User Manual - Bocw Worker

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 Select User Type as “BOCW Board Beneficiary”

 Enter Login Details
 Enter Captcha Code

In case of forget password, User can reset the password by clicking “Forget Password?”.

User Registration

A new BOCW worker/beneficiary account can be created by clicking “Online Registration under
BOCW” from the homepage.
Applicant have to read all the instructions and then “Tick” the acknowledgement, then click on
“Submit” button.
Step 1:-

Applicant has to fill following details:-

1. Name of Applicant
2. Father’s Name
3. Aadhaar number

Fee structure will be:-

First time registration fees of Rs 25/- and annual fees of Rs 60/- or two year fees of Rs 120/- or
three year fees of Rs180/- would be charged from every worker. Beneficiary can make payment of
his contribution for 1/2/3 years and will have option to renew the same to avail the
There are following fields need to be filling to register:

Form 1:

 Already Registered

Yes: For users already exists in the database but visiting first time oh this system(Offline

1. Registration Number- Enter Registration number given by officials

2. Select any option – Beneficiary can proceed by providing any of the following details:
a. Date of Registration (radio button)
b. Mobile No (radio button)
c. Aadhaar Number (radio button)
d. Bank Account Number (radio button)

Note: Every details that is available with that Registration number in the database will be filled
automatically in the form and user will have to fill only details that is not present in the

New worker/Beneficiary Registration: - worker has to fill all the required details as shown in below
images. All the red * marked fields are mandatory.
Worker Dashboard: - worker dashboard will appear as shown below and worker can add his family
details, add his/her working expirence of 90 days/ apply for schemes/ reply on objections.
To add 90 days expirence worker has to fill all the details where he has worked and if he/she has worked
at multiple work places then he/she has to click on “add more” and then new bar will came and worker
can add his/her details.
After submission worker has to download the consent slip and he has to get it signed from sarpanch or
where he hased worked for and upload the signed “attested” file at document. Select choose file and
select the file where is saved and then upload it.

Family Details: - Worker has to add the family details as shown below and worker have to click on “add
more” then new bar will be added and worker has to add the family details.
To add nominee details worker has to click on “add nominee” then bar will appear and worker has to
add the details of nominee to whom worker want to become his/her nominee. As shown below.

Apply for Schemes:-

Worker has to follow the following steps to apply for schemes: -

1. Click on Schemes
2. Check the schemes list
3. Click on view detail
4. Apply for scheme
Click on apply for scheme: -

worker will check the details of scheme and worker will come to know able required document. As
shown below.

Applied Scheme: -
After apply for schemes worker can check for which schemes he/she has applied for and can view
details. As shown below.

After approval Worker will get the notification by sms/email or he/she can check the dashboard.


If applicant receives any objection from officer then it will be shown in “Objections” and applicant reply
for that object online and can upload relevant document also if required.

Applicant has to pay the fees, to pay fees applicant has to check dashboard and at the end there is a
option of “pay fees”. Applicant can pay the fees online.
Then windo will be redirected to bank secured window and then payment can be done.

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