Concept Paper

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I. Proponent: Educational Inc.

II. Partnership: TESDA

III. Theme: “Provides students with an opportunity to develop understanding of
the basic operations of a computer system”
IV. Date: October 21-26, 2019
V. Venue: Computer Laboratory of Senior High School in Calatagan
VI. Target: Senior High School in Calatagan students

A. Introduction
The project entitled “Computer Training Education” a project conducted
by Educational Inc. that prepares a student for basic knowledge using computer
to solve data processing problems in daily life. It will be done during friday
starting from 1pm-4pm in computer laboratory of Senior High School in
Calatagan. It also prepares participants to use different types of technology in
everyday settings. This training provides students with an opportunity to develop
understanding of a computer system and computer applications software.

Furthermore, computers are those devices that play a very important role
in our everyday life. The organization is working for students’ development. It
will be provided quality education and practical orientation. This Computer
Training Education would be monitored by TESDA.

B. Purpose
The company aims to help students to learn and to enhance the ability of
the students in using computer, because computers have occupied a very
important place in our lives. This project proposal is for the sake and for the
benefits of Senior High School in Calatagan students. Computer Education
improves research skills, helps in getting good jobs, and enhancing technology.
Students who use computers have been shown to attend school more steadily
and perform better than students who do not use computers.

C. Goals and Objectives

The project aims to make the technical and modern technology based education and
training easier for the students and also to provide opportunity for the study of modern
methods of information processing and its applications. Furthermore, to acquaint
students with knowledge of the computer systems with emphasis on their uses and
limitations and to develop among students the programming techniques and the
problem solving skills through programming. So, for our own convenience, it has
become important for all of us to gain computer education.

D. Support Needs


Cables & others 5 set 200.00 2,000.00
(extension cord,
plug, multi-plug,
tools set, etc.)
Instructor 4 persons
Snacks 10 100.00 1,000.00
WIFI 2 3,000.00 6,000.00
Markers 2 45.00 90.00
TOTAL 9,090.00

E. Budget of Work


To enhance PowerPoint Demo on SHSC Those
the skills of slideshow different students and students will
every techniques of Instructors be enlighten
students in computers about the
using different use
computer of computer
To let Instructional Interactive SHSC Those
common materials, teaching students and children will
students Computer activity Instructors learn on how
experience on to use a
how to use computer
Teach the Computer Interactive SHSC Students Will
proper and teaching students and have an idea
basic skills of activity Instructors about basic
computer skills of

Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Contact no: 09563165817

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