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Readiness factors for information system strategic - Conceptual model of executive information
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2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

Readiness factors for information system strategic planning

among universities in developing countries: a systematic

M Irfan1, S J Putra2, C N Alam3, A Subiyakto4 and A Wahana5

Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung,
Department of Information System, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The implementation of information system strategic planning (ISSP) in higher education
institutions is to improve work efficiency, management effectiveness in order to improve
organizational competitive advantage. However, the question of whether all universities are ready to
implement ISSP as a way to achieve organizational goals has not been answered. This study aims to
investigate the readiness phenomena through literature study. The method used is by using the
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) instrument to identify readiness factors on the implementation of
ISSP, especially among the institutions of higher education in developing countries. This study has
identified 10 readiness measurement. There are three categories of measurement, namely people,
processes and technologies that represent 11 factors of ISSP readiness measurement in universities.

1. Introduction
Every organization, either universities, governments or companies, has a vision to be achieved.
There is a challenge to achieve the vision of the organizations because the vision is a future that has
not happened. The vision can be achieved by looking at the current conditions and predicting future
conditions. Vision can be realized and become a reality if every function has a good understanding of
the system, the initiative to grow, a commitment to achieve the vision and able to work hard [1]–[3].
The universities in developing countries that have a vision and purposes, consciously need to grow
and have competitive advantages. The role of information technology (IT) to achieve the vision and
the objectives of the organizations is very significant. The existing conditions of IT at universities in
developing countries have not run well because of high cost, IT literacy issues, and the IT is used only
as a tool of the organizational population, not as a strategy to achieve the vision. On the other hand,
the previous studies [4]–[8] show that the success of IT development projects still tends to be
unsatisfactory. Based on these issues, the attention to ISSPs needs to be a concern of stakeholders in
higher education institutions [9]–[12].
According to John Ward and Joe Peppard [13], there are three main goals of the implementation of
information system or IT in an organization. The first goal is to improve work efficiency by
automating various information processes. The second is to improve the effectiveness of management
by satisfying the information needs for decision making. Lastly, the goal of IT is to improve the

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2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

competitive advantages of organizations by changing the business way and style. By using IT,
universities in developing countries are expected to achieve their vision and goals, be able to develop
education, research and community services, be able to improve competitiveness, have effective and
efficient management [9], [10], [12], [14].
The goals of using IT are to gain competitive advantages from business opportunities generated by
IT, save costs for future infrastructure development, develop the resources and competencies to make
IT successful in the organizations. The steps that must be taken to identify the readiness of the system
is to integrate management and business knowledge with technical knowledge, develop business
strategies, determine IT strategy, stakeholder interaction with IT and stakeholder business
collaboration vision [15]–[17].
To achieve those goals, it is necessary to measure the readiness for implementing ISSP in the
universities of developing countries. To determine the success of its implementation, E-Readiness is
one of the most important aspects of the tool used [1], [17]–[21]. Therefore, the purpose of this study
is to identify the existing mechanisms for measuring readiness, and to know the factors of readiness
instruments for ISSP implementation at universities.
This paper is organized into four sections. First, the introduction section that explains the
background, problems, and objectives of the study. Second, the research methods section that
describes the review methods used for LSR. Third, finding and discussions. The last section is

2. Research Methods
The method used in literature review is SLR. The SLR is a method to conduct the process of
identifying, evaluating and interpreting relevant research and according to the topic area, phenomenon,
and relevant interest. The SLR will perform an analysis of how data is obtained and generated [22].
The development of the review literature is done to summarize the results of the study and identify the
readiness for the ISSP implementation. The process is carried out based on the instructions and
guidelines for performing the SLR. Regarding with the LSR guidelines, to conduct LR there are three
steps to be done: formulating LR questions, determining and selecting research and evaluation [18],
The research questions were based on Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and
Context (PICOC) [22], [23]. The criteria and scope of research questions are shown in Table I. Based
on table I, the SLR question is as follows:
RQ1: How to explore the study of the readiness of ISSP implementation in higher education? RQ2:
How to know the readiness factors used for ISSP implementation in higher education?

Table 1. Criteria and scope

No Criteria Scope
1 Population Any organizations
2 Intervention Implementation of ISSP, issues and factors of readiness and measurement
3 Comparison Mechanism of the readiness measurement of industry and academic
4 Outcome Mechanism of the readiness measurement and factos
of ISSP implementation
5 Context Review of each study on ISSP implementation and preparedness factors and
measurement mechanism

Search online is done on a publisher database or digital library such as IEEEXplore, Google
Scholar, Emerald, EBSCO, Elsavier, Science Direct, Proquest and digital campus library or
professional associations. The results are in the form of research from Journal, Proceedings, thesis

2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

reports and scientific books. The basic keywords for search are "Information System", "Information
Technology", "Strategic Planning", "Readiness", and "Higher Education". For optimization and
accuracy of database search results (title, abstract and metadata), Boolean logic "AND" and "OR" are
added. Year of search is started from 2010 to 2017 on articles in English.
At the beginning, around 500 relevant articles were found. After investigating the titles and
abstracts, approximately 25 articles that were considered relevant to the topic of ISSP readiness were
found. The results of article review are then grouped according to related criteria. After reading and
reviewing the suitable and relevant articles, 10 research articles are accepted for the synthesis of SLR.

3. Finding and Discussion

Based on search results, papers, journals, books and research dissertations on the readiness of ICT
application have been done by researchers and practitioners. This is reinforced by the number of
literature studies on the readiness of the application of ICT to organizations. Here are the results of
research based on the development of Research Questions. The result is a synthesis of the SLR that is
the factors affecting the readiness of ISSP implementation.

3.1 Mechanism to measure readiness

According to [25], there are several frameworks and instruments to assess the readiness of ICT
implementation. Through SLR, 10 mechanisms used to measure ICT readiness can be identified.
Mechanisms can measure the readiness of ICT initiatives in organizations. Therefore, this mechanism
can be used to measure the readiness of the ISSP implementation in the organizations.

Table 2. List of Mechanisms to Measure Readiness

Mechanisms to Measure Refere
Factor Purpose
Readiness nce
A Conceptual Green-ICT [26] i. Attitude ii. To develop a conceptual
Implementation Model Based-on Policy implementation model to
ZEN and G-Readiness iii. Practice iv. adopt green-based ICT
Framework Technology readiness
v. Governance
Influence of Social Technical [19] i. Professional To develop conceptual
Factors on ICT Readiness for Development ii. model for integrating
Primary Schools in Bungoma Accessibility of ICT technology in teaching
County, Kenya iii. Ease of Use iv. Usefulness
v. Technical Support vi.
Leadership Support
E – Readiness Assessment Of [27] i. Culture & To measure an
Large Organization In A Resource ii. organization’s ability to
Developing Country: The Case Leadership iii. take advantage of the
Of Iran Strategy and Policy iv. Internet as an engine of
IT Security v. economic growth and
Process human development
vi. Infrastructure
A Model for Organizational [28] i. Infrastructure ii. To develop readiness
Readiness In Information People iii. Process iv. model In Information
Technology (IT) Project Work Environment Technology (IT) Project
Implementation In The Malaysian Implementation
Construction Industry

2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

Green ICT Readiness Model for [29] i. Attitude ii. To develop a conceptual
Developing Economies: Case of Policy iii. implementation model to
Kenya Practice iv. adopt green-based ICT
Technology readiness
v. Governance
ICT Readiness Assessment Model [25] i. Software and IS Deliver model and assess
for Public and Private ii. ICT Hardware readiness ICT for Public
Organizations in Developing iii. ICT Infrastructure iv. and Private
Country People and Human
Measuring Organizational [21] i. Attributes of change ii. To measure the amount of
Readiness in Information Systems Leadership support iii. Internal readiness before
Adoption context iv. Attributes of change implementing IS adoption
targets v. It support

IT Readiness Assessment for [30] i. Architecture ii. To Assess IT readiness

Government Organizations Infrastructure iii. and Evaluation Framework
E-Readiness to G-Readiness: [31] i. Attitude ii. To develop a conceptual
Developing a Green Information Policy implementation model to
Technology Readiness iii. Practice iv. adopt green-based ICT
Framework Technology readiness
v. Governance
E-readiness assessment of [32] i. Awareness ii. To assess the e-readiness
nonprofit ICT SMEs in a Resources iii. of non-profit SMEs in a
developing country: The case of Commitment iv. developing country.
Iran Governance

3.2 Factors for Readiness in Implementing ICT

Universities in developing countries need to reorganize their business processes, people and
technology. These three elements can be aligned by changing business strategy and relationship
between them. The main factors of ICT implementation in developing country universities are process,
people and technology. The three factors will be explained and their related attributes in the following

Table 3. Factors Related to Readiness in ISSP Implementation


ICT Readiness Mechanism People Process Technology

1. A Conceptual Green-ICT
Implementation Model Based-on ZEN √ √ √ √ √
and G-Readiness Framework [26]
2. Influence of Social Technical Factors on
ICT Readiness for Primary Schools in √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Bungoma Country, Kenya [19]
3. E – Readiness Assessment Of Large
Organization In A Developing √ √ √ √ √ √

2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

Country: The Case Of Iran [27]

4. A Model For Organizational Readiness

In Information Technology (IT) Project
Implementation In The Malaysian √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Construction Industry [28]
5. Green ICT Readiness Model for
Developing Economies: Case of Kenya √ √ √ √ √
6. ICT Readiness Assessment Model for
Public and Private Organizations in √ √ √
Developing Country[25]
7. Measuring Organizational Readiness in √ √ √
Information Systems Adoption [21]
8. IT Readiness Assessment for √ √ √ √ √
Government Organizations [30]
9. E-Readiness to G-Readiness:
Developing a Green Information √ √ √ √
Technology Readiness Framework [31]
10.E-readiness assessment of non-profit
ICT SMEs in a developing country: √ √ √ √
The case of Iran [32]
WC – Workforce Capability, L – Leadership, Cp- Competency, R – Resources, CM – Change Management, Cl –
Culture, G – Governance, A - Awareness, S – Strategy, I – Infrastructure, Sc – Security

Table 4. Definition of Factors

Factor Definition Reference
Workplace Refers to the effectiveness of ICT training and capability of human [19] [28] [21]
Capability resources
Leadership Refers to highest hierarchy in organisation or stakeholders [19] [21] [26]
Competency Refers to skills, experience and knowledge [25]
Resources Refers to human resources, ICT resources and budget resources [32]
Change Refers to change commitment and change efficacy [33]
Culture Refers to activities in the environment of an organization [19] [27] [31]
Governance Refers to structure, procedures and routines, and communications [26] [30]
involving business and IT
Awareness Refers to the understanding of the concept, sharing of experience and [27] [30]
raising the level of knowledge
Strategy Refers to business and ICT strategy [27] [31]
Infrastructure Refers to technology, including software and hardware [25] [26] [27]
Security Refers to policy, information safety, and the legal and regulatory [26] [27] [33]

2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012046 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012046

4. Conclusion
Research on ISSP which is mostly done by academics and practitioners especially about the readiness
of ISSP implementation in universities or companies is still limited. This shows that research on this
topic will contribute to higher education to measure the readiness of IT/SI implementation in
universities. Based on factors related to readiness in ISSP implementation, process and technology are
the most dominant factors to measure the readiness of ISSP implementation on organizations, while
some research articles do not include the people factor as the influencing factor for the ISSP
implementation on the organizations. Therefore, in order to produce a readiness model for the
implementation of ISSP at universities comprehensively, the future research needs to add a readiness
factor that can improve the role of the people factor by adding the factor of policy (ZEN Framework)
to measure the readiness of universities to implement and adopt ISSP [26].

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