M’s Color Research lab in 1971
and 1976. Furthermore artists they know do publish, but are usually not
technological savvy, and do not use epub – so having such a tool for that
scene, is useful.
The second day of Off the Press starts with workshops. I decide to go to
the workshop about pandoc first, as it promises to be about a way of
working with text that I am not used to, but have started to like. When I
started to use computers, in 1991 there was already Word and that is
what I used for writing. At the same time I still sometimes had to use
command line tools and learned about 20 Unix-commands. Through the
years I’ve met people who championed the use of emacs, LaTEX,
Multimarkdown or pandoc. But I have never really figured out how to
work in that ‘paradigm’. First thing to understand is that pandoc is
basically a very powerful converting tool. Pandoc is not an environment,
but a step in a chain, a step in the workflow. It just converts. And it won’t
solve the problems of converting visual design to a digital format. It is
based on using Markdown, a simple markup language that uses
asterisks, square brackets, underscores. I have always found it easier to
write HTML markup, than this type of markup, but it is even simpler than
writing HMTL-tags. The idea is that the plain text file shows the structure
in a human readable format but is ready for computer consumption at
the same time. What you see is what you get – but in a different way. An
interesting remark is made – I forget who made it: ‘Word and InDesign
are not basic tools of the trade – though most people now have grown
up thinking they are. They are very specific tools.’ And it’s true that
especially editors can take advantage of the knowledge of markup
languages to create better, cleaner source texts… There’s some panic
and chaos in the workshop, as the difference in competence is really big.
Some participants use the terminal mode all the time, others have never
seen a command line interface before, let alone worked with it. There is
also a bit of a clash between those who think that people should be
empowered to use tools themselves and acquire what they think is
necessary basic knowledge, versus people who do not have such ‘basic
knowledge’, consider such knowledge to be ‘technical’, and who, let’s
face it, will probably never use these tools themselves anyway. In the
middle is a majority who at least would like to get a taste of the ‘basic
After the lunch break I have a look at the other two workshops. Two
groups of each 20 participants (the maximum) are working
concentrated. In the SuperGlue workshop ( all have
just installed, or tried to install, the SuperGlue package, thus creating a
local network of mini servers. (The SuperGlue website states:
‘SuperGlue’s mini-server provides full control of your personal data by
enabling you to run and maintain your server at home. This means you
can better protect and share important information, directly with those
whom you want to share it with. So your privacy is in your hands.’) Danja
Vasiliev, one of the workshop tutors and creators of SuperGlue asks:
‘who has got it working?’ About everybody has it working. When I check
my Airport it sees six SuperGlue networks. Again, I realise I should finally
learn how to set up my own server, that I should learn this little bit of
command line tweaking, so I can run WordPress on my own machine,
and have all the other useful tools at my fingertips. It really is basic
knowledge. A lot of it is hardly ‘technical’ – but it’s in a different computer
paradigm, that feels very far removed from the shiny ‘intuitive’ interfaces.
Both the SuperGlue workshop and the visual poetry workshop show
that it’s fun to work with tools that empower you as user, that give you
the feeling of being in control and creating something – instead of
consuming nice interfaces that mostly control you. (I would say that
working, well playing, with an iPad mostly give the user the feeling of
being controlled by the interface, not of being in control. Using an iPad
certainly does not enhance the feeling that one can make something
oneself, apart from using services that offer heavily pre-formatted ways
of creation. Sure, the touch screen can be great to control sound
output, and it can be nice for gaming, but that is another thing). It’s an
old point, but it stays relevant.
Back in the days – roughly 1997 to 2000 – I taught basic HTML (and
writing to the web and so forth) at Mediamatic. At the time it was still
considered ‘handy’ for editors and designers – who actually already were
working in Dreamweaver and were doing Flash – to know some HTML.
(Of course the question was always raised: why should we know these
tags, when you can do the same visually in a WISYWIG editor?) Who,
apart from the ‘nerds’, maintained their websites doing HTML in the 21 st
century? Maybe some artists who liked the simplicity of HTML. Some
academics. The great thing is that a website made with simple HTML in
1995 still displays fine in any browser. I think there is a basic, simple fun
in creating something with one’s own hands. Maybe the result doesn’t
look as slick as other websites, but it will work fine, and you have control
over almost every step.
Also in the visual poetry workshop I mostly see smiling faces. They
generate an epub in the end – using a command line tool. And that’s
great. There is fun in making epubs. (Michael Murtaugh told me that the
pandoc workshop, which started quite chaotic, also ended with a great
feeling of relief from the side of the participants, when they create an
epub-output with pandoc with a simple command.)
‘Mp3 was not made big by the music industry, it was made big by file
sharing, started by hackers. Netflix makes it decisions about
programming by analysing Pirate Bay downloads. Maybe,’ Florian Cramer
says, because he’s doing the introduction again, ‘we should have started
the conference with this last panel on underground publishing.’ The
underground file sharing of books is, at least in Europe, much larger
than the retail market of e-books. Artists have been very active in this
scene from the beginning according to Florian Cramer. It also exists
much longer than the retail market. Some of it is illegal ‘sharing’ of
books, but not all of it. Here at the conference Bibliothecha is running on
a little local file server. It appears as an open wireless device on one’s
computer and allows you to download books that people have put
there. There’s also a website and a public repository – at
Calibre by the way also has a function to set up a content server, and
can connect to other users. I think Calibre is a decent viewer, it’s great
for conversion (Mobi to epub…), and can be used to produce ebooks.
The main downside to Calibre, for me, – except for the fact that it adds
its own code to your converted epubs – is that its interface is not
attractive at all.
After Sebastian Lütgert it’s over to the Marcell Mars – hacker, activist,
researcher. He is expert in book sharing and book hacking, and is, or
was, actively involved in creating code for Calibre. (Actually he has just
been banned from the developer forum). He wrote a sharing tool for
Calibre: He says: aesthetics and
usability are less important than social interaction. Calibre might be ugly
– he says it’s ugly – and not the easiest tool, but it has thousands of
users. He wants to make Calibre a political project. He mentions the
property regime and intellectual property are a huge problem. They sure
are. He also rants against the technological problems – the asymmetry
in the network, laptops that send requests for data, but never send data,
though they could. He is so right in that. The internet we have created is
a far cry to what it could have been in the dreams of 30, 20 or even 10
years ago. But most importantly Mars wants to connect again to the idea
of the public library. The public library as the democratic dream of
access to knowledge. He’s from Croatia where in 1991 books were
burned because they were in Cyrillic, in Serbian, and/or communist. And
the book scanning project at MAMA in Zagreb was a way of resurrecting
that burned library. He’s passionate about the idea of the public library,
and a passionate speaker with his Karl Marx-beard, using the word
struggle quite a bit. I think he is very right in his passionate plea for the
public library, and his plea against the development of electronic reading
as ‘streaming’, licensing temporary access to a file, where the whole
reading behaviour is controlled. In between he advises us to read Paper
Machines, Markus Krajewski’s book on the card catalogue. The issue he
raises is that of having power in the control over access to knowledge,
control over the index to knowledge. He pleads to not let Google take
over a total control over this index, that we need to retain the index of
the public library. He also pleas for retaining the function of a librarian –
as a person, a human being – and not hand over the control over the
index to computer engineers and algorithms. There are many points in
his presentation that deserve a detailed think-through and discussion.
Marcell Mars ends one of his answers with that he hates the idea of the
underground in the American and UK sense – ‘I’m not underground, fuck
you’. He is very right – when you would consider all our book sharing
(which in the current technical implementation means downloading) as
being the new implementation of the public library. (And not as building
a private library).
The attraction of epubs for me lies in the fun of making something which
is simple, which you can do yourself (just as well as any large institution).
It’s in the joy of making – and also there is a parallel with web design of
the middle 1990s. In that respect I have gone from amazement over the
fact that such a fuss was being made of ‘e-books’, to a joy of making
(For pictures see:
By jakubdutka, May 27, 2014 at 6:48 pm.
Michelle Kasprzak
The idea behind the e-book series was to create ‘legacy objects’ for
those who could not attend the actual events run by the institute. The
events in question include DEAF – Dutch Electronic Art Festival, Test_Lab
series, Blowup_series, as well as others. Regarding the institute’s style,
Michelle stated that their two main approaches – mixing old and new
content, and reframing – allows V2_ to remain agile and be flexible to
adjust to the hot topic of the time.
Badlands Unlimited is run by the founder and artist Paul Chan and three
staff member amongst which So himself. Chan had the ambition to start
a press of his own, but was at loss as to what kind of books to publish
apart from his own. He decided to publish the work of the artists he
admired, starting with the poetry of Yvonne Rainer, that turned out to be
one of their first publications.
By patricia, May 27, 2014 at 1:43 pm.
Sikkes observed that digital versions of hard copy publications are often
not more than that: a digital, oftentimes a PDF format, of the analogue
publication. That is, the advantages and possibilities a digital
environment has to offer are left unused. How can you avoid resorting
to a 1 on 1 translation of an analogue to a digital environment?
The starting point of this research project were the Highlights and
Reflections publications of the nai010 publishing house. Highlights is
composed of images of the highlights of the collection of Amsterdam’s
modern art museum, the Stedelijk Museum, and Reflections is an
addition to this photo catalogue and consists of a series of essays on the
art pieces. The question was: how could they make use of the
advantages e-publishing has to offer, tackle the difficulties, and make it
work for the average visitor of the Stedelijk Museum.
The majority of the visitors of the Stedelijk Museum are 50 years and
older tourists with smartphones. This is the visitor and the device they
had in mind when developing the Highlights Personalizer Application.
The application is optimized for iPhone and iPad and can be used to
prepare for a visit to the museum or as a personal reference, a
personalized catalogue of your visit to the Museum. Personalizing and
filtering are the key aspects of the application. Using the Highlights
Personalizer the user can make a selection of his or her personal
favorites of the museum’s Highlights. With the Highlights Personalizer
the user composes the content, it can decide what kind and how much
information is stored. Based on a large amount of content provided by
the Stedelijk Museum, the user can make a compilation by means of
several selection and filtering criteria and download his personal
Highlights with additional information on the artwork or the artist.
The structure of this open source application is usable for all kinds of
topics. Data collections containing multiple levels of information can be
used. However, there are still some difficulties they need to solve, for
Over the next coming months they hope to solve these issues.
You can find a PDF of her original presentation here: Presentation Loes
By jakubdutka, May 27, 2014 at 9:18 pm.
Joaquín González
Some practical issues were brought forth as well. One is the support of
the epub standard on e-readers and e-reading software. It is currently
as bad and as inconsistent as the support of web standards in the web
browsers of the 1990s. Another issue is that software workflows in the
editorial process need rethinking. (Cramer mentioned the
Microsoft/Adobe legacy as unworkable). The technically ideal solution is
the document format XML as a basis from which documents can be
automatically translated into desktop publishing files, web pages and e-
books, but in most cases, XML is too complex and technically demanded
for non-IT companies. A pragmatic solution is to use simplified
document markup languages like MultiMarkdown, which are easy to
write and read, and a good basis for automatic file format conversions,
too. Unlike HTML, which could also be used for this purpose,
MultiMarkdown has an unambiguous syntax that can’t easily lead to
incompatibilities when several people have worked on the same file.
Ending his talk, Cramer has an important question for the audience: why
do publishers tend to stick to the traditional formats of publishing even
when they move to e-publishing? He gave the example of poetry books.
Traditionally, poetry is published as poetry volumes because it is the
only economical way of printing, distributing and selling it. With e-
publishing however, it is possible to sell single poems. The same is true
for exhibition catalogues. He gave the recent example of Stedelijk
Museum, the Dutch contemporary art museum. It would have made no
sense to publish its 200-page collection highlights catalogue as one e-
book. But e-publishing makes it possible to turn each monographic
chapter on an individual artwork into a mini-epub of its own, and to
allow readers to choose what they want to explore and read.
You can find a PDF of his original presentation here: Presentation Florian
Florian Cramer is a reader for new media in art and design at Hogeschool
Rotterdam, and director of the Creating 010 centre for practice-oriented
research in support of creative professions. He also is dean of the Parallel
University of WORM, the Rotterdam-based Institute of Avantgardistic
Recreation. Last publication: Anti-Media, NAi Publishers, 2013; What Is Post-
Digital?, A Peer-Review Journal About, 2014.
By irina, May 27, 2014 at 10:20 am.
In this talk, however, Castro showed how she applies this know-how to a
topic close to her heart: the independence of Catalonia. She is an active
contributor to Catalan online news portal VilaWeb and has recently
moved to Barcelona. When she first started the collaboration there, she
noticed how hard it was to spread the word about Catalonia’s struggles
internationally. The reason was the use of one language (Catalan) and
only posting news on the website. That is when she decided to carry
interviews with Catalan activists, researchers, politicians, writers and
artists on Twitter, in multiple languages, using the social network as a
live chat. After this, she came up with the idea of publishing the
interviews as electronic collections.
The interviews take place in real time, Castro explained, and people can
follow and comment on them, therefore creating a new space for
discussions. Each interview has the hashtag #CatalanTalk and another
one for the local language (for example, #CatalanTalkEn). Each interview
is translated in multiple languages by a team of volunteers. The
interviews are further embedded on the Twitter stream on VilaWeb’s
There are challenges to this method, Castro also pointed out. First, she
needs to decide the exact time to have the interview each week, so that
followers know when it takes place. This is particularly burdened by the
different times zones of interviewees. Another challenge is that both her
and the interviewee need to type extremely fast – the interviews last
maximum one hour, because that is how long they expect followers to
tap in.
The main benefit of this method is the global reach of her interviews,
facilitated by the use of hash tags, comments, re-tweets and
How does she do that? The flow of publishing starts with archiving all the
tweets via Storify. Then, Castro explained, she exports them from Storify
to XML. At this point, there might be a lot of irrelevant tweets in the data.
In order to extract the clean interview, she uses XSLT to filter the XML
file by giving it certain commands (such as to delete all re-tweets or
comments and keep only the original interview). After clearing it up, she
imports the XML file in InDesign, where the text loses all the
unnecessary metadata and becomes readable text. Finally, she proof
reads and copy-edits the text, as typos and grammar mistakes are
common when writing so fast. She also sometimes edits abbreviations
and typos (these are inevitably used on Twitter, given the 140 characters
limit) but restrains from changing her interviewees’ writing styles or tone
of voice. After all these steps, she exports the file to EPub, which can
also be printed and distributed.
By irina, May 27, 2014 at 3:31 pm.
De Jong is a visual designer for design agency Essense and a member of
BIS Publishers, both located in Amsterdam. He attended the conference
“Off the Press: Electronic Publishing in the Arts” as a representative of
the latter and shared the production process of two of their recent e-
The first case study he presented was the translation of the best seller
book titled “Sketching: The basics” by Roselien Steur an Koos Eissen into
an e-publication (app) that design students and creative professionals
would find easier to learn from. The desired output was for the e-
publication to be highly interactive and visual while allowing the readers
to choose between different narratives (linear reading versus
fragmented, personalized reading). The idea was to focus on the book’s
purpose – to teach “the basics” of sketching. With the app (soon to be
launched), design students can choose if they want a step-by-step
teaching process or dive directly into specific skills. They can also choose
to read on theory or practice bits, or jump to industry experts’ highlights.
The other case study was translating the book “Think like a lawyer, don’t
act like one” by Aernoud Bourdrez into an electronic publication
(EPUB3). In this case, they opted for a neat, flat design in order to stay as
close as possible to the printed version. In either cases, BIS Publishers
followed the same workflow, which De Jong shared with the audience.
He first stressed out that one of the most important steps in the
workflow is knowing what you’re looking for in the upcoming product.
This means researching your target audience: who are they? What
devices do they use? How do they engage with reading and exploring?
What is the best format for them? Are they permanently online? etc.
These insights further dictate what type of content is more suitable (flat
text or rich media? Linear or fragmented narratives?).
Then, the authors, designers and publishers (more often than not, one
can play all three roles) choose the design and publishing tools to work
with. They can opt for either open tools (a wide range of developer tools,
Baker Framework, Sourcefabric) or proprietary tools (InDesign, iBooks
Author, LayerGloss, PressMatrix).
You can find a PDF of his original presentation here: Presentation Arjen
de Jong
By jakubdutka, May 27, 2014 at 9:59 pm.
Bibliotecha The last session of Off the Press was opened by André
Castro, who introduced participants to the Bibliotecha project. André is
a sound artist from Lisbon, currently living in Rotterdam. He completed
the Master’s program of Media Design and Communication at the Piet
Zwart Institute in 2013, and graduated in 2007 from the Sonic Arts BA
program at Middlesex University. He developed Bibliotecha in
collaboration with : Yoana Buzova ,Lasse van den Bosch Christensen,
Max Dovey,Michaela Lakova and Roel Roscam Abbing.
Andre Castro explaining the specificities of Bibliotecha André explained
the motivation behind creating Bibliotecha as frustration with sharing
knowledge. As he explained, due to legal regulations, lecturers at
universities couldn’t upload texts online and students wanted to be able
to share study materials outside the university regulations.
Paradoxically, EPUBs are less shareable than print books, because there
are no indexed databases where one could find extensive range of
publications on particular topic (as opposed to highly organised library
collections). As a result, a Hackaton dedicated to finding solution for
sharing ePubs resulted in the prototype of Bibliotehca. The idea was
initiated by Marcel Mars and Femke Snelting at Impact Festival Utrecht.
Andre Castro and Florian Cramer In technical terms, Bibliotecha is a
framework to facilitate the local distribution of digital publications within
a small community. It relies on a microcomputer running open-source
software to serve books over a local wifi hotspot. Using the browser to
connect to the library one can retrieve or donate texts. Bibliotecha
proposes an alternative model of distribution of digital texts that allows
specific communities to form and share their own collections.The
Bibliotecha grows organically with each member adds EPubs and thus
the community grows. They work with Raspberry Pie software and
Find out more at :
By patricia, May 27, 2014 at 1:29 pm.
“Books are Evil” is the provocative title of Adam Hyde’s talk in the session
on Workflows, Tools and Platforms. For many years Hyde worked as a
digital media artist, however, after coming back from an art residency in
Antarctica he decided to quit the art world and focus his career on the
design and development of online knowledge production platforms. He
has done so diligently; Hyde has become a well-known figure in the E-
pub field as the founder and director of Book Sprints, and previously as
the designer of various platforms such as Booki, BookJS, Booktype,
Objavi, Lexicon and the more recent PubSweet.
Provokingly addressing the title of his talk, Hyde exclaims that books are
evil because they gave birth to
industrialized culture,
and to the construct of the solitary genius-author.
By haroldkonickx, May 21, 2014 at 12:45 pm.
Generally, the source files for InDesign are Word files. In the new
workflow Word files are not central anymore, instead they are only used
at the beginning of the process out of necessity.
In this post I’ll go through the procedure employed to import HTML into
f = open(source, 'r+')
doc =
The script will look for line breaks that are not preceded by a >, and will
substitute them with a white space.
By checking the Create Link box you will be able to modify the content of
the xml file and it will be automatically updated into InDesign.
A window with the structure of your document will appear on the left. By
drag-and-dropping the body tag into the pages, the content will appear.
This procedure lacks support for images and footnotes.
Miriam Rasch is one of the speakers at the Off the Press conference.
She works at the Institute of Networkcultures and teaches at the school
for media and communation (MIC) of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Furthermore she is a passionate reader and literary critic. Starting off
with Barbara Hui’s online mapping of W.G. Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn
she gives us her ideas on the future of digital publishing. The interview is
in Dutch.
‘Over honderd jaar kunnen we nog HTML lezen'; Vasilis van Gemert over
digitaal publiceren from network cultures on Vimeo.
By Michael Murtaugh, April 30, 2014 at 12:50 am.
The concept of markup exists for decades now, coming primarily from
the intersection of engineering and publishing interests to make
generalized methods for indicating structure and editorial intentions
(through “tags”) in text documents for the purposes of producing
technical documentation in a “multi-path” way. In other words, a flexible
system where the same input text files can be used to produce
documentation in a variety of languages and/or for a variety of output
forms and methods of printing. The SGML standard (Standard
Generalized Markup Language, 1986) formed the basis on which Tim
Berners-Lee’s HTML (Hypertext Markup Language, 1989), design would
form, and led to the parallel development of XML (Extensible Markup
Language, 1996) to include applications beyond web publishing.
A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as
plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or
formatting instructions. While Markdown’s syntax has been
influenced by several existing text-to-HTML filters — including
Setext, atx, Textile, reStructuredText, Grutatext, and EtText — the
single biggest source of inspiration for Markdown’s syntax is the
format of plain text email. from the Markdown “Philosophy”
Markdown was born from the online writing practices around blogger
John Gruber (2004). In its very naming, Markdown thumbs it’s nose at
the generality and extensibility promised by HTML’s markup preferring
instead to focus on human read-and write-ability. With Markdown,
writers use indentation, blank lines, and bracket text with typewriter
symbols like asterisks, brackets and parentheses according to a set of
predefined rules to indicate structural elements in a text: paragraphs,
headers, and block quotations, as well to give emphasis to text, make
links, and place images. Where Markdown lacks a feature, either custom
extensions are added (such as the notation for a footnote) or else HTML
markup can be included and which then simply “passes through” the
Markdown conversion. The Markdown system is published under a free
software license so others are free to contribute and re-implement it’s
functionality in their own software, which has led to the format being
included in a large number of tools and platforms.
Thursday and Friday April 24 & 25 a hackathon took place at the Piet
Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Over the course of 2 days, some of the
developers of the Digital Publishing Toolkit initiative gathered to work on
their projects and to share experiences, code and tools and discuss the
(devil-is-in-the) details of developing for digital publications.
Software used:
CakePHP –
epub.js – epub reader in browser
for preview functionality
PHPePub Validator/ & EPUB-Checker (standalone of
the website)
Some progress made resolving the many validation errors, most of them
stemming from duplicate footnote IDs. The code responsible for parsing
the footnotes should be changed, this will eliminate most, if not all,
validation errors.
A first attempt at a generated EPUB cover has been made, but the
difficulties of automatically generating any sort of simple design involving
text were encountered. Text positioning and wrapping is hard, especially
in a barebones library like GD2 (ImageMagick supposedly offers more
advanced functions in this regard). Sauli proposed a different approach
using an image export of the HTML5 canvas element, which is worth
looking into as well (as javascript libraries like paper.js or processing.js
could be employed).
Current Workflow
The documents of this publication have been developed in a classic
workflow – starting from Word files collected from authors. The following
steps have already been taking to get from this stage to the eventual
digital publication: Conversion doc to docx by LibreOffice (manually done)
docx converted to HTML by Calibre’s ebook-convert script (batch) *
Python scripts to clean up (strip "invisible" markup like non-breaking
spaces), validating and sensibly indenting the resulting XHTML (using
html5lib & ElementTree). These scripts can be found in the SotQ2 repo.
HTML editor?
We began with a hypothetical workflow for editing the HTML directly in
the browser using the browser’s own integrated inspection tools
(Firefox’s DOM inspector and style editor) & HTML5’s contenteditable
attribute and javascript in combination with a simple local python
webserver to save the live documents content back to the local
filesystem as an HTML file. Marc suggested we also look into using
javascript extensions such as the medium editor (free software recode
of the popular proprietary platform’s interface) as an example of the
"state of the art" of non-intrusive in-browser editing widgets.
In general, "live" editing of the HTML in the browser offers the directness
of "WYSIWYG" and taps into the many free software efforts to make
editing in the browser better. We discussed other possibilities like
integration with git, and some kind of simple means of applying the
various cleanup scripts (typically performed on the commandline) via
buttons in the browser interface.
In this workflow that starts with docx there is the necessity to enforce a
style guide / protocol for the docx e.g.: Asign a style (like h6) to
blockquotes, sections tiltes as heading, so these can be seamingless
converted. And if they are not well converted one can go back to .docx
document and search for the particular style, quickly finding the content
contained under that style. Yet, this remains difficult.
My initial idea was to work on the preparation of the master HTML file
that will give birth to the epub.
From the discussion with Florian it was clear that there was a necessity
to have as the master/source file of the book, very lean and robust, with
only the essential structure and clear to read. Markdown was an answer,
since it has a very strict syntax, readable, and when converting a messy
html into markdown it cleans it out of the calibre artifacts.
Tools used
jQuery for javascript development, with the touch events from jQuery
Mobile which normalizes browser implementations of javascript and
touch events and provides a consistent way of writing code. Once
everything is working, we will then package the webapplication in a
platform-specific shell using phonegap a mobile development
framework. Phonegap allows us to tap into device specific features, such
as locking the screen orientation.
Florian Cramer
Footnote renumbering tool (linebased, doesn’t renumber it if they
are on the same line) : this has been solved by using pandoc to
convert from and to markdown;
Markdown pretty printer / tidy markdown see above; pandoc can
also be used for this purpose
You can find the program booklet below. Check out the
conference program, sessions descriptions and workshops. Then,
be sure to book your ticket for the conference here.
Conference Content
Thursday 22 May @Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
This project is initiated by: Lasse van den Bosch Christensen (DK),
Michaela Lakova (BG), Max Dovey (GB), Roelof Roscam Abbing (NL), Yoana Buzova (BG), and
André Castro (PT)
The postdigital print era has definitely begun. On one hand, the boom in
net content or IT process-based artists’ books (with a whole taxonomy of
techniques and approaches), and the collective effort to scan
underground print culture and share it in digital repositories, is
revamping the production and rediscovery of critical content in a classic
form. On the other hand, the unveiling of Google’s huge industrial
scanning plans, the growing unsustainability of newspapers’ business
models, the growing role of software in literary and journalistic
production, and the constant fine-tuning of commercial e-publications’
rules are slowly changing the industrial printed mediascape. The
resulting scenario helps to shed new light onto the role of networks in
these processes, and the possibility of considering them as agents
rather than as media per se.
This panel explores the diversity of tools and processes for publishing
online from highly designed and specialised platforms and content
management systems to more DIY heterogeneous and dynamic
toolchains. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different
approaches. A group of practitioners representing a range of disciplines
and approaches share their experiences.
Tools evolve reciprocally with their use, as do the users of those tools.
What we can do and what we wish we could do are enabled and limited
not only by the tools we have access to but also by the larger socio-
economic conditions that determine these tools and their modes of
production and operation. Tools actively participate in shaping our
identity as producers, makers, and appreciators. Through the the case
study of a multi-output typesetting workflow that uses only libre
software, the talk will explore a vocabulary to think differently about
how we work with text today, one that focuses on qualities of re-
composition and the dynamics of a different type of ownership.
Sketching Skills
The BIS-publisher workgroup set out to research the following issue:
how can we make highly interactive rich media publications, accessible
on multiple devices, at a reasonable cost? They show the problems and
solutions encountered in their case study Sketching Skills, an App
version of Sketching, the bestselling book that teaches sketching to
industrial designers, by Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur.
visualMANIAC was born with the intention to preserve the role of the
specialist publisher and bookseller in the digital world.
Matthew So (US)
Angie Keefer
During the session, artists and designers will present their own practices
and approaches to digital publishing that both take advantage of and
question the current modes of content production and dissemination.
The presented cases will open the debate on possible strategies to build
sustainable, networked or hybrid publishing models.
This talk will review the latest productions of Greyscale Press, and
expose the promiscuous workflows and methodologies it puts in place
to fit its needs, urges and dreams.
This workshop will teach participants the practical use of Pandoc and
Markdown, departing from their own particular backgrounds, needs and
expectations. We will take individually selected online texts and convert
them to Markdown. From there we will craft Pandoc translation
templates for HTML/CSS and PDF (using the open source typesetting
framework Context). These templates may be context-specific (only
fitting one particular type of publication) or generic (suitable for a broad
range of publications) as we design them. But they will nevertheless be
universally applicable to any Markdown source document. Participants
will leave with a small arsenal of Open Source, cross-media typesetting
and document generation tools, and their own design templates for
these tools.
In this workshop you will join the Superglue development team for a
four-hour exploration and alpha testing. Evaluate Superglue and provide
your feedback on its design and functionality. Learn how to build
Superglue websites and find out how to get involved in the project.
Dušan Barok (SK)
Dušan Barok is an artist, writer and cultural activist involved in critical
practice in the fields of software, art, and theory. He is founding editor of
Monoskop (a wiki for art, culture and media technology), a graduate of
the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, and a member of the collective La
Société Anonyme.
Angie Keefer
Geert Lovink (NL)
Geert Lovink is a media theorist, internet critic, and the author of Zero
Comments (2007) and Networks Without a Cause (2012). Since 2004 he
has been a researcher in the School for Communication and Media
Design at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) where he
is the founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures. From 2004–
2013 he also taught in the New Media Master’s programme at Media
Studies, the University of Amsterdam. Since 2009 he has been a media
theory professor at the European Graduate School (Saas-Fee) and in
2011 he became an associate member of the Centre for Digital Cultures
at Leuphana University (Lueneburg/D).
[email protected],
By Miriam Rasch, April 4, 2014 at 12:17 pm.
Hoe groot is het aanbod van e-books in Nederland? Hoe veel worden er
verkocht? Hoeveel e-readers een tablets zijn er in Nederland?
Add the docx file by drag-and-dropping it into calibre. In this way it’ll be
added to your library.
Let’s have a look now into the Epub. To do so we need to unzip it. We
can either change the extension to “.zip” or use theEpub UnZip tool.
The nice thing is that the conversion keeps (or create) a table of
contents, splitting the document in several HTML files. From the
document itself:
You and the book; some thoughts on the practice and future of ePub
from network cultures on Vimeo.
By Miriam Rasch, January 24, 2014 at 9:48 am.
By kimberley, January 14, 2014 at 9:52 am.
Can an algorithm edit a journal? Can a library exist without books? Can
students build and manage their own learning management platforms?
Can a conference be held without a program? Can Twitter replace a
scholarly society?
Hacking the Academy will both explore and contribute to ongoing efforts
to rebuild scholarly infrastructure for a new millennium.
More information
By Katía Truijen, December 3, 2013 at 10:25 am.
Barbera van Kooij van nai101 publishers legt uit dat het een nieuwe en
aanvullende rol van de uitgever is om nieuwe platforms en
distriebutiemogelijkheden te verkennen. Volgens haar is het interessant
om te onderzoeken hoe we op nieuwe manieren digitaal kunnen
publiceren. De gangbare EPUB versies van bestaande boeken hebben
volgens van Kooij vaak geen toegevoegde waarde ten opzichte van een
boek of pdf. De vraag is hoe je een visuele uitgave als de catalogi van het
Stedelijk vertaald naar een digitale uitgave die meerwaarde heeft.
Uiteindelijk moet het project resulteren in een basis applicatie die zich
leent voor het ontwikkelen van allerlei nieuwe publicaties. Andere musea
en uitgevers moeten hier ook gebruik van kunnen maken.
nai010 kijkt op dit moment naar welke publicaties geschikt zouden zijn
om op deze manier uit te geven en aan te bieden. Volgens Barbera van
Kooij wordt de applicatie een bijzonder inspirerend instrument om
informatie op een andere manier beschikbaar te maken.
Daarnaast wordt er door het team een template ontwikkeld voor het
uitbreiden van de digitale serie. Hierbij wordt geëxperimenteerd met
hyperlinks die verwijzen naar alinea’s binnen het boek én een
overkoepelend verwijssysteem, dat wellicht naar fragmenten uit alle acht
boeken uit de serie kan verwijzen. Voor de meer ingewikkelde versie
wordt uitgezocht of de tekst kan worden uitgebreid met extra beeld,
geluid en videomateriaal. Beide versies zullen worden uitgegeven in
verschillende talen om een zo groot mogelijk publiek aan te kunnen
Er zal dus eerst een versie worden uitgebracht die tegemoet komt aan
een deel van de wensen, zodat er daarna kan worden
geëxperimenteerd met een droom versie van de serie. Voor de eerste
versie is gekozen voor het Epub3 formaat, omdat het compatibel is met
meerdere platforms en veel vrijheid biedt voor het ontwerp.
Valiz is er nooit van uit gegaan dat de serie één op één vertaald zou
worden van analoog naar digitaal, maar het oorspronkelijke ontwerp
wilden ze wel in ere houden. Sommige dingen moesten worden
aangepast om het als e-book goed te laten werken. Zo werden de letters
van de inhoudsopgave groter zodat deze goed aan te raken zijn.
Joost Kircz – Het ongebonden boek aan de ketting, met introductie van
Geert Lovink from network cultures on Vimeo.
Geachte aanwezigen,
Veel moeilijker wordt het als we plaatjes, film of geluid mee willen
nemen in een uitgave. Een vogelgids is hier een mooi voorbeeld. De
traditionele vogelgids is onmiddellijk begrijpbaar in een digitale versie,
waarbij wij zowel de beelden, zoals de precieuze vorm van de kop, de
structuur en de kleuren van de veren, de vlucht en ook de zang bij de
hand kunnen hebben. Dit voorbeeld is eenvoudig omdat er een hechte
en onmiddellijke band is tussen de elementen tekst, beeld, film en
geluid. Een dergelijke stramien zou ook goed bruikbaar kunnen zijn voor
een bijen en wespen gids. Veel moeilijker wordt het al als we educatieve
of wetenschappelijke tekst hebben en in het verlengde daarvan
kunstboeken. Daar waar er een redenatie wordt opgebouwd en waarbij
op verschillende plekken in de tekst verwezen wordt naar andere
mediale objecten, is terug bladeren en heen-en-weer verwijzen
essentieel. Ook annotaties en onderstrepingen van de lezer gaan een
rol spelen. Onmiddellijk worden we hier geconfronteerd met het feit dat
deze vaak niet puur tekstuele elementen vaak meervoudig gebruikt
worden in verschillende publicaties. Zoals bijvoorbeeld een populaire
cartoon, een schilderij, of een technische of geneeskundige tekening.
U was er al bang voor en inderdaad het hoge woord moet eruit. Als wij
mediale elementen, van welk soort dan ook, willen hergebruiken en
meervoudig gebruiken dan moeten wij ze eenduidig benoemen, ze een
eenduidige beschrijving geven en in een gestandaardiseerde vorm
gieten. En dan heet zo’n verzameling stapelbare eenheden een
Databank of in het jargon een Database. Over de inrichting van zo’n
databank hoeven we het hier niet te hebben, die kan lokaal zijn, in de
wolken, of op de NSA servers in Washington D.C. De enige eisen zijn:
een welgedefinieerd object, een eenduidige beschrijving EN de haakjes
en oogjes om het vast te pakken en op de juiste plaats tussen de andere
objecten te zetten. Dat heet dus koppeling of hyperlinking. Hergebruik
en meervoudig gebruik zijn de kenmerken van de volgende stap in
digitaal uitgeven. Uiteraard is dit geen klein bier. Want willen we wel
precies gelijke eenheden hergebruiken of willen we er zelf iets aan
toevoegen of veranderen, al is het maar een pijl op een beeld om de
aandacht van een detail te benadrukken.
Het is makkelijk te begrijpen. Neem een groot duiventil, liefst zo’n oude
duiventoren die bij kloosters gebruikt werd als voorloper van de
intensieve veeteelt, de duiven zitten daar netjes op hun nest en zijn
individueel herkenbaar, stapelbare en aftelbare eenheden. De digitale
knal heeft ze opgeschrikt en ze vliegen nu kris kras door elkaar in de
open ruimte. Onze eerste taak is om al de vrij vliegende objecten
eenduidig te identificeren, hun vluchtpatronen in kaart te brengen en
hun relaties te benoemen. Uiteindelijk willen we leren in formaties te
vliegen. Je zou bijna de oude VVD verkiezingsleus van de plank halen:
“Vrijheid in Gebondenheid”. Voor digitale objecten is deze leus in ieder
geval zeer van toepassing. Verder is voor mij de rol van de VVD voor
elektronisch uitgeven niet zo groot, al zouden ze natuurlijk het lage BTW
tarief voor e-boeken moeten bepleiten.
The final presentation of the Digital Publishing Toolkit meeting, the ABC
of digital publishing, was held by Miriam Rasch, publication manager at
the Institute of Network Cultures. In her talk, she addressed workflows,
format conversion, finding the ideal format, metadata and how to put
these all together. According to Rasch, the great diversity of input and
output formats that are available today, calls for digital publishers to
have a flexible workflow, instead of a single defined path to follow.
Considering the fact that Adobe InDesign is still central to the workflow
of many publishers, INC’s experiments with new publication forms
started with by applying an Indesign-Centric Workflow to the
development of the Epub version of the Unlike Us Reader print
publication. (Read elaborate notes on the conversion here). This process
actually turned out to be quite sloppy with a lot of manual labour, e.g.
adding hyperlinks. Consequentially, INC realized that it would be much
more effective to have a modified HTML centric workflow, with
structured content in each phase and a file format that is maintained
throughout the entire process.
One solution, albeit not the holy grail, is to use MarkDown, a rather
simple markup language, comparable to HTML. According to Rasch
MarkDown is perfect for text -based editors, like herself, and at the
same time very suitable for making digital products. It has a great level
of readability, while maintaining a strict content structure. Then again,
most authors will keep working with Word instead of Markdown editors
like Mou. Therefore Rasch stressed the need for ways to convert Word
documents to the Markdown format. INC´s research into file formats
and conversions is documented on the Digtial Publishing Toolkit blog.
The INC subgroup has also started to develop a specific INC set of
metadata, which can be useful to manage contents and output custom
versions of the publications. They started by referring to a broad
Document Type Definition (DTD), similar to that of Elsevier, but
eventually derived the metadata directly from all the available content.
Compiling a condensed list of about 10-20 metadata that specifically
refer to INC readers, was helpful in understanding the essential and
wanted metadata for INC´s digital publications, and to figure out what´s
´special´ about the list of INC publications (for example, the various
inputs, like video, blogs, interviews, texts etc). The set of metadata is
applicable to other publications, but could also prove useful for
publishers in general.
INC, condensed metadata set
Rasch explained how the subgroup´s research is shifting away from the
middle of the workflow to it´s very beginning. It´s the collaborative, back
and forth process, between author, editor, designer and proof reader,
that marks the publishing workflow. Word could be considered as ´the
battlefield´, where many revisions leads to more comments,
annotations and corrections. To map the complexities in the workflows,
INC has started to take more role-oriented perspective, leading to new
questions, such as: how to handle editing in Markdown? Should
everyone involved in the workflow start using Markdown editors? These
are the kinds of questions the subgroup will increasingly focus on.
Another concept -at the end of the workflow-was to take the idea the
epub format as input to an extreme, and apply it to relatively new genre,
the ´book trailer´. This resulted in the creation of the epub Book Trailer
Generator, which manipulates a publication´s metadata with scripts, to
generate a ´subliminal´ book GIF trailer.
The original presentation file (PDF) can be found hereWatch the full
presentation below
Problemen die men bij het maken van e-books vaak tegenkomt zijn de
technische beperkingen van platforms en de duurzaamheid van een
bepaald bestandsformaat. Moet je een e-book offline of online
aanbieden? Je hebt immers niet altijd en overal internetverbinding. In
het ideale geval is een formaat geschikt voor elk medium, maar zeker als
je interactieve elementen wil toevoegen ben je al gauw gebonden aan
een bepaald platform.
Daarvoor zijn goed gestructureerde formaten nodig. Het wordt ook voor
kleine uitgevers interessant wanneer er één werkwijze voor e-publicaties
komt en één bestandsformaat dat gemakkelijk te vertalen is naar zowel
papieren als elektronische versies. Op deze manier kan een ontwerper
snel aan de slag.
The original presentation file (PDF) can be found here Watch the full
presentation below (in Dutch)
Uitgeverij BIS is typisch een visuele uitgever, met een specialisatie in het
uitgeven van vakboeken voor creatieve professionals, academische
boeken, business boeken en boeken voor het algemeen publiek ( zoals
‘gift’ boeken). Engelstalige boeken in Amerika is voor hen de grootste
markt. Uitgeverij BIS is de E-book markt aan het verkennen, die zich
razendsnel ontwikkelt.
De eerste case study, de publicatie -Think Like a Lawyer, Don’t Act Like
One- zit tussen een ‘business’ en een’ gift’ boek in en behandelt 75
onderhandelingskwesties. Bij het digitaal publiceren van dit boek was
het uitgangspunt om een vormgevingsgetrouwe e-book conversie te
realiseren, waarbij het lettertype gebruik, de spread-layout en het
beeldgebruik zoveel zou worden behouden. Developer Sauli
Warmerhoven (Mr. Sauli) bouwde een EPUB3 generator om de pagina
opmaak voor dit boek te automatiseren.
1. Als je een Epub ontwikkelt moet je onthouden dat hij zal worden
bekeken op e-readers. Je zal daarom rekening moeten houden met de
navigatie. Voor de ontwerper/publisher is het verstandig om de
aanwezige navigatie functionaliteit te gebruiken, in plaats van nieuwe
navigatiefuncties toe te voegen die mogelijk kan conflicteren met de
aanwezig functionaliteit.
Het doel was om deze productie non-lineair aan te pakken met een
focus op tablets en navigatie. Het boek werd opgedeeld in schets
‘exercises’ en ‘skills’. Door deze zijn verwerkt in het interactieontwerp kan
je als lezer verschillende stappen nemen, zoals makkelijk terugnavigeren
naar bepaalde oefeningen, of inspringen op basis van je eigen skills(et).
Het idee is dan ook om rekening te houden met verschillende typen
lezers en ontwerpers met verschillende of specifieke skills.
The original presentation file (PDF) can be found hereWatch the full
presentation below
To produce an iOS app (which is our first focus for this project), an Apple
developer account is always required (costing around 90e year).
The first results with this service were promising: after enabling
hardware acceleration for elements that move via CSS, and making sure
video files were correctly encoded, sliding to the next page appeared
reasonably smooth (through buttons as well as swipe gestures). Those
different ‘pages’ are actually elements on a single HTML document.
Storing user data via localstorage also worked as expected.
In anticipation of the final design & content, next step was to test the
possibilities of in app purchases for the different chapters:
At this moment, the PhoneGap Build service doesn’t provide the plugins
needed to connect to the iOS store for in app purchases. Those plugins
do exists, but it means the ‘compiling’ of the app must be done locally,
using Apple development environment XCode, allowing the use of
custom plugins.
This post represents the first report on the concept developed during
the hackathon. More will follow!
In our discussion we didn’t limit the outputs and the sources to what is
generally considered a publication: we considered as well Flickr streams,
contact spreadsheets, etc.
We also realize that open format like Epub could be easily accessed and
harvested for content, in other ways than the mere linear reading. So we
started to think of ePub as an input/source that could be manipulated
by scripts.
The scripts employs the PIL library to handle the images (resizing,
creating text, etc.) and images2gif to convert all the images to an
animated gif.
python file-name.epub
The title indicates the intention of the book. To make a prediction of the
development of ebooks by looking at what comes beyond. It’s an
interesting play of thought, but unfortunately the idea doesn’t always
come to it’s full potential as the articles circle around similar predictions
that have been around for a while. They focus mainly on the technical
potential of ebooks and the changing position of the author, reader and
publisher that follow. Some of the authors also critically address the
(technical) limitations that detain these visions of the future to become
true, but a perspective on what we want this future to look like seems to
be missing.
Many of the authors describe the Ebooks of the future as explosions of
video and sound, where people interact with the book, each-other, and
the author, allowing ‘social reading’ and personal publications. Ebooks
will thus become multimedia publications that should not be seen as
book, website, game, video or any other kind of document, but as a
hybrid in which interactivity is key. Readers can not only change the size
of the text, or add comments and highlights, but also exchange reading
habits and experiences with their fellow readers. This social reading can
already be seen in services like Readmill, Goodreads and Bookshout!.
Publishers, who normally gate keep what is being published and how it
is being published, don’t have a defined role in this user driven
publishing network anymore as Dr. Willem de Laat describes in his
article “Memo 3: Het einde van het ebook?”. Moreover, big players, like
Apple, Amazon and Google seem to push publishers even further from
their position as they develop their own formats, readers and apps to
connect as many readers to their platforms, which results in private
ecosystems. This is also the case for smaller initiatives or services like
Readmill. To make use of the social layer of the book, you are bound to
their platform.
The shift in the position of the publishers also leeds to questions about
business models. How can you ensure any income from your
publications when everyone can publish, when authors can skip the step
of the publisher and distribute the books themselves, when readers can
download the book you so carefully produced on any of the torrent sites
and copy them endlessly? More than ones the connection to the music
industry and the iTunes and Spotify business model are made. From this
perspective people no longer pay for the ebooks themselves, but for the
service and ease of use. From this perspective it becomes more
important to create a user-friendly platform with a complete collection
for a reasonable price. But these new business models are not without
problems as Willem Mastenbroek Jr. in “De toekomst van het ebook
Nieuwe hoop of totale ondergang?” describes. The consumption of
ebooks is not comparable to the consumption of single mp3 files – how
many pages can you read during one song? – leading to the question
when such a service will be profitable.
From this perspective it becomes even more clear how critical we should
be of the position of platforms like Amazon, Google, and Apple within
the publishing world. It is not only that they are overthrowing the strong
position of publishers within the publishing chain, they also enforce
certain formats that limit, or at least direct the possibilities of design. In
the case of Apple this is even more pressing as you can only sell your
‘beautifully designed’ iBooks within Apples stores. Gonny der Zwaag
makes a similar assumption: “It creates tremendous need for simple
tools to make magazines and books yourself. Who offers the best tools
and becomes market leader, can earn a lot by taking a percentage of the
sales.” Unfortunately she doesn’t address the problems that come with
having a market leader without having any real alternatives.
Essentially the book thus gives a clear overview of all the different
perspectives, arguments, pro’s and con’s of digital publishing. But is it
enough to simply predict these changes by looking at what is happening
right now, and not envision what you would like this future to look like?
Will we allow platforms like Apple, Amazon and Google to define the field
of digital publishing, and possibly overthrowing the role of publishers, or
do we create parallel platforms that allow for experiments in content,
revenue models, and most importantly in the case of the digital
publishing toolkit project: design?
By sauli, October 16, 2013 at 11:19 am.
Jorinde Seijdel (JS) Het INC onderzoekt met langlopende projecten als
Out of Ink en Digital Publishing Toolkit de gevolgen van de digitalisering
voor het publiceren en uitgeven, met speciale aandacht voor de kunsten
cultuursector. Waarom staat dit onderwerp zo hoog op jullie agenda?
Geert Lovink (GL) Het INC onderzoekt digitaal publiceren door het zelf
in de praktijk te brengen. Onze publicaties zijn te lezen op het web, als
EPUB te downloaden op je telefoon en te bestellen als boek via Print on
Demand. Zeker de helft drukken we zelf en geven we gratis weg. Zo
kunnen we diverse nieuwe platforms en publicatiemodellen uitproberen
en de juridische, technische en sociale standaarden bevragen die
momenteel onderdeel zijn van issues als intellectueel eigendom,
wetenschappelijke en artistieke communicatie of noties van
auteurschap. En zo kunnen we kennis delen en anderen ten voorbeeld
zijn. Het veld van digitaal uitgeven en publiceren is juist nu enorm aan
het groeien. De revolutie van digitaal uitgeven vindt nu plaats! Wij vinden
het dus belangrijk dat wij ons hierin mengen als schrijvers, kunstenaars
en ontwerpers en ons niet als consumenten en hekkensluiters
opstellen. Computers worden steeds kleiner en handzamer en
internetverbindingen sneller. We zijn op een punt in de geschiedenis
beland waarop het heel makkelijk is om grote bestanden te downloaden
en uit te wisselen als het gaat om tekst, beelden, boeken en tijdschriften.
Het gangbaar worden van het vrije en open e-boekformaat EPUB speelt
hierin ook een rol. Door EPUB kunnen mensen nu ook teksten lezen op
hun telefoon (EPUB is ontworpen voor ‘reflowable’ content. Bij
‘reflowable’ content kan de tekst van de boeken voor elke e-reader
geoptimaliseerd worden. Zie ook:
JS Wat vind je in dit kader van het Google Books project, waarin Google
ernaar streeft om alle boeken en alle kennis van de wereld te scannen,
digitaliseren en doorzoekbaar te maken (zie:
GL Op dit moment nog niet per se. Ik denk wel dat er vanuit de kunsten
veel behoefte is om het gesproken woord en het bewegende beeld
dichter bij elkaar te brengen. Op dat gebied zal er nog heel wat gaan
worden geëxperimenteerd. Misschien zal zich een nieuw genre
kunstpublicatie ontvouwen, als een opvolging van het foto-essay of de
essayachtige documentaire. Denk aan de korte YouTube-en Wikipedia-
filmpjes, die in een paar seconden of in een paar minuten een complex
probleem, een begrip, een geschiedenis uitleggen. Op dit gebied staat
ons nog heel wat te wachten. En het is onze taak om al die
experimenten, expertises en technologieën op een heel poëtische en
verleidelijke, maar toch dwingende manier samen te brengen.
Kunstpublicaties zouden meer vrijheid moeten claimen en zich moeten
mengen in het experimenteerveld. Waarom zijn veel kunstenaars zo
conservatief, stellen ze geen vragen en houden zich afzijdig als het gaat
om de media-architectuur van de toekomst? Kunsttijdschriften moeten
net als in het interbellum weer een avant-garde positie innemen. Toen
ging het om typografie, nu gaat het om technische formats.
JS Dit is toch een heel geëngageerde inzet, een oproep tot participatie?
GL Ja, maar het gaat niet per se om een bevrijdende ervaring van de
maker of de lezer. Want ik denk dat we daar al heel ver in zijn. Het is nu
juist het gevaar dat we eindigen met een heel beperkte hoeveelheid van
dominante standaarden, die leidt tot een verarming van het kunsten
cultuurboek, van haar diversiteit, en uiteindelijk van de kritische
leescultuur. Dat is wat wij moeten zien te voorkomen. Denk aan
bijvoorbeeld de invloed die een firma als Adobe op dit moment heeft op
de vormgeving. Daar kun je vraagtekens bij zetten. JS Bestaat er voor jou
iets als de ‘politiek van het uitgeven’?
GL Ja. De vragen die op tafel liggen zijn groot en die kunnen we alleen
maar gezamenlijk oplossen, en niet door deze twee domeinen tegen
elkaar op te zetten. Het is volstrekt kunstmatig om ze los van elkaar te
zien. De discussie gaat niet over die goede, autonome beeldende kunst
die zo zielig is en niet op eigen benen kan staan, en ook niet over de
boosaardige, creatieve industrie. Het gaat over het feit dat ze niet in
relatie tot elkaar gezien worden. Eigenlijk gaat het om een boze droom.
Laten we deze desastreuze fase zo snel mogelijk afsluiten!
— INC subgroup
In this post I’ll treat the issues that emerge from the proposal of
embedding a custom set of metadata, based on the Dublin Core
standard, within a MultiMarkdown document.
What Metadata?
1. Metadata tied to workflow and production. Those allow to structure
a text in such a way that, with the help of a style sheet, different
kinds of output technologies (and formats) can be used.
2. Metadata as the translation table between the tags under 1. and
the output appearance. E.g. This is a Title has a related list in
which it is stipulated that on paper words in the field title are
printed Bold face in Green. In the same list it is stipulated that on a
B&W e-reader it is only Bold.
3. Metadata for keywords and classifications. Here a word or small
noun-phrase is tagged with a tag that is coupled to a glossary
orontology in which the meaning of the term is given. E.g.
<glossA23>Spinach</glossA23> means the word spinach according
to glossary A (vegetables) is defined in field 23.
4. Metadata that deal with navigation e.g. anchors in an hypertext
Functional Requirements
First we list the functional requirements for our DCAP:
Retrieve articles through a title or an author search;
Sort retrieved items by publication date;
Sort retrieved items by editing date;
Provide the author’s name and affiliation for contact purposes.
Sort different typologies of articles, such as blogposts or essays;
Arrange the articles according to the project they belong to;
Retrieve a certain part of an article, such as the abstract;
Retrieve specific information within the text, such as names of
people or organizations that are mentioned into it.
Domain Model
Then we develop a domain model:
The domain model for IncPubBeta has 3 things: Projects, Articles and
Persons (the authors of the articles). The domain model therefore
consists of:
Domain Model
An Article:
a Title;
a Name;
an Affiliation.
Metadata Evaluation
At this stage we evaluate the possibilty to use terms from existing
vocabularies in our DCPA:
For the Title we can use dcterms:title, simply defined as “A name given
to the resource”. It takes a free text as value.
Parent as Project
Title is mapped to dcterms:title and it takes a free text as value.
Author as Person:
Name is mapped to foaf:name (part of the FOAF vocabulary), defined as
“a name for some thing”.
Two vocabularies are used in our DCAP:
Article’s Title
Title could be seamlessly mapped to Title metadata, present in
MultiMarkdown and defined as follows.
Publication Date
Publication Date could be seamlessly mapped to Date metadata,
present in MultiMarkdown and defined as follows.
Even though MMD doesn’t provide any particular way to fomat dates, it
is preferable to adhere to W3C Dates and Times Formats.
Date: 2012-10-08
Edited Date
There is no metadata similar to Edited Date in MMD. So I propose
Modified metadata to stick with the DC syntax.
Modified: 2013-10-08
There is no metadata similar to Type in MMD. So we propose Type
metadata to stick with the DC syntax. It allows for a custom vocabulary.
Type: Blogpost
Author’s Name
The Name of an Author could be seamlessly mapped to Author
metadata, present in MultiMarkdown and defined as follows.
Author’s Affiliation
The Affiliation of an Author could be seamlessly mapped to Affiliation
metadata, present in MultiMarkdown and defined as follows.
In order to identify the Abstract within a MMD document, it is
necessary to implement some extra syntax. Following there are some
references and possibilities listed.
In LaTEX an Abstract is identified in the following way.
Your abstract goes here
In this case a blank line would represent the end of the abstract. The
advantage of this solution would be that the abstract is not written more
than once. The solution is not MMD compatible.
Pandoc’s Markdown
The software Pandoc has an extended Markdown syntax that includes
the possibility to insert an abstract within a YAML object in the following
abstract: |
This is the abstract.
Another possibility could be to insert the abstract within a section tag.
The solution doesn’t conflict with MMD and allows to write the abstract
only once. The main drawback is on the readability of the text.
As for the abstract, a way to tag Agents (such as people, organizations,
institutions) within the document is desirable. Following there are some
references and possibilities listed.
LaTEX uses the following way to define nouns.
noun{Jack} and noun{Joe Bloggs} went up the hill.
And in the case of having a link to tag as agent, one could do like this:
[Jack]({agent} went up the hill.
Semantic MediaWiki
In Semantic MediaWiki, an extension to MediaWiki, it is possible to tag
links and normal text in the following ways.
Another possibility could be to insert the agent within a span tag.
The solution doesn’t conflict with MMD. The main drawback is again the
readability of the text.
# “This is my title”
## Part of My project’s Title
Even though the proposed scenario that employs HTML5 is fully
functional within MMD, some issue regarding the legibility of code (main
concern while using MMD) do arise. In order to extract the metadata
correctly, a preprocessor is anyway needed. A possibility not treated in
the post is to include DC metadata directly as HTML header. This
solution was consciously avoided because it totally breaks the legibility.
Guidelines for Dublin Core Application Profiles;
Dublin Core User Guide;
MultiMarkdown Syntax Guide;
Sematic Tagging in Markdown;
Additional Markdown We Need in Scholarly Texts by Martin Fenner;
Fountain, a plain text markup language for screenwriting based on
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki.
By Miriam Rasch, October 8, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
A contribution by Meeusontwerpt
The subgroup of Valiz, Meeus Ontwerpt and Puntpixel has set out to
create a digital version of two editions in a new series by Valiz called
Context Without Walls. The paper versions of Context Without Walls –
books containing essays about and works by a contemporary artist – are
being designed by Meeus Ontwerpt and are full of design and
conversion challenges. Some of these include working with image-filled
essays, references in the margins and notes. As starting point we have
decided to try and make a simple e-pub that works even on the most
primitive devices (like e-readers). This means we cannot do too many
crazy things (regarding interactivity, but also with respect to the lay-out).
Therefore the result of this simple version will be quite dry. However, by
thinking well about details we want to make sure a certain quality and a
connection with the original book design are maintained.
Convert the print colors to matching RGB colors (of course you
cannot see the colors on every device, but we didn’t want to skip the
colors completely).
Adjust the cover design to a one-language book (the original book is
Start from a single-page design instead of a design in spreads.
Choose open source typefaces (through Google font) that come
close to the original typefaces and that work well for the screen
(Libre Baskerville instead of Plantin en Cabin instead of Akzidenz
Define styles for the text, titles, subtitles, notes, and keywords that
work well for the screen (for instance the use of whitespace and
notes, which are not shown in superscript, but in between brackets
and in a color).
Set a standard rule for the use of images in between the text: there
always must be three small images that form one image together. In
this way the images still resemble the small images in the margin of
the paper book.
Translate the visual essay in the heart of the paper book into an
eversion. For example, in the paper book we use black as a
background color, but in the e-pub that could turn out ugly since
extra white margins might appear around the screen, that’s why we
choose a white background here.
Add a content page in big letters, so it is easily clickable (this content
page can exist next to the automatically generated content page of
the device).
Add extra features that make the e-pub similar to the paper book,
like endpapers.
Then we will have a simple e-pub that can be tested on different devices.
And the good thing is we also have a system to convert a whole book to
an e-pub (since we are working with a series that comes in very handy).
The important thing we have to sort out is how to easily make a mark-up
document from for instance a Word document.
The next step is to create a more complicated e-pub (e-pub 3), with
more possibilities concerning interactivity and layout. Unfortunately
such a version won’t be able to work on all the readers / devices. What
we would like from such an elaborate e-pub we don’t know yet, that’s
something we still have to decide together.
By kimberley, October 7, 2013 at 10:29 am.
Anyone who truly wants to engage with the challenge posed by [the
popularization of tablets] and be a part of evolving the medium of
the “book” needs to take seriously the notion of digital-first content
development. Being digital first means refusing to make the ebook
version of your content an afterthought. The digital format of the
book should not be merely a postproduction conversion of print-
bound manuscript files; nor should it be an ex post facto
“enhanced” version of content that has already been completed—
for example, adding in a few video clips at the end of an otherwise
static text. From conception to publication, true digital-first content
is designed to take full advantage of the capabilities offered by
dedicated ereaders, tablets, and smartphones to create something
that is native to the platform.
“Just say no to ebook CSS and JS”, Baldur Bjarnason, 2 October 2013
By kimberley, October 4, 2013 at 2:21 pm.
The rise of e-books not only poses problems for publishers, it also asks
to rethink the position or function of the library. Bexar County’s (Texas)
Judge Nelson Wolff envisioned BiblioTech, the first public digital library. A
modern library that will ‘store’ just e-books, not physical books.
If we have to believe the image above, this modern library will look a lot
like Apple stores. It will be filled with aisles of computers and gadgets
instead of physical books. It is great that BiblioTech tries to bring these
services to people who do not necessarily have access to technologies
to read e-books. However, when a library is not limited by the amount of
books it can physically store, or exchange between several nearby
libraries, then why is there still a limit of 10.000 current titles? How
modern is this concept of a library?
His concept builds on the fact that it is now more easy than ever to copy
and share e-books, or more specifically to share complete libraries
stored on one single hard drive neatly managed and preferable with a
directory to help retrieve the books. He builds on older notions of the
library and moves away from the idea of the library as warehouse. As he
explains the older libraries were copy-making centers, copying every clay
tablet or papyrus roll they could gather. This changed when the printing
press mechanized the process of copying books.
Creating a digital library as yet another place to gate keep our access to
copyrighted material is in a sense very modern, but e-books allow us to
exploit the original role of libraries as copy-centres as explained by
Warnick. Instead of copying one book per month we can copy whole
libraries in an hour or less. So why go to an all digital library if you can
only read 10.000 books?
id=18213091 ↩
2. Warwick, Henry. (2013) ‘Sharing is Caring, the radical tactics of the offline’ Forthcoming
within INC’s Network Notebook series. ↩
By kimberley, September 3, 2013 at 2:46 pm.
Inline formatting
Paragraph level formatting
Footnotes & Endnotes
Table of Contents
First, we convert the .docx to HTMLZ using Calibre. To do so add the
test document to Calibre and right-click to convert it individually.
Choose HTMLZ as output format click OK. You will then find your .htmlz
in the containing folder of your document (right-click on the element >
Open containing folder).
The HTMLZ is a zip file containing an HTML file along with images, style,
etc. Therefore in order to access those files simply change the
extensions from .htmlz to .zip and uncompress.
The result of the conversion is pretty decent: except for “Paragraph level
formatting”, everything else is preserved, especially footnotes (that were
the most labour intensive issue in the previous processes and still not
The HTML document Let’s now use Pandoc to convert the .html to
pandoc -f html -t markdown -o output.html your_forlder/index.html
Inline formatting
Bold and italic are preserved, even though there are problems
when they are one next to each other;
Underlined, struck out, superscript, subscript, colors, highlight are
not preserved.
Table of Contents
A Digital Publication Journey by Essense showing the route from maker(s)
to reader, a vizualisation that also indicates players, platforms and
Mou for Mac as editor because it’s a freeware. Metadata I start adding
the standard metadata as suggested in the MMD’s guide.
Title: This is the Title of the Article
Author: Author Name
Date: 2013
Base Header Level: 1
Copyright: All Rights Reserved
In addition to the standard metadata (that are not mandatory), it is possible
Headlines I can now paste the content of “” into the file in which I
set the metadata. In the case of this test document, the headlines were
simply set in bold; so I needed to correct that. From:
Hyperlinks Hyperlinks are easy to add if they are provided with the
“http:” or “www” part. In this case a simple regular expression allows to
add them:
<&> That makes this: to this:
Coda. The regular expression was tested in real time on RegExr. (Here’s
a good starter to Regular Expressions) Blockquotes Blockquotes aren’t
indicated in any way in the converted document, so it’s necessary to find
them in the original .doc and adding a “>” symbol at the beginning.
Images Images are stripped in the converted document; they are added
manually in the following way.
![This is the figure caption][fig_id]
The advantage of this method is the fact that it only requires a one-
liner:textutil -convert html file.doc -stdout | pandoc -f html -t
markdown -o
The test document converted to HTML via LibreOffice The HTML code
outputted by LibreOffice has a CSS style applied in a paragraph-specific
way, this makes it pretty unreadable.
The HTML is then converted to Markdown via Pandoc:pandoc file.html
-f html -t markdown -o
The first method, Textutil (Mac only) + Pandoc, seems to be more
convenient time-wise. However it is still necessary to add images,
blockquotes, footnotes by hand. Furthermore hyperlinks need to be
reformatted and slashes needs to be deleted.
By Silvio Lorusso, July 19, 2013 at 12:59 pm.
By kimberley, July 2, 2013 at 12:01 pm.
Source: Library and Information Science Illinois, How the Page Matters
By kimberley, June 27, 2013 at 4:19 pm.
A preliminary proposal for the Digital Publishing Toolkitby Florian Cramer
The Toolkit should contain two basic elements. On the one hand a
“Howto Document” as a sort of manual, and on the other a “Software
Toolkit” should be compiled off both existing and self-written utilities.
CONTENTThe “Howto Document” should not presuppose any technical
knowledge, but become an “e-publishing DIY for dummies”. It should
become an empowerment document in an accessible
language providing cultural sector publishers the know-how to produce
e-publications. For this reason the manual should be released both as
an analog and a digital publication. The target group of this project are
mostly still in the analog world and this publication should help them to
make the step to the digital world. The readers of the document will be:
book publishers, magazine publishers, writers, editors, artists,
graphic/media designers.
FUTUROLOGY: Finally a vision for the future will try to answer ‘Where
will we be in 2020..?’ What will the reading technology, the reading
culture, the publishing culture look like, what do we expect the industry
and the market to look like.
FORM OF THE DOCUMENT (We will eat our own dog food!)The
developed workflows will determine how this publication will be
approached: The source format will be MultiMarkdown and the
publishing formats will be: Website / HTML, EPUB, HTML5 app (?), PDF,
print book. Thus developing a publication for each format based on a
well-structured source format.
CONTENT: As explained, the software toolkit will exist both of existing
software and self-written software. The existing utilities should be mainly
based on open source tools, but essentially there should be a detailed
overview of tools that are vital and necessary for e-publishing. This could
also include restricted freeware and/or proprietary tools as long as they
have something unique to offer and are worth the financial investment.
With regards to the self-written software, the emphasis should be on
simple, reusable code, small tools that fix common problems. These
should all be in the public domain or released under an open source
“If all you have is the mobile phone and even if it is a small screen
you’re as interested as being entertained as anyone else on the
planet,” Lentell concludes, “this is just the beginning for these
markets and the desire to consume is as strong as anything we
might feel. And in a sense it presents an even more interesting
market because the pent up demand is huge. The challenge is how
to deliver content, education, knowledge through that one small
First of all this document exists to assist the different parties directly
involved in the RAAK-MKB project “Digital Publishing Toolkit”. The
platforms for which publications may be developed will be introduced
and contextualised in brief, and a preliminary advice for choosing
publication formats is issued.
Using a fixed set of terms is important in this phase of the project.
Terms like platform, framework, etc.
Platform: The device on which the digital publication are viewed, read,
and used. This includes eReaders, tablets, smartphones and personal
computers. See: Platforms
Toolkit: According to us, the proposed toolkit within the project “Digital
publishing Toolkit” consists of two components: documentation and a
framework. Both elements will be publicly accessible and available to
third parties.
One of the biggest challenges is the amount of extant platforms, each
with their own limitations. The platforms discussed below are in order of
openness, starting with the ones allowing most freedom, descending to
the more closed options.
There are also browser extensions for Mozilla Firefox (for example
EPUBReader) and Google Chrome (for example MagicScroll, Readium) to
view EPUBs.
The tablet-market is dominated by a few big players. As is the case with
the telephone market, there are roughly two main players with their
matching operating systems: Apple with iOS and Samsung with Android.
The Android-segment consists of many manufacturers offering similar
hardware with a variant of Android as its operating system. However,
Samsung has the biggest market-share. There exist smaller variants of
tablets by manufacturers like Amazon (Kindle Fire HD) and Barnes &
Noble (Nook HD+), these are discussed under the header "eReaders"].
For tablets the situation is comparable to that of the PC, with the
exception of browser extensions.
The web-based EPUB viewers are also available for use with the internet
browser of the tablet. Most browsers use WebKit (open source) as
rendering engine; this means that WebKit is responsible for generating
the visual and functional parts of a page on the web. Both the tablet and
the PC versions of Apple Safari and Google Chrome use WebKit and
Opera will also implement WebKit in favour of their own rendering
engine in the near future. The only other relevant player regarding
browsers is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. However, Microsoft doesn’t
(yet) play an important role on the tablet-market (in spite of the
introduction of Microsoft Surface) and is mostly dominant within the
Windows PC-segment. Internet Explorer uses the closed-sourced
Trident rendering engine
There are also applications available which can interpret EPUB. For iOS
there are among others iBooks ((The only application that can read the
closed iBooks document format.)) , Kindle ((Amazon uses the same
name for both it’s hardware (the Kindle eReaders) and software in
relation to digital publications)), Sony Reader, Kobo and NOOK. There
are also a few applications which are not directly linked to a publisher
(for instance Readmill, Bluefire Reader). Android also has a Kindle
application and NOOK, Sony Reader and Kobo are present. Just like on
iOS there are also applications of smaller players, like Aldiko, Moon+
Reader, FBReader and Cool Reader.
The situation of smartphones is largely identical to that of tablets.
However, the market is focussed (heavily) on Android ((
Combinid )), a trend that is expected within the tablet realm as well. As
of 2013, both Android and iOS hold the largest market share
Most of the applications for tablets are available for smartphones. The
interface is scaled to the smaller size of the telephone – the same is true
for the web-based platforms.
eReaders became widely known by the introduction of Amazon Kindle in
2007. eReaders differ from tablets in the way that they are only suitable
for reading books, are relatively cheap and have monochrome displays.
An important characteristic of the eReader is the use of “electronic
paper” (e-paper), a so-called electrophoretic screen. “Electronic paper” is
designed to mimic the characteristics of paper as close as possible and
is relatively low on energy consumption.
Both Amazon and Barnes & Noble also offer more expensive models,
Kindle Fire (en Kindle Fire HD) and NOOK Tablet (and NOOK HD+)
respectively. These models are not really eReaders anymore, but fully-
fledged, small sized tablets. These models do not use “e-paper”, but
colour LED screens with backlight – a standard component of tablets like
iPad or Galaxy Tab. Mostly these tablets use a version of the Android
operating system as its core, in contrast to the classic monochromatic
eReaders using their own operating system built on a version of Linux.
The Samsung Galaxy Note and Apple iPad mini can be seen as an
answer to these smaller sized tablets.
Thus, one cannot speak of a dated generation regarding the black and
white eReaders. The current definition of eReader is a device on which
digital books can be read, and presented on monochromatic “electronic
paper”. The transition to a kind of “e-paper” also capable of rendering
colour has not yet started and it remains questionable if this will happen
soon. At the moment, a very limited set of devices is available that
render colour, like the JetBook Color ($ 500,-)
(( )) and the Hanvon WISEreader C920
(± $ 530,-) ((
worlds-first-color-e-ink-reader-to-ces-we/ )). Both models make use of
the TritonImaging Film of the company E ink, a technology also present
in the monochromatic models of the Kindle, for example. The reason
why big players like Amazon and Barnes & Noble choose to make LED-
backlit screen tablets in favour of “electronic paper” for their colour
versions, is probably due to the high production costs. Currently there
are “conventional” tablets on the market with more options (apart from
reading eBooks), for the same price as a colour eReader.
A wide range of document formats to distribute digital publications
exists. Though the question is if these formats are suitable in relation to
the requirements of the publishers involved in the “Digital Publishing
Toolkit” project. For instance, iBooks from Apple, a closed-source end-
format that can be created by using iBooks Author, is comparable to
EPUB to a certain extend. However, iBooks contains undocumented
technical extensions that can only be interpreted by the iBooks
application for iOS.
It’s best to analyse in further detail the publication formats that are
suitable. Below we discuss two document formats that most likely offer
the best solutions.
The EPUB standard was introduced in 2007 and is now at version 3.0.
The latest update to the standard was in 2011. EPUB itself is based on
the Open eBook Publication Structure (OEBPS) dating from 1999.
Management of the standard is in the hands of the International Digital
Publishing Forum (IDPF). EPUB is nothing more than a compressed
package (ZIP) of documents (text, audio, video, fonts, scripts, etc.) that
can be read on an eReader.
Wide support of the document format;
Document format is based on a standard with a long lifespan;
Thorough technical documentation.
Limited support of the standard by many eReaders, either on the
basis of technical limitations (monochromatic screen, safety
considerations), or because another document format is preferred
(iBooks in the case of Apple);
Due to the previously mentioned disadvantage there is limited
freedom in relation to experimenting with technique and design. A
magazine-like publication with lots of photographic material in
EPUB-format seems highly unlikely or at least very difficult to
produce, at the moment.
HPub is not a standard with a central controlling authority, as is the case
with IDPF and EPUB. An HPub is, just like EPUB, a compressed ZIP-
package that contains documents (texts, audio, video, fonts, scripts, etc.).
HPub originates from the open source Baker Framework for iOS and the
derivative Friar Framework for Android.
The difference between EPUB and HPub lies not in the document
format, but in the viewer interprets the package and displays the
content to the user. The Baker and Friar Framework offer the code for a
basic application that can be adjusted according to ones own design,
and eventually distributed in the App Store for iOS and Google Play for
Android. The application offers support for downloading multiple
editions in a series and purchasing separate editions through the
payment systems of Apple and Google. The viewer for HPub uses
WebKit to present its content.
Why would one choose HPub? The format offers complete freedom in
defining the structure of your publication, because you are not limited
by an official standard. HPub could be a possible file format when
publishing a magazine (see Aside, which uses its own framework for the
lay-out structure) or a strongly visually oriented publication.
Complete freedom in defining the publication structure;
All technical possibilities of the web are available;
Familiar development environment for web developers, as it’s in
essence a small website compiled into a ZIP-package.
Publication is also accessible by web browser.
Not an official standard;
Maintenance and costs of the viewer application;
Little documentation;
Only available for two platforms;
No support by eReaders.
AZW, a third, closed format is more like a collection of formats,
distributed by Amazon for its Kindle eReaders. Initially digital
publications based on Mobipocket/Mobi were offered. This standard is
derived from the Open eBook format, just like EPUB, and has been on
the market from 2000 and onwards. The company responsible for the
format (the French Mobipocket SA) was bought by Amazon in 2005,
which subsequently introduced the Mobi-format with certain
adjustments and limitations (AZW ((
)) ) for the first generation Kindle. Amazon introduced yet another
standard for its eReaders with the introduction of Kindle Fire in 2011.
This model KF8, or AZW3 ((, has
EPUB 3.0 as its basis, still uses the document extension .azw and also
incorporates HTML5 and CSS3, both important parts of EPUB3.0. It is
still possible to read the older documents with the Mobi-structure with
Kindle Fire.
What format?
The most important question right now is which publication format fits
the wishes of the publisher best. Together with publisher Valiz we’ve
decided to produce a dummy publication of about ten pages in which
the different technical possibilities of the different formats are
The static Illustrator design was then converted into an HTML page
adhering to the EPUB 3 standard. After some initial tests in various
EPUB readers and finding that support for JavaScript isn’t widespread for
example, we decided to simplify the design by eliminating the two
section layout – we aim to implement a variation of this concept at a
later date, however. The JavaScript in the dummy EPUB consists of two
simple scripts, one animating images and another toggling the stack
order of an element.
The EPUB we prepared contains custom fonts, Neuton and Lato, both
released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL), offering multiple
weights and styles and suitable for use with the CSS3 @font-face rule.
Also contained within the EPUB are sound and video samples MP3/OGG
and MP4/WebM ((Consistent video playback might be helped by
including the OGG/Vorbis video format.)) format respectively. CSS styling
is applied to the whole document, ranging from simple styling (headers,
coloured blocks, bolds and italics, etc.) to more complex positioning of
images and notes in the margin.
Developer: AmazonVersion: 1.10.3Website:
Kindle for Mac
Developer: Kovid GoyalVersion: 0.9.35Website:
The cross platform solution for Linux, Mac and Windows. Due to its
open source nature it characteristically supports an impressive range of
features and functionality – managing an ebook library and exporting to
different ebook formats is also possible with Calibre. The EPUB viewer is
rather slow, it takes several seconds to load an EPUB, and has CSS isn’t
fully supported it seems, bolder or lighter variations of the font are not
displayed, for example.
Developer: Sixty FourVersion: 1.0.7Website:
A very simple, free EPUB reader. Fonts and most styling are overridden
and the application insists on dividing the content into columns. This
may be disabled by the user, though the application still retains the
concept of pagination at all times, this differs from other readers like
Ehon or Kindle.
Developer: Pierre OleoVersion: 1.0.1Website:
Developer: Infogrid PacificVersion: 20.0Website:
Despite the very awkward interface, Azardi renders the EPUB reasonably
well. No support for custom fonts and the structure is slightly mangled
due to the application’s insistence on displaying facing pages. JavaScript
support is present and audio and video work.
Developer: AppleVersion: 3.1Website: iOS
Developer: AMZN MobileVersion: 3.8Website:
ie=UTF8&docId=1000301301Environment: iOS, Android
Kindle on iOS
Bluefire Reader
Developer: Bluefire ProductionsVersion: 1.9.7Website:
http://www.bluefirereader.comEnvironment: iOS
Bluefire Reader
Developer: Readmill NetworkVersion: 3.2Website:
https://readmill.comEnvironment: iOS
This application doesn’t allow to load EPUB files directly and instead
requires the user to upload files (PDF or EPUB) to their personal library
which can then be synced across other devices. Readmill’s website
proudly touts a focus on design and typography, which in practice
means that any CSS styling in an EPUB is ignored and the Readmill
ebook styles are applied to the entirety of the document.
Kobo Books
Developer: KoboVersion: 5.12Website: iOS, Android
Kobo Books
Developer: AEL Data ServicesVersion: 3.1Website:
http://lektz.comEnvironment: iOS, Android
This reader is one of the applications to (at least partly) implement the
Readium SDK. Readium is a non profit organisations backed by the IDPF
and several partners aiming to develop a cross-platform SDK for
developers. In practice this means Readium provides the interpreter for
EPUBs on various platforms, including the web. Partners include Sony,
Kobo and three large French publishing houses (Gallimard, La Martinière
and Flammarion). Support of large commercial parties is vital for the
emergence of Readium as a standard SDK for EPUB readers, so the
initial roster of backers is a good start. Lektz supports all features of the
dummy EPUB, except for audio and video.
ePub Reader
Developer: Graphilos StudioVersion: 1.5.3Website:
http://www.graphilos.comEnvironment: Android
The “best” of the Android applications in terms of CSS styling. However,
all the pages seem to exceed the available screen size.
Moon+ Reader
Developer: Moon+Version:
http://www.moondownload.comEnvironment: Android
Moon+ applies its own styling to the background of the publication and
ignores any CSS styling (except for texts that are defined as bold or
italic). No support for video or audio.
The lack of support for the more advanced features of EPUB 3 on
tablets and smartphones is worrying, in our opinion. The lack of any real
support hampers the production of media rich publications and any
efforts regarding (visual) design. At the moment, any innovations,
technical or otherwise, will only be usable or visible in a very small
subset of applications which aren’t widely used nor connected to viable
commercial outlets (Amazon Bookstore, Apple App Store, etc.)
The second version is the “EPUB of the future”, which can only be
perused in conjunction with readers that fully implement the EPUB 3
standard. As such readers are scarce and relatively unpopular
compared to the applications provided by larger commercial parties
(Apple, Amazon, Sony, etc.), we also aim to use one of the libraries
offered by Readium – probably Readium.js – to present the EPUB to a
larger audience.
By Silvio Lorusso, June 13, 2013 at 2:48 pm.
The Oxford English Dictionary recently included the word e-reader with
the following meanings:
It can denote a person who reads electronic texts (this sense dates
from 1995) or a hand-held electronic device used for reading e-
books or other text in digital form (1999).
By Silvio Lorusso, June 3, 2013 at 5:42 pm.
A single EPUB3 file can be used to create an ebook for all e-readers,
explained Liz Castro, tech expert and author, at the IDPF
conference in New York. […] Hachette’s practice of delivering the
same EPUB3 file to all its e-tailers, including Amazon, sets a
precedent for the industry, said Castro. If more publishers
developed a single viable ebook file, would e-reader systems
converge upon a single standard for rendering that file? And in turn,
make ebooks a more intelligible medium for the reader?
**** ****
The goal of this project is to publish the first two parts of the series as an
e-book, and to develop a digitization manual for the series overall. The
digital publication must go beyond the PDF versions of the print
documents. The publisher and designers want to add elements that
complement the current content. For instance hyperlinks (between
books of the series and within the books themselves), searchable
corpora, complementary content through for example images, sound
and/or video material. From a designer perspective it is important that
the analog design, created by Meeus Ontwerpt, will get a digital
equivalent. Central to this is translating the relation between the text
and the image section of the analog publication to a digital version in
such a way that the design is still recognizable, but also relates to the
new medium.
More complex publications to digitize are the two product design books,
Sketching, and Sketching The Basics, written by Koos Eissen and Roselien
Steur, both connected to TU Delft Faculty of Industrial Design
Engineering and the Hogeschool of Amsterdam, product design. The
books have a large international reach and are used in design courses
all over the world. The goal of this project is to translate the books into
an interactive and media rich educational publication that is accessible
on multiple devices. Moreover, the team wants to get insight into what
interactive elements give added value to a digital educational book. For
instance, an in-app sketchbook, social elements, video, layered images
etc, and how this relates to the wishes and experiences of the user.
**** ****
****The INC subgroup will look into the concept of ‘The Book as
Directory’. Here the book is no longer distributed in one format, but is
presented in all its possible formats – from which the user can choose
the format wanted and/or the format that is suitable for the device used.
Central to this research is to get a better insight into the workflow of
developing digital publications that move beyond putting the print PDF
online, and how INC should change their print-oriented workflow to be
able to create digital publications for themselves. It will examine digital
publication formats and their implications in the workflow and
production process, and the changing ways in which The Book as
Directory will serve the interests of publisher, author, distributor and
reader. The Unlike Us Reader will be used as a test-case. This research
will be complemented with a research into the systematic use of
metadata and document management, and the role it plays within digital
publishing workflows.
By Silvio Lorusso, May 29, 2013 at 10:39 am.
The debate around the future of publishing never lost momentum. For
decades writers, publishers, programmers and designers have been
discussing the revolutionary possibilities of the electronic book in terms
of rich media, non-linearity and augmentation. The iPad just gave a new
boost to the topic. In the meantime, the dream of an immersive reading
experience in a digital environment came true thanks to the Kindle and
e-readers in general. While much of the attention is directed toward
those content-oriented opportunities concerning modes of fruition and
media enrichment, the context of digital publishing is going under
profound modifications that affect the very definition of reading and the
way the reader relates tothe book as both cultural object and
In the context of digital publishing the future is here today (a good
reason to stop talking about future), but it’s not evident. It doesn’t
blatantly resemble science fiction. On the contrary, it manifests itself
through slight shifts in habit and perception of things rather than in
sensational technologic disruptions. Those shifts easily become invisible
as part of the daily routine. Jaron Lanier would say they become lock-in.
That’s why it’s a good idea to focus more on the context than the
content before some of those concepts become ineradicable part of our
common perspective on books.
E-books are “real” not only from the technical point of view: In 2012
Amazon declared thatitcurrently sells more ebooks than hardbacks and
paperbacks combined. However the phenomenon shouldn’t be read
only as a technological achievement that made its way to the market. E-
books and e-readers are only the tip of the iceberg: they are
accompanied and supported by a new overall arrangement of the
publishing model and infrastructure.
Currently the ones that are taking the biggest advantage of new
technologies are neither the readers nor the authors, but the
distributors. So, what can the books’ producers do in order to oppose to
Rather than the book as a service, I like to think to the book as directory:
simply a .zip file containing all these different formats, possibly provided
by the publishing houses or the authors themselves through their own
websites. The book, not bound anymore to a software, a device, a
platform or a company, will then be easily read, annotated, copy-pasted,
shared and reworked. The book will return to be a user-oriented
These notes focus on the ways an InDesign CS6 file should be arranged
in order to be appropriately exported as ePub. Further insights are
provided in order to improve quality of the exported ePub in terms of
file size, metadata, layout.
Required Knowledge
Adobe InDesign CS6
Basic HTML and CSS
Software Command
Code Snippet
Therefore if you want a high quality ePub you need to tweak the code
produced by the software, in order to do so you will need HTML and CSS
“InDesign CS6 to EPUB, Kindle, and iPad” course by Anne-Marie
Concepcion on;
La pratica dell’ePub (The ePub Practice) by Ivan Rachieli, 2011;
Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0.1 v1.0.1 Recommended
Adobe InDesign CS6
EPUB zip/unzip apps
Adobe Digital Editions
InDesign package with example content
CSS file to be included when exporting the ePub via InDesign
ePub example
No Local Overrides!
This simply means that you should set everything in your document
either as a Paragraph Style or a Charachter Style. When you have set
one of those and change a setting locally a plus sign (+) appears next to
the name of the syle. You should avoid this because it would heavily
affect the cleanness of the ePub code.
More info
More info
Example of master page
Paragraph = Paragraph
Use soft returns (Shift+Return) instead of paragraph breaks (Return)
when you work on the visual appearance of text. A paragraph break
could cause problems in a reflowable context, while the soft returns
could be automatically stripped out when exporting.
More info
Embed a font only if you consider it necessary. On some devices only
the headings’ fonts will be preserved. Also, only the fonts licensed for “e-
use will” be actually embedded by InDesign, therefore if you want to
embed a font make sure you own the license. An OpenType font is
In order to embed fonts just check Include Embeddable Fonts from the
EPUB Export Options (Cmd+E).
Include Embeddable Fonts checked in the EPUB Export Options
JPEG could be used in any case, except for images with transparent
background (such as logos). In this case PNG is preferable.
Two Covers?
In InDesign there are 2 choices for including the cover in the EPUB
Export Options(Cmd+E):
1. Include the cover of your book in the InDesign file as the first page.
Consider that in this way, it will be exported as both as cover and
first page of the book.
2. Choose an image from your computer.
Cover settings in the EPUB Export Options
More info
1. Click on the small blue square on the top right and drag it to the
point the picture belong in the text;
2. Cut the image and paste it while you’re inside the textbox, do the
same with the caption.
With the first method there are some known problems: both the picture
and the caption will be included in a bounding box (). In order to fix this
you will need to work on the HTML and CSS.
More info
Alt Text for Every Picture
As said in Images as Part of the Text, it’s important to have an Alt Text for
every image included in the document.
When you add a text box to an article, the whole text will be rendered in
the ePub even if it’s oversetting in the InDesign document.
More info
Window > Articles.
In order to split the document, check the Split Document option in the
Export Tagging options for each paragraph style you want to break the
document, such as the title of the TOC (Table of Contents), or the titles
of articles.
1. Include the paragraph style that you want to use as title of the TOC
2. You can add other styles to create a hierarchic TOC;
3. Save the style;
4. When you export the ePub choose the style you created as TOC
More Info
If there is already one, the TOC prepared for the printed version can be
preserved. In this case it’s needed to add an internal hyperlink for each
voice (see Internal Hyperlinks).
No Page Numbers!
Remember not to include any reference to page numbers in the Inner
TOC. You could for instance not include them in the Articles panel (check
The Articles Panel).
More info
Bullets and Numberings panel in the Paragraph Style Options
For each table create a table style from Window > Styles > Table Styles. If
you have a table with a complex layout is better to rasterize it (see
Images as Part of the Text).
More info
The task can be done automatically using the option Convert URLs to
Hyperlinks findable clicking on the right top triangle. Usually this method
doesn’t work perfectly because the ”http://” is not automatically added.
Hyperlinks panel
Internal Hyperlinks
Add internal hyperlinks to the inner TOC and to the whole document via
Windows > Interactive > Hyperlinks. In oder to do so you need to select
the text you want your link to go to and select New Hyperlink
Destination. Give it a name and save it.
After that you need to go to the text that links to the previous text and
to Create a New Hyperlink. It should link to Text Anchor, in particular the
one you just created.
Adding a New Hyperlink Destination
More info
Find/Change panel
No Local Overrides
As said before (see How do I open an EPUB file?) it’s preferable not to
have local overrides, in order to keep the ePub clean. Find and remove
any local overrides, indicated by the plus sign(+) next to the style. You
can use the Show Text Overrides plugin to highlight them.
No Spaces in Filenames
Make sure that all linked files (and the InDesign file itself) don’t have
spaces nor special characters in their names.
You can set what tag you want to use and what class from the Export
Tagging panel from Paragraph Style Options. It is also useful to merge
style that are similar under a single class.
Add the basic metadata (data about other data) from File > File Info,
other ones will be implemented directly in the ePub code (see
File Info options.
Export Options
You can export from File > Export (Cmd+E).
More info
General Panel
1. Even though the official current version for EPUB is 3.0, the de facto
is 2.0.1 as it’s widely supported.
2. As said before (see Paragraph Really Means Paragraph) there
are two possibilities for the cover.
3. Choose the style you created before (see Modify the General
TOC) as TOC Style.
4. You can add margins to your page even though most e-readers will
overwrite this setting.
5. Choose Same as Articles Panel as Content Order.
6. The default for footnotes is at the end of the story. If you prefer you
can add footnotes after paragraph.
7. Check Remove Forced Line Breaks to remove those breaks used for
print layout.
8. Finally you can map bullet and numbers respectively to unordered
and ordered lists.
Image Panel
1. Check Preserve Appearance from Layout if you want to keep the
way images are cropped, etc.
2. Choose Relative to Page as Image Size if you want a value expressed
in percentage (e.g. 40% of the page width);
3. Choose Image Alignment and Spacing;
4. You can insert a page break before, after or both before and after
you images;
5. Choose JPEG as Image Conversion’s format;
6. Choose the Image Quality and the Format Method for your images;
7. If you check Ignore Object Export Settings the settings for specific
images will be overwritten.
Advanced Panel
1. You can choose to Include Document Metadata;
2. Also you can add the Publisher and a Unique ID that could be the
3. Check Include Style Definitions if you want InDesign to generate a
CSS for you;
4. You shouldn’t have any local override, so you don’t need to check
Preserve Local Overrides;
5. Include Embeddable Fonts only if you need them;
6. You can add Additional CSS, such as the one attached to this
tutorial, this could be useful if you have a whole series with the
same style.
Keith Falgren suggests the following solution as the best practice for the
cover. The following code should be included in a specific XHTML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css">
body, div, dl, dt, dd, ul, ol, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, pre, code,
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border-width: 0;
p#cover {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
img#cover-image {
height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
<p id="cover">
<img id="cover-image" src="image/cover.jpg" alt="Unlike Us Reader"
Padding or Margin?
There are two possibilities to space elements vertically:
Apparently they act the same, but actually padding is suggested because
it works better when near to the bottom of the page.
Delete Defaults
InDesign will automatically add CSS settings that are not rendered
because they are defaults. Examples are:
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-style: normal;
<sup class="superscript">
<em class="italic">
The class can be deleted as long it’s not there to differentiate tags.
page-break-before: always;
page-break-after: before;
page-break-inside: avoid;
More info
No “char-style-override” class
Often InDesign adds a char-style-override class to certain tags. Make
sure the class doesn’t add anything and delete it both from the XHTML
than CSS files.
More info
Metadata are data about other data. They are used to provide
information about the publication as a whole.
InDesign will automatically set the XML namespace to the following:
<metadata xmlns:dc="">
Add the following to have the possibility to add futher info in the
<metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="http://www.idp
The title should be already included in the following form:
<dc:title>Unlike Us Reader</dc:title>
More info
More info
The publisher should be already included in the following form:
<dc:publisher>Institute of Network Cultures</dc:publisher>
More info
Subjects can be added in form of keywords.
<dc:subject>social, media, monopolies, alternatives, internet, web, online, dig
More info
A short description of the content could be added.
<dc:description>The Unlike Us Reader offers a critical examination of social me
More info
A date relative to the publication could be added in the following form;
month and day are not mandatory.
<dc:date opf:event="publication">2013-02</dc:date>
More info
The language of the publication could be added in the following form:
Rights of the publication could be added in the following form:
<dc:rights>This publication is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, Non
At least one unique identifier must be included. This could be the ISBN
<dc:identifier opf:scheme="ISBN">978-90-818575-5-0</dc:identifier>
More info
Other Metadata
It is possible to add other metadata.
More info
The spine defines the linear order of the publication. The linear attribute
is useful for items that are part of the publication but are not actual
content (such as cover, colophon, etc.)
<spine toc="ncx">
<itemref idref="cover" linear="no" >
<itemref idref="unlike-us-reader" >
<itemref idref="unlike-us-reader-1" >
More info
Guide (optional)
The guide element identifies fundamental structural components of the
publication such as cover, list of illustrations, etc.
More info
ID’s should not be repeated more than once and the playOrder attribute
should be consistent with the actual order of the XHTML files.
By Silvio Lorusso, May 20, 2013 at 6:28 pm.
A new book of this kind would elicit a new kind of reading. Some
readers might be satisfied with a study of the upper narrative.
Others might also want to read vertically, pursuing certain themes
deeper and deeper into the supporting essays and documentation.
Still others might navigate in unanticipated directions, seeking
connections that suit their own interests or reworking the material
into constructions of their own. In each case, the appropriate texts
could be printed and bound according to the specifications of the
reader. The computer screen would be used for sampling and
searching, whereas concentrated, long-term reading would take
place by means of the conventional printed book or downloaded
Robert Darnton, “The New Age of the Book” in The New York Review of
Books, 18 March 1999.
By Silvio Lorusso, May 17, 2013 at 1:46 pm.
By Silvio Lorusso, May 13, 2013 at 8:04 am.
By Silvio Lorusso, April 28, 2013 at 5:09 pm.
By Silvio Lorusso, April 25, 2013 at 3:25 pm.
Dave Bricker, Why Ebooks Belong in the Web Browser, April 21 2013
By Silvio Lorusso, April 15, 2013 at 7:41 am.
Ferris Jabr, The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus
Screens, Scientific American
By Silvio Lorusso, April 13, 2013 at 11:56 am.
It’s true that success for any individual experiment is far from
guaranteed, and the form and marketplace are still evolving. But
there are rewards for early investments in a nascent medium:
ownership of repeatable workflows, an understanding of how
authors can bridge the creative divide, creation of reusable
technology, and most importantly pioneering the development of a
new audience, community, and marketplace.
Kane Hsieh, Why Do We Keep Making Ebooks Like Paper Books? April 5,
By Silvio Lorusso, April 5, 2013 at 2:49 pm.
- more
TO EPUB 2.0.1
By Silvio Lorusso, March 29, 2013 at 3:55 pm.
“Unlike Us Reader” Default Export from InDesign CS6 to EPUB 2.0.1
format, then viewed in Calibre. File size:
Cover missing
TOC missing
Problems with headlines in TOC
Inner TOC not working (no links)
Footnotes work, even though problem with lineheight
Books header rendered as well in the EPUB
Title and author detached from subtitle
Visual problems in rendering the subtitle
Block quotes work
No separation between end of the article (references) and
Images distributed after the article
TOC missing
Images distributed after the article
Bold missing in inner titles
Title and author detached from subtitle
Invisible voices in the inner TOC
Title alignment inherited by the visual layout
By kimberley, March 24, 2013 at 7:59 am.
The kick-off meeting on the 7th of March was the official start of the
“Toolkit Digital Publishing” research project. Margreet Riphagen,
projectmanager of the Institute of Network Cultures, gave a short
introduction of the research project and introduced the partners of the
consortium that are involved in the research project. Geert Lovink
(lector Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur) and Florian Cramer (lector
creating010, lectoraat of the Willem de Kooning Academy) introduced
several topics that are important to keep in mind in relation to digital
publishing, and the partners gave short presentations about their know
how and expectations of digital publishing. At the end of the morning we
formed subgroups. Each subgroup, consisting of a publisher, designer
and developer will each formulate their own research projects within the
bigger framework of the Toolkit Digital Publishing research program and
will be based on one or more publications of the publisher.
The overall goal of the project is: “To realise a platform with tools and
methods that are based on open source-standards and tools, with
which publishers in art-and the cultural sector can publish e-
publications that are suitable for several (mobile) devices”
Issuu and Scribd, which are free web readers, and LuLu, a paid Print on
Demand service. As becomes clear these are just a small portion off the
platforms for publishing online. Geert also refers to the ePub platform
and the necessity to make all the INC publications available for this
platform. Another important development will be the availability of in the Netherlands, that will be probably launched around
the summer of 2013. Geert emphasizes that this development will be a
‘game changer’ for publishing in the Netherlands if we look at
experiences in other countries. Another platform he refers to is the
open source/ free software platform Ubuntu which is an important
international player. The platform is developed for both Smartphones
and Tablets. Another platform that we should keep an eye out for is the
collaboration between Nokia and Windows. It is still unclear what will
happen here, but this will probably become more clear at the end of the
**** ****
The presentations off the publishers illustrated that there are a lot of
ideas about e-publishing, but not enough know-how and as a result the
steps, or successes, that are made in this direction are very small. As
Rudolf explained “veel vallen en weinig opstaan”. There is a lot of
uncertainty about how to approach e-publishing, and knowledge about
the possibilities that are already out there is missing, especially in
relation to distribution.
e-Pub straight to the point. It explains how you can export a document
from InDesign to e-Pub. However, she emphasizes that this process is
not without difficulties and is not the best way to approach designing for
e-Pub. **** ****
By sauli, March 19, 2013 at 3:27 pm.
publiceert naar een proprietary format van apple, lees ook dit artikel
Sigil Open source epub authoring software – geen support voor epub3
baker framework
java programma om epubs te controleren op fouten
By Arjen de Jong, March 19, 2013 at 3:32 pm.
Tabula Nova
Marc de Bruijn
Web developer and graphic designer with a strong focus on the
structural side of the design, as well as the technology behind it. We,
being PUNTPIXEL, like to build systems, not decorative templates on top
of them. This means we're often - if not always - responsible for the
whole design process - including the conceptual phase, visual design
and actual technical implementation of the design.
Becky Cachia
Blogger during the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014
André Castro
André Castro is a media artist, with a background in sound art and
experimental music. His recent practice explores stragies for digital and
hybrid publication and offline digital libraries ( Recenly
he began teaching in the Master’s programme of Media Design and
Communication at the Piet Zwart Institute, and in Willem de Kooning
Academy's Publication Station, both in Rotterdam.
Vicentiu Dinga
Blogger during the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014
Jakub Dutka
Blogger for the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014.
Irina Enache
Blogger for the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014.
Arjen de Jong
Arjen de Jong is senior designer at Essense, an Amsterdam based
service design agency. He was a founding member of Buro Duplex, a
collective of freelance programmers and designers. He also initiated the
Stereo Publication project, a cross-media publishing project avant la
Timo Klok
Media-allrounder, problem solver and frontend developer at VPRO.
Harold Konickx
Harold Konickx is a teacher of media history, coach and researcher at
CMD Amsterdam. In his work he focuses on storytelling, reading culture
and empathy. Apart from being a teacher he is a singer/songwriter and
he recently published his third album, ‘Heppeneert’.
Silvio Lorusso
Silvio Lorusso is an Italian artist and designer. His ongoing PhD research
in Design Sciences at IUAV University of Venice is focused on the
intersections between publishing and digital technology from the
perspective of art and design. He regularly collaborates with the Institute
of Network Cultures in Amsterdam. After he received his MA in Visual
and Multimedia Communications in 2011, he spent a period of study at
the Networked Media course of the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. He
took part in exhibitions, festival and events such as Transmediale
(Germany), Unlike Us (Netherlands), and Fahrenheit39 (Italy). He has
written for blogs and magazines such as Progetto Grafico and
Doppiozero. He launched the Post-Digital Publishing Archive (
in 2013.
Michael Murtaugh
Michael Murtaugh ( designs and researches community
databases, interactive documentaries, and tools for new forms of
reading and writing online. He teaches in the Master’s Degree
programme in Media Design and Communication at the Piet Zwart
Institute in Rotterdam, and is a member of Constant in Brussels.
Miriam Rasch
Miriam Rasch started working as a publication manager at the Institute
of Network Cultures in June 2012. She holds Master’s degrees in Literary
Studies (2002) and Philosophy (2005). Since graduating she worked as a
(web) editor and from 2008 on as a programmer for the Studium
Generale public lectures department at Utrecht University, organizing
events and taking care of digital broadcasts and online representation.
She also worked as a lecturer for Liberal Arts and Sciences, and is
teaching philosophy and media theory in the Media, Information and
Communication department. She writes book reviews and guest posts
for different websites and magazines; her personal blog can be found
Margreet Riphagen
Margreet Riphagen started working at the Institute of Network Cultures
(INC) in March 2008 and is involved in various research projects. She
holds a Master’s degree in Information Science (Human Centered
Multimedia), a post-Bachelor’s degree in Business Science, and a
Bachelor’s degree in Communication Management. Margreet is the
Project Leader of the Digital Publishing Toolkit. Currently Margreet is the
coordinator of the PublishingLab, which focuses at the intersection of
publishing en digital technologies, both print and digital (hybrid
Rose Rowson
Blogger for the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014.
Kimmy Spreeuwenberg
Kimmy Spreeuwenberg is a new media researcher and graphic designer
with a special interest in the areas where these two disciplines intersect.
She is currently project coordinator of the Digital Publishing Toolkit
research project initiated by the Institute of Network Cultures, with
whom she collaborates regularly, and teaches at the Willem de Kooning
Academy in Rotterdam.
Marc Stumpel
Blogger for the conference Valt Er Nog Iets Te Ontwerpen, 28 November,
Katía Truijen
Blogger for the conference Valt Er Nog Iets Te Ontwerpen, 28 November,
Patricia de Vries
Blogger for the conference Off the Press, 22 & 23 May, 2014.
Sauli Warmenhoven
Sauli Warmenhoven graduated from the Willem de Kooning academy
with a degree in Interactive Multimedia in 2005, and he continued his
studies and graduated from the Piet Zwart Institute with a masters
degree in Media Design. Since then he has been working on a variety of
projects, but nowadays he specialises in building a variety of websites,
web-apps, and electronic publications for a many a client. The intricacies
of HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP hold no secrets for him, and he uses
his extensive knowledge to build smooth-as-butter user experiences
and stunning designs.