Resource Units

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Resource units are accumulated and nonprescriptive packages of curriculum

materials and information that can enhance a given teaching-learning situation. It
was a boon to teaching in larger more integrated units of instruction, rather than
in isolated and discrete daily lessons. A teaching or curricular resource unit is a set
of lessons on a topic with a unified purpose, set of learning content or activities
that elicit learning experiences to facilitate the purpose(s), organizational plans to
translate the purposes into practice, and evaluation to determine the success of
the plans to meet or revise the designated purposes. Harold Alberty and Ralph
Tyler each contributed much to the development of the idea of resource units
that facilitate instructional units, by collecting or designating sources of

The primary objectives of the Education Resource Unit are:

1. To procure, store and distribute curriculum resources to schools and keep

stock records both in hard and electronic copy of all incoming and distributed
curriculum resources in an excel-based spreadsheet stock control system.
2. To do assessment of curriculum resources shortage and request for reprinting
of curriculum resources for the schools in the Solomon Islands.
3. To inform the divisional head and the Ministry what has been done. Also to
provide advice to Education Authorities and schools to build adequate and
good quality storage, maintenance and management for sustainability of
curriculum resources.
4. To address the achievements, challenges and the way forward.

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