Mulberry Genomics Progress and Prospect
Mulberry Genomics Progress and Prospect
Mulberry Genomics Progress and Prospect
NO.: 170010
SESSION: 2017-2018
1. Introduction
Silk, known as ‗‗Queen of textiles‘‘, originated in ancient China where its use was reserved for
the royalty and has continued to lure people through antiquity. Silk is associated with luxury,
elegance, class, and comfort. Sericulture, both an art and a science of raising silkworms for silk
production, has better prospects in developing countries as silk production is largely a cottage
industry. India has the distinct advantage of practicing sericulture throughout the year, yielding
about 4–6 crops/year as a result of its tropical climate (Gangopadhyay 2008). Trends in
international silk production indicate that India is the second largest producer of raw silk,
accounting for more than 18% of global raw silk production. India has also the unique distinction
of being the only country producing all the four kinds of silk—mulberry, eri, muga, and tasar,
but the major quantity of silk is produced by cocoons of Bombyx mori, the silkworm. The insect
being monophagus feeds only on the leaves of mulberry plants; therefore, mulberry cultivation
combined pastoral system (Talamucci et al. 2000) as its leaves are used as a forage supplement
for animal husbandry (Benavides 2000). Mulberry contains unique medicinal compounds of
great pharmaceutical worth in its leaf, fruit, stem, seed, and roots having anti-microbial, anti-
oxidative potential (Andallu and Varadacharyulu 2003; Chen et al. 2006; Chen and Li 2007; El-
Beshbishy et al. 2006; Kang et al. 2006; Konno et al. 2006; Singab et al. 2005). Mulberry is also
used for landscaping in Asia, Europe, and America (Tipton 1994). Global climatic changes and
scarcity of land and water in near future make it mandatory to develop varieties suitable for
different agro-climatic conditions for sustainable development of the sericulture industry. This
review illustrates in a broad sense, how recent biotechnological advances in mulberry will
generate advanced technologies for mulberry cultivation leading to economic improvement in
sericulture, impacting quality of life of those involved in sericulture practices. Figure 1 broadly
Fig. 1: Information flow in existing areas of research (dashes) and under-represented areas
range of areas around the world, i.e. from the tropical, sub-tropical, to temperate climates.
Mulberry originated in the northern hemisphere, particularly in the Himalayan foothills, and later
it spread into the tropics of the southern hemisphere (Hou 1994; Benavides et al. 1994). Today, it
is present in all regions between 50°N lat. and 10°S lat. (Yokoyama 1962), from sea level to
altitudes as high as 4,000 m (Machii et al. 1999; Tutin 1996), which include Asia, Europe, North
and South America, and Africa. Although the taxonomy of mulberry is yet to be resolved fully,
according to the widely accepted classification of Koidzumi (1917), the genus Morus is divided
into two sections, the Dolichostylae (long style) and the Macromorus (short style), and each
section is again divided into two groups namely Papillosae and Pubescentae, based on the nature
of stigmatic hairs. A total of 24 species and one subspecies are recognized in this classification
(Table 1). Currently, however, four mulberry species (Morus indica, Morus alba, Morus
laevigata, and Morus serrata) have been reported from India, and more than 68 species are
widely recognized (Datta 2000). Out of which, only a few species such as Morus alba, Morus
indica, Morus bombycis, Morus latifolia, and Morus multicaulis are cultivated for leaves to feed
the silkworm while another species, Morus nigra, is cultivated for its fruits.
Table 1: Mulberry species recognized by Koidzumi (1917)
Cytologically, mulberry exhibits different ploidy levels. Most of the cultivating species are
diploids (2x, 2n=28). But triploids (3x, 3n=42; M. bombycis), tetraploids (4x, 4n=56; Morus
laevigata, Morus cathayana, and Morus boninensis), hexaploids (6x, 6n=84; Morus serrata and
Morus tiliaefolia), octoploids (8x, 8n=112; M. cathayana), and docosaploids (22x, 22n=308; M.
nigra) (Basavaiah et al. 1989) and even haploids (M. notabilis) with 14 chromosomes are also
Owing to the great economic importance, large numbers of mulberry germplasm accessions have
been maintained in several countries. For instance, China, India, Japan, Korea, and Bulgaria
have, respectively, more than 1,860, 1,120, 1,375, 615, and 140 germplasm accessions (FAO
2003; Machii et al. 1999; Pan 2000; Tzenov 2002; Tikader and Dandin 2006; Tikader et al.
2009). Since information on phenotypic and genotypic variability is vital for effective utilization
of germplasm accessions for long-term improvement of leaf yield, leaf quality, adaptation, and
resistance to pests and diseases, efforts have continuously been made to characterize and
evaluate germplasm accessions. Evaluations based on traits related to growth, development, leaf
yield, leaf quality, and adaptability to various agroclimatic conditions (Banerjee et al. 2007;
Bindroo et al. 1996; Machii et al. 1997, 2000; Rajan et al. 1997; Suryanarayana et al. 2002;
Tikader et al. 2003; Tikader and Kamble 2008a, 2009; Vijayan et al. 1999a, b) and screening for
tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses (Sujathamma and Dandin 1998; Susheelamma and Jolly
1986; Susheelamma et al. 1990; Yadav et al. 1993; Vijayan et al. 2003, 2004a) revealed the
presence of considerable genetic variability among the germplasm accessions. Based on the
genetic distance estimated with different statistical methods, the germplasm accessions were
grouped into different clusters, and utilizing this information, parental selections were made for
different breeding programs (Machii et al. 1997, 2000; Rajan et al. 1997; Vijayan et al. 1999a, b;
Tikader et al. 2003; Tikader and Kamble 2008a, 2009). Highly heritable morphological
characters were documented and utilized for the development and registration of varieties (Rao
2003; Vijayan et al. 1997a, c). However, phenotypic evaluation has several limitations as most of
the agronomically important traits that are used for evaluations vary greatly depending upon the
developmental stages and environmental conditions, and collection of data is time consuming,
laborious, and expensive and is influenced by human bias. Therefore, molecular markers, which
influence, have been used for genetic evaluation of mulberry germplasm resources. However,
most of these molecular markers that have been used for mulberry genetic resource assessment
Bhattacharya and Ranade 2001; Chatterjee et al. 2004; Lou et al. 1998; Srivastava et al. 2004;
Xiang et al. 1995; Zhao and Pan 2004), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP; Botton
et al. 2005; Kafkas et al. 2008; Sharma et al. 2000; Wang and Yu 2001), and intersimple
sequence repeats (ISSR; Awasthi et al. 2004; Vijayan and Chatterjee 2003; Vijayan 2004;
Vijayan et al. 2004b, c, 2005, 2006a, b; Zhao et al. 2006). Nonetheless, these studies further
confirmed the high genetic diversity among the accessions. Recently, more reliable, robust,
codominant, and better informative markers such as simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers have
been developed in mulberry (Agarwal et al. 2004; Zhao et al. 2005). A list of the 16 SSR primers
along with their nucleotide sequences and related information is available in Tikader et al.
(2009). Thus, a number of proven marker systems are now available for mulberry germplasm
identify genetically distant accessions with desirable traits can be made to assist the breeders for
selection of parents. In the meantime, efforts can also be made to develop single-nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) markers in mulberry, as these are the abundant markers present in any
genome (Collins et al. 1997). Hence, SNP can make genotyping more effective and faster than
any other marker systems. Owing to the current impetus on mulberry genomic research, large
numbers of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from mulberry have been started to be deposited in
GenBank (Lal et al. 2009; Zhao 2008; Sajeevan et al. unpublished). Presently, nearly 1,366 ESTs
from healthy and stress subjected plants of M. alba and M. indica are available. Using these
ESTs, new markers such as SNPs and SSRs can be developed. Likewise, attempts can also be
devoted to develop SNPs from ISSR and RAPD markers that are associated with valuable
multiple individuals (Rieder et al. 1998;). Recently, chloroplast genome of mulberry (M. indica
cv. K2) has been completely sequenced (Ravi et al. 2006). This 158,484-bp circular DNA
contains two identical inverted repeats of 25,678 bp each, separating a large single-copy region
of 87,386 bp and a small single-copy region of 19,742 bp. The sequence information on the
cpDNA can be of much use to develop suitable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for
phylogenetic assessments, evolutionary investigations (Cruzen et al. 1993), and bar coding of
mulberry species (CBOL plant working group 2009). Furthermore, information on the complete
sequence of chloroplast DNA has great potential for manipulating the photosynthetic efficiency
of mulberry through genetic engineering because a large number genes involved in the process of
4. Mulberry breeding
quality cocoons are the main targets in mulberry breeding which depend on several quantitative
traits such as leaf retention capacity, leaf size and weight, total biomass, resistance to pest and
diseases, tolerance to abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, and cold stress. The horizontal
expansion of sericulture has succeeded as traditional methods of plant breeding have made
agronomic traits which have been released for commercial exploitation. The importance of
evolving a new mulberry variety is to bring all desirable characteristics in a single genotype to
feed the silkworm (Bombyx mori) to obtain high-quality cocoons. Although considerable efforts
have been directed for mulberry breeding for salinity resistance (Vijayan et al. 2009), it is
necessary to develop mulberry varieties specific to different agro-climatic zones for vertical
development of sericulture, and at present suitable mulberry varieties are not available for
alkaline, saline, acidic soil conditions as well as for inundated conditions (Tikader and Kamble
2007). Traditional breeding approaches have been slow due to obstacles like inherent genetic
information about inheritance of various planta traits and genetic markers. Moreover, abiotic
stresses like salt and drought which are inimical to mulberry‘s productivity are complex
quantitative traits and thus difficult to manipulate through conventional breeding and phenotypic
selection. Another factor which fends off genetic improvement of mulberry is the lack of
genetic variability in mulberry germplasm, the cultivated forms of mulberry belong to M. alba
and M. indica and are used in existing breeding programs (Tikader and Kamble 2008).
Integration of wild/exotic species like M. laevigata and M. serrata in the existing breeding
programs can provide sufficient genetic diversity as they may harbor novel genes regulating
important traits like abiotic and biotic responses (Tikader and Dandin 2007). Mulberry being a
perennial woody plant has long juvenile periods, and it takes approximately 15–20 years to
develop a new variety. Therefore, efforts need to be directed towards understanding genetic
control of major agronomic traits of the domesticated species. Parallely, intervention of advances
in genomics and molecular biology techniques have the potential to overcome problems
associated with conventional breeding and open new vistas for amelioration of mulberry
in Fig. 2.
In mulberry, leaf is the primary product and, therefore, leaf productivity was the principal trait
targeted by most of the breeding schemes. Leaf productivity is a multifactorial trait that depends
on a number of quantitative traits such as plant height, number of branches, leaf retention
capacity, nodal length, leaf size and weight, total biomass, etc. (Bindroo et al. 1990; Sahu et al.
1995; Tikader and Kamble 2008a, 2009; Vijayan et al. 1997b). The other important traits that
have been targeted by the mulberry breeders are the adaptability, resistance to pests and diseases,
tolerance to abiotic stresses like drought, salinity, and cold, higher vegetative propagation ability,
better leaf quality, and better coppicing ability. Coppicing ability is important in tropical
sericulture zones where silkworms are reared four to five times per year, and to feed the
silkworms with fresh leaves, mulberry is pruned regularly for four to five times per year to
obtain juvenile shoots. Since mulberry is a crosspollinated perennial plant with high
heterozygosity and long juvenile period, traditional breeding methodologies mostly relied on the
production of F1 hybrids (Das 1984). F1 hybrids are obtained either through controlled crossing
selection and clonal propagation were adopted to multiply superior hybrids. Once a hybrid with
desirable traits is identified, it is mass multiplied for further assessment. Based on its
selected and released for filed cultivations (Fig. 2). Mulberry varieties are multiplied clonally
(planting stem cuttings) to capture the additive and nonadditive variations. Using these breeding
methods, leaf productivity has been increased significantly. Major silk-producing countries like
China and India have released a number of mulberry cultivars for commercial exploitation
(Tikader et al. 2009; Vijayan 2009). In spite of the large germplasm collections, breeders so far
have exploited only a few accessions mostly from M. alba and a few other species closely related
to it (Tikader and Kamble 2008b), leaving huge genetic resources unutilized. This reduced
genetic base makes them susceptible to disease epidemics and reduces the chance of their further
improvement using new combinations of genes (Tikader and Dandin 2007). This limited use of
germplasm resources is mainly due to the paucity of information on the genetic control of most
of the agronomically important traits. Thus, it is difficult to transfer desirable traits from the
unadapted genotypes to the elite lines. Introgression of characters from wild relatives to the elite
breeding line is, often, accompanied by undesirable traits that are difficult to be removed because
of their close physical linkage with the desired traits, a phenomenon called linkage drag. In order
to get rid of these undesired traits, back crossings are to be made for several generations.
Mulberry being a tree crop with long juvenile period, back crossing for many generations is
highly time consuming and laborious and is almost prohibitive. Similarly, no inbred lines or
doubled haploid lines are available to study the genetic controls on important agronomic traits.
Therefore, except a few crossability, heritability, and combining ability studies (Dandin et al.
1987; Dwivedi et al. 1989; Tikader and Dandin 2001; Vijayan et al. 1997a, 2008), no effort was
made to understand the genetic control of major growth and adaptability traits. The major
challenges, thus, faced by the mulberry breeders, such as (1) understanding the basis of heterosis
and prediction of hybrid performance, (2) identification of useful genetic factors in divergent
populations or lines, (3) introgression of desired traits with minimal linkage drag, (4)
these problems, proper understanding on (a) the number of genetic factors (loci) influencing the
expression of the traits,(b) the chromosomal location of these loci, (c) the relative size of the
contribution of individual loci to trait expression, (d) pleiotropic effects, (e) epistatic interactions
among genetic factors, and (f) variation of expression of individual factors in different
environments are required. This necessitates the integration of recent advances in genomic
research with conventional breeding techniques to dissect the complexity of most of these traits
to increase the productivity and nutritional quality of the leaves and the adaptability of the
Thus, it is evident that growth-related traits play a significant role in leaf productivity and
tackle them effectively and efficiently. Although much advancement has been made in silkworm
genomic research, the same could not be achieved in mulberry. However, in many tree species
like Eucalyptus (Gratapaglia and Kirst 2008), Pinus (Pot et al. 2006), and Populus (Rae et al.
2006) both forward and reverse genomic approaches were proven their worth in elucidating
genes involved in the expression of different traits and chemical pathways. Generally, in forward
genomics, existing phenotypic traits are analyzed to identify the underlying genetic variations
whereas in reverse genomic manipulation of specific gene through transgenic technologies such
as insertional mutagenesis, overexpression of genes, and RNA interference (RNAi) and miRNA
approaches is used to study the gene–trait relationship. Reverse genomic methods are, however,
mostly species specific, expensive, and transgenic or only transiently disrupt gene functions.
Forward genomic approaches, thus, seem to be well suited for mulberry as considerable
phenotypic variation is present in the natural populations for the important traits like leaf yield,
leaf quality, and adaptability. The commonly used technologies in forward genomics are
genotyping, genetic mapping, discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL), association mapping,
positional cloning and sequencing, functional genomics, and the recently introduced
A genetic map constructed from a population segregating for a trait of interest is required for
QTL identification (Hong et al. 2010); therefore, genetic maps are an important component of
mulberry research, underpinning the improvement programs. Nevertheless, mulberry research
still lacks adequate tools and resources for genetic, genomic research, and breeding, and
therefore, expansion of thebasic knowledge of the genetic control of complex traits is required.
First, genetic linkage map of mulberry was generated by Venkateswarlu et al. (2006) with 50 F1
full-sib progeny using RAPD, ISSR, and SSR markers and pseudotest cross mapping strategy to
provide reference information for future molecular breeding work on Morus and its relatives.
They selected 100 RAPD, 42 ISSR, and 9 SSR primers that amplified 517 markers. Two separate
male and female maps were constructed using 94 each of female and male-specific test cross
markers, containing 12 female linkage groups and 14 male linkage groups. However, the female
map covered an average distance of 15.75 cM and maximum map distance of 37.9 cM between
two loci, while average distance of male map was 18.78 cM, maximum distance between two
loci being 34.7 cM. Though the markers were randomly distributed between the linkage groups,
the information generated has limited utility. A detailed linkage map integrating information
from multiple mapping populations with sufficient markers is necessary for QTL identification
and marker-assisted selection. These maps need to be constructed with the aim of determining
the relative position of transferable markers, increasing the number of available DNA markers,
obtaining saturated maps, and comparing the locations of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and
candidate genes of interest across germplasm. The construction of a consensus linkage map for
mulberry should enable us to determine the stability of locus positions across mulberry
A QTL identified through the aforementioned approaches may have genomic regions with
several hundred genes (Salvi and Tuberosa 2005). Thus, it is difficult to determine which gene(s)
is responsible for the variation in the trait, for which extensive cloning and sequencing are
required (Mackay 2001). System biology approaches such as transcriptomics has shown that
modifications in gene regulation cause wide phenotypic variations in natural populations (Gilad
et al. 2008; Hansen et al. 2008). Thus, mapping of QTLs that control the transcript level of gene
expression, called expression QTL (eQTL) mapping or systems genetics, helps us understand the
relationship between the genome and the transcriptome. Generally, two types of eQTLs are
recognized, cis-QTLs and trans-QTLs. cis-QTLs are due to polypmorphism in or closer to the
gene that codes for the mRNA product and, thus, are likely to represent structural genes, while
trans- QTLs are due to polymorphism located elsewhere in the genome but control the
transcription of the interested gene and, thus, are likely to be transcription regulator(s). The
major difference of eQTL mapping from traditional QTL mapping is the ability to analyze
thousands of traits at a time to find the QTL responsible for the variations (Chesler 2007). In
order to achieve the full potential of eQTL mapping, it is necessary to develop highly saturated
maps like those with SNP markers (Gilad et al. 2008). Several software packages are freely
available, with which eQTLs can be identified from repository genomic data. EQTL
The success of eQTL mapping in Eucalyptus and Populus (Krist et al. 2004) suggests that eQTL
is much suited to mulberry for identification of genes responsible for adaptability, pathogen
The nutritional status of mulberry leaf has a high impact on the cocoon quality as mature
silkworms use more than 70% of the leaf protein for synthesizing the silk proteins, fibroin, and
sericin. (Fukuda et al. 1959). Nutritional status of mulberry leaf can be improved by integrating
genetic and metabolic approaches. Metabolic profiling facilitates understanding of plant
metabolic networks (Fernie and Schauer 2008). Pathway-based approaches have been found
useful in identifying the genetic determinants of crop compositional quality. These approaches
have identified several mQTLs in tomato (Schauer et al. 2006, 2008), Cucumis (Alba et al.
2005), and sesame (Laurentin et al. 2008). The most commonly used technologies for metabolic
profiling are mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Different types of mass
mass spectrometry are most widely used. NMR uses magnetic nuclei of atoms after application
of a constant magnetic field. NMR has the advantage of being used for assessing living cells; it
provides subcellular information, and it is easier to drive atomic information for flux modeling
from NMR than from mass-spectrometrybased approaches (Fernie and Schauer 2008).
Considering the great potentials of mQTL mapping, it can be adopted for improving the leaf
quality in mulberry to enhance the silk productivity per unit area, which will have a great impact
plants, though it was well established in human. Association mapping differs from traditional
linkage mapping in many aspects (Table 4); it exploits the historical and evolutionary
recombination events rather than the limited recombinations available in biparental mapping
populations (Nordborg and Tavaré, 2002). LD mapping uses the genetic diversity present in
natural populations to identify molecular markers that are tightly linked to complex phenotypic
traits on the basis of significant allele frequency differences between individuals with the
phenotype of interest (―cases‖) and a set of unrelated control individuals (Pritchard et al. 2000).
Based on the nature of the study, LD mapping can be categorized into candidate gene association
mapping and genome-wide association mapping (Zhu et al. 2008). Candidate gene association
mapping relates polymorphisms in selected candidate genes with phenotypic variation for
specific traits whereas genome-wide association mapping or gene scan surveys genetic variation
in the whole genome to locate genes or narrow regions that have significant statistical
connections to various complex traits (Zhu et al. 2008). Many computer softwares can be used
for visualizing linkage disequilibrium (Table 5). Association mapping has already proven its
efficiency in many tree plants (Table 3). Detection of gene–trait associations for important
growth traits like phenology, disease resistance, drought resistance, and wood properties in those
trees suggest the suitability of association mapping in mulberry, though it has not been attempted
in mulberry.
multienvironmental testing (Fig. 3). In addition, mulberry needs at least 3–4 years to become
well established to be able to express important agronomic traits properly. For appropriate
statistical analysis, data have to be recorded in all the seasons for a minimum of 3 years. Thus,
field testing of a large number of progenies of mulberry requires huge space, time, labor, and
money. Therefore, assistance from environmentally insensitive, selectively neutral, and less
expensive and more time-saving methods like molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS)
techniques can be used for accelerating mulberry breeding as it is easier, faster, nondestructive,
and cheaper than the phenotypic assessment, especially for complex traits which are expensive to
assess (Koebner and Summers 2003). The most important requirement for MAS is molecular
markers that are tightly linked to traits of interest (Collard et al. 2005). If there is a marker linked
tightly to a particular phenotype, then one can select the phenotype indirectly based on the
presence or absence of the marker on a gel or on autoradiogram, depending on the marker system
(Hospital 2009), because the banding patterns indirectly reveal the presence or absence of a
specific chromosomal segment which carries the desired alleles (Varshney et al. 2004). Although
tightly linked markers for phenotypic traits through genetic mapping have not been identified in
markers associated with many important agronomic and biochemical characters have been
identified (Vijayan and Chatterjee 2003; Vijayan et al. 2006a, 2009; Kar et al. 2007). After
appropriate validations, these markers can initially be employed for MAS breeding in mulberry.
Reverse genomic tools such as insertional mutagenesis, overexpression of genes, and RNAi are
increasingly being used for dissection of complex traits in trees. Insertional mutants with
suppressed or activated target genes are used for identifying phenotypes (Busov et al. 2005).
Overexpression of dominant genes in transgenic plants leads to visible phenotypic changes and it
has been shown in trees (Grattapaglia et al. 2009). RNAi is another powerful tool that has been
developed recently for validating gene function in the context of plant developments. The
essence of RNAi is the delivery of double stranded RNA into the plant to induce a sequence-
specific RNA degradation mechanism that effectively silences targeted gene (Waterhouse and
Helliwell 2003). For elucidating genes involved in many biochemical pathways, this methods
appear to be very promising (Capell and Christou 2004). In order to apply these technologies in
mulberry, an efficient transformation system is a prerequisite. Bhatnagar et al. (2002, 2003) have
developed an efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for the mulberry. Using
this transformation system, a glycinin gene AlaBlb, an oryzacystatin gene OC (Wang et al.
2003), and a barley HVA1 gene (Lal et al. 2008) were successfully incorporated into the
mulberry genome. Thus, an efficient genetic transformation system in mulberry is ready for the
breeders to take advantage of. Overexpression of genes and reverse genetics are also promising
cross-pollinated plant like mulberry should be done with great caution. In this regard, it is
important to note that chloroplast genetic engineering has been viewed as a safer method of
transgenic plant development as, unlike nuclear genes, transgenes in the chloroplast DNA have
Mulberry is one of the most economically important plants with significant contributions to the
Indian economy. Abiotic stresses are major factor affecting the productivity of mulberry
efficient use of its genetic resources. Genetic markers have been employed in mulberry to study
its unique genotypic variation. However, only limited progress has been made in development of
linkage maps in mulberry, and therefore, efforts are needed for development of mulberry
genomic toolbox which would provide valuable basic information for functional genomics
accelerating the creation of improved mulberry varieties. Biotechnology has energized research
and fostered a surge of new ideas for mulberry improvement. Tissue culture studies have been
standardized and exploited for raising stable transgenic plants for different characters. Morus
genomic resources provided numerous novel candidate genes and fueled endeavors of
paved the way for evolutionary studies in mulberry. Redundant sequences found in EST
databases can be a useful resource for mining SNPs or developing DNA markers, for mapping
expressed genes to a linkage map, thus making the map more useful for OTL analysis and
marker-assisted selection. The potential of proteomics and metabolomics has yet to be exploited;
analysis is expected to yield desirable results for understanding mechanisms of enhancing the
productivity of mulberry. We have now excellent chances to translate our knowledge into major
gains with the recent sequencing of the model dicot angiosperms—Arabidopsis thaliana, Populus
tricocarpa. Using reference genome systems, the potential of comparative genomics should be
exploited to transfer the information on gene function, genetic markers and for a detailed
International mulberry consortium, presence of which renders the data to be universally useful.