Mem706 - Mechanical Engineering Design-Ii

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Product Design: Generating design concepts. Concept selection and embodiment. Design for
manufacture and assembly. Design for environment. Physical models and experimentation.
Design for robustness.

Pressure Vessels: Cylinders, pipes and tubes. Cylinder heads. Cover plates. Pipe joints.
Springs: Helical compression and extension springs. Surge. Concentric helical springs.
Torsion helical springs. Leaf springs.

Bearings and Lubrication: Introduction. Lubrication theory. Material Combinations.
Rolling-element bearings. Comparison with sliding bearings. Types of rolling-element bearings.
Basic static and dynamic load ratings. Radial and thrust loads. Selection of rolling element

Gear Design: Introduction. Spur gears. Nomenclature. Materials. Design. Helical gears.
Bevel gears. Wormsets. Indian standards.

I C Engine parts: Piston. Connecting rod. Valve gear mechanism.

K Otto, K Wood Product Design Pearson Education
Shigley, Mischke Mechanical Engineering Design Tata-McGrawHill
Sadhu Singh Machine Design Khanna Publishers
V B Bhandari Design of Machine Elements Tata-McGrawHill
Sharma, Agarwal Machine Design S K Kataria & Sons
Pandya, Shah Machine Design Charotar
Rajendra Karwa A textbook of Machine Design Laxmi Publications
Khurmi, Gupta Machine Design S Chand & Co Ltd
(Students may note that the problems in this question bank are
not of equal value nor do they take the same time for solving.)
1 UNIT - I
Product Design
1.1 With the help of examples explain the difference among design specifications, manufacturing
specifications, performance specifications, and delivery specifications.
1.2 Why is product or service design important?
1.3 Explain following terms briefly: (i) design for manufacturing, (ii) design for operations
1.4 Explain following terms briefly: (i) reverse engineering, (ii) manufacturability, (iii) Uniform
Commercial Code
1.5 List benefits of product standardization.
1.6 Explain these terms: (i) Remanufacturing, (ii) Design for disassembly
1.7 Explain these terms: (i) Robust design, (ii) Taguchi's approach
1.8 Explain these terms: (i) Concurrent engineering, (ii) Computer-aided design (CAD), (iii) Modular
1.9 Briefly outline the differences between service design and product design.
1.10 Explain these term Quality Function Deployment (QFD).
1.11 Why is it important for a firm to have an effective new product (or service) development process?
1.12 Describe the three different categories of new products. Discuss how each category differs from
the others in terms of resources expended and the impact on the firm's manufacturing processes.
1.13 Describe what is meant by the "voice of the customer."
1.14 Identify and describe the four major phases of the new product development process.
1.15 Describe the concept of design for manufacturability and indicate why it is closely connected to
concurrent engineering.
1.16 Why is it important that engineers understand the relationship between the various stages of a
product's life cycle and the different types of processes that are available for manufacturing that
1.17 Pick a product and make a list of issues that need to be considered in its design and manufacture.
The product can be something such as a stereo, a telephone, a desk, a kitchen appliance, and so
on. Consider the functional and aesthetic aspects of design as well as the important concerns for
1.18 State and explain your thoughts concerning cradle -to- cradle manufacturing.
1.19 Over the years, numerous consumer products (such as rotary-dial telephones, analog radio tuners,
turntables, and vacuum tubes) have become obsolete or nearly so, while many new products have
entered the market. Make two lists: a comprehensive list of obsolete products that you can think of
and a list of new products. Comment on the reasons for the changes you observe.
1.20 Comment on the differences, if any, among the designs, materials, and processing and assembly
methods used for making products such as hand tools and ladders for professional use and those
for consumer use.

Pressure vessels
2.1 A seamless spherical shell 900 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick is being filled with a fluid under a
pressure until its volume increases by 150000 mm³. Calculate the pressure exerted by the fluid on
the shell, taking modulus of elasticity for the material of the shell as 200 GPa and Poisson's ratio as
0.30. Also determine whether the shell is safe if the maximum permissible stress in the material is
90 MPa.
2.2 A Cast Iron cylinder of internal diameter 200 mm and thickness 50 mm is subjected to a pressure of
5 MPa. Calculate the tangential and radial stresses at the inner, middle (r=125 mm) and outer
2.3 A hydraulic cylinder, 400 mm bore, operates at a maximum pressure of 5 MPa. The piston rod is
connected to the load and the cylinder to the frame through hinged joints. Design the cylinder, the
piston rod, the hinge pin, and the flat end cover.
2.4 A steel tube 240 mm external diameter is shrunk on another steel tube of 80 mm internal diameter.
After shrinking, the diameter at the junction is 160 mm. Before shrinking the difference of diameters
at the junction was 0.08 mm. If the modulus of elasticity for steel is 200 GPa, find i. the tangential
stress at the outer surface of the inner tube, ii. the tangential stress at the inner surface of the
outer tube, iii. the radial stress at the junction, iv. the total tangential and radial stresses at the
inner surface of the inner tube if fluid is admitted at a pressure of 50 MPa.
2.5 A shrink fit assembly formed by shrinking one tube over another is subjected to an internal pressure
of 60 MPa. Before the fluid is admitted the internal and external diameters of the assembly are
120 mm and 200 mm and the diameter at the junction is 160 mm. If after shrinking on, the contact
pressure is 8 MPa determine the stresses at the inner, mating and outer surfaces of the assembly
after the fluid has been admitted.
2.6 A hydraulic press, having a working pressure of water as 16 MPa and exerting a force of 80 kN is
required to press materials upto a maximum size of 800 mm x 800 mm and 800 mm high. The
stroke length is 80 mm. Design and sketch the following parts of the press : Ram, Cylinder, Pillars,
and Gland.
2.7 A CI cylinder of inside diameter 160 mm is subjected to a pressure of 15 MPa. The permissible
working stress for CI may be taken as 25 MPa. If the cylinder is closed by a flat head cast integral
with the cylinder walls, find the thickness of the cylinder wall and the flat head.
2.8 A cast steel cylinder of 350 mm inside diameter is to contain liquid at a pressure of 13.5 MPa. It is
closed at both ends by flat cover plates which are made of alloy steel and attached by bolts.
Determine the wall thickness of the cylinder if the maximum hoop stress in the material is limited to
55 MPa. Calculate the minimum thickness necessary of the cover plates if the working stress is not
to exceed 65 MPa.
2.9 Describe various types of pipe joints, stating the advantages, disadvantages and applications of
2.10 A flanged pipe with internal diameter of 200 mm is subjected to a fluid pressure of 0.35 MPa. The
flange is connected be means of eight M16 bolts. The pitch circle diameter of the bolts is 290 mm.
If the thickness of the flange is 20 mm, determine the working stress in the flange.
2.11 Design a square flanged pipe joint for pipes of internal diameter 50 mm subjected to an internal
fluid pressure of 7 MPa. The maximum permissible tensile stress in the pipe material is 21 MPa
and in the bolt material is 28 MPa.
2.12 What are the main functions of springs? State their applications.
2.13 Classify springs according to their shapes. Draw neat sketches indicating in each case whether
stresses are induced by bending or by torsion.
2.14 Discuss the design procedure of concentric springs. Define the following terms in connection with
compression springs: a. solid length, b. spring index, c. pitch, d. free length, e. spring rate
2.15 What is nipping in leaf spring? What do you understand by full length and graduated leaves of a
leaf spring. Derive the expression for determining the stress and deflection in full length and
graduated leaves.
2.16 A close coiled helical compression spring of 12 active coils has spring stiffness k. It is cut into two
springs having 5 and 7 turns. Determine the spring stiffness of resulting springs.
2.17 Design a helical spring for a maximum load of 1000 N and a corresponding deflection of 25 mm
using the value of spring index as 5. Maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire=420 MPa,
Modulus of rigidity = 84 GPa. Assume any other data necessary.

qb-med2 : 2
2.18 Design a close coiled helical compression spring for a service load ranging from 225 kg to 275 kg.
The axial deflection of the spring for the load range is 6 mm. Assume a spring index of 5.
Permissible shear stress intensity is 420 MPa. Modulus of rigidity = 84GPa. Neglect the effect of
stress concentration. Make a fully dimensioned sketch showing details of the finish of end coils.
2.19 A motor vehicle single plate clutch is to have both sides of the plate effective. It is to transmit
25 kW at 2800 rpm and a 20% overload is allowed. The pressure intensity on the friction surface is
not to exceed 0.085 MPa and the surface speed at mean radius must not be greater than
2100 m/min. The coefficient of friction for the surface is 0.3. The outside diameter of the surface is
to be 1.3 times the inside diameter. The axial thrust is to be provided by springs of about 25 mm
coil diameter. Their safe shear stress is limited to 420 MPa and the modulus of rigidity = 84 GPa.
Design these springs selecting wires from the following gauges:-
SWG 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dia.(mm) 5.893 5.385 4.877 4.470 4.064 3.658 3.251 2.946 2.642
2.20 A helical spring whose mean diameter of coils is 8 times that of the wire is to absorb 400 N-m of
energy. The initial compression of the spring is 50 mm and compresses by an additional 70 mm
while absorbing the shock. The maximum allowable stress is 400 MPa and modulus of rigidity G =
84 GPa. Determine the diameter of wire and the number of active turns.
2.21 A concentric spring consists of two springs having the same free axial length and made of the same
material. The springs are compressed by 15 mm by an axial load of 2.5 kN. If the spring index for
both the springs is 5, find the load shared by each spring and the main dimensions of both the
springs. Shear stress in the spring material is not to exceed 240 MPa. G = 80 GPa.
2.22 In a spring loaded Hartnell type governor, the balls are attached to the vertical arms of the bell
crank levers, the horizontal arms of which lift the sleeve against the pressure exerted by a spring.
The mass of each ball is 3 kg and the lengths of the vertical and horizontal arms of the bell crank
levers are 150 mm and 112.5 mm respectively. The extreme radii of rotation of the balls are
100 mm and 150 mm and the governor sleeve begins to lift at 240 rpm and reaches the highest
position with a 7.5% increase of speed when effects of friction are neglected. Design a suitable
close coiled round section spring for the governor. Assume permissible stress in spring steel as
420 MPa, modulus of rigidity 84 GPa and spring index 8. Allowance must be made for stress
4C  1 0.615
concentration, factor of which is given by 4C  4  C , where C is the spring index.
2.23 In a Hartnell governor the length of the ball arm is 190 mm, that of the sleeve arm is 140 mm, and
the mass of each ball is 2.7 kg. The distance of the pivot of each bell crank lever from the axis of
rotation is 170 mm and the speed when the ball arm is vertical is 300 rpm. The speed increases
0.6% for a lift of 12 mm of the sleeve. Find the necessary stiffness of the spring. Design the bell
crank lever. The permissible tensile stress for the material of the lever may be taken as 80 MPa
and the allowable bearing pressure at the pins is 8 MPa.
2.24 A Hartnell type governor has the ball arm length 120 mm and sleeve arm length 90 mm. The
maximum and minimum distances of the balls from the axes of the governor are 150 mm and
75 mm. The mass of the each ball is 2.2 kg. The speed of the governor fluctuates between
310 rpm and 290 rpm. Design the cast iron balls and mild steel lever. The permissible tensile
stress for the lever material may be taken as 100 MPa. The bearing pressure for the roller and pin
should not exceed 7 MPa.
2.25 A spring controlled governor of Hartnell type has two balls each having a mass of 2.2 kg and
attached to the arms of a bell crank lever which pivots about a fixed fulcrum. The outer arms of the
bell crank levers carry rollers which lift the sleeve against the pressure exerted by a spring
surrounding the governor spindle. The two arms of the bell crank lever are of equal length and the
minimum and maximum radii of rotation of the governor balls are 75 mm and 90 mm. If the sleeve
is to begin to lift at 240 rpm and the increase of speed allowed is 70%, find the initial load on the
sleeve and the required stiffness of the spring. Design a suitable spring based on the following
data: Circular wire section, maximum working stress not to exceed 210 MPa, spring index 8,
modulus of rigidity 84 GPa, minimum working clearance between turns = 0.25 times the wire

qb-med2 : 3
2.26 A helical torsion spring of mean diameter 60 mm is made of a round wire of 6 mm diameter. If a
torque of 5 N·m is applied on this spring, find the bending stress induced and the angular deflection
of the spring in degrees. The spring index is 10 and modulus of elasticity for spring material is 200
GPa. The number of effective turns may be taken as 5.5.
2.27 A spiral spring is made of a flat strip 6 mm wide and 0.25 mm thick. The length of the strip is 2.5
meters. Assuming a maximum stress of 800 MPa to occur at the point of greatest bending
moment, calculate the bending moment, the number of turns to wind up the spring and the strain
energy stored in the spring. E = 200 GPa.
2.28 A semi-elliptical laminated vehicle spring has to carry a load of 10 kN. The spring consists of 12
leaves of which two are of the full length of 1.25 m. The leaves are held together by a central band
100 mm wide. Assuming the design stress for the spring material to be 300 MPa, determine the
dimensions of each leaf, diameter of the eye, deflection under the full load and the radius to which
the leaves have to be initially bent.
2.29 A semi-elliptical leaf spring has ten leaves in all, with the two full length leaves extending 625 mm.
Each leaf is 62.5 mm wide and 6.25 mm thick. Design a helical spring with mean coil diameter of
100 mm that will have approximately the same induced stress and deflection for any load. The
value of the modulus of elasticity may be taken as 200 GPa and the modulus of rigidity may be
taken as 80 GPa.

Bearings and Lubrication: Journal Bearings
3.1 a. Discuss the various types of bearings.
b. What do you understand by hydrodynamic bearings?
c. Explain wedge film and squeeze film lubrication in journal bearings.
3.2 a. Discuss the properties that must be considered in selecting the material for sliding bearings.
b. What are commonly used materials for sliding bearing bushes?
c. Explain the terms Bearing characteristic number and Bearing modulus.
3.3 a. What procedure is followed in designing a journal bearing?
b. Name the different types of thrust bearings. Derive the expression for total frictional torque
transmitted in footstep and collar bearings.
3.4 Design a journal bearing for a centrifugal pump from the following data:
Load on journal = 40 kN, Diameter of journal = 150 mm, Speed = 900 rpm, Ambient
temperature = 15.5°C, Operating temperature of oil = 55°C, Absolute viscosity of the oil at
55°C = 17 centipoise.
3.5 The load on the journal bearing is 150 kN due to turbine shaft of 300 mm diameter running at
18000 rpm. Determine: a. length of bearing if the allowable bearing pressure = 1.6 MPa,
b. Amount of heat to be removed by the lubrication per minute if the bearing temperature is 60°C
and viscosity of the oil at 60°C is 20 centipoise and bearing clearance is 0.25 mm.
3.6 A journal bearing of 50 mm diameter and 100 mm length has bearing pressure of 1.4 MPa. The
speed of the journal is 900 rpm and the ratio of the journal diameter to the diametral clearance is
1000. The bearing is lubricated with oil whose viscosity at the operating temperature of 75°C is
11 centipoise . The room temperature is 35°C. Find a. amount of artificial cooling required in
kcal/min, and b. the mass of lubricated oil if the difference between the outlet and inlet
temperatures of oil is 10°C. Specific heat of the oil is 0.45.
3.7 a. A 150 mm diameter shaft supporting a load of 10 kN has a speed of 1500 rpm. The shaft runs in
a bearing whose length is 1.5 times the shaft diameter. If the diametral clearance of the bearing
is 0.15 mm and the absolute viscosity of the oil at the operating temperature is 11 centipoise, find
the power wasted in friction.
b. A journal bearing 60 mm in diameter and 90 mm long runs at 400 rpm. The oil used for
hydrodynamic lubrication has an absolute viscosity of 60 centipoise. If the diametral clearance is
0.1 mm find the safe load on the bearing.

qb-med2 : 4
3.8 a. A wall bracket supports a plummer block for 80 mm on a shaft. The length of the bearing is
120 mm. The cap of the bearing is fastened by means of four bolts, two on each side of the shaft.
The cap is to withstand a load of 16.5 kN. The distance between the center lines of the bolts is
150 mm. Determine the thickness of the bearing cap and the diameter of the bolts. Assume
safe stresses in tension for the material of the cap, which is CI, as 15 MPa and for bolts as
35 MPa. Also check the deflection of the bearing cap taking E = 110*103 MPa for CI.
b. A footstep bearing supports a shaft of 150 mm diameter, running at 100 rpm. The shaft is bored
with a shallow hole of 50 mm at the end. If the bearing pressure is limited to 0.8 MPa, find the
load that can be supported and the power lost in friction.
3.9 The thrust of a propeller shaft in a marine engine is taken up by a number of collars integral with the
shaft which is 300 mm in diameter. The thrust on the shaft is 200 kN and the speed is 75 rpm.
Taking  constant and equal to 0.05 and assuming the bearing pressure to be uniform and equal to
0.3 MPa, find a. the number of collars required, b. power lost in friction, c. heat generated at the
bearing in kcal/min.
3.10 The thrust of a propeller shaft is absorbed by 6 collars. The contact surface of these collars have
outer diameter 300 mm and inner diameter 200 mm. The shaft runs at 120 rpm. The bearing
pressure is 0.4 MPa.  = 0.05. Assuming the pressure to be uniformly distributed determine the
power absorbed by the collars.
3.11 The main bearing of a steam engine is 100 mm in diameter and 175 mm long. The bearing
supports a load of 28 kN at 250 rpm. If the ratio of the diametral clearance to the diameter is 0.001
and the absolute viscosity of the lubricating oil is 15 centipoise, find a. the coefficient of friction,
b. the heat generated at the bearing due to friction.
3.12 An average industrial unventilated bearing (Journal type) for a generator carries a load of 4000 N at
900 rpm. The diameter of the journal is 40 mm and its length is 60 mm. Assume a clearance ratio
of 0.001 and a room temperature of 15.5°C. The maximum operating temperature of the oil film is
60°C and its viscosity at this temperature is 23.4 centipoise. Determine whether artificial cooling is
necessary, and if so, the heat to be removed.
3.13 A shaft of 750 mm diameter rotates at 1000 rpm. One of the bearings carries a load of 5 kN. The
bearing is 100 mm long and is lubricated with SAE40 oil maintained at film temperature of 70°C and
its absolute viscosity at this temperature is 34 centipoise. If the diametral clearance is 0.75 mm
determine the power wasted in friction.
3.14 It is proposed that a journal bearing should operate under the following conditions: Load on the
bearing = 5 kN, speed = 400 rpm, Journal diameter = 60 mm, bearing length = 60 mm, diametral
clearance = 0.125 mm, ambient temperature = 35°C, SAE20 oil. Determine the oil equilibrium
temperature. The absolute viscosity of SAE20 at various temperatures is tabulated.
Oil Absolute viscosity in centipoise, temperature in °C
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
SAE20 69 55 42 34 27 23 20 17 14 11

Bearings and Lubrication: Rolling Bearings

3.15 Give a classification of rolling bearings. Describe different type of bearings, bringing out the
difference between them. Also state the area of application of each type of bearing.
3.16 How are bearings identified? Describe the identification codes given to rolling bearings by the BIS
and by SKF Bearings Company.
3.17 Write short notes on anti-friction bearings covering the following: Different types, Advantages and
disadvantages as compared to Journal bearings, Material and manufacture of ball and roller
bearings, Lubrication of ball and roller bearings
3.18 Define / describe the following terms as applied to rolling bearings:
v Basic static load rating
v Basic dynamic load rating
v Equivalent static and dynamic loads.
v Rating life

qb-med2 : 5
3.19 A 50BC02 single row deep groove ball bearing which is to operate at 1500 rpm, is acted on by an
8.4 kN radial load and a 2.7 kN thrust load. The inner ring rotates, the load is steady and the
service is continuous. Determine the rating life of the bearing.
3.20 Select a bearing for a 60 mm diameter shaft that rotates uniformly at 1800 rpm. Due to a bevel
gear mounted on the shaft, the bearing will have to withstand a 5 kN radial load and a 2 kN thrust
load. Without any restriction as to the type of bearing, select one that is satisfactory for a rating life
of 20000 hours.
3.21 A single row deep groove ball bearing with a bore diameter not exceeding 45 mm is to be selected.
The bearing is to withstand a 2.5 kN radial load and a 0.5 kN thrust load at 1000 rpm. It is desired
that the bearing has a rating life of 5000 hours with a failure probability of 5% (95% survival
probability). Select a bearing if the inner ring is rotating.
3.22 A 40BC03 bearing is to operate on the following work cycle:
Fraction of cycle Fr, kN Fa, kN RPM Load conditions
0.25 6 2 200 Steady Find the expected average
life of the bearing if the
0.2 9 2 400 Moderate shock outer ring rotates.
0.55 4 2 500 Light shock
3.23 A 60 mm diameter shaft of a machine operates continuously for 8 hours daily. Because of an
over-running clutch one of the shaft bearings will be subjected to a varying load and speed cycle:
Fraction of cycle Fr, kN Fa, kN RPM Load conditions
Select a ball or roller bearing
1/10 4 2 1000 Steady that will satisfy the given
1/10 2 2 1500 Light shock conditions and have a life of at
1/2 5 2 1200 Light shock least 10 years. The inner ring
3/10 2.5 2 1500 Steady

Gears: Spur Gears, Helical Gears
4.1 a. Describe the various systems of gear teeth.
b. Discuss the design procedure for spur gears.
c. How are the shaft and arms designed for spur gears?
e. Define normal pitch and axial pitch relating to helical gears.
4.2 A pair of 20° full depth involute tooth spur gears is to transmit 40 kW at a speed of 750 rpm of the
pinion. The velocity ratio is 3.5:1. The pinion is made of steel having an allowable static stress as
111 MPa, while the gear is made of CI having allowable static stress as 60 MPa. The pinion has 16
teeth and its face width is 12 times the module. Determine the module, face width and pitch circle
diameters of both the pinion and the gear from the stand point of strength taking the velocity factor
into consideration .
The tooth form factor y can be taken as y = 0.154 - [0.912 / (no. of teeth)] and the velocity factor
Cv = 5/(5+v), where v is the peripheral speed of the gear in m/sec.
Check the gears thus designed from the consideration of wear. ƒes = 1200 MPa.
4.3 A reciprocating compressor is to be coupled to an electric motor with the help of spur gears. The
distance between the shafts is to be 500 mm. The speed of the electric motor is 900 rpm and the
speed of the compressor shaft is desired to be 200 rpm. The torque to be transmitted is 5000 N-m.
Taking the starting torque as 25% more than the normal torque, determine (a) module and face
width of the gears using 20° stub teeth, and (b) number of teeth and pcd of each gear. Assume
suitable values of velocity factor and Lewis factor.
4.4 A motor shaft rotating at 1500 rpm has to transmit 15 kW to a low speed shaft with a speed
reduction of 3:1. The teeth are 14½° involute with 25 teeth on the pinion. Both the pinion and the
gear are made of steel having a maximum safe stress of 200 MPa. A safe stress of 40 MPa may
be taken for the shaft on which the gear is mounted and for the key. Design a spur gear drive to
suit the above conditions. Also sketch the spur gear drive. Assume starting torque to be 25%
higher than the running torque.

qb-med2 : 6
4.5 A helical cast steel gear with 30° helix angle has to transmit 40 kW at 2000 rpm. If the gear has 25
teeth find the necessary module, pitch diameters and face width for 20° full depth involute teeth.
The static stress for cast steel may be taken as 100 MPa. The face width may be taken as three
times the normal pitch. The tooth form factor is given by the expression y = 0.154 - [0.912 / (TE)],
where TE represents the equivalent number of teeth. The velocity factor is given by Cv = 6/(6+v)
where v is the peripheral speed of the gear in m/sec.
4.6 Design a pair of helical gears for transmitting 25 kW. The speed of the driver gear is 1800 rpm and
that of the driven gear is 600 rpm. The helix angle is 20° and profile is corresponding to 20° full
depth system. The driver gear has 24 teeth. Both the gears are made of cast steel with allowable
static stress as 50 MPa. The form factor may be taken as 0.154 - [0.912 / (TE)], TE being the
equivalent number of teeth. The velocity factor may be taken as 350/(350+v), v being the pitch
line velocity in m/min. The gears are required to be designed only against bending failure of the
teeth under dynamic condition.
4.7 A spur gear made of Bronze drives a mild steel pinion with angular velocity ratio of 3.5:1. The
pressure angle is 14½°. It transmits 5 kW at 1800 rpm of pinion. Considering only strength design
the smallest diameter gears and find also the necessary face width. The number of teeth should
not be less than 15 teeth on either gear. The elastic strength of bronze may be taken as 84 MPa
and of steel as 105 MPa. Lewis factor for 14½° pressure angle may be taken as
0.124 - 0.684/(no. of teeth).
4.8 A pair of 20° full depth involute tooth spur gears is to transmit 25 kW at a speed of 250 rpm of the
pinion. The velocity ratio is 1:4. The pinion is made of cast steel having an allowable static stress
100 MPa, while the gear is made of CI having an allowable static stress of 55 MPa. The pinion has
20 teeth and its face width is 12.5 times the module. Determine the module, face width and pitch
diameters of both the pinion and the gear from the stand point of strength only, taking velocity factor
into consideration. The tooth form factor is given by the expression y = 0.154 - [0.912 / z] and
the velocity factor is given by Cv = 3/(3+v) where v is the peripheral speed of the gear in m/sec.
4.9 A 15 kW motor rotating at 1200 rpm drives a compressor at 200 rpm through a pair of spur gears
having 20° stub teeth. The center to center distance between the shafts is 400 mm. The motor
pinion is made of forged steel having an allowable static stress as 120 MPa while the gear is made
of cast steel having an allowable static stress as 140 MPa. Assuming the drive operates 8 to 10
hours per day under light shock conditions, find from the stand point of strength a. module, b. face
width, c. number of teeth, d. pcd of each gear. Check the gear so designed from the consideration
of wear. The surface endurance limit = 700 MPa.
4.10 A motor shaft rotating at 1440 rpm has to transmit 15 kW to a low speed shaft rotating at 500 rpm.
The teeth are 20° involute with 25 teeth on the pinion. Both the pinion and gear are made of CI with
a maximum safe stress of 56 MPa. A safe stress of 35 MPa may be taken for the shaft on which
the gear is mounted. Design the spur gear drive to suit the above condition. The starting
torque = 1.25 times the running torque.
4.11 A pair of helical gears with 30° helix angle is used to transmit 15 kW at 10000 rpm from the pinion
shaft with a velocity ratio of 5:1. The gear is made of phosphor bronze having static strength
75 MPa and the pinion is made of hardened steel of static strength 120 MPa. Find the module, pcd
and face width for 20° full depth involute teeth from the stand point of strength.

Bevel Gears and Worm Gears

4.12 a. How are Bevel gears classified? Explain with neat sketches.
b. Define the following with respect to Bevel gears: Cone distance, Pitch angle, Face angle, Root
angle, Back cone distance, and Crown height.
c. What are the various forces acting on a bevel gear?
d. Write the procedure for design of a shaft for bevel gears.
4.13 A 40 kW motor running at 1200 rpm drives a compressor at 780 rpm through a 90° bevel gearing
arrangement. The pinion has 30 teeth. The pressure angle of the teeth is 14½°. The wheels are
capable of withstanding dynamic stress ƒ w = 140*(280/(280+v)) MPa where v is the pitch line
speed in m/min. The form factor for teeth may be taken as 0.124 - 0.686/TE, where TE is the
equivalent number of teeth of a spur gear. The face width may be taken as 1/4 of the slant height
of pitch cone. Determine for pinion the module, pitch face width, addendum, dedendum, outside
diameter and slant height.

qb-med2 : 7
4.14 Two shafts at right angles to each other are connected by a pair of 20° full depth involute teeth
bevel gears. The velocity ratio is 3:1. The pinion is made of steel having an allowable stress of
100 MPa. The pinion transmits 40 kW at 750 rpm. If the pinion has 20 teeth determine the mean
module, face width and pitch diameters of the gear wheels from the stand point of strength taking
velocity factor into consideration. Assume face width to be 1/3 of the length of pitch cone element.
The teeth form factor is given by 0.154 - 0.912/TE, where TE is the formative number of teeth. The
velocity factor is 3/(3+v) where v is the pitch line velocity in m/sec. If the pinion shaft overhangs
by 150 mm determine its diameter for a safe shear stress of 45 MPa.
4.15 A pair of straight bevel gears is required to transmit 12 kW at 500 rpm from a motor shaft to another
shaft at 250 rpm. The pinion has 24 teeth. The pressure angle is 20°. If the shaft axes are at 90°
to each other find the module, face width, addendum, outside diameter and slant height. The
wheels are capable of withstanding a static stress of 60 MPa. The form factor may be taken as
0.154 - 0.912/TE, where TE is the equivalent number of teeth. Assume velocity factor as
0.5/(0.5+v) where v is the pitch line velocity in m/sec. The face width may be taken as 1/4 of the
slant height of the pitch cone.
4.16 A 90° bevel gearing arrangement is to be employed to transmit 5 kW at 600 rpm from the driving
shaft to another shaft at 200 rpm. The pinion has 30 teeth and is made of cast steel having a static
stress of 80 MPa. The gear is made of CI with a static stress of 55 MPa. The tooth form factor may
be taken as 0.154 - 0.912/TE, where TE is the formative number of teeth. The velocity factor is
3/(3+v) where v is the pitch line velocity in m/sec. The face width may be taken as 1/3 of the slant
height of the pitch cone. Determine the modules, face widths and pitch diameters for the pinion and
4.17 a. State the most important advantage and disadvantage of worm gearing compared to other types
of gearing
b. A triple threaded worm has a 100 mm pitch diameter and a 20 mm axle pitch. Determine the
helix angle.
c. A worm gear reducer unit is to have 400 mm center distance. What should be the appropriate
worm diameter and axial pitch of the worm?
d. A worm gear reducer unit has a center distance of 220 mm and a transmission ratio of 18. What
is its approximate power input rating in order to prevent overhauling?
4.18 Design a speed reducer unit for an input of 1 hp with a transmission ratio of 27. The hardened steel
worm rotates at 1750 rpm. The worm wheel is to be of phosphor bronze. The tooth form is to be
14½° involute.
4.19 Design a worm gear drive for a hoist with a drum diameter of 750 mm to lift a load of 2.5 kN through
a distance of 20 m in 15 sec. The drive is provided by a 950 rpm motor.

IC Engine Parts: Piston, Connecting rod, Valve-Gear
5.1 Explain the procedure for designing a connecting rod of an IC Engine
5.2 A connecting rod of length L may be considered as a strut with the ends free to turn on the crank
pin and the gudgeon pin. In the direction of the axis of these pins, however it may be considered
as having fixed ends. Assuming that Euler's formula is applicable, determine the ratio of the sides
of the rectangular cross-section so that the connecting rod is equally strong in both planes of
5.3 Give the proportional dimensions of a section that is generally used for a connecting rod of an IC
Engine. Give a proof for choosing such a section.
5.4 Design a connecting rod for a petrol engine from the following data: Diameter of the
piston = 110 mm, mass of reciprocating parts = 2 kg, length of the connecting rod from centre to
centre = 325 mm, stroke = 150 mm, speed = 1500 rpm with possible over speed of 2500,
compression ratio = 4:1, maximum explosion pressure = 2.5 MPa. Design the section of the
connecting rod, bearings, cap and cap bolts. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

qb-med2 : 8
5.5 Design a connecting rod for a petrol engine from the following data: Diameter of the
piston = 100 mm, mass of reciprocating parts = 2 kg, length of the connecting rod = 310 mm,
stroke = 140 mm, speed = 1500 rpm with possible overspeed of 2500, compression ratio = 4.1,
maximum explosion pressure = 2.45 MPa. The connecting rod is to be of I-section and made of
forged steel, the proportions being depth = 5t, width = 4t and flange and web thickness = t. Design
the section.
5.6 The connecting rod of a four stroke cycle Diesel engine is of circular section and of length 550 mm.
The diameter and stroke of the cylinder are 150 mm and 240 mm respectively. The maximum
combustion pressure is 4.7 MPa. Determine the diameter of the rod to be used for a factor of
safety 3, with a material having a yield point of 330 MPa. Modulus of elasticity is 210 GPa. Find
also the maximum bending stress in the connecting rod due to whipping action if the engine runs at
1000 rpm. Specific mass of the material is 7800 kg/m3.
5.7 Design a connecting rod for a single cylinder four stroke Diesel engine with the following
specifications: BHP = 10 (7.35 kW), Mechanical Efficiency = 80%, mass of reciprocating
parts = 2 kg, speed = 1500 rpm with a possible over speed to 2500 rpm. Assume compression as
ratio 15. Assume cut off as 6% of stroke volume. Take L/D = 1.5. Assume suitable values for
missing data.
5.8 The following particulars refer to a four stroke cycle diesel engine cylinder: Cylinder bore : 150 mm,
stroke = 187.5 mm, speed = 1200 rpm, maximum gas pressure = 5.6 MPa. Determine (a) The
dimensions of an I section connecting rod of forged steel with an elastic limit compressive stress of
350 MPa. The ratio of the length of the connecting rod to the length of the crank is 4 and factor of
safety is 5. (b) The wrist pin and crank pin dimensions on the basis of bearing pressure of
10.5 MPa, and 6500 mm² of projected area. (c) The size of the securing bolts of crank pin end if
the allowable stress is not to exceed 35 MPa. Also draw free hand dimensioned sketches of the
connecting rod showing provision for lubrication.
5.9 a. What are the design requirements of a piston?
b. What are the functions of a trunk piston?
c. List the various materials used for the piston of an IC engine.
d. Enumerate the various piston troubles.
e. What are the functions of piston rings?
5.10 Design a CI piston for a single acting four stroke engine for the following specifications: Cylinder
bore = 150 mm, stroke = 120 mm, maximum gas pressure = 5 MPa, BMEP = 0.65 MPa, fuel
consumption = 0.17 kg/BHP/hr, speed = 2200 rpm. Assume suitable values as required.
5.11 The piston of an automobile engine is held to the connecting rod by a wrist pin having an external
diameter of 20 mm and internal diameter of 11 mm. The length of the bearing in the rod end is
25 mm and the bearing in each boss of the piston is 15 mm. The maximum load transmitted is
14.50 kN. Determine the bearing pressure between the rod and the wrist pin. Compare the
maximum bending stress in the pin, assuming that it is a simple beam with a uniform load.
Compute the maximum deflection of the pin.
5.12 Design the complete valve gear arrangement for the exhaust valve of a 4-stroke overhead valve
type, vertical diesel engine. The diameter of the valve head is 40 mm and its lift is 9.65 mm. It has
a mass of 0.25 kg. The exhaust valve opens 46° before bdc and closes 14° after tdc. The cylinder
diameter is 100 mm and stroke is 120 mm and the engine runs at 2200 rpm.
5.13 The arrangement of the exhaust valve gear for a horizontal diesel engine has the following
particulars : Power = 8.1 kW, bore = 143 mm, stroke = 267 mm, speed = 475 rpm, maximum gas
pressure = 3.5 MPa. The valve opens 33° before odc and closes 10° after idc. It opens and closes
with constant acceleration and deceleration for each half of the lift. The length of the rocker arm on
either side of the fulcrum is 150 mm and the included angle is 160°. The mass of the valve is
0.300 kg. Design the rocker arm and spring of the valve gear mechanism.


qb-med2 : 9
Rotation is the motion most commonly found in machinery. Gears, belt pulleys, electric motors, automobile
wheels, etc. all represent rotating machine parts. The rotating parts often carry heavy loads, and must be
carefully designed to obtain trouble free operation for a long period of time.
The fundamental requirements of support and retainment of rotating machine parts can best be expressed in
the form of two brief rules
1. Every part of a rotating assembly must be supported radially
2. Every part of a rotating assembly must be retained or held axially, even if there are no apparent axial
loads on the rotating assembly.
The support and retainment of rotating parts may be achieved with the help of the following aids:
1. A rotating machine part may be attached to a rotating shaft by means of a key, splines, pins or a force-fit
2. Shoulder or a spacer (sleeve) may be provided on the shaft to avoid sliding of the rotating machine part
on the shaft.
3. The shaft may be supported on sliding or rolling bearings provided at appropriate locations. The type of
rolling bearing to be used may be selected with the help of the following table
Type of Load Machine Parts Recommended Bearing Types
Purely Radial Flat and V-belt pulleys, Radial ball bearings, sliding bearings, straight roller
spur gears, chains, ropes bearings, needle roller bearings
Axial and Helical gears, Worm Deep groove ball bearings, Angular contact ball
Radial gears, Bevel gears bearings, tapered roller bearings (axial load in one
direction only), Thrust bearings (carrying no radial
4. Provide shoulders in the bearing to avoid side slipping of the bearing in the housing.
5. Step down the shaft at the bearing to avoid sliding of the shaft sideways.
6. Provide retaining rings and locknuts to retain the shaft in the bearings.
7. Provide removal caps on the bearings for easy access and assembly of the bearings.
8. Provide shims (spacers) between the housing and the caps of the bearings to compensate for
manufacturing tolerances.
9. Provide seals where the shafts enter or leave a housing to hold the lubricant in and to keep the dirt out.
10. For overhung rotating parts, mount the bearing directly on the hub of the member being supported to get
the bearing close to the overhanging member and at the same time have a bearing large enough to carry
the large loads imposed on this bearing.
11. For mounting bevel gear and bevel pinion, use cartridge mounting of the bevel pinion and shims to adjust
the position of the pinion so as to obtain the correct gear tooth clearance.
12. For worm gears use shims to adjust the gear position axially at assembly.


A housing encloses and supports machine parts. It may be either a casting or a fabricated construction
obtained by welding. Therefore all the design considerations as pertaining to castings and welding may be
adhered to. In addition to these the following points may also be considered:
1. On account of the advantage of machining and assembly requirements, multiple piece housings should
be preferred over one piece housing.
2. Provide sufficient and substantial flanges on the housing for holes to be drilled for the fastening bolts.
3. Provide bolt holes as close to the wall of the housing as possible to minimise bending of flanges.
4. Provide the bolts as close to the bearing bores as possible so that bearing loads will not deflect the
5. For small housings, through bolts may be used for fastening of different pieces of the housing to obtain a
very rigid construction.
6. Means should be provided to get the various pieces of the housings to line up properly when the machine
is assembled. This can be achieved by piloting one part of the housing inside the other.
7. Provide openings in the housing to allow inspection, facilitate assembly or to permit adjustments to be
made. Openings on cylindrical surfaces must be flat.
8. Provide base as part of the housing to support the housing on a floor or foundation surface. Flanges
should be provided on the base to drill holes for the foundation bolt. Invariably for small housings, the
base should be in one part. For large and heavy housings, the base can be in two or three pieces.
9. Design the base so as to allow the machine to stand by itself.

qb-med2 : 10

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