Asme - Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - July 2003
Asme - Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - July 2003
Asme - Journal of Vibration and Acoustics - July 2003
LAWRENCE A. BERGMAN Published Quarterly by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Assistant to the Editor
VOLUME 125 • NUMBER 3 • JULY 2003
Past Editors
D. J. INMAN 249 Spectrum of High-Frequency Acoustic Noise in Inviscid Liquid-Linear
DESIGN ENGINEERING DIVISION Approximation for Spherical Waves
L. Likhterov and A. Berman
Associate Editors
J. CUSUMANO „2003… 252 Theory on Pitch Noise and Its Application
S. DYKE „2005… Yukio Nakajima
G. FLOWERS „2005…
M. I. FRISWELL „2004… 257 Investigation of the Sound Transmission into an Advanced Grid-Stiffened
J. GINSBERG „2005… Structure
R. P. S. HAN „2003… Jeffrey S. Vipperman, Deyu Li, Ilya Avdeev, and Steven A. Lane
J. MAIN „2005…
267 Optimal Stiffener Design for Interior Sound Reduction Using a Topology
D. QUINN „2005…
R. PARKER „2005… Optimization Based Approach
C. H. TAN „2004… Jianhui Luo and Hae Chang Gea
J. WICKERT „2003… 274 New Evaluation Method on Gear Dynamics Using Continuous and
NOISE CONTROL AND ACOUSTICS Discrete Wavelet Transforms
DIVISION Yuji Ohue and Akira Yoshida
R. KELTIE „2004…
R. OHAYON „2003… 282 A Stochastic Model for Simulation and Diagnostics of Rolling Element
Bearings With Localized Faults
Chair and Vice-President J. Antoni and R. B. Randall
OZDEN OCHOA 290 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Rotor Shaft System With Viscoelastically
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Exec. Director 299 Nonlinear Parameter Estimation in Rotor-Bearing System Using Volterra
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R. E. NICKELL 307 Effect of Thrust Magnetic Bearing on Stability and Bifurcation of a
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RAY RAMONAS 328 Control of Self-Excited Vibration of a Rotor System With Active Gas
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MARISOL ANDINO Jinhao Qiu, Junji Tani, and Taekyu Kwon
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359 Effect of Damping on Asymmetric Systems
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„Contents continued…
365 The Effect of Actuator and Sensor Placement on the Active Control of Rotor Unbalance
Marty E. Johnson, Luiz P. Nascimento, Mary Kasarda, and Chris R. Fuller
374 Robust Control of a 2D Acoustic Enclosure
Hemanshu R. Pota, Ian R. Petersen, and Atul G. Kelkar
384 Active Vibration Suppression With Time Delayed Feedback
Rifat Sipahi and Nejat Olgac
389 Bayesian Model Screening for the Identification of Nonlinear Mechanical Structures
Gaëtan Kerschen, Jean-Claude Golinval, and François M. Hemez
398 Closed-Form Exact Solution to Hⴥ Optimization of Dynamic Vibration Absorbers „Application to Different
Transfer Functions and Damping Systems…
Toshihiko Asami and Osamu Nishihara
405 Determining Stability Boundaries Using Gyroscopic Eigenfunctions
Anthony A. Renshaw
407 Rotor Isolation for Vibration and Noise Reduction
Timothy A. Brungart and Eric T. Riggs
1 Introduction 2
⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫽0 共 the continuity equation兲 (2)
It is known that the acoustic noise spectrum has some slope in t r r r
the high range of frequencies. The typical Knudsen sea-noise
spectral slope is about ⫺5 decibels per octave 关1兴, 共see p. 336兲. with addition of the Tait’s equation of state for water
冉 冊
Acoustic noise spectra generated by oscillating bubbles have been
studied most completely. Analysis of the acoustic energy gener- p⫹B n
⫽ , (3)
ated versus frequency 关2兴 suggests that the ⫺5 decibels per octave p 0 ⫹B 0
wind dependent ambient noise slopes of the Knudsen curves are
caused by the shorter lifetimes of high-frequency bubbles, rather where B⫽300 MPa⬇3000 atm and n⫽7.
than significantly lower peak pressure. The average of several As has been noted by Vogel, Bush and Parlitz 关7兴, the equation
acoustic spectra from a single energetic spill was shown a slope of of state given by Rice and Walsh 关8兴 may be used but this equa-
⫺5 decibels per octave over the frequency range up to 8 kHz tion can not easily be incorporated into the Gilmore 关9兴 model that
according to the same authors. The experimental data cited by has been developed on the basis of the Kirkwood and Bethe hy-
Longuet-Higgins 关3兴 show that deep water bubble noise spectra in pothesis 共limited to ongoing waves兲 described in the monograph
high-frequency range 共over 10 kHz兲 have the slope of ⫺共5–7兲 by Cole 关10兴.
decibels per octave. Pumphrey and Crum 关4兴 have obtained acous- Related more rigorous and general results can be obtained for
tic power spectra for rain drops falling onto a lake in slightly the radiated pressure from a bubble taking into account the heat
windy conditions which have the slope approximately ⫺5 deci- conduction in the fluid outside the bubble and the effects of the
bels per octave. In the spacious review by Prosperetti and Oguz liquid compressibility 关11兴. However, the Kirkwood and Bethe
关5兴, the comparison between measured and computed underwater theory gives good results and therefore found wide use for study-
noise spectra demonstrates the decrease of sound levels about ing the generation and propagation of shock waves. Beside that, it
⫺5.5 decibels per octave. According to Urick 关6兴, 共see p. 209兲, the is assumed that the considered process will be isothermal. In the
spectral slope of a spectrum of deep-sea noise is ⫺共5– 6兲 dB/ analysis that follows, the above-mentioned hypothesis is em-
octave in the frequency band from one up to hundred kilohertz, ployed. In terms of the enthalpy, dh⫽dp/ , the sound speed, c 2
and further, the thermal noise leads to the 6 dB/octave increase of ⫽ p/ , and above-mentioned hypothesis which postulates that
the spectrum level. However, such a rise gives the unlimited the kinetic enthalpy propagates in medium with the velocity c
acoustic energy (E ac⫽ 兰 ⬁0 Sd , where S is the spectral density and ⫹:
冋 册冋 冉 冊 册
is the frequency兲. It is of interest to elucidate analytically the
asymptotic behavior of an acoustic spectrum of spherical waves 2
⫹ 共 c⫹ 兲 r h⫹ ⫽0, (4)
spreading in unbounded inviscid medium for following compari- t r 2
son with experimental data.
the Euler equations 共1兲 and 共2兲 can be written according to Cole
关10兴 as
2 Initial Equations h
The initial system of governing equations is the Navier-Stokes ⫹ ⫽⫺ , (5)
t r r
equations which for inviscid medium are reduced to the Euler
equations 共the spherical case is considered and the radial velocity 2 1 h
is denoted r ⫽ omitting the index兲: ⫹ ⫽ 2 . (6)
r r c0 t
1 p
⫹ ⫽⫺ 共 the motion equation兲 (1) It should be noted that Eq. 共4兲 is not an equivalent to 关 / t⫹(c
t r r
⫹ ) / r 兴 (r )⫽0, where is the flow potential, but its use al-
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
lows the relatively simpler result to be obtained.
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received May 2002; According to the Tait’s equation, the enthalpy, h, can be ex-
Revised February 2003. Associate Editor: R. F. Keltie. pressed in following form:
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 249
c0 According to the formula 共2.101兲 from the handbook of Kamke
h⫽ 共 p n⫺1/n ⫺1 兲 , (7) 关12兴, it should be assumed u(r)⫽rA, and Eq. 共17兲 reduces to the
n⫺1 *
linear equation
where c 20 ⫽n/ 0 (p 0 ⫹B) is the sound speed in undisturbed me-
dium and p ⫽p⫹B/p 0 ⫹B is the ‘‘reduced’’ pressure. The den- u ⬙ ⫹k 2 u⫽0, (18)
sity, , will then be determined as
whose general solution 共for k⬎0) is
⫽ 0 p 1/n . (8)
* u⫽C 1 cos kr⫹C 2 sin kr. (19)
3 Determination of Enthalpy
Therefore, the solution of Eq. 共17兲 can be written in the form:
From Eq. 共6兲, the radial derivative of the velocity is:
1 1
1 h 2 A⫽C 1 cos kr⫹C 2 sin kr, (20)
⫽ ⫺ , (9) r r
r c 20 t r
and this expression can be substituted into the motion equation 共5兲 and, consequently, the solution of Eq. 共15兲 is
that gives
1 ⫺t
⫹ 2 ⫺
c0 t 冋
1 h 2
. 册 (10)
h⫽ 共 C 1 cos kr⫹C 2 sin kr 兲
Now, differentiating Eq. 共10兲 with respect to r, differentiating the be equated to 0. Using the expression for enthalpy 共7兲, the ‘‘re-
continuity equation 共6兲 with respect to t, and subtracting the sec- duced’’ pressure is determined as
冋 册
ond from the first, it follows
共 n⫺I 兲 h n/n⫺1
冋 册
h h 4 2 h 1 h
2 2 2 2 p ⫽ ⫹1 , (22)
* c 20
⫺ 2 ⫹ ⫹ ⫽ 2⫹ 2 2. (11)
r c0 tr r r2 r c0 t
therefore, in the first approximation,
The square of the continuity equation is
冋 册 冋 册
p⫹B n
2 4 4 2 1 h 2 ⫽1⫹ 2 h⫹ . . . (23)
⫺ ⫹ 2 ⫽ 4 , (12) p 0 ⫹B c0
r r r r c0 t
and neglecting p 0 as compared with B, the acoustic pressure is
and Eq. 共11兲 becomes
冋 册
n sin kr ⫺ t
1 h 2 4 2 h 2 h 2h 2h p⬇B C2 e . (24)
⫺ ⫹ 2 ⫹ ⫽⫺ 2 ⫹ . c 20 r
c0 t
r r c0 tr r r r c0 t2
(13) The constant C 2 can be determined from the condition that p
⫽p 1 at t⫽0 and r⫽0 taking into account that limr→0 关 sin kr/r兴
Using Eq. 共6兲 once more, Eq. 共13兲 can be rewritten in the follow- ⫽k. Then, the expression for the pressure can be written as
ing form:
冋 册
p 1 sin kr ⫺ t
2h 2 h 1 2h 1 h 2 4 h 8 2 2h p⬇ e . (25)
⫹ ⫹ ⫽ ⫺ ⫺ 2 ⫹ 2 , k r
r 2 r r c 20 t 2 c 40 t r c 20 t r c0 tr
(14) 4 Acoustic Spectrum
where all nonlinear terms are collected in the right-hand part of The Fourier transform of an aperiodic function has the form:
this equation.
The evaluation of the nonlinear terms shows that the first term
contains a multiplier c ⫺4
0 , the second and fourth terms are propor-
p共 t 兲⫽ 冕 ⬁
L共 i 兲e itd , (26)
tional to c ⫺1
0 M
共M is the Mach number兲 and the third term
corresponds to the spherical expansion which can be considered where
as sufficiently small at large distances from the source of pertur- ⬁
bations. Therefore, these terms may be neglected if the linear L共 i 兲⫽ p 共 t 兲 e ⫺i t dt (27)
approximation is considered, and the linear equation follows for 2 ⫺⬁
determination of the enthalpy:
is the complex function of the frequency, .
2h 2 h 1 2h Assuming that p(t)⫽0 at ⫺⬁⬍t⬍0, the integral in Eq. 共25兲
⫹ ⫹ ⫽0. (15) can be calculated making use of the formula 3.351.3 from Grad-
r 2 r r c 20 t 2
stein and Ryzhik 关13兴 共containing there in a exponent of a power
Assuming h⫽A(r)e ⫺ t , where A is a function of r only, the coefficient n⫽0)
equation for determination of A(r) is obtained: ⬁ 1
d 2 A 2 dA L 共 i 兲 ⫽K e ⫺ 共 1⫹i 兲 t dt⫽K , (28)
共 1⫹i 兲
⫹ ⫹k 2 A⫽0, (16) 0
dr 2 r dr
where the coefficient K⫽1/2 p 1 /k 关 sin kr/r兴 is introduced for
where k⫽ /c 0 . brevity.
Multiplying this equation by r, this equation 共connected with The spectral density of an acoustic energy is given by the
the Bessel’s equation兲 becomes: modulus square of L(i ):
rA ⬙ ⫹2A ⬘ ⫹k 2 rA⫽0. (17) S共 兲⫽ 兩 L共 i 兲兩 2, (29)
various design elements of tread pattern as shown in Fig. 1, the W
lateral groove called the lug groove has the biggest effect on tire
pitch noise. Pitch refers to the distance between one groove on a
F共 t 兲⫽
f 共 t,x 兲 dx⫽ 兺ae
⫺i n t
tire’s tread and the corresponding point of the groove adjacent to
where W is half of tire contact width and n is given by
it along the tire’s circumference. Pitch noise is the noise generated
by the sequence of grooves. In this paper a theory on pitch noise 2n
is developed to predict the effect of the lug angle on tire pitch n⫽ . (5)
noise and a pattern to decrease tire pitch noise is proposed. Fur-
thermore a tire noise simulation system is developed based on this T is a cycle of rotation. Then a n can be obtained by the following
theory to predict tire noise from CAD data. The prediction of inverse Fourier transformation:
冕 冕冕
overall noise of various tires with a practical pattern is verified to T W T
be in good agreement with the measurement. The proposed theory 1 1
a n⫽ F 共 t 兲 e i n t dt⫽ f 共 t,x 兲 e i n t dtdx. (6)
and the prediction system can be applicable to not only a tire but 0 0 0
also a timing belt or gear where gear or tooth pitch causes noise.
Substituting Eqs. 共1兲 and 共3兲 for Eq. 共6兲,
2 Tire Pitch Noise 1
冏 冉 冊冏
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Dec. 2001; 2V nW
Revised Nov. 2002. Associate Editor: R. Keltie. 储 a n 共 兲储 2 ⫽ sin tan d n (10)
n tan 2V
252 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 Tire noise and design elements of tread pattern
where 储 • 储 2 is the Euclidian norm and d n is the term related to the where L(⫽TV) is the circumference length of a tire. This equa-
pitch variation described by tion expresses the effect of the lug angle on pitch noise. P n ( )
冐兺 冐
possesses multiple zeros where noise is never generated. We call
1 this lug angle the magic angle described by
d n⫽ e j /V . (11)
冉 冊
The ratio of noise with lug angle and noise with zero lug angle
is derived by using Eq. 共10兲 as follows: iL
iM ⫽tan⫺1 共 i⫽1•••⬁ 兲 . (13)
冏 冉 冊冏
储 a n 共 兲储 2 2V nW
P n共 兲 ⫽ ⫽ sin tan 2.3 Theory on Magic Shape. If ␣ is not equal to  in Eq.
储 a n 共 0 兲储 2 n W tan
冏 冏
共8兲, the optimized lug shape, which minimizes pitch noise, is not
sin 冉
tan 冊 , (12)
straight anymore. Hence, the optimized lug shape called the magic
shape must be determined by the optimization technique 关8兴. As-
sume that all lug shapes g j (x) are the same in all pitches and
nW g j (x) is tangent to 2M 共second magic angle兲 at tire center. We
L approximate g j (x) by
5 Summary
The theory on pitch noise of a tire has been developed based on
the assumption that noise is approximated by a series of Dirac
delta-function. Proposed theory predicts the effect of lug angle on
tire noise and the existence of special lug angles named magic
angles where tire noise becomes zero. The proposed theory was
Fig. 6 Comparison between prediction and measurement verified to quantitatively predict the effect of lug angle on tire
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 257
Fig. 1 Typical transmission loss spectrum for a flat panel
which is why they were included in the model. Isotropic homoge- stiffeners are actually stiffer than the isotropic model. A few
neous media was used to model the shell and rib composites, and modes occured in the end caps before the first structural mode at
a parametric study determined that an effective stiffness of 47 GPa 612 Hz, but did not cause appreciable normal displacement in the
produces similar modal behavior to the real system. Dynamic be- shell. The mode shapes and frequencies predicted by FEA are
havior from the model was evaluated by comparing the first eight given in the first two columns of Table 2 below.
natural frequencies with those measured in the experiments. The
novel beam-shell mixed FEA model proved to be computationally Experimental Tap Tests. Structural tap tests were conducted
effective and accurate. in order to experimentally determine the structural modal proper-
Figure 5 shows the first three mode shapes predicted by the ties. A PCB model 086C03 modally tuned hammer was used to
FEA model. Only the shell is shown in Fig. 5 since the end caps excite the structure while an array of 8 PCB 352B22 0.5-gram
would obstruct the cylinder modes. Both the end and side view of accelerometers measured the response at various locations. An
the lowest frequency mode 共0,3兲 共repeated兲 is shown at the top imaginary measurement grid consisting of 208 points 共16 trans-
two panes of Fig. 5. The next two modes: 共1,0兲 and 共0,2兲 are verse angles 共兲 and 13 vertical planes 共z兲兲 was created. Three
shown in the bottom two panes of Fig. 5. Similarity is noted different force input points at z⫽ 兵 0.31,0.38,0.46其 m were used.
between the predicted fairing modes and those for a uniform cyl- Instead of measuring all 208 response points, representative arbi-
inder. Note that the lowest frequency bending mode for a cylin- trarily selected circumferences and vertical slices were measured
drical shell does not correspond to the lowest indices: (m,n) along the fairing in order to try to corroborate the FEA results. A
⫽(0,1). It is interesting to observe that the low-frequency modes curve-fit was performed on several of the frequency response
of the structure are predicted to respond globally as a shell, rather functions 共FRFs兲 between various inputs and response locations in
than a collection of smaller panels created by the rib stiffeners. order to extract global resonant frequency and damping character-
This may or may not be true, since the unidirectional composite istics to validate the FEA models. The complexity of the system
precluded fitting experimental data for mode shapes. Columns 3 Finite Element Analysis. The rigid-wall acoustic cavity
and 5 in Table 2 contain the resonant frequencies and damping model of the fairing was created using a uniform tapered cylindri-
共viscous model兲, respectively, obtained from the curve-fit of the cal boundary that neglected the internal ribs, since they would
FRFs. Column 4 of this table shows the error between predicted insignificantly affect the acoustic modal properties of the system.
and measured resonant frequencies. Errors range from 0.2– 8.1%, FLUID30 elements 共ANSYS 5.7兲 with properties for air at stan-
which is considered good for a structure of this complexity. The dard conditions 共density of 1.21 kg/m3, sound speed of 343 m/s,
damping values 共0.8 –1.1%兲 are perhaps higher than expected for and static pressure of 100 kPa兲 were used to model the cavity.
this type of material due to the existence of voids in the matrix. Mesh convergence was performed and the total resulting number
Figure 6 depicts a representative FRF and curve-fit taken at mea- of elements and degrees of freedom were 1,244 and 4,976, respec-
surement point (z, ,r)⫽(39.5 cm, 56.25°, 24.4 cm) and drive tively. The four degrees of freedom for each node were three
point (z, ,r)⫽(18.9 cm, 56.25°, 24.4 cm). Some small resonant Cartesian particle velocity components (V x , V y , and V z ) and the
responses are observed around 280, 400, and 470 Hz. The FEA pressure, P. A second FEA model included the speaker that was
predicted these modes to be corner flapping modes of the large used for the experimental modal analysis. It was modeled as a
end cap and two weak accordion-like modes of the structure, re- rigid piston 共moving mass兲 on a spring-damper 共spider兲 support.
spectively. It is the modes with large normal displacement which Since both acoustic FEA models yielded similar results, the sim-
couple well to sound, and thus these modes were not of interest pler model without the speaker was adopted for the study. This
for this study. Note from Table 2 that the lowest structural fre- model is also consistent with the NRS measurements setup, which
quency is 612 Hz, meaning that the resonance-controlled region is did not contain the attached speaker. Given the high degree of
expected to end around 2⫻612⫽1,224 Hz. Thus, the mass con- ideal nature in the model, the predicted acoustic modes are given
trolled region is expected to extend from 1,224 Hz to the critical a high degree of confidence, particularly at low frequency where
frequency of f C ⫽6,230 Hz. models are known to generally perform well. Figure 7 shows the
first six predicted acoustic mode shapes. The axial-symmetric
mode shapes are repeated 共rotated by 90 deg兲, but the repeats are
Acoustic Modal Analysis omitted for brevity. The experimental modal analysis is presented
in the next section.
Similar to the fairing shell, the modes of the internal tapered
acoustic cavity conform well to those for a uniform cylindrical Experimental Results. The experimental acoustic modal
cavity with closed ends. These modes will also be referenced with analysis was performed by exciting the fairing with the attached
respect to the cylindrical coordinate system given by Fig. 3 and speaker at z⫽r⫽0 共shown in bottom of Fig. 2兲. A total of 260
the indices (o,p,q) or (opq). The first modal index, o, represents acoustic measurements were taken with the internal microphones
the number of half wavelengths along the z-axis, the second, p, positioned at combinations of the following coordinates: r
represents the number of nodal diameters occuring along the ⫽ 兵 3.81,7.62,11.4,15.2其 cm, ⫽兵15,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,
transverse coordinate, and q represents the number of radial 150,165,180其 degrees, and across vertical planes at z
nodes along the r direction in Fig. 3. The acoustic mode shapes ⫽ 兵 10,20,30,40,50其 cm. The FRF was computed between the input
are important for three reasons. First, the modal pressure distribu- to the speaker and each of the four array microphones and thus
tions could be examined for ‘‘problem modes,’’ when considering included the speaker dynamics, which are much lower frequency
the payload location. More importantly, the predicted mode than the first acoustic mode of the fairing cavity. Figure 8 shows a
shapes can be used to estimate the cut off frequencies f CO for the typical measured FRF between the speaker and an internal micro-
truncated cone, which will be bounded by the predictions given in phone located at (z, ,r)⫽(19.5 cm, 337.5 deg, 23 cm兲. Note
Table 1. Because internal coincidence occurs at these frequencies, also from the figure that the modes and speaker dynamics have
worse transmission loss would be expected, which will be verified been identified. The dominance by the fundamental 共100兲 mode at
in measurements section. Also, the structural-acoustic coupling 301 Hz is typical of most all of the measured FRFs. However, the
given by Eq. 共2兲 indicates that the relative shape of the in-vacuo axial zero modes 共010兲, 共020兲, and 共001兲 at 385, 613, and 788 Hz,
structural modes and rigid-wall acoustic modes will influence the respectively, will be shown in the next section to also be very
noise transmission. However, this relationship is of limited value important for sound transmission. These three modes are used to
due to the complexity of the coupling. estimate the internal coincidence frequencies, the bounds of which
were given in the first three rows of Table 1. Interestingly, al- are within 0.1–5.1% in magnitude. Repeated modes that have
though they are significant for sound transmission, many of these nearly identical natural frequencies are indicated 共‘‘⫻2’’兲 in col-
modes appeared insignificant in the acoustic FRFs. The difference umn 1 of Table 3.
results from the direct excitation by the speaker for the FRF ver- Finally, note that when comparing the measured resonant fre-
sus excitation via transmission for the NRS measurement. Previ- quencies of the structure and acoustic cavity in Tables 2 and 3, in
ous studies focused mainly on the 共100兲 mode as the primary general the same modal frequencies do not show up in both tables,
contributor to noise transmission 关6,7兴. indicating that indeed the structural acoustic coupling is light.
A curve-fit was performed on an arbitrary selection of 32 of the There are however, two frequencies in the vicinity of 612 and 787
260 FRFs so that modal properties could be extracted. Natural Hz that are given in the tables that appear for both the structure
frequencies and damping ratios for the first eight modes are given and the acoustic cavity. Although internal coincidence is also pre-
in columns 3 and 5, respectively, of Table 3. The predicted mode dicted to occur for the acoustic modes at these two frequencies, it
shape and natural frequencies from the FEA analysis are given in is not between the structural modes that have nearly identical
columns 1 and 2 of the same table, along with the error between frequency, since internal coincidence can only occur between
predicted and measured natural frequencies in column 4, which modes of the same transverse wavenumber, k , which is related
to modal index n for the structure and p for the acoustic cavity. A convergence study on the spatial sampling was performed by
When comparing the modal indices n and p from the first column computing NRS using 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 20 sets of measurement
of Tables 2 and 3, one observes that (n⫽3⫽p⫽2) at 612 Hz and points across the surfaces of the shell. The NRS was mostly con-
(n⫽2⫽p⫽1) at 787 Hz. verged by 8 points, and the difference between 16 and 20 points
was indistinguishable. Thus, 20 was chosen as a suitable number
Measurement of Sound Transmission of points. Effects of angular and vertical position were also exam-
NRS measurements are based upon a spatial average of mean- ined. Little variation in NRS was noted between angles when
square pressure measurements from the inside and outside of the averaging the 5 vertical measurement heights together. Variation
structure as given by Eq. 共3兲. To simulate a diffuse field, four within the vertical measurement planes was more pronounced,
speakers were arranged around the structure and driven with in- with the sharpest dips in NRS noted near the end caps, which is
dependent white noise sources. Note that a previous work reported consistent with modal pressure maxima and edge radiation effects.
that directional effects in the radiation and reception patterns do Figure 10 shows the measured NRS for the structure using a
not occur in finite cylinders 关13兴. A wide bandwidth 共0–20 kHz兲 linear frequency axis from 0–1000 Hz. Note that vertical dashed
for the noise sources was desired due to the small scale of the and dotted lines have been added at the frequencies of the acoustic
structure. The speakers and the structure were suspended 0.7 m and structural resonances, respectively, which were obtained from
above the floor and the room volume was approximately 300 m3. the structural and acoustic modal analyses. In the low-frequency
An external microphone was traversed to 20 different measure- stiffness-dominated region of the NRS 共100–250 Hz兲, the reduc-
ment locations which were 1.5 cm from the surface of the shell. tion is seen to range from 34 –52 dB, with most frequencies above
The 20 locations spanned across five different vertical heights: h 40 dB. The dip at very low frequency 共40 Hz兲 is attributed to the
⫽ 兵 10,20,30,40,50其 cm, and four different transverse angles: Helmholtz frequency for the enclosure, which occurs due to leak-
⫽兵0,90,180,270其 deg. An internal microphone boom was in- age. Two dips likely occured because an access door to the struc-
stalled 1.5 cm from the edge of the ribs. This microphone re- ture had to be opened and closed 20 times to arrange the internal
corded 20 internal measurements which were at the same height microphone at each measurement location, which may have cre-
and angles as the exterior microphone. Figure 9 depicts a top view ated nonuniform leakage each time. Commensurate dips in the
of the measurement setup. Signals were generated and measured NRS are noted at most all of the acoustic resonant frequencies
using a Siglab MC20-84 dynamic signal analyzer. Bruel and Kjaer 共e.g. 301 Hz (opq)⫽(100), 385 Hz 共010兲, 547 Hz 共110兲, 613 Hz
4190 microphones with B&K 2669 preamplifiers were used for 共020兲, 735 Hz 共210兲, 788 Hz 共001兲, and 840 Hz 共120兲. A Dip in
the acoustic measurements. Marchand PS-24 power amplifiers the NRS is not noted for the acoustic mode at 583 Hz. Most of the
drove the four KLH-9912 speakers to generate the external noise structurally dominant resonances are seen not to influence the
field. Autospectrum measurements from the inside and outside NRS, presumably due to the relatively high level of damping for
were post processed and linearly averaged to determine the NRS. this composite structure. The exceptions are at 612, 787, 794, 845,
and 950 Hz. Each of these frequencies also coincides with an cidence as well. Again, as noted when examining Fig. 8, these
acoustic mode, so it is hard to decipher whether the acoustic, modes do not have a particularly strong response in this FRF, but
structural or both contribute to the NRS. There are three frequen- transmit energy well due to coincidence. The 共010兲 mode was also
cies 共612, 787–794, and 845 Hz兲 where the noise transmission is observed to be a weak mode in most all of the acoustic FRFs, but
actually negative, indicating an amplification of the noise by the is seen to have a significant dip in the NRS at that frequency 共385
structure. Modes at 612 and 787 Hz have already been associated Hz兲, again attesting to the importance of internal coincidence for
with internal coincidence frequencies. The mode at 845 Hz is NRS. The 794 Hz dip appears to be due to the structural mode at
assumed to be associated with the 815 Hz 共120兲 mode from the that frequency.
FEA, but is also near the 共030兲 mode with a predicted natural In Fig. 11, the NRS is replotted with a logarithmic frequency
frequency of 840 Hz. Note that since the accuracy of FEA models axis which extends from 100 to 20,000 Hz. The approximate
deteriorate at higher frequency, the measured 840 Hz frequency stiffness-, resonance-, and coincidence-controlled regions of the
may actually be the 共030兲 mode, which would have internal coin- NRS are indicated in the figure, as well as the probable contribu-
冋 册再 冎 冋 册再 冎 再 冎
sound power of vibrating structures.
In this paper, a topology optimization based approach is pro- M ss 0 ü e K ss K sa ue fs
⫹ ⫽ (1)
posed to study the optimal configuration of stiffeners for interior M as M aa p̈ e 0 K aa pe 0
sound reduction. Since our design target is aimed at reducing the
where the upper equation refers to the structural system and the
low frequency noise, a coupled acoustic-structural conservative
lower equation refers to the acoustic system. In these equations,
system without damping effect is considered. Modal analysis
u e is the vector representing displacement components at the grid
method is used to evaluate the interior sound level for this coupled
points of the structural finite element model, p e is the vector rep-
system 关5兴. To formulate the topology optimization problem a
resenting sound pressures at the grid points of the acoustic finite
recently introduced Microstructure-based Design Domain Method
element model. f s represents the external forces applied to the
共MDDM兲 关6兴 is employed. Using the MDDM, the optimal stiff- structure, such as mechanical excitations. M ss and K ss are struc-
ener configurations problem is treated as a material distribution tural mass and stiffness matrices, M aa and K aa are acoustic mass
problem and sensitivity analysis of the coupled system is derived and stiffness matrices. M as and K sa are acoustic-structural cou-
analytically. The optimal stiffener design is obtained by solving
pling matrices, and they have the property of K sa ⫽⫺M as T
. The
this topology optimization problem using a sequential convex ap-
structural and acoustic equations of motion are coupled through
proximation method called Generalized Convex Approximation
the matrix M as which transforms the structural accelerations to
acoustic excitations of the interior cavity, and through the matrix
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 K sa which transforms the acoustic pressures to loads acting on the
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received June 1997; If the external force has a harmonic form of f s e i t , then the
Revised October 2002. Associate Editor: R. L. Clark. structural and acoustic responses can be expressed as u e e i t and
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 267
where ⌿⫽ 兵 ⌿ s ⌿ a 其 T denotes the right eigenvector matrix of the
coupled system, is the coefficient matrix.
Inserting Eq. 共7兲 into the governing equations of Eq. 共2兲 and
premultiplying both sides by left eigenvector matrix ⌿̄ T
⫽ 兵 ⌿̄ sT ⌿̄ Ta 其 , the use of M-orthonormal condition leads to
共关 ⌳ 兴 ⫺ 2 关 I 兴 兲 ⫽⌿̄ T 再冎 fs
⫽⌿̄ sT f s (8)
冋 册再 冎 再 冎
K ss ⫺ 2 M ss K sa a small perturbation in the current design on the objective and
ue fs constraint functions. This is known as the sensitivity analysis. In
⫽ (2)
⫺ 2 M as K aa ⫺ 2 M aa pe 0 this study, frequency response sensitivities are the derivatives of
There are two different approaches to computing frequency re- structural response and the sound pressure with respect to the
sponse in Eq. 共2兲: the direct method and the modal analysis structural modification design variables. With the correct fre-
method. The direct method is a rather straightforward approach quency response sensitivity information, one can use various op-
that solves Eq. 共2兲 directly but it is very computationally expen- timization methods to arrive at a modified structure with reduced
sive. On the other hand, the modal analysis method is extremely interior sound level. The frequency response sensitivity,
attractive because both structural and acoustic modal density are 兵 u e⬘ ,p ⬘e 其 T , can be derived by differentiating Eq. 共2兲 as
relatively low under the low excitation frequencies. Therefore, the
modal analysis method is adopted in this study.
Since the mass and stiffness matrices are unsymmetric in the
冋 K ss ⫺ 2 M ss
⫺ M as
K sa
K aa ⫺ M aa2 册再 冎 冋
u ⬘e
p ⬘e
⬘ ⫺ 2 M ss
K ss
⬘ 0
册再 冎
coupled acoustic-structural system, the left eigenvectors are not (10)
the same as the right ones. Using the modal analysis method, the ⬘ and M ss
where K ss ⬘ are the derivatives of the structural stiffness
right eigenvalue problem can be formulated as and mass matrices with respect to the design variable, respec-
冋 K ss
K sa
K aa
册再 冎 冋
M ss
M as
M aa
册再 冎
can be rewritten as
⬘ ⫺ 2 M ss
If we define a pseudo load g s ⫽⫺ 关 K ss ⬘ 兴 u e , Eq. 共10兲
冋 册再 冎 再 冎
where ⌳ is the eigenvalue matrix; ⌿ s and ⌿ a are the right eigen-
vector matrices corresponding to the structural and acoustic fields K ss ⫺ 2 M ss K sa u e⬘ gs
⫽ (11)
respectively. Similarly, the left eigenvalue problem is represented ⫺ M as
K aa ⫺ 2 M aa p ⬘e 0
Eq. 共11兲 has the same form as the frequency response governing
兵 ⌿̄ sT ⌿̄ Ta 其 冋 K ss
K sa
K aa
册 ⫽ 关 ⌳ 兴 兵 ⌿̄ sT ⌿̄ Ta 其 冋 M ss
M as
M aa
册 (4)
equations in Eq. 共2兲 except the excitation force has been changed
from f s to g s . Therefore, the solution of Eq. 共11兲 can be obtained
in the same way as shown in the previous section.
where ⌿̄ s and ⌿̄ a denote the left eigenvector matrices of the Assume response sensitivities can be decomposed as,
structural and acoustic fields. The M-orthonormal condition of the 兵 u ⬘e ,p ⬘e 其 T ⫽⌿ with being the undetermined coefficient matrix.
coupled system is stated as follows: Put this expansion into Eq. 共11兲 and premultiply both sides by
兵 ⌿̄ sT ⌿̄ Ta 其 冋 M ss
M as
M aa
册再 冎⌿s
⫽关I兴 (5)
⌿̄ T , we have
共关 ⌳ 兴 ⫺ 2 关 I 兴 兲 ⫽⌿̄ T 再冎 gs
⫽⌿̄ sT g s (12)
For large coupled acoustic-structural systems, it is impractical
to solve Eq. 共3兲 and Eq. 共4兲 directly because of the high compu- Denote ⌿̄ sT g s ⫽q, then coefficient matrix can be determined in the
tational cost. Luo and Gea 关5兴 proposed a symmetrization ap- indices form
proach to effectively extract eigenmodes with less computational
time and storage. They also proved that the right eigenvectors and qi
i⫽ (13)
the left eigenvectors of a coupled system can be related as i⫺ 2
再 冎再 冎⌿̄ s
⌿̄ a
⌳⌿ s
With Eq. 共13兲, the frequency response sensitivity, 兵 u ⬘c ,p ⬘e 其 , can be
calculated easily.
再 冎
In this section, the solution procedures of identifying the opti-
ue mal configuration of stiffeners placement for the reduction of the
⫽⌿ (7)
pe interior sound level are discussed.
that the level of interior sound is fully determined by the acoustic where denotes the material density, v i is the volume of ith
excitation, that can be measured by the magnitude of ⫺ 2 M as u e element, c i1 is the design variable as described previously, N is the
from Eq. 共2兲 for a given excitation frequency. The minimization of number of elements, and W̄ is the upper limit of total weight.
the norm of ⫺ 2 M as u e can lead to the reduction of SPL. There- In order to search for the optimal stiffener topology, the number
fore, the minimization of the acoustic excitation is chosen as the of design variables is related to the number of finite elements used
objective function. In our numerical examples, iteration histories in the structural model. Therefore, the optimizer used here must
of SPL are also listed for the purpose of comparing the sound be very efficient in handling a large number of design variables. In
pressure level reductions from the optimization process. this paper, the Generalized Convex Approximation 共GCA兲 method
When a structure is subjected to a band of frequency excitations introduced by Chickermane and Gea 关7兴 is used to formulate and
关 0 , 1 兴 , the objective function can be modified as solve the topology optimization problem. In the GCA, functions
1⫺ 0 冕0
储 ⫺ 2 M as u e 共 兲储 d (15)
are approximated as the sum of a series of separable functions of
the design variables as
n n
And, the overall interior sound level from Eq. 共14兲 can be defined
f 共 x 兲⬵ f 共 xk兲⫺ 兺 b 共 x ⫺d 兲 ⫹ 兺 b 共 x ⫺d 兲
i i
i i i
1⫺ 0 冕 1
冉 1
m 兺
共 10 log10关 p i 共 兲 /p 0 兴 2 兲 d
where b i , d i and r i are a set of approximation parameters to be
determined, and f (x k ) is the value of the original function at the
kth design. Function values and first order sensitivity information
(16) from the current and previous design is utilized to determine the
Recently, the stiffener layout optimization problem is tackled values of the approximation parameters. The approximation prob-
by material distribution formulations, in which a given amount of lem is solved iteratively using mathematical programming to gen-
‘‘artificial’’ stiffener material is dispersed optimally to the base erate the next design. This process continues until a satisfactory
structure for the best structure performance. The material model design is reached.
for the combination of base material and ‘‘artificial’’ stiffener ma-
terial is often borrowed from various theories of composite mate- 5 Numerical Examples
rials. This method is called the topology optimization because the Optimal stiffener designs of an aluminum alloy 共1100-H14兲 box
topology of stiffener design is to be optimized. Diaz and Kikuchi using the proposed topology optimization based method are pre-
关9兴 used this technique on solving stiffener layout design optimi- sented in this section. The aluminum box of 30 cm⫻40 cm
zation under natural frequency and they applied the homogeniza- ⫻50 cm is fixed at four bottom corners and under various external
tion theory 关10兴 to evaluate the material properties of the compos- excitations. The aluminum plate has thickness 0.2 cm, Poisson’s
ite consisting of the base and stiffener material. In this paper, a ratio 0.33, Young’s modulus 6.9⫻1010 Pa, density 2.7
Microstructure-based Design Domain Method 共MDDM兲 intro- ⫻103 kg/m3 and the box without any stiffeners weights 5.076 Kg.
duced by Gea 关6兴 is applied to model the add-on stiffener. In the The ‘‘artificial’’ stiffen material has the same density as the base
MDDM, material is treated as a ‘‘composite’’ consisting of matrix material but with 100 times higher strength in order to simulate
and spherical inclusion materials. The effective material properties the strong rigidity effect produced by stiffeners. The upper weight
of the ith element is expressed in the form limit of the add-on ‘‘artificial’’ stiffen material is set to be 10% of
共 i 兲 ⫽ 0 1⫹
c 共1i 兲 共 1 ⫺ 0 兲
共 1⫺c 共1i 兲 兲 ␣ 0 共 1 ⫺ 0 兲 ⫹ 0
冊 (17)
the total base weight. That gives the total allowable weight of the
whole structure be 5.5836 Kg. In the initial design, the add-on
‘‘artificial’’ stiffen material is uniformly distributed to the box in
共 i 兲 ⫽ 0 1⫹
c 共1i 兲 共 1 ⫺ 0 兲
共 1⫺c 共1i 兲 兲  0 共 1 ⫺ 0 兲 ⫹ 0
冊 (18)
order to produce an unbiased starting point. From the analyses of
the initial design, we found 20 structural eigenmodes and 3 acous-
tic eigenmodes including one Helmholtz mode for the uncoupled
with system in the range of 0 to 500 Hz. Then, a coupled acoustic-
structural analysis was performed. We found that the eigenfre-
1 1⫹ 0 quencies of the uncoupled systems were shifted only slightly after
␣ 0⫽ (19) being coupled in the same frequency range. In Table 1, eigenfre-
3 1⫺ 0
quencies in the range of 0 to 500 Hz for uncoupled and coupled
2 4⫺5 0 systems are listed for comparison.
 0⫽ (20) Since we are only interested in the low frequency sound reduc-
15 1⫺ 0
tion, damping effect for the coupled acoustic-structural system
where subscripts 0 and 1 represent matrix and inclusion materials; was neglected. In the structural field, 1536 4-node plate elements
and denote the bulk modulus and the shear modulus. 0 is are used and each of them is also treated as design variable for the
Poisson’s ratio of the matrix, and c 1(i ) is the volume fraction of the stiffener design optimization formulation. In the acoustic field,
inclusion material in the ith element. Using this model, the vol- 4096 8-node solid elements are constructed. To reduce the interior
Fig. 2 A box under an excitation loading at the center of the Fig. 4 Optimal configuration of the stiffeners placement in
top plate case 1
eners are also mostly located in the external force applied region.
Table 4 shows the trend of interior SPL reduction throughout the
iterations. The corresponding uncoupled structural frequencies Fig. 7 Optimal configuration of the stiffeners placement in
case 2
and coupled system frequencies in the range of 0 and 200 Hz are
listed in Table 5. The final design also experiences changes in
natural frequencies and mode shapes from the initial design.
5.3 Case 3. In the third case, a unit harmonic excitation optimal stiffener location. Unlike the first two cases, in this case
with higher frequency is applied at the center of the top plate. The the locations of stiffeners are spread out to different region of the
excitation frequency is chosen as ⫽150 Hz. We found the ob- box. This is due to the fact the excitation frequency is in the
jective function reduced from 2.811064e-5 to 1.548597e-5 and the middle of several resonance frequencies of the system. To mini-
overall interior sound decreased from 80.13 dB to 67.03 dB after mize the acoustic excitation, the add-on stiffeners try to reduce the
ten iterations. The iteration history is showed in Fig. 8 and the effects from all these resonance modes as much as possible. The
trend of SPL reduction is showed in Table 6. Fig. 9 shows the natural frequencies below 200 Hz of the final design are also
listed in Table 7 for reference.
5.4 Case 4. In the last example, the stiffener design under a
band of frequency excitation is studied. A unit harmonic excitation
is applied at the center of the top plate with a band of low exci-
tation frequencies ranged from 20 to 100 Hz. A modified objective
function, Eq. 共15兲, is used here. Since the excitation frequency
range falls below any resonance frequency, the optimal stiffener
location turns out to be very similar to that of the first case as Fig.
4. We found the objective function is reduced from 3.106249e-7 to
1.842361e-7 and the overall interior sound defined in Eq. 共16兲 is
decreased from 93.53 dB to 75.16 dB after ten iterations. Fig. 10
shows the interior SPL comparison between the initial design and
the final design within the exciting frequency range.
Table 6 Trend of interior SPL reduction in case 3 Fig. 10 Interior SPL comparison between the initial design
and the final design
Iteration Sound Pressure Level Weight
number 共dB兲 共Kg兲
initial 80.13 5.5836
1 79.59 5.5836
2 77.39 5.5836
3 74.91 5.5836 6 Conclusion and Future Work
4 75.88 5.5836
5 73.40 5.5836 In this paper, optimal stiffener design for interior sound reduc-
6 71.20 5.5836 tion of coupled acoustic-structural system is studied. Forced fre-
7 70.46 5.5836 quency response and its sensitivity of this coupled system were
8 68.99 5.5836
9 67.63 5.5836 solved by the modal analysis method. Using a topology optimiza-
10 67.03 5.5836 tion based approach, the optimal stiffener placement problem was
converted into an optimal material distribution problem. Instead
of using the overall interior sound level directly, the norm of
acoustic excitation was used as the objective function and from
our numerical examples, it showed the acoustic excitation is a
good indicator for sound reduction. At low frequency excitations,
the optimal stiffeners might be applied to the region near the
external force source, however when the excitation frequency is
among several resonance frequencies, stiffener might be placed
throughout the structure in order to compensate the resonance
modes involved. In this work, a conservative system with no
damping effect is considered, therefore the proposed approach is
only valid for single frequency excitation or a band of low
frequency excitations without any resonance frequency included.
More general method to handle damping is currently under
Fig. 9 Optimal configuration of the stiffeners placement in 关1兴 Hagiwara, W., Kozukue, W., and Ma, Z. D., 1993, ‘‘The Development of
case 3 Eigenmode Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Coupled Acoustic-Structural Sys-
tems and Their Application to Reduction of Vehicle Interior Noise,’’ Finite
Elem. Anal. Design, 14, pp. 235–248.
关2兴 Huff, J. E., Jr., and Bernhard, R. J., 1995, ‘‘Acoustic Shape Optimization
Using Parametric Finite Elements,’’ ASME 1995 Design Engineering Techni-
Table 7 Natural frequencies of the final design in case 3 cal Conferences, DE-Vol. 84-2, pp. 577–584.
关3兴 Wodtke, H. W., and Koopmann, G. H., 1995, ‘‘Quieting Plate Modes with
Mode Structural frequency Coupled frequency Optimally sized Point Masses—A Volume Velocity Approach,’’ ASME 1995
number 共Hz兲 共Hz兲 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DE-Vol. 84-2, pp. 647– 654.
关4兴 Constans, E., and Belegundu, A., 1996, ‘‘Minimizing Radiated Sound Power
1 - 0.00 from Vibrating Shells,’’ The 6th AIAA/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidis-
2 88.77 90.39 ciplinary Analysis and Optimization, Bellevue, WA, Paper 96-4111, pp. 1106 –
3 115.09 115.62 1116.
4 161.26 160.88 关5兴 Luo, J. H., and Gea, H. C., 1997, ‘‘Modal Sensitivity Analysis of Coupled
5 166.55 166.00 Acoustic-Structural Systems,’’ J. Sound Vib., 119, pp. 545–550.
6 173.40 173.79 关6兴 Gea, H., 1996, ‘‘Topology Optimization: A New Micro-Structure Based De-
sign Domain Method,’’ Comput. Struct., 61„5…, pp. 781–788.
274 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Wavelet Transform
Continuous Wavelet Transform. The continuous wavelet
transform 共CWT兲 of a function f (t) is defined as follows.
共 W f 兲共 b,a 兲 ⫽ 兩 a 兩 ⫺1/2 冕
f 共 t 兲 冉 冊
dt (1)
GPa and 0.3, respectively. Figure 2 shows the tooth profile errors
of test gear pairs. The tooth surfaces of both gears and pinion were
共 t 兲 ⫽ ⫺1/4 冉 冊 再 冉 冊
exp ⫺
1 p
2 ␥
⫹i p t 冎 (2)
finally ground. The tooth profile errors of both sintered and steel Where, p is a center of angular frequency, and ␥ is a constant
gears and almost the same. The accuracy of the test gear pairs are and was set to be (2/ln 2) 1/2⫽5.336. Figure 4 shows an example
in class 1 according to Japanese industrial standard 共JIS B 1702兲. of the Gabor function and its Fourier spectrum. The integral for
The test apparatus shown in Fig. 3 is a power circulating type Eq. 共1兲 was calculated using the trapezoidal rule and the calcula-
gear testing machine with a center distance of 82.55 mm. The test tion results are expressed using the following equation.
gear was driven at an interval of 200 rpm within a range of rota-
tional speeds n 2 of 1600 rpm to 10,000 rpm. The loading torque 兩 共 W f 兲 兩 ⫽ 冑兵 Re共 W f 共 其 2 ⫹ 兵 Im共 W f 共 其 2 (3)
was statically applied to the gear shaft by a lever loading with
dead weights and a torsional coupling. The torsional torque was Where, Re(W f ) and Im(W f ) are the real and the imaginary
taken as a scale for loading. In this experiment, the value of the parts in Eq. 共1兲. To express the wavelet map, that is the intensity
torque was 30 Nm, which corresponds to a load per unit face map in a time frequency domain, the intensity calculated by the
width of 142 N/mm in the normal direction to the tooth surface. CWT was normalized by the maximum intensity in the map.
The gear pair was lubricated with a gear oil by pressure feeding at
Discrete Wavelet Transform. When the coordinates 共b, a兲 of
a flow rate of 750 ml/min and an oil temperature of 313 K.
the CWT shown in Eq. 共1兲 are discretized to the coordinates
The dynamic tooth root strain was measured using a dynamic
strain amplifier and a wire strain gage with a gage length of 0.3 (2 ⫺ j k,2⫺ j ) using two integers j and k, the discrete wavelet trans-
mm, which was bonded on a compression side of the root fillet of form 共DWT兲 is defined as follows.
the gear. The vibration acceleration of the gear box was detected ⬁
by a piezo-electric pickup through an amplifier. The pickup has a d 共kj 兲 ⫽2 j/2 f 共 t 兲 共 2 j t⫺k 兲 dt (4)
maximum response frequency of 20 kHz. The sound pressure near ⫺⬁
the gear box was detected by a condenser type microphone having
a maximum response frequency of 12.5 kHz. The microphone was Where, d (kj ) is equal to (W f )(2 ⫺ j k, 2⫺ j )). j is called level. The
located at a distance of 300 mm from the side of the gear box. inverse discrete wavelet transform 共IDWT兲 is defined as
These signals were stored into a data recorder with a synchronous
signal obtained by a phototransistor and two disks with slits which
were fixed on both shifts of the gear and the pinion. These stored
f 共 t 兲⬇ 兺 g 共t兲
j (5)
signals were analyzed using a computer with an A/D converter
board. The function g j (t) on the wavelet component is given by
Fig. 3 Power circulating gear testing machine and measurement system of dynamic performance of
gear pair
Suppose that f j (t) is the function at a level j, f i (t) is satisfied with 1 m
the following relation. N m共 t 兲 ⫽
共 m⫺1 兲 ! 兺 共 ⫺1 兲
共 t⫺k 兲 ⫹
f j共 t 兲⫽ 兺c
共 j兲
k 共 2 t⫺k 兲
(7) Figure 5 shows the scaling function (t) and the mother wavelet
function (t) based on the function N 4 (t), that is the cardinal
B-spline function in order of 4. The function (t) is equal to the
Where, 兵 c (kj ) 其 is a sequence at a level j, and (t) is a scaling function N 4 (t). From this figure, it is understood that the function
function. The scaling function (t) and the mother wavelet func- (t) is very smooth and is very similar to sinusoidal functions.
tion (t) are satisfied with the two-scale relations as follows. The sequences 兵 a k 其 , 兵 b k 其 , 兵 p k 其 and 兵 q k 其 are given in the refer-
ence 关1兴.
共 t 兲⫽ 兺 p 共 2t⫺k 兲
k (8)
Conventional Evaluation of Gear Dynamics
共 t 兲⫽ 兺 q 共 2t⫺k 兲
k (9) Figure 6 shows the examples of the dynamic and static tooth
root strains or stresses measured in this experiment. Generally,
Where, 兵 p k 其 and 兵 q k 其 are two-scale sequences. The algorithms of in order to evaluate the dynamic load of the gear pair, the dyna-
the decomposition and the reconstruction using the DWT and the mic load ratio dmax / smax , that is the ratio of the maximum
IDWT on the function f (t) are given as Eqs. 共10兲 and 共11兲. dynamic tooth root stress dmax to the maximum static tooth
c 共kj⫺1 兲 ⫽ 兺a l
共 j兲
1⫺2k c l
d 共kj⫺1 兲 ⫽ 兺 l
b 1⫺2k c 共l j 兲
c 共kj 兲 ⫽ 兺 关p
共 j⫺1 兲
k⫺2l c l ⫹q k⫺2l d 共l j⫺1 兲 兴 (11)
root stress smax , has been used. In this study, the tooth root
stress at a rotational speed n 2 of 6.6 rpm was adopted as the static
stress smax .
Figure 7 shows the dynamic load ratio dmax / smax plotted
against the rotational speed n 2 of gear. The frequency f z indicates
the tooth mesh frequency. The natural frequency of the gear pair
including the shafts, which support the gear pair, was calculated
using a program given in reference 关8兴. The equation of motion
for the calculation of the natural frequency of the gear pair is
given by
where, M is the equivalent inertia mass of gear pair along the line
of action, D is the damping coefficient between gear pair includ-
ing the shafts, K is the stiffness of gear pair, W is the static load,
e i is the tooth profile error and x is the relative displacement along
the line of action. Subscript i indicates the pinion (i⫽1) and the
gear (i⫽2). Then, the natural frequency f e is calculated using the
following equation. Fig. 8 Tooth root strain, WT map and FFT at n 2 Ä1800 rpm
f e⫽
2 冑冕1
Tz K 共 t,x 兲
0 M
dt (15)
Where, T z is the tooth mesh period. In this experiment, the calcu- dynamic load and used only the maximum value of the gear dy-
lated value of f e was approximately 2.56 kHz. The gear box was namic load. Thus, the information of the gear dynamic load in the
hit by a hammer to measure its natural frequency in the horizontal time-frequency domain is important to evaluate the great perfor-
direction of the gear box using the FFT. As the result, the natural mance in detail. In this section, the dynamic tooth root strains are
frequency of the gear box was about 5.0 kHz. From Fig. 7, for analyzed in the time-frequency domain using the WT.
both the sintered and steel gears, the ratio dmax / smax increases Figure 8 shows the waveform of the tooth root strain 共top of the
with fluctuation as n 2 increases. The ratio dmax / smax has three figure兲, its WT map 共lower left of the figure兲 and the analyzed
peak values at n 2 ⫽4200 rpm ( f z ⫽1.12 kHz兲, 6000 rpm ( f z result using the FFT 共lower right of the figure兲 at a rotational
⫽1.60 kHz兲 and 9000 rpm ( f z ⫽2.40 kHz兲, since the tooth mesh speed n 2 of 1800 rpm. The WT maps of both the gears were
frequency and its harmonics coincide with both the natural fre- obtained using the CWT. The WT map shows the intensity of the
quencies of the gear pair and the gear box. Namely, the gear pair tooth root strain in the time-frequency domain. In the WT map,
for both the sintered and steel gears became the resonance condi- not only the frequency components but also the change of the
tions at their speeds. The ratio dmax / smax of the sintered gear is intensity of each frequency in the tooth root strain with the time
mostly smaller than that of the steel one against n 2 . Therefore, it can be provided more precisely, compared with the FFT analysis.
is obvious that the sintered gear is superior to the steel one from In the WT maps of the sintered and steel gears, each intensity in
the viewpoint of the damping characteristics. two regions above and below f z ⫽480 Hz indicates each peak. The
contact time of one tooth pair at n 2 ⫽1800 rpm is approximately
2.6 ms. Suppose that the wave of the tooth root strain is roughly a
sine wave with a period of 5.2 ms, the frequency of the sine wave
Analysis of Gear Dynamics Using WT is 192 Hz. It can be considered that the frequency components
In the previous section, the conventional evaluation method below f z depend on the contact time of the one tooth pair. On the
was employed for evaluating the gear dynamic load. The conven- other hand, it can be considered that the frequency components
tional evaluation method, however, has not taken into account the above f z are caused by the torsional vibration of the gear pair. The
information on the time and the frequency contained in the gear relative intensities at the region above f z of the sintered gear are
R.M.S.⫽ 冑冕 1
v共 t 兲 2 dt (17)
The authors would like to thank Sumitomo Metal Industries,
Ltd. and Japan Energy Co. Ltd. for providing the sintered material
Fig. 14 Root-mean-square of vibration acceleration above and and the lubricating oil, respectively. This research was supported
below f z financially in part by the scientific research fund of the Japanese
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
and the Mazda Foundation to which the authors express their
frequency components above f z . In short, the fluctuations of both gratitude.
the vibration and the sound are caused by the frequency compo-
nents above f z .
D ⫽ damping coefficient between gear pair
In order to evaluate the difference in the gear dynamics with K(t,x) ⫽ stiffness of gear pair
different gear materials, the gear dynamics concerning tooth root M ⫽ equivalent inertia mass of gear pair along line
strain, vibration and sound were measured using a power circulat- of action
ing gear testing machine in a range of rotational speeds of 1600 to N m (t) ⫽ cardinal B-spline function in order of m
10,000 rpm. The gear materials employed were steel and sintered Tr ⫽ one revolution period of gear
ones. The gear dynamics were analyzed in a time-frequency do- Tz ⫽ tooth mesh period
main by the continuous and discrete wavelet transforms. W ⫽ static load of gear pair
1. The dynamic tooth root strain indicated indirectly the con- (W f )(b,a) ⫽ wavelet transform
dition of the torsional vibration of the gear pair. The value of a ⫽ frequency parameter
the tooth root strain reconstructed at the region below the tooth a k ⫽ sequence for decomposition by discrete wave-
mesh frequency f z depended on the Young’s modulus of the gear let transform
material. On the other hand, the amplitude of the strain recon- b ⫽ time parameter
structed at the region above f z depended on the damping ratio of b k ⫽ sequence for decomposition by discrete wave-
the gear pair. let transform
2. The behavior of the vibration and the sound of the gear box c (kj ) ⫽ sequence at level j
against the rotational speed of the gear could be also divided d k ( j ) ⫽ sequence at level j⫽(W f )(2 ⫺ j k, 2⫺ j )
obviously to two different behaviors above and below f z . The e(t,x) ⫽ tooth profile error
f (t) ⫽ signal
f j (t) ⫽ signal at level j
g j (t) ⫽ wavelet component of signal f (t) at level j
f e ⫽ natural frequency of gear pair
f low ⫽ ⫽ f z /2 a
f z ⫽ tooth mesh frequency ⫽z 2 n 2 /60
j ⫽ level
k ⫽ integer for time parameter
m ⫽ order of cardinal B-spline function
n 2 ⫽ rotational speed of gear
p k , q k ⫽ two-scale sequences for reconstruction by dis-
crete wavelet transform
t ⫽ time
v (t) ⫽ signal of vibration acceleration or sound pres-
x ⫽ relative displacement along line of action
z 2 ⫽ number of gear teeth
a ⫽ contact ratio
(t) ⫽ scaling function
(t) ⫽ mother wavelet function
dmax ⫽ maximum dynamic tooth root stress
smax ⫽ maximum static tooth root stress
Fig. 15 Root-mean-square of sound pressure above and ␥ ⫽ constant for Gabot function
below f z p ⫽ center of angular frequency
1 Introduction ing of the spectral content of the envelope of the resulting vibra-
tion signal. This model was later refined by Ho & Randall who
Most frequent faults in rolling element bearings include defects
pointed out that actual rolling element bearings experience some
such as cracks, pits and spalls on the inner race, outer race, or
random slip in their operation so that the train of impacts is
rolling elements. Such defects are usually very localized during
slightly random instead of periodic 关4兴. However small these ef-
their early stages which is precisely when they need to be de-
fects, Ho showed that the resonance characteristic is no longer
tected. As a result, intensive vibrations are produced by the repeti-
sampled in the Fourier domain but rather resembles a continuous
tive impacts of the moving parts of the bearing on incipient de-
spectral density where all the harmonics tend to smear over each
fects. Numerous techniques have been proposed over the past
other. Ho’s model resulted in a significantly better description of
three decades to diagnose rolling element bearing in the case of
bearing vibration spectra as observed in the real world, and was
localized from the vibration signals they produce. Inter alia, the
next used by Randall, Antoni & Chobsaard to show that bearing
so-called ‘‘envelope analysis’’ or ‘‘high frequency resonance’’
signals are quasi-cyclostationary—i.e. their statistics have quasi-
technique is probably one of the most valuable and is currently
periodicity 关5兴. Incidentally, this observation offered an elegant
well established in vibration based condition monitoring
way for justifying the envelope analysis method from the theory
关1,2,3,4,5兴. It is based on the idea that repetitive impacts on a
of cyclostationary processes. In a following paper, Antoni & Ran-
defect excite some resonance—usually in a high frequency range
dall refined their results after specifying that signals from local-
where the signal-to-noise ratio is high—which acts as a modula-
ized faults are not exactly quasi-cyclostationary since the random
tion carrier. Demodulation of the vibration signal around the car-
slips are non-stationary in their nature 关6兴. However they con-
rier then yields the envelope of the signal whose spectral content
cluded that the bearing signals could still be treated as pseudo-
has been shown to be very relevant in identifying the location of
cyclostationary as a first approximation.
the fault in the bearing, and the shaft on which the bearing is
The purpose of this paper is to attempt a complete treatment of
mounted. Since the early and heuristic foundations of the enve-
the stochastic modeling of bearing vibrations as produced by lo-
lope analysis technique, many papers have tried to explain its
calized faults, putting together a number of unpublished results
actual virtues and unbeaten successes when applied to rolling el-
and putting the heuristic considerations of 关6兴 on a firmer math-
ement bearings. These efforts have first focused on proposing a
ematical foundation. The aim is twofold. Firstly, it is to provide
proper model for the vibration signal generated by localized
the mechanical community with a model that has proven very
faults. It must be said that the objective of such a model is not to
satisfactory in describing actual vibration signals and, in particu-
explain the physics of bearing failures but to describe its conse-
lar, their spectra and envelope spectra—including some typical
quences as observed by the experimenter, i.e. it is phenomeno-
features that have never been explained elsewhere. Secondly, it is
to demonstrate how this model permits a proper formalization of
Most likely, the first valuable model for the vibration signal
the envelope analysis technique as classically used in the diagnos-
produced by a localized defect is due to McFadden & Smith 关2,3兴.
tics of rolling element bearings. The paper is organized as follows.
Therein the repetitive impacts generated by a defect were modeled
A first section addresses the accurate modeling of the nonstation-
as a periodic train of Dirac delta functions with period T. Conse-
ary impacting process as generated by a localized defect on the
quently the resonance characteristic in the Fourier domain was
inner race, the outer race, or on a rolling element. The spectral
sampled at regular intervals 1/T 共Fourier series兲. Moreover, Mc-
characteristics of this process are then derived from the theory of
Fadden’s model had the advantage of explicitly including different
regular point processes and important results are deduced con-
sources of amplitude modulations 共the radial load distribution, the
cerning the nature of spectral harmonics. In a second section these
moving location of impact forces兲 thus giving a good understand-
results are used to investigate the spectral properties of the result-
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
ing vibration signal after the impacts have propagated through the
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received April 2002; system, i.e. as measured on the housing. In particular, the general
revised January 2003. Associate Editor: M. I. Friswell. spectral signature due to a localized defect is found and its mani-
282 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 The impacting process viewed as a point process
impacting process F(t). For a localized defect, each impact may where 1 (t) is the probability density function of the ith impact
be well described by a Dirac delta function ␦ (t) provided the conditioned to the fact that the zeroth occurred at t⫽0 and
measured signal is sampled at a rate well below the impact spec- 0 (t)⫽ ␦ (t).
tral bandwidth 关2,3,4兴. At this stage it is assumed that all impacts Similarly, the product density of degree two is
have equal magnitudes; magnitudes and signs of impacts will be
⬁ ⬁
accounted for later in the text by modulating the impacting pro-
cess with a suitable time-varying function. f 2 共 t, 兲 dtd ⫽ 兺 兺 P 兵 t⭐T ⭐t⫹dt,t⫹ ⭐T ⭐t⫹ ⫹d /T
i⫽0 j⬎i
i j 0
Without loss of generality, the reference time t⫽0 is chosen to
coincide with an arbitrary impact which defines the point from ⫽0 其 (6)
which the process is starting to be observed. Hence,
for ⬎0. Remembering that the arrival time 兵 T i 其 is a stationary
兺 ␦ 共 t⫺T 兲
Markov process,
F共 t 兲⫽ i where T 0 ⫽0 (1)
i⫽0 ⬁ ⬁
The formula for F 1 ( ␣ ) can now be used to compute the double
F 1共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ f 1 共 t 兲 e ⫺ j ␣ •t dt⫽ 关 1⫺⌽ * 共 ␣ 兲兴 ⫺1 (10) Fourier transform of f 2 (t, ):
where ⌽共␣兲 is the characteristic function of the first time of arrival F 2共 ␣ , 兲 ⫽ f 2 共 t, 兲 e ⫺ j ␣ •t e ⫺ j • dtd (12)
42 R2
T 1 —or equivalently of the independent and identically distributed
inter-arrival time process 兵 ⌬T i 其 . Equation 共10兲 is known as a Distinguishing three cases ⬍0, ⫽0 and ⬎0 and after some
‘‘renewal type’’ equation in the theory of stochastic processes, the algebra, one finds
study of which requires the exact knowledge of the probability
F 2 共 ␣ , 兲 ⫽F 1 共 ␣ 兲 • 关 F 1 共 ␣ 兲 ⫹F 1 共 ␣ ⫺ 兲 ⫺1 兴 (13)
law governing T 1 . The Gamma law would probably be a good
candidate here as it produces strictly positive inter-arrival times This defines a continuous spectral density with marked ridges run-
with a peaked probability around the mean value T. However ning along the -variable and centered on all ␣ ⫽k/T, k苸Z. For
when its variance ⌬2 is small w.r.t. its mean T, the Gamma dis- large values of , F 2 ( ␣ , ) ultimately tends to F 1 ( ␣ ) and thus
tribution is well approximated by the Normal distribution with the resembles a pattern of parallel and horizontal ridges along the
same mean and variance, thus making the calculations more trac- -axis rapidly falling off on each side of ␣ ⫽0, as illustrated in
table. Under these assumptions, Fig. 4. The presence of these parallel ridges distinctively charac-
冉 冊
terizes the 共second-order兲 spectral signature of a random train of
1 2 2 impact forces and consequently, that of a faulty rolling element
⌽ 共 ␣ 兲 ⬇exp ⫺ • ␣ ⫺ j ␣ •t (11)
2 ⌬ bearing. Moreover, the distance between the ridges indicates the
mean rate of occurrence of the fault, thus enabling its identifica-
from which Eq. 共10兲 is readily found to yield a pole at ␣ ⫽0 and tion in the mechanical system.
a series of finite-energy peaks equi-spaced by 1/T, with maxima
and minima respectively on ␣ ⫽k/T and ␣ ⫽k/T⫺1/2, k苸Z. Fig- 2.4 Discussion. At this stage, it is instructive to review
ure 3 depicts the behavior of the modulus 兩 F 1 ( ␣ ) 兩 where the some former models proposed in the literature in light of the de-
percentage of random fluctuation ⌬ /T has been set rather large rived results. Clearly, for the deterministic model f 1 (t) is a per-
for sake of demonstration. In contrast to the time domain, note fectly periodic train of Dirac deltas XT (t) and f 2 (t, ) a two-
firstly 共i兲 that the magnitude of the peaks falls off more rapidly in dimensional version of it, viz f 2 (t, )⫽XT (t)•XT ( ). The same
the Fourier domain and secondly, 共ii兲 that the bandwidth of the applies to their respective Fourier transforms, viz F 1 ( ␣ )⫽1/T
successive peaks of F 1 ( ␣ ) remain more or less constant since •X1/T ( ␣ ) and F 2 ( ␣ , )⫽1/T 2 •X1/T ( ␣ )•X1/T ( ). The limita-
they are bounded by 1/T. tion of these formulas arises from the experimental evidence that
(i) Fall off of the peaks. For ⌬2 ⰆT, the relative magnitude of actual data do not have line spectra especially in the vicinity of
the ith peak w.r.t. the first one decreases almost as fast as 1/i 2 , that the high frequency resonance where they are usually demodu-
is a slope of ⫺40 dB per decade. Since F 1 ( ␣ ) ultimately tends lated. On the other hand, the simplified stochastic model proposed
towards a constant amplitude density F 1 (⬁)⫽1, this means that by Randall & Antoni in 关5兴 leads to f 1 (t)⫽XT (t) * 1 (t), that is
there exists a cut-off radian frequency ␣ c ⬇ 冑 2/ ⌬ after which all a periodic train of Dirac delta functions low-pass filtered by the
the peaks have faded. Considering the percentage of random fluc- probability function 1 (t). Therein f 2 (t, ) turns out to be peri-
tuation x/100⫽ ⌬ /T, it is found that F 1 ( ␣ ) becomes almost con- odic and low-pass filtered in the t-variable while transient in the
stant after i c ⫽22.5/x. For example, for a random fluctuation of -variable. These ‘‘low-pass filter’’ and ‘‘transient’’ effects give a
2%, this means as few as i c ⫽11 peaks. better explanation for the continuity of experimental spectra in the
冉 冊
the stochastic model first mentioned in reference 关5兴.
m A 共 t 兲 ⫽E 兵 A 共 t 兲 其 ⫽m A t⫹
a k e j⍀•t (14)
3 Spectral Statistics of the Vibration Signal
冉 冊
In the preceding section, expressions were derived which de-
scribe the spectral signature of a train of pulses as produced by a
R A 共 t, 兲 ⫽E 兵 A 共 t⫹ 兲 A * 共 t 兲 其 ⫽R A t⫹ , ⫽ R Ak 共 兲 e j⍀•t
localized defect. This section now discusses how this spectral sig- ⍀ k苸Z
nature is transformed after the impacts have propagated through (15)
the system, i.e. as it is likely to be measured on the bearing hous-
ing by an accelerometer. Equations 共14兲 and 共15兲 define a second-order cyclostationary
process, i.e. a stochastic process with periodic mean and autocor-
relation function of intrinsic period 2/⍀. Therein ⍀ is either
3.1 Response of a Rolling Element Bearing to a Random
equal to the speed of the inner race, that of the outer race or that
Train of Impacts. Following classical models, the vibration sig-
of the cage 共relative to the load vector兲 whether the fault is on the
nal produced by a faulty rolling element bearing may be viewed
inner race, the outer race, or on a rolling element.
as the response of a linear system driven by the impacting process
Similarly, g(t, ) being a periodic causal Green’s function de-
F(t) 关2,7兴. For this input-output relationship to be fully compre-
scribing the periodically varying transmission path, it expands
hensive, we now show that the impulse response of the system
should be time-varying and should also accommodate some de-
gree of stochasticity.
At the outset, the impacting process should be modulated by a
periodic and positive function A(t) to account for the variations in g 共 t, 兲 ⫽
g t⫹
, ⫽ 冊
g k 共 t⫺ 兲 e j⍀•t , ⭐t
the impact magnitudes as the defect enters and exits the load zone 0 ⬎t
关2兴. Some random modulation might be incorporated in A(t) due
to the dependence on the position and the number of the rolling From the above expansion, the mechanism relating the impacting
elements in the load zone at time t, but also due to rolling and slip process F(t) to the band-pass vibration signal Y (t) can finally be
on possibly rough surfaces especially after a defect has appeared obtained from the following Stieltjes stochastic integral
and spread to some extent.
Next, let us define r(t, ) the structural response at time t of the
system subjected to an impulse ␦共兲 at time . In contrast to a
Y 共 t 兲⫽ 冕0
g 共 t, 兲 A 共 兲 dN 共 兲 ⫽ 兺e
冕 R
g k 共 t⫺ 兲 A 共 兲 dN 共 兲
In practice, the vibration signal X(t) produced by a local fault
cannot be observed totally because it is contaminated by other
m Y 共 t 兲 ⫽E 兵 Y 共 t 兲 其 ⫽ g 共 t, 兲 m A 共 兲 f 1 共 兲 d (18)
vibrations from a multitude of neighboring sources in the system. 0
Therefore, it is customary to filter it in a frequency band where the
signal-to-noise ratio is maximum so that virtually no other sources from which the Fourier transform is found to be:
than that stemming from the faulty bearing are measured by the
experimenter. This is usually done by designing a band-pass filter
b(t) around a high-frequency resonance of the structure 共or the
M Y共 ␣ 兲⫽
2 R
m Y 共 t 兲 e ⫺ j ␣ •t dt⫽ 兺M
Y k 共 ␣ ⫺k⍀ 兲
sensor兲 that is excited by the impacts 关1– 4兴. In order to retain the
diagnostic information, the band-pass filter b(t) must have the M Y k 共 ␣ 兲 ⫽G k 共 ␣ 兲 •F̃ 1 共 ␣ 兲 (19)
following properties:
P1: b(t) is a band-pass filter with central frequency 0 much
higher than the mean rate of impacts 1/T,
F̃ 1 共 ␣ 兲 ⫽M A 共 ␣ 兲 * F 1 共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ 兺 a •F 共 ␣ ⫺l⍀ 兲
where G k ( ␣ ) and M A ( ␣ ) are respectively the Fourier transforms to overlap with this support, its central radian frequency 0 共reso-
of g k (t) and m A (t). In view of Eq. 共19兲, M Y ( ␣ ) is a superposition nance frequency chosen for demodulation兲 should be such that
of shifted functions M Y k ( ␣ ); each of them being in turn con- 0 •T⬍100&/x with x/100⫽ ⌬ /T the percentage of fluctuation.
structed from shifted and scaled replicas of F 1 ( ␣ ) and then Or equivalently, with i c the number of peaks in F 1 ( ␣ ) before it
weighted by the frequency response G k ( ␣ ). The construction of dies to 1, 0 should be such that 0 •T⬍2 •i c . In most instances
M Y ( ␣ ) results in a mixed spectrum with a family of infinite- this condition would not be satisfied if a good signal-to-noise ratio
energy pseudo-harmonics around ␣ ⫽0, all equi-spaced by the ro- were to be maintained, thus justifying the poor performance an-
tation speed ⍀. The number of these pseudo-harmonics directly ticipated from the Fourier transform of the vibration signal.
depends on the number of Fourier coefficients in g(t, ) and (b) Power Spectral Density of the Response
m A (t). Note that this specific pattern repeats around all the peaks From Eqs. 共4兲, 共15兲 and 共17兲, the autocorrelation function of the
of F 1 ( ␣ ) at ␣ ⫽k/T, k苸Z, but with finite-energy peaks in place vibration response is:
of pseudo-harmonics for any k⫽0. Obviously, this makes the very
distinctive ‘‘spectral signature’’ of a localized defect as it is ex-
pected to appear in a faulty rolling element bearing 共see Fig. 6兲.
Most importantly its detection forms the main basis of diagnostics
since it contains the key characteristic frequencies 1/T and ⍀ that
enable the identification and the localization of faults in complex
However, the problem in the spectral indicator of Eq. 共19兲 is
that the frequency support of the band-filters G k ( ␣ ) is very likely
to be higher than the frequency support of the spectral signature
F 1 ( ␣ ) as shown schematically in Fig. 7. In fact, it was already
pointed out that F 1 ( ␣ ) falls off by ⫺40 dB per decade down to a Fig. 6 Typical spectral signature in the vibration signal for
cut-off radian frequency ␣ c of about &/ ⌬ . In order for G k ( ␣ ) ⌬ Õ T Ä1Õ30 and ⍀Ä T Õ10
R Y 共 t, 兲 ⫽E 兵 Y 共 t⫹ 兲 Y * 共 t 兲 其 ⫽ 冕冕0
t⫹ ⫺
h 共 t⫹ , Fig. 8 Scheme of the spectral correlation density
⫹ 兲 h * 共 t, 兲 R A 共 , 兲 f 2 共 , 兲 dd (20)
This is a bivariate function since the vibration signal resulting where the diagnostic information is totally preserved. Specifically,
from the impacting process F(t) is nonstationary. In order to com- for small values of ␣ within twice the bandwidth of g(t, ) and
pute the power spectral density, let us first denote by R̄ y ( ) the large values of around the resonance frequency 0 , S Y ( ␣ , )
‘‘stationarized’’ autocorrelation function clearly displays the spectral signature of a defect because the
band-pass filters G k ( ) and G l ( ⫺ ␣ ) are band-passing in this
R̄ Y 共 兲 ⫽ lim
W 冕0
R y 共 t, 兲 dt (21) area. This is a direct consequence of property P2, a schematic
illustration of it being shown in Fig. 8. Note that in the domain of
concern S Y ( ␣ , ) is markedly ridged in the horizontal -direction
whose Fourier transform then yields the explicit expression for the just as F 2 ( ␣ , ) was in Fig. 4.
power spectral density: (d) Fourier Transform of the Expected Squared Response
SY共 兲⫽
2 R
R̄ Y 共 兲 e ⫺ j • d ⫽ 兺S
y k 共 ⫺k⍀ 兲 difficult to compute and therefore it has been suggested to replace
it by its integrated version over the -variable 共while preserving
the diagnostic information兲. In reference 关5兴, this was shown to be
S Y k 共 兲 ⫽ 兩 G k 共 兲 兩 2 •F̃ 2 共 兲 (22)
equivalent to the Fourier transform of the expected squared signal,
2 i.e.
F̃ 2 共 兲 ⫽ Re兵 F 1 共 兲 其 * S A 共 兲
where S A ( ) is the Fourier transform of the stationarized version
M Y 2共 ␣ 兲 ⫽ 冕
SY共 ␣, 兲d⫽
2 冕 R
E 兩 Y 共 t 兲 兩 2 e ⫺ j ␣ •t dt (25)
R̄ A ( ) of R A (t, ) in Eq. 共15兲. The set of Eq. 共22兲 indicate that the
principle of construction of S Y ( ) is similar to that outlined for This equation is easily found to be identical in structure to Eq.
the Fourier transform in Eq. 共19兲 because S A ( ) contains the 共19兲 where the coefficients a 1 are replaced by R Al (0) defined in
same discrete harmonics as F A ( ␣ ) and 兩 G k ( ) 兩 2 obviously acts in Eq. 共15兲, and where the band-pass filter G k ( ␣ ) is replaced by the
the same frequency band as G k ( ␣ ). Therefore, the same conclu- low-pass filter P k ( ␣ )⫽⌺ p G k ( ␣ )•G k⫺p ( ␣ ). The fact that P k ( ␣ )
sion holds in regard to the expected performance of the power is now necessarily a low-pass filter comes from the convolution of
spectral density as a diagnostic indicator. G k ( ␣ ) by itself and this is exactly the reason why M Y 2 ( ␣ ) can
(c) Spectral Correlation Density of the Response preserve the diagnostic information whereas M Y ( ␣ ) cannot. In-
We now demonstrate that the aforementioned shortcomings due deed, under property P2 the support of P k ( ␣ ) necessarily overlaps
to the non-intersection of the low-pass and band-pass filters 共see. with that of the spectral signature of the fault, contrary to the
Fig. 7兲 can be solved by considering the double Fourier transform scheme of Fig. 7.
of the autocorrelation function R Y (t, ). This yields a quantity A last point to consider is whether to take the square of the raw
called the spectral correlation density2 关5兴, very similar to the signal in Eq. 共25兲 or the squared magnitude of its analytic version.
‘‘generalized spectrum’’—within a simple change of variable— Strictly speaking, the analytic signal should be used so that the
used by Lin 关9兴. The spectral correlation density, expectation of its squared magnitude truly gives the squared en-
velope. However, minor differences would be found when using
SY共 ␣, 兲⫽ R Y 共 t, 兲 e ⫺ j • e ⫺ j ␣ •t d dt (23) the real signal provided it is properly band-pass filtered around a
42 R resonance. This point was also addressed in a lot of detail in
reference 关4兴.
is found to have explicit expression (e) Power Spectral Density of the Squared Response
In light of the previous demonstration, one can expect the
SY共 ␣, 兲⫽ 兺 S y k y l 共 ␣ ⫺k⍀, ⫺l⍀ 兲 power spectral density S Y 2 ( ) of the squared signal to perform
k,l苸Z2 just as well as M Y 2 ( ␣ ). Indeed, S Y 2 ( ) is the exact definition of
the ‘‘spectrum of the squared envelope’’ as was proposed in 关4兴. In
S Y k Y l 共 ␣ , 兲 ⫽G k 共 兲 G l* 共 ⫺ ␣ 兲 •F̃ 2 共 ␣ , 兲 (24)
order to prove this result, let us invoke property P1 in conjunction
with the assumption that the point process 兵 dN(t) 其 is regular 共see
F̃ 2 共 ␣ , 兲 ⫽ 兺 F 共 ␣ ⫺p⍀, 兲 * S 共 兲
A section 2.1兲. Then, the following approximation holds
where S Ap ( ) is the Fourier transform of R Ap ( ) in Eq. 共15兲. Al- 兩 Y 共 t 兲兩 2⬇ p 共 t, 兲 兩 A 共 兲 兩 2 dN 共 兲 (26)
though involving two frequency variables, the construction of 0
S Y ( ␣ , ) is again similar to that outlined in Eqs. 共19兲 and 共22兲.
Nevertheless, there is now a domain in the frequency plane 共␣, 兲 with p(t, )⫽ 兩 g(t, ) 兩 2 . After taking the Fourier transform of the
‘‘stationarized’’ autocorrelation function of 兩 Y (t) 兩 2 , the envelope
There is a simple relation between the spectral correlation density and the power spectrum is found to be identical to Eq. 共22兲 where S A ( ) is
spectral density, viz S Y (0, )⫽S Y ( ) ␦ ( ␣ ) replaced by S A 2 ( )—the Fourier transform of the stationarized
autocorrelation function R̄ A 2 ( ) of the squared process ture of the inner race fault shows up in good accordance with Fig.
兵 兩 A(t) 兩 2 其 —and where 兩 G k ( ) 兩 2 is replaced by 兩 P k ( ) 兩 2 . The fact 4, with 1/T⫽71 Hz 共ball pass frequency on the fault兲 and ⍀
that 兩 P k ( ␣ ) 兩 2 acts as a low-pass filter demonstrates again that ⫽10 Hz 共shaft rotation兲.
S Y 2 ( ) is also a usable diagnostic indicator. Here again, the ana- From a theoretical point of view, it is worth mentioning that the
lytic version of the signal may be preferred in Eq. 共26兲 in order to Fourier transform of the squared signal preserves the diagnostic
estimate the power spectral density of the true squared envelope. information by exploiting the non-stationarity of the signal, while
the power spectral density exploits its non-Gaussianity. In fact, the
3.3 Discussion. It has been proven in some depth why the power spectral density of the squared signal is implicitly a fourth-
Fourier transform and the power spectral density generally are order ‘‘stationarized’’ statistic. Strictly speaking, these two indica-
poor indicators for diagnosing rolling element bearings in the case tors have different theoretical justifications and this is supported
of localized faults, a fact that the authors have regularly observed by recalling that the former only requires property P2, while the
on experimental data. Indeed, even though classical spectral latter requires the more stringent condition P2⫹P1. However,
analysis may perform very well in detecting a fault—e.g. through both are inclined to provide envelope analysis—or ‘‘squared’’ en-
monitoring the relative energy levels in some frequency bands—it velope analysis—with a strong formal justification.
rarely helps in recognizing its type nor its location—and this is Comparison of the five spectral indicators, which have been
exactly what diagnostics asks for. For example, Figure 9 compares assessed so forth, is summarized in Table 1.
the power spectral densities of a vibration signal measured on a
gearbox before and after one of the rolling element bearings 共12
balls, ⭋7.12 mm, pitch circle ⭋38.5 mm兲 was purposely damaged
by machining a small slot on its inner race. The frequency reso- 4 Conclusion
lution is 12 Hz. Note that the presence of the fault only shows up A comprehensive stochastic model has been proposed for de-
at high frequencies. The fact that there is no difference at low scribing and simulating the vibration produced by localized faults
frequencies is due to the extremely poor signal-to-noise ratio in in rolling element bearings. Sources of stochasticity were modeled
that band 共observe that most of the sources there relate to harmon- in both the impacting force process—by means of a regular point
ics from the gears兲. Of interest also is the fact that in spite of its process—and in the transmission path—by means of a cyclosta-
increase, the spectral density at higher frequencies is continuous tionary process, thus encompassing a large range of physical situ-
and therefore gives no indication of a fault producing repetitive ations. These refinements proved very valuable in explaining
impacts. some of the actual features observed on experimental data. The
In clear contrast with the Fourier transform and the power spec- spectral signature of a localized fault was derived analytically and
tral density, the same transformations applied on the squared sig- new results were deduced concerning the nature of spectral har-
nal 共or its analytic version兲 have been shown to solve the problem monics produced by the impacting process. These were shown to
in a surprisingly simple manner. For example, Fig. 10 displays the be distributed and equi-spaced 共by the mean rate of impacts兲
power spectrum of the squared magnitude of the analytic signal peaks with a rapid fall-off that could be quantified as a function of
after band-pass filtering in the frequency band 关1.8; 2.2兴 kHz with the percentage of stochastic fluctuations. Next, the spectral signa-
a frequency resolution of 2 Hz. Now the specific spectral signa- ture of a defect was shown to duplicate when it propagates
through the structure 共with shifts equal to the rotation speed of the
defect兲, thus generating additional families of pseudo-harmonics.
These results finally helped in investigating the effectiveness of a
number of spectral indicators dedicated to the diagnostics of roll-
ing element bearings. From simple considerations on band-pass
and low-pass filtering operations, it was demonstrated that both
the Fourier transform and the power spectral density of the
squared signal are the most relevant indicators, thus bringing new
supports in favor of ‘‘squared’’ envelope analysis.
Fig. 10 Power spectral density of the squared envelope
1 Introduction and the ring 关9兴. Ji and Zu 关10兴 performed free and forced vibra-
tion analysis to calculate natural frequencies for nonlinear rotor
An effective means for controlling and reducing vibrations in
bearing system with cubic nonlinearity. However, incorporating
rotating machinery is the use of external damping and elastic el- nonlinear bearing characteristics in rotor-shaft systems with vis-
ements often provided via flexible bearings and/or bearing sup- coelastic supports is very limited. A preliminary investigation was
ports. Viscoelastic materials have emerged recently as external reported by Bhattacharyya and Dutt 关11兴. They studied the unbal-
mechanical dampers and bearing supports, offering simplicity in anced response and stability of a rotor shaft system mounted on
design, operational enhancement and low cost in comparison with nonlinear rolling element bearings with viscoelastic supports. The
the traditionally used squeeze film dampers 关1兴. shaft was assumed to be massless with linear elasticity and inter-
Modeling of the dynamic behavior of vibrating systems incor- nal damping. In addition, the nonlinear restoring force of the bear-
porating viscoelastic elements has not been possible until recently ings was linearized by the method of effective linearization, en-
due to the elaborate work of identifying the characteristic behav- abling an approximate stability analysis using the Routh Hurwitz
ior of viscoelastic materials. Although there is much research on criterion. The effects of gravity on the system and nonlinearity
modeling systems for structural applications, the work on rotating were discussed. In the above work, the system was discretized and
shaft bearing systems mounted on viscoelastic supports is limited. the restoring force was approximated by a linear relation.
In the few works reported on linear analysis, Dutt and Nakra The aim of this research is to investigate the nonlinear dynamic
关2– 4兴 studied the stability and the unbalance vibration response of behavior of a continuous rotor shaft system with viscoelastically
a Jeffcott rotor system mounted on viscoelastic supports where a supported bearings. The nonlinearity occurs at the boundaries due
discrete model of the shaft and linear elastic bearings were as- to nonlinear characteristics of the bearings. Timoshenko shaft
sumed. Using the finite element method based on the Euler- model is used for the shaft, Kelvin Voigt model is utilized for the
Bernoulli beam model, Kulkarni et al. 关5兴 investigated the unbal- viscoelastic supports, and typical roller bearings with cubic non-
ance response and the stability of a rotating system with linearity are employed. In the analysis, free and forced vibration
viscoelastically supported bearings. In further investigations, Sha- are developed based on the direct multiple scales method of one-
baneh and Zu 关6 – 8兴 studied the dynamic behavior of a rotating to-one frequency-to-amplitude relationship of nonlinear system
disk-shaft system with linear elastic bearings at the ends mounted using the third order perturbation expansion. This approach does
on viscoelastic supports. Timsohenko model was assumed for the not require the selection of an orthogonal basis; however, it re-
shaft, and thus, the gyroscopic effect of the shaft was incorporated quires additional eigenfunction solutions at every level of approxi-
in the analysis. Free and forced vibration analysis were carried out mations. Moreover, the direct multiple scales method yields better
and the effects of the system characteristics were presented. results than the discretized one for finite mode truncations and for
Routh-Hurwitz criterion for polynomials with complex coeffi- systems having quadratic and cubic nonlinearities 关12兴. The re-
cients and the variational analysis were used to perform the sta- sults of the nonlinear analysis indicate that a limiting value of the
bility analysis of the system. Furthermore, experimental investi- internal damping coefficient of the shaft exists where the trend of
gations were performed to verify the obtained theoretical results. the frequency-response curve switches. Also, a jump phenomenon
Bearings in rotor shaft systems may possess nonlinear charac- takes place for high values of the nonlinear elastic coefficient of
teristics. For example, nonlinearity is inherent in ball bearings due the bearings.
to Coulomb friction and the angular clearance between the roller
2 Equations of Motion
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received February Consider a continuous shaft-rotor system, as shown in Fig. 1,
2002; Revised October 2002. Associate Editor: G. T. Flowers. where the frame oxyz is the inertial frame. A uniform shaft of
290 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 Rotor shaft system with viscoelastically supported
and is located at both ends of the shaft rotor system underneath 共 1,t 兲 ⫽0 (10)
the bearings as support.
Adopting a continuous model of the shaft based on the Timosh- where M d and e are the mass of the disk and the eccentricity of
enko beam theory, and defining u x , u y , x , and y as the trans- the rotor, respectively. F l and F n are the linear and nonlinear
verse deflections along the ox and oy directions and the corre- terms exerted by the bearings on the shaft and the viscoelastic
sponding bending angles in the oxz and oyz planes, respectively, supports. Assuming that the bearings possess cubic nonlinear re-
the complex variables u and are assumed as storing forces in addition to linear damping forces, the associated
forces are
u⫽u x ⫹iu y , ⫽ x ⫹i y
冉 冊
u v
The general equations of motion of a uniform Timoshenko shaft F l ⫽F xl ⫹iF yl ⫽k b1 共 u⫺ v 兲 ⫹c b ⫺ (11)
system with internal damping are t t
EI s 共 ,t 兲 M * 共 0,t 兲 ⫽0 (16)
M 共 ,t 兲 ⫽M x 共 ,t 兲 ⫹iM y 共 ,t 兲 ⫽
冉 冊 冏
l u* v*
Q * 共 0,t * 兲 ⫽k b1
* 共 u * ⫺ v * 兲 ⫹c * ⫺ ⫹k *
冉 冊
b3 W *
1 u 共 ,t 兲
t* t* 共 0,t * 兲
Q 共 ,t 兲 ⫽Q x 共 ,t 兲 ⫹iQ y 共 ,t 兲 ⫽ AG ⫺ 共 ,t 兲 (5) (17)
where M ( ,t) and Q( ,t) are the transverse bending moment and v * 共 0,t 兲
M 2* ⫹k v* 共 1⫹i 兲v * 共 0,t 兲
the shear force at each cross section along the shaft. t *2
冉 冊 冏
Due to symmetry of the system, only the left half of the rotor-
shaft system, i.e., 0⭐z⭐l, is considered. Thus, the associated u* v*
⫽k *
b1 共 u * ⫺ v * 兲 ⫹c b* ⫺ ⫹k b3
* W*
boundary conditions can be defined as t* t* 共 0,t * 兲
v * ⫽ v 1 共 ,T 0 ,T 2 兲 ⫹ v 3 共 ,T 0 ,T 2 兲 ⫹ . . .
⫽0, ␣ 3
⫺ 3 ⫺k b1
* 共 u 3⫺ v 3 兲 冊
* ⫽ 1 共 ,T 0 ,T 2 兲 ⫹ 3 3 共 ,T 0 ,T 2 兲 ⫹ . . . (23) ⫽c 苸 D 0 共 u 1 ⫺ v 1 兲 ⫹k b3
* W 1 , and
v 共 1⫹i 兲v 3 ⫺k b1 共 u 3 ⫺ v 3 兲
2 D 0 v 3 ⫹k *
where u i , v i and i (i⫽1,3, . . . ) are of order O(1), is a small M* *
dimensionless parameter, and T n ⫽ n t * (n⫽0,2, . . . ) is the nth ⫽⫺2M 2* D 0 D 2 v 1 ⫹c 苸 D 0 共 u 1 ⫺ v 1 兲 ⫹k *
b3 W 1 (31)
order time scale. T 0 is a fast-time scale characterizing motions
occurring at the spin rate ⍀ * and natural frequency * at ⫽1
n of the
rotor bearing system; n* ⫽ n 冑 l 2 / G. Furthermore, T 2 is a 3 ⫽0,
冉 冊
slow-time scale characterizing the modulation of the amplitude
and phase due to nonlinearity, damping and resonance. u3 M*
␣3 ⫺3 ⫹ d D 2D 0u 1⫹ 2 F 苸 *
D 20 u 3 ⫽⫺M * 1 2
Considering the one-to-one primary resonance of the system, 2 n
the damping forces, the forcing term and the excitation frequency
are assumed as ⫻exp共 i 共 n* ⫹ 2 兲 t * 兲 (32)
D 20 u 1 ⫹ 冉 1 u1
⫹C i苸 共 D 0 u 1 ⫺i n* u 1 兲 ⫽0 (25)
b 1⫽ ␣ 2 , b 2 ⫽ 共 1⫺ ␣ 1 兲 *
n ⫺␣3 ,
Decoupling Eqs. 共34兲 and 共35兲 and assuming an exponential
b 3 ⫽⫺ ␣ 3 (37)
D 20 1 ⫺i ␣ 1 *
n D 0 1⫺ ␣ 2
2 1
2 ⫹ ␣ 3 1⫺
⫽0 冉 冊 (26)
solution form for Y u and Y yield the general solutions
4 4
at ⫽0
Y u共 兲 ⫽ 兺Ae
s j
, Y 共 兲 ⫽ 兺Be
s j
⫽0, ␣3 冉 u1
⫺ 1 ⫺k b1冊
* 共 u 1 ⫺ v 1 兲 ⫽0, and
where s j ( j⫽1, . . . ,4) are the roots of the quartic auxiliary equa-
tion 关7兴. Only four of the arbitrary complex constants A j and B j
( j⫽1, . . . ,4) are independent, since they are related by the
v 共 1⫹i 兲v 1 ⫺k b1 共 u 1 ⫺ v 1 兲 ⫽0
2 D 0 v 1 ⫹k *
M* * (27)
at ⫽1 a 1 s 2j ⫹a 2
B j⫽ jA j , j⫽ 共 j⫽1, . . . ,4兲 (39)
冉 冊
a 3s j
u1 M*
1 ⫽0, ␣3 ⫺1 ⫹ D 20 u 1 ⫽0 (28) Substituting Eqs. 共33兲 and 共38兲 into the boundary condition
2 Eqs. 共27兲 and 共28兲 yields the eigenvalue problem represented in
Order 3 : matrix form as
3 2u 3 关 M共*
n 兲兴 兵 Z 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (40)
D 20 u 3 ⫹ ⫺ ⫹C i苸 共 D 0 u 3 ⫺i n* u 3 兲
2 in which the eigenconstants are defined in vector notation as
兵 Z 其 ⫽ 关 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 Y v 兴 T , and the 5⫻5 coefficient matrix 关M兴 is
⫽⫺2D 2 D 0 u 1 ⫺C i苸 共 D 2 u 1 ⫺i u 1 兲 (29) defined as
To obtain the natural frequency * n , the determinant of the where ( ) ⬘ ⫽ / T 2 , Ā(T 2 ) is the complex conjugate of the coef-
coefficient matrix 关M兴 must be zero. Considering that the coeffi- ficient A(T 2 ), and W 0 ⫽Y 3u (0)⫺3Y 2u (0)Y v ⫹3Y u (0)Y 2v ⫺Y 3v .
cient function A(T 2 ) in Eq. 共33兲 is arbitrary and assuming A 1 Note that the above terms in Eqs. 共45兲 and 共46兲 are collected only
⫽1, the normal modes Y u ( ), Y ( ) and Y v are uniquely defined for the primary resonance, i.e., exp(in*T0).
by equation 共40兲 for the eigenvalue * n .
2 u
n u⫹
2 ⫺*
冕 1
兵 ũ ␣ 3 关 ⫺ 共 2i n* ⫹C i苸 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y u 共 兲 ⫹iC i苸 A 共 T 2 兲 Y u 共 兲兴
⫽⫺ 共 2i n* ⫹C i苸 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y u 共 兲 ⫹iC i苸 A 共 T 2 兲 Y u 共 兲 n 共 2⫺ ␣ 1 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y 共 兲 ⫺ ␣ 1 *
⫹ ˜ 关 ⫺i * n A 共 T 2 兲 Y 共 兲兴 其 d
(43) ⫽ 兵 ũ 共 0,t * 兲关 c 苸 i n* A 共 T 2 兲共 Y u 共 0 兲 ⫺Y v 兲
⫹ 共 ␣ 1 ⫺1 兲 *
n ⫹ ␣ 3 ⫺
冉 冊 ⫹ 43 k b3
* A 2 共 T 2 兲 Ā 共 T 2 兲 W 0 兴 ⫺ũ 共 1,t * 兲
⫻ 关 ⫺i * d A ⬘共 T 2 兲 Y u共 1 兲 ⫹ 2 F 苸 *
n exp共 i T 2 兲兴 其 (47)
1 2
n M*
⫽⫺i n* 共 2⫺ ␣ 1 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y 共 兲 ⫺ ␣ 1 n* A 共 T 2 兲 Y 共 兲
(44) where ũ and ˜ are the solutions of the adjoint homogeneous sys-
tem of Eqs. 共43兲 and 共44兲 and the boundary condition Eqs. 共31兲
at ⫽0 and 共32兲 with a zero right hand side.
It can be seen that the homogeneous adjoint system has an
identical form to the first order approximation given by Eqs. 共25兲–
共28兲; hence, the solutions for ũ, ˜ and ṽ should have the same
form as u 1 , 1 and v 1 .
␣3 冉 u
⫺ ⫺k b1 冊
* 共 u⫺ v 兲
Substituting the solutions of ũ and ˜ into Eq. 共47兲, the solv-
ability condition takes the compact form
3 n ⫹C i苸 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 ⫹b 1 iC i苸 A 共 T 2 兲
b 1 共 ⫺2i *
⫽c 苸 i *
n A 共 T 2 兲共 Y u 共 0 兲 ⫺Y v 兲 ⫹ k * A 2 共 T 2 兲 Ā 共 T 2 兲 W 0 ,
4 b3 ⫺b 2 i n* 共 2⫺ ␣ 1 兲 A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 ⫺b 2 ␣ 1 *
n A共 T2兲
⫽c 苸 i *
n A 共 T 2 兲共 Y u 共 0 兲 ⫺Y v 兲 ⫹ 4 k b3
* A 2 共 T 2 兲 Ā 共 T 2 兲 W 0 Y u 共 0 兲
2 2
⫺ n* M * 2
* 共 1⫹i 兲 v ⫺k b1
2 v ⫹k v * 共 u⫺ v 兲
⫹i * d A ⬘共 T 2 兲 Y u共 1 兲 ⫺ 2 F 苸 *
n exp共 i T 2 兲 Y u 共 1 兲 (48)
2 1 2
n M*
⫽⫺2i n* M 2* A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y v ⫹i n* c 苸 A 共 T 2 兲共 Y u 共 0 兲 ⫺Y v 兲
where b 1 ⫽ ␣ 3 兰 10 Y 2u ( )d , b 2 ⫽ ␣ 3 兰 10 Y 2 ( )d , Ā is the complex
⫹ k b3
* A 共 T 2 兲 Ā 共 T 2 兲 W 0
(45) conjugate of the coefficient A, and A ⬘ is the derivative of A with
respect to the slow time scale T 2 .
at ⫽1 The coefficient A can be expressed in a polar form such that
⫽0, A 共 T 2 兲 ⫽ 21 a 共 T 2 兲 e ⫺i 共 T 2 兲 (49)
␣3 冉 u
⫺ ⫺
2 n u
* 2
冊 M*
d where a(T 2 ) and (T 2 ) represent the amplitude and phase angle
of the response, respectively. To eliminate the explicit dependence
on T 2 in the solvability condition and thus, transforming Eq. 共48兲
1 from a nonautonomous system to an autonomous system, the new
⫽⫺i n* M d* A ⬘ 共 T 2 兲 Y u 共 1 兲 ⫹ F * 2 exp共 i T 2 兲 dependent variable ␥ is introduced as
2 苸 n
(46) ␥ ⫽ T 2⫺ (50)
再 冋 册冎 冋 册
system with nonlinear bearings. The physical parameters of this
b3 1 a 21 ⫹e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 1 b3 a 21 ⫹1 system are given as
共 T 2 兲⫽ 0⫹ ln ⫺ ln
b4 2 a 1 ⫹e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 ⫺1
2 b4 a 21 E⫽2.04⫻1011 Pa v ⫽0.3 ⫽7750 kg/m3 l⫽0.15 m
b6 c1
b 4 2c 3 共 a 21 ⫺1 兲
ln共 a 21 ⫹e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 ⫺1 兲
C i ⫽200 kg/m.s
k b1 ⫽1⫻10 N/m 9
d s ⫽0.0286 m
c b ⫽400 kg/s
⫽0.68 ⫽0.01
k b3 ⫽1⫻107 N/m3
2a 21 c 2
T 2 ⫺ln a 21 ⫹ 1⫺册冉 冊 b5
T2 (56)
M 2 ⫽0.5 kg
k v ⫽1⫻109 N/m
d d ⫽0.13 m M d ⫽55 kg e⫽0.01 m
where a 21 ⫽a 20 /(a 20 ⫹c 2 /c 3 ).
Case 2: c 2 /c 3 ⬍0 Assume that the shaft has a circular cross section, hence ␣ 1
⫽2 and J s ⫽2 I s . In addition, the shaft rotates at a typical speed
a⫽ 冑⫺c 2 / 共 c 3 a 22 ⫹c 3 e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 ⫺c 3 兲 (57) ⍀⫽300 rad/s. Free and forced nonlinear vibration analysis are
carried out to this system to investigate the influence of nonlin-
c1 b3 earity in the bearings on the system characteristic frequencies and
共 T 2 兲⫽ 0⫺ ln共 a 22 ⫹e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 ⫺1 兲
2c 3 b 4 共 a 22 ⫺1 兲 frequency response.
Figure 2 shows the free nonlinear oscillations of this system for
2c 2 b6 different values of the elastic coefficient k b3 of the nonlinear bear-
⫹ T ⫺ln a 22 ⫹ 关 ln共 a 22 ⫹e ⫺2c 2 T 2 /c 1 ⫺1 兲 ⫺ln a 22 兴
c1 2 2b 4 ing. The initial transverse displacement u(0) is assumed as 10
mm and the initial phase angle 0 is zero. The fundamental natu-
⫹ 1⫺冉 冊 b5
T2 (58)
ral frequency of the above system is 458.71 rad/s. It can be seen
from the waveforms presented that increasing the nonlinearity of
the system, i.e., increasing k b3 , shifts the frequency of the non-
where a 22 ⫽(a 20 ⫺c 2 /c 3 )/a 20 . linear system to a higher value and increases the steady state
Case 3: c 2 ⫽0 amplitude of the oscillation.
It is noted that the detuning parameter in the nonlinear free
a⫽ 冑a 20 / 共 1⫹2c 3 a 20 T 2 /c 1 兲 (59)
vibration analysis is related to the nondimensional spinning fre-
共 T 2 兲⫽ 0⫺
2b 4
ln 1⫹ 冉
2c 3 2
a T
c1 0 2 冊 quency ⍀ * through the relation ⫽(⍀ * ⫺ n* )/ 2 . Also, the non-
dimensional amplitude a can be related to the transverse deflec-
tion of the shaft u at the first order approximation as
c1 b6
2c 3 b 4
ln 1⫹ 冉
2c 3 2
a 0 T 2 ⫹ 1⫺ 冊冉 冊
T2 (60)
u(T 0 ,T 2 , )⫽l/2a(T 2 )e i ( *n T 0 ⫺ ( T 2 )) Y u ( ). This relation can be
simplified for a zero initial phase angle 0 to become a
The frequency of the nonlinear system * nn is related to the Assuming that mass eccentricity of the disk has no contribution
frequency of the linear system *
n through the relation to the nonlinear forcing terms, the forcing term F * defined in Eq.
* ⫽ n* ⫹ 2 ⬘
nn (61) 共24兲 will be equal to zero, and subsequently F 苸 will be equal to
zero. The effect of the bearing nonlinear elastic coefficient k b3 on
where ⬘ is the phase angle derivative with respect to the slow the free frequency of the nonlinear system versus the amplitude a
time scale T 2 . of the transverse deflection is illustrated in Fig. 3. It is shown that
In a quasi-harmonic nonlinear system, the frequencies of the as the amplitude increases, the corresponding shift in the nonlin-
nonlinear system can be assumed periodic if the external forcing ear natural frequency remains minimal for low values of the elas-
tic coefficient k b3 of the nonlinear bearing; i.e., for weak nonlin- ing coefficient, C i ⬇270 kg/m.s, indicates the increased efficiency
ear system. As k b3 increases, the change in the natural frequency of the system to dissipate energy. This may be attributed to the
of the nonlinear system increases significantly. The increase of the optimum interaction between the nonlinear restoring forces, exter-
frequencies of the nonlinear system and the bend of the curve nal damping provided by the bearing supports and the viscoelastic
towards the higher frequencies are typical trends of hardening elements, and the internal damping of the shaft.
nonlinearities. It should be pointed out that since a zero forcing term corre-
Figures 4 and 5 show the effect of the internal viscous damping sponding to mass eccentricity of the disk is assumed for the re-
coefficient C i of the shaft on the free frequency of the nonlinear sults of both Figs. 4 and 5, the free frequencies of the nonlinear
system versus amplitudes. Figure 4 depicts the trend for low C i system can be obtained. Also, the internal damping force is as-
values of 100 kg/m.s to 200 kg/m.s, whereas Fig. 5 shows the sumed to be linear; hence, proportional to the strain velocity,
trend for higher C i values of 270 kg/m.s to 300 kg/m.s. Figure 4 which is determined by the difference in whirling angular velocity
shows that increasing the internal viscous damping of the shaft and the rotational speed of the shaft. In general, the internal damp-
shifts the free frequency of the nonlinear system to higher values ing force 共hysteretic damping兲 is nonlinear and roughly indepen-
while almost maintaining the curve characteristic. However, this dent of the frequency. In addition, it is proportional to the square
trend has a limiting value of C i ⬇270 kg/m.s beyond which any of the vibration amplitude, to the shaft stiffness, and to the number
increase in C i will result in a shift of the curve to lower frequen- of reversals of the sign of the strain velocity 关14兴.
cies, as shown in Fig. 5. The limiting value of the internal damp- Including the effect of the mass eccentricity and hence the ex-
Fig. 3 Free frequency of the nonlinear system versus amplitudes for vari-
ous values of bearing nonlinear elastic coefficient k b 3
citation frequency ⍀, the steady-state frequency-response curve is the multiple scales method starts to deviate from the basic as-
shown near the primary resonance in Fig. 6. The effect of the sumption of weak nonlinearity. Thus, the error in predicting the
elastic coefficient k b3 of the nonlinear bearing on the response frequency response curves increases.
curve is illustrated. At k b3 equals zero, the response curve is iden-
tical to the linear response curve. As k b3 increases, the response
curve bends to the right side with lower and flattened peak. This 8 Summary and Conclusions
trend continues until a jump phenomenon takes place due to the The multiple scales method is adopted to analyze the free and
multi-valued phase points, indicating the bifurcation in the sys- forced vibration of rotor shaft system with viscoelastically sup-
tem. Also, for low values of the elastic coefficient k b3 (⬍1 ported nonlinear bearings. Timoshenko shaft model is assumed for
⫻107 N/m3 ) of the nonlinear bearing, and thus weak nonlinearity, the shaft, two-element viscoelastic model is utilized for the sup-
the frequency response curve deviates slightly from the frequency ports, and typical roller bearings with cubic nonlinearity are em-
response curve of the corresponding linear system. ployed. The free and forced vibration is developed based on the
It is worth noting that for large values of the nonlinear elastic direct multiple scales method. Third order perturbation expansion
coefficient k b3 (⬎5⫻108 N/m3 ), the perturbation analysis using with a one-to-one frequency-to-amplitude relationship of the non-
Fig. 5 Free frequency of the nonlinear system versus amplitudes for higher
values of internal viscous damping coefficient C i of the shaft
Appendix A Appendix C
First set of nondimensional quantities The coefficients of the detuning parameter are defined as
t *⫽ 冑 G
u *⫽ ,
, ⍀ *⫽ 冑 l2
b 13⫽b 25 ⫹b 28 , b 14⫽2b 6 共 b 5 ⫹b 8 兲 a 2 ⫹2 共 b 5 b 7 ⫹b 8 b 9 兲 ,
1 2
b 15⫽ 共 b 6 a 2 ⫹b 7 兲 2 ⫹ 共 b 6 a 2 ⫹b 9 兲 2 ⫺ F *4Y 2共 1 兲
l v a2 苸 n u
C i* ⫽ Ci , v *⫽ ,
A 冑 G l
Js E Al 2 l * 关1兴 Darlow, M., and Zorzi, E., 1981, Mechanical Design Handbook of Elastomers,
␣ 1⫽ , ␣ 2⫽ , ␣ 3⫽ , M *⫽ M ⫽␣2 ,
Is G Is GI s NASA CR3423.
关2兴 Dutt, J. K., and Nakra, B. C., 1992, ‘‘Stability of Rotor Systems with Vis-
Q *⫽
GI s
Q⫽ ␣ 3
⫺* , 冊 *⫽
k b1
k ,
GI s b1
coelastic Supports,’’ J. Sound Vib., 153共1兲, pp. 89–96.
关3兴 Dutt, J. K., and Nakra, B. C., 1993, ‘‘Vibration Response Reduction of a Rotor
Shaft System Using Viscoelastic Polymeric Supports,’’ ASME J. Vibr. Acoust.,
115, pp. 221–223.
l3 l5 l2 关4兴 Dutt, J. K., and Nakra, B. C., 1995, ‘‘Dynamics of Rotor Shaft System on
k v* ⫽ k , *⫽
k b3 k , c b* ⫽ cb , Flexible Supports with Gyroscopic Effects,’’ Mech. Res. Commun., 22共6兲, pp.
GI s v GI s b3 I s 冑 G 541–545.
关5兴 Kulkarni, P., Pannu, S., and Nakra, B. C., 1993, ‘‘Unbalance Response and
l l eM d Stability of a Rotating System with Viscoelastically Supported Bearings,’’
M* 2⫽
M* F *⫽
M , M , , Mech. Mach. Theory, 28共3兲, pp. 427– 436.
Is d Is 2 Is 关6兴 Shabaneh, N. H., and Zu, Jean W., 1999, ‘‘Vibration Analysis of Viscoelasti-
cally Supported Rotor-Bearing Systems,’’ Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference
W * ⫽ 43 共 u * 2 ū * ⫺2u * ū * v * ⫹ v * 2 ū * ⫺u * 2 v̄ * ⫹2u * v * v̄ * 1999 共A-PVC’99兲, Singapore, December.
关7兴 Shabaneh, N. H., and Zu, Jean W., 2000, ‘‘Dynamic Analysis of Rotor-Shaft
Systems with Viscoelastically Supported Bearings,’’ Mech. Mach. Theory,
⫺ v * 2 v̄ * 兲 ⫹ 41 共 ū * 3 ⫺3ū * 2 v̄ * ⫹3ū * v̄ * 2 ⫺ v̄ * 3 兲 35共9兲, pp. 1313–1330.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 299
h n ( 1 , . . . , n ) is the nth order Volterra kernel and its Fourier where
兺 冉 2冊
transform provides the nth order frequency response functions ⬁ 2n
共FRFs兲 or Volterra kernel transforms as A
X 0⫽ 2n 共 兲
C n H n,n
H n共 1 , . . . , n 兲 ⫽ 冕⫺⬁
... 冕 ⬁
h n共 1 , . . . , n 兲
X共 n 兲⫽ 兺 共n兲
i and n ⫽⬔X 共 n 兲 (8)
⫻ 兿e
⫺ j ii
d1 . . . dn (3)
For a single-tone harmonic excitation
i 共 n 兲 ⫽2 冉冊 A
n⫹2i⫺2 n⫹i⫺1,i⫺1
C i⫺1 H n⫹2i⫺2 共兲 (9)
f 共 t 兲 ⫽A cos t⫽ e j t ⫹ e ⫺ j t (4)
2 2
3 Parameter Estimation
the expression for the nth order response component, following For a system with polynomial form of nonlinearity under har-
Eq. 共2兲, can be obtained as monic excitation given by
x n共 t 兲 ⫽ 冉冊
C q H np,q 共 兲 e j p,q t (5) mẍ 共 t 兲 ⫹cẋ 共 t 兲 ⫹k 1 x 共 t 兲 ⫹k 2 x 2 共 t 兲 ⫹k 3 x 3 共 t 兲 ⫽A cos t (10)
first three response harmonic series, after re-arranging and trun-
where the following brief notations have been used cating Eq. 共8兲 to a finite number of terms, k, can be expressed as
H 1共 兲 ⬇
X共 兲⫺
冋 i共 兲 兺
册 (11a)
x共 t 兲⫽ 兺冉
冊 n
兺 n
C q H np,q 共 兲 e j p,q t (6)
H 2共 , 兲 ⬇
A2 冋
X共 2 兲⫺
i共 2 兲兺
册 (11b)
冋 册
n⫽1 2 p⫹q⫽n k
The response series given in Eq. 共6兲 can be written in terms of its H 3共 , , , 兲 ⬇
X共 3 兲⫺
i共 3 兲 兺 (11c)
harmonics as
x 共 t 兲 ⫽X 0 ⫹ 兩 X 共 兲 兩 cos共 t⫹ 1 兲 ⫹ 兩 X 共 2 兲 兩 cos共 2 t⫹ 2 兲 where the higher order kernel transforms are related to the lower
order kernel transforms through nonlinear parameters 共Chatterjee
⫹ 兩 X 共 3 兲 兩 cos共 3 t⫹ 3 兲 ⫹.. (7) and Vyas, 关14兴兲 as
冋 兺
p ,q 1 q ,q 2
k2 兵 n1C q1H n 1 共 兲其 *兵 n2C q2H n2 共 兲其⫹
p i ⫹q i ⫽n i 1 2
H 1 共 p,q 兲 n 1 ⫹n 2 ⫽n
H np,q 共 兲 ⫽⫺ n for n⬎1 (12)
k3 兺
p i ⫹q i ⫽n i
兵 n1 p ,q
p ,q
p ,q
C q 1 H n 1 1共 兲 其 * 兵 n 2 C q 2 H n 2 2共 兲 其 * 兵 n 3 C q 3 H n 3 3共 兲 其
n 1 ⫹n 2 ⫹n 3 ⫽n
Higher order series terms are initially neglected in Eqs. 共11a–c兲 Step-II: System is excited at frequencies close to one-third of
and kernel transforms H 1 ( ), H 2 ( , ) and H 3 ( , , ) are ex- natural frequency, for distinct measurability of third harmonic
tracted from measured harmonic amplitudes. Equation 共12兲 is em- X(3 ) 共Ref. 关14兴兲. Employing Eq. 共12兲, preliminary estimate of
ployed to estimate the second and third order nonlinear param- nonlinear parameter, k 3 , is obtained through regression between
eters k 2 and k 3 . Higher order series term contribution is then the estimated third order kernel transform and its synthesized ker-
considered and the procedure is iterated till the estimates converge nel factor, ⌫ 3 ( ), using the following relationship
within a specified limit. For a typical Duffing oscillator, the esti-
mation algorithm can be structured through following steps. H 3 共 , , 兲 ⫽k 3 ⌫ 3 共 兲 (14)
Step-I: System is excited at frequencies, i , with i varying
over a frequency range including the natural frequency, n , of the where
system. Response x(t) is measured and harmonic amplitude,
X( i ), is filtered to give preliminary estimate of first order kernel ⌫ 3 共 兲 ⫽⫺H 31 共 兲 H 1 共 3 兲 (15)
transform as
Step-III: The series 兺 i⫽2
i ( ) is computed with the H 1 ( )
H 1 共 i 兲 ⫽X 共 i 兲 /A i , i⫽1, . . . .N (13) values taken from the best fit curve estimated in Step-I and the
nonlinear parameter, k 3 , estimated in Step-II and substituted in
The excitation level A i is varied for constant response amplitude equation 共11a兲 to obtain new estimates of linear parameters.
X( i ) for keeping the series approximation error low and nearly Step-IV: The series 兺 i⫽2
i (3 ) is computed and substituted in
uniform over the frequency range 关14兴. Standard curve fitting pro- Eq. 共11c兲 to refine the estimate of the nonlinear parameter k 3 .
cedure 共Ewins 关15兴兲 is employed to obtain the best fit FRF curve Iteration is continued till the estimate of nonlinear parameter, k 3 ,
and preliminary estimation of linear parameters is made. converges within a specified limit.
4 Experimental Investigation
Experimental studies have been carried out on a test rig 共Fig. 1兲
consisting of a 10 mm diameter shaft supported in ball bearings
共SKF 6200兲. A single-degree-of-freedom model is considered and
cross-coupling stiffness parameters are neglected. Harmonic exci-
tation force is applied on the bearing housing 共in vertical direc-
Fig. 1 „a… Experimental set up along with instrumentation „b… tion兲 through an electro-dynamic shaker. Measurement for excita-
Close up view of exciter mounting arrangement and impedance tion force and resultant vibration are made at the bearing housing
head through an impedance head attached between the shaker and bear
displacement amplitude of the third response harmonic is low and 5 Validation of Estimates
therefore measurements were made for acceleration amplitudes.
Figure 6共a兲 shows the acceleration amplitudes of the first and third For validation of the experimentally estimated nonlinear stiff-
order harmonics, for an excitation frequency of 330 Hz 共near one- ness parameter, analytical formulations of Harris 关8兴 and Ragulski
third natural frequency兲. The ratio between the amplitudes at third et al. 关9兴 are employed. These formulations are based on Hertz’s
harmonic and first harmonic is defined as measurability index, theory of elastic contacts and treat the bearings in isolation of the
which provides the basis of selecting the excitation level and fre- shaft. Figure 11 shows a typical isolated ball bearing configura-
quency range for measurement of third response harmonic ampli- tion, in which external forces act along x-axis. i is the angle
tude X(3 ). For measurement of third harmonic one can select between load axis 共i.e., x-axis兲 and the radial direction of a typical
excitation level corresponding to a certain measurability index. ith ball element. For a displacement 共x, y兲 of the moving ring
Figure 6共b兲 shows measurability indices for three different excita- along the respective axes, total elastic force acting in radial direc-
tion amplitudes of 2N, 3N and 4N over a frequency range of 305 tion at the point of contact of ith ball is given by
Hz–355 Hz. Corresponding peak measurability indices can be F i ⫽k n 共 g⫹x cos i ⫹y sin i 兲 3/2 (17)
seen to be approximately of the order of 3%, 5% and 10%. Exci-
tation frequencies are selected at 330 Hz, 335 Hz, 340 Hz and 345 and its projections along x and y axes respectively are
Hz, as measurability is relatively higher in this range. Third re-
sponse harmonic amplitude X(3 ) is then measured at these se- F xi ⫽k n 共 g⫹x cos i ⫹y sin i 兲 3/2 cos i (18)
lected frequencies for three different excitation levels as
F yi ⫽k n 共 g⫹x cos i ⫹y sin i 兲 3/2 sin i (19)
Case I: Excitation level⫽4 N
Case II: Excitation level⫽3 N where g is the radial pre-load between the ball and the races, k n is
Case III: Excitation level⫽2 N a coefficient of proportionality depending on the geometric and
For case I corresponding to 10% measurability, the measured re- material properties of the bearing. Total restoring force of the
sponse acceleration spectra at the four selected frequencies are bearing is equal to sum of elastic forces of all the elements,
shown in Fig. 7共a–d兲. A preliminary estimate of nonlinear param- n
eter k 3 is made and the iteration procedure is repeated till esti-
mated value of the nonlinear parameter converges within a limit, i.e., F⫽ xi (20)
which in this case is specified as 0.1%. Figure 8共a兲 shows the
estimated values of nonlinear parameter k 3 over the stages of where n is the number of rolling elements in the bearing in the
successive iteration. Final estimate of k 3 is found to be 1.75 loading zone.
n n
关 g⫹x cos i 兴 3/2 sin i C⫽ 兺 关 g⫹x cos 兴
sin i cos i
y⫽ (21) (24)
兺 关 g⫹x cos 兴
sin2 i D⫽ 兺 关 g⫹x cos 兴 i
sin2 i cos i
Equations 共18兲 and 共21兲 are used in Eq. 共20兲 and the bearing It can be seen that the bearing stiffness is critically dependent on
stiffness is determined as a function of deformation x as the pre-load. Table 2 summarizes the theoretical bearing stiffness
k 共 x 兲 ⫽ F/ x (22) parameters for different pre-load along with experimentally ob-
tained stiffness parameters. The stiffness variations are also shown
Substituting Eq. 共20兲 in Eq. 共22兲, taking into account Eq. 共21兲 the in Fig. 12 along with experimental results of earlier researchers.
bearing stiffness is expressed as a function of deformation as
Fig. 10 Variation in sign of real part of X „3 … around n Õ3 Fig. 11 Schematic diagram of a loaded ball bearing
关1兴 Bedrosian, E., and Rice, S. O., 1971, ‘‘The Output Properties of Volterra Sys-
tems 共Nonlinear System with Memory兲 Driven by Harmonic and Gaussian
Fig. 12 Comparison of estimates of stiffness parameters 1–5: Input,’’ Proc. IEEE, 59共12兲, pp. 1688 –1707.
关2兴 Boyd, S., Tang, Y. S., and Chua, L. O., 1983, ‘‘Measuring Volterra Kernels,’’
Theoretical values with pre-load 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 m IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., CAS-30共8兲, pp. 571–577.
respectively. †Harris †8‡ and Ragulski et al. †9‡ 6,7,8: Present 关3兴 Chua, L. O., and Liao, Y., 1989, ‘‘Measuring Volterra Kernels 共II兲,’’ Int. J. of
experimental estimates for cases I, II and III respectively. 9: Ex- Circuit Theory and Applications, 17, pp. 151–190.
perimental estimate of Tiwari †16‡ 10: Experimental estimate of 关4兴 Gifford, S. J., and Tomlinson, G. R., 1989, ‘‘Recent Advances in the Applica-
Khan †13‡ tion of Functional Series to Nonlinear Structures,’’ J. Sound Vib., 135共2兲, pp.
关5兴 Chatterjee, A., and Vyas, N. S., 2001, ‘‘Stiffness Nonlinearity Classification
through Structured Response Component Analysis using Volterra Series,’’
son of theoretical values with experimental estimates is difficult. Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 15共2兲, pp. 323–336.
While, the manufacturer, at times may provide the preload range, 关6兴 Lee, G. M., 1997, ‘‘Estimation of Nonlinear System Parameters using Higher
the exact value of preloading of the bearing balls in the shaft- Order Frequency Response Functions,’’ Mech. Syst. Signal Process., 11共2兲, pp.
casing assembly, especially during operations which have in- 关7兴 Chatterjee, A., and Vyas, N. S., 2002, ‘‘Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
volved wear and tear, would be difficult to determine. The sug- through Volterra Series using Method of Recursive Iteration,’’ accepted for
gested procedure gives good estimates of nonlinear parameter as publication in J. Sound Vib.
well as damping. The method is based on the assumption of linear 关8兴 Harris, T. A., 1984, Rolling Bearing Analysis, Wiley, New York.
关9兴 Ragulskis, K. M., Jurkauskas A. Y., Atstupenas, V. V., Vitkute, A. Y., and
viscous damping model. It can however be extended for identifi- Kulvec, A. P., 1974, Vibration in Bearings, Mintis Publishers, Vilnius.
cation and estimation of damping nonlinearity. 关10兴 Bannister, R. H., 1976, ‘‘A Theoretical And Experimental Investigation Illus-
trating the Influence of Nonlinearity and Misalignment on the Eight Film Co-
efficients,’’ Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 190, pp. 271–278.
Acknowledgment 关11兴 Choi, F. K., Braun, M. J., and Hu, Y., 1992, ‘‘Nonlinear Transient and Fre-
quency Response Analysis of a Hydrodynamic Bearing,’’ ASME J. Tribol.,
The authors wish to express their thanks to the financial aid 114, pp. 448 – 454.
being provided by the Propulsion Panel of Aeronautical Research 关12兴 Garibaldi, L., and Tomlinson, G. R., 1988, ‘‘A Procedure for Identifying Non-
and Development Board, Ministry of Defense, Government of In- linearity in Rigid Rotors Supported in Hydrodynamic and Ball/Roller Bearing
dia, in carrying out the study. System,’’ I. Mech. Proc. on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, 4, pp. 229–234.
关13兴 Khan, A. A., and Vyas, N. S., 2001, ‘‘Application of Volterra and Wiener
Theories for Nonlinear Parameter Estimation in a Rotor-Bearing System,’’
Nomenclature Nonlinear Dyn., 24共3兲, pp. 285–304.
关14兴 Chatterjee, A., and Vyas, N. S., 2000, ‘‘Convergence Analysis of Volterra
H n( 1 , . . . , n) ⫽ nth order Volterra kernel transform Series Response of Nonlinear Systems Subjected to Harmonic Excitations,’’ J.
X(n ) ⫽ response amplitude of nth harmonic Sound Vib., 236共2兲, pp. 339–358.
c ⫽ damping coefficient 关15兴 Ewins, D. J., 1984, Modal Testing: Theory and Practice, Research Studies
Press, England.
f (t) ⫽ excitation force 关16兴 Tiwari, R., and Vyas, N. S., 1995, ‘‘Estimation of Nonlinear Stiffness Param-
g ⫽ bearing pre-load eters of Rolling Element Bearings from Random Response of Rotor Bearing
h n( 1 , . . . , n) ⫽ nth order Volterra kernel Systems,’’ Journal of Sound Vib. 187 共2兲, pp. 229–239.
1 Introduction vestigators deal with the effect of thrust bearing upon the nonlin-
ear stability of T period motion of unbalanced rotor systems.
Active magnetic bearing 共AMB兲 has found wide applications in
This paper is concerned with the effect of a TAMB on the
fields such as aerospace, petrochemical and power generation in- stability and bifurcation of an AMBRS supported by both journal
dustries due to its advantages over traditional rolling or sliding and thrust active magnetic bearings. The rotor is flexible, and
bearing. Like conventional mechanical bearings, the AMBs are system equations are formulated by combining the equations of
nonlinear in nature. These nonlinear characteristics cause nonlin- motion of the rotor and the equations of the decentralized PID
ear motion of the rotor. Various nonlinear studies have been car- controllers. This is typically a mechanical-electrical system con-
ried out on the AMBRS 关1–3兴. However, the effect of thrust active sisting of a large number of linear components 共such as flexible
magnetic bearing 共TAMB兲 on the stability and bifurcation of the shaft elements without disk and bearing兲 and a few of nonlinear
AMBRS has received little attention in system modeling and components 共nonlinear active magnetic bearings兲. Finite elements
analysis. method 关14,15兴, and order reduction techniques are used to reduce
The TAMBs are used to balance axial loads in system and usu- the order of the model 关10,11,13兴. Floquet theory 关16 –18兴, shoot-
ally their effects are often neglected when in the process of the ing method and path-following technique 关12,19兴 are used to
controller adjustment and the dynamic analysis of system. Using analyses the stability and bifurcation of T periodic motion of the
linear analysis method, researchers have revealed that hydrody- AMBRS equipped with both journal AMBs and TAMBs. The
namic thrust bearings have great effects upon the linear stability effects of the TAMB and the mass eccentricity are discussed
of rotor systems 关4 –5兴. Because of constraints of the linear sta- especially.
bility theory, only the effects of thrust bearings on the linear sta-
bility near the equilibrium point of a balanced rotor system has 2 Formulations of Model and Reduction
been studied. Because a rotor always has mass eccentricity that
affects the stability of system and this effect cannot be taken into 2.1 Finite Element Equations of the Flexible Shaft. An
account in linear analysis, a nonlinear analysis method has to be AMBRS is depicted in Fig. 1 when the rotor is flexible. It can be
used. Due to the complexity of nonlinear analysis, nonlinear mod- divided into linear components 共the flexible shaft elements with-
els of rotor system are often simplified using assumptions such as out disk and bearing兲 and nonlinear components 共nonlinear active
a symmetrical rigid rotor or a Jeffcott rotor 关6 –9兴. However, such magnetic bearings兲. The finite element method is used to form the
equations of the motion of linear components. Here a 2-node Ti-
simplified models do not truly represent the complex system ac-
moshenko shaft element model with 8 degrees-of-freedom
curately. Therefore several investigators introduced the order re-
关14,15兴, as shown in Fig. 2, which can account for the effects of
duction methods of system to study the periodic solutions of a
inertia and shear, is adopted. Equations of the lateral motions of a
high order unbalanced rotor systems 关10–13兴. Bearings in these
flexible shaft can then be written as
studies are traditional hydrodynamic bearings, although few in-
MS ẍS ⫹GS ẋS ⫹KS xS ⫽QS ⫹f S (1)
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received November where M , G , K 苸R
S S S n⫻n
and Q , f 苸R are the mass matrices,
S S n
2002; Revised October 2002. Associate Editor: J. Cusumano. gyroscope matrices, stiffness matrices, external force vector 共in-
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 307
Here, the columns of the (n,n k ) matrix ⌽i with these elastic
eigenmodes kept are the mass normalized solutions ( Tj MS j
⫽1) of the undamped eigenproblem for k 苸(0, cut )( j
⫽1, . . . ,n k ):
共 ⫺ 2j MS ⫹KS 兲 j ⫽0 (8)
The columns of the (n,n b ) matrix ⌽b with the residual flexible
modes is defined as follows:
⌽b ⫽ 关 KS ⫺⌽i ⍀⫺2
kk ⌽i 兴
冋 册 Ibb
冋册冋 册冋 册
xSb ⌽bb ⌽bk pSb
xS ⫽T1 p⬘ ⇒ S ⫽ S (10)
xi ⌽ib ⌽ik pk
cluding weight force and unbalance force兲 and nonlinear force Starting from Eq. 共10兲, the degrees-of-freedom of pSb are replaced
vector of bearings respectively. For a shaft with p nodal points, by the interface degrees-of-freedom of xSb using a coordinate
the displacement vector can be written as transformation matrix T 2 to permit simple coupling of the reduced
component equations:
xS ⫽ 兵 x 1 y 1 1 1 ¯ x p y p p p 其 T (2)
where x j , y j , j and j ( j⫽1,2, . . . ,p) are the lateral translations
and tilting angles of the jth nodal point along the horizontal and 冋册冋 pSb
bb ⌽bk xb
p Sk
⇒p⬘ ⫽T2 p册冋 册 (11)
vertical directions, respectively. The nonlinear force vector can be
written as This results in the following total transformation
where f x i and f y j are the horizontal and vertical of magnetic forces Applying the transformation 共12兲, the reduced component equa-
tions become:
of the journal active magnetic bearing acting on the jth point; M x k
and M y k are the magnetic moments of the thrust active magnetic TT MS Tp̈⫹TT GS Tṗ⫹TT KS Tp⫽TT QS ⫹TT f S (13)
bearing acting on the kth point. To simplify notations, the order of After reduction, the local nonlinear forces of bearing and the
the vector components is rearranged and Eq. 共1兲 can be partitioned unbalance force of disk can be easily added to the reduced linear
as equation since the interface degrees-of-freedom is available in the
冋 册再 冎 冋 册再 冎 冋 册再 冎
MSbb S
GSbb S
KSbb S reduced equation. The equation of motion of the shaft in the axial
Mbi ẍSb Gbi ẋSb Kbi xSb direction is given by
⫹ ⫹
Mib MiiS ẍiS S
Gib GiiS ẋiS S
Kib KiiS xiS
mz̈⫽F z (14)
再 冎再
⫽ S ⫹
f Sb 共 xSb ,ẋSb 兲
0 冎 (4) From Eqs. 共10兲 and 共11兲, the equations of motion of the reduced
mechanical system is given by
If the rotor has m points on which journal and thrust active Mq̈⫹Gq̇⫹Kq⫽Q (15)
magnetic bearings act, xSb and fSb 苸R n⫻n (n b ⫽4m) can be written
as with
xSb ⫽ 兵 x 1 y 1 1 1 ¯ x m y m m m 其 T (5) q⫽ 兵 xSb pSk z其T
f Sb ⫽ 兵 f x j f y j 0 0 ¯ 0 0 M x k M y k 其 T
For reducing the order of the degree-of-freedom of linear com-
M⫽ 冋 TT MS T⫹Md
册 T
G⫽ 冋 TT GS T⫹Gd
册 T
冋 册
ponents, xS can be written as a linear combination of n c columns:
TT KS T⫹Kd 0 T
x ⫽T1 p⬘
(7) K⫽
0 0
where T1 ⫽ 关 ⌽b ⌽i 兴
Q⫽ 兵 TT QS 0 其 T ⫹ 兵 TT f S 0 其 T ⫹ 兵 FTdex 0 F z 其 T
where Md , Gd and Kd are the mass, damping and stiffness matri-
ces of disks; m is the mass of the rotor; Fdex is unbalance forces
caused by mass eccentricity of disks. The behavior of this nonlin-
ear system depends on the rotating frequency of the shaft and
the eccentricities e explicitly.
The eigenfrequencies ⬍ cut of Eq. 共13兲 are accurate for the
case QS ⫽0 and GS ⫽0, with cut the highest cut-off eigenfre-
quency in the reduction, and higher eigenfrequencies will be in-
accurate. Because nonlinear systems can generate frequencies
higher than their excitation frequency, cut has to be chosen
higher than the maximum excitation frequency.
2.2 Electromagnetic Force of Journal Bearing. An eight-
Fig. 2 Shaft finite element model pole journal AMB shown in Fig. 3 is used for analysis. To sim-
0 N r2 A r 共 I 0x ⫹i x 兲 2 0 N r2 A r 共 I 0x ⫺i x 兲 2 R 4 ⫺R 3
f r⫽ ⫻ f 1⫽ ⫻ r o ⫽R 4 ⫹ ␣ 共 r i ⫺R 1 兲 with ␣ ⫽⫺ (19)
4 共 c r ⫹x 兲 2 4 共 c r ⫺x 兲 2 R 2 ⫺R 1
The forces and moments provided by the thrust magnetic bear-
0 N r2 A r 共 I 0y ⫹i y 兲 2
0 N r2 A r 共 I 0y ⫺i y 兲 2 ing can be expressed as 关22兴
f t⫽ ⫻ f b⫽ ⫻
4 共 c r ⫹y 兲 2 4 共 c r ⫺y 兲 2
F z ⫽F 共z1 兲 ⫹F 共z2 兲
where ␣ xy is the geometric coupling coefficient with an average
value of 0.16 关21兴. In this study, ␣ xy is taken to be 0.16.
M x ⫽M 共x1 兲 ⫹M 共x2 兲 (20)
2.3 Magnetic Forces and Moments of Thrust Bearing. A
two-pole TAMB in operation is shown in Fig. 4. When tilting of
M y ⫽M 共y1 兲 ⫹M 共y2 兲
runner occurs, the right and left air gaps at those points on the
inner and outer annuli are different and can be expressed as where
F 共z1 兲 ⫽⫺ 冕 冕 0
R2 关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
20 共1兲冋共 r o /r i 兲 2
共 1 兲 r i dr i d ⫹
h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h i 册 冕 冕 0
R3 关 o N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
关 h 共o1 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 1 兲 兴 2
r o dr o d
F 共z2 兲 ⫽ 冕 冕 2
0 R1
R2 关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 共 r o /r i 兲
h 共o2 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲
r i dr i d ⫺ 冕 冕 2
0 R4
R3 关 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 共2兲
关 h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲 兴 2
r o dr o d
M 共x1 兲 ⫽⫺ 冕 冕 0
R2 关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h 共o1 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 1 兲 册 2
cos dr i d ⫹ 冕 冕 0
R3 关 0 N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h 共o1 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 1 兲 册 2
cos dr o d
M 共x2 兲 ⫽ 冕 冕
2 R2
关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲
共2兲 册 2
cos dr i d ⫺ 冕 冕 0
2 R3
关 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲
共2兲 册 2
cos dr o d
M 共y1 兲 ⫽⫺ 冕 冕 0
R2 关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h 共o1 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 1 兲 册 2
sin dr i d ⫹ 冕 冕 0
R3 关 0 N 共 I 0z ⫹i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h 共o1 兲 ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 1 兲 册 2
sin dr o d
M 共y2 兲 ⫽ 冕 冕0
2 R2
关 ␣ 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲
共2兲 册 2
sin dr i d ⫺ 冕 冕 0
2 R3
关 0 N 共 I 0z ⫺i z 兲兴 2
20 冋 ro
h o ⫺ ␣ 共 r o /r i 兲 h 共i 2 兲
共2兲 册 2
sin dr o d
Ẋ⫽ 再 q̇
M⫺1 共 Q⫺Gq̇⫺Kq兲
Aa As 共 Kp ẋbb ⫹Ki xbb ⫹Kd ẍbb 兲
冎 (28)
3 Method of Solution
It is assumed that the external load acting on the system is
Fig. 5 Magnetic flux path in a thrust magnetic bearing periodic with period T:
Qex 共 t 兲 ⫽Qex 共 t⫹T 兲 (29)
2.4 Equations of Sensors, Amplifiers and PID Controllers. The steady-state behavior of the system, i.e., the attractor that is
The signal flow in a rotor-magnetic bearing system is shown in reached after the transient has damped out, might be periodic,
Fig. 6. The power amplifier can be modeled as a first-order sys- quasi-periodic or chaotic. The periodic solutions of the system can
tem, whose transfer function is become unstable in certain intervals of system parameters: such as
the angular speed of the rotor, the mass eccentricity e, and the
Aa axial force F z , etc. Such instability is due to the nonlinear char-
Ga 共 s 兲 ⫽ (22)
1⫹Ta s acteristics of the AMBs. Generally, in these intervals, the maxi-
mum response of the nonlinear system will increase and also ad-
where Aa is gain, and Ta is time constant. ditional vibration frequencies occur compared to the linear
The displacement sensor can also be represented by a first-order system. This may lead to shaft rubbing which is undesirable in
system. practice. So for practical application, it is important to determine
As the unstable intervals and the kinds of dynamic behaviors of the
Gs 共 s 兲 ⫽ (23) rotor that result in these intervals: periodic, quasi-periodic or
1⫹Ts s
where As is gain, and Ts is time constant.
In this investigation, the controller is taken to be a PID control- 3.1 Periodic Solutions. Periodic solutions are calculated by
ler as it is widely used. The transfer function of a PID controller is solving a two-point boundary value problem, which is defined by
Eq. 共28兲 supplemented with the boundary condition X(t)⫽X(t
Ki Kd s ⫹T). It can be written as:
Gc 共 s 兲 ⫽Kp ⫹ ⫹
s 1⫹Td s
Ẋ⫽f共 X,t, 兲
where Kp is proportional gain, Ki is integral gain, Kd is derivative X共 t 兲 ⫽X共 t⫹T 兲
再 冎
gain and Td is time constant, For an ideal system, time constant
Ta ⫽Ts ⫽Td ⫽0. The transfer function of the whole system is thus q̇
given by with f共 X,t, 兲 ⫽ M⫺1 共 Q⫺Gq̇⫺Kq兲
冉 Ki
G共 s 兲 ⫽Ga 共 s 兲 "Gs 共 s 兲 "Gc 共 s 兲 ⫽Aa As Kp ⫹ ⫹Kd s
s 冊 (25)
Aa As 共 Kp ẋbb ⫹Ki xbb ⫹Kd ẍbb 兲
where is a system parameter. It can be the angular speed , or
the mass eccentricity e, and or the axial force F z , etc.
and the corresponding differential equation can be written as In the shooting method, Eq. 共30兲 is integrated by means of a
numerical time integration method over the period T and a T pe-
İbb ⫽Aa As 共 Kp ẋbb ⫹Ki xbb ⫹Kd ẍbb 兲 (26)
riodic solution can be found if the following criterion is satisfied:
H共 Xs , 兲 ⫽0 (31)
with H共 Xs , 兲 ⫽Xs 共 t 0 ⫹T 兲 ⫺Xs 共 t 0 兲
For a given ⫽ s , the corresponding solution Xs can be ob-
and N J is the number of journal AMBs. tained from Eq. 共31兲 using the iterative Newton process. The Jaco-
2.5 System Equations. Combining the equations for the ro- bian matrix can be obtained as
tor, the sensors, the amplifiers and the PID controllers, the system
equations are obtained Table 1 Parameters of journal and thrust AMBs
再 Mq̈⫹Gq̇⫹Kq⫽Q
İbb ⫽Aa As 共 Kp ẋbb ⫹Ki xbb ⫹Kd ẍbb 兲
(27) Bearing type Parameter
radial clearance
0.0004 m
bias current 4A
Journal bearings winding number 57
width 0.08 m
diameter 0.16 m
total axial clearance 0.0006 m
bias current 4A
winding number 143
diameter 0.1 m
Thrust bearing R1 0.04 m
R2 0.065 m
R3 0.08 m
Fig. 6 Signal flow in a rotor-active magnetic bearing system R4 0.1 m
再 冋 册 ⫺1
Parameter Value H共 X, 兲 H共 X, 兲
Xn⫹1 ⫽Xn ⫺ ⫻ ⫻⌬
A a 共1/⍀兲 1 Xs (34)
A 2 共V/m兲 7800
kp 3.8 n⫹1 ⫽ n ⫹⌬
k i 共1/s兲 200
k d 共s兲 0.01 Subsequently this periodic solution is corrected by shooting
method at ⫽ n⫹1 . Here H(X, )/ can be calculated by
numerical time integration of Eq. 共34兲 about the trajectory Xs (t 0
⫹t), and
H d f共 t, ,X兲 f共 t, ,X兲
⫽J⫺I (32) 共 ␦ S 兲 ⫽ ⫻ ␦ S ⫹ (35)
Xs dt X
where J is calculated by numerical time integration of equation with ␦ S(t 0 )⫽0 and ␦ S(t 0 ⫹T)⫽ H(X, )/ .
共30兲 linearized at those points along the trajectory Xs (t 0 ⫹t), and
冉 冊
3.3 Local Stability and Bifurcation: Floquet Theory. The
d f local stability of periodic motion of a nonlinear system can be
共 ␦ S兲 ⫽ ⫻␦S (33) determined from Floquet theory 关16 –18兴. The procedure involves
dt X
calculating the eigenvalues 共Floquet multipliers兲 of the matrix J,
with ␦ S(t 0 )⫽I and ␦ S(t 0 ⫹T)⫽J. This is called shooting method which is also called monodromy matrix. For a stable periodic
关12,19兴. solution, all the Floquet multipliers should be within the unit
3.2 Continuation of Periodic Solutions—Path-Following circle in the complex plane. When the unit circle in the complex
Technique. The problem of continuation of solutions in general plane is crossed by
is to find the whole solution branches, i.e., to obtain a solution at 1. a real eigenvalue on the positive real axis, it is a ‘‘cycle-
⫽ j⫹1 when the exact solution at ⫽ j is known. Several fold’’ or ‘‘transcritical’’ bifurcation;
continuation schemes are available. In the present study, the path 2. a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalue, it is a ‘‘secondary
following technique 关12兴 is used to investigate how a periodic Hopf’’ bifurcation;
solution is influenced by a change of . In essence, the technique 3. a real eigenvalue on the negative real axis, it is a ‘‘period-
doubling’’ bifurcation.
Here, the ‘‘eigenvalue’’ above mentioned, which has the largest
magnitude among all eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix, is
called the leading Floquet multiplier.
Fig. 8 Hopf T periodic solution without TAMB „a… Hopf T periodic solution at
Ä120000 revÕmin „b… A amplitude-frequency diagram of x a
spectively. The number of interface degrees-of-freedom is 16. Table 3 Leading Floquet multiplier
This include eight displacements and eight tilting degree-of-
freedom for the four couplings between the disks and the shaft Not consider TAMB Consider TAMB
(x a ,y a , a , a ,x b ,y b , b , b ,x c ,y c , c , c ,x d ,y d , d , d ), in e0 leading Floquet multiplier leading Floquet multiplier
which 4 degrees-of-freedom are the displacements for two journal 共m兲 共modulus兲 共modulus兲
AMBs (x a ,y a ,x c ,y c ) and 2 degrees-of-freedom are the tilting 5 0.992395⫾i0.0726290 0.992214⫾i0.0751451
angles for a TAMB ( d , d ). In present study, only unbalance 共0.995049兲 共0.995055兲
forces caused by mass eccentricities of four disks (e a ⫽e b ⫽e c 10 0.992400⫾i0.0726408 0.992219⫾i0.0751573
⫽e d ⫽e 0 ) are studied. 共0.995055兲 共0.995061兲
15 0.992411⫾i0.0726599 0.992230⫾i0.0751772
The combined effect of e 0 and is studied with and without 共0.995067兲 共0.995074兲
the effects of the TAMB considered. The stable T period motion 20 0.992429⫾i0.0726863 0.992249⫾i0.0752049
共harmonic motion兲 and its unstable regions are plotted in an e 0 - 共0.995088兲 共0.995095兲
diagram in Fig. 7, where the line is the bifurcation borderline, 22.7 0.992444⫾i0.0727040 0.960353⫾i0.279283
共0.995104兲 共1.00014兲
with the modulus of leading Floquet multiplier equals to one. For 25 0.992460⫾i0.0727215 0.977981⫾i0.273811
values of e 0 and below the line, the motion of the system is 共0.995121兲 共1.01559兲
stable T period motion. For that above the line, the motion is
Fig. 13 Stable Quasi-periodic motion at Ä30000 revÕmin, e 0 Ä22.5 m with TAMB „a… Stable
Quasi-periodic motion „b… Poincare maps
quasi-period or unstable. When values of e 0 and cross the line odic solutions are different; the amplitude of the Hopf T periodic
from below to above, a pair of Floquet multiplier crosses a unit solution with TAMB considered is smaller than that with TAMB
circle in the complex plane and secondary Hopf bifurcation not considered.
occurs. 2 Mass Eccentricity e 0 ⫽4 m. The T periodic motion of
It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the stability criteria rotating the system produces a quasi-periodic solution after the second
speed of the system is decreased when TAMB is considered in Hopf bifurcation at ⫽113400 rev/min when TAMB is not con-
modeling. As an example, the critical stability speed of system sidered. The corresponding quasi-periodic solution at
with e 0 ⫽0 m is decreased by 41% from ⫽119000 rev/min to ⫽113405 rev/min is depicted in Fig. 10共a兲, and the locus of the
⫽69850 rev/min, and the critical stability speed is decreased by center of the runner is shown in Fig. 10共b兲. Its Poincare maps
42% from ⫽113100 rev/min to ⫽65870 rev/min when e 0 is
increased from 0 m to 5 m. This indicates that the effects of
TAMB and mass eccentricity e 0 on the stability of system are both
4.1 Effects of TAMB and Mass Eccentricity
1 Mass Eccentricity e 0 ⫽0 m. When the effect of TAMB is
not considered, the equilibrium point of the system lost stability
and a Hopf T periodic solution appears at ⫽119000 rev/min.
The corresponding Hopf T periodic solution at
⫽120000 rev/min is depicted in Figure 8共a兲, and a corresponding
amplitude-frequency diagram is shown in Fig. 8共b兲. When TAMB
is considered, the Hopf bifurcation of the equilibrium point occurs
at ⫽69850 rev/min, and a stable Hopf T periodic solution ap-
pears at ⫽70000 rev/min which is depicted in Fig. 9共a兲. The
corresponding amplitude-frequency diagram is shown in Fig. 9共b兲.
It is noted that both two Hopf T periodic solutions exhibit typi-
cally the first mode whirl of system, and the frequencies are both Fig. 14 Stable periodic motion at Ä30000 revÕmin, e 0
about 24.4 Hz. However, the motions of these two Hopf T peri- Ä22.5 m without TAMB
1 Introduction can be traced to Hurty 关8,9兴. The general idea is to regard a given
structure as an assemblage of substructures acting together in
There are several kinds of methods for torsional vibration cal-
some fashion. To guarantee that the various substructures do not
culation of rotating shafting system, namely Holzer’s method,
act independently but as parts of the whole structure, Hurty intro-
transfer matrix method and FEM. The well-known Holzer’s
duced the concept of constraint modes. Generally, the constraint
method, a simple and systematic approach to calculating the fre-
modes enforce geometric compatibility at a preselected set of
quencies and mode shapes of systems, was used originally for
points on the boundary between any two adjacent substructures
analysis of an undamped system. Den Hartog and Li 关1兴 improved
关10兴. Hou advocates that substructure modes are not necessarily
the Holzer’s method by using complex numbers. Pestel and
constrained and can be free-free 关11兴. The use of unconstrained
Leckie 关2兴 introduced the transfer matrix method with the point
modes is also advocated by Goldman and Dowell 关12,13兴. Since
and field transfer matrices. Later, Sankar 关3兴 and Dawson and
publication of the original work by Hurty and Hou, there have
Davies 关4兴 improved this approach. Huang and Horng 关5兴 used
been many suggestions for improvement 关14 –19兴. One of the
complex numbers to extend the transfer matrix method with the
most important improvements is that the effect of modes not re-
Newton-Raphson technique to analyze the torsional vibration for
tained explicitly is considered by MacNeal 关19兴 and by Rubin
damped systems. The method extended by Huang and Horng
关16兴. The procedure described by MacNeal employs hybrid com-
eliminates the operation of the inverse matrix because the deriva-
ponent modes, i.e., modes obtained with some interface coordi-
tives of angular displacement and the torque are used directly with
nates free and others fixed, and uses statically derived modes to
the Newton-Raphson technique to determine the eigenvalues of
improve accuracy. The procedure suggested by Rubin employs
torsional vibration system. The major drawbacks of the transfer
residual flexibility to a second order of approximation.
matrix approach 共as noted by Firoozian and Stanway 关6兴兲 are that
The modal synthesis methods discussed above have one aspect
the information obtained is limited to stability assessment and the
in common, namely they all regard the connection between any
prediction of critical speeds, and that inherent numerical instabili-
two substructures as a rigid connection. However, flexible connec-
ties are liable to occur in the analysis of more complex systems.
tion made up of elastic-coupling parts is widely applied to engi-
Li 关7兴 used FEM to analyze the crankshaft torsional vibration of
neering structure with multi-branched shafting system, e.g., the
diesel engine. One of the characteristics of FEM is that a very
elastic coupling of marine propulsion system. The boundary dis-
large number of degrees of freedom are required. All these meth-
placement that exists in-between substructures of such structure is
ods, namely Holzer’s method, transfer matrix method and FEM,
incompatible. Hale and Meirovitch 关20兴 proposed the concept of
are very effective for the calculation of a single-spool shafting
‘‘incompatible intermediate structure’’ to treat the problem, and
system. However, when these methods are applied to calculate
the original structure is substituted by this structure approxi-
shafting systems with open-circuit and closed-circuit branches,
mately. In this paper, a modal synthesis method improved from
they are not very effective.
Hurty and Hou’s methods is presented to accommodate the vibra-
Modal synthesis method is a modeling method permitting the
tion analysis of multi-branched shafting system. It can effectively
representation of a relatively complex structure by a reduced num-
treat the complicated system in which there exists a rigid connec-
ber of degrees of freedom. The concept of substructure synthesis
tion and a flexible connection that are formed by an elastic-
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
coupling part. When the proposed approach is developed, the
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received November elastic-coupling part mentioned above is defined as flexible sub-
2001; revised November 2002. Associate Editor: B. Yang. structure and treated individually. Uncoordinated boundary dis-
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 317
placement of each substructure is converted into inner- 关 ⌽ 兴 s ⫽ 关 兵 ⌽ 其 s1 , 兵 ⌽ 其 s2 ,¯¯ 兵 ⌽ 其 si ¯¯ 兵 ⌽ 其 sn 兴 共 s⫽1,2,¯¯m 兲
deformation of flexible substructure so that the coordinative (2)
boundary condition between the flexible substructure and other
substructures could be satisfied. The other parts are naturally di- where 兵 ⌽ 其 si is the ith order column vector of dominant mode
vided into some substructures and they can be analyzed by FEM. shape of sth second-class substructure; and n is the number of
The lower-frequency normal modes of substructures are retained degrees of freedom of sth substructure.
and the higher-frequency normal modes are neglected by a fre- The dominant mass matrix is obtained according to the orthogonal
quency truncation criterion. The lower-frequency normal modes condition
are considered to be the assumed modes of Rayleigh-Ritz analysis
of whole structure. As an example of application of this method, 关 M̄ 兴 s ⫽ 关 ⌽ 兴 sT 关 M 兴 s 关 ⌽ 兴 s ⫽diag关 M s1 ,M s2 ¯M sn 兴 (3)
the analysis of torsional vibration of a cam-type engine shafting where M si
is the ith dominant mass in dominant mass matrix.
system is carried out both numerically and experimentally.
The normalized modal matrix from 共2兲 and 共3兲 is
flexible connections which exist in-between adjacent substruc-
tures. The torsional vibration model of a multi-branched shafting According to vibration theory, the relationship between system
system is shown in Fig. 1. The system is divided into subsystems coordinates 兵 Q s 其 and normal coordinates 兵 P s 其 is
in the following principles:
兵 Q s 其 ⫽ 关 ⌽̄ 兴 s 兵 P s 其 (5)
1. Main shaft 共i.e., a兲 and its direct branches are considered as
By substituting Eq. 共5兲 into 共1兲 and multiplying the left hand side
first-class substructure 共i.e., b, c, and d兲.
2. The branches belonging to first-class substructure are con- by 关 ⌽̄ 兴 sT , the following is obtained.
sidered as second-class substructure 共a consists of second-
关 ⌽̄ 兴 sT 关 M 兴 s 关 ⌽̄ 兴 s 兵 P̈ s 其 ⫹ 关 ⌽̄ 兴 sT 关 K 兴 s 关 ⌽̄ 兴 s 兵 P s 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (6)
class substructures 1,2,¯¯ ,m).
3. The elastic-coupling part should be taken out and defined as According to the orthogonal condition, we have
flexible substructure 共i.e., e1 , e2 ).
关 ⌽̄ 兴 sT 关 M 兴 s 关 ⌽̄ 兴 s ⫽ 关 I 兴 ; 关 ⌽̄ 兴 sT 关 K 兴 s 关 ⌽̄ 兴 s ⫽ 关 ⌳ 兴
There are two kinds of ways of connection between substruc-
tures, shown in Fig. 1. One is a rigid connection, e.g., the connec- where 关 I 兴 is unit matrix; 关⌳兴 is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal
tion between second-class substructures 1,2,¯¯ ,m. Another is a element is the square of each natural circular frequency, that is to
flexible connection, e.g., substructures a and b are connected by e1 say, 关 ⌳ 兴 ⫽diag关s2兴.
and substructures c and d are connected by e2 . According to the above equations, Eq. 共6兲 becomes
2.1 Modal Synthesis Between Second-Class Substructures. 关 I 兴 兵 P̈ s 其 ⫹diag关 s2 兴 兵 P s 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (7)
As an example, first-class substructure a consists of m second-
class substructures, shown in Fig. 1. Each of the second-class The normalized modal matrix 共4兲 is denoted as 关 x s 兴 , and it is
substructures is calculated by FEM. The free vibration equations divided into two parts.
of each second-class substructure 共with zero damping兲 are 关15兴
关 ⌽̄ 兴 s ⫽ 兵 x s 其 ⫽ 关 x 共s1 兲 ,x 共s2 兲 ,¯¯x 共si 兲 ,¯¯x 共sn 兲 兴
关 M 兴 s 兵 Q̈ s 其 ⫹ 关 K 兴 s 兵 Q s 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 共 s⫽1,2,¯¯m 兲 (1)
⫽ 关 x sk ,x sa 兴 共 s⫽1,2,¯¯m 兲 (8)
where 关 K 兴 s , 关 M 兴 s , 兵 Q̈ s 其 , 兵 Q s 其 respectively represent the total
stiffness matrix, total mass matrix, angular acceleration vector, where x s( i )
is ith order of normalized modal column vector of sth
and angular displacement vector of sth second-class substructure; second-class substructure; x sk represents the prior l order retained
and m is the number of second-class substructures. modes; x sa represents the truncation modes of the order from (l
The dominant mode shape of each second-class substructure from ⫹1) to n; and n is the number of degrees of freedom of sth
共1兲 is substructure.
冋 册
兵 P s其 ⫽ P a
P sk
冋 册
P sk
兵 Q s 其 ⫽ 关 x s 兴关 P s 兴 ⫽ 关 x sk x sa 兴 P a ⫽ 关 x sk 兴 兵 P sk 其 (11) the other substructures. Assume that the shafting system consist of
first-order substructure a, b and flexible substructure e, and each
Substituting Eq. 共11兲 into 共1兲 and multiplying the left hand side by elastic unit can be simulated by a set of mass-spring elements. The
关 x sk 兴 T , the following equation is obtained according to the or- flexible substructure e, as shown in Fig. 2, is the combination of
thogonal condition. these mass-spring elements. For the ith element of flexible sub-
structure e, the following equation is obtained
关 I 兴 兵 P̈ sk 其 ⫹diag关 s,k
兴 兵 P sk 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 共 s⫽1,2,¯¯m 兲 (12)
K ai 共 q ai j ⫺q m
兲 ⫽⫺F ai j
According to equation 共12兲, we have m l q̈ m ⫹K ai 共 q a j ⫺q m 兲 ⫹K bi 共 q bi j ⫺q m
i i i i
兲 ⫽0 (20)
关 I 兴 兵 P̈ L 其 ⫹ 关 K L 兴 兵 P L 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (13) K bi 共 q b j ⫺q m 兲 ⫽⫺F b j
i i i
冋 册
兵 F 其 e ⫽ 兵兵 F a j 其 T , 兵 F m 其 T , 兵 F b j 其 T 其 T
关 x b 兴 兵 P L 其 ⫽ 关 x b1
P1 兵 其
x b2 兴 ⫽ 0 (16) is the force column vector of elastic coupling unit;
that is 关 x b1 兴 兵 P b 其 ⫹ 关 x b2 兴 兵 P l 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (17) 兵 F a j 其 ⫽ 兵 F a1 j ,F a2 j ¯ ,F a1 j ,¯ ,F an j 其 T
where 兵 P b 其 and 兵 P l 其 respectively represent the matrix of un- is the boundary force of substructure a;
independent normal modal coordinates and the matrix of indepen-
dent normal coordinates among 兵 P 1 其 , 兵 P 2 其 .... 兵 P m 其 ; and 关 x b1 兴 is a 兵 F b j 其 ⫽ 兵 F b1 j ,F b2 j ,¯ ,F bi j ,¯F bn j 其 T
square matrix.
The following equation is given from Eq. 共17兲 is the boundary force of substructure b;
兵 P b 其 ⫽⫺ 关 x b1 兴 ⫺1 关 x b2 兴 兵 P l 其 , 兵 F m 其 ⫽ 兵 F m1 ,F m2 ,¯ ,F mi ,¯ ,F mn 其 T
so 冋 册冋
兵 P L其 ⫽ P ⫽
Pb ⫺ 关 x b1 兴 ⫺1 关 x b2 兴
I 册
兵 P l其 ⫽ 关 T 兴 兵 P l其 (18)
is the inner force of elastic coupling unit.
Under free vibration condition, 兵 F m 其 ⫽ 兵 0¯0¯0 其 T , i.e., null
By substituting Eq. 共18兲 into 共13兲 and multiplying the left hand force is exerted inside flexible substructure. 关 M 兴 e and 关 K 兴 e are
the mass matrix and stiffness matrix of flexible substructure
side by 关 T 兴 T , the following is obtained.
关 M l 兴 兵 P̈ l 其 ⫹ 关 K I 兴 兵 P l 其 ⫽ 兵 0 其 (19)
2.3 Modal Synthesis of Two Substructures Connected by
where 关 M I兴⫽关 T 兴 关 T 兴,T
关 K l 兴 ⫽ 关 T 兴 关 K L 兴关 T 兴
Flexible Substructure. The shafting system, as shown in Fig. 1,
Equation 共19兲 is free vibration equation of first-class substructure can be considered as two parts, i.e., a, e1 , b and c, e2 , d which are
a, from which the modal data of a can be solved. the combination of two first-class substructures connected by a
flexible substructure. The modal synthesis among a, e1 , b is used
2.2 Model of Flexible Substructure. For the modal synthe- to explain the modal synthesis method of two substructures con-
sis of substructures connected by flexible substructure, noncoor- nected by a flexible substructure. To perform vibration analysis of
dinative boundary displacement has to be converted into inner- the whole structure and calculate the response of the system under
deformation of flexible substructure to satisfy the coordinative external excitation, the vibration equation of substructures a and b
boundary condition at the connection of flexible substructure and is expressed as follows by Zhang 关14兴
冋 册
when engine is running. The gas forces piston 5 to move recipro-
⌽ la 0 0 cally, whose movement impels cam-disc 6 to rotate. That is to say,
the axial force is converted into circumferential force, which
兵 P 其 ⫽ 兵兵 P 其 la
, 兵 Q 其 Te , 兵 P 其 lb
其 , 关 Tl兴⫽ 0 I 0 drives the inner shaft 9 and rear propeller 13 to rotate around
0 0 ⌽ lb power output shaft. Simultaneously, the counter-moment of cam-
disc acting on piston assembles drives cylinder, cylinder-body,
According to Eq. 共23兲, the boundary displacement 兵 Q j 其 a and outer shaft, and the front propeller to rotate in the opposite direc-
兵 Q j 其 b between substructure a, b and flexible substructure e1 are tion. The output moment M i of inner shaft is equal to the output
given as follows moment M 0 of outer shaft in magnitude. However, they are in
opposite direction. Gear 3 fixed on cylinder-body 15 drives fuel
兵 Q j 其 a ⫽ 关 ⌽ j 兴 la 兵 P 其 la
(25) pump, cooling water pump, and generator. Besides the reciprocal
兵 Q j 其 b ⫽ 关 ⌽ j 兴 lb 兵 P 其 lb movement, the piston assembles rotate around axis of engine’s
where, b ⌽ j c la and b ⌽ j c lb are composed of the rows corresponding output shaft together with the cylinder. This makes torsional vi-
to the boundary in 关 ⌽ 兴 la and 关 ⌽ 兴 lb . The coordinative boundary bration analysis of cam-type engine too difficult to be performed
conditions of substructures a, e1 , b are given by by conventional methods.
As the number of peak on cam-disc profile m⭓2 and the num-
兵 Q 其 e ⫽ 兵兵 Q j 其 Ta , 兵 Q j 其 Tb 其 T (26) ber of cylinder Z⭓(2m⫹1), the cam-type engine will be self-
and the coupling transformation relationship is balanced because the unbalanced inertial force and moment are
equal to zero. For the example under consideration, the output
兵 P其⫽关 T2兴兵q其
冋 册
(27) torsional moment curve of the engine with m⫽2, Z⫽5 is shown
in Fig. 4. It is seen that there are 5 similar waveforms on the
I 0 curve, each of which could be attributed to one piston. The exci-
⌽ jla 0 tation of torsional moment is related to rotation speed of inner
where 兵 q 其 ⫽ 兵兵 P 其 la
, 兵 P 其 lb
其 ; 关 T2兴⫽
0 ⌽ jlb
0 I
By substituting Eq. 共27兲 into 共24兲, the transformation relationship
of modal synthesis is derived
兵 Q 其 ⫽ 关 T 1 兴关 T 2 兴 兵 q 其 ⫽ 关 T 兴 兵 q 其 (28)
To assemble substructures a, e1 , b together in form, the following
is given.
关 M * 兴 兵 Q̈ 其 ⫹ 关 K * 兴 兵 Q 其 ⫽ 兵 F * 其 (29)
关 M * 兴 ⫽diag关关 M 兴 a , 关 M 兴 e , 关 M 兴 b 兴 ,
关 K * 兴 ⫽diag关关 K 兴 a , 关 K 兴 e , 关 K 兴 b 兴 ,
Fig. 3 Structure of cam-type engine shafting system
兵 F * 其 ⫽ 兵兵 F 其 Ta , 兵 F 其 Te , 兵 F 其 Tb 其 T
关 M 兴 i , 关 K 兴 i , 兵 F 其 i 共 i⫽a,b 兲 can be obtained from equation 共 22 兲 .
Substituting Eq. 共28兲 into 共29兲 and multiplying the left side by
关 T 兴 T , the following is obtained.
关 M̄ 兴 兵 q̈ 其 ⫹ 关 K̄ 兴 兵 q 其 ⫽ 兵 F̄ 其 (30)
关 M̄ 兴 ⫽ 关 T 兴 T 关 M * 兴关 T 兴 , 关 K̄ 兴 ⫽ 关 T 兴 T 关 K * 兴关 T 兴
and Fig. 4 The picture of output moment of torsion
Table 1 The natural frequencies of modal synthesis according to substructures involved „Hz…
Substructure 1 2 3 4 5 6
Substructure c 404.825 5431.014 6296.115 10298.600 12164.090 14839.410
Substructure a 370.310 1220.826 6124.352 6675.603 10898.827 12194.780
Substructure b 400.180 3577.616 5139.323 5981.029 6835.063 9408.980
whole system 198.010 371.843 453.629 1220.560 3576.992 5137.702
Table 2 Natural frequency and error with selected different number of modes retained „Hz…
shafts run in opposite directions. Results for the tests are shown in 5 Conclusion
Fig. 7. It is seen that the component of 34.75 Hz is predominant in
A modal synthesis method is proposed to analyze the torsional
Fig. 7, which is corresponding to the rotating speed of engine
vibration of multi-branched shafting system where rigid coupling
outer shaft where signal gear is fixed on. Many frequencies cor-
and flexible connection exist. When the proposed approach is de-
responding to the higher-frequency peaks are the integral times of
veloped, a new concept of connecting substructure, namely flex-
34.75 Hz. This is caused by the excitation of unbalanced moment
ible substructure, is presented. It is used to tackle the elastic-
on outer shaft. Another predominant peak is at about 710 Hz,
coupling part of multi-branched shafting system. The other parts
which is in accordance with the fundamental excitation frequency
of the system are partitioned into some substructures that are ana-
of torsional vibration mentioned above. It is caused by the pulsat-
lyzed by FEM. The lower-frequency normal modes of substruc-
ing output moment of torsion 共pulsation frequency is f
tures are retained while the higher-frequency normal modes are
⫽711.67 Hz). The reason for the phenomenon is that each cylin-
neglected. The lower-frequency normal modes are regarded as the
der’s work of cam-type engine is uneven and that the moment of
assumed modes of Rayleigh-Ritz analysis of whole structure. The
torsion amplitude acted on cam-disc is different.
proposed approach is used to analyze the torsional vibration of
cam-type engine shafting system. We can draw the following
Table 3 Natural Frequencies of shafting system „Hz…
1. The concept of flexible substructure and the improved modal
1 2 synthesis method presented in this paper are of value for torsional
vibration analysis of complicated system where uncoordinated
Calculation 198.010 371.843 boundary conditions exist.
Experiment 195.3 369.6
Error 共%兲 1.39 0.61 2. For the shafting system of cam-type engine, its fundamental
excitation frequency of torsional vibration 710 Hz is just in-
between the 3rd natural frequency 453.629 Hz and 4th natural
frequency 1220.56 Hz. Furthermore, the dominant excitation fre-
quencies of the cam-type engine are not coincided with natural
frequencies of the shafting system so that there is no resonance
induced. In consequence, torsion vibration of the cam-type shaft-
ing system is not harmful during its normal operation.
3. The cam-type engine shafting system that contains inner and
outer shaft assembles should be considered as a whole system as
the natural frequency decreases with the increasing of the number
of substructures involved in modal synthesis. Using the proposed
method, the inner and outer shaft assembles are analyzed simul-
taneously and the torsional vibration of the whole system is
4. The numerical results of natural frequencies are in good
agreement with the experimental results. The reasonable accuracy
of natural frequency can be reached by considering less number of
lower-frequency modes in modal synthesis calculation.
关1兴 Den Hartog, J. P., and Li, J. P., 1964, ‘‘Forced Torsional Vibration with Damp-
ing: An Extension of Holzer’s Method,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 31, pp. 276 –
关2兴 Pestel, E. C., and Leckie, F. A., 1963, Matrix Method in Elasto Mechanics,
McGraw-Hill, New York.
关3兴 Sankar, S., 1979, ‘‘On The Torsional Vibration of Branches System Using
Extended Transfer Matrix Method,’’ ASME J. Eng. Ind., Series B, 101, pp.
546 –553.
关4兴 Dawson, B., and Davies, M., 1974, ‘‘An Improved Transfer Matrix Proce-
dure,’’ Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 8, pp. 111–117.
Fig. 7 The frequency spectrum of torsional vibration 关5兴 Huang, Y. M., and Horng, C. D., 1999, ‘‘Analysis of Torsional Vibration Sys-
1 Introduction the same vertical plane with OXZ and O 1 X 2 Z 2 , and the aircraft
In the previous literatures on rotor dynamics, the supports of moves only in the vertical plane. A Jeffcott rotor model is used.
the rotor are assumed to be static and in the same horizontal or The displacements of the disk center are all measured in a body-
vertical direction 关1–2兴. This is not practical for rotors located in fixed and rotating O 1 reference frame, where and are in
aircraft because the aircraft operates under various conditions dur- the principal directions of the cross-section of the shaft and
ing maneuvering. Many researchers are focused on studies of only coincides with the Y 1 axis, as shown in Fig. 2. The flexibility of
the maneuvering flight of aircraft 关3–7兴, but there is no literature the rotor is r. The temporary position of the disk center is O 3 . The
analyzed the dynamics of a rotor running in an operating aircraft. position of the mass center of the disk is C. The angle between the
This paper attempts to determine the dynamic characteristics of a axes O 1 and O 1 Y 1 is . The coordinate O 1 rotates with
rotor and to simulate, more realistically, the response of such a
respect to O 1 (O 1 Z 1 ) with an angular speed ˙ . It is noted that e 0
rotor in a maneuvering aircraft.
is a reference eccentricity, m is the equivalent mass of the heavy
2 Equations of Motion disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elastic shaft, e is the
eccentricity of the disk, is the angle between the orientation of
In Fig. 1, OXYZ is a space-fixed and stationary coordinate sys-
tem, and O 1 X 2 Y 2 Z 2 is an aircraft-carried coordinate system par- the eccentricity and the 1 axis, k is the stiffness coefficient of the
allel to OXYZ. It is supposed that the pitching angle and the flight shaft, and c is the external viscous damping coefficient of the shaft
path inclination of the aircraft are equal and defined as ␣, i.e., the and disk.
axis of the rotor shaft O 1 Z 1 is in the same direction as the longi- The dimensionless differential equations of motion of the rotor
tudinal axis of the fuselage. It is also assumed that O 1 X 1 Z 1 is in system can be written as follows:
冋 册 冉 冊
2 1 1 2 1
⬙d ⫹  ⬙ 共 d ⫹U cos 兲 ⫹ ⬘d ⫹ 2 ⫺  ⬘ 2 ⫺ ␣ ⬘ 2 共 1⫹cos 2  兲 d ⫹2  ⬘ ⬘d ⫹  ⬘ ⫺ ␣ ⬘ 2 sin 2  d ⫺U  ⬘ 2 sin
⍀ ⍀ ⍀
冋 册 冋 册
2 2
Ge 2
⫹ 2 cos ␣ ⫺U ␣ ⬘ sin共  ⫹ 兲 cos ⫹
共 x ⬘ cos ␣ ⫺z ⬘d sin ␣ 兲 ⫹x ⬙d cos ␣ ⫺z ⬙d sin ␣ cos ⫽0
⍀ ⍀ d
⍀ 冋 1
d⬙ ⫺  ⬙ 共 d ⫹U sin 兲 ⫹ d⬘ ⫹ 2 ⫺  ⬘ 2 ⫺ ␣ ⬘ 2 共 1⫺cos 2  兲 d ⫺2  ⬘ d⬘ ⫺ 冉
 ⬘ ⫹ ␣ ⬘ 2 sin 2  d ⫺U  ⬘ 2 cos
冋 册 冋 册
2 2
Ge 2
⫹ cos ␣ ⫺U ␣ ⬘ 2 sin共  ⫹ 兲 sin ⫹ 共 x ⬘ cos ␣ ⫺z ⬘d sin ␣ 兲 ⫹x ⬙d cos ␣ ⫺z ⬙d sin ␣ sin ⫽0
⍀2 ⍀ d
d ⫽ /e o , d ⫽ /e o , c ⫽ 冑k/m, ⫽c/2m c , ⍀⫽ / c ,
G e ⫽g/ 2c e o , U⫽e/e o , x d ⫽x/e o , z d ⫽z/e o . is the dimension-
tg ␣ ⫽
dx dx dz
⫽ •
dz dt dt 冉 冊 ⫺1
ẋ x ⬘ x d⬘
⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ,
ż z ⬘ z ⬘d
324 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 3 Influence of accelerating abruptly in vertical direction
„constant horizontal velocity component… „ U Ä1, G e Ä1, ⍀
Fig. 1 Sketch of the rotor system located in an aircraft and the
Ä0.8, z ⬙d Ä0, z ⬘d Ä z ⬘d 0 Ä100, x ⬘d 0 Ä100…
space-fixed stationary coordinates
simplified and then solved. When the rotor rotates at a constant sionalized as the ratio of the actual amplitude of the disk center to
the reference eccentricity e 0 . In each figure, the amplitude is
speed ⍀, then  ⬙ ⫽0 and  ⬘ ⫽⍀ 0 ⫽⍀. If the rotor accelerates at
shown in the form of the natural logarithm with base 2.71828 of
a constant rate of acceleration C a , then  ⬙ ⫽C a ⬎0 and  ⬘
⫽⍀ 0 ⫹C a , where ⍀ 0 is the initial angular speed of the rotor. the dimensionless amplitude r e ⫽ 冑 2d ⫹ 2d /e 0 . The velocity and
the acceleration are assumed to change suddenly at the beginning
of the aircraft’s action. In all cases, ⫽0.08. Data was taken for
3 Numerical Analysis 50 revolutions after the response became stable, following this,
When the aircraft flies at a constant rate of acceleration, the the status of the aircraft changes.
dimensionless x ⬘d0 and z ⬘d0 , x ⬘d and z ⬘d , and x d⬙ and z d⬙ are assumed
to be the initial velocity components, the velocity components, 3.1 Constant Rotor Rotating Speed
and the acceleration components in the directions of the X and the 3.1.1 Influence of the Aircraft Velocity on Rotor Response
Z axes, respectively. Then z d⬘ ⫽z d0 ⬘ ⫹z d⬙ and x d⬘ ⫽x d0
⬘ ⫹x d⬙ . If the The numerical results show that the steady-state amplitudes for
flight path of an aircraft is a sine curve in the vertical plane OXZ different horizontal velocities are the same, which means that
and the horizontal component of the aircraft velocity is constant, changing the horizontal velocity z d⬘ has no influence on the re-
the motion can be written as x d ⫽x d0 ⫹⌫ sin(zd⬘). Thereby the sponse amplitude. When the aircraft climbs at a constant velocity
acceleration components of the aircraft can be obtained. When the and the vertical velocity component is set to different values, the
rotor rotates at a constant speed, the responses at three different amplitude varies with x d⬘ . Larger x d⬘ corresponds to smaller am-
speed ratios (⍀⫽0.8,0.3,1.6) are calculated. When the rotor ro- plitude. When ⍀ changes, the difference between the amplitudes
tates at a constant acceleration, two cases of the initial speed ratio in different vertical velocities changes also. The influence of the
(⍀ 0 ⫽0.8,0.3) are investigated. vertical velocity component of the aircraft when ⍀⫽0.3 is weaker
The numerical responses of some cases are shown from Fig. 3 than when ⍀⫽0.8.
to Fig. 7. In these figures the amplitude refers to the maximum
amplitude of the disk center in every revolution and is nondimen- 3.1.2 Influence of the Aircraft Acceleration on Rotor Response
When ⍀⫽0.8, the amplitude of the disk increases suddenly when
the aircraft accelerates abruptly in the vertical direction but the
horizontal velocity component remains unchanged. The amplitude
decreases with time until reaching a steady value 共Fig. 3兲. The
steady-state amplitude is smaller than the value when x ⬙d ⫽0. The
increasing amount of response amplitude depends on the value of
x d⬙ when the aircraft accelerates in the vertical direction. Larger
values of x d⬙ correspond to larger amplitudes. The difference be-
tween the steady-state amplitudes for different values of x ⬙d is
small. Changing G e hardly affects the steady-state amplitude
when the aircraft is accelerating. However, a larger value of the
parameter U will cause larger steady-state amplitude.
When ⍀ is small, the increase in amplitude is less and the time
needed to reach steady state is shorter.
3.1.3 Rotor Response When Aircraft Flies in a Sine Curve in
the Vertical Plane OXZ. It is supposed that x d ⫽x d0
⫹⌫ sin(z⬘d) and the horizontal velocity of the aircraft is unal-
tered, i.e., z ⬙d ⫽0 and z d⬘ ⫽z ⬘d0 ⫽constant. In this case, z ⬘d denotes
the period of the motion. The maneuvering range in the vertical
direction is reflected by ⌫. The following two cases are calculated.
Fig. 2 The reference frame O 1 and parallel frame O 3 1 1 1 共1兲 ⌫ changes while and z d⬘ are invariant; 共2兲 z ⬘d changes while ⌫
and are unaltered. The response when the aircraft moves only in When ⍀ becomes smaller, the increased amplitude due to the
the horizontal direction and ⌫⫽0 is taken as the basis for com- aircraft’s maneuver is less and the fluctuation is reduced.
parison. The aircraft first flies in a horizontal direction at a con-
stant velocity. When the free vibration vanishes away and the
steady state amplitude is reached, data of 50 revolutions are taken. 3.2 Constant Angular Acceleration of the Rotor
Afterwards, the aircraft maneuvers for several periods. The corre-
3.2.1 Influence of the Aircraft Velocity on Rotor Response
sponding period in dimensionless time is 1200⫻2 .
If the aircraft maneuvers periodically, its velocity and accelera- (  ⬙ ⫽0.00025). If the aircraft is static, the steady state unbal-
tion will also vary periodically. The amplitude response of the ance response of the rotor at constant speed acceleration appears
disk center changes periodically except at the beginning of aircraft to fluctuate rapidly after the critical rotating speed. When x ⬘d ⬎0
action. In Fig. 4共a兲 the amplitude decreases suddenly at the very and is invariable, different z ⬘d lead to obviously different response
beginning of the aircraft maneuver. The vibration response is pe- at the beginning of the rotor acceleration. With the rotor speed
riodic when the second period of aircraft movement begins, and increasing, the difference between responses becomes smaller and
the period is the same as that of sine curve (500⫻2 ). For most then vanishes. A smaller value of amplitude corresponds to a large
part of each period 共almost 80%兲 the amplitude is less than that x ⬘d . When z ⬘d remains constant, the response curves for different
for ⌫⫽0, but for some parts the amplitude is larger than that for x ⬘d are clearly different at the beginning of acceleration. ⍀ 0 ap-
⌫⫽0. The amplitude fluctuates acutely when the aircraft starts to pears to have no effect on the response.
maneuver. Then the fluctuation decreases. The peak amplitude
value for ⌫⫽100000 is almost 50% greater than that for ⌫⫽0, 3.2.2 Influence of the Aircraft Acceleration on Rotor Response
and is almost 26% greater than that for ⌫⫽50000 (G e ⫽0.5, U (  ⬙ ⫽0.00025). For different aircraft accelerations, the re-
⫽0.5). In Fig. 4共b兲, larger values of z d⬘ correspond to smaller sponses of the rotor at low speed range are also different, but the
aircraft maneuvering periods, relatively smaller periods of vibra- responses at high speed range may be almost the same 共Fig. 5共a兲兲
tion response and larger peak values. This indicates that quick or very different 共Fig. 5共b兲兲 depending on the values of z ⬙d0 and
maneuvering of the aircraft will cause the vibration response of z ⬙d . G e has little influence on the response curve, but larger values
the rotor system to change dramatically, although the maneuver of U correspond to larger amplitude. The responses for ⍀ 0 ⫽0.3
range in the vertical plane is unchanged. are like those for ⍀ 0 ⫽0.8.
Fig. 5 Influence of the aircraft acceleration in horizontal and vertical directions on rotor accelerating response „⍀ 0
Ä0.8, x ⬙d Ä0, 10, 50, x ⬘d Ä z ⬘d Ä100, G e Ä1, U Ä1.0… „a… z ⬙d 0 Ä z ⬙d Ä0 „b… z ⬙d 0 Ä z ⬙d Ä100
3.2.3 Rotor Response When Aircraft Flies in a Sine Curve in the rotor running at a constant speed increases suddenly at the
Vertical Plane OXZ (  ⬙ ⫽0.00025). When the aircraft flies in a very beginning of aircraft acceleration and eventually becomes
sine curve and ⍀ 0 ⫽0.8, the rotor response amplitude at the be- stable, except when the aircraft moves and accelerates only in the
ginning of the rotor acceleration decreases and the response curve horizontal direction. When the rotor rotates at a constant accelera-
fluctuates. The response is not influenced by the parameters of the tion, the amplitude fluctuates before the critical speed. Different
sine curve when the rotor speed is near or at the critical speed. aircraft acceleration lead to much different rotor responses when
When the rotor speed is much greater than the critical speed, the the rotor runs at a constant rotating speed or at a constant accel-
response curve is significantly influenced by aircraft maneuvering eration.
and fluctuates slowly 共Fig. 6兲. The fluctuation at the beginning of 2兲 The response of the rotor rotating at a constant speed is
rotor acceleration and after the critical speed is reduced if U in- clearly influenced by the amplitude and the period of the flight
creases or G e decreases. path when the aircraft moves in a sine curve in the vertical plane.
When the initial rotating speed is small (⍀ 0 ⫽0.3), the re- The response curve appears to be periodic except at the beginning
sponses are different for different values of ⌫ 共Fig. 7兲. Before of the aircraft action, the period is the same as that of the sine
reaching the critical speed, the response fluctuates slowly. If ⌫ curve. The gravity parameter affects the response significantly,
⫽0, the response has many peak values equal to the value on the especially the trend of the response curve. The unbalance param-
⌫⫽0 curve, this means that the amplitude of the rotor with con- eter affects only the amplitude value.
stant acceleration is less than that of the rotor with lower rotating 3兲 When the aircraft flies in a sine curve in the vertical plane,
speed and no aircraft maneuver. Aircraft maneuvering has no in- the response of the rotor running at a constant acceleration is
fluence on the response peak amplitude. different from that when the aircraft has no maneuvering, mainly
at the beginning of the acceleration and after the rotor speed
4 Conclusions passes through the critical speed. The response curve is obviously
1兲 The operation of an aircraft affects the dynamics of the rotor influenced by the gravity parameter when the initial speed is low
located in it. When the aircraft maneuvers at a constant accelera- in the case of acceleration.
tion in the vertical and/or horizontal directions, the amplitude of
The support from China ‘‘863’’ Project 共No. 2002AA412410兲
and The Doctor Subjects Research Founding of China University
共No. 20020248053兲 is gratefully acknowledged.
关1兴 Lee, A. C., Kang, Y., Tsai, K. L., and Hsiao, K. M., 1992, ‘‘Transient Analysis
of an Asymmetric Rotor-Bearing System during Acceleration,’’ ASME J. Ind.,
114共4兲, pp. 465– 475.
关2兴 Ganesan, R., and Sankar, T. S., 1993, ‘‘Resonant Oscillations and Stability of
Asymmetric Rotors,’’ Proc. of the 14th Biennial ASME Conference on Me-
chanical Vibration and Noise, ASME DE, 56, pp. 19–22.
关3兴 Spence, A. M., and Cele, R., 1995, ‘‘Coupled Rotor Fuselage Dynamics and
Aero-Elasticity in Turning Flight,’’ J. Am. Helicopter Soc., 40共1兲, pp. 47–58.
关4兴 Cao, Y., 1999, ‘‘Modelling the Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces of a Maneuver-
ing Rotor,’’ Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technol., 71共5兲, pp. 444 – 450.
关5兴 Bagai, A., Leishman, J. G., and Park, J., 1999, ‘‘Aerodynamic Analysis of a
Helicopter in Steady Maneuvering Flight Using a Free-Vortex Rotor Wake
Model,’’ J. Am. Helicopter Soc., 44共2兲, pp. 109–120.
关6兴 Park, J. S., and Leishman, J. G., 1999, ‘‘Investigation of Unsteady Aerody-
namics on Rotor Wake Effects in Maneuvering Flight,’’ Annual Forum
Proceedings-American Helicopter Society, 1, pp. 467– 480.
Fig. 7 Rotor accelerating response when the aircraft flies in a 关7兴 Krothapalli, K. R., Prasad, J. V. R., and Peters, D. A., 2001, ‘‘Helicopter Rotor
sine curve „⍀ 0 Ä0.3… „ U Ä0.5, G e Ä1.5, z ⬘d Ä100, z ⬙d Ä0, Dynamic Inflow Modelling for Maneuvering Flight,’’ J. Am. Helicopter Soc.,
Ä0.00002, ⌫Ä0, 50000, 100000… 46共2兲, pp. 129–139.
Junji Tani
Taekyu Kwon This paper presents an experimental study on the active control of self-excited vibrations
in a rotor-bearing system supported on a pair of externally pressurized thrust bearings in
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, the axial direction and on actively controlled journal gas bearings in the radial direction.
Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8577, The active journal gas bearings used are of the tilting-pad type with one traditional
Japan passive pad and two active pads with embedded piezoelectric actuators. Feedback control
systems are constructed with gap sensors for measuring the vibration of the rotor, embed-
ded piezoelectric actuators, and PID controllers. The experimental results show that the
self-excited vibration can be effectively suppressed with the designed feedback control
system, if the gains of the PID controllers are properly tuned. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1576423兴
1 Introduction bearing system using the control force generated by the two active
journal gas bearings. The effectiveness of the active pads was
Since gas bearings use gas as a lubricant, they can work in a
confirmed by experimental results.
wide range of temperatures and have been widely used in turbo
compressors and expanders of helium liquefiers 关1,2,3兴. One of
the main problems with gas bearings is their intrinsic fluid-related 2 Configuration and Vibration Characteristics of the
hydrodynamic instability as the rotor exceeds twice the natural Rotor-Bearing System
frequency of the rotor rigid body mode. The instability is due to
the interaction between the journal and the gas used as the lubri- Figure 1 shows the configuration of the rotor-bearing system,
cant. The stability of the gas bearings has been greatly improved originally designed for use in a high-expansion-ratio turbo ex-
with better designs such as spiral grooves, tilting pads and elastic pander of a helium liquefier, shown in Fig. 2. The rotor consists of
foils. In these cases, rotors supported by gas bearings can reach a shaft, a turbine impeller at one end of the shaft for the genera-
very high rotational speeds 关1,4兴. However, self-excited vibrations tion of the driving moment, and a blower impeller for braking at
in rotor systems supported by gas bearings have always been an the other end. The rotor of the expander is supported by two
important issue, and a further enhancement in stability is required tilting-pad journal gas bearings in the radial direction and a pair of
in practical applications. externally pressurized thrust gas bearings in the axial direction.
In some cases, a modification of the configuration or some pa- The rotor can reach a maximum speed of 35,000 rpm at a driving
rameters of the design can prevent gas bearings from undergoing air pressure of 0.5 MPa on the turbine impeller.
self-excited vibration 关5,6兴. For example, Ihara 关6兴 designed a The rotor is installed vertically and its weight is supported by
movable pivot with an integrated spring, which can adjust the the thrust bearings. Since the load in the radial direction is very
pressing force between the pad and the journal, to increase the small, tilting-pad journal gas bearings are used. The total length of
damping effect of the bearing system. The new pivot had the the rotor is 181.35 mm and the two tilting bearings are located at
ability to suppress the self-excitation of the rotor system, but the 23.54 mm above and 26.46 mm below the center of mass of the
friction between the pads and shaft also prevented the shaft from rotor, as shown in Fig. 2共a兲. The cross-sectional view of the
starting rotation when the torque was too small. tilting-pad journal gas bearing used in the rotor-bearing system is
Recently, the active control of the self-excited vibration in gas shown in Fig. 2共b兲 and Fig. 3. There are three tilting pads in each
bearings has begun to attract attention, due to the increasing de- bearing. The width of a pad is 15.4 mm and its spanning angle 
mands for high rotation speed and stability 关7–11兴. Recent ad- is 110 deg. The nominal clearance C r is 20 m and the preload of
vances in sensor and actuator technology and electronics have the pads is 0.5. The parameters of the rotor-bearing system are
also made the active control of gas bearings possible. Many stud- summarized in Table 1. The dynamic characteristics of the tilting-
ies on the active control of externally pressurized bearings have pad gas bearings are discussed in 关4兴.
also been reported, but no research has been reported on the active The externally-pressurized thrust bearing was used to support
control of tilting-pad journal gas bearings, probably due to their the high thrust load resulting from the impeller. The thrust bear-
complicated configuration and vibration mechanism. ings are a pair of the inherently compensated annular bearings
In this study, an active pad, supported by a pivot with an em- shown in Fig. 4. Their outer and inner diameters are 32 mm and
bedded piezoelectric actuator, is proposed for active tilting-pad 16.4 mm, respectively. There are 18 nozzles uniformly distributed
journal gas bearings and used in the active control of the self- in a circle of r a ⫽22.4 mm in each thrust bearing. The diameters
excited vibration of a rotor-bearing system. The rotor is supported of the upper and lower bearings are 0.3 mm and 0.6 mm, respec-
on a pair of externally-pressurized thrust bearings 共EPTB兲 in the tively. The parameters of the thrust gas bearings are summarized
axial direction, and on active journal gas bearings in the radial in Table 2. The design and dynamic characteristics of the
direction. The radial position of the active pads in the journal externally-pressurized thrust bearings are discussed in 关1兴.
bearing can be actively adjusted by applying a voltage to the The vibration of the rotor is measured using eddy-current gap
embedded piezoelectric actuators. Experiments were performed sensors with a sensitivity of 0.5 m. The four gap sensors are
on the active control of the self-excited vibration in the rotor- divided into two groups and fixed at two planes at 10.84 mm
above and 14.16 mm below the center of mass of the rotor. The
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
two gap sensors in the same plane are mounted 90 deg apart and
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received March 2002; measure the lateral displacement of the shaft in that plain, as
Revised March 2003. Associate Editor: G. Flowers. shown in Fig. 3. The positions of the sensors are labeled as LR,
328 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 Configuration of the rotor-bearing system
LL, UR and UL. The LR and LL sensors are installed in the lower rotor is supported by the pressure of the gas films in the radial
plane and the UR and UL sensors are installed in upper plane. direction. The pressure distribution of the gas film, and therefore
Moreover, the LL and UL sensors measure the displacement of the the resultant force due to pressure, are dependent upon the clear-
shaft in the y direction, and the LR and UR sensors measure the ance distribution between the shaft and pads. The resultant force
displacement in the x direction of the right-handed coordinate sys- can be actively controlled by changing the radial position of the
tems shown in Figs. 1 and 3. pivot. Therefore, the vibration of the shaft can be actively sup-
The characteristics of the rotor vibration are measured using the pressed when an appropriate voltage is applied to the piezoelectric
following procedure. Firstly, a 40 V DC voltage is applied to all actuators.
four piezoelectric actuators as a bias voltage in the vibration con- In order to investigate the static characteristics of the PZT ac-
trol of the rotor system. Secondly, the thrust bearing is activated tuators in the rotor-bearing system, the bias displacements of the
by supplying pressurized air. Thirdly, the valves of the gas sup- rotor are measured at the four sensors when a DC voltage was
plies for the driving impeller and the braking impeller are turned applied to the UR actuator during operation. The bias displace-
on to start the rotation of the shaft. The rotation speed of the shaft, ments are the DC components of the rotor displacement, that is,
determined by the relative pressure of the air supplied to the driv- the displacements of the whirling center of the rotor. Figure 6
ing impeller and the braking impeller, is raised to 30,000 rpm by shows the results measured at 11,600 rpm. As the voltage in-
increasing the flow rate of the air to the driving impeller and then creased from 0 V to 150 V, the displacements of the shaft mea-
reduced to 0 rpm again by decreasing the flow rate. The vibration sured by the LR and UR gap sensors decreased from 0 m to
of the shaft is measured when the speed of the rotor reduces from ⫺4.3 m, while the displacements of the shaft at the LL and UL
30,000 rpm to 0 rpm. sensors increased from 0 m to 2.2 m at a rotation speed of
Figure 5 shows the waterfall plot of the vibration characteristics 11,600 rpm. This means that, due to the static displacement gen-
in the y direction measured by the LL sensor. It can be seen that erated by the PZT actuator in the UR pad, the rotor moves away
both the synchronous vibration with the frequency equal to the from the LR and UR sensors but closer to the LL and UL sensors.
rotation speed, and the asychronous vibration 共self-excited vibra-
tion兲, are induced in the rotor system. The sychronous vibration 4 Control System and Experimental Setup
reaches the maximum amplitude at 11,600 rpm, which equals the
Figure 7 shows the configuration of the experimental setup of
natural frequency of the first rigid mode of the rotor. The fre-
the rotor system and the feedback control system used. Since it is
quency of the self-excited vibration is about 57 Hz, regarless of
difficult to derive a mathematical model of the dynamical system,
the rotational speed, but its amplitude also reaches the maximum
a PID control method that does not require a mathematical model
value at around 11,600 rpm. The fluid-related instability in both
of the control object is used in this study. It is also assumed that
the journal bearings and the thrust bearings can induce the self-
the interaction between the actuators is negligible and that each
excited vibration. A dynamic coupling between the journal bear-
actuator can be controlled independently. The input-output rela-
ings and the thrust bearings may also occur in the rotor-bearing
tionship of the controller for each actuator is defined by the fol-
system. The objective of this study is to control the self-excited
lowing equation:
vibration of the rotor-bearing system.
In order to control the vibration of the shaft, piezoelectric ac- where Y (s) is the feedback signal 共in volts兲, U(s) is the control
tuators were embedded in two of the three pivots in each bearing, input 共the voltage applied to the actuators in volts兲, and K p , K d
as shown in Fig. 3. The piezoelectric actuators are 5⫻5 and K i are the proportional, derivative and integral gains, respec-
⫻10 mm in size and can generate 6.1 m of displacement at 200 tively. Moreover, T i ⫽K p /K i and T d ⫽K d /K p are the integral and
V input voltage. The piezoelectric actuators, which have a wide derivative constants.
frequency bandwidth and can generate a large force output, are Different gains were selected for different actuators in the ex-
suitable for this kind of application. The positions of the four periment. For the actuator installed in the same direction as the
actuators are also labeled as LR, LL, UR and UL. The LL and UL sensor, the output of the sensor was used directly as the feedback
actuators are embedded in the pivots on the y-z plane and the LR signal Y (s). For the actuators at the LR and UR positions, the
and UR actuators are embedded in the pivots on the plane at 30 feedback signal Y (s) was estimated from the output of the two
degrees clockwise from the x-y plane. sensors at the nearest measuring plane.
When the shaft rotates, a pressurized gas film is formed be- Figure 8 shows a block diagram of the active control system.
tween the shaft and each pad due to the viscosity of the gas. The The analog signals from the sensors are sampled at a frequency of
mal values of 150 and 100, respectively. Since the rotor speed Figure 12 shows the rotor frequency response measured by the
equals the resonant frequency of the rotor-bearing system, the UR sensor when the K p of the actuators at UL and UR was set to
amplitude of the asynchronous vibration increases significantly at 10, and K d was set to 0.2 for Case 共a兲 and 0.01 for Case 共b兲. In
the uncontrolled state. However, the asynchronous vibration is Case 共b兲, the asynchronous vibration of 57 Hz was satisfactorily
almost completely suppressed after control. Despite this, little ef- suppressed, though a low peak remained due to the small propor-
fect could be observed on the synchronous vibration. The other tional gain. However in Case 共a兲, another asynchronous vibration
components of the asynchronous vibration with frequencies of 25 of 67 Hz was significantly excited. Moreover, the gains used in
Hz, 79 Hz and 132 Hz were also suppressed. Case 共b兲 are the same as those in Fig. 9, except that K d decreased
The influence of the feedback gain on the control results was from 0.02 to 0.01. This means that the same gains can yield good
further investigated. Fig. 11 shows the control results when the control performance for a range of rotor speeds. The equivalent
proportional gains of the actuators at UL and UR were set to 200, stiffness and damping coefficients of the closed-loop system cor-
while the rotor speed and the other gains were kept the same as responding to the proportional and differential gains cannot be
those in the former case. The asynchronous vibration at a fre- estimated quantitatively since the mathematical model of the con-
quency of 57 Hz was almost completely suppressed. However, a trol plant is unknown. However, their variation can be observed
second asynchronous vibration of 93 Hz was excited. from the position and shape of the peak corresponding to the
asynchronous vibration in the power spectra shown in Fig. 9–12.
The decrease in the stiffness coefficients moves the peak of the
asynchronous vibration to the left side 共Fig. 9兲, while the peak
becomes sharper as the damping coefficient decreases 共Fig. 10兲.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 335
Fig. 1 Photograph depicting certain mechanical components within a hard
disk drive used for computer data storage
thickness, and one of four different widths depending on the type counterparts in the circuit’s natural state where no reactions are
of electrical signal being carried. Some ␦ ⫽67% of the flex cir- applied through attachment to the arm and electronics block. Fur-
cuit’s b⫽11.15 mm width is associated with the conductors, and ther, the flex circuit’s stresses, particularly in the adhesive layer,
the remaining fraction of space between the conductors remains are known to partially relax with time and temperature. Deforma-
insulated by adhesive. Figure 3共b兲 depicts a second portion of the tion from the initial free shape, through finite motion to equilib-
same flex circuit, and its image is spaced width-wise relative to rium, and ultimately to small amplitude vibration are broken down
Fig. 3共a兲. Three adjacent conductors, slight variation in the adhe- in the following sequence of loading states:
sive thickness, and indentation of the conductor into the lower Initial S( 0 ) The flex circuit is specified to be initially unstressed
substrate are visible features. The cumulative thickness is h⫽h c and straight. Imperfections that are present as a result of the cir-
⫹2(h p ⫹h a )⫽114 m, and the flex circuit has linear density cuit’s production or the drive’s final assembly could be incorpo-
2.38 g/m in the direction along its free length L. rated at this stage by specifying a functional form of curvature
Vibration of the flex circuit depends in part on its equilibrium k ( 0 ) (s), where s苸(0,L) denotes arc length, but such effects are
curvature and internal loads, which are distinguished from their not considered at this first level of approximation.
Set S( 1 ) Referring to Fig. 2, the flex circuit is bent from S ( 0 ) and
attached to the arm and electronics block. Elements within it are
subjected to tension T(s), shear force N(s), and bending moment
M (s). During the process to S ( 1 ) , the circuit undergoes finite
the disk’s ID and OD. In the baseline parameters of Table 1, the bedded. The circuit’s bending stiffness is given by
value p⫽0.55 was determined by experience in thermally cycling
several disk drives and examining the circuits when they were cut
and released from the arm and electronics block. The flex circuits
12 c c
E h 3 ␦ b⫹ E a h 3c 共 1⫺ ␦ 兲 b⫹2E a
冉 1
bh 3 ⫹ bh 共 h
12 a 4 a c
were photographed, and their natural shapes were compared to
those predicted by the equilibrium model described below at vari-
ous levels of springback. Parameter p was then adjusted by cut-
冊 冉
⫹h a 兲 2 ⫹2E p
bh 3p ⫹ bh p 共 h c ⫹h p ⫹2h a 兲 2
4 冊 (4)
and-try until the predicted and measured natural shapes were where values for the elastic constants of the conductor E c , poly-
agreeably close. imide E p , and adhesive E a are listed in Table 1. While Eq. 共4兲 is
Equilibrium S( 3 ) From the natural configuration S ( 2 ) , the flex specific to the cross-sectional construction of Fig. 3, the treatment
circuit is imagined to be re-attached to the arm and electronics can be adapted for other geometries.
block. With no external torque M o about the pivot point being On the basis of measured layer thicknesses and published elas-
applied by the voice coil, the arm rotates to equilibrium in re- tic constants 关2兴 in Table 1, the circuit’s composite bending stiff-
sponse to the combined influence of the tension, shear force, and ness is EI⫽4.78⫻10⫺6 N•m2 . The conductor layer contributes
bending moment at s⫽0. At this stage, the arm’s equilibrium 26% to the stiffness, the polyimide layer 71%, and the adhesive
angle and the circuit’s curvature are denoted by ␣ and k layer only 3%. This value of EI was validated by both static bend-
* *
⫽k ( 3 ) , respectively. ing and natural frequency measurements conducted with a circuit
Deformed S( 4 ) In this loading stage, the flex circuit is elastically segment that was embedded as a cantilever in an epoxy casting. In
deformed about equilibrium, corresponding to static slew at a cer- the static test, the segment was mounted on a micrometer transla-
tain angle, to small amplitude vibration of the flex circuit about tion stage, and under specified displacement, the force applied to
equilibrium, or to finite amplitude vibration. The tension, shear it’s tip was measured. The signal from a planar beam sensor 共Fu-
force, and bending moment are each incremented relative to their tek FR-1020兲 was conditioned and amplified to provide a cali-
equilibrium values. Motion of the flex circuit is resolved into the brated and linear force response for loads up to 295 mN. The
stiffness recorded on this basis was 4.60⫻10⫺6 N•m2 . In the sec- EA⫽E c h c b ␦ ⫹2E a h a b⫹E a h c b 共 1⫺ ␦ 兲 ⫹2E p h p b (6)
ond validation test, the value 4.91⫻10⫺6 N•m2 was determined the peak bending strain h c 兩 k ⫺k 兩 /2 within the conductor layer
by measuring the segment’s two lowest natural frequencies and *
is 0.12%. For other free lengths, arm positions, or endpoint loca-
matching them to the values expected for a cantilever. In the cal- tions, local yielding could occur within the ductile conductor.
culations described below, the stiffness value determined from Eq. As the arm slews about equilibrium, the flex circuit bends fur-
共4兲 was used.
The circuit’s equilibrium curvature is determined by integrating ther to S ( 4 ) as shown in Fig. 6. The voice coil applies the static
Eqs. 共3兲, and its shape is found subsequently from the kinematic bias torque
relations M o ⫽T 共 0 兲 r sin共  ⫺ ␥ 兲 ⫹N 共 0 兲 r cos共  ⫺ ␥ 兲 ⫹M 共 0 兲 (7)
x ⬘ ⫽cos , y ⬘ ⫽sin , ⬘ ⫽k 共 s 兲 (5) which increases in Fig. 7 from zero at equilibrium to the maxi-
subject to position and slope conditions at s⫽0 and L. While mum value 0.35 N•mm at the disk’s ID. Multiple measurements
some rotation between the circuit and arm does occur locally at of the torque were made for one disk drive at four different slew
s⫽0, that effect is neglected in this first approximation, recogniz- angles, and those results are also shown in Fig. 7. The indicated
ing that the resulting model may overestimate the circuit’s actual variation of M o is representative of such measurements and cap-
boundary stiffness. tures hysteresis in the circuit, and friction in the pivot bearing and
Solutions to Eqs. 共3兲 and 共5兲 are found through a shooting
method in which the boundary value problem in x, y, and is
converted to an initial value problem, and then solved iteratively.
Estimates for 共initially unknown兲 N(0), T(0), and k(0) are as-
signed, and the system of differential equations is integrated nu-
merically. The values x(L), y(L), and (L) which result from
that calculation do not, in general, satisfy the endpoint constraints.
In iteration, N(0), T(0), and k(0) are then adjusted through a
nonlinear minimization scheme until each kinematic condition is
satisfied within desired tolerance.
On the basis of the parameters in Table 1, Fig. 4 depicts simu-
lated and measured shapes of the flex circuit in its natural (S ( 2 ) )
and equilibrium (S ( 3 ) ) states. The data points shown in the figure
represent coordinate locations as extracted from photographs of
the circuit in the two configurations. Curvature in the natural state
was set with the arm held at the disk’s OD and the springback
constant being p⫽0.55. At the equilibrium angle ␣ ⫽26.4 deg,
the tension, shear force, and bending moment applied by the flex
circuit to the arm produce no resultant torque about the pivot
bearing. Their variations in response to first-order changes in ␣,
however, are captured by stiffness 10.2 mN•mm/deg.
The equilibrium tension and shear force distributions along the
circuit are shown in Fig. 5. The circuit is compressed over its Fig. 6 Variation of the flex circuit’s static shape for arm posi-
entire length with the minimum, mean, and maximum loading tions which range between the disk’s outer and inner diam-
values for T being ⫺55, ⫺33, and ⫺14 mN, respectively. The eters. For each arm position, the locations of the circuit’s end-
zero crossing in shear occurs at a distance approximately 64% points are denoted by „䊊….
supports. The trend in Fig. 7 is agreeably linear over the operating T⫽T ⫹ ⑀ T 1 ⫹¯ (9)
range, although the circuit’s stiffness dM o /d ␣ does decrease in *
the disk’s mid-diameter range, and grow again for slew angles k⫽k ⫹ ⑀ k 1 ⫹¯ (10)
near the ID. about their equilibrium values, denoted by (䊉) . Here ⑀ Ⰶ1 is a
Figure 8 depicts the manner in which the flex circuit’s equilib- *
dimensionless scaling parameter used in the linearization, and the
rium shape changes as a function of its free length. Results are first-order corrections are written 关3,4兴
shown for simulations in which L varies between 70% and 130%
of its nominal value. With the other parameters of Table 1 remain- N 1 ⫽⫺EI 共 v ,ss ⫹ 共 k u 兲 ,s 兲 ,s (11)
ing fixed, the corresponding changes to the arm’s equilibrium
angle and the circuit’s static stiffness are listed in Table 2. T 1 ⫽EA 共 u ,s ⫺k v 兲 (12)
k 1 ⫽ 共 v ,s ⫹ 共 k u 兲兲 ,s (13)
4 Natural Frequencies, Vibration Modes, and Cou- in terms of the circuit’s tangential and normal displacements. Here
pling the comma-subscript notation signifies partial differentiation. The
For small amplitude vibration in S ( 4 ) , the shear, tension, and equations of motion become
curvature are expanded Au ,tt ⫺T 1,s ⫹N k 1 ⫹k N 1 ⫽0 (14)
* *
N⫽N ⫹ ⑀ N 1 ⫹¯ (8) A v ,tt ⫺N 1,s ⫺T k 1 ⫺k T 1 ⫽0 (15)
* * *
where A is the circuit’s mass-per-unit-length.
Vibration of the flex circuit and arm couple through
m 2 ␣¨ 1 ⫽T 1 共 0,t 兲 r sin共  ⫺ ␥ 兲 ⫹N 1 共 0,t 兲 r cos共  ⫺ ␥ 兲 ⫹M 1 共 0,t 兲
where m is the arm’s mass, is it’s radius of gyration about the
pivot bearing, and ␣ 1 is the first-order rotation about ␣ . The
time-dependent incremental loads in Eq. 共16兲 are evaluated at the
circuit’s connection point to the arm. Although not considered
here, the effects of the voice coil’s driving torque and damping in
Equilibrium Stiffness
Length ratio Length 共mm兲 angle 共deg兲 共mN•mm/deg兲
70% 21.7 41.3 63.6
80% 24.8 33.0 40.0
90% 27.9 28.4 20.2
100% 31.0 26.4 10.2
110% 34.1 29.3 5.6
Fig. 8 Flex circuit equilibrium shapes predicted for free 120% 37.2 36.9 5.0
length’s which range between 70% and 130% of the nominal 130% 40.3 44.2 5.8
value in Table 1
u 共 0 兲 ⫽r sin共  ⫹ ␥ 兲 ␣ 1 (17) where ē is the average longitudinal strain. By embedding Eq. 共19兲
into Eqs. 共11兲–共13兲 and Eq. 共15兲, the working form of the trans-
v共 0 兲 ⫽r cos共  ⫹ ␥ 兲 ␣ 1 , (18) verse equation of motion involves only the dependent variables v
and ␣ 1 , and it is applied to characterize the lower modes.
and the conditions u⫽0, v ⫽0, and v ,s ⫹k u⫽0 at s⫽L.
* The vibration model is discretized in terms of ␣ 1 and nodal
The flex circuit is substantially stiffer for displacements in u
values for v that are evenly-spaced along the circuit’s length, and
than v , and the ratio of longitudinal to flexural stiffness is mea-
the natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined numeri-
sured by the dimensionless parameter (EAL 2 )/(EI), which is cally. Figure 9 depicts the lowest six modes on the basis of the
O(106 ) for the problem at hand. On the time scales of the lower parameters listed in Table 1. Each element of the figure is anno-
transverse modes, tension variations propagate almost instanta- tated to indicate the mode’s natural frequency and the displace-
neously, and the explicit appearance of u in the equations of mo- ment ratio
tion can be suppressed by approximating T 1 as a function of time
alone. After integrating Eq. 共12兲 in this manner, the longitudinal R 兩 ␣ 1兩
displacement field is approximately 关5兴 ⫽ , (20)
max共 冑u 2 ⫹ v 2 兲
which measures the relative motions of the read/write head and
flex circuit. At only some three Hertz, the fundamental mode is
dominated by motion in ␣ 1 and set primarily by the arm’s inertia
and the circuit’s static stiffness. Because of its low frequency, this
mode’s dynamics generally do not contribute tracking errors to the
extent that the modes at 374 Hz, 837 Hz, 1.39 kHz, and higher
frequencies do.
Fig. 14 Dependence of the natural frequencies in modes two through six on the flex
circuit’s free length
with the flex circuit responding nearly statically, and for that study in free length is discussed with a view toward exploring the
mode increases gradually within the range 357– 412%. In the mechanism’s design space and reducing arm-circuit coupling in
共even兲 modes two, four, and six, is relatively insensitive to certain vibration modes. Parameter and optimization studies with
design changes in L. On the other hand, has a zero crossing for respect to the model’s other degrees of freedom, and the implica-
the 共odd兲 modes three and five at nearly the same free length (L tions of flex circuit vibration for control system design, are sub-
⬇26 mm) which corresponds to some 83% of the baseline value. jects of current investigation.
At that design point, the natural frequencies have increased rela-
tive to their values at L⫽31 mm in Fig. 14, and the static stiffness
has likewise grown in Table 2. However, the modal displacement Acknowledgment
ratios can be reduced significantly or precisely driven to zero in This work was supported by a grant from IBM Corporation.
modes three and five. That trade-off may be desirable in certain The author appreciates the assistance of Matthew Brake in con-
applications. In short, the equilibrium and vibration model can be ducting the static stiffness and natural frequency measurements.
used to advantage for optimizing flex circuit designs with respect Kapton® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours
to their vibration and load transmission performance. and Company.
5 Summary
The primary degrees of freedom for optimizing the design of References
flex circuits are the thickness of the layers within the circuit, its 关1兴 Love, A. E. H., 1944, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity,
Fourth Edition, Dover Publications, New York.
free length, and the locations and angles of the attachment points 关2兴 Anonymous, 1996, General Specifications, Bulletin GS-96-7, DuPont Films,
at the arm and electronics block. Those parameters can be selected E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
with respect to three criteria: 共i兲 the static bias torque applied by 关3兴 Perkins, N. C., 1990, ‘‘Planar Vibration of an Elastica Arch: Theory and Ex-
the voice coil to position the arm at a certain location on the disk; periment,’’ ASME J. Vibr. Acoust., 112, pp. 374 –379.
关4兴 Brush, D. O., and Almroth, B. O., 1975, Buckling of Bars, Plates, and Shells,
共ii兲 the circuit’s natural frequencies relative to the control system’s McGraw-Hill, New York.
bandwidth; and 共iii兲 the extent of vibration coupling between the 关5兴 Wickert, J. A., 1992, ‘‘Non-linear Vibration of a Traveling Tensioned Beam,’’
flex circuit and the arm in certain vibration modes. The parameter Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 27, pp. 503–517.
冉 冊 冉 冊
able during control operations.
n 2 n
The studies of traveling-wave control include Vaughan 关1兴, Von
Flotow 关2,3兴, Millar 关4兴, Mace 关5兴, Fujii 关6兴, Tanaka 关7兴 and Ut- T k ⫽m k ẏ 0 ⫹ 兺
l j ˙ j /2⫹I k ˙ 2k /2⫹m k ẏ 0 ⫹ 兺
l j ˙ j ˙ k h k
sumi 关8兴. These studies of traveling-wave control of elastic beams
or strings have used the theoretical solution expressed in the form
of traveling wave and derived the nonreflecting condition of
waves at the control point. On the other hand, O’Connor 关9兴
U k ⫽⫺m k g h k 共 1⫺ 2k /2兲 ⫹ 兺
l j 共 1⫺ 2j /2兲 冎
treated a mass-and-spring system and presented a method of the where k is the angle of the k-th pendulum numbered from the
wave-absorption in a discrete vibration system. In these studies, free end and assumed to be so small that the terms having powers
few attempts have been made to apply the wave control strategy higher than second of k are negligible, h k is the distance between
to practical vibrating systems to show the above-mentioned ad- the center of gravity of the k-th pendulum and the axis of the k-th
vantages of traveling-wave control. connecting pin, I k is the moment of inertia of the k-th pendulum
In the previous paper 关10兴, we presented a new practical wave about the axis of the k-th connecting pin, m k is the mass of k-th
control strategy that is easy to build in a control computer with pendulum, l k is the distance between the axes of the kth and (k
on-line calculation of the imaginary wave-propagating system. We ⫺1)-th connecting pins, and y 0 is the position of the support of
applied the presented method to the vibration suppression of a the pendulum system. The Lagrangian L⫽ 兺 k⫽1 n
(T k ⫺U k ) gives
multiple-pendulum system and showed the effectiveness of the the equations of motion of k-th pendulum as
冉 冊 兺冉 兺 冊 冉兺
method experimentally. There, vibration control by controlling the
k⫺1 k⫺1 j⫺1 k⫺1
support movement was addressed and no support movement for
traveling toward a given target position was considered.
In the present paper, the wave control method presented in the
I k ⫹l 2k 兺
m i ¨ k ⫹l k
m i ⫹h j m j ¨ j ⫹ l k
冊兺 冉兺 冊
previous paper is expanded to consider the combination of travel- n k⫺1
ing control and vibration control. In this case, the control system ⫹h k m k 共 l i ¨ i 兲 ⫹g l k m i ⫹h k m k k ⫽0 (1)
has to achieve a system displacement to a desired target position i⫽k⫹1 i⫽1
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 343
3 Control Strategy
The concept of our vibration control is to connect the system
whose vibration should be suppressed to a virtually infinite system
that can absorb vibration energy endlessly. In the previous paper,
we have presented a control strategy in which the real pendulum
system is suspended by the imaginary energy-absorbing multiple-
pendulum system whose dynamics is simulated by on-line com-
putation. Since we have to use a finite-DOF energy absorbing
system in practice, we introduced initialization methods for the
energy absorbing system. At the time of initialization, the deflec-
tions and velocities of all the imaginary pendulums other than the
lowest are set to zero, and the deflection and velocity of the lowest
are set to fit the present position and velocity of the support of the
real system.
In this paper, we treat vibration control of a suspended system
that accepts a traveling command. The traveling command is
given in term of the acceleration of the suspended system ÿ c as a
function of time. Two types of imaginary multiple-pendulum sys-
tem are possible as shown in Fig. 2. One is the nontraveling
Fig. 1 Traveling multiple-pendulum system and wire-and-load imaginary system 共NTIS, Fig. 2共a兲兲 and the other the traveling
system imaginary system 共TIS, Fig. 2共b兲兲. The NTIS does not accept the
traveling command ÿ c and thus its algorithm is the same as that of
the vibration control of the non-traveling system treated in the
previous paper. The vibration control calculated using NTIS is
⫺ 兵 q 1 p 1 ⫹J 1 / 共 r 1 m 1 兲 其 ¨ 1 ⫹q 2 p 1 ¨ 2 ⫹g 共 m 1 ⫹r 2 m 2 兲 p 1 共 ⫺ 1 ⫹ 2 兲 added with the traveling command to produce position control of
the support of the real system. The influence of the traveling is
⫽0 actually regarded as a disturbance appearing on the uppermost
pendulum of the real system. With TIS, on the other hand, the
q k⫺1 p k⫺1 ¨ k⫺1 ⫺ 关 q k p k ⫹ 兵 J k ⫹l k 共 1⫺r k⫺1 兲 m k⫺1 其 p k⫺1 兴 ¨ k support of the imaginary system is moved according to the trav-
再冉兺 冊
eling command ÿ c and the movement is propagated through the
imaginary system down to the real system. For both cases in Fig.
⫹q k⫹1 p k ¨ k⫹1 ⫹g m j ⫹r k⫺1 m k⫺1 p k⫺1 k⫺1 2, the value of x 0 ⫽ 兺 k⫽1
l k k is the distance between the horizon-
tal positions of the support and of the lowest end of the imaginary
⫺ 冉兺k⫺1
m j ⫹r k m k 共 p k ⫹p k⫺1 兲 k ⫹ 冉兺 k
system. The initialization is performed based on this value.
Through numerical simulations we have found the control per-
formance using NTIS is better than that using TIS. It is considered
冊 冎
that the initialization using TIS brings about a larger initial deflec-
tion and velocity to the lowest imaginary pendulum because the
⫹r k⫹1 m k⫹1 p k k⫹1 ⫽0 共 k⫽1,n 兲
acceleration of the imaginary system due to ÿ c produces a larger
(2) value of x 0 . This causes the vibration energy flow back into the
controlled real system. Therefore, we use NTIS in the following
q n⫺1 p n⫺1 ¨ n⫺1 ⫺ 兵 J n ⫹l n 共 1⫺r n⫺1 兲 m n⫺1 其 p n⫺1 ¨ n
冊 冉兺
m j ⫹r n⫺1 m n⫺1 n⫺1 ⫺
⫹r n m n n ⫽⫺ÿ 0
q k ⫽J k ⫺h k m k
From the above equation, we see the term of the support move-
ment appears explicitly only in the equation of the uppermost
2.2 Wire-and-Load System. The wire-and-load system
shown in Fig. 1 has a small rigid pendulum between the support
and the wire, and there is a load at the bottom of the wire. The
wire length is fixed. Assuming the equation of the wire is ex-
pressed by that of a dangling string and applying the finite differ-
ence method to the equation of motion, we obtain a system of
equations similar to that of a multiple simple-pendulum system
共see Appendix兲. In the following numerical simulation, we will
treat the wire-and-load system as a non-homogenous multiple- Fig. 2 N-DOF imaginary system for traveling pendulum sys-
pendulum system consisting of the uppermost rigid pendulum and tem „ ÿ c : traveling command, ẍ 0 : vibration control… „a… Non-
a large-DOF series of simple pendulums, among them the lowest traveling Imaginary System „NTIS…, „b… Traveling Imaginary
having a mass equal to that of the load. System „TIS…
4 Experiment
4.1 Experiments of the Multiple-Pendulum System and
the Wire-and-Load System
Fig. 3 Three types of initializing method for NTIS. „a… PI 4.1.1 Experimental Apparatus. Figure 4 shows a schematic
method: initialization when x 0 Ä0, „b… VI method: initialization diagram of the experimental apparatus. The uppermost pendulum
when ẋ 0 Ä0, „c… VI’ method: initialization when ẋ 0 Ä0 with sup- is connected to and supported by the nut of the ball-screw. The
port shift
ball-screw is driven by a 350W DC servomotor to generate the
horizontal movement of the support of pendulum. The DC servo-
motor is a velocity feedback type with an integrated tacho-
Three types of initializing timing are investigated for NTIS as generator. A rotary encoder is attached to the uppermost pendu-
shown in Fig. 3. The cases 共a兲 and 共b兲 in Fig. 3 are the same as lum.
those used in the previous paper, while 共c兲 in Fig. 3 is a new The multiple-pendulum system is made of three same-size alu-
method presented in this paper. In the case 共a兲, the PI method, minum plates connected serially by pins allowing free rotation.
initialization is made when x 0 ⫽0(⫽ 兺 k⫽1
l k k ), and in the case The width and thickness of each plate are 40 mm and 10 mm,
共b兲, the VI method, initialization is made when ẋ 0 ⫽0. In the case respectively. The distance between the center axes of the connect-
共c兲, the VI’ method, initialization is made when ẋ 0 ⫽0 as in the ing pins of each plate is 300 mm. The adjacent plates can be fixed
case 共b兲 but also has a position shift of the support of imaginary rigidly with braces to form a pendulum system having less than
system. The vibration control performance in this case is better three degrees of freedom.
than in the cases 共a兲 and 共b兲, except that it may cause an error in The wire-and-load system is made up of a rigid pendulum, a
the final support position of the real system. It may be advanta- wire and a load. The length, width and thickness of the rigid
Fig. 8 Experimental results of wire-and-load system for differ- Fig. 10 Experimental result of nontraveling wire-and-load sys-
ent wire length and load weight with VI’ method „Ä1,Ä10…. „a… tem for large amplitude with PI and VI methods „ l Ä0.3 m, w
l Ä0.3 m, w Ä12.3 N „b… l Ä0.9 m, w Ä31.9 N Ä12.3 N, Ä10, Ä10….
We assume the equation of motion of the wire is expressed by
that of a dangling string. By balancing the horizontal component
of forces on an infinitely small element z⬃(z⫹dz), the following
equation is obtained as
Fig. 14 Experimental results of crane system for lowering load
„total weightÄ17.6 N…. „a… No control, „b… Control with PI method
„Ä10, Ä10…, „c… Control with VI’ method „Ä1, Ä10…
冉 冊
2 1 2
⫹ ⫺
z g t2
⫽0 (A1)
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 351
Fig. 1 Amplitudes of displacements and forces at the ends of
a Bernoulli-Euler Beam in free vibration
respectively, the dynamic stiffness matrix takes the following C ⫽cos , S ⫽sin , C h ⫽cosh , S h ⫽sinh (8)
form 共see Appendix for details兲
冋 册冤 冥冋 册
a1 0 0 a2 0 0 ⌬⫽1⫺C C h (9)
F x1 U1
0 d1 d2 0 d4 d5
F y1 V1 2.2 Dynamic Stiffness Formulation for a Two Degree-of-
M1 0 d2 d3 0 ⫺d 5 d6 1 Freedom Spring-Mass System Attached to a Beam. Figure 2
⫽ (1) shows a rigid mass M having a mass moment of inertia I ␣ about
F x2 a2 0 0 a1 0 0 U2
F y2 V2 its centroidal axis and mounted at the ends 共nodes兲 of a Bernoulli-
0 d4 ⫺d 5 0 d1 ⫺d 2 Euler beam by means of two linearly elastic springs of spring
M2 2 constant K S1 and K S2 , respectively. The distances of the center of
0 d5 d6 0 ⫺d 2 d3
gravity 共g兲 of the mass from the location of the springs are D 1 and
or D 2 respectively, as shown.
The governing differential equations of motion for the two
degree-of-freedom spring mass system shown in Fig. 2, undergo-
F⫽K␦ (2)
ing free vibration in translation and rotation, are
where F and ␦ are respectively the force and displacement vectors 2v M
and K is the frequency dependent dynamic stiffness matrix whose M ⫺ f k1 ⫺ f k2 ⫽0 (10)
elements k(i, j) (i⫽1,2 . . . 6; j⫽1,2, . . . 6). are given by a 1 , a 2 t2
and d 1 ⫺d 6 .
In Eq. 共1兲, F x1 , F y1 , M 1 and U 1 , V 1 and 1 are the amplitudes 2␣ M
I␣ ⫹ f k1 D 1 ⫺ f k2 D 2 ⫽0 (11)
of the forces and displacements at end 1 and F x2 , F y2 , M 2 and t2
U 2 , V 2 and 2 are the corresponding amplitudes of the forces and
displacements at end 2, respectively 共see Fig. 1兲. The elements of where v M and ␣ M are the transverse displacement and angular
the dynamic stiffness matrix a 1 , a 2 and d 1 ⫺d 6 are as follows rotation of the rigid mass, t is time, and f k1 and f k2 are the inter-
共see Appendix for details兲. active spring forces between the spring-mass system and the beam
at the two connecting points at nodes 1 and 2 respectively 共see
EA EA Fig. 2兲. These forces are given by
a 1⫽ cot , a 2 ⫽⫺ cos ec (3) f k1 ⫽K S1 共 v 1 ⫺ v M ⫹D 1 ␣ M 兲 (12)
f k2 ⫽K S2 共 v 2 ⫺ v M ⫺D 2 ␣ M 兲 (13)
where v 1 and v 2 are the transverse bending displacements of the
⫽ 冑 m 2L 2
beam at nodes 1 and 2 respectively.
If harmonic oscillation with circular 共or angular兲 frequency is
assumed, then
and v M 共 x,t 兲 ⫽V M e i t , ␣ M 共 x,t 兲 ⫽A M e i t ,
0 d5 d6 0 ⫺d 2 d3
共 ⫺M 2 ⫹K S1 ⫹K S2 兲 V M ⫹ 共 K S2 D 2 ⫺K S1 D 1 兲 A M
⫺K S1 V 1 ⫺K S2 V 2 ⫽0 (16) V1
共 ⫺K S1 D 1 ⫹K S2 D 2 兲 V M ⫹ 兵 ⫺I ␣ 2 ⫹ 共 K S1 D 21 ⫹K S2 D 22 兲 其 A M 1
⫻ (27)
⫹K S1 D 1 V 1 ⫺K S2 D 2 V 2 ⫽0 (17)
Equations 共16兲 and 共17兲 are solved for V M and A M to give 1
V M ⫽ 关 K S1 兵 K S2 D 2 共 D 1 ⫹D 2 兲 ⫺I ␣ 2 其 V 1 or
⫹K S2 兵 K S1 D 1 共 D 1 ⫹D 2 兲 ⫺I ␣ 2 其 V 2 兴 /Z (18) F⫽K␦ (28)
A M ⫽ 关 K S1 兵 D 1 M 2 ⫺K S2 共 D 1 ⫹D 2 兲 其 V 1 where K, F, and ␦ are the modified dynamic stiffness matrix, and
force and displacement vectors respectively.
⫹K S2 兵 K S1 共 D 1 ⫹D 2 兲 ⫺D 2 M 2 其 V 2 兴 /Z (19)
where 3 Application of the Dynamic Stiffness Matrix
Z⫽M I ␣ 4 ⫺ 2 兵 K S1 共 I ␣ ⫹D 21 M 兲 ⫹K S2 共 I ␣ ⫹D 22 M 兲 其 The dynamic stiffness matrix of Eqs. 共27兲–共28兲 can now be
used to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes of either
⫹K S1 K S2 共 D 1 ⫹D 2 兲 2 (20) a single beam with various end conditions or an assembly of
beams, for example a plane or space frame, carrying one or more
From Eqs. 共12兲 and 共13兲 the spring force amplitudes are given by two degree-of-freedom spring-mass systems. When several ele-
F k1 ⫽K S1 共 V 1 ⫺V M ⫹D 1 A M 兲 (21) ments are to be used the overall dynamic stiffness matrix of the
complete structure must be assembled. The associated natural fre-
F k2 ⫽K S2 共 V 2 ⫺V M ⫺D 2 A M 兲 (22) quencies and mode shapes are then extracted using the Wittrick-
With the expressions for V M and A M given by Eqs. 共18兲 and 共19兲, Williams algorithm, see Refs. 关37兴 and 关34,35兴. The algorithm
Eqs. 共21兲 and 共22兲 can now be written in terms of V 1 and V 2 only, guarantees that no natural frequency and its associated mode are
in the form missed. This is, of course, not possible in the conventional finite
冋 册冋 册冋 册
element method. Interested readers will fill the procedure detailed
F k1 e1 e2 V1 in Refs. 关34,35,37兴. Note that the algorithm requires information
⫽ (23) about the clamped-clamped natural frequencies of all elements
F k2 e2 e3 V2
关34,35,37兴 within the structure to provide exact results. For the
where, after some reduction, e 1 , e 2 and e 3 are given by present problem the determination of the clamped-clamped natu-
ral frequencies of the structural element shown in Fig. 2 will
e 1 ⫽K S1 2 兵 M I ␣ 2 ⫺K S2 共 I ␣ ⫹D 22 M 兲 其 /Z (24)
involve the calculation of natural frequencies of the Bernoulli-
e 2 ⫽K S1 K S2 共 I ␣ ⫺D 1 D 2 M 兲 /Z
(25) Euler beam as well as those of the two degree-of-freedom system
when both ends 共nodes 1 and 2兲 are built-in. The frequency equa-
e 3 ⫽K S2 兵 M I ␣
2 2
⫺K S1 共 I ␣ ⫹D 21 M 兲 其 /Z (26) tion for a Bernoulli-Euler beam with clamped-clamped end con-
ditions can be derived using standard procedure 关44兴 whereas for
Equation 共23兲 provides the required dynamic stiffness matrix of
the two degree-of-freedom system connected to the Bernoulli-
the two degree-of-freedom system 共see Fig. 2兲 where e 1 , e 2 and
Euler beam shown in Fig. 2, the corresponding clamped-clamped
e 3 are the equivalent stiffnesses linking forces which will be trans-
natural frequencies can be obtained by substituting Z⫽0 of Eq.
mitted to the beam at nodes 1 and 2 to the associated displace-
共20兲. In order to ensure that no natural frequencies of the structure
ments V 1 and V 2 . The stiffnesses account for the attached two
are missed the actual requirement for applying the Wittrick-
degree-of-freedom system properly, and no approximation is in-
Williams algorithm 关37兴 is to identify how many such clamped-
volved in their derivation.
clamped natural frequencies exist below an arbitrarily chosen trial
The above analysis enables a two degree-of-freedom spring
frequency rather than calculating them precisely 关34,35,43兴.
mass system to be represented exactly by essentially a pair of
springs, loading the beam at nodes 1 and 2 with stiffnesses vary-
ing dynamically according to Eq. 共23兲. 4 Numerical Results and Discussion
To illustrate the above theory two examples are given. The first
2.3 Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of the Combined Bernoulli- is taken from Ref. 关28兴 in which a beam clamped at both ends
Euler Beam and the Two Degree-of-Freedom Spring-Mass carries a two degree-of-freedom spring-mass system as shown in
System. The dynamic stiffness matrix of the combined Fig. 3. The data used in the analysis are as follows:
Bernoulli-Euler beam and the two degree-of-freedom system can
EA⫽3.0⫻1010 N, EI⫽6.25⫻108 Nm2 ,
now be obtained by incorporating the dynamic stiffness force-
displacement relationship of the two degree-of-freedom system of m⫽1179 kg/m, L 1 ⫽1.4 m, L 2 ⫽1.2 m,
Eq. 共23兲 into the dynamic stiffness force-displacement relation-
ship of the Bernoulli-Euler beam given by Eq. 共1兲. This is realized L 3 ⫽1.4 m, M ⫽200 kg, I ␣ ⫽70.833 kgm2 ,
by adding respectively, e 1 to k(2,2) term, e 2 to k(2,5) term, e 2 to
D 1 ⫽D 2 ⫽0.6 m and K S1 ⫽K S2 ⫽1010 N/m
k(5,2) term and e 3 to k(5,5) term of the stiffness matrix K of Eqs.
共1兲–共2兲. Thus the modified force displacement relationship of the The first three natural frequencies of the beam in flexural vibration
combined dynamical system can be written as are shown in Table 1 together with those reported in Ref. 关28兴 and
5 Conclusions
Fig. 6 A plane frame carrying a two degree-of-freedom spring A dynamic stiffness matrix for a combined beam and a two
mass system
degree-of-freedom spring-mass system is developed starting from
the classical differential equation theory of its free natural vibra-
tion. By applying the Wittrick-Williams algorithm the resulting
dynamic stiffness matrix is used to determine the free vibration
such as the lengths of the beam segments (L 1 , L 2 and L 3 ) and/or characteristics of a beam and a plane frame which are kinemati-
the mass and mass moment of inertia 共M and I ␣ ) of the two cally connected to a two degree-of-freedom spring-mass system.
degree-of-freedom system, see Fig. 3, can also be varied and their The results for the beam carrying a two degree-of-freedom spring-
subsequent effects on the natural frequencies can be studied. A mass system agreed with published results. The theory allows any
detailed investigation of this type is beyond the scope of this number of two degree-of-freedom spring-mass systems to be
paper because it will no-doubt take it further than it is intended. added to a structure consisting of beams. This useful extension of
However, it should be stressed that the proposed method enables a the dynamic stiffness method to combined system to cover frame-
parametric study to be made to position appropriately the natural works is the context in which the theory is expected to be most
frequencies within or without a certain band. This may sometimes advantageous, particularly in the avoidance or attenuation of un-
be necessary to avoid resonance, for example in the mounting of a welcome vibration. The method used is exact and can be applied
machine. to validate finite element or other approximate methods.
The second illustrative example is a plane frame consisting of
beam members as shown in Fig. 6. One of the structural members
carries a two degree-of-freedom spring-mass system as shown. Appendix
The natural frequencies of the frame without the two degree-of- Derivation of the Dynamic Stiffness Matrix of a Bernoulli-
freedom spring-mass system have been obtained by Howson and Euler Beam. The axial and bending deformations for a
Williams using a published computer program 关34兴 based on the Bernoulli-Euler beam are uncoupled. Therefore, the derivation of
dynamic stiffness matrix method. However, when the two degree- the dynamic stiffness matrix for each of these two cases can be
of-freedom spring-mass system is included the problem becomes carried out separately, and later can be combined together.
very different and cannot generally be solved using earlier ap-
proaches. The application of the present theory is particularly use- Axial Stiffnesses. A uniform Bernoulli-Euler beam of length L
ful for solving such problems. As in Ref. 关34兴 it is assumed that is shown in Fig. 7 in a rectangular right handed Cartesian co-
each member 共beam兲 of the frame shown in Fig. 6 has the same ordinate system with the X-axis coinciding with the axis of the
properties which are as follows: beam. The governing differential equation of motion of the beam
in free axial 共or longitudinal兲 vibration is given by 关36,44兴
EA⫽8.0⫻108 N, EI⫽4.0⫻106 Nm2 and m⫽30 kg/m
2u 2u
The length of each member of the frame can be deduced from the EA ⫺m ⫽0 (A1)
geometry shown. The parameters of the two degree-of-freedom x 2
system connected to one of the members in the frame as shown in where EA and m are the axial 共or extensional兲 rigidity and mass
Fig. 6 are per unit length of the beam respectively, and u(x,t) is the axial
displacement of the cross-section at a distance x, and t is time.
M ⫽1500 kg, I ␣ ⫽75 kgm2 , K S1 ⫽108 N/m,
a 1⫽ cot , a 2 ⫽⫺ cos ec (A12)
Bending Stiffnesses. The governing differential equation of
motion of the Bernoulli-Euler beam shown in Fig. 7 in bending
共or flexural兲 natural vibration is given by 关36,44兴
4v 2v
EI ⫹m ⫽0 (A13)
x 4
where EI and m are the bending 共or flexural兲 rigidity and mass per
unit length of the beam respectively, and v (x,t) is the bending 共or
Fig. 8 End conditions for a Bernoulli-Euler beam in free vibra- flexural兲 displacement of the cross-section at a distance x and t is
tion time.
Assuming harmonic oscillation with angular 共or circular兲 fre-
quency so that
冋 册冋 册冋 册
S 共 x 兲 ⫽S 共 兲 ⫽ ⫽ 3 共 C 3 sin ⫺C 4 cos
U1 1 0 C1 L d
3 3
⫽ (A9)
U2 cos sin C 2
⫹C 5 sinh ⫹C 6 cosh 兲 (A20)
Now referring to Fig. 8共b兲, the boundary 共or end兲 conditions for
冋 册
冋 ⫺1
册冋 册
cos C 2
the displacements and forces can be applied as follows
冋册冋 册冋 册
and forces, respectively, in terms of the constants C 3 – C 6 . and K is the frequency dependent 6⫻6 dynamic stiffness matrix
1 0 1 0 whose elements k(i, j) (i⫽1,2 . . . 6; j⫽1,2, . . . 6) are given by
V1 C3 a 1 , a 2 and d 1 ⫺d 6 defined in Eqs. 共A12兲, 共A27兲 and 共A28兲. Note
1 0 /L 0 /L C4 that K is symmetric as expected.
V2 C S C h S h C5
2 ⫺S /L C /L S h /L C h /L
C6 References
(A23) 关1兴 Chen, Y., 1963, ‘‘On the Vibration of Beams or Rods Carrying a Concentrated
Mass,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 30, pp. 310–311.
冋 册冋 册
and 关2兴 Pan, H. H., 1965, ‘‘Transverse Vibration of an Euler Beam Carrying a System
of Heavy Bodies,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 32, pp. 434 – 437.
0 ⫺W 3 3 0 W 3 3 关3兴 Laura, P. A. A., Pombo, J. L., and Susemihl, E. A., 1974, ‘‘A Note on the
F y1 Vibration of a Clamped-Free Beam with a Mass at the Free End,’’ J. Sound
M1 W 2 2
0 ⫺W 2 2
0 Vib., 37, pp. 161–168.
⫽ 关4兴 Parnell, L. A., and Cobble, M. H., 1976, ‘‘Lateral Displacements of a Vibrating
F y2 ⫺W 3 S W 3 C ⫺W 3 S h ⫺W 3 3 C h
3 3 3
Cantilever Beam with a Concentrated Mass,’’ J. Sound Vib., 44, pp. 499–511.
M2 关5兴 Gurgoze, M., 1984, ‘‘A Note on the Vibrations of Restrained Beams and Rods
⫺W 2 2 C ⫺W 2 2 S W 2 2 C h W 2 2 S h
with Point Masses,’’ J. Sound Vib., 96, pp. 461– 468.
关6兴 Burch, J. C., and Mitchell, T. P., 1987, ‘‘Vibration of a Mass-Loaded Clamped-
C3 Free Timoshenko beam,’’ J. Sound Vib., 114, pp. 341–345.
C4 关7兴 Laura, P. A. A., Filipich, C. P., and Cortinez, V. H., 1987, ‘‘Vibrations of
⫻ (A24) Beams and Plates Carrying Concentrated Masses,’’ J. Sound Vib., 117, pp.
C5 459– 465.
C6 关8兴 Wu, J. S., and Lin, T. L., 1990, ‘‘Free Vibration Analysis of a Uniform Can-
tilever Beam with Point Masses by an Analytical-and-Numerical-Combined
where Method,’’ J. Sound Vib., 136, pp. 201–213.
关9兴 Abramovich, H., and Hamburger, O., 1991, ‘‘Vibration of a Cantilever Ti-
C ⫽cos , S ⫽sin , C h ⫽cosh , S h ⫽sinh , moshenko Beam with a Tip Mass,’’ J. Sound Vib., 148, pp. 162–170.
关10兴 Massalas, C., and Soldatos, K., 1978, ‘‘Free Vibration of a Beam Subjected to
Elastic Constraints,’’ J. Sound Vib., 57, pp. 607– 608.
EI EI EI 关11兴 Davies, H. G., and Rogers, R. J., 1979, ‘‘The Vibration of Structures Elasti-
W 1⫽ , W 2⫽ , W 3⫽ (A25) cally Constrained at Discrete Points,’’ J. Sound Vib., 63, pp. 437– 447.
L L 2
关12兴 Lau, J. H., 1981, ‘‘Fundamental Frequency of a Constrained Beam,’’ J. Sound
The constants C 3 – C 6 can now be eliminated to give the 4⫻4 Vib., 78, pp. 154 –157.
关13兴 Verniere, P., Ficcadenti, G., and Laura, P. A. A., 1984, ‘‘Dynamic Analysis of
dynamic stiffness matrix of the Bernoulli-Euler beam in flexural a Beam with an Intermediate Elastic Support,’’ J. Sound Vib., 96, pp. 381–389.
冋 册冋 册冋 册
vibration as follows 关14兴 Lau, J. H., 1984, ‘‘Vibration Frequencies and Mode Shapes for a Constrained
Cantilever,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 51, pp. 182–187.
F y1 d1 d2 d4 d5 V1 关15兴 Maurizi, M. J., and Bambill de Rossit, D. V., 1987, ‘‘Free Vibration of a
Clamped-Clamped Beam with an Intermediate Elastic Support,’’ J. Sound Vib.,
M1 d2 d3 ⫺d 5 d6 1 119, pp. 173–176.
⫽ (A26) 关16兴 Rao, C. K., 1989, ‘‘Frequency Analysis of Clamped-Clamped Uniform Beams
F y2 d4 ⫺d 5 d1 ⫺d 2 V2
with Intermediate Elastic Support,’’ J. Sound Vib., 133, pp. 502–509.
d5 d6 ⫺d 2 d3
2 关17兴 Jacquot, R. G., and Gibson, J. D., 1972, ‘‘The Effects of Discrete Masses and
Elastic Supports on Continuous Beam Natural Frequencies,’’ J. Sound Vib., 23,
where pp. 237–244.
关18兴 Laura, P. A. A., Maurizi, M. J., and Pombo, J. L., 1975, ‘‘A Note on the
d 1 ⫽W 3 3 共 S C h ⫹C S h 兲 /⌬, d 2 ⫽W 2 2 S S h /⌬, Dynamic Analysis of an Elastically Restrained-Free Beam with a Mass at the
Free End,’’ J. Sound Vib., 41, pp. 397– 405.
关19兴 Laura, P. A. A., Susemihl, E. A., Pombo, J. L., Luisoni, L. E., and Gelos, R.,
d 3 ⫽W 1 共 S C h ⫺C S h 兲 /⌬ (A27) 1977, ‘‘On the Dynamic Behavior of Structural Elements Carrying Elastically
Mounted, Concentrated Masses,’’ Appl. Acoust., 10, pp. 121–145.
d 4 ⫽⫺W 3 3 共 S ⫹S h 兲 /⌬, d 5 ⫽W 2 2 共 C h ⫺C 兲 /⌬, 关20兴 Bapat, C. N., and Bapat, C., 1987, ‘‘Natural Frequencies of a Beam with
Nonclassical Boundary Conditions and Concentrated Masses,’’ J. Sound Vib.,
d 6 ⫽W 1 共 S h ⫺S 兲 /⌬ (A28) 112, pp. 177–182.
关21兴 Ercoli, L., and Laura, P. A. A., 1987, ‘‘Analytical and Experimental Investiga-
with tion on Continuous Beams Carrying Elastically Mounted Masses,’’ J. Sound
Vib., 114, pp. 519–533.
⌬⫽1⫺C C h (A29) 关22兴 Larrondo, H., Avalos, D., and Laura, P. A. A., 1992, ‘‘Natural Frequencies of a
Bernoulli Beam Carrying an Elastically Mounted Concentrated Mass,’’ Ocean
Combination of Axial and Bending Stiffnesses. A simple su- Eng., 19, pp. 461– 468.
perposition is now possible to put the axial and bending dynamic 关23兴 Abramovich, H., and Hamburger, O., 1992, ‘‘Vibration of a Cantilever Ti-
moshenko Beam with Translational and Rotational Springs and with Tip
stiffnesses together in order to express the force-displacement re- Mass,’’ J. Sound Vib., 154, pp. 67– 80.
lationship of the Bernoulli-Euler beam. Superposing Figs. 8共a兲 关24兴 Rossi, R. E., Laura, P. A. A., Avalos, D. R., and Larrondo, H. O., 1993, ‘‘Free
and 8共b兲, see Fig. 1, and using Eqs. 共A11兲 and 共A26兲, one obtains Vibrations of Timoshenko Beams Carrying Elastically Mounted, Concentrated
the dynamic stiffness relationship of a Bernoulli-Euler beam in Masses,’’ J. Sound Vib., 165, pp. 209–223.
关25兴 Gurgoze, M., 1996, ‘‘On the Eigenfrequencies of a Cantilever Beam with
冋 册冤 冥冋 册
free vibration, as follows Attached Tip Mass and a Spring-Mass System,’’ J. Sound Vib., 190, pp. 149–
a1 0 0 a2 0 0 关26兴 Jen, M. U., and Magrab, E. B., 1993, ‘‘Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes
F x1 U1 of Beams Carrying a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Spring-Mass System,’’ ASME
0 d1 d2 0 d4 d5
F y1 V1 J. Vibr. Acoust., 115, pp. 202–209.
M1 0 d2 d3 0 ⫺d 5 d6 1 关27兴 Wu, J. S., and Huang, C. G., 1995, ‘‘Free and Forced Vibrations of a Timosh-
⫽ enko Beam with any Number of Translational and Rotational Springs and
F x2 a2 0 0 a1 0 0 U2 Lumped Masses,’’ Int. J. Commun. Num. Meth. Eng., 11, pp. 743–756.
F y2 V2 关28兴 Chang, T. P., and Chang, C. Y., 1998, ‘‘Vibration Analysis of Beams with a
0 d4 ⫺d 5 0 d1 ⫺d 2 Two Degree-of-Freedom Spring-Mass System,’’ Int. J. Solids Struct., 35, pp.
M2 2 383– 401.
0 d5 d6 0 ⫺d 2 d3 关29兴 Wu, J. S., and Chou, H. M., 1998, ‘‘Free Vibration Analysis of a Cantilever
(A30) Beam Carrying any Number of Elastically Mounted Pointed Masses with the
1 Introduction the eigenvalues will move. We proved that destabilizing effect due
to slight damping occurs when a system of homogeneous linear
The dynamic behavior of a general linear discrete undamped
inequalities is not satisfied. This general condition is an extension
system can be described by a vector differential equation of the
of the results obtained by Bolotin 关5兴, Herrmann et al. 关6兴
The paper is divided into three parts: in the first one a detailed
analysis of slight damping effects on a general n-dof stable un-
Mẍ共 t 兲 ⫹Kx共 t 兲 ⫽0 (1)
damped system is carried out. A stability condition is obtained.
where M and K are the mass and stiffness matrices respectively. Moreover, using the cone algorithm 关10兴, a simplified sufficient
If mass and stiffness matrices are symmetric positive definite, condition for the slight damped system to be stable is obtained.
the system is stable in the BIBO sense, where the acronym BIBO This result is of practical interest because it gives the optimum
stands for ‘‘bounded input bounded output.’’ In most cases, the damping ratios for the system to be stable. Damping coefficient
damping matrix is neglected as far as stability analysis is con- uncertainties are taken into account as well.
cerned. In fact, the structural damping of the real system would In the second part, a physical explanation of the destabilizing
have the effect of moving the eigenvalues of the undamped sys- effect of damping is given for a general n-dof system, which ex-
tem toward the negative complex plane. tends the result obtained by Semler 关4兴 Eventually, the proposed
If the mass and/or the stiffness matrices are asymmetric, the method is explained and validated by means of a simple example.
undamped system can be either stable or unstable. This type of
dynamic systems can be found in aeronautics, active control of
large structures, vehicle dynamics and milling machining 关1,2兴. In 2 Theory
these circumstances, neglecting the damping matrix is no longer
possible. 2.1 Sensitivity Eigenvalue Analysis. Consider the system
Because of the asymmetry of the matrices, a destabilizing effect
due to the damping matrix could arise. This atypical phenomenon, Mẍ共 t 兲 ⫹Cẋ共 t 兲 ⫹Kx共 t 兲 ⫽0 (2)
regarded for a long time as a ‘‘paradox’’ 关3兴 has been physically where M and K are real n⫻n asymmetric matrices. The damping
explained by Semler et al. 关4兴. Using a 2 d.o.f. example, Semler matrix C can be decomposed into a product of a matrix U and a
showed that damping introduces two effects: it dissipates energy scalar c, namely C⫽cU, where c⫽ 储 C储 and U⫽C/储C储. C is as-
and it modifies the modes of vibration. The latter could cause the sumed symmetric and U inherits this symmetry.
work done by the external forces to increase. If the work done by Note that the system 共2兲 can be always arranged so that the
the external forces becomes greater than the energy dissipated by damping matrix is symmetric. In fact, if C was not symmetric, it
damping, the system will be unstable. is always possible to decompose the damping matrix using the
Bolotin 关5兴 showed how the destabilizing effect of slight damp- singular value decomposition method, namely C⫽SC̃V, where S
ing is related to the ratio of the damping coefficients. This result and V are square matrices and C̃ is a symmetric matrix. Therefore,
was carried out for a 2 d.o.f. asymmetric system. Studying a lin- the system 共2兲 can be written in the form M̃ẍ(t)⫹C̃ẋ(t)⫹K̃x(t)
earized double pendulum with a follower force, Herrmann et al.
关6,7兴 achieved similar results. Using an approximated method, ⫽0 where M̃⫽S⫺1 MV⫺1 , K̃⫽S⫺1 KV⫺1 and C̃ is symmetric.
Nemat-Nasser 关8兴, showed the destabilizing effect of damping on By means of the decomposition cU, one can calculate the ei-
a cantilevered continuous pipe conveying fluid. The approach he genvalues of the system as a function of c. If c⫽0, Eq. 共2兲 rep-
adopted can be extended to 3 d.o.f systems. Unfortunately, all resents the equation of the undamped system. As c increases, the
those works focus on particular examples with few degrees of damping matrix will affect the dynamic behavior of the system. In
freedom. This paper extends the theory to a general n-dof asym- this way one can study the effect of a slight damping by introduc-
metric linear slightly damped system. If the undamped system is ing a small c. Since 兵 U其 i j ⫽ 兵 C其 i j /c, each component of U repre-
stable, all the eigenvalues are located on the imaginary axis. The sents a damping ratio. Note that, for definition, all the damping
introduction of slight damping modifies the location of the eigen- ratios are constant. For the sake of clarity, we will call U damping
values of the system on the complex plane. By means of an ei- ratio matrix and c damping.
genvalue sensitivity analysis 关9兴, one can foresee which direction In the following, we answer this simple but fundamental ques-
tion: If the undamped system is stable, will the introduction of the
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
damping destabilize the system? In order to answer the question,
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Sept. 2001; one can find where the eigenvectors move on the complex plane
Revised Jan. 2003. Associate Editor: J. Cusumano. as c changes.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 359
The right eigenvalue problem associated with Eq. 共2兲 can be
represented by
共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ui ⫽0 (3)
where i , ui are respectively the ith eigenvalue and the ith right
eigenvector of the system. In the same way, the left eigenvector
problem is given by the equation
viT 共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ⫽0 (4)
where vi is the ith left eigenvector of the system. Fig. 1 Mechanical example of a n d.o.f. system. Nonconserva-
Differentiating Eq. 共3兲 with respect to the damping c, one ob- tive forces that cause the mass matrix andÕor the damping ma-
tains trix to be asymmetric are not depicted in figure. A damping
冉 冊
element can be inserted between two masses andÕor between
d i d i dui one mass and the frame.
2M i ⫹U i ⫹C ui ⫹ 共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ⫽0 (5)
dc dc dc
Premultiplying by the left eigenvalue viT , it yields
viT 2M i
d i
⫹U i ⫹C
d i
u ⫹vT 共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲
dc i i
d 1 d 2
vT1 Uu1
⫽⫺ T
2v1 Mu1
⫽viT 2M i
d i
⫹U i ⫹C
d i
dc i
u ⫽0 冊 (6) d 3 d 4
vT3 Uu3
⫽⫺ T
2v3 Mu3
⫽⫺0.1162 (12)
Therefore the derivative of the ith eigenvalue calculated for c
⫽0 is In conclusion, for a small value of c, the stable undamped system
will remain stable
d i viT 共 U i 兲 ui viT Uui
⫽⫺ T ⫽⫺ (7)
dc vi 共 2M i ⫹C兲 ui c⫽0
2viT Mui 2.2 An Alternative Simpler Way to Express Stability Con-
ditions. Instead of Eq. 共7兲, by expanding matrix U, we can ob-
Eq. 共7兲 is a simple tool for foreseeing the effect of damping. In tain a simplified formulation. For the sake of clarity, we introduce
fact, if Re(di /dc)⬎0, a small c will move the ith eigenvalue i of Fig. 1, where part of a discrete mass-spring-damped system is
the undamped system ( i belongs to the complex axis since the represented. In this way one can visualize the physical meaning of
undamped system is supposed to be stable in a BIBO sense兲 to- the elements of the matrix U. In other words, Fig. 1 shows the
ward the right complex plane, causing the system to become un- damping coefficients one can introduce in the mechanical system.
stable. Conversely, if The forces that cause the stiffness matrix and/or the mass matrix
Re共 d i /dc 兲 ⬍0, (8) to be asymmetric are not depicted in figure.
We can now study the structure of the damping ratio matrix U
a small c will move the ith eigenvalue toward left, causing the and give its physical interpretation. This provides the designer
system to remain stable. Therefore, for small c, the damping ratio with an important tool to select the best combination of damping
matrix will have a ‘‘stabilizing effect’’ only if Re(di /dc)⬍0 ᭙i elements. Basically, one has two different ways to introduce a
⫽1, . . . ,n. Note that the eigenvectors of an undamped system are damping element on a mechanical system:
always real. Therefore, for this reason and for Eq. 共7兲
冉 冊
• a damping element can be connected between one mass/
d i d i inertia and the frame;
Re ⫽ (9) • a damping element can be connected between two masses/
dc dc
We now apply the condition 共8兲 to the following simple example.
Consider the system Mẍ⫹cUẋ⫹Kx⫽0, with the matrix The former is represented in the figure by a physical damping
冋 册 冋 册 冋 册
element attached between the mass m l and the frame. Its numeri-
3 2 5 1.5 2 0 cal damping value is c ll . We call damping element coefficient
1 3
4 10
0 1
(10) the adimensional coefficient ll .
In this case, if c ll was the only damping element on the me-
冋 册
The Undamped system (c⫽0) is stable in the sense of BIBO chanical system, the matrix U would be
stable. Its eigenvalues are 1 ⫽1.4684i, 2 ⫽⫺1.4684i, 3
⫽1.7074i, 3 ⫽⫺1.7074i. The right and left eigenvectors of the 0 ¯ ¯ 0
undamped system are ] ]
兵 Ull 其 o, p ⫽0
冋 册 冋 册 冋 册
⫺0.7327 ⫺0.7327 0.6526 U⫽Ull ⫽ ⫽ ll
u1 ⫽ , u2 ⫽ , u3 ⫽ , 兵 Ull 其 o, p ⫽ ll o⫽p⫽l
0.3825 0.3825 ⫺0.5645 ] ]
u4 ⫽ 冋 0.6526
⫺0.5645 册 (11)
0 ¯ ¯ 0
v1 ⫽ 冋
, 册 v2 ⫽冋⫺0.6466
, 册 v3 ⫽ 冋
, 册 where the notation 兵 其 o, p indicates the element of the matrix on
the oth row and pth column.
Since the system has n degrees of freedom, it is possible to
v4 ⫽ 冋 ⫺0.2400
⫺0.8289 册 connect up to n damping elements between each mass/inertia and
the frame.
If c ls was the only damping elements introduced between the
Therefore mass m l and the mass m s the matrix U would be
冋 册
兵 Uls 其 l,s ⫽ 兵 Uls 其 s,l ⫽⫺ ls A⬎0 (21)
0 ¯ ¯ 0 where A苸R n⫻r
⫺ ls
⫺ ls
(14) A⫽ 冋
sign共 vT1 Mu1 兲 aT1
sign共 vTn Mun 兲 aTn
册 (22)
冋 册
⫽(n(n⫹1))/2. In many cases, the number of damping elements 22⫽1, one obtains
in a real mechanical system is less than (n(n⫹1))/2.
Using a compact notation and considering all the damping ele- 0.4737 ⫺0.1969
ment coefficients at the same time, one can compose the damping 0.4737 ⫺0.1969
ratio matrix A⫽
⫺0.1566 0.4679
n n n
⫺0.1566 0.4679
U⫽ 兺 U ⫹兺
Urt ⫽ 兺
Urt (15)
and Eq. 共20兲 becomes
r⬎t r⭓t
A兵 11 22其 T ⫽ 兵 0.7505 0.7505 0.1547 0.1547其 T ⬎0 (23)
Multiplying by the ith right eigenvalue and premultiplying by the
ith left eigenvalue, it yields Eq. 共23兲, according to Eq. 共12兲 confirms again that the slightly
n n
damped system is stable
viT Uui ⫽ 兺
viT Urr ui ⫹ 兺
viT Urt ui
2.3 A Simpler Sufficient Condition for Stability „Solution
Cone…. Although condition 共21兲 is useful to directly foresee the
n n
stabilizing or destabilizing effect of the damping element coeffi-
⫽ 兺 兵v 其 兵u 其 i r i r rr ⫹ 兺 共 兵 vi 其 r 兵 ui 其 r ⫺ 兵 vi 其 r 兵 ui 其 t cients, it is not of practical use for the mechanical designer.
r⫽1 r,t⫽1
r⬎t The main reason is that system 共21兲 has an infinite number of
solutions. A method to choose the ‘‘best solution’’ of 共21兲 among
⫺ 兵 vi 其 t 兵 ui 其 r ⫹ 兵 vi 其 t 兵 ui 其 t 兲 rt (16) the possible alternatives is desirable.
where the symbol 兵 其 r means the rth component of a vector. It is We now introduce the notation ãi ⫽sign(viT Mui )ai . From a
clear from the Eq. 共16兲 that viT Uui is a linear combination of the geometrical point of view, all the infinite solutions of 共21兲 can be
damping element coefficients r,r , r,t (r,t⫽1, . . . ,n,r⬎t). obtained in the following way. Each vector ãi can be thought of as
Therefore, one can write the normal vector to an homogeneous hyperplane in R r . The hy-
perplane bounds the halfplane S i ⫽ 兵 兩 ãiT ⬎0,苸R r 其 . The inter-
viT Uui ⫽aiT (17) section of the r halfplanes generates the solution set S of system
共21兲 S⫽艚 i⫽1 r
冋 册
S i . It is well known that the solution region is a
convex polyhedral cone in R r 关11兴. Introducing the definition of
兵 vi 其 1 兵 ui 其 1 solution cone one can find a subset of solutions of system 共21兲.
] A hypercone 关10兴 with axis w and angle in R r is defined as
兵 vi 其 n 兵 ui 其 n C 共 w, 兲 ⫽ 兵 兩 具 w, 典 ⬍ , 苸R r 其 (24)
ai ⫽
兵 vi 其 1 兵 ui 其 2 ⫺ 兵 vi 其 1 兵 ui 其 2 ⫺ 兵 vi 其 2 兵 ui 其 1 ⫹ 兵 vi 其 2 兵 ui 其 2 where 具w,典⫽arccos共w"/共储w储储储兲兲 is the angle between w and .
] A solution cone is a hypercone enclosed by the solution set S. One
兵 vi 其 n⫺1 兵 ui 其 n ⫺ 兵 vi 其 n⫺1 兵 ui 其 n ⫺ 兵 vi 其 n 兵 ui 其 n⫺1 ⫹ 兵 vi 其 n 兵 ui 其 n can find the largest solution cone enclosed by the solution set. The
set of all the angles of the cones enclosed by S is
and the vector 苸R r (r⫽((n(n⫹1))/2)) gathers the damping co-
efficients ⌬ sc ⫽ 兵 兩 C 共 w, 兲 苸S,w苸R r , 苸R 其 (25)
T ⫽ 关 11 , 22 , . . . , nn , 12 , 13 , . . . 1n , 23 , . . . , 共 n⫺1 兲 n 兴 Therefore, the angle of the largest solution cone is sc
(18) ⫽max兵⌬sc其 and its axis is
By replacing Eq. 共17兲 into 共7兲, one obtains the derivative of the ith wsc ⫽ 兵 w兩 C 共 w, sc 兲 苸S,w苸R r 其 (26)
eigenvalue as a function of the damping element coefficient vector The largest solution cone can be found using the cone algorithm
proposed by Wan 关10兴. A modified version of the cone algorithm
d i aiT is proposed in appendix. Since the largest solution cone is the
⫽⫺ (19)
dc 2viT Mui largest cone included in S, it gives a set of solutions of system
共21兲. Of course, it does not represent all the possible solutions; it
Therefore defines a subset of the solutions of the system of inequalities. In
spite of that, one can note that, while system 共21兲 is made up of r
d i inequalities, the largest solution cone is defined by means of only
⬍0⇔sign共 viT Mui 兲 aiT ⬎0 (20)
dc one inequality:
冕 冕
储 wsc 储 2/i 2/i
W e ⫽⫺ ẋT ⌬Mẍdt⫺ ẋT ⌬Kxdt (37)
In fact, when ˆ ⫽ ˆ o pt the value of the scalar product wsc
/ 储 wsc 储 0 0
• ⫽1 of Eq. 共27兲 is maximum.
Not only can the designer choose the best solution, but he also Consider two cases:
can analyze the robustness of the solution. 1兲 Undamped system.
In a practical scenario model errors occur. Therefore, the real When c⫽0 共undamped system兲 the system does not dissipate
energy, namely 兩 W dU 兩 ⫽0. Since the undamped system is stable
value of ˆ defers from the theoretical optimum solution ˆ o pt . One 共hypothesis assumed in the sensitivity eigenvalue analysis兲 also
can take into account the uncertainties in the model by means of the work done by external forces is null 兩 W eU 兩 ⫽0. The subscript
the relationship indicates that the energies are related to the undamped system.
ˆ ⫽ ˆ o pt ⫾⌬ ˆ (29) 2兲 Unstable slightly damped system (d i /dc⬎0).
When slight damping is introduced, the system starts dissipat-
By replacing Eq. 共29兲 into Eq. 共27兲, we can express the stability ing energy 兩 W dD 兩 ⬎0. This could lead one to believe that, if the
condition as a function of the uncertainty vector ⌬ˆ undamped system is stable, all the more so, the slightly damped
system should be stable. This paradox can be explained by means
储 ˆ oT pt ⌬ ˆ 储 ⬍1⫺cos共 sc 兲 (30) of the following formula presented and proved in the appendix
冏 冏冏 冏
Using Eq. 共30兲, given the optimum choice for the damping coef-
dW e dW d d i
ficients, one can analyze the effect of the uncertainties as far as ⫽ ⫹ i (38)
robustness of the system is concerned. In other words, as long as dc dc dc
uncertainties satisfy Eq. 共30兲, the damped system is stable. In fact, the work done by the external force 兩 W eD 兩 ⬎0 for small
Resuming the example 共10兲, suppose now that the damping damping ␦ c is
element coefficients 11 , 22 have to be set by the designer. The
optimum solution provided by the cone algorithm is
ˆ o pt ⫽ 关 0.7262 0.6875兴 T , sc ⫽24.3° (31)
兩 W eD 兩 ⫽ 兩 W eU 兩 ⫹ 冏 冏 冏 冏
dW e
␦ c⫽
dW e
␦c (39)
3 A General Physical Explanation of the Destabilizing Eq. 共40兲 states that, when the damped system results unstable
Effect of Damping (d i /dc⬎0)⇒ 兩 W eD 兩 ⬎ 兩 W dD 兩 ⬎0. Therefore, the external forces
In this section we explain in a elegant way the destabilizing introduce an amount of energy at each cycle that is not completely
effect of damping from a physical point of view. We show that dissipated. The net energy at each cycle increases the internal
there exist modes of vibration that extract energy from the reser- energy causing the system to become unstable. Note that dissipa-
voir of the system. In order to be excited these modes need an tion energy is always required in order to have a positive work
energy sink where the system dissipates part of the energy by done by external forces. The physical explanation of the ‘‘paradox
means of damping. We will prove that, when the slightly damped of damping’’ provided in this section has general validity.
system is unstable, the energy acquired by these modes is greater
than the dissipated energy. Conclusions
The mass and stiffness matrices of system 共2兲 can be always This paper deals with asymmetric linear systems. These sys-
decomposed in symmetric positive definite matrices and non sym- tems can be found in many problems of interest in aeronautics and
metric matrices, namely M⫽Ms ⫹⌬M and K⫽Ks ⫹⌬K. There- control. In many cases, stability is studied by neglecting damping.
fore the system 共2兲 can be rewritten in the form Unfortunately, even slight damping can destabilize the system. We
introduced a new criterion for foreseeing the destabilizing effect
Ms ẍ共 t 兲 ⫹cUẋ共 t 兲 ⫹Ks x共 t 兲 ⫽⫺ 共 ⌬Mẍ共 t 兲 ⫹⌬Kx共 t 兲兲 (33) of damping. The criterion asserts that damping does not destabi-
Since Ms and Ks are positive definite, system 共33兲 can be thought lize the system if and only if a system of homogeneous linear
of as a conservative system subjected the external forces inequalities is satisfied. Moreover, we proved that the system of
⫺(⌬Mẍ(t)⫹⌬Kx(t)). inequalities can be replaced with a simpler inequality that gives a
Given the ith eigenvalue and right eigenvector of the system sufficient condition. A simple example shows the theory step by
i , ui , one mode of vibration of the system is given by step. Eventually, a general physical explanation of the destabiliz-
ing effect of damping is given, using energy considerations.
共 u e i t ⫹ūi e i t 兲
x⫽ (34)
2 i Appendix
where ūi , ¯i are the complex conjugated of ui , i ⫽ i ⫹i i . To Description of the Modified Cone Algorithm. The cone al-
gain a better understanding of the energy exchanges, consider gorithm finds a solution cone C(ws , s ), given an angle s . It
only the imaginary part of the eigenvalue in order to neglect the starts with an arbitrary axis w0 . The vector is then modified ac-
exponential term of the mode of vibration. In this way we con- cording to the following rule
wi⫹1 ⫽wi
if 具 wi ,ãi 典 ⬎90°⫺ s
if 具 wi ,ãi 典 ⭐90°⫺ s
(41) 冉 2M
d i
dc 冊
⫹U 共 i i ui 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲
Wan 关10兴 proved that, if there exists a solution cone with angle
s , the algorithm will converge to the solution in a finite number
⫽ 2M 冉 d i
dc 冊
⫹U 共 i i ui 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲
of steps. The algorithm can be repeated with different s . In fact,
one can start from s ⫽0. Then, by increasing the angle s in fixed
increments, one can find a series of solution cones. Each time the
⫽ 2M 冉 d i
dc 冊
⫹U 共 ⫺i i ūi 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲
algorithm converges, the angle s is increased. The algorithm will
not converge when s overcomes the angle sc of the largest
solution cone C(wsc , sc ).
⫽ 2M 冉 d i
dc 冊
⫹U 共 ⫺i i ui 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲
Energy Theorem. The energy introduced by the external
forces in one period of oscillation is Comparing formula 共45兲 and 共44兲, one obtains dūi /dc⫽
冕 冕
2/i 2/i
⫺dui /dc
W e ⫽⫺ ẋT ⌬Mẍdt⫺ ẋT ⌬Kxdt The increment of the energy given by the external forces for
0 0 each cycle due to an increment of c is
⫽⫺ 冕
ẋT 共 ⌬Mẍ⫹⌬Kx兲 dt
dW e
⫽⫺ 冕 2/i
0 4 dc 冉
i i dui i t dūi ⫺i t
e i⫺
e i 冊 T
共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲
⫽⫺ 冕 2/i i i T i t
共 ui e i ⫺ūiT e ⫺i i t 兲共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲
⫻共 ui e i i t ⫹ūi e ⫺i i t 兲 dt
0 2/i ii
iit ⫺i i t ⫺ 共 ui e i i t ⫺ūi e ⫺i i t 兲 T 共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲
⫻ 共 ui e ⫹ūi e 兲 dt (42) 0 4
Cẋdt⫺ 冕 2/i
ẋT Uẋdt ⫽⫺ 冕 2/i
i i i t ⫺i t dui
共 e i ⫹e i 兲
dc 冉 冊 T
⫺ 冕 2/i
ẋT C
⫻ 共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲 ui 共 e i i t ⫹e ⫺i i t 兲 dt
0 dc
⫺ 冕 2/i i i i t ⫺i t T
共 e i ⫺e i 兲 u 共 ⫺ 2 ⌬M⫹⌬K 兲
dui i t
共e i
冕 2/i i i
0 4 dc
⫽⫺ ẋT Uẋdt
⫺i i t
0 ⫺e 兲 dt
⫽ 冕 2/i
共 uiT e i i t ⫺ūiT e ⫺i i t 兲 U共 ui e i i t ⫺ūi e ⫺i i t 兲 dt ⫽⫺ i 冉冉 冊 dui
共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲 ui ⫺uiT
⫽ 冕 2/i
i2 i t ⫺i t T
共 e i ⫺e i 兲 u Uu 共 e i i t ⫺e ⫺i i t 兲 dt
i i
⫻ 共 ⫺ i2 ⌬M⫹⌬K兲
dc 冊
⫽⫺ i uiT Uui (43) 冉
⫽ i uiT 共 ⫺ i2 共 ⌬M⫺⌬MT 兲 ⫹ 共 ⌬K⫺⌬KT 兲兲
dc 冊 (46)
In the last step we used the fact that ūi ⫽ui 苸R when c⫽0 关6兴.
Moreover, differentiating Eq. 共3兲 with respect c and replacing i Premultiplying Eq. 共3兲 by uiT and differentiating, one gets
⫽i i
关共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ui 兴 ⫽0⇒
ūiT 2M i
d i
⫹U i ⫹C
d i
ui ⫹
dc 冊
共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ui
⫹ūiT 共 M i2 ⫹C i ⫹K兲 ⫽0 (47)
d dc
关共 M i2 ⫹cU i ⫹K兲 ui 兴 ⫽0⇒
(44) Using the normalization 2uiT Mui ⫽1 and the fact that C兩 c⫽0 ⫽0
冉 冊
one can obtain for the eigenvalue i ⫽i i
d i dui
2M ⫹U i ui ⫹ 共 i2 M⫹K兲 ⫽0
dc i dc d i dui dūiT
i i ūiT Uui ⫹i i ⫹ūiT 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲 ui
冉 冊
dc dc dc
d i dui
2M ⫹U 共 i i ui 兲 ⫹ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲 ⫽0 d i dui duiT
dc dc
⫽i i uiT Uui ⫹i i ⫹uiT 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲 ⫺
dc dc dc
It is reminded that the derivative 共44兲 is evaluated at c⫽0. Con-
jugating Eq. 共44兲 and considering the fact that d i /dc苸R, and ⫻ 共 ⫺ i2 M⫹K兲 ui ⫽0 (48)
that the conjugate of the product of two complex numbers equals
the product of their conjugates, it yields Since Ms ⫽MsT and Ks ⫽KsT
⫽uiT 共 ⫺ i2 共 M⫺MT 兲 ⫹ 共 K⫺KT 兲兲
dui References
⫽uiT 共 ⫺ i2 共 ⌬M⫺⌬MT 兲 ⫹ 共 ⌬K⫺⌬KT 兲兲 (49)
dc 关1兴 Gasparetto, A., 1998, ‘‘A System Theory Approach to Mode Coupling Chatter
in Machining,’’ ASME J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Control, 120, pp. 545–547.
Replacing Eq. 共48兲 into Eq. 共47兲 one obtains 关2兴 Inman, D. J., 1983, ‘‘Dynamics of Asymmetric Nonconservative Systems,’’
ASME J. Appl. Mech., 50, pp. 199–203.
d i dui 关3兴 Kounadis, A. N., 1992, ‘‘On the Paradox of the Destabilizing Effect of Damp-
i i uiT Uui ⫹i i ⫹uiT 共 ⫺ i2 共 ⌬M⫺⌬MT 兲 ⫹ 共 ⌬K⫺⌬KT 兲兲 ing in Non-Conservative Systems,’’ Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 27, pp. 597–
dc dc
关4兴 Semler, C., Alighanbari, H., and Paı̈doussis, M. P., 1998, ‘‘A Physical Expla-
nation of the Destabilizing Effect of Damping,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 65, pp.
Multiplying by i one obtains 642– 648.
关5兴 Bolotin, V. V., and Zhinzher, N. I., 1969, ‘‘Effects of Damping on Stability of
d i Elastic Systems Subjected to Non-Conservative Forces,’’ Int. J. Solids Struct.,
⫺ i uiT Uui ⫺ i ⫹ iuiT 共 ⫺ i2 共 ⌬M⫺⌬MT 兲 16, pp. 965–989.
dc 关6兴 Herrmann, G., and Jong, I. C., 1966, ‘‘On Nonconservative Stability Problems
of Elastic Systems with Slight Damping,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 32, pp.
dui 125–133.
⫹ 共 ⌬K⫺⌬KT 兲兲 ⫽0 (50) 关7兴 Herrmann, G., and Jong, I. C., 1965, ‘‘On the Destabilizing Effect of Damping
in Nonconservative Elastic Systems,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 32, pp. 592–597.
Therefore, comparing Eqs. 共46兲 and 共43兲 with 共49兲 the substitution 关8兴 Nemat-Nasser, S., Prasad, S. N., and Herrmann, G., 1966, ‘‘Destabilizing Ef-
gives fect of Velocity-Dependent Forces in Nonconservative Continuous Systems,’’
AIAA J., 4, pp. 1276 –1280.
dW d dW e d i 关9兴 Adhikari, S., and Friswell, M. I., 2001, ‘‘Eigenderivative Analysis of Asym-
⫹ ⫽ i (51) metric Non-conservative Systems,’’ Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., 51, pp. 709–
dc dc dc 733.
关10兴 Wan, J. S., 1994, ‘‘Cone Algorithm: An Extension of the Perceptron Algo-
Since the derivative of the dissipative forces is always negative, rithm,’’ IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern., 24, pp. 1571–1576.
we conclude 关11兴 Murty K., 1976, Linear and Combinatorial Programming, Wiley, New York.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 365
rotating magnetic flux that is superimposed on top of the control
fluxes. The rotating AVC™ flux effectively creates a force that is
counter to the rotating unbalance force. The AVC™ flux is adap-
tive and can be applied based on the desired reduction of vibra-
tions at a particular location, either along the machine shaft or on
a base plate to reduce transmitted forces. The second AVC™
mode is a synchronous current reduction approach which makes
the rotor revolve about its inertial center, reducing the control
effort associated with unbalance to nearly zero. The filtered
X-LMS algorithm has been used successfully with magnetic bear-
ings by Piper and Calvert 关8兴 but in their application the control
system was used to actively control fluid borne noise from a cen-
trifugal pump. They used a tachometer as a reference signal and a Fig. 1 Control flow chart showing a filtered X-LMS adaptive
control system
downstream hydrophone to generate an error signal.
Review of Active Vibration Control in Beams. While there
has been considerable work involving control strategies for reduc-
Filtered X-LMS. This section will give a brief review of the
ing unbalance responses in rotors, very little work has been pre-
filtered X-LMS algorithm but the reader should refer to text books
sented addressing the effects of actuator and sensor location rela-
such as that by Widrow and Sterns 关15兴 or by Nelson and Elliott
tive to the force source. There has also been little discussion
关16兴 for a more in depth description.
concerning the number of sensors required to effectively reduce
The filtered X-LMS is a time domain algorithm 共see the control
local and global vibration in a rotating machine. There is however
flow chart Fig. 1兲 that uses a reference signal x, such as a tachom-
a substantial amount of published work on the active control of
eter signal, to drive a set of secondary actuators in order to affect
bending vibration in finite and infinite beams that does address
the system under control. The reference signal is first digitally
these points 关9,10兴. The vibration of a beam can be used as a
sampled and then passed through a finite impulse response 共FIR兲
simplified model of a vibrating rotor and is useful for analyzing
control filter W before being converted back into an analog signal
the potential performance of control systems on rotors.
y and used to drive the control actuators. Another set of sensors,
Fuller et al. 关9兴 discussed both feedback and feedforward con-
called error sensors, are used to monitor the behavior of the sys-
trol strategies for controlling the vibration on beams. While Fuller
tem 共error e兲 and are used to automatically adapt the control FIR
et al. did not specifically discuss actuator and sensor placement,
filter using the LMS algorithm. The ‘‘plant’’ represents the trans-
Nelson and Elliott 关11兴 gave a general discussion about actuator
fer function between the input to the actuators 共magnetic bearing
location in their book on the active control of sound. They showed
currents in this case兲 and the vibration detected at the error sen-
that control is always most successful when the control actuator is
sors 共eddy current proximity probes in this case兲. The disturbance
placed close to the source of the disturbance. They also showed
d is the vibration at the error sensors due to the unbalance in the
that a set of discrete sensors can be used to approximate the total
system. This control architecture differs from the LMS in that the
vibrational energy 共sound in their case兲 in a system with a larger
reference signal needs to be first filtered by a model of the plant G
number of sensors leading to a better approximation. Fuller et al.
共i.e. filtered ‘‘X’’兲 before being used by the LMS algorithm. The
关12兴 looked at simultaneous control of flexural and extensional
model of the plant is usually stored as an FIR filter 共see below兲
waves in a beam and considered the control of noise radiation
and is measured in a system identification stage before the control
from beams 关13兴. The most complete discussion of the active con-
system is turned on.
trol of vibration in beams is given in a publication by Brennan
If a signal, such as x, has been sampled at discrete time inter-
et al. 关10兴 where the authors compared different wave control and
vals then it can be considered as a sequence x(n) where n can
vibrational power minimization strategies for the control of vibra-
only take integer values. The current output of an FIR filter, such
tion on both finite and infinite beams. They showed that in finite
a W, is the weighted sum of the previous inputs. For example the
beams, global control 共i.e. reduction achieved everywhere on the
current output from the control filter y(n) can be expressed as a
beam兲 is relatively easy to achieve at beam resonances 共or critical
series of previous inputs of the reference signal y(n)
speeds兲 but difficult when away from resonance conditions. This
point has considerable relevance to the control of rotor vibrations ⫽ 兺 i⫽0
w i x(n⫺i)where the control filter has I filter weights (w i ).
since rotors are normally run at speeds away from resonance con- The LMS algorithm updates the filter coefficients in W using the
ditions. The paper also showed that active control using a single most recent error signal e(n) and the past I filtered reference
secondary actuator resulted in vibration reduction downstream of signals r(n⫺i).
the secondary actuator but is not very effective upstream of the w i 共 n⫹1 兲 ⫽w i 共 n 兲 ⫺ ␣ e 共 n 兲 r 共 n⫺i 兲 (1)
actuator 共often making the vibration larger兲. Post and Silcox 关14兴
showed that the minimization of vibration over a section of a All I filter coefficients can be updated this way. The coefficient ␣
beam can actually lead to significant increases in vibration away is the convergence coefficient and determines how rapidly the
from the error sensor. This has implications for error sensor control system converges. ␣ must be large enough such that the
location. convergence time is small but cannot be too large since this can
cause instability. Ideally, this algorithm converges to a solution
2 Theory where the time averaged sum of the squared error signals are
minimized. In principle, only 2 coefficients are necessary to
In this section the filtered X-LMS algorithm is briefly described achieve good control if the disturbance is at a single frequency. If
and a simple, one dimensional model of a rotor is used to inves- multiple frequencies need to be controlled, for example harmonics
tigate the performance of an active control system. The model of the rotor speed, then more than two coefficients are necessary.
developed in this section is a beam model 共i.e. does not include
gyroscopic effects兲 and is intended to act as a tool through which 1-D Model of Beam for Active Control Analysis. In this
the actuator and sensor locations can be investigated and is not section a simplified model of the rotor vibration 共or velocity兲 in
intended to accurately predict the behavior of the test rotor. In the the vertical direction will be described. The rotor will be consid-
following section a rotor finite element package that includes gy- ered as a free beam 共or rod兲 with gyroscopics neglected with
roscopic effects is used to more accurately model the behavior of masses attached and supported by bearings modeled as a pair of
the test rotor and to validate the results of the simplified model springs 共with damping included兲 as shown in Fig. 2. Both unbal-
presented here. ance forces and control forces have been introduced onto the
冋 册
j m 1 ⫹c 1 ⫹ 0 0
controlled in the same way as the vertical velocity using another j u m1
uncoupled active control system producing similar results.
The velocity, u, of a beam or rod can be described as a series or ⫺ k2 u m2
0 j m 2 ⫹c 2 ⫹ 0
summation of modes 关17兴. j u m3
⬁ 0 0 jm3
u 共 x, 兲 ⫽ 兺 a 共 兲 共 x 兲
n n (2) (6)
Where um is the vector of velocities at the three mass locations
where the nth mode shape is a function of position x and is given
and the reaction force is given by the vector fr . The velocity
by n (x) and the complex mode amplitude of the nth mode is
vector um can be considered as the combination of the velocity
given by a n ( ). If the frequency range of interest is limited then
umr due to the reaction forces fr and the velocity umj due to ex-
it is possible to accurately describe the beam’s behavior using a
ternal input forces to the rotor fj . The external input forces in this
finite set of modes. The mode shapes are given in Appendix A.
model are created by the mass unbalance and by the active control
The mode amplitude a n ( ) is a function of angular frequency
forces. Using Eq. 共5兲 and Eq. 共6兲 leads to an expression for the
and can be calculated by considering all of the forces acting on the
reaction force in terms of the external forces,
rotor. The mode amplitude due to a single force F( ) acting at a
single point x j on the rotor is given by, um⫽umj⫹umr⫽Tmjfj⫹Tmmfr⫽Tmjfj⫺TmmZum
a n共 兲 ⫽
冉 j
m r 共 n ⫺ 兲 ⫹2 j n n
2 2 冊
共 x j兲 F共 兲 (3) ⇒um⫽ 关 I⫹TmmZ兴 ⫺1 Tmjfj
Physical Properties
Rotor Bearing 1 Bearing 2 Unbalance mass
Legth ᐉ 18 in or Mass 0.25 kg Mass 0.25 kg Mass 0.8 kg
457 mm
Diameter d 0.375 in or Stiffness 16000 Nm⫺1 Stiffness 16000 Nm⫺1 - -
9.52 mm k1 k2
Modulus of 207 GNm⫺2 Damper 50 Nm ⫺1
s Damper 50 Nm ⫺1
s - -
elasticity E c1 c2
Density 7800 kgm Position 4.5 in or Position 14.5 in or 368 Position 6.5 in or
Poisson’s 0.3 x1 114 mm x2 mm xm 165 mm
The two matrices Tim and Tij contain rotor mobilities describing can in principle perfectly control the vibration at a single position
the velocity at the observation locations xi due to forces acting at on the rotor 共or beam兲 but it may cause the vibration levels at
the mass locations and the locations of the external forces. Using other locations to be greatly increased.
this augmented set of equations the performance of an active con- In this section the results for a single representative configuration
trol system can be evaluated. of mounts and unbalance mass will be presented. The physical
parameters used for these simulations are given in Table 1 and are
Active Control Performance. In this section a method for similar to the known values of the experimental system 共see sec-
calculating the control performance of an active control system tion 4兲. The unbalance in the system will be generated at the mass
will be presented. An active control system using the filtered mounted on the rotor shaft between the active magnetic bearings
X-LMS system will attempt to minimize the sum of the squared but closer to the inboard 共left兲 bearing x⫽6.5 in or 0.165 m. The
outputs from the error sensors. If a control system has J control magnetic bearings act as both mounts and actuators and are lo-
actuators and L error sensors then at a single frequency the L cated at x⫽4.5 in or 0.114 m and at x⫽14.5 in or 0.368 m. x
length vector of errors e can be written in terms of the vector of ⫽0 refers to the beginning of the rotor at the motor end 共see Fig.
primary disturbance forces fp 共i.e. rotor unbalance兲 and the J 2 and Fig. 3兲.
length vector of secondary control forces fc . The results in this section 共Fig. 4 and Fig. 5兲 will be presented
e⫽T̂epfp⫹T̂ecfc (10) for excitation frequencies between 0 and 200 Hz such that the
vibration level plotted at each frequency represents the vibration
The two matrices T̂ep and T̂ec contain augmented rotor mobilities level as if the rotor was run at that frequency and the excitation
describing the velocity at the error locations xe due to forces act- was caused by a unit unbalance force. It is not intended to show
ing at the locations xp of the unbalance forces 共primary distur- the control at all of these frequencies simultaneously since this is
bance兲 and the locations xc of the control forces. The sum of the not how the rotor would be excited in practice.
squared error signals can be calculated using the Hermitian trans-
pose 共or conjugate transpose denoted by H) as eHe and is mini- Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies. The augmented
mized when the secondary control forces fc are given by 关9,11兴, mobility of the rotor given in Eq. 共9兲 can be considered to contain
augmented natural frequencies and augmented mode shapes. The
⫺1 H
fc ⫽ 关 T̂H
ecT̂ec兴 T̂ecT̂epfp (11) mode shapes and natural frequencies of the first three modes are
– opt shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that all three of these modes have
Using these optimal forces the velocity at any set of observation components that are due to bending in the rotor and components
locations xi along the rotor can then be calculated before ui b and due to bouncing or rocking on the two mounts.
after ui a optimal control as, Limitations Due to Actuator Location. In this section the
limitation due to actuator location will be investigated. To achieve
ui b⫽T̂ipfp (12) this it will be assumed that the control system is designed to
minimize the global vibration level. For the purposes of investi-
ui a⫽T̂ipfp⫹T̂icfc (13)
– – opt
The two matrices T̂ip and T̂ic contain augmented rotor mobilities
describing the velocity at the observation locations xi due to
forces acting at the locations xp of the unbalance forces 共primary
disturbance兲 and the locations xc of the control forces. This pro-
cess can be repeated for a range of frequencies.
3 Theoretical Analysis
The performance of a control system implemented on a rotor
will be limited by: 共i兲 the control architecture, 共ii兲 the actuator
placement and 共iii兲 the sensor placement. In this section the limi-
tations caused by actuator placement and sensor placement will be
investigated using the theory presented in section 2. The term
‘‘global vibration level’’ will be used in this section and refers to
the mean velocity squared level averaged over the entire length of
the rotor 共at 20 equally spaced points兲. Although it is often more
important to reduce the vibration levels at particular positions
along the rotor, the global vibration level will provide some indi-
cation as to the overall performance of the system and highlight Fig. 3 The mode shapes and natural frequencies of the first
potential problems. Since the excitation is tonal, a single actuator three modes of the rotor predicted using a beam model.
G 共 i 兲 ⫽a G 共 兲 ⫹ib G 共 兲 (14)
K eq ⫽K x ⫹K i a G 共 兲 ; (15)
C eq ⫽K i b G 共 兲 / (16)
6 S 1 and S 2 V 2 and W 2
7 S 1 and S 2 V 1 and W 1
8 S 1 , S 2 and SV 1 V 1 and W 1
9 S 1 , S 2 and SV 1 V 2 and W 2
冉 冊 冉 冊
tions,’’ 4th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Zurich, Switzer-
x x land, pp. 107–112.
n 共 x 兲 ⫽cos ␥ ⫺0.5 ⫹k cosh ␥ ⫺0.5 关5兴 Matsumura et al., 1994, ‘‘Elimination of Unbalance Vibration in AMB Sys-
ᐉ ᐉ tems Using Gain Scheduled H ⬁ Robust Controllers,’’ 4th International Sym-
posium on Magnetic Bearings, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 113–118.
for n⫽2,4,6,¯ (19) 关6兴 Hisatani et al., 1997, ‘‘Adaptive Filtering for Unbalance Vibration Suppre-
sion,’’ Proceedings of MAG’97, Alexandria, VA, pp. 125–130.
where 关7兴 Hope, R. W., Tessier, L. P., Knospe, C., and Miyaji, T., 1998, ‘‘Adaptive
␥ Vibration Control of Industrial Turbomachinery, 98-GT-405,’’ International
Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition.
2 ␥ ␥ 关8兴 Piper, G. E., and Calvert, T. E., 1995, ‘‘Active Fluidborne Noise Control of a
k⫽⫺ and tan ⫹tanh ⫽0 Magnetic Bearing Pump,’’ NCA-Vol. 21, IMECE, Proceedings of the ASME
␥ 2 2 Noise Control and Acoustics Division, pp. 55–76.
sinh 关9兴 Fuller, C. R., Elliott, S. J., and Nelson, P. A., 1996, Active Control of Vibration,
2 Academic Press, London.
冉 冊 冉 冊
关10兴 Brennan, M. J., Elliott, S. J., and Pinnington, R. J., 1995, ‘‘Strategies for the
x x
n 共 x 兲 ⫽sin ␥ ⬘ ⫺0.5 ⫹k ⬘ sinh ␥ ⬘ ⫺0.5 Active Control of Flexural Vibration on a Beam,’’ J. Sound Vib., 186共4兲, pp.
ᐉ ᐉ 657– 688.
关11兴 Nelson, P. A., and Elliott, S. J., 1993, Active Control of Sound, Academic
for n⫽3,5,7,¯ (20) Press.
关12兴 Fuller, C. R., Gibbs, G. P., and Silcox, R. J., 1990, ‘‘Simultaneous Active
where Control of Flexural and Extensional Waves in Beams,’’ J. Intell. Mater. Syst.
Struct., 1, pp. 235–247.
␥⬘ 关13兴 Guigou, C., and Fuller, C. R., 1993, ‘‘Active Control of Sound Radiation from
sin a Simply Supported Beam: Influence of Bending Near-field Waves,’’ J. Acoust.
2 ␥⬘ ␥⬘ Soc. Am., 93共5兲, pp. 2716 –2725.
k ⬘⫽ and tan ⫺tanh ⫽0 关14兴 Post, J. T., and Silcox, R. J., 1990, ‘‘Active Control of the Forced Response of
␥⬘ 2 2
a Finite Beam,’’ Proc. Of Noise-Con’90, Austin, Texas, pp. 197–202.
2 关15兴 Widrow, B., and Sterns, S. D., 1985, Adaptive Signal Processing, Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
关16兴 Elliott, S. J., Stothers, I. M., and Nelson, P. A., 1987, ‘‘A Multiple Error LMS
Appendix B: Natural Frequencies of the Modes of a Algorithm and Its Application to the Active Control of Sound and Vibration,’’
Free-Free Beam IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., 35, pp. 1423–1434.
关17兴 Warburton, G. B., 1954, ‘‘The Vibration of Rectangular Plates,’’ Proc. Inst.
For a free-free rod the natural frequencies of the modes are Mech. Eng., 168, p. 371–383.
given by 关17兴, 关18兴 Bishop, R. E. D., and Johnson, D. C., 1960, The Mechanisms of Vibration,
Cambridge University Press.
0 ⫽0 (21) 关19兴 Childs, D., 1993, Turbomachinery Rotordynamics Phenomena, Modeling, and
Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
1 ⫽0 (22) 关20兴 Allaire, P. E., et al., 1993, Magnetic Bearings, STLE Handbook of Tribology
and Lubrication, Vol. III.
n ⫽k 2n 冑 EI 共 n⫺0.5兲 2 2 d
4ᐉ 2
冑 E
for n⭓2 (23)
关21兴 Clements, J. R., 2000, ‘‘The Experimental Testing of an Active Magnetic
Bearing/Rotor System Undergoing Base Excitation,’’ Master Thesis, Virginia
374 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 The experimental 2D enclosure
冏 P 1共 j 兲
P̃ 2 共 j 兲 ⫺ P 2 共 j 兲
⭐ 兩 W共 j 兲兩 ᭙ . (2)
冕 T
J⫽ lim E 共 x 共 t 兲 ⬘ Rx 共 t 兲 ⫹u 共 t 兲 ⬘ Gu 共 t 兲兲 dt, (4) X ⬁ 共 A⫺B 1 G ⫺1 ⫺1 ⫺1
⌼ ⬘ 兲 ⫹ 共 A⫺B 1 G ⌼ ⬘ 兲 ⬘ X ⬁ ⫹ 共 R ⫺⌼ G ⌼ ⬘ 兲
T→⬁ 2T
冉 冊
where R⭓0 and G⬎0. The minimax LQG control problem in- ⫺X ⬁ B 1 G ⫺1
B 1⬘ ⫺ B B ⬘ X ⫽0, (7)
volves finding a controller which minimizes the maximum of this 2 2 ⬁
cost function where the maximum is taken over all uncertainties where the solutions are required to satisfy the conditions Y ⬁ ⬎0,
satisfying the uncertainty constraint 共1兲. If we define a variable
X ⬁ ⬎0, I⫺1/ Y ⬁ X ⬁ ⬎0 and R ⫺⌼ ⬘ G ⫺1 ⌼ ⭓0. Here R ,R
⫽ 冋 册
R 1/2x
G 1/2u
, (5)
⫹ C 1⬘ C 1 , G ,G⫹ D 1⬘ D 1 and ⌼ , C 1⬘ D 1 . In order to solve
the minimax LQG control problem, the parameter ⬎0 is chosen
to minimize the cost bound W 共an upper-bound on J in 共4兲兲
then the minimax LQG control problem can be solved by solving defined by
冋 册
the scaled H ⬁ control problem represented in Fig. 5; see 关12,13兴.
In this H ⬁ control problem, the nominal system is described by 共 Y C T2 ⫹B 2 D T2 兲共 D 2 D T2 兲 ⫺1
Eq. 共3兲 and 共5兲 and the controller is to be constructed such that the W ,tr ⫻ 共 C 2 Y ⫹D 2 B 2 兲 X 共 I⫺Y X 兲 ⫺1 .
closed loop system is stable and the transfer function from w̃(t) to ⫹Y R
(t) satisfies the H ⬁ norm bound
Then, the minimax LQG controller is defined by the state
储 T w̃ 共 j 兲储 ⭐1 ᭙ . equations
x̂˙ ⫽ 共 A⫺B 1 G ⫺1 冉 ⫺1
⌼ ⬘ 兲 x̂⫺ B 1 G B ⬘1 ⫺
B B ⬘ X x̂
2 2 ⬁ 冊
⫹ I⫺ 冉 冊
⬁ ⬁
共 Y ⬁ C 2⬘ ⫹B 2 D 2⬘ 兲 ⫻ 共 D 2 D 2⬘ 兲 ⫺1
冉 冉
⫻ y⫺ C 2 ⫹
D B ⬘ X x̂
2 2 ⬁ 冊冊
u ⫽⫺G ⫺1
共 B ⬘1 X ⬁ ⫹⌼ ⬘ 兲 x̂. (9)
4 Controller Design
The appropriate state-space representation in Eq. 共3兲 are arrived
at from P 1 (s), P 2 (s), and W(s) as discussed previously. Note
that the theory of 关12,13兴 requires that D 2 D 2⬘ ⬎0 in 共3兲. This is
achieved by adding a small measurement noise to the system in
addition to the process noise w̃(t). We choose the matrix R in the
cost function 共4兲 as R⫽C 2⬘ C 2 . That is, the term x(t) ⬘ Rx(t) in the
cost function 共4兲 corresponds to the norm squared value of the
Fig. 4 Stochastic uncertain system nominal system output. The term u ⬘ Gu in the cost function 共4兲 is
with the order of the weighting filter W(s). Typical order of con- 5 Experimental Results
trollers designed in this paper is around eighty. Such a high order
controller may lead to problems of numerical error and excessive The reduced dimension controller designed in Section 4 was
computational load when implemented. Hence, the balanced con- implemented on a dSPACE DS1103 system as shown in Fig. 6.
troller reduction method described in Section 19.1.1 of 关23兴 is The spectrum analyser is used to measure the closed loop
applied to reduce the controller order to around forty. It was found frequency response from the disturbance speaker input to the
that with this level approximation, there was very little degrada- microphone output. In order to implement each controller, it
tion in the predicted closed loop performance. was first discretized using the FOH method with a sample period
of 0.5⫻10⫺3 seconds. The resulting discrete time controller From the figures it can be seen that even a 40th order model is
was then implemented on the dSPACE system with this sample unable to match the data exactly.
period. The uncertainty envelope W(s) and the magnitude of the 40th
5.1 Control of Low Frequency Modes. Experimental fre- order transfer function, for the identified models in Figs. 7 and 8,
quency response data was collected from 20–500 Hz. It is not derived using Yule-Walker method is shown in Fig. 9.
practical to fit a model over the entire frequency range. A 40th For the case under discussion the controller order is 80 and
order model was fitted in the 20–100 Hz frequency range. Figures balanced model reduction technique 关23兴 was applied in order to
7 and 8 show the experimental response and the identified re- obtain a 40th order approximation to the 80th order controller. The
sponse for the disturbance and control speakers, respectively. designed controller is shown in Fig. 10.
The predicted stability and robustness of the closed loop system method is used to demonstrate the controller performance between
can be seen by the Nyquist plot based on the final 共reduced di- 250– 450 Hz. The identified and experimental responses are
mension兲 controller transfer function and the measured plant shown in Figs. 14 and 15. The choice of uncertainty envelope and
transfer function data P̃ 2 ( j ). This Nyquist plot is shown in Fig. the experimental closed loop and open loop performance is shown
11. The disturbance attenuation performance of the controller is in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively. The frequency response outside
illustrated in Fig. 12. of the range shown in these figures remained unchanged. There is
Figure 13 shows the resulting measured frequency response for a clear improvement in the damping of the resonant peaks in the
the open loop and closed loop system. frequency range of interest.
5.2 Control of Higher Frequency Modes. The experimen- 5.3 Proper Choice of the Uncertainty Model. It is shown
tal results presented thus far were restricted to the lower frequency in Section 3 that the minimax LQG control problem is equivalent
range of 20–100 Hz. In this section the minimax LQG control to the minimization of the H ⬁ norm of the closed-loop transfer
function between the noise input w̃(t) and output (t) as defined actuators and sensors can be used to get rid of deep nulls. In other
in Fig. 5. The output (t) consists of two terms, one of them is the words optimal actuator-sensor placement methods should use
uncertainty output z(t) which is also known as performance out- modelling error as a measure of optimality.
put. To minimize the H ⬁ norm the controller will attempt to keep The influence of the choice of W(s) on the controller can be
the output z(t) small. From this we realize that W(s) 共whose used to shape the controller. For example, the frequency band
output is z(t)) should be kept small for high authority control. In where 兩 W( ) 兩 is large, the controller gain will be low. In the
obtaining models for acoustic enclosures it is seen that the mod- closed-loop response in Fig. 13 it can be seen that there is an
elling error is the largest at deep nulls. A proper placement of increase in the gain near the deep null around 70 Hz. This is due
very impressive and further work in the selection of actuator- 关12兴 Petersen, I. R., Ugrinovski, V., and Savkin, A. V., 2000, Robust Control Design
sensor placement 共to obtain a tighter fit between the model and using H ⬁ Methods, Springer-Verlag, London.
关13兴 Ugrinovskii, V. A., and Petersen, I. R., 1998, ‘‘Time-averaged Robust Control
data兲 and a choice of frequency weighting function can improve
of Stochastic Partially Observed Uncertain Systems,’’ Proceedings of the IEEE
the results significantly. Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Tampa, FL.
关14兴 Fang, B., Kelkar, A. G., and Joshi, S. M., 2002, ‘‘Modelling and Control of
References Acoustic-Structure Interaction in 3-D Enclosures,’’ IEEE 2002 Conference on
Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada.
关1兴 Elliott, S. J., 1999, ‘‘Down with Noise,’’ IEEE Spectrum, June, pp. 54 – 61. 关15兴 Ding, W. P., and Chen, H. L., 2001, ‘‘A Symmetrical Finite Element Model for
关2兴 Hu, J.-S., Yu, S.-H., and Hsieh, C.-S., 1998, ‘‘Application of Model-Matching Structure-Acoustic Coupling of an Elastic, Thin-Walled Cavity,’’ J. Sound
Techniques to Feedforward Active Noise Control Design,’’ IEEE Trans. Con- Vib., 243共3兲, pp. 547–559.
trol Syst. Technol., 6共1兲, pp. 33– 42. 关16兴 Marburg, S., Beer, H.-J., Gier, J., Hardtke, H.-J., Rennert, R., and Perret, F.,
关3兴 Omoto, A., and Elliott, S. J., 1999, ‘‘The Effect of Structured Uncertainty in 2002, ‘‘Experimental Verification of Structural-Acoustic Modelling and De-
the Acoustic Plant on Multichannel Feedforward Control Systems,’’ IEEE sign Optimization,’’ J. Sound Vib., 252共4兲, pp. 591– 615.
Trans. Speech Audio Process., 7共2兲, pp. 204 –212. 关17兴 Banks, H. T., Brown, D. E., Smith, R. C., Metcalf, V. L., Wang, Y., and Silcox,
关4兴 Pota, H. R., and Kelkar, A. G., 2001, ‘‘Modelling and Control of Acoustic
R. J., 1994, ‘‘Noise Control in a 3-D Structural Acoustic System: Numerical
Ducts,’’ ASME J. Vibr. Acoust., 123共1兲, pp. 2–10.
and Experimental Implementation of a PDE-Based Methodology,’’ IEEE Pro-
关5兴 Kelkar, A. G., and Pota, H. R., 2000, ‘‘Robust Broadband Control of Acoustic
ceedings of the 33rd Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista,
Duct,’’ Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Sydney, Australia, pp. 4485– 4490. FL, pp. 305–310.
关6兴 Hong, J., Akers, J. C., Venugopal, R., Lee, M.-N., Sparks, A. G., Washabaugh, 关18兴 Nelson, P. A., and Elliott, S. J., 1992, Active Control of Sound, Academic
P. D., and Bernstein, D. S., 1996, ‘‘Modeling, Identification, and Feedback Press, London.
Control of Noise in an Acoustic Duct,’’ IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., 关19兴 Elliott, S., 2001, Signal Processing for Active Control, Academic Press, Syd-
4共3兲, pp. 283–291. ney.
关7兴 Clark, R. L., and Cole, D. G., 1995, ‘‘Active Damping of Enclosed Sound 关20兴 McKelvey, T., Akçay, H., and Ljung, L., 1996, ‘‘Subspace-based Multivariable
Fields Through Direct Rate Feedback Control,’’ J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 97共3兲, pp. System Identification from Frequency Response Data,’’ IEEE Trans. Autom.
1710–1716. Control, 41共7兲, pp. 960–979.
关8兴 Erwin, R. S., and Bernstein, D. S., 1997, ‘‘Discrete-time H 2 /H ⬁ Control of an 关21兴 Friedlander, B., and Porat, B., 1984, ‘‘The Modified Yule-Walker Method of
Acoustic Duct: Delta-domain Design and Experimental Results,’’ Conference ARMA Spectral Estimation,’’ IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 20共2兲, pp.
on Decision and Control, IEEE, San Deigo, CA, pp. 281–282. 158 –173.
关9兴 Petersen, I. R., and Pota, H. R., 2000, ‘‘Minimax LQG Optimal Control of an 关22兴 Petersen, I. R., Pota, H. R., and Jahromi, M. R. S., 2002, ‘‘System Identifica-
Experimental Acoustic Duct,’’ IEE Control 2000 Conference, Cambridge, UK. tion, Uncertainty Modelling and Actuator Placement in the Robust Control of
关10兴 Petersen, I. R., 2001, ‘‘Multivariable Control of Noise in an Acoustic Duct,’’ an Acoustic Duct,’’ Proceedings of the Conference on Information, Decision,
Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC2001, Porto, Portugal. and Control, Adelaide, Australia.
关11兴 Pota, H. R., and Kelkar, A. G., 2001, ‘‘On Perfect Acoustic Noise Cancelling 关23兴 Zhou, K., Doyle, J. C., and Glover, K., 1996, Robust and Optimal Control,
Control,’’ Control and Intelligent Systems, 29共2兲, pp. 48 –54. Prentice Hall, NJ.
384 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
one such stable pocket in delay domain. This knowledge is ex- nary axis. The corresponding values are 兵 kᐉ 其 , k⫽1, . . . m,
tremely important, as one can imagine. If there are so called, the ᐉ⫽0, . . . ⬁ which are distributed periodically 共by 2 / ck .兲 This
secondary stability pockets one may opt to operate within one of proposition implies that the infinitely many characteristic roots of
these, still performing a stable control despite the larger time de- Eq. 共6兲 can only move across the imaginary axis through these m
lay in the picture. No existing methodology, however, could offer ‘pinholes’ ( ck i,k⫽1, . . . m).
a procedure to detect these additional pockets. The Direct Method Proposition II: As transits through one of the 兵 kᐉ 其 , k
共DM兲 关22兴 suggests a unique construct ultimately yielding an ex- ⫽1, . . . m, ᐉ⫽0, . . . ⬁ values, the respective root can pass
plicit function of delay, which declares completely the stability through the pinhole ck i only in one direction. That is, the root
pockets. The end results clearly offer much stronger revelations tendency 共RT兲 which is defined as
than simply stating the stability margin. The method is the first of
its kind as it handles the general n-dimensional LTI-RTDS 共with
commensurate time delays兲 and uncovers its unique properties.
Some of these properties are realized in 关23兴 for scalar dynamics
(n⫽1), however the approach therein is quite restrictive to imple-
RT 兩 ⫽
⫽ ck
⫽sgn Re
冋冉 ds
冏 s⫽ ck i
⫽ kᐉ
冊册 k⫽1, . . . m
ᐉ⫽0, . . . ⬁
兺 ⌫冉 冊
above. We will recite them here for clarity, leaving their proofs m
to 关2,22兴. ⫺ k0
NU 共 兲 ⫽NU 共 0 兲 ⫹ •U 共 , k0 兲 •RT k (9)
Proposition I: The time delayed system in Eq. 共5兲 can have k⫽1 ⌬k
only a finite number of imaginary characteristic roots 共call these
⫿ ck i, k⫽1, . . . m), for all values of 苸R⫹ . Note that, the where NU(0) is the number of unstable roots when ⫽0,
subscript ‘c’ refers to the ‘crossing’ of the roots over the imagi- U( , k0 )⫽A step function in with the step taking place at k0
关s兴 关rad/s兴 RT NU
0 0
0.3071 7.5032 ⫹1 2
0.5441 4.3864 ⫹1 4
1.1444 7.5032 ⫹1 6
1.9766 4.3864 ⫹1 8
1.9818 7.5032 ⫹1 10
2.0028 3.0446 ⫺1 8
2.0052 2.98 ⫺1 6
] ] ] ]
再 0⬍ ⬍ k0
0 Let’s take a realistic vibration suppression setting given in Fig.
1 from 关27兴 where the mass m 11 is excited harmonically and the
U 共 , k0 兲 ⫽ 1 for ⭓ k0 , ck ⫽0 response of m 12 , x 12 , is desired to be minimized. This model is a
2 ⭓ k0 , ck ⫽0 simplified display of two high-rise buildings (m 11 and m 21) inter-
connected via two passageways 共m 12 and m 22 兲. Two actuators
⌫(x)⫽Ceiling function of x, ⌫ returns the smallest integer greater deploy the feedback control, which is determined using pole
than or equal to x placement techniques.
The expression NU( ) of Eq. 共9兲 requires the knowledge of We alter the system parameters from the original example in
four things, all of which are known: order to make the numerical results compact enough to include
共i兲 NU(0) here:
共ii兲 k0 , k⫽1, . . . m, the smallest ⬎0 values corresponding to
each one of the ck ’s m 11⫽0.2, m 12⫽0.15, m 21⫽0.2, m 22⫽0.15 kg
共iii兲 ⌬ k ⫽2 / ck , k⫽1, . . . m c 1 ⫽2.2, c 2 ⫽1.9 N•s/m
共iv兲 RT 兩 k ⫽RT 兩 ck , k⫽1, . . . m
The stable regions of 共i.e. the pockets兲 are those which dis- k 10⫽2, k 11⫽4, k 12⫽2, k 20⫽4, k 21⫽2, k 22⫽2 N/m
play NU( )⫽0. That is s⫽ 兵 苸R⫹ ,NU( )⫽0 其 . This completes The governing equation of this controlled system is obtained as:
冢 冣 冢 冣 冉冊
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
⫺30 ⫺11 10 0 0 0 0 11 ⫺5 0 0
f 共t兲
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
13.33 0 ⫺26.67 ⫺12.67 0 12.67 0 0 0 ⫺6.67 0
ẋ⫽Ax⫹B̄u⫹F⫽ x⫹ u⫹
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 12.67 ⫺40 ⫺12.67 13.33 0 0 6.67 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8⫻1
0 11 0 0 10 0 ⫺20 ⫺11 8⫻8
5 0 8⫻2
冦 冧
2p The corresponding NU( ) variation is like in Fig. 2. The sta-
1k ⫽0.544⫹
再 冎
c1 bility posture of the system is clear: it’s stable only for the time
delay 0⬍⬍307 ms. Afterwards it never returns to stability. What
c1 ⫽4.3864 2p
2k ⫽0.307⫹ this implies in practice is that the delay on the feedback can only
c2 ⫽7.5032 c2 be within this range for stability. Beyond 307 ms, the given feed-
→ from 共8兲
c3 ⫽3.0446 2p back structure renders instability by enforcing unstable right-
c4 ⫽2.98 3k ⫽2.003⫹ hand-side roots numbered by NU( ), as per Fig 2. A numerical
simulation study validates this finding as given in Fig. 3.
4k ⫽2.005⫹ The end result of this effort is not the declaration of stable or
再 冎
unstable regions only, but also what happens to vibration suppres-
sion in the stable regions when the delay exists. We take ⫽250
RT 兩 1 ⫽⫹1
ms 共knowing that it is harmless from stability perspective兲 and
RT 兩 2 ⫽⫹1 study the frequency response of the mass m 12 under f 0 sin(t)
→ p⫽0, . . . ⬁ (13)
RT 兩 3 ⫽⫺1 harmonic excitation on m 11 . When Eq. 共10兲 is solved for x 12 it
RT 兩 4 ⫽⫺1 results in:
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 389
computed. To avoid the overwhelming burden of calculating the error and minimize it. The most straightforward choice is to adopt
posterior probabilities of all models, a Gibbs sampler is consid- the Euclidean norm of the prediction error e k ⫽y k ⫺x Tk  :
ered to perform an efficient stochastic search of the model space.
It is emphasized that the main difficulty of this inference problem
is that the multi-dimensional probability density function 共PDF兲 of
J共  兲⫽ 兺
k⫽1 . . . N
e Tk e k ⫽e T e (5)
the family of models must be sampled. However, this PDF is
unknown, making random walk techniques such as the Markov in which case the best, linear, unbiased estimator of the coeffi-
Chain Monte Carlo 共MCMC兲 sampling the only possible choice. cients  is provided by:
Gibbs sampling has been proposed as a computationally attractive
ˆ ⫽ 共 X T X 兲 ⫺1 X T y (6)
alternative to MCMC, yet, it can explore an unknown PDF
关24,26兴. where the column-vector y collects N observations and the N rows
While the principle of Bayesian inference has previously been by m columns matrix X evaluates the m effects for each of the N
冋 册
applied to various problems in structural dynamics 共e.g., Refer- observations:
ences 关28,29兴兲, no attempt has been made, to the best of the au-
thors’ knowledge, to adapt the Bayes updating rule to the screen- x 1,1 x 1,2 ¯ x 1,m
ing of model form during nonlinear system identification. After a y2 x 2,1 x 2,2 ¯ x 2,m
brief discussion of model fitting in Section 2, the Bayesian screen- y⫽ ;X⫽ (7)
] ] ] ]
ing algorithm for model selection is outlined in Section 3. The
methodology is illustrated using two examples. Section 4 dis- x N,1 x N,2 ¯ x N,m
cusses a numerical simulation intended at demonstrating the over-
Clearly, other objective functions yield different estimators. The
all performance of the screening method. The second example
generalization of the objective function 共5兲 is commonly referred
involves experimental data sets collected during the European
to as the generalized least-squares 共GLS兲 estimator 关31兴. Weight-
COST-F3 program 共Section 5兲. The numerical predictability of the
ing matrices are introduced and a regularization term penalizes
identified model is finally assessed in Section 6.
solutions too distant from the user-defined starting point  o . Eqs.
共8兲 and 共9兲 show the GLS objective and the corresponding GLS
2 Model Fitting estimator, respectively:
Model fitting generally refers to the calibration of model coef- J 共  兲 ⫽e T W ⫺1 T ⫺1
ee e⫹ 共  ⫺  o 兲 W bb 共  ⫺  o 兲 (8)
ficients  given a sequence of points (t k ;y k ) in the design space.
It is assumed that a model is available: ˆ ⫽ 共 X T W ⫺1 ⫺1 ⫺1 T ⫺1
ee X⫹W bb 兲 X W ee y (9)
y⫽M 共  ;t 兲 (1) In general, weighting matrices are chosen arbitrarily or based
on experience, for example, to weight the importance of some
where t denotes the input variables, y denotes the output variables observations more than others. When covariance matrices are
and  denotes the model’s coefficients. used, the GLS estimator becomes similar to the Bayesian estima-
For clarity, the discussion will assume that the model form is tor. Rigorously speaking, other factors should appear in the defi-
polynomial-like. Nevertheless, nothing prevents the Bayesian nition of the Bayesian objective function. Because these addi-
model screening proposed in Section 3 to be applied to other tional factors are constant, however, the same estimator as the one
functional forms. Fractional models could be considered, for ex- shown in Eq. 共9兲 is obtained. An important benefit of Bayesian
ample, to fit the poles and zeros of frequency response functions. inference is that it provides a posterior estimate of the covariance
Exponential models could be considered to represent the decay of matrix:
propagating waves as a function of time or distance. Artificial
neural networks are increasingly used in a variety of applications Ŵ 共bbposterior兲 ⫽ 共 W ⫺1 T ⫺1
bb ⫹X W ee X 兲
in structural dynamics because they can, depending on their form,
approximate any non-linear function 关30兴. Correlation coefficients of the posterior covariance matrix 共10兲
Another notion that must be clarified before proceeding with provide insight into the quality of the estimator. Reference 关32兴
the discussion is the notion of ‘‘effect.’’ The model shown in Eq. discusses a shock propagation application where significant pos-
共1兲 depends on inputs t where t does not necessarily refer to time. terior correlation is obtained between coefficients that have no
Functions of the input variables t can be defined that will be physical reason to be correlated. The authors conclude that the
referred to as effects and denoted by x in the following. Such form of the model is inappropriate. They further demonstrate that
functions can assume any form, linear or non-linear. For example, it is indeed the case when improved goodness-of-fit and posterior
the 2-input, 1-output nonlinear model: correlation indicators are obtained with a different model.
With the exception of investigating the posterior correlation,
y⫽0.3t 1 ⫹2.0 sin共 t 2 兲 ⫺1.5e ⫺t 1 t 2 (2) however, no practical tool is available to select the appropriate
can equivalently be defined through the three effects x 1 ⫽t 1 , x 2 form of a nonlinear model, which is the process we refer to a
⫽sin(t2) and x 3 ⫽e ⫺t 1 t 2 as: model screening. Model form—for example, replacing a linear
contribution by a cubic stiffness—is usually selected based on
y⫽0.3x 1 ⫹2.0x 2 ⫺1.5x 3 (3) experience or empirical observation. Sometimes, several choices
seem equally likely and the analyst has to go through the pains-
While the input variables t 1 and t 2 might be independent, note
taking process of fitting each model and assessing their goodness-
that the effects x 1 , x 2 and x 3 are neither independent nor uncor-
of-fit. Because it is based on the concept of goodness-of-fit, such
related. The Bayesian model screening discussed in Section 3
approach leads to over-fitting.
does not require the effects to be independent or uncorrelated.
Another subtle but important issue is to estimate the posterior
With the definition of effects x that can be functions of the input
probability of a particular model as opposed to simply relying on
variables t, the polynomial-like model can be simply represented
the goodness-of-fit. By definition, the posterior probability is con-
ditioned on the evidence available—that is, experimental observa-
tions. Posterior probability and goodness-of-fit complement each
y⫽ 兺
k⫽1 . . . m
x k  k ⫽x T  (4) other because the former indicates if the analyst’s prior opinion of
the form of the model is consistent with the evidence. In Section
The commonly encountered method of fitting the coefficients  3, a practical tool is proposed for model screening based on the
is to define an objective function that represents the prediction concept of posterior probability.
L共 y 兩 兲⫽ 兺
k⫽1 . . . N
共 y k ⫺x Tk  兲 2 (11)
Note that the likelihood function 共11兲 is similar to Eq. 共5兲 previ-
ously discussed. Other functions can be used, in particular the
Bayesian objective 共8兲, as well as the many objective functions
commonly used in test-analysis correlation and model updating
Once the likelihood of a particular model has been estimated,
the posterior probabilities of the model’s effects can be updated
according to the Bayes Theorem that states that the posterior prob-
ability PDF(  兩 y) is equal to the likelihood function L(y 兩  ) mul-
tiplied by the prior probability PDF(  ) and divided by the prob-
ability of the data PDF(y):
L 共 y 兩  兲 PDF共  兲
PDF共  兩 y 兲 ⫽ (12)
PDF共 y 兲
The probability of the observed data PDF(y) is generally kept
constant and omitted in the updating Eq. 共12兲. Because the proce- Fig. 2 Simplified flow chart of the Bayesian model screening
dure is iterative in nature, the Bayes update 共12兲 is repeated and algorithm
4 Numerical Application
Fig. 3 Concept of random walk optimization
The first application presented is extremely simple and aims at
illustrating the overall performance of the model screening proce-
dure. Consider an output variable y defined by the following
input-output model:
y⫽2 sin共 2t 兲 ⫹3 cos共 t 兲 ⫺1.5 sin共 3t 兲 cos共 2t 兲 (13)
where t is an input variable that varies from zero to fifty with
increments of ⌬t⫽0.05. It is assumed that the model form shown
in Eq. 共13兲 is unknown. Instead, observations y k ⫽y(k⌬t), for k
⫽0 . . . 100, are obtained and the problem consists in identifying
the numerical model that best matches the observed data. It is
emphasized that, in this numerical simulation, no actual experi-
ment is performed. The continuous solution 共13兲 is shown in Fig.
5 with a solid line. The hexagram symbols represent the discrete
samples assumed to be collected.
Next, consider a set of candidate predictors:
x 1 ⫽sin共 t 兲
x 2 ⫽cos共 t 兲
x 3 ⫽sin共 2t 兲
x 4 ⫽cos共 2t 兲
x 5 ⫽sin共 3t 兲
x 6 ⫽cos共 3t 兲
Fig. 4 Illustration of MCMC and Gibbs random walk sampling
In addition to the six predictors of Eq. 共14兲, six other predictors
labeled x 7 , x 8 , x 9 , x 10 , x 11 and x 12 are defined as random func-
tions. It can be observed that, if the functional form of the output
variable y were known, it could be written as:
defined family of models, their goodness-of-fit indicators and the
posterior probabilities PDF(  兩 y) of effects involved in the most y⫽3x 2 ⫹2x 3 ⫺1.5x 4 x 5 (15)
likely models.
To do so, however, the unknown posterior probability function
must be sampled. The problem of exploring an unknown PDF is
solved with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The
MCMC sampling is advantageous in this situation because it can
sample any distribution, whether it is Gaussian or not. The
MCMC sampling can be viewed conceptually as an optimization
solver that performs a random walk through the optimization
space. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 3 where points in the
optimization space are sequentially visited. More appropriate so-
lutions are guaranteed more frequent visits because the acceptance
criterion of a given solution is based on its likelihood function.
Each candidate point in the design space—here, the design
space is the horizontal plane of potential models illustrated in
Figs. 1 and 3—is accepted or rejected based on its value of the
likelihood function 共11兲 and a Chi-square test. This particular ac-
ceptance criterion implies that inappropriate models have a small
chance of being accepted just like appropriate models have a
small chance of rejection. If rejected, a new point is randomly
selected in the neighborhood of the last accepted point. The se-
quence of points accepted is stored to estimate, once the process
has been completed, the probability of occurrence of each model.
The sampling procedure used in this work is the Gibbs sam-
pling, the simplest of the many variants of the MCMC algorithm. Fig. 5 Simulated non-linear function „13…
f NL 共 x 12 ,ẋ 12兲 ⫽⫺m 2 ẍ 1b ⫺m 2 ẍ 12 (17) where, to comply with notations introduced in Section 2, y k rep-
resents the available restoring force data and y is the standard
Equation 共17兲 can be viewed as describing the response of a
deviation of data y k . The vector  collects the coefficients k l , c l
SDOF system subjected to a base acceleration. Because the accel-
and k nl , assuming that the exponent ␣ is known and equal to 1.5,
eration signals shown in the right-hand side of Eq. 共17兲 are mea-
and the vector x k collects the corresponding effects in Eq. 共19兲.
sured and the mass is known, it is possible to compute the restor-
The exercise of identifying the most appropriate model form is
ing force f NL at each instant from Eq. 共17兲.
now repeated with the Bayesian model screening. First, three ef-
The value of the restoring force is shown in Fig. 8 in the four
fects are defined in agreement with Eq. 共19兲. They are the linear
cases where the load mass is equal to 2.2 kg 共Tests 1– 4兲. At low
stiffness x 12 , linear damping ẋ 12 and nonlinear stiffness
excitation level, the system’s behavior is predominantly linear be-
cause the restoring force varies linearly with the displacement, as 兩 x 12兩 ␣ sign(x 12). The corresponding coefficients are denoted by k l ,
can be observed for the 0.5 Volt and 2.0 Volt levels. As the exci- c l and k nl , as before. Second, model-forming rules are defined
tation level is increased, a softening stiffness nonlinearity appears, which are that main effects and linear interactions between the
as can be observed from the 4.0 Volt and 8.0 Volt levels. main effects are allowed. This means that a total of six effects
leading to sixty two different model forms are allowed. Such com-
binatorial complexity is trivial compared to the example discussed
in Section 4. The complexity here stems from the fact that real
data sets are analyzed with all the risk of erroneous identification
caused by ‘‘noisy’’ measurements and signal conditioning issues.
Because the exponent ␣ is unknown, the Bayesian model
screening is repeated for several assumed values of ␣. The value
that leads to the smallest MSE is retained. Repeating model
screening could become CPU-time intensive if long MCMC
chains are requested for each analysis. For this application, an
initial chain of length 50 is dedicated to burn-in and a chain of
length 300 is requested for the optimization. It has been verified
that requesting more samples does not improve the quality of the
final results. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the MSE as a func-
tion of the exponent ␣. The minimum value is obtained for ␣
共 兲
* Difference relative to coefficients in Table 3.
Closed-Form Exact Solution to Hⴥ standard model of the DVA. In 1928, Ormondroyd and Den Har-
tog 关2兴 pointed out the damping of the DVA has an optimum value
Optimization of Dynamic so as to minimize the maximum amplitude response of the pri-
Vibration Absorbers „Application to mary system. Such optimization criterion is now known as H ⬁
optimization. In 1932, Hahnkamm 关3兴 derived the optimum tuning
Different Transfer Functions parameter opt of the DVA using special points in which all re-
and Damping Systems…
Toshihiko Asami
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Himeji Institute of Technology, 2167 Shosha, Himeji,
Hyogo 671-2201, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
Osamu Nishihara
Associate Professor, Department of Systems Science,
Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
606-8501, Japan
Fig. 1 Systems with viscous damped DVA „Voigt type DVA… „a…
e-mail: [email protected] Force excitation system „b… Motion excitation system
冏 冏 冏冏
posed a new method for attaining the H ⬁ optimization of the
absorber in linear systems. The new method enables us to obtain
the exact algebraic solution of the H ⬁ optimization problem of the
冏冏冏 冏
f 0 /k 1
冏冏 x1
21 y 1
ẍ 0
1 y1
⫽ 2
absorber. In this paper, we first apply this method to the design
optimization of a viscous damped (Voigt type) absorber and a
hysteretic damped absorber attached to undamped primary sys-
冏 冏 冏 冏
f 0 /k 1
冏 冏 冏冏
ẋ 1
1x 0
冏 冏 冏冏
1y 1 1 y 1
ẋ 0
tems. For each absorber, six different transfer functions are taken
here as performance indices to vibration suppression or isolation.
As a result, we found the closed-form exact solutions to all trans-
3f 冏 冏 冏 冏
⫽ 2
f 0 /k 1
3 冏 冏 冏冏
ẍ 1
21 x 0
⫽ 2
6 冏冏 y1
fer functions. The solutions obtained here are then compared with
those of the approximate ones. Finally, we present the closed-form
exact solutions to the hysteretic damped absorber attached to
damped primary systems. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1569514兴
1 Introduction
The dynamic vibration absorber 共DVA兲, first invented by Frahm
关1兴 in 1909, is a passive vibration control device. As shown in Fig.
1, it essentially consists of a mass, a spring and a dashpot, which
is attached to a primary system subjected to an exciting force or
motion. This type of DVA is called the Voigt type DVA and it is a
398 Õ Vol. 125, JULY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Table 2 Expressions for the transfer functions and definition of the symbols of the viscous
damped systems shown in Fig. 1
冏 冏冑
N f ()⫽( 2 ⫺ 2 ) 2 ⫹(2 2 ) 2
1f x1 N f共兲
⫽ N a ()⫽ 关 1⫹(2 1 ) 2 兴关 ( 2 ⫺ 2 ) 2 ⫹(2 2 ) 2 兴
f 0 /k1 D共 兲
N a共 兲
D共 兲
N r ()⫽ 关 (1⫹ ) 2 ⫺ 2 兴 2 4 ⫹(1⫹ ) 2 (2 2 ) 2 4
D()⫽ 关 (1⫺ 2 )( 2 ⫺ 2 )⫺ 2 2 ⫺4 1 2 2 兴 2
N r共 兲
D共 兲
⫹(2) 2 兵 ( 2 ⫺ 2 ) 1 ⫹ 关 1⫺(1⫹ ) 2 兴 2 其 2
Fig. 3 Frequency response curves of the undamped primary 2 Fixed-Points Approach as an Approximate Method
system with a viscous damped absorber „graphical representa-
tion of transfer function No. 1… „a… General view of the curves Figure 3共a兲 shows some frequency response curves of the un-
„b… Close up of the curves near the points P and Q damped primary system ( 1 ⫽0) with an optimally tuned DVA
1 x1
N a共 兲
D共 兲
1⫹ 冑 冉 冑 冊
8 共 1⫹ 兲
冑 1
冉 冑 冊
冏 冏 冏冏
ẋ 1
1x 0
冑 2⫹
4 共 2⫹ 兲
冑 冑
关 24⫹24 ⫹5 2 ⫿ 共 4⫹ 兲 共 8⫹5 兲兴
冑 4⫹3 ⫿ 冑 共 8⫹5 兲
2 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫹ 兲
冑 2⫹
共 1⫹ 兲
3 冏 冏 冏冏
ẍ 1
21 x 0
⫽ 2
x0 冑 1
冑 冋 冑 册
2 共 1⫹ 兲
冑 1
冉 冑 冊
冑 2
共 1⫹ 兲
4 冏 冏 冏冏
21 y 1
ẍ 0
1 y1
⫽ 2
冑 2⫺
冑 冉 冑冊
4 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫺ 兲
冑 1⫹
冉 冑冊
共 1⫹ 兲 冑
冏 冏 冏冏
1y 1 1 y 1
ẋ 0
冑 3
8 共 1⫹ 兲
冑 4⫹ ⫿ 冑 共 8⫹ 兲
4 共 1⫹ 兲
2 共 1⫹ 兲
N r共 兲 1
冑 2⫹
冉 冑 冊
冑 2⫹
冉 冑 冊
冑 2⫹
x0 D共 兲 8 共 1⫹ 兲 2⫹ 2 共 1⫹ 兲 2⫹
whose mass is one-tenth of the main mass 共i.e., ⫽0.1兲. Three resonant amplitudes are adjusted to equal heights in the exact
response curves corresponding to zero, optimum and infinite ab- solution and they are smaller than the higher resonant amplitude
sorber damping 2 are drawn in this figure. If there is no primary in the approximate solution.
damping, then all response curves pass through two fixed points,
named P and Q, as shown in Fig. 3共a兲. It has been observed that 3.2 Case 2: Hysteretic Damped Absorber. Similarly,
there is a trade-off relationship between the heights of the fixed Tables 5 and 6 show the approximate and exact solutions of the
points. The fixed-points method is essentially based on this obser- H ⬁ optimization design of the hysteretic damped absorber. This
vation. On the basis of this method, one can find the solution such time, the expressions based on our method are as simple as those
that first by a proper choice for the two fixed points P and Q are of the fixed-points theory, except for No. 2 and 5. Figure 5 com-
adjusted to equal heights, and then by a proper choice for 2 the pares the approximate and exact solutions for the condition that
response curve passes simultaneously with a horizontal tangent ⫽0.1. This figure reconfirms us in the view that the two resonant
through the two fixed points. However, the special values of 2 , amplitudes of the system are equal in heights in the exact solution.
say P and Q , for which the curve passes horizontally through In comparison with Figs. 4 and 5, it can be seen that the optimized
the points P and Q, respectively, are generally not equal to each maximum amplitude responses of the system with hysteretic
other 关see Fig. 3共b兲兴. The average of them is usually adopted as an damped absorber is greater than those of the system with viscous
optimum damping 2opt , but the two resonant amplitudes of the damped absorber. This means that the hysteretic damped absorber
curve are not exactly equal in this case, as shown in Fig. 3共b兲. will give a poor performance than the viscous damped absorber
Hence we recognize that, in general, we cannot reach the exact when they are equal in size.
solution to the H ⬁ optimization by the fixed-points method.
Table 4 Exact solutions to the H ⴥ optimization in the design of viscous damped absorber attached to undamped primary system „derived from our method…
No. function Optimum tuning opt Optimum damping 2opt Maximum amplitude
冑 2 关 16⫹23 ⫹9 2 ⫹2 共 2⫹ 兲 冑4⫹3 兴
3 共 64⫹80 ⫹27 2 兲
冑 8⫹9 ⫺4 冑4⫹3
冑 共 8⫹9 兲 2 共 16⫹9 兲 ⫺128共 4⫹3 兲 3/2
3 共 32⫹27 兲
冏 冏
ẋ 1
1x 0
冑⫺ 共 1⫹ 兲 ⫹ 冑2 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫹ 兲 冑 1
冑2 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫹ 兲
冑冋1 2⫹
2 共 1⫹ 兲
⫹ 冑 2⫹
2 共 1⫹ 兲
3 冏 冏ẍ 1
21 x 0
冑 2
共 16⫹7 ⫹ 冑64⫺16 ⫺26 2 兲
冑 64⫹88 ⫹33 2
⫺ 共 4⫹3 兲 冑c 0
c 0 ⫽64⫺16 ⫺26 2
冑 16⫹25 ⫺2 冑64⫺16 ⫺26 2
3 共 32⫹27 兲
冑 1
共 2r 1 ⫺ ⫹ 冑16r 21 ⫺4r 1 ⫹ 2 兲
冑 1⫺r 1
共 2r 1 ⫹ ⫹ 冑16r 21 ⫺4r 1 ⫹ 2 兲
6 2r 1
冑1⫺r 21
p 0 ⫽⫺262144⫹196608 ⫹233472 2 ⫺598016 3 ⫹448320 4 ⫺120624 5
冏 冏 冋 冑 冑 冑 册 冦
⫹6371 6 ⫹48冑6 3/2共 64⫺56 ⫹13 2 兲 3/2冑共 2⫺ 兲共 32⫹40 ⫺ 2 兲
21 y 1
ẍ 0 再冎
p 1 ⫹q 1
2q 1 ⫺p 1
⫿4 q 0
p 1 ⫹q 1
p 1 ⫽p 1/3 ⫺1/3
0 ⫹p 0 共 8⫺7 兲共 512⫹192 ⫺168 2 ⫺31 3 兲
q 0 ⫽96⫺72 ⫹13 2
q 1 ⫽128⫺32 ⫺19 2
⫿冋 冑 p 1 ⫹q 1
⫾ 冑 2q 1 ⫺p 1
⫾4 q 0 冑 3
p 1 ⫹q 1
冏 冏
1y 1
ẋ 0
冑 3
8 共 1⫹ 兲
冑 2 共 1⫹ 兲
冑 冑
JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 401
共 8⫹9 兲 2 共 16⫹9 兲 ⫺128共 4⫹3 兲 3/2
8⫹9 ⫺4 冑4⫹3
1 1 1
共 16⫹9 ⫹4 冑4⫹3 兲
6 y1
3 3 共 32⫹27 兲
x0 2 共 1⫹ 兲 6 4 1⫹
Fig. 5 Comparison between exact and approximate solutions
Fig. 4 Comparison between exact and approximate solutions to the H ⴥ optimization of the system with a hysteretic damped
to the H ⴥ optimization of the system with a viscous damped DVA „a… Transfer function No. 1 „b… Transfer function No. 4
DVA „a… Transfer function No. 1 „b… Transfer function No. 4
Table 5 Approximate solutions to the H ⴥ optimization in the design of hysteretic damped absorber attached to undamped
primary system „derived from the fixed-points method…
N a共 兲
D共 兲
冑 2⫹
关 3⫹2 ⫿2 冑 共 2⫹ 兲兴 冑 冉 冑 冊 冑
冏 冏 冏冏
ẋ 1
1x 0
冑 2⫹
冑 关 24⫹50 ⫹30 2 ⫹5 3 ⫿2 共 5⫹5 ⫹ 2 兲 冑 共 8⫹5 兲兴
共 2⫹ 兲 2
冑 冑 冑
4⫹3 ⫿ 共 8⫹5 兲
2 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫹ 兲
共 1⫹ 兲
3 冏 冏 冏冏
ẍ 1
21 x 0
⫽ 2
x0 冑 1
冑3 关 2⫹3 ⫿2 冑2 共 1⫹ 兲兴 冑 冉 冑 冊冑
共 1⫹ 兲
4 冏 冏 冏冏
21 y 1
ẍ 0
1 y1
2 x0
冑 2⫺
冑 共 6⫺ ⫿2 冑2 兲
冑 冉 冑冊
共 1⫹ 兲
冏 冏 冏冏
1y 1 1 y 1
ẋ 0
1⫹ 冑 3 关 4⫹ ⫿ 冑 共 8⫹ 兲兴
冑 冑 冑
4⫹ ⫿ 共 8⫹ 兲
4 共 1⫹ 兲
2 共 1⫹ 兲
N r共 兲
D共 兲
冑 2⫹
冑 关 3⫹2 ⫿2 冑 共 2⫹ 兲兴
冑 冉 冑 冊冑
2 共 1⫹ 兲
No. T.F. Optimum tuning opt Optimum damping 2opt Maximum amplitude Nomenclature
1 共 3⫹ 兲 2 共 1⫹ 兲 p 0 ⫽ 关 ⫺2 2 (1⫹ ) 2 兴 1/3
1 x1
冏冏 1⫹
冑 冑 p 1 ⫽2(1⫹ ⫹ 2 )⫹3p 0
ẍ 1 2 冑2 共 2⫺ 兲 冑3 共 8⫺ 兲 4 p1 2 共 1⫺ 兲共 2⫹ 兲共 1⫹2 兲
3 q⫽ ⫹ p 2⫹
21 x 0 4⫹ 2 共 2⫺ 兲 2
冏 冏 冑 共 8⫺ 兲
冑 冑 冑2p 1
21 y 1 1 2⫺ 冑3 共 8⫺ 兲 4 共 1⫹ 兲
4 a⫽a 0 q 3 ⫹a 1 q 2 ⫹a 2 q⫹a 3
ẍ 0 2
冏 冏 1⫹
冑 2 共 2⫺ 兲 冑 共 8⫺ 兲
1 共 q⫺1⫹ 兲 冑1⫹ 22opt⫺2 共 1⫹ 兲 ⫺b⫹ 冑b 2 ⫺4ac 1⫹ b⫽⫺2(b 0 q 3 ⫹b 1 q 2 ⫹b 2 q⫹b 3 )
5 1 y 1
冏 冏 1⫹
冑 共 q⫺1⫺ 兲共 1⫹ 22opt兲 ⫺2 冑1⫹ 22opt
冑 2a
冑 q⫺3⫺ c⫽⫺ (c 0 q 3 ⫹c 1 q 2 ⫹c 2 q⫹c 3 )
y1 2 共 3⫹ 兲 2 共 1⫹ 兲
冏冏 冑 共 1⫹ 兲共 2⫹ 兲
冑 冑
a 0 ⫽5120⫺94464 ⫹50688 2 ⫺281728 3 ⫺129492 4 ⫺106667 5 ⫺43693 6 ⫺10176 7 ⫺1024 8
a 1 ⫽⫺6144⫹156160 ⫺95616 2 ⫹913632 3 ⫹449296 4 ⫹667848 5 ⫹381560 6 ⫹146199 7 ⫹32064 8 ⫹3072 9
a 2 ⫽⫺23552⫹301824 ⫹397568 2 ⫺507584 3 ⫹776140 4 ⫺227683 5 ⫺727803 6 ⫺399091 7 ⫺156903 8 ⫺33600 9 ⫺3072 10
a 3 ⫽⫺12288⫹123904 ⫹191872 2 ⫹494176 3 ⫹548168 4 ⫹778822 5 ⫹643981 6 ⫹495675 7 ⫹193878 8 ⫹61309 9 ⫹11712 10⫹1024 11
b 0 ⫽⫺1024⫹37376 ⫺36224 2 ⫹56976 3 ⫺7868 4 ⫺22581 5 ⫺18779 6 ⫺7040 7 ⫺1024 8
Coefficients b 1 ⫽1024⫺62208 ⫹66432 2 ⫺250672 3 ⫹5564 4 ⫹41644 5 ⫹93648 6 ⫹66753 7 ⫹22656 8 ⫹3072 9
b 2 ⫽5120⫺124928 ⫺104064 2 ⫹434608 3 ⫺32052 4 ⫹18799 5 ⫹28627 6 ⫺89049 7 ⫺72753 8 ⫺24192 9 ⫺3072 10
b 3 ⫽3072⫺49920 ⫺57472 2 ⫺102288 3 ⫹1140 4 ⫹29134 5 ⫹93055 6 ⫹72685 7 ⫹66494 8 ⫹31691 9 ⫹8576 10⫹1024 11
c 0 ⫽⫺17152⫺12288 ⫺172624 2 ⫺160188 3 ⫺161061 4 ⫺84723 5 ⫺24768 6 ⫺3072 7
c 1 ⫽21248⫹25664 ⫹446624 2 ⫹517192 3 ⫹800496 4 ⫹602424 5 ⫹290889 6 ⫹78912 7 ⫹9216 8
c 2 ⫽77568⫹132736 ⫹227504 2 ⫹651828 3 ⫺200997 4 ⫺713205 5 ⫺614421 6 ⫺314361 7 ⫺83520 8 ⫺9216 9
c 3 ⫽3(13056⫹29888 ⫹96768 2 ⫹184128 3 ⫹286918 4 ⫹289257 5 ⫹224231 6 ⫹114406 7 ⫹42977 8 ⫹9792 9 ⫹1024 10)
for 1 and 6
„Transfer function is 円 x 1 Õ x 0 円 and mass ratio is equal to 0.1…
for 1 f
Primary Optimum Optimum loss Maximum
damping 1 tuning opt factor 2opt amplitude
q 1 ⫺2 共 3⫹6 ⫺ 2 兲 ⫹2 共 1⫺ 兲共 3⫺ 2 兲 21
0.00 0.909091 0.393700 4.69042
q 1 ⫺2 共 3⫹6 ⫺ 2 兲 ⫹2 共 1⫺ 兲共 3⫺ 2 兲 21
0.01 0.907941 0.395643 4.51256
0.02 0.906801 0.397566 4.34740
0.05 0.903437 0.403232 3.91648
Maximum amplitude h max
6 共 1⫹ 兲共 1⫹ 21 兲
6 共 1⫹ 兲
共 1⫺ 兲
Optimum damping 2opt
b⫽e 3 共 3e 1 ⫺e 2 兲
⫺b⫹ 冑b 2 ⫺4ac
c⫽e 1 e 2 ⫺3e 23
a⫽e 0 e 1 ⫺e 23
关 2 共 3⫹3 2 ⫹2 3 兲 ⫺4 2 共 1⫺ 兲 21 ⫺q 1 兴共 1⫹ 22opt兲
5 Concluding Remarks
6 共 1⫹ 兲共 1⫹ 22opt兲
6 共 1⫹ 兲
Optimum tuning opt
exact solutions.
damped system.
Anthony A. Renshaw
u⫽ 兺
n⫽⫾1,⫾2, . . .
d n共 t 兲 n (4)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engng. can always be constrained such that 关3兴
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 ⫾⬁ ⫾⬁
u ,t ⫽ 兺
n⫽⫾1, . . .
d n,t n ⫽ 兺
n⫽⫾1, . . .
i nd n n (5)
By taking advantage of modal decoupling and reduction of order, This last constraint 共5兲 enables one to decouple the unperturbed
we derive a simplified procedure for applying the method of modal equations 关3兴. Substituting Eq. 共4兲 into 共1兲, taking the inner
multiple scales to determine the stability boundaries of paramet- product with ⫺i m m and utilizing Eq. 共5兲 gives a system of
rically excited, gyroscopic systems. The analytic advantages of the modal equations in which the left hand side, unperturbed equa-
procedure are illustrated with three examples. tions are a set of first order, decoupled, ordinary differential equa-
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1569944兴 tions:
1 Introduction
d m,t ⫺i m d m ⫽i m p 共 t 兲 冉兺 n
⬘ ⫹d n,t G nm
d n,tt M nm ⬘ ⫹d n K nm
⬘ 冊
The complex eigenfunctions of positive definite, linear, gyro- (6)
scopic systems possess a number of properties that make them ⬘ ⫽ 具 M ⬘ n , m 典 , etc.
where M nm
advantageous and efficient in analytic methods. First and fore- The parametric instability boundaries are determined from Eq.
most, these eigenfunctions can be used to decouple system equa- 共6兲 by applying the method of multiple scales. Define the time
tions, thus providing exact modal solutions even for continuous scales T 0 ⫽t and T 1 ⫽t and let d n (t)⫽D n0 (T 0 ,T 1 )
systems 关1–3兴. These eigenfunctions can also be used in pertur- ⫹D n1 (T 0 ,T 1 )⫹ . . . . Substitution into Eq. 共6兲 gives the leading
bation studies 关4兴. Unfortunately, these eigenfunctions do not ap- order equation
pear to offer meaningful advantages for numerical methods 关5–7兴.
In this Tech Brief, we demonstrate that complex gyroscopic D m0,T 0 ⫺i m D m0 ⫽0 (7)
eigenfunctions are particularly efficient for determining the stabil-
ity boundaries of parametrically excited systems using the method whose solution is
of multiple scales. This efficiency is derived from two properties: D m0 ⫽A m0 共 T 1 兲 e i m T 0 (8)
decoupling and reduction of order. Our contribution here is one of
presentation and the examples; we make no claim of originality The unknown coefficient A m0 (T 1 ) is determined by eliminating
for the method which has been used in previous parametric sta- secular terms of the form e i m T 0 from the right hand side of the
bility studies 关8 –10兴. Our aim here is to present the analysis in as order equation, given by
general and simple a manner as possible so that the efficiency of
the procedure is obvious and its application is accessible to those
unfamiliar with it. To that end, the procedure is used to quickly
D m1,T 0 ⫺i m D m1 ⫽⫺A m0,T 1 e i m T 0 ⫹i m p 共 T 0 兲 兺An
n0 e
analyze three parametrically excited systems. The efficiency of the (9)
procedure is evident when our brief analyses are compared with where
the alternative approaches given in the literature.
⬘ ⫹i n G nm
 nm ⫽⫺ 2n M nm ⬘ ⫹K nm (10)
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received Aug. 2002; After this step, the procedure varies from problem to problem; we
Revised Jan. 2003. Associate Editor: L. A. Bergman. illustrate different approaches with the following examples.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 405
Example 1. Classical Parametric Resonance D jm1,T 0 ⫺i jm D jm1
For the classical case p(t)⫽cos(⍀t). The order equations
become ⫽⫺A jm0,T 1 e i jm T 0
i 共 j⫺k 兲 q
⫹i jm kn 共 r 0 兲 R jm 共 r 0 兲 e 关8兴 Parker, R. G., and Lin, Y., 2001, ‘‘Parametric Instability of Axially Moving
q⫽1 k,n Media Subjected to Multifrequency Tension and Speed Fluctuations,’’ ASME
J. Appl. Mech., 68, pp. 49–57.
⫻A kn0 e i jm T 0 关 1⫺e 2 i 共 k⍀⫺ kn 兲 /N⍀ 兴 (30) 关9兴 Mockensturm, E. M., Perkins, N. C., and Ulsoy, A. G., 1996, ‘‘Stability and
Limit Cycles of Parametrically Excited, Axially Moving Strings,’’ ASME J.
We eliminate secular response of a single mode by setting Vibr. Acoust., 118, pp. 346 –351.
关10兴 Lee, K.-Y., and Renshaw, A. A., 2002, ‘‘Stability Analysis or Parametrically
A jm0,T 1 ⫽i jm NR 2jm 共 r 0 兲 A jm0 关 1⫺e 2 i 共 j⍀⫺ jm 兲 /N⍀ 兴 (31) Excited Systems Using Spectral Collocation,’’ J. Sound Vib., to appear.
关11兴 Iwan, W. D., and Moeller, T. L., 1976, ‘‘The Stability of a Spinning Elastic
whose solution is Disk with a Transverse Load System,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 43, pp. 485–
A jm0 ⫽exp关 i jm T 1 R 2jm 共 r 0 兲 N 共 1⫺exp共 2 i 共 j⍀⫺ jm 兲 /N⍀ 兲兴 关12兴 Renshaw, A. A., and Mote, Jr., C. D., 1992, ‘‘Absence of One Nodal Diameter
(32) Critical Speed Modes in an Axisymmetric Rotating Disk,’’ ASME J. Appl.
Mech., 59, pp. 687– 688.
Therefore, the response is stable only when
关13兴 Mote, Jr., C. D., 1970, ‘‘Stability of Circular Plates Subjected to Moving
sgn共 jm 兲 sin共 2 共 j⍀⫺ jm 兲 /N⍀ 兲 ⬍0 (33) Loads,’’ J. Franklin Inst., 290共4兲, pp. 329–344.
关14兴 Renshaw, A. A., and Mote, Jr., C. D., 1996, ‘‘Local Stability of Gyroscopic
The response changes from stable to unstable as the disk rotation Systems Near Vanishing Eigenvalues,’’ ASME J. Appl. Mech., 63, pp. 116 –
speed increases through critical speed (⍀ cr ⫽ jm / j). Since cir- 120.
关15兴 Tian, J. F., and Hutton, S. G., 2001, ‘‘Cutting-Induced Vibration in Circular
cular saws rarely operate above their critical speed, the more im- Saws,’’ J. Sound Vib., 242共5兲, pp. 907–922.
portant factor is whether or not the response is stable between 0 关16兴 Stone, E., and Askari, A., 2002, ‘‘Nonlinear Models of Chatter in Drilling
⬍⍀⬍⍀ cr . As ⍀→0 ⫹ , we obtain an infinite number of alternat- Processes,’’ Dynamical Systems, 17共1兲, pp. 65– 85.
ing stable and unstable zones of rotation speed for each mode, the
width of each zone shrinking as ⍀→0. This form of response is Rotor Isolation for Vibration and
similar to the one determined by Tian and Hutton 关15兴 using nu-
merical methods. Based on experimental observations, they focus Noise Reduction
their study on the regions at which the tooth passing frequency
approximately equals a natural frequency of the system in the
stationary frame of reference, i.e., Timothy A. Brungart
e-mail: [email protected]
jm ⫾ j⍀⫽N⍀⫹ (34)
where is a detuning parameter. Substitution of Eq. 共34兲 into 共33兲 Eric T. Riggs
shows that ⫽0 is always the location of a transition from stable e-mail: [email protected]
to unstable behavior, as shown in their results.
The Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research
3 Concluding Comments Laboratory, PO Box 30, State College, PA 16804-0030
The fundamental simplification derived by using gyroscopic
eigenfunctions is the reduction of order in 共6兲. For this first order
ordinary differential equation, we obtain only one potential secu- A technique for reducing the vibration and noise from marine
lar solution. In the traditional analysis, the decoupled equation is propulsors is examined theoretically and demonstrated experi-
second order and two potential secular solutions must be investi- mentally. A single layer of elastomer is incorporated into a rotor
gated. In practice, one of these solutions is always stable and the to form a rotating vibration isolation mount. The mount isolates
critical stability criteria are determined by the other solution. The the rotor hub and shaft from the unsteady forces generated on the
procedure presented here eliminates the need to investigate the blades due to their interaction with circumferentially non-uniform,
stable secular solution. time-averaged inflow and turbulence. This results in reduced vi-
Positive definite, self-adjoint systems are a special case of posi- bration and noise. Nonrotating isolated rotor transmissibility is
tive definite gyroscopic systems, so the analysis described here well predicted with a simple lumped parameter rotor model for
applies to these systems as well. In fact, because they are per- frequencies below the first bending mode of the blades. Tests per-
formed in the rotating frame of reference, Examples 2 and 3 are formed under operational (i.e., rotating) conditions have shown
self-adjoint. that rotor isolation provides a reduction of up to 15 dB in trans-
The restriction to positive definite systems (M ⬎0, K⬎0) en- missibility compared to an identical rotor without isolation.
sures that all the natural frequencies ( j ) are real. This makes it 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1569948兴
trivial to determine which terms on the right hand side of 共9兲 are
secular. For systems in which the natural frequencies are not all Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound for publication
real 共e.g., damped systems兲, the analysis would be identical except in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received May 2002;
that more care would be required to determine secular solutions. Revised February 2003. Associate Editor: J. Wickert.
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Copyright © 2003 by ASME JULY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 407
Propulsors used in marine applications are a source of tonal and
broadband vibration and noise. Unsteady forces at blade rate and
harmonic frequencies are generated by the interaction of rotor
blades with mean inflow spatial nonuniformities, due to upstream
obstructions, such as control surfaces, stators and support struts.
Broadband unsteady forces are generated by the interaction of
rotor blades with turbulence, formed in the boundary layers and
wakes of upstream surfaces, that is ingested into the rotor. The
tonal and broadband hydrodynamically-induced rotor unsteady
forces are transmitted to the watercraft through the rotor hub and
drive shaft. This results in watercraft vibration and noise. Blake
关1兴 provides an in-depth analysis of these vibration and noise gen- Fig. 1 Schematic of isolated rotor
erating mechanisms.
Vibration and noise control is achieved by reducing the un-
steady forces generated at the source and/or by inhibiting the inder is driven through the base plate with the attached shaker 关3兴.
transmission of the unsteady forces to the watercraft. An example The transmissibility can also be shown, using the transmissibility
of the latter type of control is the use of resilient mounts that theorem, to equal the absolute value of the complex ratio of the
isolate the watercraft from vibrating components such as power force transmitted to the cylinder to the force driving the mass 关3兴.
generating equipment and pumps 关2兴. When power generating This is illustrated in Fig. 3 where the foundation represents the
equipment and pumps are mounted independently, flexible shaft cylinder, M is the mounted mass, V 1 and V 2 are the foundation
couplings are often used to accommodate shaft misalignment and and mounted mass velocities, respectively, and F 1 and F 2 are the
provide isolation of component torsional vibrations 关2兴. Similar forces acting on the foundation and mounted mass, respectively.
isolation techniques can be incorporated directly into the rotor for With a shaker driving the cylinder of the ECTF, the signals
vibration and noise control. from two phase and amplitude matched accelerometers, mounted
on opposite sides of the elastomer, were measured with a dynamic
signal analyzer. The accelerometer transfer functions were mea-
Approach sured over a frequency range of 0 to 2 kHz in 2.5 Hz frequency
A vibration isolation mount incorporated into the rotor hub can bands with 256 ensemble averages. Values of G and ␦ G for
attenuate the unsteady forces generated on the rotor blades before mounts fabricated from Hapco Inc. Hapflex 581, 570, 560 and 540
they are transmitted to the shaft and watercraft. Such a mount is elastomers were determined by fitting Eq. 共1兲 to the measured
shown schematically in Fig. 1. A single layer of elastomer sepa- transmissibility. Hapflex 540 was found to be the softest of the
rates the outer blade ring from the inner hub. In the event that the four elastomers considered and, as a result, to provide the greatest
rotor’s axial or torsional load exceeds the mount design specifica- isolation capability. Axial load/deflection curves were measured
tions or the elastomer fails, mating axial and circumferential stops on an Instron Corporation Series IX Automated Materials Testing
are machined into the rotor. The stops are not engaged under
normal operating loads since this would create a shorting path
around the mount.
Quantification of Elastomer Properties. In order to build a
suitable vibration isolation mount, the dynamic mechanical prop-
erties of candidate elastomers must be known, but may not be
adequately provided by product vendors. Elastomer properties are
measured with the Elastomer Characterization Test Fixture
共ECTF兲 shown in Fig. 2. A mass, M, is suspended within a cylin-
der by casting and curing the candidate elastomer into a vibration
isolation mount similar to that utilized in the isolated rotor. A base
plate attaches the cylinder to a shaker. The elastomer dynamic
shear modulus, G , and loss factor, ␦ G , are determined by per-
forming a least-squared error fit of the measured mount transmis-
sibility, T, to the lumped parameter expression for transmissibility
given by Snowdon 关3兴
T⫽ 冏
关 ␦ G⫺ j 兴
, 冏 (1)
Fig. 2 Schematic of elastomer characterization test fixture
␦ ⫹ j M⫺冋kG
, 册 (2)
Isolated Rotor Static Transmissibility. The axial transmissi-
bility of the mount embedded in the isolated rotor was measured
in both air and water in a manner similar to that employed with
the ECTF. The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 4. A shaker
was mounted to the inner hub of the rotor and supported with
elastic shock chords from overhead. The outer blade ring is un-
constrained in this set-up, as required by the transmissibility theo-
rem. Two phase and amplitude matched accelerometers were
mounted opposite one-another across the elastomer and oriented
in the direction of the shaker-applied excitation. The measured
Fig. 4 Experimental set-up for static measurement of isolated transmissibility, and transmissibility predicted from Eq. 共1兲, with
rotor transmissibility
G and ␦ G measured with the ECTF, are shown in Fig. 5. The
measured transmissibility for a nonisolated 共i.e., solid兲 rotor is 1.0
which is also shown in Fig. 5. The frequency is nondimensional-
ized by the rotor blade passing frequency at the subject operating
System with the Hapflex 540 in the ECTF. The data indicated that condition (1⫻BR).
Hapflex 540 also provided suitable stiffness, therefore, Hapflex The in-air measured transmissibility is within 3 dB of the
540 was used for the construction of the isolated rotor. simple lumped parameter model 共Eq. 共1兲兲 prediction up to a fre-
In order to assess the static stiffness of the mount fabricated quency of approximately 4⫻BR. The lumped parameter model
from Hapflex 540, isolated rotor axial load/deflection curves were tends to under-predict the transmissibility somewhat at higher fre-
also measured on an Instron Corporation Series IX Automated quencies. The transmissibility measured in water is within 3 dB of
Materials Testing System. From the curves, the mount stiffness the Eq. 共1兲 prediction up to a frequency of approximately 1.7
was determined to be approximately 1056 N/mm, 965 N/mm, and ⫻BR. Equation 共1兲 also under-predicts the in-water transmissibil-
863 N/mm at loading rates of 12.7 cm/min, 1.27 cm/min, and ity at higher frequencies but to a greater extent than the in-air
0.127 cm/min, respectively. The mating stops machined into the results. Water loading is responsible for the reduction in mount
rotor are designed to engage when the thrust moves the blade row resonance frequency and corresponding modifications to the trans-
forward 共approximately 0.32 cm兲 at speeds just above the maxi- missibility for the in-water measurements compared to the in-air
mum speed of operation. Adequate clearance 共hub-to-blade tip兲 is measurements. It is reasonable to expect that the measured trans-
available to permit such movement. Rotor isolation is not ex- missibility will deviate from the lumped parameter-based predic-
pected to affect the powering performance of the propulsor since tion at frequencies where the rotor begins to exhibit distributed
the blade tip clearance does not change significantly throughout system behavior. Structural modal analyses of the rotor, performed
the rotor’s axial range of motion. An increase in blade tip clear- in-air and in-water, indicate that the lowest order mode, the first
ance has an adverse effect on propulsor efficiency 关4兴. The extent bending mode, occurs at frequencies of approximately 6.5⫻BR in
of the performance degradation has been quantified in terms of air and 2.8⫻BR in water. Thus, we attribute the deviations be-
Fig. 7 Typical shaft unsteady thrust spectrum measured with and without
rotor isolation