Nautilus Provides The Solution To Old Problem

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Nautilus provides the solution

to an old problem

Choosing the right equipment is an

important step in developing winning athletes.
Much planning is required. The
wrong choice may represent an expenditure
that can never be justified.
But just what are some of the things
that you should consider?
The amount of money for spending
will probably be foremost in your mind.
And rightly so. Everyone wants the
most for his money.
But an error often results because
economy and the amount of the initial

A Nautilus Leg Curl Machine is designed to condition

the injury-prone hamstring muscles.

N autilus Sports/Medical Industries

is a research-product company.
Applied to athletics, our research can
mean the difference between success
and failure.
Our product is the finest exercise
equipment in the world.
We're aware of the responsibility
attached to such a statement. With the
assortment of claims pervading the world
of sports, separating fact from miscon­
ception isn't easy.
But we're in a position to help.
Sports medicine is our business, and we'll
offer all of the facts of exercise that
you'll consider.
An investment in Nautilus exercise
equipment is the most promising you'll
make for the physical education program of
your school. There are many reasons why
this is true.


Nautilus offers efficient exercise regard­
less of training goals.

These trainees are participating in a

medically-supervised program at the
Athletic Center of Atlanta. The facility
is Nautilus equipped and is convenient­
ly located in downtown Atlanta.

investment are thought of as one and

the same. Nothing is further from the
What about thinking of economy in
terms of the results produced? Or the
injuries prevented? Or how about the
Nautilus is the first logical approach to
service-life ot the equipment?
exercise, and we consider the most logical
Economy can consist of many things
approach the most economical in terms
seemingly unrelated to money.
of immediate and long-range benefits.
body will rapidly respond to exercise.
But, exercise must be applied throughout
the full range of muscular movement, or
a large part of the effort will be wasted.
And it's a fact that you can't compensate
for lack of results by increasing the
amount of training. More training will
produce even less results.
Nautilus is high-intensity, low-force
exercise. The kind of exercise that
must improve any athlete. A properly
performed Nautilus workout is brief,
yet high in intensity. The design of
Nautilus applies calculated stress
throughout the full range of movement.
With this type of exercise, you're
limited only be the potential of the

A Nautilus Omni Curl Machine. The omni

series permits NEGATIVE exercising with­
out the aid of a training partner. For more
information regarding negative training,
please send for the complimentary brochure:

for January, 1975 49

But when injuries have occurred,
Nautilus' record speaks for itself. Noted
orthopedic surgeons are utilizing Nautilus
as their most successful means of
post-surgical rehabilitation.
LONGEVITY. In ten years, how many
times will you have had to replace
conventional types of exercise equipmenH
That's one reason why Nautilus is the
choice of the Pro teams. Tearns like the
Miami Dolphins, the Cincinnati Bengals,
the Dallas Cowboys, the San Francisco Forty­
Niners, the Buffalo Bills, the Los Angeles Rams,
the St. Louis Cardinals, the Houston Oilers, the
Denver Broncos, the Cleveland Browns, the
Washington Redskins, and hundreds of
other professional, college, and high
school teams. T earns that are ready to
approach exercise from a logical point of
view. And teams that are tired of wasting
their money on other forms of equipment
that can't deliver what the manufacturer

A Nautilus Super Pullover Machine and drive-sprocket assembly.

Omni Tricep Machine

INJURIES. Since Nautilus allows efficient

exercise throughout the entire range of
movement, injuries are less likely to
occur. The entire body has been exposed to the
only exercise that promotes full-range
development. And no price can be placed
on an athlete's safety.


Take our DUOsymmetric/POLY­
contractile Hip and Back machine. It's
designed to condition the largest and
most important muscles in the body.
The solid block aluminum cams are honed
to the shape required to produce correct
variable resistance. Built with solid steel
bracket supports, chromed steel sprockets,
and chain with a test strength of 3700
pounds, this machine will provide years of
Our Pullover machine is designed
to offer conditioning for the
major muscular structures of the upper
torso. Never again must upper-body
conditioning be limited by the strength DUOsymmetric/POLYcontractile Hip and Back
of the arms. The resistance is applied to Machine.
the elbows through durable pads that
enable you to exercise in as much comfort It's no surprise to us. But we represent
as possible. And the movement arm is the first logical approach to' exercise. And
balanced by two solid steel counter­ the athletic program at your school can
weights that cancel out random torque. benefit from our experience.
Built to last. Designed to produce For additional information, please
results and reduce injuries. The DUO­ send for our catalog and brochures. They're
symmetric/POLYcontractile Hip and free for the asking.
Back machine and the Pullover
machine . . . equipment that you'll be
proud for your school to own, and available
together at a price comparable to most
Nautilus Midwest
other exercise equipment. 1 Corry Street I University Plaza
If you want the finest, you'll choose Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Nautilus. Then discover that the finest
Phone 513/221-2600
is also the most economical.
Regional distributor for the products of Nautilus Sports/
Medical Industries, DeLand, Florida.

For the development of speed, strength,

and flexibility, a Nautilus DUOsymmetric/
POLYcontractile Hip and Back Machine
is unequalled by any other kind of training
equipment. And it's priced for the limited
budgets of high schools and colleges.

for January, 1975 51



Nautilus means bright prospects for Wrestli)lg.

.. .�. .

Wrestling requires·speed, strength, and flexibility. No team can

excel in wrestling without these assets. And your te� needs proper
training to insure proper development in these areas.
Nautilus offers legitimate conditioning. The kind of conditioning that
brings consistent success.
A Nautilus Pullover machine offers more than 240 degrees of rotary
resistance. The upper torso is conditioned rapidly and efficiently to the
demands of wrestling.
A Nautilus DUOsymmetric/POLYcontractile Hip and Back machine
provides full-range exercise for the legs, hips, and lower back-your
strongest muscles. A new level of training efficiency is offered, and you
won't find it with other exercise equipment.
Nautilus is the most desirable training equipme�t in the world. And
with the importance placed on winning, it doesn't make sense to settle
for less.
For more information, please send for our complimentary brochures.

A Nautilus DUOsymmetr-ic/POLYcuiiiLr�,.,u,.,
Hip and Back Machine



P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

Time as a factor in

Athletic Training
Time is the most important factor in any Nautilus provides strength training that
physical activity. does not make inroads into other training
Time is one of the few things you can't buy. activities. Everything else being equal, a
Training time should be devoted to the stronger athlete will always win . . .

most productive type of training . . . and in any sport.

proper utilization of Nautilus exercises will It is neither necessary nor desirable to
produce maximum strength increases in build great strength and muscular mass
minimum time. into the torso and arms of a sprinter or a
Recovery time MUST be adequate for basketball player . . . but athletes involved
total system recovery between training in those sports do require maximum
periods; if not, then losses in strength will strength in the muscular structures that
be produced instead of increases. Properly contribute directly to those activities. Two
performed Nautilus workouts are so brief or three weekly training sessions properly
and infrequent that total recovery is assured devoted to high-intensity Nautilus exer­
between training sessions . . .strength increases cises will quickly produce large-scale
steadily and rapidly, and the athlete is not increases in both strength and endurance
left in a constant state of exhaustion . . . improving both running and jumping
between workouts. ability.
Most of any athlete's training time and Time properly devoted to Nautilus. exer­
energy MUST BE devoted to directly sport­ cises will improve any athlete ... in any sport.
connected training . . . football players Less than one hour of weekly training
must practice and develop the skills time is all that is required for the
required in football, sprinters must sprint. production of maximum results with
Supplemental training c<!n and will improve Nautilus exercises . . . more training time
performances in any athletic activity is neither necessary nor desirable.
but it must not conflict with other
training programs.


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Nautilus 1
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P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904 /228·2884

Important facts about Nautilus

Full-range exercise has certain requirements. Lacking even one of these requirements, full-range exercise is
Exercise can be provided in a number of ways, but full-range exercise can be provided in only one way.
Nautilus is the only source of full-range exercise. "Function dictates design", and the requirements for full-range
exercise dictated the design of Nautilus equipment.
Improved flexibility increases speed and greatly reduces the chances of injury . . . and improvements in
flexibility are a direct result of full-range exercise.
Increased strength throughout the entire length of a muscular structure improves functional athletic ability
in ANY SPORT -another direct result of full-range exercise.
Nautilus equipment is now being used by the Buffalo Bills, the Miami Dolphins, the Cincinnati Bengals,
the St. Louis Cardinals, the Los Angeles· Rams, the Cleveland Browns, the Denver Broncos, the Houston Oilers, and
hundreds of other professional, college, and high school athletic teams.
Nautilus equipment is also being used exclusively in a number of Sports/Medical Clinics operated by lead­
ing orthopedic surgeons.
The leaders in American sports and sports/medicine chose Nautilus on the basis of facts, not claims . .
and the fact is that Nautilus is the ONLY source of full-range exercise.


P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

Nautilus means
bright prospects for
Track and Field

The DUOsymmetric/
POL Ycontractile Hip and
Back Machine provides full­
range exercise for the
lower back, buttocks, and
rear of the thighs.
Alternate leg movement
promotes balanced de­

Track and field events require speed, strength, and flexibility. No team can excel in
track without these assets, and all athletes need proper training to insure proper
development in these areas.
Nautilus offers legitimate conditioning. The kind of conditioning that
brings consistent success.
A Nautilus DUOsymmetric/POLYcontractile Hip and Back Ma­
chine provides full-range exercise for the legs, hips, and lower
back-your strongest muscles. Heavy resistance in the starting
position produces large-scale improvements in strength
and flexibility . . . ideal for the demands of track and field
e> ents. A new level of training efficiency is offered,
and ou won't find it with other exercise
ecuipment. Nautilus is the most desir-
able training equipment in the world. And
... th the importance placed on winning, it
aoesn't make sense to settle for less.
\\ e welcome all inquiries regarding our pro­
cuds, and our complimentary brochures will prove
'"e pful to all coaches and athletes.

A :\autilus Dl'Os.vmmetric/POLYcontractile
Hip and Back Machine


:: 0 BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

�:::;- =e:Jruary, 1975
Proper exercise
has certain requirements.

provides ALL of them.

The "heart" of every Nautilus machine is arm, then you double the torque, even though the
the exclusive Nautilus "cam" . . .the spiral-shaped weight remains constant.
pulley that automatically and instantly varies the In a Nautilus machine, the selected weight
resistance as movement occurs. can be as much or as little as you require-and
When you move, you become stronger-or the weight remains constant during the exercise.
weaker- depending upon the direction of movement. But the Nautilus cam varies the moment arm as
The Nautilus cam instantly compensates for the movement occurs, thus increasing or reducing the
resulting change in strength -automatically effective resistance-the torque.
increasing or reducing the resistance to match Conventional exercises work only "part" of
your changing strength. a muscle, but Nautilus works ALL of a muscle.
With conventional exercises you are always With conventional exercises you are limited
limited by your strength in the weakest position, by poorly designed tools. With Nautilus, you
thus, you never have enough resistance in the have tools that permit you to exercise to the limit
stronger positions. of your own potential.
Nautilus provides correct resistance in Why limit your results by using exercises
every position; lower in your weak positions, higher that do not provide the requirements of the
in your strong positions, and maximum in your muscles themselves?
strongest positions. Why not build maximum strength in a
minimum of time while greatly increasing the
Muscular contraction
flexibility of your athletes and reducing the danger
Muscular contraction produces torque (rotary of injury?
force around an axis) .. . and torque is a resultant Quite simply, there is NO OTHER METHOD
of two factors: (1) the length of the moment arm of providing this important requirement for
(or lever), and (2) the amount of weight (or full-range exercise . . . and the cam is exclusive
straight-line force). with Nautilus.
If you double the length of the moment


P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904 /228-2884

The starting position in a Nautilus
Super Pullover Torso Machine.
Full-range exercise is provided for
the major muscles of the upper torso.

for February, 1975 23

N autilus set out to build
the finest exercise equipiDent
ID the world .

The facts speak for theiDselves.

Nautilus felt that the most productive exercise balanced with steel counterweights to cancel
equipment should also be the most durable. random torque.
The 3" x 1 Y2" tubular steel frame is joined And you'll find plenty of padding, for
with more than 130 welds for overall rigidity. exercise in as much comfort as possible.
Double chain with tensile strength of
7,400 pounds engages a solid steel movement
arm via the chromed drive-sprocket assembly.
The sprocket alone weighs 23 pounds. And
%" steel shoulder bolts serve as sprocket

Nautilus is the leader in sports.

Hundreds of professional, college, and
high school athletic teams depend upon the
quality of Nautilus. And only Nautilus
provides the requirements for full-range
When you invest in Nautilus, you're
assured of obtaining the most productive
exercise for all sports.
Most machines can be delivered within
60 days of order.
Aluminum cams. Why settle for less than the best?
Another innovation from Nautilus­ With Nautilus, a new era has begun in
precision "cams" honed from solid block athletics. We invite you to share in our goal
aluminum. Strong, yet light. All cams are of logical conditioning.

P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

for March, 1975 49

High-intensity Exercise
. only from Nautilus
. .

Low intensity exercise will do Why is Nautilus more productive

very little in the way of increasing than any other form of training?
strength. And too much exercise will Because Nautilus provides the highest
prevent strength increases. possible intensity of exercise.
But anything increasing the Intensity that is impossible to produce
intensity of exercise is a step in the in any other manner. And training
right direction. time is reduced to an absolute
The barbell was the first step in minimum, leaving room for other
the direction of logical strength­ activities.
training. Exercise research led Only Nautilus provides all of the
Nautilus the rest of the way-to the requirements for full-range exercise.
most productive exercise equipment Nautilus is the only source of total
in the world. exercise.


P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

A New Experience in Exercise

Dick Butkus demonstrates one of the four
exercises provided by the
Nautilus 4-way, Direct Neck Machine.

-- - -·-�--- -

- - -
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_ -
'... - �
. -
. '
- - -

P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904 /228-2884

for May, 1975 3



The chronic pain, discomfort and dysfunc­ SPORTSMATE is the result of a scientific
tion commonly known as "TENNIS ELBOW" research and development program that
can result from participation in any activity in­ started in 1958, culminating in a symposium on
volving the muscles of the hands and forearms. the prevention and rehabilitaion of tennis elbow
According to informed medical opinion, more conducted by the Sports Medicine Foundation
than 5,000,000 people in the United States are of America. SPORTSMATE is a scientifically
currently suffering the effects of chronic tennis designed, quality engineered product of
elbow .. a result of participation in tennis,
. Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries, designers
bowling, golf, baseball, handball, racquet ball, and manufacturers of the world's finest pro­
skiing, fly fishing, gymnastics, karate, j udo or fessional sports and medical training equip­
any one of a long list of other activities. ment.
VENTED .. AND MANY CASES CAN BE RE­ viding the only practical source of full range,
HABILITATED WITHOUT SURGERY. automatically variable, rotary form, direct,
positive and negative resistance for the de­
Tennis elbow is caused when a force is velopment of increased structural integrity of
imposed upon the muscles or connective tissues the muscles and connective tissues subject to
in the area of the elbow . . . a force in excess of damage from participation in activities invol­
the structural integrity of that part of the ving the hands and forearms.
anatomy. Prevention of tennis elbow depends
upon avoiding these forces . . . or, upon Regular use of SPORTSMATE will also im­
increasing the strength of the tissues to a point prove functional ability and flexibility . . . for
where the encountered forces will remain that extra margin of performance . . . every
within harmless limits. member of the family can use SPORTSMATE in
So there are only two possible approaches the convenience of the home or office. Eight
to the problem of tennis elbow . . . either avoid minutes of proper use of SPORTSMATE , three
the dangerous forces . . . or increase the times weekly, a total of only twenty-four
strength of the involved tissues to a point where minutes of weekly use . .. will significantly im­
the same level of forces become harmless. But prove the strength of the muscles and connec­
in fact, you cannot avoid the forces if you parti­ tive tissues utilized in all sports involving the
cipate in sports . . . but you can now increase hands and arms.
the strength of the tissues to a point where
many cases of tennis elbow will be totally USE SPORTSMATE FOR A BEITER AND
avoided. SAFER GAME.

Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries

SPORTSMATE is manufac­
P.O. Box 5000 Dept. 10 DeLand, Florida 32720
tured in the United States and Master Charge 0
Enclosed is $19.95 plus $2.25 for shipping, or bill to
is U N C O N D I T I ON A LLY Bank Arnericard 0

Account # Expires I I
---- --------------------------------------------
of purchase price will be made
immediately upon return for -------

Florida residents add $.90 Florida sales tax.

any reason.
California residents add $1.20 California sales tax.





Muscles produce movement by straight-line mass of a muscle. NAUTILUS INTRODUCED

contraction ...but the resulting movement STRETCHING into strength training ...and
of the related body part is rotary in nature; Nautilus is still the only source of strength
the result being that full range exercise for a exercises that provide stretching.
muscle can be produced only by an exercise
that provides a rotary form of resistance.
EXERCISE ...and Nautilus is still the only
exercise providing true rotary movement.

Movement throughout a full range of possible

movement produces large changes is usable
strength, because of resulting changes in
bodily leverage and because of changes in
the strength of a muscle as it contracts; the
result being that total exercise for the entire
mass of a muscle requires a form of
resistance that varies as movement occurs,
becoming heavier or lighter as may be
required ...but resistance that simply
changes is not enough, it must vary in exact
accord with the requirements of the muscles,
instantly, exactly, automatically. It must be
balanced in accordance with the require­
ANCE ...and Nautilus is still the only
exercise that provides true variable
resistance, balanced exactly in accordance
with the requirements of the muscular and
leverage systems of the body.·Such proper
variation of resistance is of extreme impor­
tance for good results from exercise, and it
can be achieved in only one way the
use of a cam; and NAUTILUS INTRODUCED The Nautilus DUOsymmetric-POLYcontrac­
TilE CAM TO EXERCISE. tile Pullover Torso Machine provides rotary
resistance over a range of more than 280
Full-rangE;) exercise requires stretching . degrees of movement.
which can be provided in only one possible
manner; by a range of resistance .that
actually exceeds the range of movement of
the user . . . Nautilus exercises are the only A high intensity of muscular contraction is
form of e�ercise that provide this important an absolute requirement for the production of
factor of stretching. Without which, it is worthwhile results within a reasonable
simply impossible to improve flexibility .. . period of time ...and the highest possible
and equally impossible to work the entire level of intensity is a direct result of pre-
stretching; until and unless a muscle is pre­ impossible. These requirements are ...
stretched, many of the available muscle (1) POSITIVE WORK ... (2) NEGATIVE
fibers simply will not become involved in any WORK ... (3) ROTARY FORM MOVE­
form of exercise ...the result being that it MENT ... (4) AUTOMATICALLY VARI­
is easily possible to terminate an exercise at ABLE RESISTANCE . . . (5) BALANCED
an apparent point of muscular failure when RESISTANCE .. . (6) RESISTANCE IN A
in fact only part of the muscle has been FINISHING POSITION OF FULL
worked. Pre-stretching of a muscle is a MUSCULAR CONTRACTION . . . (7) DIRECT
result of stretching it immediately prior to RESISTANCE . .. (8) UNLIMITED SPEED
contraction; which is why you instinctively OF MOVEMENT .. . (9) STRETCHING
pull back your fist just before punching, why and (10) PRE-STRETCHING.
you dip just before jumping, why you back
swing a baseball bat or a golf club. Only Nautilus provides all of the ten require­
NAUTILUS INTRODUCED PRE-STRETCH- ments for full-range exercise ...most other
ING into strength training ...and Nautilus forms of exercise provide only three of the
is still the only source of strength exercises ten requirements, positive work, negative
that provide pre-stretching. work, and unlimited speed of movement.
And one form of exercise, friction based
A full-range exercise must provide resistance exercise, provides only one of the ten
in a position of full muscular contraction ... requirements for full-range exercise.
at the finishing point, in a position where NAUTILUS is still the ONLY SOURCE of
additional movement is simply impossible, the FULL-RANGE EXERCISE.
muscles must still be exposed to heavy
resistance; if you can pause and rest in any When the muscles are properly worked with
position during an exercise without being full-range, total exercise, then it is neither
forced to hold against constant resistance, necessary nor desirable to spend several
then it is not a full-range exercise ...Nauti­ hours a day in the gym in order to produce
lus and ONLY NAUTILUS, provides exercise results ...on the contrary, rapid, large
with constant resistance in every position scale increases in both strength and
throughout a full range of possible movement, flexibility can be produced in a matter of
starting in a stretched and pre-stretched only a few weeks, as a result of very brief
position and ending in a position of full workouts lasting less than thirty minutes.
muscular contraction with resistance in every Three weekly workouts of approximately
position. If you can pause and hold the top thirty minutes each, a total training time of
of an exercise, in a "locked out" position less than nine hours spread over a period of
with the weight supported by your bones six weeks, will produce marked increases in
instead of your muscles, then it is not a full­ overall muscular strength ...while
range exercise. You cannot lock-out with simultaneously improving flexibility, speed
Nautilus full-range exercises ...NAUTILUS and cardiovascular endurance. The actual
INTRODUCED CONSTANT RESISTANCE to amount of training has very little to to with
strength training, and Nautilus is still the the production of good results from exercises
only source of constant resistance. performed for the purpose of increasing
strength ...intensity is the key to success in
There are ten basic requirements for full­ strength training, and only Nautilus provides
range exercise ...lacking even one of these truly full-range, high-intensity exercise,
requirements, full-range exercise is TOTAL EXERCISE.

For additional information, contact ...



P. 0. BOX 1783 DELAND, FLORIDA 32720 PHONE 904/228-2884

for October, 1975 37
Leg Curl Machine

Compound Leg Machine

Improve athletic abirty

with Nautilus
Full-range exercise has certain direct result of full-range exercise.
requirements. Lacking even one of these require­ Nautilus equipment is now being used by
ments, full-range exercise is impossible. the Buffalo Bills, the Miami Dolphins, the
Exercise can be provided in a number of Cincinnati Bengals, the Saint Louis Cardinals,
ways, but full-range exercise can be provided the Los Angeles Rams, the Cleveland
in only one way. Nautilus is the only source of Browns, the Denver Broncos, the Houston
full-range exercise. "Function dictates design", Oilers, and hundreds of other professional,
and the requirements for full-range exercise college, and high school athletic teams.
dictated the design of Nautilus equipment. Nautilus equipment is also being used
Improved flexibility increases speed and exclusively in a number of sports/medical
greatly reduces the chances of injury ...and clinics operated by leading orthopedic surgeons.
improvements in flexibility are a direct result of The leaders in American sports and
full-range exercise. sports/medicine chose Nautilus on the basis
Increased strength throughout the entire of facts, not claims ... and the fact is that
length of a muscular structure improves Nautilus is the only source of full-range exercise.
functional athletic ability in any sport another

Nautilus Midwest
1 Corry Street/University Plaza
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219

--- -� ----

Phone 513/221-2600
Regional distributor for the products of ...
Dated October 23, 1975

In the November, 1974, issue of Athletic Journal, I

published a 6-page advertisement entitled "Criminal
Fraud ...or Unbelievable Stupidity." As a result of
rumors spread by third parties, I was erroneously led ·

to believe that Dr. Gideon Ariel was guilty of having

made fraudulent or stupid claims, the claims that I
accused him of in that advertisement.
But since then, I have met and talked to Dr. Ariel at
great length on several occasions. Whereupon, having
learned the facts, I realized that Dr. Ariel was
misrepresented by third parties, and was not in fact
guilty of making either the statements or claims
attributed to him by others.

Signed Arthur Jones

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