Annual Report 2016

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SLQS – UAE Annual Report
On the occasion of the enhanced the knowledge of the
32nd Get-together of the Sri Lank- members. A representative of In-
an Quantity Surveyors in the United terim Central Committee have ad-
Arab Emirates (SLQS-UAE), staged dressed the gathering on behalf of
on 8th December 2016 at the the office bearers of the SLQS-UAE.
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Dubai, Sheikh
Zayed Road, Dubai, we fulfill the tra-
dition of presenting the activities of
the SLQS-UAE during last 12 months
starting from the 31st Get-together.

Two of SLQS –UAE members Ms.

Thilini Shiromani Jayawickrama and
Mr. Rathnam Jayakumar have been
bestowed with SLQS-UAE 2015 Ac-
ademic Achievement awards. Mr.
Rathnam Jayakumar was privileged
It was the 10th December 2015,
The SLQS-UAE 31st Get-together to fetch the second award, SLQS-
SLQS-UAE hosted the 31st Get-to-
was witnessed by exclusive audi- UAE 2015 Career Achievement
gether in glamorous manner at the J
ence, nearly 400 in numbers, com- award and Mr. Anuradha Jayaratne
W Marriot Hotel, Deira Dubai.
prise of special invitees from public been honored with the award for the
and private establishments as well Outstanding Contribution to SLQS-
This was the first occasion that our
as professional bodies of Quantity UAE. Appreciation awards were
Hon. Consul General of Sri Lanka to
Surveying trade, the members of offered to the organizations which
Dubai and Northern Emirates, Mr.
SLQS-UAE and their treasured fam- have continuously contributed to
Charitha Yattegoda and Madame
ilies. the advancement of the SLQS-UAE
Yattegoda attended an SLQS-UAE
member community.
event. Hon. Consular General have
shown up on the event in the ca- The event started as per the Sri
Lankan tradition, with welcome Formal session was glittered by the
pacity of the Chief Guest. As all our
dance and lightning of oil lamp. performances of UAE based Sri
previous diplomats, Hon. Mr. Yat-
During the address of the Chief Lankan dancers of Meshan Dissan-
tegoda too had continued to assist
Guest, Hon. Consular General have ayake Dance Academy and first half
and attend all the SLQS-UAE events
applauded the service of the SLQS- of the Get-together were concluded
to follow.
UAE, to its members and the service with the thanking note
A distinguished law professional, of the SLQS-UAE members, to the
former Chairman of the Board of motherland. Pioneer Quantity Sur-
Directors of DIFC Arbitration Centre, veying professional and a prominent
former Sri Lankan Representative of SLQS-UAE member Mr. Dhammika
the ICC-International Courts of Arbi- Gamage took the guests thru the
tration and a prominent Sri Lankan history of the SLQS-UAE. The Guest
expatriate in UAE, Mr. C. Chakrad- of Honor, Mr. C. Chakradharan de-
haran was the Guest of Honor of the livered a special speech comprises
day. valuable insights of speaker, which

This followed with the Entertain- Hon. Ambassador of Sir Lanka to
ment session, which were glowed United Arab Emirates, Mr. S. J. Mo-
by professional Sri Lankan artists, hideen was the Chief Guest of the
Ms. Mariazelle Gunathilaka and Mr. event and former Sri Lankan Cricket
Jayantha Dissanayake. After sever- Captain Mr. Bandula Warnapura was
al years lapse, SLQS-UAE managed the Guest of Honor of the event.
to have our very own band again.
Members Banu, Rasitha and Srivan- SLQS-UAE had its 1st An-
tha shown their talent by providing nual General Meeting on 25th March
lively music to shake the audience. 2016 at The Business Village Audito-
The event finished in the dawn, with rium, Deira, Dubai. The new Consti-
distribution of the raffle draw gifts. tution prepared by the Constitution New Central Committee
Sub Committee, with the active par- of SLQS-UAE have started its work
SLQS-UAE had another ticipation of the members have been with Vesak Dansala at the Lathifa
major event, Annual Cricket Tourna- presented to the membership and Hospital Grounds, during the Vesak
ment for 21st year and was held at ratified during the AGM. The Interim Uthsavaya. Our Quantity Surveyors
Sharjah English School and Skyline Central Committee have conclud- manage to offer around 2000 por-
College Cricket Grounds on 12th ed its role and the responsibilities tions of food to participants of this
February 2016. Total of 31 women, have been transferred to the newly religious and cultural event.
kids and men’s teams have com- appointed 21 member Central Com-
peted hard to become victories and mittee. Each member of the Central
crowned as the champions Committee represent the 21 clus-
ters, members of each cluster have
Rigga boys were the winners of the selected their own Central Com-
Trophy with Eagles Cricket Club mittee member. Mr. Dilanka Wick-
becoming the runners up, X’tream ramasinghe (Secretary), Mr. Vishva
Boys won the Shield with Abu Dha- Thilakarathne (Treasurer), Mr. Lalith
bi Falcons becoming the runners up Hettiarachchi (Assistant Secretary)
and Variation Challengers become and Mr. Sanath Dissanayake (Assis-
the Plate winner along with Sinha tant Treasurer) have been appointed
Gold who become runners up. The as the office bearers for the tenure
Challengers and Green Angles were of 2016/2017.
the winners and runners up in the
ladies competition.

SLQS-UAE started another
event to share the fellowship with
our Islam members during the Holy
month of Ramadhan. An Iftar party
have organized on 16th June 2016
at the Avenue Hotel, Dubai with the
participation of members and fam-
ilies of all religious believing.

On 12th August 2016 SLQS-

The Mid-Summer Get-to-
UAE have conducted its 6th Indoor
gether was an event which shown
Cricket Tournament at United Pro
the multiple talents of the fellow
Sport Complex with participation of
Quantity Surveyors and their family
22 teams including ladies teams. Rig-
members. SLQS-UAE had this event
ga Boys were victorious on Division 1,
on 23rd October 2016, at the Radis-
beating X’tream Boys in the Trophy
son Blu Hotel, Deira, Dubai with a
final. Team QS played against Knight
participation above 300 guests. Our
Riders in Division 11 final and Knight
own SLQS Band have backed 60
Riders won the Shield. Division 111,
plus performances, some of them
Plate were won by Abu Dhabi Falcons
were good as professional artists.
by beating Hiru Blasters. USCC La-
dies won the ladies trophy.

SLQS-UAE have did its part

during the floods in Sri Lanka. Mem-
bers took the initiative to gather
necessities to help our own coun-
trymen who have affected by this
natural calamity. With the assistance
of Trico, SLQS-UAE distributed relief
goods for 410 families in Kollonnawa
area, each family getting a pack of
35kg essentials.

As continued contribution SLQS-UAE have conducted
to humanity SLQS-UAE held its An- 20 Continuing Professional Devel-
nual Blood Donation campaign at opment (CPD) programme with at-
the Lathifa Hospital, Dubai. Due to tendance above 1500 participants in
unavailability of donation slots, 2016 Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The increased
event was not held during Vesak, and number of CPDs, the high participa-
it was shifted to November as the tion, geographic split between Dubai
blood banks convenience. Around and Abu Dhabi, the variety in top-
SLQS-UAE strengthen the
75 volunteers consist of members, ics and the difference in presenters
good relationship with other orga-
their families, their friends, other were an evidence to the high suc-
nizations, have attended and colla-
fellow Sri Lankans and non Sri Lank- cess of the CPDs.
barated in other professional, social,
ans were flocked to make this evet a
cultural and religious events, what-
success. Nearly 50 individuals made
ever time it is necessary.
this noble donation to extend the
lives of needy individuals.
As we always believe the
continued involvement of the mem-
bers were the secret of the suc-
cess the organization. The patience
and tolerance of the families of the
members have allowed us spending
our precious time to the activities of


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