Neurobiology of Escalated Aggression and Violence
Neurobiology of Escalated Aggression and Violence
Neurobiology of Escalated Aggression and Violence
Psychopathological violence in criminals and intense aggression in fruit flies and rodents are studied with novel behavioral, neurobio-
logical, and genetic approaches that characterize the escalation from adaptive aggression to violence. One goal is to delineate the type of
aggressive behavior and its escalation with greater precision; second, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and brainstem structures emerge as
pivotal nodes in the limbic circuitry mediating escalated aggressive behavior. The neurochemical and molecular work focuses on the
genes that enable invertebrate aggression in males and females and genes that are expressed or suppressed as a result of aggressive
experiences in mammals. The fruitless gene, immediate early genes in discrete serotonin neurons, or sex chromosome genes identify
sexually differentiated mechanisms for escalated aggression. Male, but not female, fruit flies establish hierarchical relationships in fights
and learn from previous fighting experiences. By manipulating either the fruitless or transformer genes in the brains of male or female
flies, patterns of aggression can be switched with males using female patterns and vice versa. Work with Sts or Sry genes suggests so far
that other genes on the X chromosomes may have a more critical role in female mouse aggression. New data from feral rats point to the
regulatory influences on mesocortical serotonin circuits in highly aggressive animals via feedback to autoreceptors and via GABAergic
and glutamatergic inputs. Imaging data lead to the hypothesis that antisocial, violent, and psychopathic behavior may in part be attrib-
utable to impairments in some of the brain structures (dorsal and ventral PFC, amygdala, and angular gyrus) subserving moral cognition
and emotion.
Key words: aggression; alcohol; genetics; learning; prefrontal cortex; serotonergic 1A receptor; serotonin; sex difference
Research on aggression and violence is pursued by social and behaviors altogether (Krug et al., 2002). Here we point to several
biological scientists with profoundly divergent approaches. At emerging successes in behavioral and molecular biology of ag-
present, the schism between these approaches promises to be gression research that may have important implications not only
overcome by advancing our knowledge of the molecular events for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment but also for guidance of
through which social experiences sculpt future aggressive acts. public and judicial policies.
Insights into the gene– environment interactions are critical for
the way in which the criminal justice and the public health sys-
Aggression as an adaptive behavior in males and females:
tems deal with aggression and violence. Neurobiological research
quantitative ethological analysis
of aggressive behavior is emerging from several shameful epi-
Classic ethological studies have focused on aggression because
sodes during the past century ranging from the eugenics move-
this behavior is typical for both invertebrate and vertebrate spe-
ment to lobotomies to stigmatizing individuals with phrenolog-
cies during particular situations of conflict. The study of the phy-
ically defined biomarkers (Valenstein, 1987). As a matter of fact,
the World Report on Violence and Health (2002) by the World logeny, ontogeny, and functional significance of these complex
Health Organization ignores the neuroscience approach to these behavioral adaptations in different kinds of aggressive confron-
tations provides the foundation for neurobiological analyses. The
salient acts, postures, and communicative signals of aggressive
Received Aug. 1, 2007; revised Aug. 24, 2007; accepted Sept. 3, 2007.
behavior follow an intricate temporal and sequential organiza-
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AA013983 and DA02632 (K.A.M.), NS055218
(E.F.R.), and HD42259 (A.R.), National Institute of General Medical Sciences Grants 067645 and 072411 (E.A.K.), tion, some are common to males and females, and others are
National Science Foundation Grant IBN 0090730 (E.A.K.), Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, and Conselho sexually dimorphic (Nilsen et al., 2004; Miczek et al., 2007). In a
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel newly studied invertebrate model, male fruit flies (Drosophila
Superior (R.M.M.A.). melanogaster) establish hierarchical relationships in fights,
Correspondence should be addressed to Klaus A. Miczek, Tufts University, 530 Boston Avenue (Bacon Hall),
Medford, MA 02155. E-mail: [email protected].
whereas female flies do not. Like mammals, flies learn from pre-
DOI:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3500-07.2007 vious fighting experiences and use this information for establish-
Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/07/2711803-04$15.00/0 ing and maintaining hierarchical relationships (Yurkovic et al.,
11804 • J. Neurosci., October 31, 2007 • 27(44):11803–11806 Miczek et al • Escalated Aggression and Violence
2006). In adult male and female mice, exposure to androgenic males (Y. B. Chan and E. A. Kravitz, unpublished observations)
steroids during critical prenatal and postnatal periods are among (Kimura et al., 2005). Furthermore, Certel, Kravitz, and cowork-
the distal determinants of subsequent aggressive behavior, and ers have demonstrated that the amine octopamine, the inverte-
these influences during early development are readily seen in brate homolog to norepinephrine, is involved in the behavioral
adult male and female aggression in mice (Vom Saal and Bron- choice between courtship and aggression in male flies (Certel et
son, 1978; Mann and Svare, 1983). An important task is to extend al., 2007) (S. J. Certel, unpublished observations). Of the ⬃80
the insights from species-normative aggression to clinical con- octopamine neurons normally found in the fly CNS, three within
cerns with pathological aggression. the subesophageal ganglion show colocalization of the amine
with Fru M. Eliminating Fru M expression in these three neurons
The need for valid experimental models of by either feminizing the neurons in otherwise male brains or
escalated aggression eliminating Fru M by RNA interference yields the same behavioral
Examples from clinical research on aggressive behavior illustrate phenotype as eliminating octopamine; male flies have difficulty
the focus on behavioral phenotypes that exceed the species- determining whether to court or fight other males.
normative patterns and represent behavioral pathologies (Raine
and Yang, 2006). New experimental models of escalated aggres- Sex chromosome genes and female aggression
sive behavior in mice, hamsters, and rats attempt to translate In complement to the early hypothesis that the Sry (sex determin-
more adequately to clinically problematic violent outbursts ing region Y) gene, located on the Y chromosome, acted as a
(Miczek et al., 2004, 2007; Haller and Kruk, 2006; Nelson and candidate gene for differentiating aggression between sexes and
Trainor, 2007). Many experimental models rely on noxious en- among strains of mice (Maxson, 1996), Rissman and colleagues
vironmental stimuli, neural lesions, or pharmacological or ge- investigate Sry and another sex chromosome candidate gene, Sts
netic manipulations to engender aggressive behavior in otherwise (steroid sulfatase) (E. F. Rissman, unpublished data). This latter
placid laboratory animals (de Boer and Koolhaas, 2005). For ex- gene encodes the steroid sulfatase enzyme; it is located on the
ample, the preferential use of mice of the 129 Sv strain for tar- pseudoautosomal region of the Y chromosome and is expressed
geted gene manipulations triggers aggressive behavior in a strain in both sexes. It is pivotal in the regulation of neurosteroid bio-
that, uncharacteristic for this pugnacious species, usually does synthesis and altered brain activity of Sts, attributable to either
not fight (Miczek et al., 2001). In extension of the original ac- genetic (Le Roy et al., 1999) or pharmacological (Nicolas et al.,
count in mice (Ginsburg and Allee, 1942), a new model uses 2001) manipulations, and is correlated with levels of aggression
feral-derived resident rats that escalate their aggressive behavior among male mice.
as a result of repeated victories in aggressive confrontations with Although resting brain levels of Sts are similar in both sexes, it
intruders (i.e., short latency, high frequency and intensity, per- increases dramatically in females after parturition and during
sistent attacks that are indiscriminate of opponent, impervious to lactation, corresponding to the onset of maternal aggression in
signals of submission, and potentially injurious) (de Boer and many species. Rissman and coworkers hypothesized that Sts may
Koolhaas, 2005). This methodological approach highlights the exert a critical role in aggression expressed by females, but data
rewarding nature of aggressive behavior that has begun to be from females with sex chromosome aneuploidy appear negative
characterized in terms of its neurobiology in mice (Fish et al., so far. Ongoing work using females that have a Y chromosome
2002, 2005, 2007). with spontaneous deletion of the Sry testes determining gene
(referred to as Y ⫺) shows that the Sry gene is not needed for
Ethical dilemma of aggression research enhanced aggression when a resident female confronts an in-
To be clinically relevant, experimental model systems for aggres- truder female. Moreover, females with XY ⫺ chromosome com-
sive behavior need to be valid, and this development crystallizes a plements initiate offensive attacks on intruders faster than XX
central ethical dilemma of aggression research, namely harm and females (Gatewood et al., 2006). So far, this work shows that,
injury. Two countervailing principles govern this research: face although sex chromosome complement is involved in aggression,
validity is achieved when the behavior is potentially harmful and an X or Y gene other than Sts or Sry may have more critical roles
injurious, yet, at the same time, every ethical research guideline in female aggression.
emphasizes the reduction and avoidance of the risk to be harmed
or injured. Each research question and protocol needs to probe Serotonin—revisited
how much harm and injury is necessary or acceptable to generate Brain serotonin (5-HT) has been implicated in the neurobiolog-
scientifically valid information that can be translated into con- ical mechanisms of aggression and violence more than any other
cerns of the public health system. Although this discussion fo- molecule in the brain (Miczek et al., 2002, 2007; Kravitz and
cuses primarily on mammals, it is pertinent to all species. Huber, 2003). The early proposal of a tropotrophic action of this
evolutionary ancient indolamine was extended to a calming effect
The genetics of learning to be aggressive on impulsively aggressive behavior, and this characterization was
New studies show how the fruitless gene in D. melanogaster, which supported by correlational data from low CSF metabolite levels
has been shown previously to be necessary and sufficient in de- and blunted responses to serotonergic drug challenges in violent
termining whether a fly courts males or females, is also a critical individuals (Linnoila et al., 1983; Coccaro, 1989). Recent data
determinant for how flies fight. By manipulating either the fruit- confirm lower levels of release of 5-HT in the nucleus accumbens
less or transformer genes in the brains of male or female flies, and in prefrontal cortex (PFC) in rats with extensive experiences
patterns of aggression can be switched with males using female of aggressive behavior (Van Erp and Miczek, 2000; de Boer et al.,
patterns of aggression or females using male patterns (Vrontou et 2003; Ferrari et al., 2003). Tonic brain levels of 5-HT decrease as
al., 2006). Male protein products of fruitless (Fru M) normally are a consequence of acquiring repeated victorious experiences. In
found in 20 clusters of neurons in male CNS. Mechanistically, the contrast, the level of adaptive aggressive behavior is positively
expression of Fru M must occur in a particular one of these 20 related to basal CSF concentrations of 5-HT in wild-type rats
clusters of neurons in female flies to make the females fight like (Van der Vegt et al., 2003a,b). These data point to opposite roles
Miczek et al • Escalated Aggression and Violence J. Neurosci., October 31, 2007 • 27(44):11803–11806 • 11805
of mesocortical serotonin activity in adaptive and escalated forms fenders are not fully responsible for the source of the brain dys-
of aggressive behavior. function that impairs their moral decision making, this raises
The regulation of 5-HT release from serotonergic neurons via significant neuroethical issues regarding the appropriate level of
5-HT1A and 5-HT1B autoreceptors and via GABAergic and gluta- punishment for those who show morally inappropriate acts.
matergic input to these neurons have emerged as candidate
mechanisms for the transition between adaptive and escalated Discussion
types of aggressive behavior. Evidence points to potent and selec- A research agenda should consider the following points emanat-
tive anti-aggressive effects of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor ago- ing from the recent findings in various model systems.
nists on both somatodendritic autoreceptors and on postsynaptic (1) Advances in understanding of experience-dependent and
receptors in male and female rodents (de Almeida and Lucion, sexually dimorphic gene expression need to be translated into the
1997; de Boer and Koolhaas, 2005; Olivier and Van Oorschot, clinical practice of diagnosing and treating pathologically violent
2005; Bannai et al., 2007). Highly aggressive rats are characterized individuals. The more accessible invertebrate and rodent model
by upregulated somatodendritic 5-HT1A and terminal 5-HT1B systems demonstrating gene– environment interactions should
autoreceptor (Caramaschi et al., 2007), and this activity can be enlighten the search for the primate counterparts of these
further enhanced by victorious aggressive experiences. Based on mechanisms.
their recent findings, de Boer and colleagues hypothesize that the (2) Interdisciplinary rivalries are rendered irrelevant as the
enhanced inhibitory autoreceptor function is a normal compen- molecular mechanisms of salient social experiences and learning
satory adaptation to the more reactive state of the brain 5-HT during aggressive confrontations are deciphered. The next step
system in highly aggressive animals. They further speculate that for the study of aggressive behavior should be to elucidate how
an excessive activation (i.e., overshoot) of an autoreceptor brake the molecular mechanisms underlying these salient experiences
may be a causative link in the cascade of events leading to the interact with genetic and environmental factors that predispose
hypofunction of 5-HT neurons that characterizes violent and some individuals to engage in escalated aggressive behavior.
pathological forms of aggressive behavior. (3) Mesocortical serotonin circuits are intricately regulated
via feedback from autoreceptors and via GABAergic and gluta-
5-HT receptor gene expression in PFC matergic inputs. Future work must take into account the regional
In rodents, 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptor genes are expressed at and temporal specificity of the molecular changes taking place
lower levels in the PFC of individuals who engage in escalated during the transition from adaptive to escalated aggressive
aggression after consumption of alcohol relative to those who behavior.
fight at a species-typical level (Chiavegatto et al., 2007). Intact (4) Neuroethical concerns require discussion in open dis-
alcohol-heightened and other escalated forms of aggression are course among representatives of the criminal justice system, psy-
potently inhibited by activation of 5-HT1B receptors in subre- chiatry, neuroscience, and the social sciences.
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