Oath of Love

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Oath of Love

The Oath of Love is the expression of mankind’s Oath Spells

oldest comfort. Paladins who take this oath vow
to protect the bonds between lovers, family, You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
friends and companions; the bonds that tie and Oath of Love Spells
make us who we are, that give us strength in the Paladin Level Spells
darkest times and are at the center of the
brightest. 3rd healing word, shield of faith
Many who pledge themselves to this oath do so 5th calm emotions, warding bond
to defend those whom they hold dear. Others are 9th fly, sending
more selfless in their honor of the oath, seeking 13th death ward, fire shield
to spread love to those who’ve scarcely felt it, to 17th hallow, mass cure wounds
play matchmaker and counselor to the forlorn,
and to interject and smite any who use false Channel Divinity: Benevolent
promises of love as a tool to control others. Promise
Tenets of Love You can use your Channel Divinity to form a
divine connection with another creature that
Though the perceptions of bonds and emboldens and protects you both.
relationships vary between cultures and peoples, As an action, choose a willing creature within
paladins of the Oath of Love rely on the following 30 feet of you. As long as you are within line of
tenets to help them understand and protect those sight of each other, you and they have advantage
who share deep connections. on the first attack roll or ability check made on
your respective turns.
Acceptance. The bond between willing people Additionally, when either of you is targeted
may sometimes be shunned by the society they with an attack, the other may use their reaction
inhabit. Their love, however, is valid and should to add their proficiency bonus to the targeted
be respected as any other. People should not be creature’s armor class for that attack.
punished for following their heart and being with This connection breaks if either of you finishes
whom makes them happiest. your turn more than 30 feet apart from the other.
Hope. The kiss of a lover, the embrace of a Otherwise, it last for 1 minute.
mother, the smile of a brother; these memories Channel Divinity: Poet's
keep us company in their absence and remind us
that there are reasons to endure. Promises of Eloquence
better days with those who truly care for us help You can use your Channel Divinity to help bring
us push through whatever difficulties we face. to life the words in your heart.
As a bonus action, grant yourself proficiency in
Kindness. Acts of kindness and gentle words of Charisma (Persuasion) checks and Charisma
understanding help soothe the scorned and hurt. (Performance) checks for 10 minutes.
Happiness begets happiness, and those who If you are already proficient in these skills
walk unburdened by misery will, in turn, be when you use this Channel Divinity, you double
kinder to another. your proficiency bonus for ability checks made
Understanding. There will be conflict between with these skills.
even the most loving people. Putting oneself in
the other's position and seeing the matter from
their perspective will help in deciding how to
proceed in any given situation.
Soothing Touch Paragon of Love
Starting at 7th level, your touch assuages and At 20th level, you embody the guarding aspects of
comforts the ailing. love.
When you use your Lay on Hands feature, you As an action, you become a flawless version of
can spend 5 hit points from your pool of healing yourself in the eyes of those who see you, and you
to end a condition affecting that creature. The emanate a protective aura in a 30-foot radius.
condition can be blinded, charmed, deafened, Creatures friendly to you (including yourself)
frightened, or paralyzed. within the aura gain the following benefits:
You can end multiple conditions with a single They become resistant to poison and psychic
use of your Lay on Hands, spending hit points damage;
separately for each one. They gain 10 temporary hit points at the start
of their turns;
Everlasting Bond Whenever a creature makes an attack roll
Beginning at 15th level, you are able to perform a against those protected by the aura, they must
ritual that deepens the connection between make a Charisma saving throw against your
creatures who love one another. spell save DC. On a fail, they suffer a penalty
Choose a number of willing creatures equal to to that roll equal to your proficiency bonus;
your Charisma modifier (this may include While this aura is active, you can use your Lay
yourself), they must be within 30 feet of you on Hands ability on any creature within the 30-
during the performance of the ritual; over the foot radius as a bonus action.
course of 24 hours, an extraordinary bond forms This aura lasts for 1 minute, or until you
between these creatures giving them the dismiss it as a bonus action.
following benefits: Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
While in line of sight of each other, bonded until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a
creatures can communicate telepathically 5th-level spell slot to use it again.
with one another;
Within a 1 mile radius, bonded creatures
know the exact location of the creatures with
whom they are bonded;
While in the same plane of existence, bonded
creatures may appear in and shape each
others dreams;
Bonded creatures may eschew the material
components necessary to cast the Revivify
and Raise Dead spells on creatures with
whom they are bonded;
A bonded creature may willingly suspend the
effects of the bond at any time (no action
required). In the same way, a bonded creature
may willingly break their bond to one or more of
the creatures with whom they are bonded.
Creatures may only partake in this ritual once.
If a creature breaks their bond to one or more of
the creatures with whom they are bonded, they
may ask the paladin who performed the ritual to Art credits
mend it; however, the bond can only be mended if Cover art is "Jeanne d'Arc", by asuka111
the creatures who partook in the ritual agree to (https://www.deviantart.com/asuka111/art/Jeanne-
have their bond reforged with the one who broke d-Arc-275367829)
Otherwise, this bond lasts for the lifetime of
the last living bonded creature.

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