Habit Builder
Habit Builder
Habit Builder
Take the easy route first
Habits form eventually and not
Each good action adds up to a better result. So, does
doing bad contribute to failure.
It is best to start small and to increase or add new
things gradually. Do not increase your jogging time
from 1 minute a day to 10-15 minutes. Instead, try to
add on 2 to 5 minutes each week, so that you can
follow the regimen easily. If you make exponential
changes to your routine, it will be harder (due to less
willpower) for you to continue doing it.
By following this method, you will notice that your
motivation will stay high and you will be able to quickly
accomplish the tasks. Because, the feeling of
accomplishment will push you to continue doing it. It
will also help you in enhancing your willpower, and you
would be able to do more of it. Which is our end goal.
Split things into doable chunks as
you progress
It is best to split your habits into doable chunks as
they build up. If you build up your jogging to 20
minutes, then break it into 10 minutes of jog in the
morning and 10 in the evening. When you divide the
task into small chunks, you would be able to do it with
ease. It helps in keeping the momentum and gives you
the boost of feeling accomplished.
What seems more comfortable, doing 50 squats at a
time or doing five sets of 10? You are getting the same
results but more efficiently.
Don’t give up when you fail,
rather get back to the plan
Everyone makes mistakes, but the only difference
between the people who make it and those who don’t is
that they get back on track. So, anticipate that you
would make mistakes, miss a workout, eat junk food,
fail to read a book, binge watch an entire show because
errors are inevitable. The main thing to remember is
that you must not dwell on the mistake for too long. If
you eat unhealthily in the afternoon, make a promise to
eat right after that. If you miss out on a workout, then
try to make up for it the next day.
Life is full of uncertainties, so be flexible in your
ways and make room for errors. Don’t let one lousy
action keep you from building a good habit. If you make
a mistake, accept it, and get back to doing the right
Patience is the key
7. Enjoy the journey