Different Levels of Social Diversities in India
Different Levels of Social Diversities in India
Different Levels of Social Diversities in India
India is a museum of cults and customs, creeds and cultures, faiths and tongues,
racial types and social systems. People of different regions use different types of dresses,
their eating habits and customs differ. India is a large country with different geo-political
conditions in different parts of the country. This has brought differences in social evolution
of the groups living in different parts of the country. Apart from the geo-political diversity,
interactions with foreigners due to invasions, trade and missionary activities have also led to
foreign influences and social groups coming to India. All these have impacted the Indian
society in one way or the other. The social diversity is one among them.
Individual diversity
Regional diversity
Linguistic diversity
Religious diversity
Caste and tribes diversity.
Individual diversity
It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing
our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political
beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and
nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple
tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within
each individual.
Regional Diversity
The word ‘regional’ means any element belongs to a particular region, and the
feeling related to the people belonging to the particular region is known as ‘Regionalism’.
The term regionalism has two connotations: In the positive sense, it is a political attribute
associated with people’s love for their region, culture, language, etc. with a view to maintain
their independent identity. In the negative sense, it implies excessive attachment to one’s
region in preference to the country, or the state. While positive regionalism is a welcome
thing in so far maintaining as it encourages the people to develop a sense of brotherhood
and commonness on the basis of common language, religion or historical background. The
negative sense regionalism is a great threat to the unity and integrity of the country.
Linguistic Diversity
Linguism is a division among members of a society on the basis of language. When
India got the independence, it was decided that English should continue as official language
along with Hindi for a period of 15 years. But English has continued to remain till today an
associated official language mainly because of the revolt by the South Indian states against
the compulsory learning of Hindi as official and national language.
Religious Diversity
India has no state religion, it is a secular state. India is the land where almost all the
major religions of the world are practiced. Nevertheless the religious diversity has been a
major source of disunity and disharmony in the country. This is because, in India religious
affiliation appears to be overemphasized and many a time people seem to forget the
national unity and express their loyalty more towards their own religion. The communal
feeling among different religious groups still persists in our country. The major religions in
India are: Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Caste diversity
India is a country of castes. Caste refers to a hereditary practising a specific
traditional occupation. There are more the 3000 castes in India. There is a diversity between
low caste and high caste system.
Tribal diversity
Tribal culture of India, their traditions and Practices interpenetrate almost all the
aspects of Indian culture and civilization. Each of the tribes is a distinctive community either
migrated from a different place or the original place of the land. These various tribes still live
in the different parts, especially the seven states of the north eastern region and almost
each and every nook of the country.
Social Diversity is a mix of human backgrounds, races or genders. Diversity as a wide
component is a tricky thing to use and understand because it has both negative and positive
effects on society such as education, violence and employment. In an educational context,
diversity within schools or universities can enrich the learning process, enabling students to
draw on their peers' much wider and more varied experiences. It is also necessary to
prepare students for the diverse society they participate in beyond the campus.