Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
2. User Domain: 2
Workstation Domain: 4
LAN Domain: 2
LAN-to-WAN Domain: 3
WAN Domain: 1
Remote Access Domain: 4
System/Application Domain: 5
3. System/Application Domain
4. Consider the both minor for the most part unless performance
become a working for both would be consider minor in relation in
6. The User Domain represents the greatest risk and uncertainty because
human behavior is unreliable and influenced by factors uncontrolled by
8. User Domain
9. Work Station domain needs software vulnerability assessments to
mitigate risk from software vulnerabilities.
14. True
15. Layer
security strategy will provide protection in the system domain
by providing protections like anti-virus,authentication to users.