BMW Swot

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2995 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 65

Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a Hybrid Method of

Otmane Azeroual (ORCID: 0000-0002-5225-389X)
German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Berlin, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

Mohammad Javad Ershadi

Information Technology Department
Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Tehran, Iran

Amir Azizi and Melikasadat Banihashemi

Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

Reza Edris Abadi

Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

Keywords: current research information systems (CRIS), data quality (DQ), knowledge management (KM), SWOT,
multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), best-worst method (BWM)

Received: October 28, 2019

Data quality has been considerably faced with more attention in recent years. While improving the quality
of any type of information system needs to apply data quality dimensions, this process is a strategic
decision of any organization. Current Research Information System (CRIS) is a state of the art information
system which manages different processes for acquisition, indexing, and dissemination of researches
funded by research funders. In this paper, quality improvement programs for a CRIS are strategically
defined using Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threaten (SWOT) approach. According to examined
SWOT method, weaknesses (such as failure to evaluate the quality of information contained in the
research), strengths (such as the accuracy of information classification), opportunities (such as the
presence of university representatives in the process of thesis/dissertation registration) and threats (such
as transfer of incorrect information by other systems) are identified and categorized. Besides, data quality
dimensions are considered for determining all strategies for improving CRIS. An advanced multi-criteria
decision-making method called Best-Worst Method (BWM) is applied for prioritizing obtained strategies.
Results of proposed methodology indicated that the development and classification of the appropriate
space for recording, controlling, indexing and disseminating the received information is obtained the first
rank among the other strategies. Also, the creation of a comprehensive knowledge database for all
researches in different universities is another main strategy that is ranked in second priority.
Povzetek: Z metodami multikriterijskega odločanja, kombiniranja SWAT in BMW, je narejeno izbiranje
najboljših strategij za CRIS, tj. za informacijske sisteme.

1 Introduction
In today's competitive world, information, equal to capital knowledge. Therefore, strategies and cycles for
and human resources, is an influential factor of production implementing knowledge management are evolutionally
and is considered as the most important relative advantage presented. On the other hand, network information
of economic enterprises. One of the features of new systems (NIS) provide new opportunities for data quality
organizations is the over-accumulation of data, so management, which can include access to a wider range of
increasing the amount of data and consequently obtained data sources, the ability to select and compare information
information in organizations and the need to use them in from different sources, to detect and correct errors, and,
organizational decisions over the past two decades has led consequently, an overall improvement on the quality of
to the emergence of an approach called knowledge the data. These contexts provide a wide range of
management. This necessitates the planning, organization, evaluation techniques and data quality improvements for
leadership, and monitoring of organizational knowledge, issues such as linkage and background, business rules, and
as well as the management of the process of access to the coherent scales. Over time, these techniques evolved to
right knowledge, in order to be effective. In the current counter the increasing complexity of data in information
era, organizations have found that they will not survive systems. Given the variability and complexity of these
unless they have a strategy to manage their organizational techniques, recent researches focus on different methods
66 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

and strategies that help to select, customize and apply provided a SWOT framework to improve the effectiveness
evaluation techniques and improve data quality. Recently, of these systems. Due to different data quality dimensions
a newly developed information system called current and successively defined strategies, a newly developed
research information systems (CRIS) has attracted MCDM approach is applied to prioritized strategies.
attention and with this type of information systems, The structure of this paper is as follows. In the next
scientific organizations can provide a current scheme for section, background works are introduced. Then in section
their research activities and results, such as projects, third- (3), the methodology of current research is developed.
party funds, patents, cooperation partners, prices and After that, in section (4), the case in which the current
publications [1]. Furthermore, using CRIS they can research is done is described. In section (5) the main
manage information about their scientific activities as well finding of the research is showed. Finally, the discussion
as integrate them into websites [1]. Since the lack of and conclusions are provided in section (6).
proper information in organizations, loss of important
information in the knowledge databases and the lack of 2 Literature review
full access to the important information are the main
quality issues in CRIS, data quality plays an important role Since strategies for improving data quality in the current
in the deployment process of CRIS [1]. Studies on research information system (CRIS) in the proposed case
research information management have revealed that are inspired by the principles of knowledge management,
standardization, coordination, and integration of research this section first provides a brief history of the framework
information is often required and challenging, but one of for knowledge management. Next, the principles of CRIS
the main drivers for the implementation of CRIS is the and the quality of the data are discussed during the
benefit of integrated data collection on research integration of scientific works (such as theses and
information. At present, much effort has been put into dissertations), research projects, etc. into CRIS. Through
collecting, integrating and aggregating research data integration, quality problems can be identified and
information [2]. Since different organizations are necessary improvements made. The data quality
constantly requesting reports on research results, so dimension is then described to provide a framework for
having a uniform data model (or even a standard) for the appropriate definition of strategies. Finally, the SWOT
research information could simplify this request [3], [4]. method (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
Also, because of the reviewed and recommended data is presented as a well-known approach to defining
quality techniques (e.g., data cleansing and data profiling strategies.
by [5] and [6]) that are being used in organizations lately;
the application of appropriate data quality strategies is the 2.1 Knowledge management
primary concern in organizations to provide research A large number of studies on information systems (IS)
information for strategic planning to prepare and present have proven the importance of knowledge in the
in a structured manner. organization [13]. These researches declare that
In this study, we therefore try to develop data quality knowledge is more valuable than other assets in the
strategies for a CRIS case using the SWOT approach organizations; consequently, it needs to be managed more
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Due to efficiently. Knowledge Management (KM) has become a
the many varieties in the strategies and resource prevalent research trend in academia and the business
constraints received from organizations for the application sector [14]. KM is defined as "the process of capturing,
of these strategies, an MCDM method (Multi-Criteria storing, sharing, and using knowledge" [15]. Besides, KM
Decision-Making) called Best-Worst Method (BWM) is is an emerging mechanism that can find particular
implemented to prioritize the final strategies. This information more efficiently and organize that
combination was previously used by researchers such as information for quick retrieval and reuse [16]. KM can be
[7], [8] and [9] by integrating methods such as SWOT with one of the fundamental approaches of modern institutions
BWM or TOPSIS (technique for order preference by as it can lead to the maintenance, growth, success, and
similarity to the ideal solution) to achieve the desired innovation of the organization [17]. There are several
results. methods of KM from the perspective of researchers. [18]
The next subsection tries to further introduce the believes that knowledge management processes include
contribution of the current study. knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and the
application of knowledge. [19] pointed out that KM
1.1 Contribution of study processes include knowledge gathering, knowledge
Although in some previous studies strategic management transfer, and the use of knowledge. [20] and [21] pointed
has been considered as the main tool for quality out that KM processes include knowledge
improvement in information systems [10], extending this acquisition/creation, knowledge sharing/dissemination,
approach to CRIS is a state-of-the-art work. In addition, and knowledge utilization. [21] has determined that KM
the combination of this approach according to data quality processes are working in a continuous cycle, in which, it
dimensions and the development of strategies with regard enables the information systems users to achieve their
to data quality principles have rarely been investigated goals, add a piece of new knowledge and share that
[11] [12]. Because of the importance of CRIS as the main knowledge accordingly. One way of evaluating KM
category of information systems, this paper therefore processes is whether it is possible to deepen the subject.
Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 67

Figure 1: Significant events in development of the KM.

The question we have to answer is: How important are federated information system to collect, manage and
databases for scientific production? [22]. Existing provide information on research activities and results [1].
databases make explicit knowledge stored and accessible, In addition, the CRIS is said to be a useful tool for
and since dynamic knowledge is constantly evolving, researchers and research institutions by providing a range
robust and flexible knowledge management systems are of services, such as: For example, simplifying the
essential to receive frequent updates from all parts of the administrative routines for researchers and widespread
organization. The access routes must be classified reuse of the high-quality data registered in the CRIS [50].
precisely and consciously both as a key word and as key Further literature on the term CRIS can be found on the
terms for those seeking knowledge [23]. KM processes are CRIS Repository website (
considered as the fundamental processes for the successful The structure and functionality of CRIS could be
adoption and implementation of a new IS [24], [25] [26]. divided into three layers according to [1] as follows:
Also, IS can be employed to leverage the KM processes of 1. The data access layer contains the internal and
acquiring, storing, sharing, and applying a particular external data sources, e.g., operational databases
knowledge [27]. The main KM processes are knowledge (human resources, finance, project management and
discovery, knowledge capture, knowledge sharing and etc.), open repositories, identifiers (ORCID, DOI,
knowledge application. Besides, [28] demonstrated that etc.), bibliographic data from the Web of Science,
information technologies could serve as a facilitator of Scopus or PubMed, etc. This layer includes data
KM. Based on this literature, which is briefly shown in models for the standardized collection, provision, and
Figure 1, it is assumed that KM is mainly related to the exchange of research information, such as the
support of information system processes and that KM as a Research Core Dataset (RCD) and the Common
scientific area is much more than just supporting the European Research Information Format (CERIF).
development of IS. The integration of these data sources into the CRIS
This paper examines in a CRIS which is implemented takes place via classical Extract, Transform and Load
for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge for all (ETL) processes.
researchers. In this regard, the next subsection is devoted 2. The application layer (backend) contains the CRIS
to a brief explanation of CRIS. and its applications, which merge, manage and
analyze the data held at the underlying level.
2.2 CRIS 3. The presentation layer (frontend) shows the target
group-specific preparation and presentation of the
Access to information about current research activities and
analysis results for the user, which are made available
their results across Europe is an essential prerequisite for
in the form of reports using business intelligence
the success of EU innovation policy [49]. That is why the
tools, via portals, websites, etc.
CRIS was developed and is the most important reporting
instrument for research-based funding [50]. CRIS or CRIS is becoming increasingly important at European and
research information systems (RIS), scientific information international universities. Therefore, the special features
systems (SIS), alike enterprise information systems (EIS), of CRIS can be explained to make the differences to the
should cover interdisciplinary aspects as a dimension that other information systems clear. CRIS can combine the
influences significantly research potential and activity of university's internal systems such as personnel, student
particular scientists. A CRIS is a specialized database or administration, finance and price management systems as
68 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

well as a variety of external data sources, including pre- process quality is due to the linkage and variety of features
made researcher profiles via Profile Refinement Services, of business processes in organizations [35], covering a
as well as existing data on a single platform. Researchers, large part of the research. Different effects of data quality
administrators, and delegates enter data only once, and have been investigated in three levels of operational,
staff across the university use the information in CRIS for tactical, and strategic levels in research [16]. Quality of
a variety of purposes. CRIS offers other special features data and its relevance to the quality of services, products,
as follows: business operations and consumer behavior are widely
− CRIS offers the institution a comprehensive overview discussed in the general terms [36], [37]. In these studies,
of the activities, specialties and achievements of its general statements such as “the quality of a company's
researchers. information is positively related to firm performance" was
− CRIS can also search external data sources (e.g. based on empirical evidence. Also, the issue of how
Scopus, WoS, PubMed, arXiv, CrossRef, Mendeley, improving information production processes positively
etc.) to determine the results of researchers at their affects data and the quality of information has also been
institution. CRIS automatically retrieves the metadata analyzed. In the process of improvement, each of the
and saves researchers time and effort. different methods can adopt two general strategies as
− CRIS makes it easier to create, update and correct follows [16]:
researcher profiles by automatically retrieving 1. Data-driven strategy
publication lists from relevant internal and external 2. Process-driven strategy
databases. Data-driven strategies improve data quality by
− With CRIS, CVs for different requirements can be directly modifying the value of data. For example, the
created at the push of a button and then exported as quality of the data is improved by updating them from
Word or PDF files or published online. another database and replacing them with updated data.
− CRIS supports universities and their scientists in their Process-oriented strategies also improve quality by
search for research opportunities, research sponsors redesigning processes that create or modify data. For
and mentors, etc. example, one can redesign a process by including
− With the CRIS, universities can find internal and activities that control the data format before storage [38].
external cooperation partners. Data-centric and process-oriented strategies implement
− Much more. various types of techniques, such as algorithms, intelligent
technologies, and knowledge-based activities, aimed at
In the next subsection data quality dimensions besides
improving data quality. A list of improvement techniques
basic strategies for improving data quality are introduced.
related to strategy-based approaches is as follows:
1. Access to new data, which improves the old data and
2.3 Data quality (DQ) gets higher quality, and this technique is used instead
The research carried out on semi-structured and of methods that cause quality problems in the data.
unstructured events in the DQ domain indicates a strong 2. Standardization (or normalization) that replaces or
historical connection between the DQ and the database completes non-standard data values with values that
design [16]. Even complete DQ procedures have bias but conform to the standard. For example, the nickname
their focus is on a set of structured data that provides the is replaced by the original name. For example, Bob
most information sources in organizations [12]. with Robert, and abbreviations corresponding to the
Nowadays, switching to semi-structured data and the lack full name are replaced.
of structure as a corporate information resource is far more 3. The history link, which identifies the display of
common. Also, DQ techniques for semi-structured and information in two (or several) tables that may refer
unstructured data have recently been investigated. to the same entity in the real world.
Improving DQ techniques for unstructured and semi- 4. Integrating data and designs, which provides an
structured data in these domains requires a higher degree integrated view of the information provided by
of interpersonal communication [29]. The efficacy of heterogeneous data sources. The main purpose of
scientific data collection and validation processes has integration is to provide a user with access to data
always been debated. Traditional approaches are likely to stored in heterogeneous data sources and through the
result in poor quality scientific data being recorded [30]. integrated view of these data.
As a result, the scientific results that are mostly based on
these data are also of poor quality, and even if the data According to theory, our data processing consultancy
collection and validation steps are performed correctly, offers a new solution to improve data quality at an early
the processes performed are not always qualitatively stage, including condition analysis, software design,
documented in the scientific paper. This leads to not only software implementation and data integration through data
a very difficult understanding of scientific literature, but consultancy. To construct a framework for the rule-based
also scientific studies that are difficult to reproduce. This measurement of IS research data quality, we start from the
lack of reproduction has been led to a growing concern in seven aspects or seven W's of scientific data collection and
various research areas [31], [32], [33]. However, attention validation identified by [39] as follows:
to the reproducibility of IS research has so far been limited 1. What explains exactly what is captured in the data.
[34]. Also, the relationship between data quality and 2. When refers to the time at which the data are
Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 69

Intrinsic Accessibility Contextual Representation

Accuracy Accessibility Relate Interpretability
Objectivity Security Value Added Ease of understanding
Belief Up to date Compatible display
Confidence Comprehensiveness
Data amount
Table 1: Data quality dimensions [41].
3. Where refers to the location (virtual or real) where the the evaluation of an organization, a plan or a project.
data are collected. SWOT Analysis has two aspects: internal and external.
4. How describes the precise process(es) of data Internal aspect consists of organizational factors, also
collection. strengths and weaknesses, while external aspect consists
5. Who details the individual(s) involved in the data of environmental factors, also opportunities and threats.
collection. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors and
6. Which details the instruments or artifacts used in attributes of the organization, opportunities and threats are
collecting the data. external factors and attributes of the environment [43]. On
7. Why provides the set of reasons or goals for collecting the context of CRIS based on some main researches such
the data. as [44] and [45] the following general structure of SWOT
could be achieved.
Failure to properly implement each of these seven aspects
The strengths of CRIS are:
reduces the quality of the research data [33]. Data quality
− Easy access to information regarding research
depends largely on the organization of the information
system and how it is processed. Then, measuring and
improving data quality in organizations are complex tasks. − Research activities are supported and optimized
Hence, to assess the quality of metadata, it is required to − It is possible for researchers to manage their own
employ a standard structure. In this paper, we not only use activities
the four data quality dimensions (completeness, − Administration of the data takes less time
correctness, consistency, and timeliness) in the context of − Information is stored in a system and in a database
CRIS [40], but also focus on the dimensions used by [41]. − Effective data usage
These dimensions are accuracy, objectivity, reliability, − Easy retrieval for prospects and cooperation partners
authenticity, relevance, value-added, update, of persons and contact information, research activities
comprehensiveness, amount of data, interpretability, ease and services
of perception, concise presentation, consistent display, − Clear presentation of a research profile
availability, and security. Besides, they are categorized − Auxiliary function in the creation of e.g. CVs and
into four categories: intrinsic, contextual, representation, publication lists
and accessibility. Theses category are shown in the − Finding and sharing research information
following Table 1. Therefore, identifying appropriate − Research activities can be represented graphically by
executive policies for improving the data quality of CRIS analysis and visualization function
at hand needs to define suitable KM strategies in the
context of DQ dimensions. In the next subsection, a The weaknesses of CRIS
framework called SWOT is introduced for this aim. − Introduction of CRIS means high financial and time
2.4 SWOT − Furthermore, there are several sources regarding the
SWOT Analysis is a tool used for strategic planning and − Several entries necessary
strategic management in organizations. It can be used − Scattered information
effectively to build organizational strategy and
− Data is publicly available, even if it is only stored in
competitive strategy. In accordance with the System
the background
Approach, organizations are in interaction with their
environments and comprised of various sub-systems. The opportunities of CRIS
So, an organization communicates with two − As consistent as possible, so comparisons and
environments, first its inside and the second its outside. It assessments can be made quickly and easily
is a necessity to analyze these environments for strategic − Supporting the design and selection of a CRIS by
management practices. This process of examining the standardization, so that more benefits arise, such as
organization and its environment is termed SWOT data exchange
Analysis. SWOT analysis is a simple but powerful tool for − Collaborations between scientists or departments
sizing up an organization’s resource capabilities and should be analyzed in order to find out in which areas
deficiencies, its market opportunities, and the external these cooperation’s exist
threats to its future” [42]. The acronym SWOT stands for
‘strengths’, ‘weakness’, ‘opportunities’ and ‘threats’. The threats of CRIS
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning framework used in
70 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

Figure 2: The methodology of the current study.

− Compatibility and interoperability of different CRIS In this regard, opportunities for improving the quality of
data - different standardizations data and threats which have main effects on quality are
− Research institutions and universities are able to determined. Then, in the second step, the internal and
develop their own CRIS external factors are revised and approved through an
− Open source solutions can be used as an alternative to interview with experts. SWOT matrix is constructed and
CRIS finalized in this step using a focus group. Finally, in the
third step, all strategies are ranked using the BWM
After giving an overview of the SWOT analysis in the method. The strategies with high importance are obtained
context of CRIS, the purpose of the present research is to in this step.
answer the following questions: According to the research methodology, in this
1. What are the opportunities and threats and the research five experts from the organization which were
strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the professions in CRIS and data quality framework have
use of data quality of information systems? been consulted. Their expertise was data quality,
2. What are the effective strategies in the information information science, and information system design. For
system of CRIS? analysis of data in BWM techniques have been and the
To answer these questions, the brainstorming method used software was Lingo1.
was used, which was derived from five experts who were
CRIS and data quality professions (these are CRIS 3.1 The Best-Worst Method
managers interviewed). CRIS managers have to do an In this section, the steps of the BWM method [46] which
important balancing act in day-to-day business: It is have been used to gain weight of each criterion is
important to pursue well-founded strategies, which, described.
however, can be adjusted just as dynamically if
Step 1: Specify the set of criteria: In this step, we consider
influencing factors change. In order to master this
the criteria {C1, C2, ..., Cn} to be used in decision making.
challenge, SWOT analysis is often used as a means of
strategy generation. It is ideal for the development of Step 2: Identify the best (in other words, the most
various strategies. The aim of our SWOT analysis is to desirable and most important) and the worst (the most
derive the appropriate measures for more success from the unfavorable and the least important) criteria. In this
use of CRIS. The SWOT research has shown that most section, the decision-maker generally outlines the best and
universities spend a lot of money, time and nerves to worst criteria.
eliminate weaknesses and often spend themselves or get Step 3: Determining the performance of the best criterion
bogged down in the process. against other criteria using numbers from 1 to 9. The best
The structure of main steps for finding best DQ criteria for the other criteria may be as follows:
strategies of CRIS with high priorities is described in the Eq.1
next section. 𝐴𝐵 = ( 𝑎𝐵1 , 𝑎𝐵2 , … , 𝑎𝐵𝑛 )
Which 𝑎𝐵𝑗 specifies the performance of the best B
3 Methodology criterion relative to the j criterion. Obviously 𝐴𝐵𝑏 = 1. For
This research is executed of the following 3 main steps as example, this vector represents the performance of the
are shown in Figure 2. In the first step after studying the price benchmark against other criteria.
quality of data in different four dimensions, complete
analysis on inside and outside of the organization is done.


Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 71

𝐚𝐁𝐰 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.00 0.44 1.00 1.63 2.30 3.00 3.73 4.47 5.23
Index (max 𝛏)
Table 2: Compatibility rate.

Step 4: Specify the performance of all criteria against the By solving the above equation, we obtain the optimal
worst-case using numbers from 1 to 9. The results of values of the weights (𝑤1 ∗ , 𝑤2 ∗ ,..., 𝑤𝑛 ∗ ) and the value of
comparisons of criteria to the worst-case criteria can be as 𝜀 ∗ . Then, using 𝜀 ∗ , we introduce a compatibility rate. It
follows: will be clear that larger values for 𝜀 ∗ will result in higher
Eq.2 compatibility rates and lower reliability of the
𝐴𝑊 = ( 𝑎1𝑤 , 𝑎2𝑤 , … , 𝑎𝑛𝑤 )𝑇 comparisons.
𝑎𝑗𝑤 represents the performance of criterion j versus
the worst W criterion. Obviously, the value 𝐴𝑊𝑤 =1. For 3.1.1 Calculation of compatibility rate
example, our view is that this vector represents the In this subsection, a consistency ratio is proposed for the
performance of all criteria relative to the appearance BWM to check the reliability of the comparisons. For each
criterion. criterion j, a comparison will be perfectly consistent when
𝑎𝐵𝑗 × 𝑎𝑗𝑊 = 𝑎𝐵𝑊 , where 𝑎𝐵𝑗 , 𝑎𝑗𝑊 , and 𝑎𝐵𝑊 represent the
Step 5: Find the optimal weights (𝑤1 ∗ , 𝑤2 ∗ ,..., 𝑤𝑛 ∗ ) performance of best criterion related to criterion j,
The optimal values for the unique criteria are for each criterion j related to worth criterion, best criterion related
pair of 𝐵⁄𝑊 = 𝑎𝐵𝑗 and 𝐽⁄𝑊 =𝑎𝑗𝑤 . to worth criterion respectively [46]. Since the proposed
BWM may not be fully compatible with some j we used
To satisfy these conditions for all j, we need to find a the compatibility rate to evaluate possible inconsistency.
solution that minimizes the magnitude of the maximum To do this, we compute the lowest compatible value of
difference between | 𝐵⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗 | and | 𝐽⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝑗𝑤 |. comparison as follows.
The set 𝑎𝑖𝑗 ={1, … , 𝑎𝐵𝑊 } indicates that the highest
Given that the weights are non-negative and
admissible; the following problem can be expressed in the possible value for 𝑎𝐵𝑊 is 9. The compatibility value
non-linear model according to formula 3: decreases when 𝑎𝐵𝑗 × 𝑎𝑗𝑤 is less or more than 𝑎𝐵𝑊 , or the
𝑊 𝑊 equation 𝑎𝐵𝑗 × 𝑎𝑗𝑤 ≠ 𝑎𝐵𝑊 is established. In other words:
Eq.3 Min max { | 𝐵⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗 | , | 𝐽⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝑗𝑤 | }
𝐽 𝑊 Eq.7
s.t (a Bj − ε) × (a jw − ε) = (a Bw + ε)
Σ𝑗 𝑊𝑗 = 1
As stated above, at least the compatibility is when a Bw
𝑊𝑗 ≥ 0 , for all j
= a Bj = a jw . Thus, we have:
The above problem can be expressed in formula 4:
Eq.4 (a Bj − ε) × (a jw − ε) = (a Bw + ε)
Min 𝜀
⇒ ε2 − (1 + 2a Bw )ε + (a Bw 2 − a Bw )
𝑊 =0
| 𝐵⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗 | ≤ 𝜀, for all j Solving this equation for ε lead we to the maximum
𝑊𝐽 value of ε as indicated in the Table below.
| ⁄𝑊 − 𝑎𝑗𝑤 | ≤ 𝜀, for all j Then we get the compatibility rate value using ε∗ from
Σ𝑗 𝑊𝑗 = 1 Table 2 and its compatibility index using formula 9. Based
𝑊𝑗 ≥ 0 , for all j on equation 9 if the compatibility rate falls in the
And this is converted into a linear model in formulas appropriate region then the proposed BWM is verified.
5 which makes it easier to compute: Eq.8
Eq.5 Compatibility rate =
Compatibility Index
Min max {|𝑊𝐵 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗 𝑊𝐽 | , |𝑊𝐽 − 𝑎𝑗𝑤 𝑊𝑊 |}
In the rest of this paper, based on case study strategy for
The above problem can be expressed using the improving data quality obtained and using BWM are
formula 6 as follows: ranked.
Min 𝜉 𝐿
s.t 4 Case study
|𝑊𝐵 − 𝑎𝐵𝑗 𝑊𝐽 | ≤ 𝜉 𝐿 , for all j This paper uses the pre-defined methods to determine and
evaluate the main data quality strategies of CRIS. CRIS is
|𝑊𝐽 − 𝑎𝑗𝑤 𝑊𝑊 | ≤ 𝜉 𝐿 , for all j considered as online dissemination system for Iranian
Σ𝑗 𝑊𝑗 = 1
𝑊𝑗 ≥ 0 , for all j
72 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

theses and dissertations (GANJ)2 and the largest national done based on data quality dimensions according to Table
scientific treasure. In addition, CRIS is the reference of 1 and the results of are shown in Table 3. Then, based on
many researchers around the world. GANJ was developed stage 2 of methodology which was explained in Figure 2
for Iranian metadata of scientific research (such as using SWOT sub-factors and finally the SWOT matrix
publications, patents, projects, etc.). It hosts over 10,000 and strategies were formed (see Table 4). The concept of
users who perform tens thousands of searches a day (i.e. SO strategy is the proper use of opportunities by
around 10,000 unique IP-based users). exploiting the strengths of the organization. The WO
In this work, the main processes of CRIS are strategy seeks to exploit appropriate environmental
examined and documented. Existing processes in CRIS opportunities in light of the organization's weaknesses. ST
are divided into three general sections, each referred to as strategy is also related to reducing or eliminating the
(i) acquisition and registration of scientific document; (ii) effects of environmental threats through the optimum use
indexing and (iii) dissemination. of the strengths of the organization. Finally, the WT
1. Acquisition and registration process strategy, taking into account the organization's
Inputs of acquisition and registration of scientific weaknesses, reduces the effects of environmental threats.
document processes in the CRIS are metadata for The final result after approving experts is shown in Table
scientific works (e.g. theses, dissertations, etc.), 4.
research projects and government reports. This In the last sub-step of the stage 2, according to the
process includes quality control operations information gathered from the experts and using focus
implemented in all fields of metadata. group method, SWOT components as are shown in Table
2. Indexing process 4 were verified. In other words, as is demonstrated in
The providing information process includes the Table 4, four basic criteria for formation of data quality
preparation of documents and records of information. strategies on CRIS to respond the first question of our
Quality control operations will be implemented in all research, are opportunities, threats, weakness and
of these subsections and processes mentioned for strength.
ensuring the validity of information in the system. In the third stage, according to the identification of the
3. Dissemination process organization's strategies, we will rank the strategies, which
Editing metadata received from the indexing process its result will be shown using the following five steps
and assigning a unified code to each record is done in based on the BWM technique.
this process. Overview of bibliographic information Step 1: Determine a set of decision criteria.
is reviewed too. If there is no problem, the document Step 2: Determine the best (most desirable, most
is approved and disseminated. The main role of this important) and worst (the most unfavorable, least
process is storage and dissemination of metadata, but important) criterion.
any quality problem is identified that record would be In this section, according to an opinion poll from the
returned to the indexing unit. organization's experts, W1 and W9 policies were also
evaluated and introduced as the best and worst policy.
In this research using SWOT, while considering data
Step 3: Determine the importance of the best benchmark
quality dimensions, the main strategies for augmenting the
against other criteria (see Table 6).
quality of data are defined. Then the proposed strategies
Step 4: Determine the importance of other criteria to the
are ranked based on the BWM method.
worst criterion (see Table 7).
The finding of this research is described in the next
Step 5: Determine the optimal weight.
Relationship among criteria is constructed based on
model (4) as follows:
5 Findings
Min ε
Given the importance of data quality in the KM process, it s.t
is necessary to review the strategies in accordance with the |W1 – 3.6 W2 | ≤ 𝜀 |W2 – 4.3 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
knowledge transfer hierarchy in the organization. In order |W1 – 4.2 W3 | ≤ 𝜀 |W3 – 5.1 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
to determine the strategies for improving the quality of
|W1 – 3 W4 | ≤ 𝜀 |W4 – 4.2 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
data in knowledge management, SWOT analysis with
|W1 – 5.4 W5 | ≤ 𝜀 |W5 – 6.2W9 | ≤ 𝜀
BWM has been used. So, according to three main stages
|W1 – 4.8 W6 | ≤ 𝜀 |W6 – 4.7 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
of this research which are introduced in section 3, external
|W1 – 6.2 W7 | ≤ 𝜀 |W7 – 6.2 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
and internal environment are analyzed and the controllable
|W1 – 4 W8 | ≤ 𝜀 |W8 – 4 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
and uncontrollable sub-factors that affect different
|W1 – 4.6 W9 | ≤ 𝜀 |W10 – 5.2 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
dimensions of data quality are identified. To
comprehensively implement this stage, as was explained |W1 – 4.8 W10 | ≤ 𝜀 |W11 – 4.7 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
in the section 2, the brainstorming method was employed |W1 – 4.4 W11 | ≤ 𝜀 |W12 – 5.2 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
to do SWOT analysis based on expert’s judgments. For |W1 – 4.2 W12 | ≤ 𝜀 |W13 – 4.7 W9 | ≤ 𝜀
better classifying the obtained SWOT, each analysis was |W1 – 4 W13 | ≤ 𝜀

Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 73

W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6 + W7 + W8 + W9 + W10 + W11 + W12 + W13 = 1

W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6 + W7 + W8 + W9 + W10 + W11 + W12 + W13 ≥0

Strategies Identified factors

Opportunities 1. Accuracy
outside the Use Auto-Text Correcting Techniques based on the Deep Learning method
organization The presence of university representatives in the process of registering theses/dissertations
2. Objectivity
Use of knowledge of the other experts out of the organization in the development of the system
Study the effect of data quality in future research
3. Believability
Creating a competitive development of knowledge management software
The use of data analysis institutes in the development of information quality
4. Validity
Assessing the reputation of external information sources by universities and higher education
Identification of successful organizations in the field of data quality
5. Availability
Use valid external available resources
6. Security
The use of modern information protection technologies
The use of rival strategy to create internal information security
7. Relevancy
Development of technologies of software provider companies
Establishing necessary information infrastructure in the country
8. Value Added
Use of software and data mining analytics for better presentation and dissertation development
9. Being up to date
Knowledge-based development in the evaluation of data quality
Use of new technologies in converting transferable data in organizational references
10. Comprehension
Development of operational levels of authoritative scientific and operational references
Establishing necessary infrastructure at universities
11. The amount of data
Establishing small scientific bases at educational institutions
The motivation of competitors using data quality approaches
Create infrastructure to get all useful information
12. Interpretability
Provide training on personnel for augmenting information quality
Simplifying information in main resource tanks
13. Ease of understanding
Create new search engines in non-organizational resources
Creating ease of access and understanding infrastructures in rival booths
14. Concise presentation
Indexing information on rival information
15. Compatible display
Assessing rival approaches to access information for the audience
74 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

External threats 1. Accuracy

of the Transferring the false information by other systems
organization Disruption of the provided information by other resources
2. Objectivity
Improper use of external information
3. Believability
Lack of access to data analysis institutions
4. Validity
Non-conformity between the scientific text and their related resources
5. Availability
Lack of accurate scientific information
6. Security
Using unsupported data in research
7. Relevancy
Non-conformity between the content and purposes of the research
8. Value Added
Disapproval of the value creation in a case study research by an authorized organization
9. Being up to date
Delay in the process of registering theses/dissertations at universities
10. Comprehension
Theses/ dissertations with high similarity
11. The amount of data
Incompatibility of data with research objectives
12. Interpretability
Lack of simplification on information extracted from main sources
13. Ease of understanding
Lack of proper description in the text
14. Concise presentation
Failure to proper indexing of thesis/dissertations on other websites
15. Compatible display
Lack of alignment of texts and resources
1. Accuracy
organization Accuracy in information classification
strengths Accuracy in the amount of information used
Improve the process of registering theses/dissertations
2. Objectivity
Data classification in internal knowledge management
In-company software development in referrals
3. Believability
Create the necessary training in data exploitation
4. Validity
Information sampling of resources
5. Availability
Create a new method in the intelligent search
6. Security
Powerful access and plagiarism
7. Relevancy
Development of internal infrastructure for the maintenance
8. Value Added
Verifying of information by experts
9. Being up to date
Use of authoritative references in information classification
Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 75

Internal 10. Comprehension

organization Comparisons of interdisciplinary researches
strengths 11. The amount of data
Internal alignment of the organization with the content
Internal authentication
12. Interpretability
Evaluation of published articles in databases
The amount of reference information on different databases
13. Ease of understanding
Research and science assessment by the organization's experts
14. Concise presentation
Indexing in national and accredited libraries
15. Compatible display
Establishing a research plan for researchers to register their research
Weaknesses 1. Accuracy
within the Lack of quality assessment of the information contained in the research
organization Lack of experts in the field of information evaluation
2. Objectivity
Lack of access to all credible library information for research approval
Incompatibility of data tanks with new information received
3. Believability
Failure to create research incentives for domestic researchers
Lack of financial support from research repositories
4. Validity
Failure to assess the credibility of external sources of information
Failure to identify successful organizations in the field of data quality
5. Availability
Not recognizing valid external sources available
Failure to classify research data in reservoirs
6. Security
Failure to use security systems to protect the work
Creating access to anonymous users
7. Relevancy
The lack of development of software technologies in identifying information
Failure to create the necessary information infrastructure in information repositories
8. Value Added
Incompatibility of the organization's policies with industrial relations researches
Not information classification
9. Being up to date
Lack of access to new authoritative references for comparison
Lack of international cooperation in transferring research achievements
10. Comprehension
Lack of alignment of higher education policies with data quality assessment policies
11. The amount of data
Failure to use decision support systems in the expert system
12. Interpretability
The reluctance of the experts to participate in the research interpretation
13. Ease of understanding
Failure to create research training in the learning environment
14. Concise presentation
Failure to update the information profile on the site
15. Compatible display
Failure to create compatibility tanks for topics with academic disciplines
Table 3: Identification of strategies based on different dimensions of data quality.
76 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

SWOT Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

Opportunities (O) SO policy: WO policy:
1. Developing and classifying the 1. Establish a comprehensive
appropriate space for recording, knowledge repository base of all
controlling, indexing and research in all universities
disseminating received 2. Collaborate with other knowledge
information databases in the classification
2. Development of communication process of information
with authoritative databases for the 3. Improving the comprehensive
appropriate dissemination of thesis/dissertation registration
research data process at universities
3. Use of experts in research affairs 4. Establish a comprehensive
to index the data authentication system
Threats (T) ST Policy: WT policy:
1. Development of software for 1. Benchmarking of strong information
assessing the quality of data using tanks in other countries
experienced staff 2. Establish training courses for key
2. Classification of research personnel of the organization
information 3. Survey of users satisfaction
3. The weighting of researches based
on the quality of used data
Table 4: Extracted strategies.

Symbol Strategy Symbol Strategy

𝐖𝟏 Developing and classifying the 𝐖𝟕 Comprehensive Authentication /

appropriate space for recording, Integration System
controlling, indexing and disseminating
of the received information
𝐖𝟐 Development of communication with 𝐖𝟖 Development of software for
authoritative databases for the proper assessing the quality of data
dissemination of research data using experienced staff
𝐖𝟑 The use of professors in research 𝐖𝟗 Classification of research
affairs to index the data used information
𝐖𝟒 Create a comprehensive knowledge 𝐖𝟏𝟎 Weighing on research based on
base of all research in all universities the quality of data used

𝐖𝟓 Collaborate with other knowledge 𝐖𝟏𝟏 Bench Marking has strong

bases in the classification of information repositories in other
information countries
𝐖𝟔 Changes in the comprehensive 𝐖𝟏𝟐 Creating training courses for
thesis/dissertation registration process key personnel of the
at universities organization
𝐖𝟏𝟑 Use surveys of users

Table 5: Categorized strategies for employing BWM.

believability, etc.) and their impact on the studied CRIS
6 Conclusion were comprehensively studied. Then, using the BWM
method, effective strategies were ranked and prioritized.
In this research, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and The results of the evaluation showed that the development
organizational threats were discussed in the subject areas and classification of the appropriate space for the
of data quality and finally 13 key components were recording, control, indexing and dissemination of
identified as main policies for improving data quality of information was given top priority. The second most
studied CRIS. To achieve these 13 components for important component is the creation of a comprehensive
augmentation of quality of CRIS, 15 different dimensions knowledge base of all research data at all universities. The
of data quality (such as accuracy, objectivity, organization should use the strategy under investigation to
Data Quality Strategy Selection in CRIS: Using a... Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 77

The average weight of strategy indicators based on expert opinion

Weight W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 𝐖𝟏𝟑
The most important
1.00 3.6 4.2 3 5.4 4.8 6.2 4 4.6 4.8 4.4 4.2 4
dimension 𝐖𝟏
Table 6: Paired comparison vector for the best criterion.

The average weight of strategy indicators based on expert opinion

Weight W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 𝐖𝟏𝟑
The most important 4.2 4.3 5.1 4.2 6.2 4.7 6.2 4 1 5.2 4.7 5.2 4.7
Table 7: Paired comparison vector for the worst criterion.

𝐖𝟏 𝐖𝟐 𝐖𝟑 𝐖𝟒 𝐖𝟓 𝐖𝟔 𝐖𝟕 𝐖𝟖 𝐖𝟗 𝐖𝟏𝟎 𝐖𝟏𝟏 𝐖𝟏𝟐 𝐖𝟏𝟑

0.20 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07
Table 8: Calculated weight of research criteria.

The following are the

Strategy Strategy weight
components of the strategy
SO Policy 𝐖𝟏 0.35
WO Policy 𝐖𝟒 0.27
ST Policy 𝐖𝟖 0.15
WT Policy 𝐖𝟏𝟏 0.21
Table 9: Ranking Strategies.
drive their data quality goals. Because good data quality benchmark practices, evaluating the benefits of the
leads to an acceleration of digital processes, an increase in implemented system and finally training the users to the
productivity and an increase in corporate success. These system are the most important strategies which are along
results are along with [47] who defined three levels of with the results of current research.
quality, based partially on the extent of documentation According to the results of this research, in order to
provided to downstream users, whether they be partners, complete the obtained results, it is suggested:
aggregators, practitioners, or users. Application profiles, 1. Using the fuzzy analysis approach in decision making
which at the most basic level document the intent of the to increase the accuracy in organizing the
creator of the metadata, give important clues to those organization's strategy.
outside the institution or domain of the metadata creators 2. Adding other dimensions of KM on data quality and
and are increasingly used to provide guidance to specific creating a comprehensive framework of
organizations and communities of practice. [48] defined organizational strategies in the form of conceptual
some strategies based on data quality dimensions for models.
improving the performance of CRIS. Trying to emulate
78 Informatica 45 (2021) 65–80 O. Azeroual et al.

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