MPU3373 Career Plan Guidelines
MPU3373 Career Plan Guidelines
MPU3373 Career Plan Guidelines
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
CLO 2: develop a long-term personal career plan to meet personal, national and global
goals (C6, PLO9)
You are to submit a career plan at the end of the semester. While developing your career plan, you are
to keep in mind of the changing landscape of the world of work due to the 4 th Industrial Revolution.
If your plan is to be an entrepreneur/ business owner, kindly indicate the industry in your plan.
1. Font Calibri, size 12
2. Cover page
3. Reference page (following the APA 7th Edition Referencing Style) should be at the last page.
References are needed for certain parts in the Career Plan.
Grading: Refer to Career Plan Marking Scheme
Exploring Possibilities
A) Career Option:
H) Action Plan
(You would need to detail out at least FIVE (5) action plans to be completed within the
timeframe indicated in Section (F). These action plans should aid in equipping you to
achieve the job.)
Action = Detail a specific task/action that you will need to complete
Network: Who would be able to assist/contribute to your completing the task successfully?
Learning: What do you need to learn/develop
Duration: Time based. How long would you take to complete this action successfully, AND
during which period of your life would you be doing this? Be specific.
MPU 3373: Career Plan Assignment
Section Marking Criteria Marks
A Career Option
B Explanation of the Job Characteristics & Reason
0 = No description and no explanation of the career option
1 – 2 = Limited description and reasons for career option
3 – 5 = Sufficient description, prerequisites and requirements of the
career option with elaborated reasons.
6 – 8 = Detailed description of the career option, prerequisites and
requirements of the career option with elaborated reasons related /8
to at least one aspect*.
*Aspects which may include, but not limited to values, skills, personalities,
interest, environment and economic.
C Skills
0 = No skills indicated
1 – 2 = Less than five skills indicated /5
3 – 5 = Five relevant skills indicated
iii) Learning
1 = no learnings indicated /10
2 = at least 1 learning indicated
3 = learning indicated with sufficient information
4 = learnings indicated with detailed description
Total 3m (per action plan)
iv) Duration
Indicate one time frame = 1m + indicating when/which period this
will take place = 1m
Total 2m (per action plan)