2023 NWS June Newsletter

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JUNE 2023


Rick Lundsten - Secured

2023 NWS Member Exhibition

luck in getting your work into one of the very

INCREDIBLE WORKS OF ART coveted spots on our NWS Gallery walls. With
STEPHANIE GOLDMAN so many awards and three ScholARTships
donated by Kathleen Giles, Dean Mitchell
and Kathleen Mooney, this is a great year to
be a part of the 103rd IOE.
With the successful opening of our 2023
Member Exhibition Reception behind us, the This summer we have added more
Board of Directors moved seamlessly into opportunities for our members and guests to
accepting entries for the International Open show their work and learn new techniques.
Exhibition. We continue to see strong The NWS/RSW show entry period opened
enthusiasm from members and guests who early and we hope to see your 8x8" painting in
are creatively finding new ways not only to use this international exchange show with Carolyn
watermedia, but to take tired subjects and Latanision as juror. In August, we are
look at them with fresh eyes. This year's IOE highlighting an online liquid paint and varnish
jurors, Thomas Schaller, Ruth Armitage and workshop with Leslie Lambert. Leslie will
Jean Pederson, will have a difficult time share her secrets on how to add these two
sifting through all the entries to find the very techniques to your watermedia toolbox. See
best representations of watermedia being more information about both opportunities
created today. I wish each of you the best of below.
For those members unable to attend the 2023 NWS Member Exhibition
Member Reception I have included my Past Presidents Award Winners
President's Message below.

As president, I am honored to introduce the

Stephen Edwards, Butterfly
2023 NWS Member Exhibition. Each year we Dreams - Robbie Laird Award in
celebrate our member artists with a juried honor of NWS President Emeritus
exhibition, and this year's call for entries had (2018-2019)
an unprecedented number of submissions. My
heartfelt congratulations to all members who Dean Mitchell,
were accepted into this year's exhibition. And Relic - Denise Willing-Booher
special congratulations to our award winners Award in honor of NWS President
for the uniqueness of their creativity that Emeritus (2020-2021)
caught the eye of the juror.
Jiangang Sun, Warm Home - Ken
Goldman Award in honor of NWS
I am grateful to our guest juror, Dan Marshall, President Emeritus (2015-2017)
who had the awesome responsibility of
viewing the many incredible works of art Laura
submitted and selecting those he felt Robinson, A
conveyed the beauty and excellence of Party of Three
- Paulette Beakley Award in honor
watermedia today. The exceptional quality of
of NWS Past President (2001-
artwork submitted made the final selection 2002)
process a difficult one. It is with deep
appreciation that I thank all members who Phyllis Tseng, Waiting - Loa Sprung
participated in entering this year's contest. Award In honor of NWS Past President
My sincere thanks to Exhibition Director, Judy Andy Evansen,
Saltzman, and her team for their successful The Swimming
management of the Membership Exhibition. I Hole - David Winfield Scott Award
would also like to thank the NWS Board of In honor of NWS Past President
Directors, who continue to develop inspiring (1960)
exhibits and educational opportunities for Mike Kowaiski, Sawdust and
members and the general public, and whose Splinters - Watson Cross, Jr. Award
dedication to our organization with its rich in honor of Past President (1953)
history continues to strengthen the legacy of
NWS. Lana Privitera, After
the Picnic - Pat
Berger Award in honor of NWS Past
It is my sincere hope that you will be inspired President (1973)
to view the exhibition again and again, as there
Thomas W. Schaller,
are many technical surprises and bright ideas
Afternoon Light - Frank
to be gleaned from this year's presentation. Ackerman Award in honor
See the online virtual exhibition at: of NWS Past President (1970)
NWSExhibition.com and NWS Video Stream
Cindy Welch, Pink
Splendor - ScholARTship
Award donated by Lana
Privitera, NWS

Stephanie Goldman
President, NWS


2023 NWS Calendar & Events NWS 2023 Workshops

AUG. AUG. Leslie Lambert - (See more info on pages 6 and 7)
2nd 19th CALENDAR! Date: August 19, 2023
Subject: 2 workshops - Pouring Liquid
Color (watercolor pouring), also Varnishing
June 5 - August 2 OPEN NOW - RSW reciprocal 8”x8” and Presenting Contemporary Watercolors
August 19 Leslie Lambert Workshop
September 1 Newsletter Deadline Janine Gallizia (IOE Awards Juror) -
Oct 1 - Nov 5 NWS IOE Dates Date: TBD - 4th quarter, 2023
October 5 San Pedro Art District 1st Thur., 6- Subject: Encourage and inspire everyone
9pm to make positive decisions and take actions
October 13 IOE Meet and Greet (RSVP) 7-8:30 to improve their paintings and art business.
October 14 IOE Reception & Awards (Invitation
November 2 San Pedro Art District 1st Thur., 6-9pm
November 5 IOE CLOSES Are you receiving NWS emails?
December 1 Newsletter Deadline
Please note unsubscribing from NWS emails
will result in no notifications about future
exhibits, acceptances, workshops, demos,
** Find NWS on Instagram and Facebook @nwsgallery meetings, renewals and other NWS events.

See the 2023 NWS Member Exhibition on YouTube (link on image)


NWS Member Exhibition Juror Statement

hank you to the National Watercolor Society With a desire to have the show represent the world of
T for entrusting me with the jurying of the
2023 NWS Member Exhibition.
watercolor today, I looked at and compared paintings of
similar themes and techniques and made my selections for
inclusion in the show.
It was an honor and privilege to put together a show with
such an accomplished level of artists whom I believe The works now were all at a masterful level, and only at
represent all aspects of the medium. The entries as a this point of selection did I allow personal preference to
whole were of a high caliber of artistic expression and influence my inclusions. After many, many rounds of
achievement of working in watercolor. viewing and considering each piece carefully, the end
result is what you see represented in this exhibition.
The sheer number of entries was somewhat daunting. The
idea of taking approximately 900 entries and winnowing Thank you all for the inspiring works you submitted.
them down to around 120 was no easy task. This selection Congratulations to the selected artists, and my deepest
was done with great consideration and utmost respect for respect to those who submitted and were not included. I
all the artists who submitted their best works. assure you, I embarked on this process carrying the honor
of knowing that, from my fellow artists and peers, I would
What I endeavored to do with the selections was choose make 125 friends and make many people unhappy.
the best pieces that represent all the various ways of
creating in watercolor. This involved taking expressions of This was the highest submitted membership show in NWS
Realism, Impressionism, Abstraction, Figurative, history. This awareness made my job simultaneously
Representational, Narrative and anything in between, and exciting, intriguing and difficult, but I was honored to have
distilling them down to an exhibition that represents and this opportunity, thoroughly enjoyed it, and was very
encompasses the full range of watercolor techniques, inspired by it. In the end, I loved seeing the impressive
styles and subjects. wealth of work everyone shared.

I would like to share and demystify a bit of the selection Thank you,
process. As mentioned, this was very difficult due to the Daniel Marshall
sheer number of entries. In the initial rounds of judging, the
main thing I looked for was an elevated handling of the
medium. Whether an artist is in the early stages of
development or has had a lifelong career doesn't influence
this first step. I was simply examining the quality of the

At the end of that step, I still had around 500 pieces to

select from!

The next step was to more closely examine the use of

composition, design and color, and to take another look at
the handling of the medium and determine how these
factors communicated each artist's intention.

After this process, I still was left with around 300 entries --
all of them pieces deserving of being included.

It's important for me to state that, at this stage, I was not

allowing any of my own preferences or emotional biases to
enter the selection process, only pure artistic merit. To
reduce the entries to the desired number for the exhibition,
my exclusions became more and more difficult.


Celebrating Creativity

he list of accepted artists for the intermediate and beginning watercolor

T rd
2023 NWS 103 International Open
Exhibition (IOE) will be posted on the
painters. Artwork size is strictly 8” x 8” (no
mats/no frames) and the entry period is short,
NWS website on June 26th. The now through August 2 , 2023. Approximately
level of creativity and innovation calls for 100 paintings will be selected for the online
celebration. Once again, the world of exhibition, and 40 paintings will be selected
watermedia rises to a higher level. Special and shipped for the international exchange.
thanks to our Jurors of Selection, Thomas W. This is an incredible opportunity to have your
Schaller, Ruth Armitage and Jean Pederson artwork in an international venue held at the
who, through many rounds and consideration Scottish National Gallery. Click for the
ultimately chose a diverse and spectacular Prospectus and direct link to café to enter.
exhibition. The next step is for Judge of To learn more about Carolyn check out this
Awards, Janine Gallizia, to make her video - https://www.mfa.org/video/painting-a-
selection. So, stand bye! turner-watercolor

Acceptance into the IOE is the qualifier toward Your Exhibition Team, consisting of Annie
NWS Signature levels. We will be holding a Strack, Kim Granhaug, and Connie Hendrix,
special Zoom on Sunday, July 9 at 8:00 AM continues to assist artists in the entry
Pacific Time to review the process and answer process. Please give them a warm thanks
artists' questions. An invitation will be emailed of appreciation.
to artists with the link. Also, a reminder to
NWS Signature Members with 6 acceptances Thank you for the privilege of serving as your
(NWS Masters) and those with 12 acceptances exhibitions director.
(NWS Gold Masters), to complete this form to
verify your qualification and submit by July 1 ,
2023. We are looking forward to celebrating Till next time …
all the accepted artists and new NWS Judy Saltzman, NWS Exhibition Director
Signature Members, NWS Gold Masters and [email protected]
NWS Masters at the IOE Awards Celebration
at the NWS Gallery on October 14th, 2023.
Hope you are making plans to join us. A Sample of the 2023 NWS Member
The NWS / Royal Scottish Society of Painters
in Watercolour International Exchange
Exhibition will take place in Edinburgh,
Scotland, in early January 2024. We are
honored that Carolyn Latanision will be the
Juror of Selection and Awards. Carolyn has
been recognized for her efforts with many
awards and by achieving Signature
Membership in both the NWS and AWS along
with Signature Membership status in many
other national societies, including RMNW,
HVAA and PAWCS among others. In 2017, her
painting “Flanges, Bethlehem Steel” was Top Left: Green Land, Tan Suz Chiang, NWS
Top Right: Monarch Cluster, Birgit O’Connor, NWS
chosen as the top award-winning painting and Bottom Left: The Skeptic, Pam Wenger
now is included in the NWS Permanent
Collection. Carolyn teaches advanced,
2023 National Watercolor Society

Leslie Lambert Discover the Joy of Poured Watercolor

Flowing Pigments - workshop 1

6-Hour Live Zoom (with lunch break)

Demonstration with Q&A
Saturday, August 19, 2023, 9am PST
Discover the excitement and joy of poured
watercolors. Leslie Lambert will show how
to produce luminous works by painting and
layering with flowing pigments. This is done
with thoughtful planning and design that
works well with the freedom of poured

Leslie Lambert is an award-winning artist, teacher, and

author known for her dramatic watercolor pours. Leslie's
paintings are in private and
corporate collections world-
wide. She is the author of
Watercolor 365 and
illustrator of Island in
the Salish Sea.

Sign up today!
All levels welcomed.
Registration deadline is
Thursday, August 17, 2023, 5pm PST.

To register go to:
Members $175 Non-Members $225 No refunds


2023 National Watercolor Society

Leslie Lambert How to Varnish a Watercolor

Varnishing Watercolors - workshop 2

Pre-recorded (1.5 to 2 hour video lesson)
Saturday, August 19, 2023
“Is there a way to varnish or seal a watercolor so it does not
have to be put under glass? The answer is yes. I have varnished
my watercolors for at least 10 years.” This video lesson will go
over Leslie’s step-by-step process for varnishing a watercolor.
Use this method not only to protect and seal your watercolors, but to create a
contemporary presentation.
Leslie Lambert is an award-
winning artist, teacher, and author
known for her dramatic watercolor
pours. Leslie's paintings are in
private and corporate collections
worldwide. She is the author of
Watercolor 365 and illustrator of
Island in the Salish Sea.

Sign up today!
All levels welcomed.

Registration deadline is Thursday, August 17, 2023, 5pm PST.

To register go to:
Members $35 Non-Members $45 No refunds


2023 AWARDS for the International Open Exhibition

t has been a surprise and a pleasure to sponsors. We all owe these companies a debt of
I accept this year's award donations for
our 103rd International Open Exhibition.
gratitude. We had quite a few new vendors donate
awards. It's with their help that we keep our awards
Our award donations this year might be program strong. Great awards encourage creative
record breaking and are a great sign that interest work, excellent paintings, more entries, and fabulous
in water media arts is thriving. We exceeded our exhibitions that inspire us all.
expectations and raised upwards of $60,000 cash
and merchandise! Thank you to everyone who I would also like to thank our members who took
contributed, we are very proud of our sponsors action and set up awards in their own names or in
and members. honor of someone else this year. It is my honor to
accept these donations for NWS and get to know the
Last year I proposed the creation of an stories behind the names.
“Associates Award” which would be funded by
Associate members and could only be awarded I would like to encourage our members to think about
to an Associate member. This is the second year making an award donation or setting up a longer-term
of our Associates Award, and as of this writing the endowment award for next year. NWS has just gained
award fund was $3000! I am so grateful to our a new endowment award from the Morris A. Hazan
Associate members for their contributions. Thank Foundation, and a new award has been set up by
you for putting up with all of the donation our Signature Member, Mark Bird and his wife,
reminder emails! Janice Bird, both of which will last ten years!

Our Signature members have really stepped up You may have seen an email I sent out last month
this year as well. Thank you to our Signature asking for help from any of our members who are
members who donated to the Masters Award! We “Brand Ambassadors”. We had a great response, and
have had so many donations, I asked for help this our awards this year will reflect this. If you're a “Brand
year in sending out the thank you emails. Elaine Ambassador”, please encourage your brand to
Daily Birnbaum volunteered to assist me in support NWS. This will make next year's Awards
sending out the NWS thank you emails, so a huge Director’s job that much easier! A special thanks to
“Thank You” to Elaine! Iain Stewart for his assistance!

Please check out the list of award donors on the Kathleen Alexander, NWS Awards Director
NWS website and please patronize these award [email protected]

2023 NWS 103rd

International Open

Exhibition will hang at the

NWS Gallery - October 1,
2023 to November 5, 2023

IOE Awards and Reception -

October 14, 2023, NWS
Gallery, 915 S. Pacific Ave.,
San Pedro, CA


National Watercolor Society (NWS) and the
Royal Scottish Society of Painters
in Watercolour (RSW)

2024 International Exchange Exhibition

Held at the Scottish National Gallery,
The Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland
Entry is now Open to August 2, 2023
Exhibition dates 1/6/2024 - 2/10/2024
Open to all active NWS Members
Appx 100 paintings will be selected for the online exhibition , and 40 paintings
will be selected and shipped for the international exchange.

Cash Awards
1st Place $1000
2nd Place $500
3rd Place $300
(2) Merit Awards $100

Click here for the Prospectus

Artwork size is strictly 8" x 8"

Carolyn Latanision, NWS, AWS

Juror of Selection and Awards
Layered Padlock By Angus McEwan, RSW RGI RWS
Carolyn Latanision has been recognized for her efforts
with many awards and by achieving Signature
Membership in both the NWS and AWS along with
Signature Membership in many other national
Enter Now on Cafe
societies including the RMNW, HVAA and PAWCS GUAN YERSEL'
among others. In 2017, her painting, “Flanges,
Bethlehem Steel” was chosen as the top award- (Go Fot it!)
winning painting and now is included in the NWS
Permanent Collection. Carolyn teaches advanced, Questions:
intermediate and beginning watercolor paintings. Contact Judy Saltzman at [email protected]


Three Longtime NWS Members

e are proud of all of our NWS longtime supporter of the organization and
W members and their sharing attitudes,
amazing artwork, and volunteerism!
grateful to all those who volunteer to continue
making NWS the incredible organization it is.
We would like to celebrate our
members by highlighting some of our longtime
NWS members. I enjoyed speaking with each
of them on the phone and learning more about
their lives and ongoing painting process.

Frank LaLumia, NWS

52 years - Signature
member since 1971
Frank is grateful to be
a Signature member
of NWS and proudly
supports NWS Chester Amyx, NWS
His painting process 61 years - NWS Signature member since 1962
is slower now, but he
continues to do what he loves, painting and Chet is a
teaching in watercolor. longtime
loyal NWS
member who
continues to
paint even
though the
aging process has slowed down his output. He
no longer competes but is a proud supporter
of the NWS organization
and the activities that
occur. He is grateful for all
the opportunities NWS
Betty Schabacker,
60 years - Signature
member since 1963
Betty is a proud
member who is very
appreciative of
everything NWS is
doing. She is a
Artistic Processes

s artists, we all have individual ways of (translucent) and a window

A seeing the world and producing our art.

One artist’s way of working is no less valid
than another. I am always interested in
(transparent). Your eye moves
in soft focus across the drape
and curtain and focuses
how others work. Their process might towards the detail of the
inform my way of working or it might be something I image outside the window.
can share with my students. While I may not paint or
create like a lot of other artists, learning about others’ Answer 2: Building a
methods of working can only enrich me as an artist. connection with viewers is
something we all want.
So, I asked some of this year’s 2023 NWS Member Having an emotional
Exhibition artists if they would share some of their response to the subject goes
process with the rest of us. Here are their responses beyond the initial visual that inspired you. What is
to some of my questions. important and how do you respond to it? What
sights, sounds, smells were also impactful to you?
L. S. Eldridge, NWS Make notes in your sketchbook and recall those
Question: Do the tools you use matter for your senses while you are working. The more you feel and
process? describe the idea in your mind, the more consistent
Answer: Tongue-in-cheek this you will be in the painting and translating that to the
seems like a bespoke viewer.
question; but yes, the tools I
choose do matter. For Giovanni Balzarani, NWS
example: I use Arches 156 lb. Question: How do you start
(356gsm) cold pressed paper your paintings?
for this series. For a nature Answer: I was thinking about
inspired work I prefer a two points of light, meaning
heavier weight paper with a my sons (one was expecting
rough texture which I find and one already here), then
gives me the results I want composing the shoes that
and allows me to use more represent my family. First step
aggressive brushes. in my still life is painting the
Question: How do you start
your paintings? Question: Do your pigment
Answer: I always start my paintings with a word choices make a difference?
sketch. This is where I coalesce my thoughts as to Answer: Yes, absolutely they
the objective of a painting. Here is where I decide do, they make the difference, mainly high quality
what symbols are appropriate and which items best pigments help in the result and they push me
illustrate my intent. beyond.
This painting is part of a series that represents the
principles and elements we use in art. As artists they Question: Something else that helps with the process
are, after all, our most important tools. of creating your watercolors?
Answer: The photography - only my original
Suzanne Reed-Fine, Associate shootings done by myself, the paper sheet; the right
Question: Do you have a favorite technique or tip that moment to paint, I can not always find the same
helps create your subject? hours to paint during the days, all has to be
Answer 1: Transparent, translucent and opaque areas connected to perfection for a good success.
in a painting add interest and lead the viewer's eye
through your composition. To emphasize a
transparent form, place it next to an opaque area, I appreciate L. S., Suzanne and Giovanni taking the
which will visually push it forward. time to answer my inquiry and share a part of their
Our eye sees a fixed point clearly, while also being artistic process with all of us!
aware of less defined images in the periphery. An Lorraine Watry, NWS Vice President/Newsletter
example, drapery (opaque), a sheer curtain Director


March 5, 2023 - June 6, 2023

Denton H, TN Patrick Thomas Fanning, CA Shelly Johnson, ID Serena Bell Refoua, CA

Harsh Agrawa, lN John David Ford, MS Lisa Jordan, WA Bonnie Lee Roth, CA
Asafa Aljuburi, CA Brandy Gale, CA Steven Kennedy, MN Carolyn Paige Sabol, CA
Marie Andersson, Sweden Mary Elisabeth Gardiner, ID Laura Lin, MD Nancy Vinson Seay, NC
Monica, TX Steven C Garst, AL Sun Liu, MO Hailin Shi, China
Sabine Baeckmann-Murray, NC Janet Marie Gilliland, CA RJ Lowy, CA Sue Lee Shoemaker, NC
Donna Ann Baron, WA David Allen Giordan, MI Lihuan Ma, IMAR Mary H Sievers, CA
Claudio Bertona, Italy Cesar Gordillo, Mexico Irma Martinez, CA Jeanie K Smith, CA
Linda Boutacoff, OR Harry A Greer, Tx Sandra Ann Maurer, CA Anne Watson Sorensen, ID
Sandra L Burns, MD Timothy M Gregory, PA Dylan McKnight, MA Laura A Stamp, TX
Nancy Rae Byrnes, CA Jan M Guarino, NY Scott Milhoan, OH Barbara Carol Swift, FL
Ali Cavanaugh, MO Ashley Hall, TN John Merritt Miller, OR Barbara Sykes
Anita Clipston, NY Jeannine Marie Hamilton, AR Nancy M Mills, CA Donna B Twyford, AR
Kelly Crumpley, WA Jing Han, China Lori Mitchell, CA Shelley Van Doran, TX
Jenny Davis, VA Karen M Harris, NY Sadriddin Mukhiddinov, NY Holly Amber Vigil, CA
Daniel T Desmond, OR Diane Gilberte Hill, ID Janet Murphy, ID Ben Wang, China
Janet Lynn Dunn, IN Lee C Hoerner, CA Roderic Lee Osgood, CA Kim Wild, NY
Lisa Englander, WI Ying Hu, China Terry Pace, TX Qiang Ye, China
Cindy Fan, CA Amy Jamison, MO Anita R Pinkerton, AZ Lisa Yellott, CA

In Memoriam
Denny Bond, NWS - born in 1952, he passed away April 11, 2023 at
the age of 70. He was an award-winning, internationally recognized
hyper-realistic watercolorist and illustrator. He also was a signature
member and juror of numerous prestigious watercolor societies,
including AWS and NWS. Denny Bond graduated from Kutztown
University with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Communications. Denny
exhibited in galleries and museums throughout the world, His paintings
were based within a contemporary culture, but fused by historical
interplay. Denny’s paintings have been featured in The Art of
Watercolour 2017, Splash 17, Watercolor Artist, February 2016,
Watercolor Artist, February 2015, Artists Magazine, January 2014,
Watercolor Artist, February 2013, The Art of Watercolour, March 2012, Watercolor Artist, October 2011, Watercolor
Artist, February 2008, and American Artist, June 2007.

Denny was passionate about actively spending time with his family and friends through pickleball playing, landscape
gardening, hiking, and trail biking. He was the son of John and Mildred Bond. Denny is survived by his wife Alice; son
Corey Bond; daughter Kate (Brian) Burger and grandchildren: Drieu and Brody.

Gloria Moses, NWS - Gloria’s husband shared that she passed away last summer,
2022. Gloria was an NWS member since 1978. Gloria was a Los Angeles, CA,
based artist and attended Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Her colorful oils
and watercolors reflected the warm California sun. She worked in several mediums
including oil, watercolor, ceramic, and printmaking. She started painting as a child
doing portraits of people and later enjoyed landscape and abstract. Gloria showed
her art in galleries, art shows and museum shows. She enjoyed working together
with her artist daughter, Glenna.


We are proud that our members receive so many
accolades; however, we are limited in what can be
Ruth Armitage, NWS was awarded the Bronze Medal of
Honor courtesy of Clara and Ida Wells Stroud in the 156th WE PRINT the following for Signature and Associate
American Watercolor Society Exhibition for her work "By members:
Moonlight". The show will be hosted by New York's Ÿ Awards (Only from national or international
Salmagundi Club April 3 - 28th, 2023. Her work was also exhibits open to all artists. No “members only”
featured in the international publication Breathe shows.) Indicate the award(s) you received.
Magazine, issue 53, in an article by Carol Ann Strange
Ÿ Recent publications that include your work.
exploring the phenomenon of pareidolia. Ruth mounted
an invitational show at Waterstone Gallery, Portland, Ÿ Special honors (i.e., signature membership to
Oregon in June, 2022, titled "Tribute" in honor of 9 national art groups; serving as a juror; having work
mentors featuring abstract portraits of each mentoring added to permanent collections, etc.).
artist. (Posted late due to extraordinary circumstances) Ÿ Inclusion in invitational, solo or two-artist
J. M. Littleton, Associate, won an Honorable Mention for
her painting, See Me In Life After Facing Death (God Is My
Rock) in the From Fur To Feathers Exhibition of Animal
Art. It was held at the Schuler School of Fine Arts in Ÿ Your workshops or websites.
Baltimore, Maryland from March-April 2023. Ÿ Your inclusion into exhibits (unless you get an
award and your painting is in an exhibit open
Annie Strack, Associate, juried the Pennsylvania nationally to all artists).
Watercolor Society 2023 Members Exhibit. She won Merit Ÿ Items more than 6 months old.
Award in Arizona Watercolor Society National Juried Submitted material will be edited if it does not
Exhibit, and she earned Signature Status in Garden State conform to the above criteria OR in order to fit space
Watercolor Society and Illinois Watercolor Society. Her
painting “Portrait of Chris” is featured in the April issue of
Fine Art Connoisseur magazine and "the Scooter" is
featured in the June issue of Plein Air magazine. REQUIREMENTS:
Ÿ Indicate your member status (signature or
Sagnik Biswas, Associate, had a painting, “Reims associate).
Cathedral, France”, selected in the Special New Readers’ Ÿ ACCOLADES - Submit your information
Competition and published in the Art Of Watercolour PROPERLY FORMATTED and in the 3rd person.
Magazine, 49th issue. Additionally, he had a painting,
Use the Accolades section in this newsletter as a
“Ganga Aarti, Benaras” selected in the Splash 24: The
Best Of Watercolor competition which is due for guide. Be specific about titles and dates.
publication in July 2023. Ÿ ARTICLES will be reviewed for content and
relevancy. NWS reserves the right to accept or
Lois Ward Wolford, NWS, BWS, PWCS received the reject articles and to edit the contents to fit.
Best in Show award in the 122nd Philadelphia Works on Ÿ IN MEMORIAM: NWS will publish one submitted
Paper International Show for her painting "Green Chairs 2" photo, space permitting.
along with their Crest award. She also received the Ÿ CALL FOR ENTRIES submitted and applicable to
Colson Art Award of Excellence in the 2022 Mid- Atlantic
Regional Watercolor exhibition for her painting "Morning
NWS will be posted on our website.
2022 NWS 102nd CONTENT.
International Open
Exhibition Catalog 2023 DEADLINES: March 3rd, June 2nd, September
Beautifully printed in full color. 1st, December 1st.
Available for purchase, along ONLINE ONLY [email protected]
with catalogs from some of (Indicate “NWS Newsletter” in subject line, or it may
the other NWS past shows. be missed.)
NWS Store or call the
Lorraine Watry
President at 424-888-3915
NWS Vice President/Newsletter Director



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