The 81st William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, February 20, 2021
The 81st William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, February 20, 2021
The 81st William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition Saturday, February 20, 2021
A1 How many positive integers N satisfy all of the follow- B1 For a positive integer n, define d(n) to be the sum of the
ing three conditions? digits of n when written in binary (for example, d(13) =
1 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 3). Let
(i) N is divisible by 2020.
(ii) N has at most 2020 decimal digits.
(iii) The decimal digits of N are a string of consecutive
S= ∑ (−1)d(k) k3 .
ones followed by a string of consecutive zeros.
Determine S modulo 2020.
A2 Let k be a nonnegative integer. Evaluate
B2 Let k and n be integers with 1 ≤ k < n. Alice and Bob
k play a game with k pegs in a line of n holes. At the
k− j k + j
∑ 2 . beginning of the game, the pegs occupy the k leftmost
j=0 j
holes. A legal move consists of moving a single peg to
any vacant hole that is further to the right. The play-
A3 Let a0 = π/2, and let an = sin(an−1 ) for n ≥ 1. Deter- ers alternate moves, with Alice playing first. The game
mine whether ends when the pegs are in the k rightmost holes, so who-
∞ ever is next to play cannot move and therefore loses.
∑ a2n For what values of n and k does Alice have a winning
n=1 strategy?
converges. B3 Let x0 = 1, and let δ be some constant satisfying 0 <
δ < 1. Iteratively, for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , a point xn+1 is
A4 Consider a horizontal strip of N +2 squares in which the
chosen uniformly from the interval [0, xn ]. Let Z be the
first and the last square are black and the remaining N
smallest value of n for which xn < δ . Find the expected
squares are all white. Choose a white square uniformly
value of Z, as a function of δ .
at random, choose one of its two neighbors with equal
probability, and color this neighboring square black if it B4 Let n be a positive integer, and let Vn be the set of inte-
is not already black. Repeat this process until all the re- ger (2n + 1)-tuples v = (s0 , s1 , · · · , s2n−1 , s2n ) for which
maining white squares have only black neighbors. Let s0 = s2n = 0 and |s j − s j−1 | = 1 for j = 1, 2, · · · , 2n. De-
w(N) be the expected number of white squares remain- fine
ing. Find
w(N) q(v) = 1 + ∑ 3s j ,
lim . j=1
N→∞ N
and let M(n) be the average of over all v ∈ Vn . Eval-
A5 Let an be the number of sets S of positive integers for q(v)
which uate M(2020).
B5 For j ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, let z j be a complex number with
∑ Fk = n, |z j | = 1 and z j 6= 1. Prove that