Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
Risk - Threat - Vulnerability Primary Domain Impacted
2. How many threats and vulnerabilities did you find that impacted risk within
each of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure?
-User Domain: 3
-Workstation Domain: 3
-LAN Domain: 2
-LAN to WAN Domain: 4
-WAN Domain: 1
-Remote Access Domain: 3
-System/Application Domain: 5
3. Which domain had the greatest number of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities?
-It’s System/Application Domain with 5.
4. What is the risk impact or risk factor that you would qualitatively assign to the
risks, theats, and vulnerabilities you identified for the LAN-to-WAN Domain for
the healthcare and HIPPA compliance scenario?
-I think it’s Hacker managed to penetrate the healthcare center’s internal
network, which in this case, can lead to serious impact, like hacker can install
ransomware, which will encrypt all the important file, example patient’s health
report, this will interrupt the normal operation of the healthcare center.
5. Of the three Systems/Application Domain risks, threats, and vulnerabilities
identified, which one requires a disaster recovery plan and business continuity
plan to maintain continued operations during a catastrophic outage?