Power Chain Tool - v2.1

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Data Center Electrical Power Chain Assessment Tool

Version 2.1
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and EYP Mission Critical Facilities originally developed this tool for the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE). The developers acknowledge helpful reviews by experts from ANCIS Incorporated, Emerson, EPRI
and Syska Hennessey. LBNL and Traber Engineers updated and upgraded the tool in 2020.

DCEE Toolkit
This workbook is part of a tool suite for addressing energy efficiency in data centers.
The tools are available here: https://datacenters.lbl.gov/tools

Worksheet Description
Overview This tab.
User Inputs Questions about your data center's IT electric power chain and lighting systems.
Suggested energy-saving actions.
Action Results Estimated savings and simple payback for pursued actions.
Savings Summary Estimated total savings for pursued actions.
Peer Comparison Benchmarks for UPS load factor and IT power density.
UPS Efficiency Lookup table for the operating efficiency of double-conversion UPSs of recent manufacture.

What does this Tool do?

This assessment tool is designed to help data center owners assess the potential savings from efficiency actions in two branches
of the electrical power chain of a data center:
1. The IT branch, i.e. transformers, generators, UPSs, and PDUs.
2. The lighting system branch.

How is the Tool used?

Step 1: Answer questions and select applicable actions to pursue on the User Inputs tab.
Step 2: Predict the post-implementation performance and the implementation cost of pursued actions on the Action Results tab.
Step 3: The Savings Summary tab presents the total predicted savings.
Step 4: The Peer Comparison tab compares some metrics of your data center to a set of other benchmarked data centers.

More Information
This tool is not a detailed "investment-grade" audit tool. The savings estimates are based on typical practice. Actual savings will
vary based on site-specific conditions. This tool does not account for interactive effects among energy-saving actions, other than
placing a cap on the maximum savings.

This tool presents more actions that the Electrical & Lighting sections of DC Pro (https://datacenters.lbl.gov/dcpro), but less than
the Data Center Master List of Energy Efficiency Actions (https://datacenters.lbl.gov/resources/data-center-master-list-energy).

This tool presents energy-saving actions only by name. For guidance on implementing the actions, see the Master List.

This workbook contains hidden tabs that support the visible ones. To see how the workbook calculates its results, the tabs can be
This tab accepts information from the user, and presents potential actions to pursue.

Only the green shaded cells require input.

Table A Provide basic information about your data center by answering questions 1 through 9.
Clicking on the cells in column A3 provides pop-up guidance. Data Center Power Chain Utility KEY
Questions 1, 6, and 9 must be answered before this tool can estimate annual savings for the electric power chain.
Input or Calculation
Additionally, question 8 must be answered before estimated annual lighting system savings can be calculated.
This tool does not completely safeguard against unreasonable numeric inputs.
Calc: Annual energy loss Power Chain Loss
Table B Answer questions 23 through 39 by selecting an option from the drop-down lists in column B3. in the IT power chain in
If you answer "Do not know", column B5 will suggest an evaluation to perform. kWh/yr (Q1 minus Q6)
If your answer indicates the given system probably already has high efficiency, column B5 will be "No", and the potential action(s) will be "N/A".
If your answer indicates there may be room for improvement, column B5 will be "Yes", and one or more potential actions will be presented.
Column B8 provides the ability to select particular actions to pursue. If you answer "Yes" to a potential action, it will be carried over to the Action Results tab.
Q1: What is the annual
electrical energy use of the IT
Additional description is provided at the bottom right of this tab. power chain in kWh/yr?
Table A: Basic Information Serving the IT
A1 A2 A3 Power Chain Q4: What is the total Transformer Transformer
Question UPS input load in kW?
Question Input
Q1 What is the annual electrical energy use of the IT power chain in kWh/yr? 6,000,000
Q2 What is the total UPS output load in kW? 500
Q3 What is the total load capacity of all active UPS modules in kW? 750 Q3: What is the total load
Q4 What is the total UPS input load in kW? 700
capacity of all active UPS
modules in kW? Q8: What is the
Q5 What is the UPS manufacturer's claimed efficiency at the calculated load factor shown below? 0.0%
total annual
Q6 What is the annual IT equipment energy use in kWh/yr? 5,000,000
Calc: UPS Load Factor in % lighting energy
Q7 What is the data center floor area in sq. ft.? 10,000 use in kWh/yr
(Q2 / Q3)
Q8 What is the total annual lighting energy use in kWh/yr for the facility? 2,750,000 for the facility?
Q9 What is the annual average unit cost of electricity in ¢/kWh? 15.0
Calc: UPS Efficiency in %
(Q2 / Q4)

UPS load factor (Question 2 divided by Question 3). 67% Q2: What is the total UPS
output load in kW?
UPS total input load in kW. Repeats the answer to Question 4 if it is non-zero, or calculates it as 700 PDU PDU PDU
Question 2 (UPS output) divided by Question 5 (UPS efficiency). containing a containing a containing a
UPS efficiency. If the answer to Question 4 is non-zero, then the efficiency is calculated as 71.4% transformer transformer transformer
Question 2 (UPS output) divided by Question 4 (UPS input). Otherwise, the answer to Question
5 (UPS efficiency) is repeated here. Q6: What is the annual IT
Annual energy loss in the IT branch of the electric power chain, in kWh/yr. This is calculated as 1,000,000 equipment energy use in
Question 1 minus Question 6. Power chain savings are expressed as a percent of this value. kWh/yr?

Cooling System Lighting System
Equipment Equipment Equipment

Table B: Efficiency Information and Potential Actions

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B11

Question Is Action Pursue

Question Input Evaluation to Perform if Input is "Do not know." Potential Actions Messages
Number Recommended? Action?

Q23 What is the building power factor? <0.9 Yes 1 Maintain Power Factor at Main Feeder Panel at 0.90 or Yes
Q24 What is the building total harmonic current distortion (THD) at main feeder panel? >5% Yes 1 Maintain Total Harmonic Distortion at Main Feeder Yes
Panel at 5% or Less.
Q25 Are the loads balanced between all phases for the transformers, UPSs, and PDUs? Out of balance by more than 10%. Yes 1 Maintain Balanced Loads Between Phases. Yes

Q26 What is the age and type of the main transformer serving the IT power chain? Temp rise ≥150 C and age >15 years old. Yes 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Transformers. Yes

Q27 Is there an active UPS? Yes. Yes 1 Shut Down UPS Modules when Redundancy Level is Yes
High Enough.
2 Install a Modular UPS. Yes
3 Right-Size the UPS. Yes
4 Replace the UPS with a More Efficient Unit. Yes
Q28 Is the UPS operating in eco-mode? No. Yes 1 Implement a Switching UPS Yes

Q29 Are the UPS DC capacitors >5 years old? Yes. Yes 1 Change UPS DC Capacitors. Yes

Q30 What is the power source for non-critical loads? UPS. Yes 1 Ensure Non-Critical Loads are Not Connected to the Yes

Q31 What is the age and type of the transformers in the PDUs? Temp rise ≥150 C and age >15 years old. Yes 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Transformers. Yes

Q32 What is the average load factor for the active PDUs that contain transformers? <25% Yes 1 Consolidate Transformer Loads Yes

Q33 What is the IT equipment power factor? <0.9 Yes 1 Retrofit IT Equipment to Maintain High Power Factor Yes
and Low Total Harmonic Distortion.
Q34 What is the power source for the IT racks? Alternating current (AC). Yes 1 Supply DC Voltage to IT Rack. Yes

Q35 What is the power source for the emergency generator block heater(s)? Utility power. Yes 1 Use Alternate Power Source to Warm Generator Yes
Q36 Does the block heater(s)/heater water jacket for emergency generator(s) operate with No. Yes 1 Apply Thermostat Control to Generator Block Heaters. Yes
thermostat control?
Q37 Is the data center lighting well-designed? No, the data center is over-lit and/or light is Yes 1 Illuminate Work Areas Only. Yes
provided where it is not needed.
2 Coordinate Light Fixture Placement with IT Equipment Yes
Q38 How are the lights controlled in the data center? No control (always on). Yes 1 Control Lighting with a Timeclock. No

2 Implement Manually Controlled Zone Lighting Control. No

3 Install Occupancy Sensors to Control Lights. Yes

Q39 What type of lamps are installed in the data center? Compact Fluorescent (CFL) or T12 Fluorescent. Yes 1 Install Linear Fluorescent T8 Fixtures. No

2 Install Linear Fluorescent T5 Fixtures. Yes

3 Install LED Fixtures. No

Table A Description
A1 Question Number Table A contains questions number 1 through 22. The answers to Questions 10 through 22 are currently not
used by this tool.
A2 Question The text for each question is supplied by the (normally hidden) Table AA tab.
A3 Input This column contains the user's answers to the questions. Questions 1-9, 15-17, and 19 require a numeric
input; all the rest provide a pull-down list to select from. This tool does not completely safeguard against
unreasonable numeric inputs.

Table B Description
B1 Question Number Table B contains questions number 23 through 39.
B2 Question The text for each question is supplied by the (normally hidden) Table BB tab.
B3 Input Column B3 contains the user's answers to the questions. All of the cells in this column present a list of
possible answers to select from.
B4 Evaluation to Perform if If the user selects "Do not know" in column B3 for any of the questions, column B4 suggests steps to take that
Input is "Do not know" will produce the requested information.
B5 Is Action Recommended? Based on the user's input in column B3, column B5 will contain one of three possible phrases:
"Not yet" is shown when the answer provided in column B3 is "Do not know".
"Yes" is shown if the user selects an answer in column B3 that indicates there is room for an efficiency
"No" is shown if the user selects an answer in column B3 that indicates that the system in question is efficient
enough to not warrant potential actions.

B6 Potential Actions The numbers in column B6 show how many potential actions this tool can suggest in response to the questions.

B7 If the phrase in column B5 is "Yes", then column B7 will list one or more potential energy-saving actions to
take. If the phrase in column B5 is "Not yet", or "No", then column B7 will contain the phrase "N/A".

B8 Pursue Action? For the potential actions presented in column B7, the user can indicate their intent to pursue each of them by
selecting Yes, No, or N/A in column B8.
B9 Valid Pursuit This column is normally hidden. It performs an intermediate calculation in order to simplify formulas. If column
B7 is not "N/A" and column B8 is "Yes", then column B9 is "Yes", otherwise it is "No".
B10 Answered Before Action This column is normally hidden. It performs an intermediate calculation in order to simplify formulas. If column
Presented B7 is "N/A" and column B8 is not "N/A", then column B10 is "Yes", otherwise it is "No".
B11 Messages If column B10 is "Yes", then the user is reminded that a potential action has not been presented yet.
If there is a potential action presented, and the user selects "Yes" in column B8, then the action is carried over
to Actions Summary tab. If the user selects "No", it is not.
If two or more mutually exlusive actions are presented in column B7, and the user selects "Yes" in column B8
for more than one of them, then the user is asked to pick only one.
This tab presents the pursued actions from the User Inputs tab, asks for some additional information, and then calculates savings and simple payback.

Only the green shaded cells require input.
Column C9 asks for the dollar cost to implement the pursued action(s).
Savings for the IT power chain (questions 23 through 36) are expressed as a percent of the annual energy loss in the IT power chain.
Savings for the lighting system (questions 37, 38, 39) are expressed as a percent of the total annual lighting energy use (question 8 in Table A on the User Inputs tab).
The Savings Summary tab presents total savings.
Additional description is provided at the bottom right of this tab.

Table C: Estimated Results for Pursued Actions

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Cost to Simple
Question Estimated Savings
Actions Pursued Post-Implementation Performance Implement Payback
% kWh/yr $/yr $ years
Q23 1 Maintain Power Factor at Main Feeder Panel at 0.90 or Higher. This tool assumes the new building power factor will be: ≥0.9 2.0 20,000 $ 3,000 $ 8,000 2.7

Q24 1 Maintain Total Harmonic Distortion at Main Feeder Panel at 5% or This tool assumes the new building total harmonic current distortion ≤5% 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 10,000 13.3
Less. (THD) at the main feeder panel will be:
Q25 1 Maintain Balanced Loads Between Phases. This tool assumes the new loads on all phases for the transformers, Balanced to within 10% or less. 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 20,000 26.7
UPSs, and PDUs will be:
Q26 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Transformers. This tool assumes the new age and type of the main transformer serving Temp rise < 150 C and age < 15 years old. 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 50,000 33.3
the IT power chain will be:
Q27 1 Shut Down UPS Modules when Redundancy Level is High What will the new UPS load factor be? 80% 25.1 1,592,669 $ 238,900 $ 1,000,000 4.2
2 Enough.
Install a Modular UPS.
3 Right-Size the UPS.
4 Replace the UPS with a More Efficient Unit.
Q28 1 Implement a Switching UPS This tool assumes the UPS eco-mode feature will be activated. 3.0 30,000 $ 4,500 $ 1,000 0.2
Q29 1 Change UPS DC Capacitors. This tool assumes the UPS DC capacitors will be replaced with new 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 10,000 13.3
Q30 1 Ensure Non-Critical Loads are Not Connected to the UPS. This tool assumes that non-critical loads will no longer be served by the 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 8,000 5.3
Q31 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Transformers. This tool assumes the new age and type of the transformers in the PDUs Temp rise < 150 C and age < 15 years old. 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 50,000 33.3
will be:
Q32 1 Consolidate Transformer Loads What will the average load factor for the active PDUs that contain >50% 5.0 50,000 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 1.0
transformers be?
Q33 1 Retrofit IT Equipment to Maintain High Power Factor and Low This tool assumes the new power factor for the IT equipment will be: ≥0.9 2.0 20,000 $ 3,000 $ 500,000 166.7
Total Harmonic Distortion.
Q34 1 Supply DC Voltage to IT Rack. This tool assumes the new power source for the IT racks will be: Direct current (DC). 10.0 100,000 $ 15,000 $ 1,000,000 66.7
Q35 1 Use Alternate Power Source to Warm Generator Blocks. This tool assumes the new power source for the emergency generator Alternate power source, e.g. solar. 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 100,000 133.3
block heater(s) will be:
Q36 1 Apply Thermostat Control to Generator Block Heaters. This tool assumes the block heater(s)/heater water jacket for emergency 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 1,000 1.3
generator(s) will be equipped with with thermostat control.
Q37 1 Illuminate Work Areas Only. This tool assumes the data center lighting will be reconfigured to provide 15.0 412,500 $ 61,875 $ 400,000 6.5
2 Coordinate Light Fixture Placement with IT Equipment Placement. light only to the areas that need it.

Q38 1 N/A The lights will be controlled in the data center by: Occupancy Sensor. 70.0 1,925,000 $ 288,750 $ 20,000 0.1
2 N/A
3 Install Occupancy Sensors to Control Lights.
Q39 1 N/A The new type of lamps to be installed in the data center are: T5 Fluorescent. 25.0 687,500 $ 103,125 $ 400,000 3.9
2 Install Linear Fluorescent T5 Fixtures.
3 N/A

Table C Description
C1 Question Number These question numbers reference the questions presented in Table B on the User Inputs tab.
C2 Actions Pursued The numbers in column C2 show how many potential actions this tool can suggest in response to the
C3 Column C3 presents the actions the user elected to pursue on the User Inputs tab.
C4 Post-Implementation Performance Column C4 is similar to column B2 on the User Inputs tab, but this time it is:
a) Stating the assumed post-implementation performance, or
b) Asking for the predicted performance after the actions have been implemented.
C5 For the questions that have multiple post-implementation options, a pull-down list is provided.
C6 Estimated Savings % The values in these three columns are provided by the Table BB tab.
C7 kWh/yr
C8 $/yr
C9 Cost to Implement $ Enter the estimated implementation cost for the actions. If replacing equipment at end-of-life, use the cost
difference between the high efficiency new equipment and the standard efficiency new equipment (assuming
the former has a higher cost than the latter).
C10 Simple Payback years The values in this column is provided by the Table BB tab.
Table D presents the estimated total savings for the pursued actions listed on the Action Results tab.
There is no user data entry on this tab.
Total savings for the IT power chain is capped at 30% of the total IT power chain loss.
Total savings for lighting is capped at 30% of the total lighting energy use.

Table D: Estimated Savings.

D1 D2 D3
kWh/yr $/yr
Electric Power Chain 300,000 $ 45,000
Lighting System 825,000 $ 123,750
Total 1,125,000 $ 168,750

Table D Description
D1 Item
D2 Savings kWh/yr
D3 $/yr
This tool addresses both the IT power chain and the lighting system.
From column DD9 on the Table DD tab.
From column DD10 on the Table DD tab.
These two charts allow you to compare your data center to 25 other data centers that were analyzed by LBNL.
Complete data were not available for all data centers - hence the gaps in the charts.
Answering questions 3 and 6 on the User Inputs tab will populate the "Your Data Center" point in the IT Power Density chart.
Answering questions 1 and 3 on the User Inputs tab will populate the "Your Data Center" point in the UPS Load Factor chart.
Answering question 28 on the Action Results tab will populate the "Your Data Center, After" point on the UPS Load Factor chart.
A v erage IT P ower D ens ity (W /s f)

IT Power Density








Data Center Number

UPS Load Factor

UPS Load Factor












Data Center Number

This data is drawn from the UPS_data tab. It represents a typical double-conversion, 480-volt, modern (2014 to 2017), relatively efficient, UPS of 500 to 600 kW capacity.

Load Factor: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Efficiency: 89.8% 94.2% 95.6% 96.1% 96.3% 96.4% 96.5% 96.5% 96.5% 96.5%






Table AA provides content to support Table A on the User Inputs tab.
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab.
Further description is provided at the bottom right of this tab.

Table AA: Basic Information

Q1 What is the annual electrical energy use of the IT power chain in kWh/yr?
Q2 What is the total UPS output load in kW?
Q3 What is the total load capacity of all active UPS modules in kW?
Q4 What is the total UPS input load in kW?
Q5 What is the UPS manufacturer's claimed efficiency at the calculated load factor shown below?

Q6 What is the annual IT equipment energy use in kWh/yr?

Q7 What is the data center floor area in sq. ft.?
Q8 What is the total annual lighting energy use in kWh/yr for the facility?
Q9 What is the annual average unit cost of electricity in ¢/kWh?

The user's answers to Questions 10 through 22 are currently not used by this tool.
Q10 What is the utility input voltage?

Q11 What is the UPS type?

Q12 What is the UPS input voltage?

Q13 What is the UPS output voltage?

Q14 What is the UPS system configuration?

Q15 What is the nominal size of UPS module in kW?
Q16 What is the designed IT load capacity in kW?
Q17 What is the floor area of support spaces (UPS, generator,etc) in sq. ft.?
Q18 What is the emergency generator configuration?

Q19 What is the total block heater power in kW of the generator?

Q20 What is the lighting density in the data center?

Q21 Is a power analyzer installed at the main feeder panel for critical components?

Q22 Is an Infra-Red test performed on electrical systems regularly?

Color Key
Content provided by the tool developer.
User's input data, copied from the User Inputs tab.


Input Options User's Input Value

[whole number >= 0] 6,000,000

[whole number >= 0] 500
[whole number >= 0] 750
[whole number >= 0] 700
[percentage >= 0%] 0.0%

[whole number >= 0] 5,000,000

[whole number >= 0] 10,000
[whole number >= 0] 2,750,000
[decimal number >= 0] 15

208 Err:509
Do not know.
Double conversion. Err:509
Delta conversion.
Do not know.
Not applicable (no UPS).
208 Err:509
Do not know.
208 Err:509
Do not know.
N Err:509
N+ >1 or 2(N+ ≥1)
Do not know.
[whole number >= 0] Err:509
[whole number >= 0] Err:509
[whole number >= 0] Err:509
N Err:509
N+ >1 or 2(N+ ≥1)
Do not know.
[whole number >= 0] Err:509
>1.5 W/sf Err:509
≤1.5 W/sf
Do not know.
Yes. Err:509
Do not know.
No. Err:509
Do not know.

Table AA Description
AA1 Question Number

AA2 Question

AA3 Input Options

AA4 User's Input Value

Table AA supports questions number 1 through 22. The answers to
Questions 10 through 22 are currently not used by this tool.
The text for each question is entered here by the tool developer; the User
Inputs tab reads and displays these cells.
This column supplies the options for the pull-down lists on the User Inputs
This column simply repeats the input values from the User Inputs tab, for
trouble-shooting purposes.
Table BB provides content to support Table B on the Action Results tab, and performs savings calculations.
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab.
Further description is provided at the bottom right of this tab.

Table BB: Efficiency Information and Potential Actions

Questions, Input Options, User's Inputs


Question Input Options User's Input Value Calc.

Q23 What is the building power factor? <0.9 <0.9


Do not know.

Q24 What is the building total harmonic current >5% >5%

distortion (THD) at main feeder panel?


Do not know.

Q25 Are the loads balanced between all phases Out of balance by more than Out of balance by more
for the transformers, UPSs, and PDUs? 10%. than 10%.
Balanced to within 10% or

Do not know.

Q26 What is the age and type of the main Temp rise ≥150 C and age Temp rise ≥150 C and
transformer serving the IT power chain? >15 years old. age >15 years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and age

≤15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and age ≥

15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and age <

15 years old.

N/A (no main IT transformer).

Do not know.

Q27 Is there an active UPS? Yes. Yes. 71.4%


Do not know.
Q28 Is the UPS operating in eco-mode? Yes. No.


N/A (No UPS, or no eco-mode

Do not know.

Q29 Are the UPS DC capacitors >5 years old? Yes. Yes.


Do not know.
N/A (no UPS).

Q30 What is the power source for non-critical UPS. UPS.


Utility power.

Do not know.

Q31 What is the age and type of the transformers Temp rise ≥150 C and age Temp rise ≥150 C and
in the PDUs? >15 years old. age >15 years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and age

≤15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and age ≥

15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and age <

15 years old.
N/A (no transformers in PDUs).

Do not know.

Q32 What is the average load factor for the active <25% <25%
PDUs that contain transformers?


Do not know.

Q33 What is the IT equipment power factor? <0.9 <0.9


Do not know.

Q34 What is the power source for the IT racks? Alternating current (AC). Alternating current (AC).

Direct current (DC).

Do not know.

Q35 What is the power source for the emergency Utility power. Utility power.
generator block heater(s)?
Alternate power source, e.g.

Do not know.

Q36 Does the block heater(s)/heater water jacket No. No.

for emergency generator(s) operate with
thermostat control?


Do not know.

Q37 Is the data center lighting well-designed? No, the data center is over-lit No, the data center is
and/or light is provided where over-lit and/or light is
it is not needed. provided where it is not

Yes, sufficient light is provided

only to the areas that need it.

Do not know.

Q38 How are the lights controlled in the data No control (always on). No control (always on).

Manual Control.

Occupancy Sensor.

Do not know.

Q39 What type of lamps are installed in the data Compact Fluorescent (CFL) or Compact Fluorescent
center? T12 Fluorescent. (CFL) or T12 Fluorescent.

T8 Fluorescent.

T5 Fluorescent.

Do not know.
Color Key
Headings and separators.
Content provided by the tool developer.
User's input data, copied from the User Inputs and Action Results tabs.
Space for future expansion, if needed.
Unused cells.

Potential Actions Based on User's Inputs

BB6 BB7 BB8 BB9 BB10

Input Options

Potential Input Option(s) Resulting in Potential Actions Input Option

Actions Resulting in No
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Action Required

<0.9 ≥0.9

Action 1 Maintain Power Factor at Main

Feeder Panel at 0.90 or Higher.

>5% ≤5%

Action 1 Maintain Total Harmonic

Distortion at Main Feeder Panel
at 5% or Less.

Out of balance by more than Balanced to within

10%. 10% or less.
Action 1 Maintain Balanced Loads
Between Phases.

Temp rise < 150 C

Temp rise ≥150 C and age >15 Temp rise ≥150 C and age ≤15 Temp rise < 150 C and age ≥
and age < 15
years old. years old. 15 years old.
years old.

Action 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Use High Efficiency MV and LV Use High Efficiency MV and LV
Transformers. Transformers. Transformers.

90% No.

Action 1 Shut Down UPS Modules when

Redundancy Level is High
Action 2 Install a Modular UPS.
Action 3 Right-Size the UPS.
Action 4 Replace the UPS with a More
Efficient Unit.
No. Yes.

Action 1 Implement a Switching UPS

Yes. No.

Action 1 Change UPS DC Capacitors.

UPS. Utility power.

Action 1 Ensure Non-Critical Loads are

Not Connected to the UPS.

Temp rise < 150 C

Temp rise ≥150 C and age >15 Temp rise ≥150 C and age ≤15 Temp rise < 150 C and age ≥
and age < 15
years old. years old. 15 years old.
years old.

Action 1 Use High Efficiency MV and LV Use High Efficiency MV and LV Use High Efficiency MV and LV
Transformers. Transformers. Transformers.
<25% ≥25-50% >50%

Action 1 Consolidate Transformer Loads Consolidate Transformer Loads

<0.9 ≥0.9

Action 1 Retrofit IT Equipment to

Maintain High Power Factor and
Low Total Harmonic Distortion.

Direct current
Alternating current (AC).
Action 1 Supply DC Voltage to IT Rack.

Alternate power
Utility power.
source, e.g. solar.
Action 1 Use Alternate Power Source to
Warm Generator Blocks.

No. Yes.

Action 1 Apply Thermostat Control to

Generator Block Heaters.

Yes, sufficient light

No, the data center is over-lit
is provided only to
and/or light is provided where it
the areas that
is not needed.
need it.

Action 1 Illuminate Work Areas Only.

Action 2 Coordinate Light Fixture

Placement with IT Equipment

No control (always on). Timeclock. Manual Control.
Action 1 Control Lighting with a Implement Manually Controlled Install Occupancy Sensors to
Timeclock. Zone Lighting Control. Control Lights.

Action 2 Implement Manually Controlled Install Occupancy Sensors to

Zone Lighting Control. Control Lights.

Action 3 Install Occupancy Sensors to

Control Lights.

Compact Fluorescent (CFL) or

T8 Fluorescent. T5 Fluorescent. LED.
T12 Fluorescent.

Action 1 Install Linear Fluorescent T8 Install Linear Fluorescent T5 Install LED Fixtures.
Fixtures. Fixtures.

Action 2 Install Linear Fluorescent T5 Install LED Fixtures.


Action 3 Install LED Fixtures.

Predicted Post-Implementation Performance

BB11 BB12 BB13 BB14

Pursued Question Input Options
Insufficient Information Actions?

Yes This tool assumes the new building power factor

Do not know. will be:

Investigate building power


Yes This tool assumes the new building total

harmonic current distortion (THD) at the main
Do not know. feeder panel will be:

Investigate building total

harmonic current distortion
(THD) at main feeder panel.

Yes This tool assumes the new loads on all phases

Do not know. for the transformers, UPSs, and PDUs will be:
Determine the load balance
between phases for all
transformers, UPSs, and

Yes This tool assumes the new age and type of the
main transformer serving the IT power chain will
Do not know. be:

Determine the age and type of

the main transformer serving
the IT power chain.

Yes What will the new UPS load factor be? 10%
Do not know.

Determine if you have any 20%

active UPS modules.



Yes This tool assumes the UPS eco-mode feature
Do not know. will be activated.

Determine if the UPS has eco-

mode capability.

Yes This tool assumes the UPS DC capacitors will

Do not know. be replaced with new ones.

Determine if UPS DC
capacitors are older than 5

Yes This tool assumes that non-critical loads will no

Do not know. longer be served by the UPS.

Investigate if non-critical loads

are fed from the UPS.

Yes This tool assumes the new age and type of the
transformers in the PDUs will be:
Do not know.

Determine the age and type of

the transformers in the PDUs.
Yes What will the average load factor for the active <25%
PDUs that contain transformers be?
Do not know.

Determine the load factors for ≥25-50%

active PDUs that contain a


Yes This tool assumes the new power factor for the
Do not know. IT equipment will be:

Measure the IT equipment

power factor.

Yes This tool assumes the new power source for the
Do not know. IT racks will be:

Investigate if IT racks are fed

from an AC or DC power

Yes This tool assumes the new power source for the
emergency generator block heater(s) will be:
Do not know.
Investigate power source for
generator block heater(s).

Yes This tool assumes the block heater(s)/heater

water jacket for emergency generator(s) will be
Do not know. equipped with with thermostat control.

Investigate if block heater(s)

operate with thermostat

Yes This tool assumes the data center lighting will

be reconfigured to provide light only to the
areas that need it.
Do not know.

Investigate the effectiveness of

data center lighting.

Yes The lights will be controlled in the data center No control (always on).
Do not know. by:
Investigate how the data Timeclock.
center lighting is controlled.

Manual Control.

Occupancy Sensor.


Yes The new type of lamps to be installed in the Compact Fluorescent

data center are: (CFL) or T12
Do not know. Fluorescent.

Investigate the type of lighting T8 Fluorescent.

installed in th data center.

T5 Fluorescent.

e Lookup Tables: Estimated Percent Savings Due to
Performance Improvement
BB15 BB16 BB17 BB18 BB19 BB20

Value Post-Implementation Performance Level
Performance Level

<0.9 ≥0.9

<0.9 0.0 2.0

≥0.9 0.0 0.0


>5% ≤5%

>5% 0.0 0.5

≤5% 0.0 0.0

Balanced to within
10% or less. Out of balance by Balanced to within
more than 10%. 10% or less.
Out of balance by more
0.0 0.5
than 10%.

Balanced to within 10%

0.0 0.0
or less.

Temp rise < 150 C

and age < 15 Temp rise ≥150 C Temp rise ≥150 C Temp rise < 150 Temp rise < 150
years old. and age >15 years and age ≤15 years C and age ≥ 15 C and age < 15
old. old. years old. years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age >15 years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age ≤15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age ≥ 15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
age < 15 years old.

Yes. No.

Yes. 0.0 0.0

No. 3.0 0.0

Yes. No.

Yes. 0.0 0.5

No. 0.0 0.0

Utility power.
UPS. Utility power.

UPS. 0.0 1.0

Utility power. 0.0 0.0

Temp rise < 150 C

and age < 15 Temp rise ≥150 C Temp rise ≥150 C Temp rise < 150 Temp rise < 150
years old. and age >15 years and age ≤15 years C and age ≥ 15 C and age < 15
old. old. years old. years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age >15 years old.

Temp rise ≥150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age ≤15 years old.

Temp rise < 150 C and

0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
age ≥ 15 years old.
Temp rise < 150 C and
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
age < 15 years old.

<25% ≥25-50% >50%

<25% 0.0 1.0 5.0

≥25-50% 0.0 0.0 1.0

>50% 0.0 0.0 0.0

<0.9 ≥0.9

<0.9 0.0 2.0

≥0.9 0.0 0.0

Direct current
Alternating current Direct current
(AC). (DC).

Alternating current
0.0 10.0

Direct current (DC). 0.0 0.0

Alternate power
source, e.g. solar. Alternate power
Utility power.
source, e.g. solar.
Utility power. 0.0 0.5

Alternate power source,

0.0 0.0
e.g. solar.


No. Yes.

No. 0.0 0.5

Yes. 0.0 0.0

Yes, sufficient light

is provided only to No, the data center is Yes, sufficient light
the areas that over-lit and/or light is is provided only to
need it. provided where it is the areas that
not needed. need it.

No, the data center is

over-lit and/or light is
0.0 15.0
provided where it is not

Yes, sufficient light is

provided only to the 0.0 0.0
areas that need it.

Occupancy No control (always Occupancy

Sensor. Timeclock. Manual Control.
on). Sensor.
No control (always on). 0.0 25.0 50.0 70.0

Timeclock. 0.0 0.0 25.0 35.0

Manual Control. 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0

Occupancy Sensor. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

T5 Fluorescent.
Compact Fluorescent
(CFL) or T12 T8 Fluorescent. T5 Fluorescent. LED.

Compact Fluorescent
(CFL) or T12 0.0 15.0 25.0 35.0

T8 Fluorescent. 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0

T5 Fluorescent. 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0

LED. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Estimated Savings and Simple Payback Calculations

BB21 BB22 BB23 BB24 BB25 BB26

Estimated Savings Implementation Cost

Pre-Implementation Post-Implementation
Performance Level Performance Level
% kWh/yr $/yr $

<0.9 ≥0.9 2.0 20,000 $ 3,000 $ 8,000

>5% ≤5% 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 10,000

Out of balance by more Balanced to within 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 20,000

than 10%. 10% or less.
Temp rise ≥150 C and Temp rise < 150 C and 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 50,000
age >15 years old. age < 15 years old.

71.4% 96.5% 25.1 1,592,669 $ 238,900 $ 1,000,000

No. Yes. 3.0 30,000 $ 4,500 $ 1,000

Yes. No. 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 10,000

UPS. Utility power. 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 8,000

Temp rise ≥150 C and Temp rise < 150 C and 1.0 10,000 $ 1,500 $ 50,000
age >15 years old. age < 15 years old.
<25% >50% 5.0 50,000 $ 7,500 $ 7,500

<0.9 ≥0.9 2.0 20,000 $ 3,000 $ 500,000

Alternating current (AC). Direct current (DC). 10.0 100,000 $ 15,000 $ 1,000,000

Utility power. Alternate power 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 100,000

source, e.g. solar.
No. Yes. 0.5 5,000 $ 750 $ 1,000

No, the data center is Yes, sufficient light is 15.0 412,500 $ 61,875 $ 400,000
over-lit and/or light is provided only to the
provided where it is not areas that need it.

No control (always on). Occupancy Sensor. 70.0 1,925,000 $ 288,750 $ 20,000

Compact Fluorescent T5 Fluorescent. 25.0 687,500 $ 103,125 $ 400,000
(CFL) or T12















Table BB Description
Questions, Input Options, User's Inputs
BB1 Question Number
BB2 Question

BB3 Input Options

BB4 User's Input Value

BB5 Calc.

Potential Actions Based on User's Inputs

BB6 Potential Actions

BB7 Input Options Input Option(s) Option 1

BB8 Resulting in Potential Option 2
BB9 Actions Option 3
BB10 Input Option(s) Resulting in No
Action Required
BB11 Insufficient Information

Predicted Post-Implementation Performance

BB12 Any Pursued Actions?

BB13 Question

BB14 Input Options

BB15 Value

Lookup Tables: Estimated Percent Savings Due to Performance Improvement

BB16 Pre-Implementation Performance Level

BB17 Post-Implementation Performance Level


Estimated Savings and Simple Payback Calculations

BB21 Pre-Implementation Performance Level

BB22 Post-Implementation Performance Level

BB23 Estimated Savings %

Estimated Savings

BB24 kWh/yr

BB25 $/yr

BB26 Implementation Cost $

BB27 Simple Payback years
Table BB supports questions number 22 through 39.
The text for each question is entered here by the tool developer; the User Inputs tab reads and displays
these cells.
This column supplies the options for the pull-down lists on the User Inputs tab.
This column simply repeats the input values from the User Inputs tab, for trouble-shooting purposes.

Questions 27 and 28 involve an intermediate calculation, performed on the User Inputs tab. This column
simply repeats these values from the User Inputs tab, for trouble-shooting purposes.
This column shows how many potential actions this tool can suggest in response to the user's input for
each question. Most questions currently have only one potential action; some have more.

These three columns show the actions that will be presented in response to the user's input. If the user
inputs the option shown under the Option 1 heading, the actions listed under Option 1 will be presented.
Likewise for Option 2 and Option 3.
If the user inputs the option shown under this heading, no actions are presented.

If the user inputs "Do not know", the text listed below this heading provides a suggestion on how to obtain
the requested information.

On the Action Results tab, if the user indicated that they will pursue any of the presented actions, then the
value in this column is "Yes", otherwise "No".
This column supplies the text for the questions/assumptions that populate column C4 on the Action Results
This column supplies the options for the pull-down lists in column C5 on the Action Results tab, for the
questions that have more than one post-implementation option.
If there are no pursued actions, this column is set to "N/A". Otherwise, it:
a) Contains the assumed post-implementation performance, or
b) Repeats the input values from column C5 on the Action Results tab.

Performance Improvement

With the exception of Question 28, columns BB16 through BB20 contain lookup tables. Column BB16
repeats the input options from column BB3.
The top of each lookup table repeats the input options from column BB3.
The body of each lookup table is populated with percent savings values provided by the tool developer.
These are estimates based on engineering experience. These lookup tables are referred to by the
formulas in column BB23.

Column BB21 repeats the user-selected option from column BB4.

Exception: For question 27, the calculated UPS load factor in column BB5 is converted to one of the three
options listed in column BB3.

Column BB22 repeats the user-selected option from column BB15.

Exception: For Question 28, the predicted post-implementation UPS load factor shown in column BB15 is
used to look up the predicted post-implementation UPS efficiency value from the UPS Efficiency tab.

If columns BB21 and BB22 contain valid options, the estimated percent savings is drawn from the
corresponding lookup table in columns BB16 through BB20.
Exception: For question 28, the percent savings is calculated as column BB22 minus column BB21.
Questions 22 through 36: The annual energy savings are calculated as the percent value in column BB23
times the annual energy loss in the IT branch of the power chain. The latter value is calculated on the
User Inputs tab, below Table A.
Exception: For question 28, the annual energy savings are calculated as (1/BB21 - 1/BB22) * Q3 * 8760
Questions 37 through 39: The annual energy savings are calculated as the percent value in column BB23
times the annual energy use of the lighting system. The latter value is provided by the user in response to
question 7 on the User Inputs tab.

The annual energy cost savings is simply the energy savings from column BB24 times the annual average
unit cost of electricity (question 8 on the User Inputs tab).
This column simply repeats the input values from column C9 on the Action Results tab.
This is calculated as the implemention cost (column BB26), divided by the energy cost savings (column
This tab calculates the values that populate Table D on the Savings Summary tab.
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab.

Table DD: Estimated Savings

Summation Limit Adjusted

Annual Annual Annual Annual

Percent Annual Energy Percent Percent
Item Energy Energy Energy Cost Energy
Savings Cost Savings Savings Savings
Savings Savings Savings Savings

% kWh/yr $/yr % kWh/yr $/yr % kWh/yr

IT Power Chain 52.6 1,867,669 $ 280,150 30.0 300,000 $ 45,000 30.0 300,000
Lighting System 110.0 3,025,000 $ 453,750 30.0 825,000 $ 123,750 30.0 825,000
Total 4,892,669 $ 733,900 1,125,000 $ 168,750 1,125,000

Annual Energy
Cost Savings

$ 45,000
$ 123,750
$ 168,750

Table DD Description
DD1 Item
DD2 Summation Percent Savings %

DD3 Annual Energy Savings kWh/yr

DD4 Annual Energy Cost Savings $/yr

DD5 Limit Percent Savings %

DD6 Annual Energy Savings kWh/yr

DD7 Annual Energy Cost Savings $/yr

DD8 Adjusted Percent Savings %
DD9 Annual Energy Savings kWh/yr
DD10 Annual Energy Cost Savings $/yr
This tool addresses both the IT power chain and the lighting system.
IT Power Chain: Sum of percents in column C6 on the Action Results tab, for
questions 23 through 36.
Lighting System: Sum of percents in column C6 on the Action Results tab, for
questions 37 through 39.
This tool does not consider interactive effects between actions, other than
placing a cap on the maximum savings; see columnd DD5 - DD7.

IT Power Chain: Sum of energy savings in column C7 on the Action Results tab,
for questions 23 through 36.
Lighting System: Sum of energy savings in column C7 on the Action Results
tab, for questions 37 through 39.

IT Power Chain: Sum of energy cost savings in column C8 on the Action

Results tab, for questions 23 through 36.
Lighting System: Sum of energy cost savings in column C8 on the Action
Results tab, for questions 37 through 39.

The savings for the IT power chain and the lighting system are both currently
capped at 30%.
IT Power Chain: The maximum annual energy savings are calculated as the
percent in column DD5 times the Annual Energy Loss in the IT Branch of the
Electric Power Chain shown in the Calculations section of the User Inputs tab.
Lighting System: The maximum annual energy savings are calculated as the
percent in column DD5 times the total annual lighting energy use in kWh/yr for
the facility (question 8 on the User Inputs tab).

Annual energy cost savings are calculated as annual energy savings (column
DD6) times the annual average unit cost of electricity (question 9 on the User
Inputs tab).
Minimum of the values in columns DD2 and DD5.
Minimum of the values in columns DD3 and DD6.
Minimum of the values in columns DD4 and DD7.
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab.
Data from columns E11 and E19 are used to populate the charts on the Peer Comparison tab.
The bottom two rows of Table E include calculations based on the user's input data to this tool.

Table E: Data Center Benchmarks

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
UPS Load Capacity UPS System Efficiency

Measured UPS
Bench-mark Output kW /
Number UPS Rating Notes
Measured UPS
Input kW

kVA kW Note Date By %

1 NA NA 0.0

2 NA NA 0.0

3 NA NA 0.0

4 NA NA 78.5

5 NA NA 78.5

6 225 180 0.0

7 225 180 94.0
8 210 168 UPS1: 160 kVA 2010-01-25 SRG 91.5
UPS2: 50 kVA
9 4,725 3,780 UPS1: 2225 kVA 2010-01-25 SRG 80.0
UPS2: 2500 kVA
10 375 300 Output - 2010-01-25 SRG 80.0
UPS1,2,3: 30kW
UPS4: 40kW
UPS5,6: 44.6kW

11 5,550 4,440 5x 1100 kVA UPS 2010-01-25 SRG 81.4

12 1,000 800 2x 500 kVA Liebert UPS 2010-01-25 SRG 83.9

13 4,500 3,600 UPS1: 1500 kVA 2010-01-25 SRG 0.0

UPS2: 3000 kVA
14 4,500 3,600 UPS1: 1500 kVA 2010-01-25 SRG 0.0
UPS2: 3000 kVA
15 NA NA 93.0
16 5,680 4,544 0.0
17 5,680 4,544 0.0
18 2,250 1,800 0.0
19 2,250 1,800 0.0
20 NA NA 0.0

21 NA NA 0.0

22 2,000 1,600 0.0

23 NA NA 0.0
24 NA NA 91.0
25 3,000 2,400 2400kW=3000kVA 2010-01-25 SRG 86.0
power factor=0.8
Your Data 750 kVA: Workbook currently does 2020-02-24 KT 71.4
Center not ask for kVA.
kW: From Question 3 (asks for
ACTIVE capacity).

Your Data Workbook currently does not 2020-02-24 KT 96.5

Center, After ask for post-implementation
UPS capacity.
E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15
UPS System Efficiency UPS Load Factor DC Floor Area

IT Power /
Notes UPS Load Notes Floor Area

Note Date By Note Date By ksf

0.00 62.87

0.00 60.4

0.00 25

92%(rated), 78.5%(measured) 2010-01-25 SRG 0.00 8.9

92%(rated), 78.5%(measured) 2010-01-25 SRG 0.00 8.56

0.00 16
0.00 2.4
0.00 2.5

0.40 74

0.00 26.2

UPS1:68% UPS2:87% 2010-01-25 SRG 0.34 73

UPS3:81% UPS4: 86% UPS5:
UPS1:89.6 UPS2:47.3 2010-01-25 SRG 0.00 8.15
0.42 119

0.42 83.47

Loss of UPS: 7% 2010-01-25 SRG 0.00 27.50

0.33 10
0.33 10
0.83 7.425
0.83 7.425
0.00 3.024

0.00 8.58

0.94 10
0.00 12.26
0.00 3.23
load factor = 20% 2010-01-25 unknown 0.63 0.00

From Calculations section of 2020-02-24 KT 0.67 From Calculations 2020-02-24 KT 10.0

User Inputs tab. section of User Inputs

From Question 27, post- 2020-02-24 KT 0.80 From Question 27, post- 2020-02-24 KT 10.0
implementation. implementation.
E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22
DC Floor Area IT Avg Power Density (Actual)

IT Avg Power
(actual) /
Notes DC Floor Area Notes
If IT avg is NA then
use total IT power

Note Date By W/sf Note Date By





4.98 7% of DC is occupied, 2010-01-25 unknown

with 100% occupancy the total
IT load=590kW,
computer load





Ref. Tschudi 2010-01-25 SRG 29.00




137.00 from summary 2010-01-25 SRG
DC area missing 2010-01-25 SRG 0.00 DC area missing 2010-01-25 SRG

From Question 7. 2020-02-24 KT 50.00 From Questions 2 and 7. 2020-02-24 KT

Tool assumes 2020-02-24 KT 50.00 Tool assumes IT equipment 2020-02-24 KT

floor area does load does not change.
not change.

Additional Notes
(load factor, avg power drawn, # UPS, UPS power and hours)

load factor: 0.96, avg 3540kVA, 2,990 kW, Liebert UPS 480V constant delivery
voltage, 4 Cummins diesel generator with 2,000 kW each for 40 hours

load factor: 0.96, avg. 4190kVA, 4000 kW, 5 generators providing 1500W each
for 40 hours
load factor: 0.97, avg. 1780kVA, 1760 kW, 3 generators providing 1500W each
for 8 hours
450 kW Emerson Accupower UPS (shared with DC 5), battery supplies power for
30 mins
450 kW Emerson Accupower UPS (shared with DC 4), battery supplies power for
30 mins

UPS has 225 kVA capacity and is 10% loaded

400 kW diesel generator for 10 hrs.
International Power Machine 160 kVA, Chloride 50 Power Electronics 50 kVA
UPS, 750 kW diesel generator for 10 hours
UPS1:Exide UPS2:Teledyne 4 3MW generators (diesel) for 8 days

6 375kVA Liebert UPS, 3 750kW diesel generators backup,

5 1100kVA Liebert UPS, 2 2000 kW diesel generators

2 substations, N+1 redundancy, UPS (100 mins), no generator, PDU efficiency
2 on-site substations:10.5MVA, 3 7.5MW gas-turbine generators,

2800kW feed, 10 1400kW diesel generators, 6 UPS systems of 15000 &


2 HITEC generators, 8 HITEC generators as UPS

2 HITEC generators, 8 HITEC generators as UPS
supply: 3 5000A at 480V buses each with 3 750kVA UPS
supply: 3 5000A at 480V buses each with 3 750kVA UPS
non-critical facility, no UPS, no generator, no humidifiers, no electrical reliability
non-critical facility, no UPS, no generator, no humidifiers, no electrical reliability
component, no PDU
2 standby generators each rated at 1500kW/kVA
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab.
This tab presents data for a sampling of modern, double-conversion, relatively efficient UPSs.
All UPSs shown here are 480-volt models, of 500 kW or 600 kW capacity.
If any UPS here has "eco-mode" capability, the efficiency data presented here represents the UPS NOT operating in eco-mode.
The source documents provide numeric efficiency values only at four load factors: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% (green shaded cells below).
Some source documents provide a graphic efficiency curve. In these cases, the efficiency values in the non-shaded cells were estimated by examining th
The remaining efficiency values in the non-shaded cells were estimated by ensuring a smooth curve in the chart shown below.
The average values at the bottom of the table are intended to represent a typical, modern, efficient double-conversion UPS.

Table F: UPS Efficiency Data

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

Load Factor
Model Year Capacity
0% 10% 20% 25% 30% 40% 50%
Galaxy VX 2017 500 kW 0.0% 90.0% 95.0% 95.8% 96.1% 96.3% 96.4%

Symmetra PX 2016 500 kW 0.0% 92.5% 95.0% 95.5% 95.8% 96.1% 96.3%

Symmetra MW 2014 600 kW 0.0% 87.0% 92.7% 94.1% 95.0% 95.9% 96.3%

AVERAGE 0.0% 89.8% 94.2% 95.1% 95.6% 96.1% 96.3%





Galaxy VX
Symmetra PX
Symmetra M


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Load Factor
were estimated by examining the graphs.

F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F18

Load Factor Range of UPS

Capacities Available in
Model Line
60% 70% 75% 80% 90% 100%
96.4% 96.3% 96.2% 96.2% 96.1% 96.1% 500 - 1500 kW

96.4% 96.4% 96.4% 96.4% 96.3% 96.3% 250 - 500 kW

96.6% 96.8% 96.9% 97.0% 97.0% 97.0% 400 - 1600 kW

96.4% 96.5% 96.5% 96.5% 96.5% 96.5%

Galaxy VX
Symmetra PX
Symmetra MW

60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Source of Technical Specifications



Developer Notes Tasks before public release
This tab holds formatting and coding notes for this workbook. 1 Insert release date in the Overview tab (and
This tab is normally hidden. There is no user data entry on this tab. 2 Delete the ID tab.
3 Redefine the Print Areas for all tabs.
Excel version: Excel 2007 & later (xlsx). 4 Hide tabs that are meant to be hidden, prote
Color pallette/theme: Excel 2010

Fonts and Colors

Font Sample
Generic Name R G B
Headings Franklin Gothic Medium Dark Green 1 122 62
Body Text Arial Narrow Default (black) Body text
Fills Dark Green 3 118 48

Medium Green 79 172 155

Light Green 146 208 80

Lightest Green 201 231 167
Table Blue 229 239 235

Light Blue 204 255 255

Medium Gray 166 166 166
Light Gray 217 217 217

User Inputs
Action Results
Savings Summary
Peer Comparison
UPS Efficiency
Table AA
Table BB
Table DD
DC_BM_data Need citation for source of the benchmark data.
re public release
release date in the Overview tab (and in the filename?)

ne the Print Areas for all tabs.

abs that are meant to be hidden, protect the tabs, and verify the workbook still works as intended.

Source Use Comments

FEMP report template for Word. Headings.

FEMP report template for Word, front cover. Not used in this workbook yet.

FEMP report template for Word, front cover.

Selected for this workbook.

Selected for this workbook. User input fields.
FEMP report template for Word. Table rows (first, third, fifth, etc). Not used in this workbook yet.

Selected for this workbook. Content provided by developer.

Selected for this workbook. Unused cells.
Selected for this workbook. Unused cells.

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