Type 3241 Valve with Type 3271 Actuator (left) and Type 3277 Actuator (right)
Mounting and
Operating Instructions
EB 8012 EN
Edition March 2016
Note on these mounting and operating instructions
These mounting and operating instructions assist you in mounting and operating the device
safely. The instructions are binding for handling SAMSON devices.
ÎÎ For the safe and proper use of these instructions, read them carefully and keep them for
later reference.
ÎÎ If you have any questions about these instructions, contact SAMSON‘s After-sales Service
Department ([email protected]).
The mounting and operating instructions for the devices are included in
the scope of delivery. The latest documentation is available on our website
(www.samson.de) > Product documentation. You can enter the document
number or type number in the [Find:] field to look for a document.
Hazardous situations which, if not Property damage message or mal-
avoided, will result in death or seri- function
ous injury
WARNING! Additional information
Hazardous situations which, if not
avoided, could result in death or seri-
ous injury
Recommended action
2 EB 8012 EN
EB 8012 EN 3
7 Maintenance................................................................................................38
7.1 Replacing the gasket.....................................................................................39
7.1.1 Standard version..........................................................................................39
7.1.2 Version with insulating section or bellows seal.................................................41
7.2 Replacing the packing...................................................................................41
7.2.1 Standard version..........................................................................................41
7.2.2 Version with insulating section........................................................................42
7.3 Replacing the seat and plug...........................................................................44
7.3.1 Standard version..........................................................................................44
7.3.2 Version with insulating section........................................................................46
7.4 Preparation for return shipment......................................................................47
7.5 Ordering spare parts and operating supplies..................................................47
8 Malfunctions................................................................................................48
8.1 Troubleshooting............................................................................................48
8.2 Emergency action.........................................................................................49
9 Decommissioning and disassembly...............................................................50
9.1 Decommissioning..........................................................................................50
9.2 Removing the valve from the pipeline..............................................................50
9.3 Removing the actuator from the valve.............................................................51
9.4 Disposal.......................................................................................................51
10 Appendix.....................................................................................................52
10.1 After-sales service.........................................................................................52
10.2 Certificates...................................................................................................53
10.3 Spare parts..................................................................................................59
4 EB 8012 EN
Safety instructions and measures
EB 8012 EN 5
Safety instructions and measures
Safety devices
Upon supply air or control signal failure, the valve moves to its fail-safe position (see sec-
tion 3.1). The fail-safe action of the actuator is the same as its direction of action and is spec-
ified on the nameplate of SAMSON actuators (see actuator documentation).
6 EB 8012 EN
Safety instructions and measures
Referenced documentation
The following documents apply in addition to these mounting and operating instructions:
−− Mounting and operating instructions for mounted actuator, e.g. u EB 8310‑X for
Type 3271 and Type 3277 Actuators
−− Mounting and operating instructions for mounted valve accessories (positioner, solenoid
valve etc.)
−− u AB 0100 for tools and lubricant
EB 8012 EN 7
Safety instructions and measures
8 EB 8012 EN
Safety instructions and measures
Risk of valve damage due to contamination (e.g. solid particles) in the pipe-
The plant engineering company is responsible for cleaning the pipelines in the
ÎÎ Flush the pipelines before start-up.
ÎÎ Observe the maximum permissible pressure for valve and plant.
Risk of leakage and valve damage due to excessively high or low tightening
Observe the specified torques on tightening control valve components. Excessive-
ly tightened torques lead to parts wearing out quicker. Parts that are too loose
may cause leakage.
ÎÎ Observe the specified tightening torques (u AB 0100).
EB 8012 EN 9
Safety instructions and measures
10 EB 8012 EN
Safety instructions and measures
EB 8012 EN 11
Markings on the control valve
10 11 21
Fig. 1: Valve nameplate
12 13
1…5 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
12 EB 8012 EN
Markings on the control valve
EB 8012 EN 13
Design and principle of operation
3 Design and principle of oper- The medium flows through the valve in the
direction indicated by the arrow. A rise in
ation signal pressure causes the force acting on
The single-seated Type 3241 Globe Valve is the diaphragm in the actuator to increase.
preferably combined with a SAMSON The springs are compressed. Depending on
Type 3271 or Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator the selected direction of action, the actuator
(see Fig. 4). It can also be combined with stem retracts or extends. As a result, the plug
other actuators. position in the seat changes and determines
The seat (4) and plug with plug stem (5) are the flow rate through the valve.
assembled in the body (1). The plug stem is
connected to the actuator stem (A7) by the
stem connector clamps (A26) and is sealed
by a spring-loaded V-ring packing (16). The
springs in the pneumatic actuator (A) are lo-
cated either above or below the diaphragm
depending on the selected fail-safe action
(see section 3.1). A change in the signal
pressure acting on the diaphragm causes the
plug to move. The actuator size is deter-
mined by the diaphragm area.
14 EB 8012 EN
Design and principle of operation
14 A26
1 Body
17 9
10 2 Flange
8 3 Yoke
1 4 Seat
4 5 Plug (with plug stem)
5 8 Threaded bushing (packing nut)
Fig. 5: Type 3241 Valve, body NPS 8
to 12
EB 8012 EN 15
Design and principle of operation
16 EB 8012 EN
Design and principle of operation
EB 8012 EN 17
Design and principle of operation
Class 125 in 7.25 7.25 7.25 8.75 10.00 10.88 11.75 13.88 17.75
and 150 mm 184 184 184 222 254 276 298 352 451
L 1) in 7.50 7.62 7.75 9.25 10.50 11.50 12.50 14.50 18.62
Class 300
mm 190 194 197 235 267 292 318 368 473
in 8.74 8.78 10.31 13.94 15.35
≤750 cm²
mm 222 223 262 354 390
18 EB 8012 EN
Design and principle of operation
EB 8012 EN 19
Design and principle of operation
Table 4: Dimensions and weights for the Type 3241 Valve with insulating section or bellows
seal up to NPS 6 (DN 150)
NPS ½ ¾ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 6
Valve size
DN 15 20 25 40 50 65 80 100 150
section or
bellows seal
in 16.10 16.14 17.76 25.04 26.46
mm 409 410 451 636 672
≤750 cm²
in 28.07 28.11 29.72 34.53 35.94
mm 713 714 755 877 913
H4 for in 27.36 28.82
actua- Short –
1000 cm² mm 695 732
1400-60 cm² in 36.85 38.31
Long –
mm 936 973
1400- in
120 cm²/ –
Long mm
2800 cm²
lbs 22 24 26 49 57 88 99 176 353
Weight without kg 10 11 12 22 26 40 45 80 160
actuator (approx.) lbs 31 33 35 57 66 97 108 194 370
kg 14 15 16 26 30 44 49 88 168
20 EB 8012 EN
Design and principle of operation
Table 5: Dimensions and weights for the Type 3241 Valve with insulating section or bellows
seal for NPS 8 (DN 200) and larger
Version with Insulating section Bellows seal
10 10
10 10
Up to Up to
250 mm 250 mm
NPS 8 200 mm 12 8 200 mm 12
seat seat
seat seat
bore bore
bore bore
Valve size
250 250
250 250
Up to Up to
250 mm 250 mm
DN 200 200 mm 300 200 200 mm 300
seat seat
seat seat
bore bore
bore bore
1000 cm² in 32.7 41.9 – 45.3 40.8 58.7 – 59.8
H4 for 60 cm² mm 830 1065 – 1150 1036 1492 – 1520
tor 1400- in 32.7 41.9 41.9 45.3 40.8 58.7 58.7 59.8
120 cm²
2800 cm² mm 830 1065 1065 1150 1036 1492 1492 1520
Weight without lbs 1191 2220 2220 2690 1312 2407 2407 2793
actuator (approx.) kg 540 1007 1007 1220 595 1092 1092 1267
EB 8012 EN 21
Design and principle of operation
Dimensional drawings
Type 3241 · NPS ½ to 6 (DN 15 to 150) Type 3241 · NPS 8 to 12 (DN 200 to 300)
Type 3241 with insulating section or bel- Type 3241 with insulating section or bel-
lows seal · NPS ½ to 6 (DN 15 to 150) lows seal · NPS 8 to 12 (DN 200 to 300)
22 EB 8012 EN
Design and principle of operation
Refer to the following data sheets for more dimensions and weights:
u T 8012 for valves with bellows seal, insulating section or heating jacket
The associated actuator documentation applies to actuators, e.g. for SAMSON pneu-
matic actuators:
u T 8310‑1 for Type 3271 and Type 3277 Actuators up to 750 cm² actuator area
u T 8310‑2 for Type 3271 Actuator with 1000 cm² actuator area and larger
u T 8310‑3 for Type 3271 Actuator with 1400-60 cm² actuator area
EB 8012 EN 23
24 EB 8012 EN
SAMSON's After-sales Service de-
Contact SAMSON's After-sales Ser-
vice department for the transporta-
partment can provide more detailed
tion temperatures of other valve ver-
transport and lifting instructions on
4.2.2 Lifting
To install a large valve into the pipeline, use
lifting equipment (e.g. crane or forklift) to lift
Lifting instructions
−− Secure slings against slipping.
−− Make sure the slings can be removed
from the valve once it has been installed
into the pipeline.
EB 8012 EN 25
−− Prevent the control valve from tilting or than NPS 6. The sling only protects the
tipping. control valve from tilting while being lift-
−− Do not leave loads suspended when in- ed. Before lifting the control valve, tight-
terrupting work for longer periods of en the sling.
−− Make sure that the axis of the pipeline is
always horizontal during lifting and the
axis of the plug stem is always vertical.
−− Make sure that the additional sling be-
tween the lifting eyelet and rigging
equipment (hook, shackle etc.) does not
bear any load when lifting valves larger

Fig. 7: Lifting points on the control valve: up to NPS 6 (left) and with welding ends (middle) · NPS 6
and larger with additional lifting eyelet on the actuator (right)
26 EB 8012 EN
We recommend using a hook with safety latch (see Fig. 7). The safety latch prevents
the slings from slipping during lifting and transporting.
EB 8012 EN 27
28 EB 8012 EN
The plant engineering company is re-
sponsible for cleaning the pipelines
in the plant.
EB 8012 EN 29
Mounting and start-up
Risk of damage to wall of valve body
due to incorrectly diverted jet stream.
The process medium cannot flow
unobstructed through the valve when
the V-port plug has been installed
incorrectly. This will result in the
process medium hitting the body
wall, which may lead to severe valve
Make sure the V-port plug is installed
30 EB 8012 EN
Mounting and start-up
Mounting position
−−Remove the mounted actuator be- Generally, we recommend installing the
fore mounting the other actuator valve with the actuator upright and on top of
(see associated actuator documen- the valve.
tation). In the following versions, the valve must be
−−Preloading the actuator springs in- installed with the actuator on top:
creases the thrust of a pneumatic −− Valves in NPS 4 and larger
actuator and reduces the travel −− Valves with insulating section for low
range of the actuator (see associat- temperatures below –10 °C (14 °F)
ed actuator documentation). ÎÎ Contact SAMSON if the mounting posi-
tion is not as specified here.
EB 8012 EN 31
Mounting and start-up
Q Flow rate
a Inlet length
b Outlet length
a x NPS b x NPS
State of process
Valve conditions Inlet length a Outlet length b
Ma ≤ 0.3 2 4
0.3 ≤ Ma ≤ 0.7 2 10
Ma ≤ 0.3 1) 2 4
0.3 ≤ Ma ≤ 0.7 1)
2 10
Saturated steam (percentage of condensate
2 20
> 5 %)
Free of cavitation/w < 10 m/s 2 4
Cavitation producing noise/w ≤ 3 m/s 2 4
Liquid Cavitation producing noise/3 < w < 5 m/s 2 10
Critical cavitation/w ≤ 3 m/s 2 10
Critical cavitation/3 < w < 5 m/s 2 20
Flashing – 2 20
Multi-phase – 10 20
1) No saturated steam
32 EB 8012 EN
Mounting and start-up
EB 8012 EN 33
Mounting and start-up
Version with welding ends 3. Check the valve for leakage to the atmo-
1. Proceed as described for “Version with sphere (visual inspection).
flanges” (steps 1 to 3). Travel motion
2. Completely retract the actuator stem to The movement of the actuator stem must be
protect the plug from sparks during weld- linear and smooth.
ÎÎ Open and close the valve, observing the
3. Weld the valve free of stress into the movement of the actuator stem.
ÎÎ Apply the maximum and minimum con-
4. Proceed as described for “Version with trol signals to check the end positions of
flanges” (steps 6 to 8). the valve.
ÎÎ Check the travel reading at the travel in-
dicator scale.
34 EB 8012 EN
Mounting and start-up
Risk of valve damage due to the
threaded bushing tightened too far.
Make sure that the plug stem can still
move smoothly after the threaded
bushing has been tightened.
If the adjustable packing does not
seal properly, contact SAMSON's
After-sales Service department.
Pressure test
During the pressure test, make sure the fol-
lowing conditions are met:
EB 8012 EN 35
Risk of personal injury when the ac-
tuator vents.
Wear eye protection when working
in close proximity to the control
Risk of burn injuries due to hot or
cold components and pipelines.
Depending on the process medium,
valve components, and pipelines may
get very hot or cold and cause burn
Wear protective clothing and gloves.
Operating disturbed by a blocked
actuator and plug stem.
Do not impede the movement of the
actuator or plug stem by inserting
objects into their path.
36 EB 8012 EN
EB 8012 EN 37
38 EB 8012 EN
EB 8012 EN 39
A 33
32 25
14 A26
17 9
10 30
8 14
4 23 17
5 4
Fig. 8: Standard version of Type 3241 with Type 3271 Actuator (left) and Type 3241 in version with
insulating section (right)
40 EB 8012 EN
EB 8012 EN 41
7.2.1 Standard version 13. Press the plug (5) firmly into the seat (4),
while fastening down the flange (2) with
Standard packing (PTFE) the body nuts (14). Tighten the nuts
1. Remove the actuator from the valve. See gradually in a criss-cross pattern. Ob-
associated actuator documentation. serve tightening torques.
2. Undo the body nuts (14) gradually in a 14. Screw in the threaded bushing (8) and
criss-cross pattern. tighten it. Observe tightening torques.
3. Lift the flange (2) and plug with plug 15. Loosely screw the lock nut (10) and stem
stem (5) off the body (1). connector nut (9) onto the plug stem.
4. Unthread the stem connector nut (9) and 16. Mount actuator. See associated actuator
lock nut (10) from the plug stem. documentation.
5. Unscrew the threaded bushing (8). 17. Adjust lower or upper signal bench
range. See associated actuator docu-
6. Pull the plug with plug stem (5) out of the
flange (2).
7. Pull all the packing parts out of the pack- ADSEAL packing
ing chamber using a suitable tool. 1. Proceed as described in “Standard pack-
8. Renew damaged parts. Clean the pack- ing (PTFE)”, steps 1 to 11.
ing chamber thoroughly. 2. Slide the parts of the packing over the
9. Apply a suitable lubricant to all the pack- plug stem in the specified order:
ing parts and to the plug stem (5). −− Spring (11)
−− Washer (12)
10. Slide the plug with plug stem (5) into the
−− Packing rings (16)
valve body (1).
3. Slide the seals (15.2) over the plug stem.
11. Place the flange (2) onto the body.
Insert the wire of the red spacer ring
Version with V-port plug: place the
(15.1) into the groove of the retaining
flange (2) onto the valve body, making
sure that the largest V-shaped port of the
Slide the retaining ring over the plug
V-port plug faces toward the valve outlet.
See section 5.1.
4. Insert the red spacer ring (15.1) between
12. Carefully slide the packing parts over the
the threaded bushing (8) and retaining
plug stem into the packing chamber us-
ring. See Fig. 9.
ing a suitable tool. Make sure to observe
the proper sequence (see Fig. 9). 5. Proceed as described in “Standard pack-
ing (PTFE)”, steps 13 to 17.
42 EB 8012 EN
8 15.1
16 15
16 12
2 Valve bonnet
5 Plug with plug stem
8 Threaded bushing (packing nut)
11 Spring
12 Washer
15 Packing
15.1 Shim with retaining ring
15.2 Seals
16 Packing rings
7.2.2 Version with insulating 5. Carefully lift the valve bonnet (2) over the
plug stem extension (25).
6. Pull all the packing parts out of the pack-
Standard packing (PTFE) ing chamber using a suitable tool.
1. Remove the actuator from the valve. See 7. Renew the damaged parts and carefully
associated actuator documentation. clean the packing chamber.
2. Unthread the stem connector nut (9) and 8. Apply a suitable lubricant to all the pack-
lock nut (10) from the plug stem exten- ing parts and to the plug stem extension
sion (25). (25).
3. Unscrew the threaded bushing (8). 9. Carefully lift the valve bonnet (2) over the
4. Remove nuts (33) and bolts (32). plug stem extension (25) onto the insulat-
ing section (21).
EB 8012 EN 43
Version with V-port plug: place the valve Slide the retaining ring over the plug
bonnet (2) onto the insulating section, stem extension.
making sure that the largest V-shaped 4. Insert the red spacer ring (15.1) between
port of the V-port plug faces toward the the threaded bushing (8) and retaining
valve outlet. See section 5.1. ring. See Fig. 9.
10. Carefully slide the packing parts over the 5. Proceed as described in “Standard pack-
plug stem extension into the packing ing (PTFE)”, steps 11 to 15.
chamber using a suitable tool. Make sure
to observe the proper sequence (see
Fig. 9).
7.3 Replacing the seat and
11. Fasten the valve bonnet with nuts (33)
and bolts (32). Observe tightening
Risk of control valve damage due to
12. Screw in the threaded bushing (8) and incorrect service or repair.
tighten it. Observe tightening torques. Seat and plug can only be replaced
13. Loosely screw the lock nut (10) and stem when all the following conditions are
connector nut (9) onto the plug stem. met:
14. Mount actuator. See associated actuator −−The valve size is ≤NPS 6.
documentation. −−The valve does not have a bal-
anced plug.
15. Adjust lower or upper signal bench
−−The valve does not have a bellows
range. See associated actuator docu-
−−The standard or ADSEAL packing
ADSEAL packing is installed in the valve.
1. Proceed as described in “Standard pack- To replace seat and plug in other
ing (PTFE)”, steps 1 to 9. valve versions, contact SAMSON's
After-sales Service department.
2. Slide the parts of the packing over the
plug stem extension in the specified or-
−− Spring (11) Risk of damage to the facing of the
−− Washer (12) seat and plug due to incorrect service
−− Packing rings (16) or repair.
3. Slide the seals (15.2) over the plug stem Always replace both the seat and
extension. plug.
Insert the wire of the red spacer ring
(15.1) into the groove of the retaining
44 EB 8012 EN
13. Slide the new plug with plug stem (5) in-
to the valve body (1).
When replacing the seat and plug,
we also recommend replacing the 14. Place the flange (2) onto the body.
packing. See section 7.2. Version with V-port plug: place the
flange (2) onto the valve body, making
sure that the largest V-shaped port of the
7.3.1 Standard version V-port plug faces toward the valve outlet.
See section 5.1.
1. Remove the actuator from the valve. See
15. Carefully slide the packing parts over the
associated actuator documentation.
plug stem into the packing chamber us-
2. Undo the body nuts (14) gradually in a ing a suitable tool. Make sure to observe
criss-cross pattern. the proper sequence (see Fig. 9).
3. Lift the flange (2) and plug with plug 16. Press the plug (5) firmly into the seat (4),
stem (5) off the body (1). while fastening down the flange (2) with
4. Replace gasket as described in sec- the body nuts (14). Tighten the nuts
tion 7.1.1. gradually in a criss-cross pattern. Ob-
5. Unthread the stem connector nut (9) and serve tightening torques.
lock nut (10) from the plug stem. 17. Screw in the threaded bushing (8) and
6. Unscrew the threaded bushing (8). tighten it. Observe tightening torques.
7. Pull the plug with plug stem (5) out of the 18. Loosely screw the lock nut (10) and stem
flange (2). connector nut (9) onto the plug stem.
8. Pull all the packing parts out of the pack- 19. Mount actuator. See associated actuator
ing chamber using a suitable tool. documentation.
9. Unscrew the seat (4) using a suitable 20. Adjust lower or upper signal bench
tool. range. See associated actuator docu-
10. Apply a suitable lubricant to the thread
and the sealing cone of the new seat.
11. Screw in the seat (4). Observe tightening
12. Apply a suitable lubricant to all the pack-
ing parts and to the new plug stem (5).
We recommend replacing the packing as
well. See section 7.2.1.
EB 8012 EN 45
7.3.2 Version with insulating 15. Apply a suitable lubricant to all packing
parts and the end of the plug stem of the
section new plug (5).
1. Remove the actuator from the valve. See We recommend replacing the packing as
associated actuator documentation. well. See section 7.2.2.
2. Unthread the stem connector nut (9) and 16. Make sure that the two washers (30) are
lock nut (10) from the plug stem exten- still in the plug stem extension (25). Re-
sion (25). new the washer, if necessary.
3. Unscrew the threaded bushing (8). 17. Hold the new plug with plug stem (5) sta-
4. Remove nuts (33) and bolts (32). tionary. Place on the insulating section
(21). Screw the plug stem extension (25)
5. Carefully lift the valve bonnet (2) over the
onto the plug stem using a suitable tool.
plug stem extension (25).
Observe tightening torques.
6. Pull all the packing parts out of the pack-
18. Place the insulating section (21) together
ing chamber using a suitable tool.
with the plug stem extension (25), plug
7. Undo the body nuts (14) gradually in a stem and plug (5) onto the body (1).
criss-cross pattern. Version with V-port plug: place the insu-
8. Lift the insulating section (21) together lating section (21) onto the valve body,
with the plug stem extension (25), plug making sure that the largest V-shaped
stem and plug (5) off the body (1). port of the V-port plug faces toward the
9. Replace gasket as described in sec- valve outlet. See section 5.1.
tion 7.1.2. 19. Press the plug (5) firmly into the seat (4),
10. Make sure that the guide bushing (23) is while fastening down the insulating sec-
not damaged. If necessary, replace the tion (21) with the body nuts (14). Tighten
guide bushing using a suitable tool. the nuts gradually in a criss-cross pat-
tern. Observe tightening torques.
11. Unscrew the seat (4) using a suitable
tool. 20. Carefully lift the valve bonnet (2) over the
plug stem extension (25) onto the insulat-
12. Apply a suitable lubricant to the thread
ing section (21).
and the sealing cone of the new seat.
21. Carefully slide the packing parts over the
13. Screw in the seat (4). Observe tightening
plug stem extension into the packing
chamber using a suitable tool. Make sure
14. Hold the plug and plug stem (5) station- to observe the proper sequence (see
ary using assembly pliers. Unscrew the Fig. 9).
plug stem extension (25) using a suitable
tool and take it out of the insulating sec-
tion (21).
46 EB 8012 EN
22. Fasten the valve bonnet with nuts (33) 7.5 Ordering spare parts and
and bolts (32). Observe tightening
operating supplies
23. Screw in the threaded bushing (8) and Contact your nearest SAMSON subsidiary
tighten it. Observe tightening torques. or the SAMSON After-sales Service depart-
ment for information on spare parts, lubri-
24. Loosely screw the lock nut (10) and stem
cants, and tools.
connector nut (9) onto the plug stem.
25. Mount actuator. See associated actuator Spare parts
documentation. See section 10.3 for details on spare parts.
26. Adjust lower or upper signal bench Lubricant
range. See associated actuator docu-
Details on suitable lubricants can be found in
the document u AB 0100.
EB 8012 EN 47
8 Malfunctions
Depending on the operating conditions, check the valve at certain intervals to prevent possi-
ble failure before it can occur. Operators are responsible for drawing up a test plan.
SAMSON's After-sales Service department can support you to draw up an inspection
plan for your plant.
8.1 Troubleshooting
Malfunction Possible reasons Recommended action
Actuator or plug stem does not Actuator is blocked. Check attachment.
move on demand. Unblock the actuator.
Signal pressure too low Check the signal pressure.
Check the signal pressure line for
Actuator or plug stem does not Signal pressure too low Check the signal pressure.
move through the whole range. Check the signal pressure line for
The valve leaks to the atmo- The packing is defective. Replace packing (see sec-
sphere (fugitive emissions). tion 7.2) or contact SAMSON's
After-sales Service department.
Version with adjustable pack- See section 5.3, “Adjustable
ing 1): packing not tightened cor- packing”. Contact SAMSON's
rectly. After-sales Service department
when it continues to leak.
Version with bellows seal: the Contact SAMSON's After-sales
metal bellows seal is defective. Service department.
Flange joint loose or gasket Check the flange joint.
worn out. Replace gasket at the flanged
joint (see section 7.1 or contact
SAMSON's After-sales Service
48 EB 8012 EN
1) A label on the flange (2) or yoke (3) indicates whether an adjustable packing is installed.
Contact SAMSON's After-sales Service department for malfunctions not listed in the
8.2 Emergency action Putting the valve back into operation after
a malfunction
Upon supply air or control signal failure, the
ÎÎ Slowly open the shut-off valves. Allow
valve moves to its fail-safe position (see sec-
the process medium to flow into the valve
tion 3.1).
Operators are responsible for emergency ac-
tion to be taken in the plant.
In the event of a valve malfunction:
1. Close the shut-off valves upstream and
downstream of the control valve to stop
the process medium from flowing
through the valve.
2. Check the valve for damage. If neces-
sary, contact SAMSON's After-sales Ser-
vice department.
EB 8012 EN 49
Decommissioning and disassembly
50 EB 8012 EN
Decommissioning and disassembly
9.4 Disposal
ÎÎ Observe local, national, and internation-
al refuse regulations.
ÎÎ Do not dispose of components, lubri-
cants, and hazardous substances togeth-
er with your other household waste.
EB 8012 EN 51
10 Appendix
You can reach the After-sales Service De-
partment at [email protected].
Required specifications
Please submit the following details:
−− Order number and position number in
the order
−− Type, model number, nominal size, and
valve version
−− Pressure and temperature of the process
−− Flow rate in cu.ft/min or m³/h
−− Bench range of the actuator (e.g. 0.2 to
1 bar)
−− Is a strainer installed?
−− Installation drawing
52 EB 8012 EN
10.2 Certificates
Konformitätserklärung/Declaration of Conformity
Modul/Module A
wird die Konformität mit nachfolgender Anforderung bestätigt/We declare conformity with the demands of the:
Richtlinie des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der 97/23/EG
vom/of 29.05.1997
Mitgliedsstaaten über Druckgeräte/Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
Angewandtes Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren/
Applied Conformity Assessment Procedure durch/by
Modul A/Module A
Bureau Veritas 0062
für Fluide nach Artikel 3 Absatz 1/for fluids acc. to art. 3 para. 1
Das Qualitätssicherungssystem des Herstellers wird von folgender benannten Stelle überwacht/The Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System
is monitored by following Notified Body:
Bureau Veritas S. A. nr 0062 67/71, boulevard du Château, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Angewandte technische Spezifikation/Technical Standards used: DIN EN12516-2; DIN EN12516-3; ASME B16.34.
Hersteller/Manufacturer: SAMSON AG
Weismüllerstraße 3
60314 Frankfurt
Frankfurt, 01.12.2014
Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 4009-0 · Telefax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: http://www.samson.de Revision 00
EB 8012 EN 53
Konformitätserklärung/Declaration of Conformity
Modul/Module D
N° CE-PED-D-SAM 001-13-DEU
Für folgende Produkte/For the following pressure equipment:
Geräte/Devices Bauart/Series Typ/Type Ausführung/Version
Stellgerät für Heißwasser und Dampf mit
mit Typ/with Type No. 2811, 2814, 2823, 3321, 3241, 3267
Sicherheitsfunktion/Safety Accessories for 3374 (2000 N)
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-11-0017
Hot Water and Steam
Sicherheitsabsperreinrichtung für 240 3241
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-11-0018
Safety Accessories for Firing Plants 240 3241
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-11-0019
mit/with 3271,
240 3241
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0006
mit/with 3271 und/and 3277, 240cm²
240, 3267 3241, 3267
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0007
mit/with 3271 und/and 3277, 350cm²
240, 3267 3241, 3267
Stellgerät für Heißwasser und Dampf mit Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0008
Sicherheitsfunktion/ auch druckentlastet/also pressure relieved
Safety Accessories for Hot Water and Steam 240 3241 mit/with 3271 und/and 3277
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0009
mit/with 3241, 2423, 2823, 3267
3274 (1800 N)
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0027
mit/with 3241, 3214, 2814
3274 (3000 N)
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-10-0028
3222, 3213,
Stellgerät für Wasser und Dampf mit 2488, 2489,
mit/with 3267, 2814, 2823, 2710, 2730
Sicherheitsfunktion/ 2487, 2491, 2770
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-09-0008
Safety Accessories for Water and Steam 2494, 2495,
2423, 3214
Sicherheitsabsperreinrichtung für Gasbrenner
3241-0261 bis/to 3241-0275
und Gasgeräte/Safety Accessories for Gas- 240 3241
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-02-0017
burners and Gas-Equipment
Stellgerät zur Leckgasableitung für
Gasbrenner und Gasgeräte/Control Valve for 240 3241
Zertifikat-Nr./Certificate No.: 01 202 931-B-02-0018
draining for Gas-burners and Gas-equipm.
wird die Konformität mit nachfolgender Anforderung bestätigt/We declare conformity with the demands of the:
Richtlinie des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der 97/23/EG
vom/of 29.05.1997
Mitgliedsstaaten über Druckgeräte/Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
EG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung/ Modul/Module B
EC Type Examination Certificate
Bureau Veritas 0062
Angewandtes Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren/ Modul/Module D
Applied Conformity Assessment Procedure
Das Qualitätssicherungssystem des Herstellers wird von folgender benannten Stelle überwacht/The Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System
is monitored by following Notified Body:
Bureau Veritas S. A. nr 0062 67/71, boulevard du Château, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Hersteller/Manufacturer: SAMSON AG
Weismüllerstraße 3
60314 Frankfurt
Frankfurt, 01.12.2014
Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 4009-0 · Telefax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: http://www.samson.de Revision 00
54 EB 8012 EN
Konformitätserklärung/Declaration of Conformity
Modul/Module H
N° CE-PED-H-SAM 001-13-DEU
Für folgende Produkte/For the following pressure equipment:
Geräte/Devices Bauart/Series Typ/Type Ausführung/Version
DIN, Gehäuse GG/Cast iron-Body ab/from DN150, Gehäuse GGG/Sph.
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 240 3241 gr. iron-Body ab/from DN100, Fluide/Fluids
DIN/ANSI, Geh. Stahl u.a./Body Steel etc., alle Fluide/all Fluids
DIN, Gehäuse GG ab DN150/Cast iron-Body from DN150; Gehäuse GGG
Dreiwegeventil/Three-way Valve 240 3244 ab DN100/Sph. gr. iron-Body from DN100, Fluide/Fluids
DIN/ANSI, Geh. Stahl u.a./Body Steel etc., alle Fluide/all Fluids
Tieftemperaturventil/Cryogenic Valve 240 3248 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 250 3251 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Dreiwegeventil/Three-way Valve 250 3253 DIN/ANSI, Geh. Stahl u.a./Body Steel etc., alle Fluide/all Fluids
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 250 3254 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Eckventil/Angle Valve 250 3256 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Split-Body-Ventil/Split-Body-Valve 250 3258 DIN, alle Fluide/all Fluids
IG-Eckventil/IG-Angle Valve 250 3259 DIN, alle Fluide/all Fluids
3281 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Dampfumformventil/ 3284 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Steam-converting Valve 3286 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
3288 DIN, alle Fluide/all Fluids
DIN, Geh. Stahl u.a./Body Steel etc., alle Fluide/all Fluids
Durchgangsventile/Globe Valve V2001 3321
ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
DIN, Geh. Stahl u.a./Body Steel etc., alle Fluide/all Fluids
Dreiwegeventil/Three-way Valve V2001 3323
ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Schrägsitzventil/Bevel-Valve --- 3353 DIN, Geh. Stahl/Body Steel, alle Fluide/all Fluids
DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids; Einzeldrosselscheibe mit
Anschweißende/Single attenuation plate with welding end
Drosselschalldämpfer/Silencer 3381 3381-3 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids; Einzeldrosselscheibe mehrstufig mit
Anschweißende/Single attenuation plate multi-stage with welding end
ANSI, Gehäuse GG Cl125 ab 5"/Cast iron-Body Cl125 from 5"
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 240 3241 1)
Tieftemperaturventil mit Zirkulationssperre/
240 3246 DIN/ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Cryogenic Valve with Circulation Barrier
DIN, Gehäuse GG ab DN200 PN16/Cast iron-Body from DN200 PN16
Dreiwegeventil/Three-way Valve 250 3253 1)
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 290 3291 ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Eckventil/Angle Valve 290 3296 ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Durchgangsventil/Globe Valve 590 3591 ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Eckventil/Angle Valve 590 3596 ANSI, alle Fluide/all Fluids
Gase nach Artikel 3/Punkt 1.3a zweiter Gedankenstrich//Gases acc. to article 3/chapter 1.3a second line
Flüssigkeiten nach Artikel 3/Punkt 1.3b//Liquids acc. to article 3/chapter 1.3b
wird die Konformität mit nachfolgender Anforderung bestätigt/We declare conformity with the demands of the:
Richtlinie des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der 97/23/EG
vom/of 29.05.1997
Mitgliedsstaaten über Druckgeräte/Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC
Angewandtes Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren/
Applied Conformity Assessment Procedure durch/by
Modul H/Module H
Bureau Veritas 0062
für Fluide nach Artikel 3 Absatz 1/for fluids acc. to art. 3 para. 1
Das Qualitätssicherungssystem des Herstellers wird von folgender benannten Stelle überwacht/The Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance System
is monitored by following Notified Body:
Bureau Veritas S. A. nr 0062 67/71, boulevard du Château, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Angewandte technische Spezifikation/Technical Standards used: DIN EN12516-2; DIN EN12516-3; ASME B16.34.
Hersteller/Manufacturer: SAMSON AG
Weismüllerstraße 3
60314 Frankfurt
Frankfurt, 01.12.2014
Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 4009-0 · Telefax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: http://www.samson.de Revision 00
EB 8012 EN 55
Declaration of Conformity
Für folgende Produkte: / For the following pressure equipments:
Typ /Type 3213, 3222 (Erz.-Nr./ Model No.. 2710); 3323, 3535 (2803); 3213, 3531 (2811); 3214 (2814); 2423E
(2823); 241 (3241); 244 (3244); 267 (3267);
wird hiermit bestätigt, dass sie mit den Anforderungen konform sind, die festgelegt sind in der
we declare conformity with the demands of the
(1) Das auf dem Stellgerät aufgebrachte CE-Zeichen hat keine Gültigkeit im Sinne der Druckgeräterichtlinie
The CE marking affixed to the control device does not refer to the Pressure Equipment Directive.
(2) Das auf dem Stellgerät aufgebrachte CE-Zeichen gilt ohne Bezeichnung der Benannten Stelle (Kennr. 0062)
The CE marking affixed to the control device is valid, but does not refer to the notified body (ID No. is invalid).
Geräte, denen laut Tabelle das Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren Modul H zugrunde liegt, beziehen sich auf die
„Zulassungsbescheinigung eines Qualitätssicherungssystems“ ausgestellt durch die Benannte Stelle:
The module H conformity assessment procedure applied to the valves according to the table is based on the “Certificate of
Quality System Approval” issued by the notified body: CE-PED-H-SAM001-13-DEU
Dem Entwurf zu Grunde gelegt sind Verfahren aus: / The design is based on the methods of:
DIN EN 12516-2, DIN EN 12516-3 bzw./ respectively ASME B 16.24, ASME B 16.34, ASME B 16.42.
Das Qualitätssicherungssystem des Herstellers wird von folgender benannten Stelle überwacht:
The manufacturer´s quality assurance system is monitored by the following notified body:
Bureau Veritas S. A. (0062)
_____________________________ __________________________
Rudolf Lässler Stephan Michalik
Zentralabteilungsleiter Entwicklung ROH / Stellventile Gebäudeautomation Zentralabteilungsleiter Qualitätsmanagement
Head of Development Department SOR / Valves for Building Automation Head of Quality Management Department
56 EB 8012 EN
Declaration of Conformity
Für folgende Produkte: / For the following pressure equipments:
Typ /Type 3213, 3222 (Erz.-Nr./ Model No. 2710); 3226, 3260* (2713*); 3323, 3535 (2803); 3213, 3531 (2811);
3214 (2814); 2423E (2823); 241 (3241); 244 (3244); 267 (3267);
wird hiermit bestätigt, dass sie mit den Anforderungen konform sind, die festgelegt sind in der
we declare conformity with the demands of the
(1) Das auf dem Stellgerät aufgebrachte CE-Zeichen hat keine Gültigkeit im Sinne der Druckgeräterichtlinie
The CE marking affixed to the control device does not refer to the Pressure Equipment Directive.
(2) Das auf dem Stellgerät aufgebrachte CE-Zeichen gilt ohne Bezeichnung der Benannten Stelle (Kennr. 0062)
The CE marking affixed to the control device is valid, but does not refer to the notified body (ID No. is invalid).
* Für Ventile vom Typ 3260 sind ab DN 150 Fluide nach Art. 3 Abs.1 Pkt. 1.3.b erster Gedankenstrich nicht zugelassen.
Fluids according to Art. 3, Sect. 1.3 (b), first indent are not permissible for Type 3260 Valves with DN equal or bigger than 150.
Geräte, denen laut Tabelle das Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren Modul H zugrunde liegt, beziehen sich auf die
„Zulassungsbescheinigung eines Qualitätssicherungssystems“ ausgestellt durch die Benannte Stelle:
The module H conformity assessment procedure applied to the valves according to the table is based on the “Certificate of
Quality System Approval” issued by the notified body: CE-PED-H-SAM001-13-DEU
Dem Entwurf zu Grunde gelegt sind Verfahren aus: / The design is based on the methods of:
DIN EN 12516-2, DIN EN 12516-3 bzw./ respectively ASME B 16.1, ASME B 16.24, ASME B 16.34, ASME B 16.42.
Das Qualitätssicherungssystem des Herstellers wird von folgender benannten Stelle überwacht:
The manufacturer´s quality assurance system is monitored by the following notified body:
Bureau Veritas S. A. (0062)
_____________________________ __________________________
Rudolf Lässler Stephan Michalik
Zentralabteilungsleiter Entwicklung ROH / Stellventile Gebäudeautomation Zentralabteilungsleiter Qualitätsmanagement
Head of Development Department SOR / Valves for Building Automation Head of Quality Management Department
EB 8012 EN 57
58 EB 8012 EN
39 Gasket
41 Nut
EB 8012 EN 59
90 DN 15…150
9 NPS ½…6
2 81
32 80
39 90
41 8
37 12
30 11 15
42 12
14 33 19
25 14 81
30 33 26 80
22 82
24 83
14 26
23 46
46 50
50 44
44 52
52 45 5
45 47
47 53
53 48
48 51
51 5
91 1 91
91 1 13 91
60 EB 8012 EN
80 81 83 84
80 81 83 84 DN 200…300
85 NPS 8…12
3 3
92 9
9 10
10 8
16 16 32
12 42
15 19 101
19 19
12 7
15 11 39
16 37
21 14
14 39
26 22 33
2 14
46 81
49 7 34
50 24 31
46 5 27
50 28
44 52
45 29
52 5
45 47
47 53
53 48
48 51 17
64 (DN 250, DN 300)
51 (10", 12")
102 91 1 4 13 91
EB 8012 EN 61
62 EB 8012 EN
EB 8012 EN 63
2016-03-16 · English