of Tall Buildings
Preliminary design in serviceability limit state
Master of Science Thesis in the Masters Programme Structural Engineering and
Building Technology
Structural systems of tall buildings; shear wall-braced structure and core structure
with outrigger.
This project concerns sizing optimisation of structural systems for tall buildings in
preliminary design and the serviceability limit state. Sizing optimisation is an
important part of preliminary design in order to achieve a structure with minimal costs
and carbon footprint.
Based on a case study on two types of structural systems for office buildings of four
different heights with area 36x36 m2 were optimised and analysed. The aim was to
develop recommendations for choosing, checking and optimising structural systems in
preliminary design and to investigate which variables that are the most decisive in
sizing optimisation.
The optimisation procedure was based on the Lagrange Multiplier technique, where
the objective was to minimise the needed volume of material with respect to the
constraint of a maximum allowed lateral deflection.
Results show that a core structure with one outrigger is more efficient than a shear
wall-braced structure, as the core structure with outrigger needs a smaller total volume
of material. The case study of a 245 m tall building showed that for a core structure
with one outrigger the needed total volume of material was 14 % less than the total
needed volume of material for a corresponding shear wall-braced structure.
Concerning the core structure with one outrigger, the results show that there is no
obvious location along the height of the structure where the outrigger performs
optimally. For the case of a trapezoidal wind load applied on the structure, the results
have shown that the optimal location of one outrigger along the height of the building
lays at a level corresponding to 50 % to 75 % of the height.
Results also show that the maximum required thickness of the core walls was reduced
by 23 % up to 50 % for the four different heights when one outrigger was provided to
the shear wall braced structure.
Furthermore, when optimising according to the Lagrange Multiplier technique and
with only one constraint of the maximum allowed lateral deflection, results show that
the acceleration increases when the volume of material is reduced.
Key words: Tall buildings, sizing optimisation, Lagrange, outrigger, shear wall,
structural system, volume of material, acceleration, wind load, dynamic,
preliminary design.
Dimensionsoptimering av stomsystem fr hga byggnader
Preliminr dimensionering i bruksgrnstillstnd
Examensarbete inom Structural Engineering and Building Technology
Institutionen fr bygg- och miljteknik
Avdelningen fr Konstruktionsteknik
Chalmers tekniska hgskola
Detta projekt avser dimensionsoptimering av stomsystem fr hga byggnader i
preliminr dimensionering och i bruksgrnstillstnd. Dimensionsoptimering r en
viktig del i det preliminra skedet av ett byggprojekt fr att erhlla ett effektivt
stomsystem med minimala kostnader och miljpverkan.
Med utgngspunkt frn en fallstudie har tv typer av stomsystem fr
kontorsbyggnader med fyra olika hjder, med en yta 36x36 m2, optimerats och
analyserats. Mlet var att utarbeta rekommendationer fr val, kontroll och optimering
av stomsystem i preliminr dimensionering och att underska vilka variabler som r
avgrande fr dimensionsoptimering.
Optimeringsprocessen baserades p Lagrange Multiplikator metod dr mlet var att
minimera erforderlig materialvolym med avseende p ett villkor som r fr maximal
tillten topputbjning.
Resultaten visar att ett stomsystem med krna och en utriggare r effektivare n ett
stomsystem som enbart bestr av en krna eftersom stomsystemet med krna och
utriggare krver en mindre total materialvolym. I fallstudien med en 245 m hg
byggnad visade det sig att ett stomsystem med krna och utriggare behvde 14 %
mindre total materialvolym n ett stomsystem med enbart en krna.
Nr det gller stomsystem med krna och en utriggare visar resultaten att det inte
finns en uppenbar position lngs hjden av stommen dr effekten frn utriggaren blir
optimal. Detta beror till stor del p frhllandet mellan styvheterna hos krnan,
utriggaren och fasadpelarna och formen p den plagda vindlasten. Fr fallet med en
trapetsformad vindlast visar resultaten att den optimala placeringen av utriggaren
lngs byggnadens hjd r p en niv motsvarande 50 % till 75 % av hjden p
Resultaten visar ven att den maximala vggtjockleken p krnan reducerades mellan
23 % och 50 % fr de fyra olika studerade hjderna nr en utriggare tillfrdes
stomsystem med enbart en krna.
Resultaten frn optimeringen med Lagrange Multiplikator metod med hnsyn till
endast ett villkor, som r en maximal tillten topputbjning, visar att accelerationen
kar nr materialvolymen reduceras.
1.1 Historical perspective 1
1.2 Background and problem description 1
1.3 Aim 2
1.4 Chosen methodology 3
1.5 Limitations 3
1.6 Structure of the report 4
6.1 When dynamic analysis is necessary 43
6.2 Along-wind induced acceleration 43
6.2.1 Deflected mode shape 46
6.2.2 Equivalent building mass 46
6.2.3 Natural Frequency 47
6.2.4 Damping 47
6.3 Cross-wind induced acceleration 48
6.3.1 Vortex shedding phenomenon 48
6.3.2 Estimation of forces due to vortex shedding 50
9.1 Assumed geometry of the structure and floor system 60
9.2 Load combination in serviceability limit state 62
9.3 Assumptions made in calculations 63
9.3.1 Material behaviour 63
9.3.2 Material properties 63
9.3.3 Creep, temperature and shrinkage 63
9.3.4 Foundation 63
9.3.5 Axial stiffness of columns 63
9.3.6 Deformations 64
9.3.7 Flexural stiffness of the structure 64
9.3.8 Damping 65
9.4 Wind load including dynamic effects 65
9.5 Sizing optimisation of bracing core 66
9.5.1 Lagrange Multiplier technique 66
9.5.2 Issues with Lagrange Multiplier 68
9.6 Modelling and calculation by commercial software 70
9.7 Sizing optimisation of core structure with outrigger 71
9.8 Check of vortex shedding 72
9.9 Verification of calculations 72
12.1 Conclusions from analysis of results 98
12.1.1 Geometry and required volume of material 98
12.1.2 Maximum acceleration 98
12.1.3 Effect of location of one outrigger 99
12.1.4 Other conclusions 99
12.2 Recommendations 100
12.3 Suggestions for further studies 100
13.1 Literature 102
13.2 Online 103
13.3 Interview 104
Pk Pre-stressing force
Qk ,1 Main variable load
s Structural damping
a Aerodynamic damping
f (A) Objective function as a function of the members area A
g (A) Constraint function as a function of the members area A
Shape correction factor
i Radius of gyration
Lagrange Multiplier
L( A, ) Lagrangian function
Li Length of member i
1.3 Aim
The purpose of this project was to optimise the volume of material, with regard to the
maximum lateral deflection, of two structural systems of tall buildings and to examine
the behaviour of the structures.
An objective of this project was to examine the influence of different parameters on
the total volume of material required for a structure with a constrained maximum
2.3.2 Acceleration
Buildings that have too large acceleration can become uninviting, and hence
inhabitable, even though they can carry the loads that arise due to oscillating wind
action [Smith and Coull (1991)]. It is therefore important to perform a dynamic
analysis of structures in cases where dynamic loads could cause large accelerations
[CEN (2010)].
2.5 Foundation
Differential settlements, arising from different compressive forces at different areas in
the foundation, might lead to redistribution of sectional forces in any type of structural
system. Furthermore, deformation induced stresses could arise in statically
indeterminate structural systems, for instance non-braced structures with moment
resisting connections. Another problem that might arise in cases where the foundation
is not infinitely stiff is that a rotational settlement could occur. This would lead to a an
increased maximum lateral deflection at the top of the building and also increase the
second order effects that could lead to instability [Smith and Coull (1991)]. These are
reasons why differential and rotational settlements should be prevented by a proper
design of tall buildings.
Uplift is another issue that the structural system, specially the foundation, should be
designed for. Uplift could occur when overturning moment due to wind load becomes
too large [Smith and Coull (1991)].
The type of structural system that is suitable for a certain ranges of number of stories
depends also on the slenderness of the structure and other issues such as foundation
conditions, architectural constraints and fire safety. These issues and other factors that
need to be considered when a structural system for a tall building is to be chosen are
described and discussed in Chapter 8.
Tall buildings have two types of lateral deformations, which depend on the
slenderness of the structure, namely shear deformation and flexural deformation. This
is visualised in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: The deformed shape of a cantilever, which a tall building could
resemble, arises due to two types of deformation; (a) shear; (b) flexure.
Figure 3.3: Non-braced frame subjected to horisontal load at the top. [Taranath
As presented earlier in Chapter 3 tall buildings have two types of lateral deformation
modes which depend on the slenderness of the structure. In general the more slender a
building is, the more it behaves in flexure. However, this does not hold for structures
with moment resisting connections, such as non-braced frame structures. These
structures behave predominantly in a shear mode. A structure of this type within the
range of 20 to 30 stories will approximately have a total lateral displacement
consisting of 80-90 % shear racking, while flexure only contributes to 10-20 % [Chen
Figure 3.4: Influence of asymmetric loading; (a) Reactions due to external load;
(b) Asymmetric load case on frame; (c) Magnitude of moment in the
beam; (d) Moment distribution. [Schodek (1997)]
Vertical load such as self-weight and live load is resisted by frame action with load
paths from the beams to the columns and further to the foundation. In general, the
weight of a non-braced frame structure is increasing linearly with the number of
Figure 3.6: (a) Horisontal restraint at column base of non-braced frame structure;
(b) realise of horizontal restraint. [Schodek (1997)]
Steel is the most common material used for bracing units due to the fact that it has
high strength both in tension and in compression and it requires relatively small
dimensions in comparison to, for example, concrete. When a braced structure is
subjected to lateral loading parts of the bracing unit will work in tension, which is
why steel is a suitable material for the bracing. This is to be compared to concrete
which does not work as well in tension. Concrete bracings could be used, but then it
has to be as an x-bracing, see Figure 3.10b. For this type the bracing will only work in
compression and each diagonal has to be able to take the shear that arises due to
lateral loading, meaning that only one of the diagonals is actively working.
Generally use of diagonal bracing is an effective way of resisting lateral load, as it
requires relatively little material and it is suitable for low-rise buildings as well as for
very tall buildings. Furthermore, the centric bracing truss liberates the girders and
columns from resisting lateral load that is subjected to the building and therefore these
members only need to be designed with respect to their own self weight and
permanent and imposed loads. This means that the girders will be of the same size no
matter what height, or what storey, they will be at.
What characterise the high efficiency of truss bracings is that load is carried by axial
response of the members only. The structural efficiency can be optimised, especially
when the load carrying system that resists lateral load is located at the perimeter of the
building, which is the case for core structures with outriggers. More about core
structures with outriggers is presented in Section 3.5.
The reason why it is the most efficient way to carry load is due to the fact that the
whole cross section of the members is equally activated when the truss is resisting an
applied load. This is to be compared to a member working in flexure, where the stress
distribution is not uniform across its cross section and, hence, the material is not
utilised in the same efficient way as an axially loaded member is.
Placing bracing truss units in the faade can limit or interfere with architectural
features. These features can be e.g. doors and windows, which have to be considered.
However, bracings can also be placed in dividing walls, so that they are not visible
[Coull and Smith (1991)]. For residential buildings it may not be suitable to have
bracing elements in the faades. On the other hand it can be a part of the architectural
Figure 3.11: Different configurations of eccentric bracing units. [Popov et. Al (1986)]
There are three types of tube structural systems which are shown in Figure 3.15. The
following sections explain the basic behaviour of the structural systems respectively.
The framed tube system, compared to bundled and trussed tubes, is not such an
efficient structure. This is due to the fact that when the lateral load acts on the
faades, the frame deforms in a shear mode resulting in a reduction of the effective
stiffness of the structural system. How a non-braced structure with moment resisting
connections behaves when loaded is described in Section 3.1.
A further phenomenon which reduces the efficiency of a framed tube is known as
shear lag. Shear lag can occur in the flanges of the structure where axial forces due
to lateral load arise. The flanges suffer from shear lag effect due to the fact that the
columns closest to the corners of the faade attract more load than the columns
intermediate position in the faade. Consequently, the intermediate columns lag
behind those closest to the corners and therefore are therefore less utilised. The effect
of shear lag is shown in Figure 3.17.
The only way to minimise shear lag in a framed tube is to place the columns in the
faade as close to each other as possible. In his way a more homogenous flange is
obtained. Consequently, the closely spaced columns minimise the sizes of the
windows in the faade and can therefore be seen as an architectural restraint, see
Figure 3.16. Furthermore, the moment-resisting connections for such a tall building
increase the cost significantly in comparison with e.g. the trussed tube system which
is described in Section 3.4.3.
Figure 3.19: A plan view of Willis Tower, consisting of bundled tubes, subjected to
wind load. The structural system is highly rigid with regard to torsion,
flexure and shear.
Most important with regard to the shear lag effect, the end columns of the interior web
frames will be mobilised directly by the web frames and therefore more stressed. The
result is a more uniform axial stress distribution along the flange and a significant
reduction of the shear lag effect. Thus, the bundled tube structural system is more
efficient than the framed tube. [Taranath (2011)]
A further advantage with the bundled tube structural system is the fact that the sizes of
the windows can be larger thanks to a more uniform axial stress distribution.
Therefore, the bundled tube provides larger window sizes.
Despite the clear advantage and the higher structural efficiency of a bundled tube
compared to a framed tube, the bundled tube structural system is not as efficient as the
trussed tube structural system, which is presented in the following section.
Figure 3.20: John Hancock Tower in Chicago, USA. Its structural system consists of
a trussed tube [Janberg (2008)].
What makes this structural system more efficient than both framed and bundled tube
systems is the fact that the lateral load is resisted mainly by the four faades acting as
one three dimensional truss. The diagonals are connected to the columns and
eliminate the effects of shear lag in both the flanges and the webs. The result is
that the structure, when subjected to lateral loads, behaves like a truss-braced frame
resisting loads by axial action, which is the most efficient way of resisting loads. The
behaviour of a truss-braced structure is described in Section 3.2.
A further advantage with a trussed tube structural system is how the diagonals help
the columns to carry the gravity loads as well as minimising the shear lag effect.
Differences in the amount of gravity load on the different columns are evened out by
the diagonals. This is achieved by redistributing axial load from the more stressed
columns to the ones that are less stressed. In other words, the diagonals help to even
out the load between the columns.
A consequence of the efficiency of this structural system is that the columns can be
placed with a larger distance from each other providing larger window openings than
e.g. what a framed tube would allow in the faades.
A consequence of the diagonals in the faade is that they might disturb, as they block
several windows throughout the height of the building, see Figure 3.20. On the other
Figure 3.21: Core structure with centric core and two outriggers subjected to lateral
load. The outriggers impose tension and compression on the windward
and leeward side respectively.
From an architectural point of view the core structure with outrigger and centric core
provides a column-free plan layout between the central core and the exterior columns,
which makes this type of structural system well suitable for e.g. office buildings.
From a structural engineering point of view core structures with outriggers are highly
efficient systems for tall and super tall buildings. This is due to the fact that the
structural system involves the axial stiffness of the exterior columns to help resist the
overturning moment. A further advantage of this structural system is that it equalises
the difference in axial strain between the columns in the building, e.g. axial shortening
due to very high axial loads. Core structure with outrigger structural system also gives
the designer the possibility of deciding the optimum location of the outriggers
depending on what is needed to be achieved. For example, if the tip deflection is the
main problem in the design, the designer can place the outrigger in the higher regions
of the structure in order to minimise the tip deflection. On the other hand, if the design
problem is due to very large base moment at the bottom of the structure, then the
outriggers can be placed in the lower regions of the structure in order to minimise the
bending moment.
Core structures with outriggers are efficient and cost-effective solutions with regard to
acceleration as these systems significantly minimises the lateral drift of the building,
which is important to ensure occupant comfort. [Taranath (2011)]
The stories where the outriggers are placed can be used for several purposes. Two
examples could be installation systems but also as so called refuge floors. Refuge
floors can be used for evacuation in case of fire or other types of emergencies.
According to Robertson, structural engineer of Shanghai World Financial Center, the
occupants can be evacuated to these stories where they are protected in case of fire, if
it is not possible to safely escape the building through the elevator shafts. This could
be due to an event of smoke and fire in the staircases or in the elevator shafts. In this
x1 x dx
M ( x1 )
u ( x1 ) (4.2)
E I ( x1 )
By setting x1 H , e.i. the height of the structure, the top lateral deflection of the
structure is obtained.
It is important to be aware of the fact that only the flexural deformation accounted for,
while the shear deformations are ignored. Since this project concerns relatively tall
structural systems with predominant flexural behaviour, this way of estimating the
lateral deflection serves well in the preliminary design process. Nevertheless it is
important to emphasise that in tall building design shear deformation does always
occur, but, depending on the type of structural system and the slenderness of the
structure, shear deformation is usually of a much smaller magnitude than flexural
The drifts in a storey due to beam and column flexure are illustrated in Figure 4.2a
and 4.2b.
Figure 4.2: Storey drift due to (a) beam flexure; (b) column flexure. [Smith and
Coull (1991)]
Including the expression for each term in equation (4.3), the lateral deflection formula
takes the following form
ui hi A0
Ig I
12 E 12 E c
L i L i
Vi is the shear force at storey .
Figure 4.3: Example of global flexural deformation; (a) inertia distribution along
the height of a building; (b) Moment distribution; (c) Curvature (M/EI)
distribution along the height of a building. [Smith and Coull (1991)]
For a slender non-braced frame, however, the lateral deflection is calculated with
regard to overall bending in addition to the two previous components of shear racking.
In this case, the effect of shear racking on the upper stories becomes smaller than for
the lower stories. This results in that the upper region of the structure deforms
predominantly in flexure. Hence, its moment of inertia is estimated as the second
moment of the column areas about their common centroid. For more precise
calculation procedure the reader is referred to Smith and Coull (1991).
wH 4
8EI core 2 EI core
M 1 H 2 x 2 (4.4)
w = the uniformly distributed wind load
wH 4
= the lateral deflection at the top of the core acting as a cantilever
8 EI
and the restraining moment M 1 on the core at the location of the outrigger is
w( H 3 x 3 ) 1 2
( H x )
12 EI
6EI core EI EAcolumn d outrigger
Figure 4.4: Core structure with outrigger having uniform stiffness distribution.
Figure 4.5: Core structure with outrigger having non-uniform stiffness distribution.
Scenario c) when the deformation is sustained even after removal of the imposed
deformation is the condition that defines the buckling load.
According to Vianellos method, the critical buckling load for a tall building subjected
to uniformly distributed gravity load and having non-uniform stiffness distribution
along the height of the structure can be determined as follows:
1) The building is divided into elements along its height. It is appropriate to
choose an element for each storey.
2) A reasonable lateral deformation shape is assumed as uassu for each element in
accordance with an assumed deformed shape of the structure. This can be
sketched and measured by hand.
Q uassu
3) The moment M Q uassu and the curvature u '' are calculated for
each element.
4) The curvature u '' is integrated twice in order to obtain a new deformed shape
called ucalc . The procedure is simplified by assuming that the curvature is
constant over an element.
5) The boundary conditions are inserted. A tall building could be modelled as a
cantilever with either fixed or elastic end support.
a. For a fixed end support the boundary condition at the support is
applied as u ' 0 .
If the calculated deformed shape ucalc and the assumed deformed shape uassu are
equal, then is Q equal to the buckling load Qb . If ucalc uassu then Q Qb . The factor of
stability, s , can now be calculated according to the following equation (5.1)
Qb uassu
s (5.1)
Q ucalc
FV ,Ed k1
Ecd I c (5.2)
ns 1,6 H2
FV ,Ed = the total vertical load on load bearing elements
If the total lateral deflection utot fulfils the deflection criterion, described in Section
2.3.1, then the structure is considered to be appropriate with regard to serviceability in
the preliminary design process. Furthermore, the design moment M Ed ,i at storey i
including the second order effect as well as the safety against instability can be
determined as
M Ed ,i M i ,1 AF (5.5)
M i ,1 = the moment at storey i according to the first order analysis.
B 2 exp 0,05 1 b 0,04 0,01 H is the background
h H h
ref ref
H = the height the building
href = reference height according Eurocode 1, CEN (2008)
m( s )
1 ( s)ds
m0 0
1 ( s )ds
m = the mass per unit length
h = the height of the structure
ds = the storey-height when integrating equation (6.2)
1 = the deflected shape mode of the first mode of vibration.
When more information about the structure is available, the natural frequency can be
estimated by means of a more accurate expression. As tall buildings usually are
designed with varying bending stiffness and mass throughout the height of the
building, there is a method called Rayleigh method, which considers such variations.
According to Smith and Coull (1991), the more accurate estimation of the natural
frequency can be obtained according to the following equation
1 g Fi ui
fn (6.5)
2 Wi ui
g = the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s
6.2.4 Damping
Every tall building structure has one or several types of damping. Principally damping
results in dissipation of energy from a vibrating structure. Damping can be achieved
by means of
Structural damping
Aerodynamic damping
Damping due to special devices such as tuned mass dampers and sloshing
s = structural damping
a = aerodynamic damping
d = damping due to special devices (tuned mass dampers, sloshing tanks, etc).
Figure 6.2: The building translates perpendicular to the wind when subjected to
periodic shedding of vertices. The phenomenon is called vortex
shedding. [Taranath (2011)]
The critical wind velocity of mode is the wind velocity at which resonance is
reached, meaning that the frequency of the vortex shedding is equal to the natural
frequency of the structure subjected to the wind load. This critical wind load is
calculated as:
d f n ,i
vcrit ,i (6.8)
d = the width of the cross-section at which resonant vortex shedding occurs and
where the maximum lateral deflection arises for the structure.
f n ,i = the natural frequency of mode
St = the Strouhal number, which depends on the shape of the building, exemplified
for buildings with rectangular cross-sections in Figure 6.3.
Figure 6.3: The Strouhal number for structures with sharp-edged rectangular cross-
sections. [Eurocode 1, CEN (2008)]
St = Strouhal number that considers the shape of the building and is dimensionless
b = width of the building.
Therefore it is of interest to adjust a structure so that it is not sensitive to effects that
might arise due to vortex shedding. Examples of measures that can be taken, in order
to reduce effects due to vortex shedding, are listed below [Irwin (2010)]. Note that
these measures also reduce the base moment of the structure.
Avoid sharp edges
Different cross-sectional shapes at different heights
Attach spoilers
Provide openings
1 1
yF ,max b K K w clat (6.11)
St 2 Sc
A sizing optimisation problem deals with finding the required cross-sectional area or
thickness of a structural member to minimise the objective function. In this
optimisation problem the variables and represent the cross-sectional areas, which
can be the case when optimising shear wall-braced structures.
A shape optimisation problem is based on finding the optimal shape of a structure to
minimise the objective function. The shape of a tall building could be curved,
rectangular, quadratic, circular, triangular, tapered and so forth.
A topology optimisation problem is the most general optimisation problem for trusses
for instance outriggers. It is about finding the optimal truss configuration in order to
minimise the objective function. Some examples of well-known topologies are cross-
bracings, diagonal bracings, K-bracings.
In this project only size optimisation was used. This was because the shape of the
cross-section, which was quadratic, as well as the topology of the outriggers were not
changed. Hence, shape and topology optimisation were not studied in this project.
L( x, ) f ( x) g ( x) (7.1)
f (x ) = the objective function to be minimised
g (x ) = the constraint function that must be satisfied
has a unique value at the local extremum of f (x ) .
L( x, ) f ( x) T g ( x) 0 (7.2)
How the Lagrange Multiplier technique has been adopted in this project is explained
by the calculation procedure in Section 9.4.
8.1.2 Foundation
Since the building was assumed to be situated in Gothenburg, it is likely that it will be
founded on clay. The consequence of this is that the building was assumed to be
supported by a slab on piles.
Furthermore, since clay can be unstable, in comparison to solid bedrock, it might lead
to differential settlements beneath the building. It is therefore preferable to have a
structural system that is not sensitive to uneven settlements.
The foundation itself and the effects on it were not studied in this project.
The shear wall-braced structure was optimised by the Lagrange Multiplier technique,
which is described in Section 7.3 and Section 9.5. The core structure with outrigger
was developed by combining analytical calculations with the commercial software
described in Section 9.6.
Figure 9.2: The load distribution depends on the arrangement of the floor system
which consists of hollow core slabs.
The outrigger was assumed to have a constant stiffness for the four different building
heights. Furthermore, the location of the outrigger was always placed slightly above
Figure 9.3: Principle layout of the outrigger floor. Outriggers are stretching
between the core and the faade and belt trusses stretches along the
faade to activate several columns.
Gk ,i = the permanent load
9.3.4 Foundation
The foundation was assumed to be fully fixed with no differential settlements.
Figure 9.4: Model of the core when estimating the bending stiffness.
9.3.8 Damping
Only structural damping is considered in the calculations according to Section 6.2.4.
Damping due to special devices and aerodynamic damping were not considered in this
project. The aerodynamic damping was neglected due to the fact that the assumed
layout of the structural system is a regular square building with no modifications such
as smoother corners or tapering. Hence, the aerodynamic damping would be relatively
small in comparison to the structural damping.
k r = terrain factor
z = height of interest along the building
z 0 = the roughness length.
Note that the first term in equation (9.2) corresponds to equation (4.3) in Eurocode 1,
CEN (2008). The second term which takes into account the wind velocity variation
along the height of tall buildings is proposed by Handa (2014-03-10) and is not
derived in Eurocode 1. Furthermore, the effect of the wind turbulence must also be
considered when including dynamic effects in the wind load. The effect of wind
turbulence is accounted in the structural factor cs cd . This factor takes into account
the increasing effect from vibrations due to turbulence in resonance with the structure.
Hence, the wind load on storey i of a cantilever structure vibrating in the first mode
can be determined according to
Fi cs cd c f q p ( ze ) Aref (9.3)
cs cd = structural factor
c f = force coefficient for the structure
= curvature at storey i
E Ii
= shape correction factor that can be set to 1,0 for square cores
i = radius of gyration.
Figure 9.5: Thickness distribution of the stabilising core, (a) theoretically optimal
distribution achieved by the Lagrange Multiplier technique; (b)
theoretically optimal thickness distribution for region 2 and set minimum
thickness for region 1 due to practical reasons.
The solution to the second issue would be to use a mean value of the modulus of
elasticity of region 2. The mean value could be obtained as
Height [m]
Shear wall
Core with
0 1 2 3 4
Theoretical thickness [m]
Figure 10.1: Optimised thickness distribution of core walls for two structural systems
of a 245 m tall building.
Height [m]
Shear wall
Core with
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
Figure 10.2: Optimised thickness distribution of core walls for two structural
systems of a 210 m tall building.
Height [m]
Shear wall
Core with
60 outrigger
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2
Figure 10.3: Optimised thickness distribution of core walls for two structural
systems of a 175 m tall building.
Shear wall
Height [m]
Core with
40 outrigger
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Theoretical thickness [m]
Figure 10.4: Optimised thickness distribution of core walls for two structural systems
of a 150 m tall building.
For the 245 m tall building it is clear that the maximum required thicknesses of the
core walls are unreasonable in practice for the both structural systems, although the
core structure with one outrigger provides smaller thicknesses. This is to be compared
with the 150 m tall building which resulted in more realistic thicknesses of 0.33 m and
0.61 m for the core structure with one outrigger and shear wall-braced structure
By providing one outrigger to the shear wall-braced structure reduced the maximum
required thickness by almost 50 % for the case of a 150 m tall building. For the 245 m
tall building the reduction is about 23 %.
However, it is important to highlight why the 245 m core structure with outrigger did
not result in reasonable maximum thickness. One reason is due to the fact that the
outrigger was not very stiff in relation to the stiffness of the core, which they should
be in order to attract a larger portion of load from the core via the outrigger to the
perimeter columns. This effect can be seen in the case of the 150 m tall building,
where the maximum required thickness is reduced by 50 %. The reason is mainly due
to the fact that the outrigger then is stiff in relation to the stiffness of the core
compared to the stiffness relation between the outrigger and the core for the 245 m tall
Practical solution?
250 Practical
Height [m]
150 thickness
0 1 2 3
Theoretical thickness of core walls [m]
Height along the building [m]
80 restriction
60 With
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Figure 10.6: Optimal thickness distribution of the core walls of a 150 m tall shear
wall-braced structure.
Height along the building [m]
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 10.7: Optimal thickness distribution of the core walls of a 245 m tall shear
wall-braced structure.
The results show that the influence of restricting the wall thickness to a minimum of
200 mm gives larger effects for the case of a 150 m tall building in comparison to the
245 m tall building, which can be seen in Figures 10.6 and 10.7. The reason for this is
that the taller buildings require thicker walls and a very small portion of the height
need to have their wall thickness adjusted to the minimum required. On the other
hand, the lower buildings of this case study required thinner walls in order to fulfil the
criterion of maximum top lateral deflection. This is due to the fact that the chosen
geometry of the core gives relatively stiff response for the 150 m tall building as the
same radius of gyration is applied for the different heights. This results in a need of
thickening the walls within a larger portion of the height of the lower building in
comparison to the taller one.
Volume Material [m3]
150,5 175 210 245
Figure 10.8: Total required volume of material for core structures with one
outrigger and for shear wall-braced structures of different heights.
The results in Figure 10.8 show that the core structure with one outrigger require less
total volume of material in comparison to the shear wall-braced structure. The
difference becomes more significant for the taller buildings, meaning that the effects
from the outrigger seem to be more pronounced the taller a structure is. This coheres
with the information provided by Smith and Coull (1991).
The results also show that the effects of providing one outrigger on the total volume
of material become smaller the lower a structure is.
Shear wall-braced
Core structure with
5000 outrigger
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.9: Required volume of material for the bracing system for core structures
with one outrigger and for shear wall-braced structures of different
The difference in volume of material of the bracing systems in the two structural
systems has the same tendency as for the difference in total volume of material, which
is analysed in the previous Section 10.3.1. The results are presented in Figure 10.9.
The 8 outriggers, seen in Figure 9.3, were modelled as 7 m high and 0.8 m thick
concrete wall respectively. This gives a huge volume of material in relation to the
volume of the core. The outriggers could have been optimised and, hence, more
efficient e.g. by having trusses than concrete walls. This is why the results in Section
10.3.3 are more relevant as they show the effect an outrigger has on the stabilising
core only.
Shear wall-braced
15000 structure
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.10: Required volume of material of the stabilising core for the two
structural systems.
Concerning only the stabilising core of the two structural systems the difference in
volume of material is more pronounced compared to the difference of the total volume
of material, which is shown in Figure 10.10. Specifically it can be noted that the
difference in volume of material of the stabilising cores is significant for the lower
buildings as well as for the taller ones. Such a difference is not observed when
comparing difference in total volume of material.
The reason why the volume of material of the core is decreased for all building
heights is because of the large reduction of maximum moment in the core. This is an
important feature of utilising outriggers.
Volume of Material [m3]
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.11: Required volume of material for columns and bracings and the total
volume of material for shear wall-braced structure.
Total Volume
10000,0 Bracing
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.12: Required volume of material for columns and bracings and the total
volume of material for core structure with one outrigger.
The results displayed in Figures 10.11 and 10.12 show clearly that the required
volume of material of the bracing units increases nonlinearly when the height of the
structure increases. This is compared with the volume of material for the columns,
where the increase is almost linear and in general the increase of volume of material is
Table 10-2: Results from optimisation of core structure with one outrigger.
Core structure Structural Natural Structural Tip Acceleration
with one mass/ frequenc damping deflection/
outrigger equivalent y Max.
mass allowed
[kg] 105 [m]
There are many factors that can be examined in order to explain why the maximum
accelerations were almost the same despite differences in structural properties
between the shear wall-braced structures and core structures with one outrigger.
Acceleration [m/s2]
Shear wall-braced
Core structure
0,220 with outrigger
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.13: Calculated acceleration for two types of structural systems of four
different heights.
Figure 10.14 shows how the natural frequency of the two types of structural systems
varies for the four different heights.
Natural Frequency [Hz]
Core structure with
Shear wall-braced
150,5 175 210 245
Height of building [m]
Figure 10.14: Natural frequency as a function of the building height for the two types
of structural systems.
245 m tall
210 m tall
0,245 175 m tall
0,2 245 m tall
0,18 210 m tall
0,16 175 m tall
0,14 150 m tall
0 0,2 0,4 0,6
Maximum allowed deflection [m]
The criterion of the maximum allowed lateral deflection was changed from H/500 to
stricter values up to H/1000. This resulted in an increase of the volume of material, as
the structure was forced to be stiffer. The resulting maximum acceleration decreased
as can be seen in Figure 10.16. Increasing the volume of material is obviously
beneficial in order to decrease the maximum acceleration.
The results from this parametric study are summarised in Sections 10.6.1 and 10.6.2.
Note that the results obtained are with respect to a trapezoidal wind load applied on
the structure. The results might differ if, for instance, the wind load would be
modelled as uniformly distributed.
As seen in Figures 10.17 to 10.20 the lower the outrigger is placed, the larger the top
lateral deflection arises, while the base moment is reduced. However, there are
specific positions of the outrigger, along the height of the structure, which gives
optimal effect with respect to top lateral deflection and base moment respectively.
As also can be seen in Figures 10.17 and 10.19, the maximum reduction in top lateral
deflection arises, when the outrigger is located at a level corresponding to
approximately 75 percent of the height of the building. This is to be compared with
the optimal location of the outrigger with regard to the maximum reduction of the
base moment, which is at 50 percent of the height of the structure. In order to gain
from both of these effects, meaning to decrease both the top lateral deflection and
base moment as much as possible, the optimal location of the outrigger should be
somewhere in between 50 and 75 percent of the height of the structure.
In conclusion, if the design problem is stiffness driven, the outrigger should be placed
closer to 75 percent of the height of the structure. However, if the design problem
turns out to be resistance driven or driven by minimising the volume of material of the
core, then lowering the outrigger closer to 50 percent of the height of the structure is a
preferable solution.
The bending stiffness of the outrigger was not changed in this study when located at
different heights. It is neither changed in the study of different tall core structures with
outriggers. This is a chosen limitation in this project, even though the stiffness of the
outrigger itself would affect the response of the whole building.
Location of one outrigger [m]
on a 245 m tall building
250 350 450 550 650
Maximum lateral deflection [mm]
Figure 10.17: Relation between location of one outrigger and the maximum lateral
deflection of a 245 m tall building with varying stiffness of the core.
Location of one outrigger [m]
on a 245 tall building
-Varying stiffness of core
-Constant stiffness of columns
-Trapezoidal wind load
1800000 2000000 2200000 2400000
Maximum base moment [kNm]
Figure 10.18: Relation between location of one outrigger and the maximum base
moment of a 245 m tall building with varying stiffness of the core.
Location of one outrigger [m]
on a 250 m tall building
-Constant stiffness of core
-Constant stiffness of columns
-Trapezoidal wind load
300 400 500 600
Max lateral deflection [mm]
Figure 10.19: Relation between location of one outrigger and the maximum lateral
deflection of a 245 m tall building with constant stiffness of the core.
Location of one outrigger [m]
on a 250 m tall building
-Constant stiffness of core
-Constant stiffness of columns
-Trapezoidal wind load
1850000 1900000 1950000 2000000 2050000
Maximum base moment [kNm]
Figure 10.20: Relation between location of one outrigger and the maximum base
moment of a 245 m tall building with varying stiffness of the core.
13.2 Online
Chok K. (2003): Lateral Systems for Tall buildings. Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
DLS Dynamics (2010): Cost Challenges of Tall Buildings. Davis Langdon & Seah
Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Hira A. & Haritos N. & Ngo T. & Mendis P. & Samali B. & Cheung J. (2007): Wind
Loading on Tall Buildings. EJSE International: Loading on Structures.
Irwin P. A. (2010): Wind issues in the design of tall buildings. Structural Design
Council, Los Angeles.
Mehta and Meryman (2009): Tools for Reducing Carbon Emissions Due to Cement
Consumption. LEED AP, Structure Magazine.
13.3 Interview
Handa K. (2014-03-10): Wind Engineering expert. Interview, Gothenburg May 2014.
Ekstrm D. (2014-03-15): M.Sc. Fire Engineer. Interview, Gothenburg Mars 2014.
Peric N. (2014-04-10): Architect in the Structural Engineering firm VBK,
Gothenburg. Interview, April 2014.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Program written by Ashna Zangana & Nawar Merza.
% Master Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology (2014)
clc ;
clear all ;
close all ;
% *Geometry*
% Properties of the stabilising structure
% Uncracked section
E = 34e9/ Gamma_cE ; % Modulus of elasticity [Pa]
% Concrete C35/45
% Cracked section
Ecr = 0.4 * E ; % Approximate design modulus of
% elasticity of cracked section
% [Pa]. EN 1992-1-1 (Appendix H)
rho_ccrt = 25e3 ; % Density reinforced concrete
% C35/45 [N/m^3]
fcm = 43e6 ; % Mean compressive strength [Pa]
fctm = 3.2e6 ; % Mean tensile strength [Pa]
% *Wind load [EN 1991-1-4:2005]*
z0 = 0.3 ; % Terrain type III [m]
zmax = 250 ; % zmax = 200, Eurocode. [m]
% Handa provide method for higher
% heights.
z0II = 0.05 ; % Assuming terrain type III. [m]
zmin = 5 ; % Terrain type III ...
% ... [Table 4.1 EN 1991-1-4] [m]
vb = 25 ; % Reference wind speed [m/s]
% Gothenburg
rho_air = 1.25 ; % Density air [kg/m^3]
qb =(0.5*vb^2*rho_air) ;% Reference mean wind pressure
% [N/m^2]
kI = 1.0 ; % Turbulence factor
c0 = 1.0 ; % Topography factor assuming no
% significant height differences
% in the surrounding.
% *Function file "windload" to estimate the wind load.*
[Iv,Qp,v_mean,CsCd,RR,BB,qp,kp,fL,d] = ...
% *Permanent load*
g_hc = 3.6e3 ; % [N/m^2] Hollow core slabs.
g_aff = 0.05 * rho_ccrt ; % [N/m^2] Affusion to even
% out deformed slab.
g_inwall = 0.5e3 ; % [N/m^2] Non-structural
% walls.
g_inst = 0.5e3 ; % [N/m^2] Installations and
% ceiling.
% Total permanent load [N/m^2]
% except self-weight of bracing and columns.
g_tot = g_hc + g_aff + g_inwall + g_inst ;
% *Variable loads*
% Imposed load (characteristic) in office buildings
q_imp = 2.5e3 ; % [N/m^2]
[N_fac_w,N_fac_i] = normalcolumn(A_fac,Qp,q_imp,...
% SS-EN 1992-1-1 (Section 5.2)
% *Horisontal resultant due to unintended inclination*
% *SLS. Main load: WIND*
% The columns are assumed to be unbraced
A_tot = B*B ;
H_incl_w = zeros(1,length(N_fac_w));
H_incl_w(1) = phi_i * s * psi_0_snow % Snow at roof.
for j = 1:length(H_incl_w)
H_incl_w(j) = H_incl_w(j) + ...
phi_i * A_tot * (q_imp * psi_0_imp + g_tot);
H_incl_w = flip(H_incl_w);
plot(H_incl_w, H_st, 'k')
legend('Wind as main load')
title('Horisontal force on Bracing system due to',...
'Gravity load on columns')
xlabel('Horisontal force [N]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
% * Moment due to wind load and unintended inclination*
hh = [0 H] ;
M_wind = zeros((length(hh)),1) ;
% Moment distribution [Nm]
for jj = 1:length(M_wind)
n = 1:length(M_wind) ;
n = n-jj ;
n(1:jj) = 0 ;
for j =1:length(M_wind)
M_j(j) = Horisontal(j)*n(j)*st_h ;
M_wind(jj) = sum(M_j) ;
M_j = [] ;
M = M_wind ;
M_u_out = xlsread('fourty_iteration2_OUT_2nd') ;
% *SLS. Main load: WIND*
Aw = zeros(length(hh),1) ;
b_i1 = b_i_w ;
b_i1(end) = [] ; % Roof story has no thickness.
% % % figure(6)
% % % plot(b_i1,hh,'k')
% % % hold on
defl = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
l_arm_u = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
w_u = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
Aw(end) = [] ;
EI = E*(Aw*i^2) ;
M_wind(end) = [] ;
M_flip = flip(M_wind) ; % Flipped (prepared) for
EI_flip = flip(EI) ; % integration of curvature.
for jj = 1:length(H)
n = 0:length(H) ;
n = n + 1/2 ;
n = n - jj + 1/2 ;
n(1:(jj-1)) = 0 ;
for j =1:length(H)
l_arm_u(j) = n(j)*st_h; % "lever arm" [m]
% Deflection by integration of curvature [m]
w_u(j) = (M_flip(j)/EI_flip(j))...
*st_h * l_arm_u(j) ;
defl(jj) = sum(w_u) ; % Sum of contributions
w_u = [] ; % from each story.
defl = flip(defl) ;
defl_2nd = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
l_arm_u_2nd = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
w_u_2nd = zeros((length(H)),1) ;
for jj = 1:length(H)
n = 0:length(H) ;
n = n+1/2 ;
n = n - jj ;
n(1:(jj-1)) = 0 ;
for j =1:length(H)
l_arm_u_2nd(j) = n(j)*st_h; % "lever arm" [m]
% Deflection by integration of curvature
w_u_2nd(j) = (M_flip(j)/EI_flip(j))...
*st_h * l_arm_u_2nd(j) ;
defl_2nd(jj) = sum(w_u_2nd) ; % Sum of contributions
w_u_2nd = [] ; % from each story.
defl_2nd = flip(defl_2nd) ;
w = zeros(length(M_wind),1);
l_arm = zeros(length(M_wind),1);
for j = 1:length(H)
l_arm(j) = H(end)-H(j)+st_h/2 ;
w(j) = (M_wind(j)/EI(j)) *st_h * l_arm(j) ;
w_max=sum(w) ;
N = ones(1,length(H_st)) ;
% *ULS. Main load: IMPOSED*
plot(flip(N_c), H_st)
title('Normal force on most loaded facade column')
xlabel('Normal force [N]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
% Adjusting geometry
b_c(j) = cff * b_c(j) ;
% Number of loops
index(j) = index(j) + 1 ;
b_c = flip(b_c) ;
A_c = flip(A_c) ;
plot(b_c, H_st,'k')
title('Thickness of facade columns along height')
xlabel('Thickness [m]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
% *Initial stiffness of columns below outriggers*
% Columns supporting outrigger modeled in Frame Analysis
% as springs.
% *Dimensions of columns below outriggers*
% Adjusting geometry
b_c_out(j) = cff * b_c_out(j) ;
% Number of loops
index(j) = index(j) + 1 ;
b_c_out = flip(b_c_out) ;
% % % %%
% % % *Adjust manually, to increase stiffness of...
% % % supports for the outriggers*
% % % b_c_out = b_c_out + 0.145 ;
% % % A_c_out = b_c_out .* b_c_out ;
% *Adjusted stiffness of columns below outriggers*
% Columns supporting outrigger modeled in Frame Analysis
% as springs.
% Bracing core
v_core = Acore * st_h ; % [m^3] Reinforced
% concrete at each story
g_core = v_core * rho_ccrt ; % [N] Weight at each
% story.
Vcore = sum( Acore * st_h ) ; % [m^3] Reinforced
% conrete Total.
Gcore = Vcore * rho_ccrt ; % [N] Weight Total.
n_st_col = n_st_col-16/2 ;
% Columns in facade
v_column = A_c * st_h *n_st_col ;% [m^3] Reinforced
% concrete at each story
g_column = v_column * rho_ccrt ; % [N] Weight at each
% story.
Vcolumn = sum( v_column ) ; % [m^3] Reinforced
% conrete Total.
Gcolumn = Vcolumn * rho_ccrt ; % [N] Weight Total.
% *Volume gravity system*
V_grav = Vcolumn ;
% *Volume bracing system*
V_bracing = Vcore + V_out + Vcoout ;
F = Qp_wind + H_incl_w' ;
% Horisontal concentrated
% load at each story.
w = zeros(1,length(F)) ; % Static lateral deflection
% contribution [m] from
% each story.
% Vertical load on each story [N].
W = mass * 9.81;
% fn = natural frequency
fn = fn
phi_h = 1/(1+2*fn*max(H)/v_mean(end)) ;
phi_b = 1/(1+3.2*fn*B/v_mean(end)) ;
% *Equivalent Mass*
m_e = sum((mass).*phi_1.^2 * st_h) / sum(phi_1.^2.*st_h);
%% windload.m
% This function file calculates the wind load that is
% used in the main program.
% *Iv = Turbulence intensity*
% *v_mean = Mean wind velocity profile valid for up to
% 300 m [Handa(2014)]*
% *qp = Peak velocity pressure.*
kr = 0.19 * (z0/z0II)^0.07 ;
for j = 1:length(H)
Iv(j) = kI / (c0 * log(H(j)/z0)) ;
v_mean(j)= vb * kr * log(H(j) / z0)...
+ 0.01 * H(j); % 0.01*[1/s]
qp(j) = (1 + 6*Iv(j)) * (v_mean(j))^2 ...
* 0.5 *rho_air; % [N/m^2]
xlabel('Wind pressure "qp" [kN/m^2]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
title('Wind Pressure Profile')
hold on
Qp = zeros(length(H),1) ;
Qp(1) = qp(1)* st_h/2 * B ;
Qp(end) = qp(end)*st_h/2 *B ;
for j = 2:(length(Qp)-1)
% Concentrated load on each story.
Qp (j) = qp(j) * st_h * B ; % [N]
% *Dynamic characteristics of the structure*
phi_h = 1/(1+2*n1*max(H)/v_mean(end)) ;
phi_b = 1/(1+3.2*n1*B/v_mean(end)) ;
function [N_tot_wind,N_wind,Ng_ext_w,Ng_int_w,A_trib,...
Ng_core,Vtot_core,N_snow,N_perm,N_imp] = ...
%% normalbracing.
% Normal force distribution on the BRACING UNITS due to
% gravity is calculated in this program.
% *SLS. Main load: WIND*
% Observe:
% Normal forces calculated here are concentrated loads
% acting on one side of the core. Each one of these
% normal forces acts on each side of the square core. The
% concentrated loads are assumed to act in the center of
% each side of the core.
for j = 1:length(N)
% Vext = volume of one wall of one floor.
Vext(j) = 2 *Bcore*b(j)*st_h ; % 2 long exterior
% walls.
Ng_ext_w(j) = Vext(j) * rho_ccrt ; % [N]
for j = 2:length(N)
% Accumulated normal force.
Ng_ext_w(j) = Ng_ext_w(j-1) + Ng_ext_w(j);
Ng_ext_w = flip(Ng_ext_w) ;
for j = 1:length(N)
% Vint = volume of one wall of one floor.
Vint(j) = 8*h*b(j)*st_h ; % 8 Shorter walls
Ng_int_w(j) = Vint(j) * rho_ccrt ; % [N]
for j = 2:length(N)
% Accumulated normal force.
Ng_int_w(j) = Ng_int_w(j-1) + Ng_int_w(j);
Ng_int_w = flip(Ng_int_w) ;
function [I_cr,I_uncr,EE,crack_st,EI,sig_w,sig_comp,...
I,y,Acore,crush1,crush2] = ...
%% cracks.m
% This function file identifies which sections that are
% cracked v.s. uncracked. Cross-sectional properties are
% provided afterwards.
% Assuming that the total normal force acts uniformly on
% the whole cross section of the core. In reality, the
% external walls of the core are subjected to a greater
% part of the normal force than the internal walls.
I = zeros(1,length(H_st)) ; % Moment of inertia at
% each story [m^4]
% *SLS. Main load: WIND*
sig_w = zeros(1,length(H_st)) ; % Tensile stress at
% each story [Pa]
sig_comp = zeros(1,length(H_st)); % Compressive stress at
% each story [Pa]
Acore = zeros(1,length(H_st)) ; % Cross-sectional area
% of core at each floor
for j = 1:length(H_st)
y = (Bcore/1.5+b(j)/2) ;
Acore(j) = 2*(Bcore*b(j)) + 8*((Bcore-op)/2*b(j)) ;
I(j) = (i^2) * Acore(j) ;
% Naviers formula
% Tension side
sig_w(j) = M_wind(j) / I(j) * y - ...
N_tot_wind(j)/Acore(j); % [Pa] [N/m^2]
% Compression side
sig_comp(j) = M_wind(j) / I(j) * y +...
% The normal force is the one obtained from a load
% combination where wind load is the main load. This is
% reasonable since the vertical load is, in this case,
% favorable and, hence, the smaller one must be chosen.
% *Check if any section is crushed (sigma > fcm)*
if isempty(crush1) == 0
error('Concrete crushed')
if isempty(crush2) == 0
error('Concrete crushed')
% *Iteration wrt cracked and uncracked regions*
sig_t = find(sig_t);
crack_st = max(sig_t) ; % Up to story "crack_st", a
% reduced modulus of
% elasticity must be used
% since these stories are
% cracked.
% *Vector EI: the stiffness distribution along height.*
EI = ones(1,length(b)) ;
EE = ones(1,length(b)) ;
I_cr = ones(1,crack_st) ;
I_uncr = ones(1,(length(b)-crack_st)) ;
% *Plot: The maximum tensile stress at each story*
% Different linetypes for each new adjusted distribution
% (each loop).
if lt == 1 || lt == 4 || lt == 7
line = 'k--';
elseif lt == 2 || lt == 5 || lt == 8
line = 'k:' ;
elseif lt == 3 || lt == 6
line = 'k-*';
line = 'm' ;
hold on
xlabel('Stress [Pa]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
title('Normal stress distribution')
hold on
plot(EI,H_st, line)
xlabel('Stiffness EI [N*m^2]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
title('Stiffness distribution')
hold on
plot(EE,H_st, line)
xlabel('E [Pa]')
ylabel('Height [m]')
title('Modulus of elasticity [N*m^2]')
hold on
hh = [0 H] ;
% *Deflection contribution from region 1:*
reg1 = find(b == b_min) ;
if isempty(reg1) == 0
b_1 = b(reg1(1):reg1(end)) ; % Thickness
% distribution of
% reg1.
h_1 = hh((reg1(1)):(reg1(end))) ; % Heights of reg1.
M_1 = M_wind(reg1(1):reg1(end)) ; % Moment
% distribution in
% reg1.
EI = [EI 0.00001] ;
EI_1 = EI(reg1(1):reg1(end)) ; % Stiffness
% distribution of
% reg1.
l_arm1 = zeros(1,length(reg1)) ; % Lever arm
M_1 = M_1' ;
for j = 1:length(reg1)
l_arm1(j) = h_1(end)-h_1(j)+st_h/2 ;
% *Region 2 designed by Lagrange*
if isempty(reg1) == 0
reg2 = 1:(min(reg1)-1) ;
reg2 = 1:length(b) ;
if isempty(reg2) == 0
for j = 1 : crack_st
E2(j) = Ecr ;
for j = 1 : length(reg2)
A2(j) = 1/(d_max_new*E2) * sqrt(M_2(j)*...
l_arm2(j)*a)/i * st_h/(sqrt(a)*i)*...
sqrt(M_2(j)*l_arm2(j))) ;
b_2 = A2 / (htot) ; % [m]
% *Adjusting the thicknesses to min. & max. thickness*
% Required due to practical issues (reinforcement,
% architectural considerations etc.).
% % %
% % % Initial thickness, second loop.
% % % b_adj = zeros(length(M_wind),1) ;
% % % for j = 1:length(b)
% % % if b_new(j) < b_min
% % % b_adj(j) = b_min ;
% % % else
% % % b_adj(j) = b_new(j) ;
% % % end
% % % end
% % % for j = 1:length(b)
% % % if b_new(j) > b_max
% % % b_adj(j) = b_max ;
% % % end
% % % end
N = ones(1,length(H_st)) ;
N_fac = N * s * psi_0_snow * A_fac; % Snow load at roof.
% *SLS. Main load: WIND*