Trichoderma: A Significant Fungus For Agriculture And: Environment
Trichoderma: A Significant Fungus For Agriculture And: Environment
Trichoderma: A Significant Fungus For Agriculture And: Environment
The novel technologies in all areas of agriculture have improved agricultural production, but some
modern practices affect the environment. The recent challenge faced by advanced farming is to achieve
higher yields in environment-friendly manner. Thus, there is an immediate need to find eco-friendly
solutions such as wider application of biocontrol agents. Among various types of species being used
as biocontrol agents, including fungi and bacteria, fungal genus Trichoderma produces different kinds
of enzymes which play a major role in biocontrol activity like degradation of cell wall, tolerance to biotic
or abiotic stresses, hyphal growth etc. The understanding of filamentous fungi belonging to the genus
Trichoderma has continuously evolved since last two decades, from the simple concepts of biocontrol
agents to their recently established role as symbionts with different beneficial effects to the plants.
Recent findings from structural and functional genomics approaches suggest the additional use of
these microbes as model to study mechanisms involved in multiple player interactions that is,
microbes-microbes-plant-environment. In this work, historical development of Trichoderma spp., mode
of action against different biological agents, potential applications and recent mass production
techniques are summarized and discussed in detail with updated advances with their application in the
agriculture and sustainable environment.
Key words: Biocontrol agent, mycoparasitism, induced resistance, endophyte, mass production,
bioremediation, bioreactors, agrochemicals.
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Waghunde et al. 1953
health of crop plant or to increase the natural ability to and presently known as Trichoderma viride (Pers. Ex.
degrade toxic compounds by some plants in soil and Fr.), Xylohypha nigrescens (Pers. Ex. Fr.) mason,
water. Some species of Trichoderma have the multiple Sporotrichum aureum Pers. Ex. Fr. and Trichothecium
interactions (mainly Trichoderma harzianum strain T22 roseum (Pers.) link ex S.F. Gray. The name Trichoderma
and Trichoderma atroviride strain P1) with crop plants is now applied to be the most frequently encountered
and soil borne fungal pathogens (Woo et al., 2006). The green forms typified by the original T. viride species
different species of this genus have long been known not described by Persoon, 1794. The first real generic
only for the control of plant disease but also for their description of Trichoderma was proposed based on
capability to enhance plant growth and development, colony growth rate and microscopic characters by Rifai,
elevated reproductive ability, capacity to modify the 1969. The genus was sub-divided into nine species,
rhizosphere, capability to grow under adverse conditions, distinguished from each other primarily on the basis of
competence in the use of nutrients, strong conidiophore branching patterns and conidium
aggressiveness against phytopathogenic fungi and morphology. The nine species-aggregates proposed
efficacy in supporting plant growth and enhanced were (1) T. piluliferum, Webster and Rifai, (2) T.
defense mechanisms (Harman et al., 2004; Schuster and polysporum (link ex Pers.) (3) T. hamatum (Bon.) Bain.
Schmoll, 2010; Pandya et al., 2011; Tripathi et al., 2013; (4) T. koningii Oudemans (5) T. aureoviride Rifai (6) T.
Dagurere et al., 2014; Keswani et al., 2014). These harzianum Rifai (7) T. longibrachyatum Rifai (8) T.
properties have made Trichoderma a omnipresent genus pseudokoningii Rifai and (9) T. viride (Pers. Ex. Fr.).
able to grow in wider habitats and at high population However, problem associated with Rifai’s key was
densities (Chet et al., 1997; Chaverri et al., 2011). There significant variation which remained to be defined within
is a numerous literature available on Trichoderma each of the nine aggregate taxa. During the last couple of
research but recent updates in cooperation with long- decades of the twentieth century, several groups revised
established facts are not summarized in past few years and rearranged the Trichoderma genus mainly on the
(Gal-Hemed et al., 2011; Sujatha et al., 2013). This basis of morphological characteristics (Bissett, 1984;
review focuses on the occurrence of Trichoderma spp., Bissett, 1991a; Manczinger et al., 2012; Bissett, 1991b;
their mode of action, commercial production techniques Gams and Bissett,1998; Doi et al., 1987, Samuels, et al.,
with applications in agriculture and use in sustainable 1998).
environmental practices. There were some earlier reports about false
The fungus Trichoderma has a long history and it was identification of certain species using morphological
first reported and described in 1794 (Persoon, 1794) and characteristics, for example name Trichoderma
later suggested to have a link with the sexual state of a harzianum was used for many different species (Kullnig-
Hypocrea species. However, it was difficult to assign the Gradinger et al., 2002) Recently, methods for safe
genus Trichoderma/hypocrea morphologically. It was identification of new species are significantly facilitated by
even proposed to have only one species, that is development of and a customized similarity search tool
Trichoderma viride. The first move on development of a (TrichoBLAST) and an oligonucleotide barcode
particular protocol for species identification was made in (TrichOKEY), both available online at
1969 (Rifai, 1969; Samuels, 2006). Trichoderma spp. has (Druzhinina et al., 2005; Kopchinskiy et al., 2005).
been known from last 70 years for their ability to produce Additionally, phenotype microarrays are useful for
antibiotics that inhibit growth of pathogenic organisms classification of new species which allow analysis of
and used as a biocontrol agents (Harman, 2006). carbon utilization patters for 96 carbon sources (Bochner
Subsequently, many novel species of Trichoderma were et al., 2001). Chaverri and Samuels, 2013 analyzed
revealed and by 2013, the genus already consists of endophytic species on the basis of their habitat
more than 200 phylogenetically defined species based on preference and nutrition mode to understand species
rpb2 sequence (Atanasova et al., 2013). radiations in diverse groups, and its potential use in
development of novel biological control strategies.
Several species could be characterized with well-defined
PHYLOGENIC EVOLUTION isoenzyme patterns during cellulose-acetate
electrophoresis, suggesting that this method can be used
The genus name Trichoderma was first proposed on the for the analysis of biochemical diversity between and
basis of macroscopic similarity (Persoon, 1794). The four within particular species of the genus Trichoderma
species categorized in this genus were T. viride, T. (Manczinger et al., 2012). The persistent efforts to clarify
nigrscens, T. aureum and T. roseum collected in variety and geographical incidence of T. hypocrea
Germany. These species were described as appearing promoted thorough documentations of the genus in many
like mealy powder and enclosed by a hairy covering parts of the world (Samuels et al., 2012; Chaverri and
further distinguished from each other by their different Samuels, 2003; Jaklitsch, 2009). Presently, the
colored conditions (Persoon, 1794). However, these four International Sub commission on T. hypocrea assigned
species are now considered to be unrelated to each other 104 species characterized at molecular level
1954 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Trichoderma-based biofungicides are booming in an The most common reason for the death of many
agricultural market with more than 50 formulations microorganisms growing in the vicinity of Trichoderma
registered products worldwide. Nowadays, there are strains is the starvation and scarcity of limiting nutrients.
more than 50 different Trichoderma-based agricultural This can be effectively used in biological control of fungal
products being produced in different countries and are phytopathogens. Carbon and iron are two essential
sold to farmers to get better yields in different crops (Woo elements in most of the filamentous fungi, required for
et al., 2006). Presently, Trichoderma spp. based products viability. Competition for carbon is effective mode not only
are considered as relatively novel type of biocontrol in Trichoderma but also some other fungi such as strains
agents (BCAs). The size of current biopesticide market is of F. oxysporum (Sarrocco, et al., 2009; Alabouvette et
vague and only scattered information could be obtained al., 2009). Under iron starving conditions; most fungi
based on registered as well as non-registered produces small size ferric-iron specific chelators to
biofungicides. Recently, Trichoderma based BCAs share mobilize iron from surrounding environment. T.
about 60% of all fungal based BCAs and an increasing harzianum T35 also controls Fusarium oxysporum by
number of Trichoderma spp. based BCAs products are competing for both rhizosphere colonization and nutrients
registered regularly. T. harzianum as an active agent in a (Tjamos et al., 1922). Siderophores produced by some
range of commercially available biofertilizers and Trichoderma isolates are highly efficient chelators for iron
Waghunde et al. 1955
Figure 1. Model depicting mode of action of Trichoderma spp. against pathogen and plant growth
and inhibit the growth of other fungi (Chet and Inbar, crucial in competition with other root colonizers
1994). Hence, Trichoderma spp. outcompetes with (Saloheimo et al., 2002; Viterbo et al., 2004; Brotman et
Pythium for available iron in soil and effectively controls al., 2008) and some of them help to establish symbiotic
its growth. There are many more examples about relationship with host plants (Samolski et al., 2012).
effective application of competition for the biocontrol of
pathogens such as B. cinerea, which is involved in pre-
and post-harvest loss in many countries around the world Antibiosis
(Latorre et al., 2001). These reports suggest that the
molecular and proteomic assembly of Trichoderma is The mechanism of antibiosis is commonly reported
more efficient to mobilize and take up soil nutrients as among many species including microorganisms and
compared to many other studied pathogens and other plants. In case of Trichoderma, small size diffusible
organisms. compounds or antibiotics produced by these species
The proficient utilization of accessible nutrients is inhibit the growth of other microorganisms (Benitez et al.,
resulting from the capability of Trichoderma to acquire 2004). Production of volatile compounds was not
ATP from the diverse types of sugars, such as those detected in case of four isolates of T. harzianum that
derived from polymers widely available in fungal were tested in vitro against Rhizoctonia solani (Cumagun
environments: cellulose, glucan and chitin and others, all and Ilag, 1997). Strains of T. virens able to produce
of them turning into glucose (Chet et al., 1997). Recently gliovirin involved in antibiosis making it efficient biocontrol
the antifungal properties of filtrates of Trichoderma agent (Howell, 1998). A mutant of T. harzianum strain
strains were used to control Ceratocystis paradoxa 2413 with elevated levels of extracellular enzymes and of
responsible for pineapple disease of sugarcane (Rahman α-pyrone increased resistance than the wild type against
et al., 2009). Productions of proteins playing pivotal role R. solani and in assays of grape protection against B.
in root colonization by Trichoderma are also found to be cinerea under different controlled environmental
1956 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
conditions (Rey et al., 2001). In tobacco plants, chitinases in the process of mycoparasitism are well
exogenous application of peptaibols activated defense studied from Trichoderma spp. using gene-for-gene
responsive genes and showed reduced susceptibility to experiments and future studies will definitely help us to
Tobacco mosaic virus (Wiest et al., 2002). Coconut smell understand this complex process (Daguerre et al., 2014).
is typical of T. viride isolates suggesting the presence of
volatile compounds that are inhibitory to pathogen
growth. These metabolites include harzianic acid, Induced resistance
alamethicins, tricholin, peptaibols, antibiotics, 6-penthyl- The major focus of Trichoderma research was to
α-pyrone, massoilactone, viridin, gliovirin, glisoprenins, understand the direct effects on other fungal species,
heptelidic acid (Vey et al., 2001; Raaijmakers et al., especially mycoparasitism and antibiosis. The first clear
2009). The different pathways producing secondary demonstration of induced resistance with T. harzianum
metabolites are illustrated and summarized recently by strain T-39 showed that treated soil made leaves of bean
Daguerre et al., 2014, including pyrone biosynthesis plants resistant to diseases caused by the fungal
pathway, polyketide biosynthesis pathway, peptaibol pathogens such as B. cinerea and C. lindemuthianum,
biosynthesis pathway, flocculosin terpenoid/steroid even though T-39 was applied only on the roots and
biosynthesis pathway, gliotoxin and gliovirin biosynthesis without any on the foliage (Bigirimana et al., 1997).
pathways. Induced resistance was found to be beneficial in more
than 10 different dicots and monocots, to infection by
Mycoparasitism fungi (B. cinerea, R. solani, Colletotrichum spp.,
Phytophthora spp., Alternaria spp., Magnaporthe grisea,
Mycoparasitism is one of the main mechanisms involved etc.), bacteria (Xanthomonas spp., Pseudomonas
in the antagonisms of Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent. syringae, etc.), and even some viruses like CMV. The soil
The process apparently include, chemotropic growth of treated with T. harzianum strain T-39 was also effective
Trichoderma, recognition of the host by the against fungal pathogens B. cinerea and Colletotrichum
mycoparasites, secretion of extra cellular enzymes, lindemuthianum in bean plants. Similar findings were
penetrations of the hyphae and lysis of the host (Zeilinger reported from B. cinerea to other dicots (De Mayer et al.,
et al., 1999). Trichoderma recognizes signals from the 1998).
host fungus, triggering coiling and host penetrations. The Similar studies have been conducted with different
process of mycoparasitism involves direct attack of one Trichoderma species and strains on different plant
fungal species on another one. This complex process species, including both monocots and dicots. T.
includes sequential events, involving cycle of recognition harzianum strain T-22 is the only microbe reported to
of fungal strain by Trichoderma spp., attack on cellular induce systemic resistance to pathogens in model plants
machinery, and subsequent penetration inside the host (Contreras-Cornejo et al., 2011; Salas-Marina et al.,
and finally killing of the host. Trichoderma spp. even can 2011; Yoshioka et al., 2012) and also in maize indicative
grow towards fungal host by recognizing them. Such of its unique ability (Harman et al. 2012). Induced
remote sensing activity is partially because of the systemic resistance is believed to be one of the most
sequential production of pathogenesis related proteins, important mechanisms of biocontrol effects of
mostly glucanase proteases, and chitinase (Harman et al., Trichoderma (Harman, 2006). A variety of strains of T.
2004). The response of different Trichoderma strains is virens, T. asperellum, T. harzianum, and T. atroviride
not similar in the process of mycoparasitism. Constitutive stimulate metabolic changes that enhance higher
secretion of exochitinases at low level which degrade tolerance to many plant-pathogenic microbes including
fungal cell-walls releasing oligomers plays a central role viruses (Table 1). Likewise, this response appears to be
in growth inhibition of pathogenic fungal strains (Gajera et broadly useful for many crops; for example, T harzianum
al., 2013). In some cases, the morphological changes like strain T-22 induces resistance in plants as diverse as
coiling and formation of appressorium containing higher tomatoes and maize, suggesting a little or no plant
amount of osmotic solutes such as glycerol induces specificity.
penetration in host cells. Trichoderma attached to the Saksirirat et al., 2009 reported that isolate of T.
pathogen, coils around the pathogen and formed harzianum (T9) induced resistance in tomato plant (cv.
appresoria releases its content. It results in the Sida cultivar) with reducing 69.32% bacterial spot
production of pathogenesis related peptides which helps (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria) after 14 days
in both the entry of Trichoderma hyphae and the post inoculation. Similarly, on gray leaf spot
digestion of the cell wall content (Howell, 2003). The cell (Stemphylium solani), isolate T. asperellum (T18)
wall degradation of target fungus by these produced induced resistance and showed significant reduction in
chemical compounds results in the parasitism. There are number of spots by 19.23% after 10 days post
many factors affecting this process and at least 20 to 30 inoculation. The elicitor filtrate of T. harzianum
proteins and other metabolites are directly involved in this (PDBCTh10 isolate) was found effective against root rot
interaction. The functions of different glucanases and (Phytophthora capsici) in pepper plant and induced
Waghunde et al. 1957
resistance resulting with 23% less infection increase in the activity of defensive mechanisms synthase (CHS) and phenylalanine ammonio
(Sriram et al., 2009). At a molecular level, producing higher concentration of related lyase (PAL), chitinase, glucanase and some
resistance to different pathogens is due to metabolites and enzymes, such as chalcone proteins from cerato-platanin (CP) family and
1958 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
phytoalexins (HR response) synthesizing enzymes such methods for mass culturing and delivering the biocontrol
as PKS/NRPS hybrid enzyme (Djonovic et al., 2006; agents. The problem in developing biopesticides, a living
Seidi et al., 2006; Mukherjee et al., 2012). These system, is during the process of formulation and short
comprise pathogenesis related proteins (PR) and shelf life. The most widely used fungal antagonists,
enzymes involved in the response to oxidative stress Trichoderma spp. have been grown on solid substrate
(Gajera et al., 2013). like wheat straw, sorghum grains, wheat bran, coffee
husk, wheat bran-saw dust, diatomaceous earth granules
impregnated with molasses and so forth for their mass
Endophytes multiplication (Table 2).
Papavizas et al. (1984) produced biomass of fungal
Endophytic activity of many microorganisms (growth antagonists by liquid fermentation consisting of molasses
inside plant tissue without any harm) may useful to host and brewer’s yeast. Montealegre et al. (1993) proposed
plant by stimulating of plant growth, a postponement to liquid fermentation method consisting of molasses, wheat
the beginning of drought stress and the obstruction to bran and yeast on large scale production of T. harzianum.
pathogens (Piotrowski and Volmer, 2006). Endosymbiotic Since Trichoderma sporulates relatively poorly in liquid
species are capable of establishing colonies in plant roots media and sporulates well on various solid substrates,
and triggers the expression of many plant genes affecting solid substrate fermentation (SSF) process was preferred
stress responses. Recently, there are reports showing over the other due to some inherent advantages under
Trichoderma isolates acting as endophytic plant Indian conditions. These include utilization of large
symbionts in some woody plants (Gazis and Chaverri, number of agro wastes as substrate for the en mass
2010; Chaverri and Gazis, 2011). Interestingly, strains production of Trichoderma, use of a wide variety of
forming association with roots are altering the gene matrices, low capital investment, low energy expenditure,
expression pattern in shoots. These changes are the key less expensive downstream processing, less water usage
points in altering plant physiology and this can be and lower waste water output, potential higher volumetric
exploited in the improvement of many important traits like productivity, high reproducibility, lesser fermentation
uptake of nitrogen fertilizer, abiotic/biotic stress space and easier control of contamination. Fermented
resistance, and photosynthetic efficiency leading to biomass of Trichoderma consisted mainly of
higher yields (Chaverri and Samuels, 2013; Harman et al, chlamydospores and conidia with some amount of
2012). Phylogenetic analysis classifies all known mycelia fragments. The controlled physiological
endophytic species as a separate taxa with the exception parameters are crucial in production of viable spores
of T. koningiopsis, T. stilbohypoxyli and T. stromaticum suggesting carbon to nitrogen ratio in medium or
within their clades at terminal position suggesting substrate, pH, and cultivation time are important (Agosin
endophytism is not an old trait but recently evolved in et al., 1997).
Trichoderma species (Chaverri et al., 2011; Samuels et
al., 2006; Samuels and Ismiel, 2009; Druzhinina et al.,
2011). Solid state fermentation
Table 2. Contd.
Wheat straw, paddy straw, shelled maize cob, paper waste, saw dust, sugarcane bagasse, spent straw, wheat bran, Tewari and Bhanu,
18 T. harzianum
rice bran 2004
Tapioca rind, tapioca refuse, mushroom spent straw, paddy chaff, wheat bran, groundnut shell, rice bran, sugarcane Gangadharan and
19 T. viride and T. harzianum
baggase, wheat straw, shelled maize cob, paddy straw, chickpea husk Jeyrajan, 1990
Rini and Sulochana,
20 T. harzianum and T. viride Saw dust, rice bran
Shelled maize cobs, paddy straw, paddy husk, wheat bran, Pramod and
21 T. harzianum
baggase, sawdust, groundnut shell Palakshappa, 2009
Trichoderma harzianum, T. virens and T. Smolinska, et al.,
22 Onion rind (dry onion skin), apple and strawberry pomace, rapeseed meal
atroviride 2014
T. harzianum (T5), T. viride, T. hamatum Sharma and Trivedi,
23 Tea waste, sorghum straw, wheat straw, wheat bran
(T16) 2005
Liquid based
24 T. hamatum, T. harzianum, T. viride Molasses and Brewers yeast Papavizas, 1984
25 T. harzianum strain P1, Defined basal culture medium with mineral solution Agosin, 1997
26 T. harzianum RM8 Jin, 1991
27 T. harzianum strain 1295-22 Modified RM8 Jin, 1991
28 T. harzianum Czapeck’s Dox Broth and V8 Broth Harman, 1991
29 T. harzianum Rifai Potato Dextrose Broth, V8 juice and molasses yeast medium Prasad, 2002
30 T. harzianum Rifai Potato Dextrose Broth, Czapeck’s Dox Broth and Modified Richards’ Broth Das, 2006
31 T. harzianum Local cow urine, Jersey cow urine, Butter milk, Vermiwash Parab et al., 2008
most effective as compared to the rest of the marketed by many commercial firms and available POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS IN MODERN
substrates tested (Gohil, 1993). In addition, in global market (Velivelli et al., 2014). In India, AGRICULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE
several techniques for the mass production of there are more than 250 BCA products available ENVIRONMENT
Trichoderma spp. were established and proposed in the market. Formulization of commercial BCA
by our group and other researchers based on for agricultural application should possess several The Trichoderma genus can grow in a wide range
local conditions and availability of substrates desirable characters and need to have substantial of habitats and this is achieved by evolved
(Pandya et al., 2007; Sabalpara, 2014; Pandya et proof in order to convince farmers. These include diversified metabolic pathways leading to the
al., 2012; Sabalpara et al., 2009). A novel satisfactory market potential, easy preparation, production of various enzymes and secondary
technique using talc mixed proportionately with unfussy application, high stability during metabolites. Production of commercially important
FYM (1:10) was developed for direct soil and transportation as well as storage, abundant viable enzymes such as amylases, cellulases, 1-3 beta
nursery bed applications (Ramanujam and Sriram, propagules with good shelf life, sustained efficacy glucanases, and chitinases were extensively
2009). and accepted cost. Various carrier materials studied and this technology is continuously being
proved useful for the preparation of formulation of updated (Harman et al., 2004; Ahamed and
Trichoderma based BCAs because it works as a Vermette, 2008; Sandhya et al. 2004). Recently,
Commercial level production food base (Table 3). Talc is the most common they have been found useful in the production of
carrier material suggested for commercial silver nanoparticles (Maliszewska et al., 2009;
Bacterial based BCAs are being produced and production of Trichoderma worldwide. Vahabi et al., 2011).
Waghunde et al. 1961
Bioremediation technology that may facilitate the plant to survive in the biotic as well
as abiotic stress conditions. The hsp70 gene from T.
Investigations on bioremediation of environmental harzianum T34 was cloned and characterized (Mantero-
toxicants are entering in a new era with the application of Barrientos et al., 2008) and encoding protein expression
genetic engineering. However, majority of the studies in Arabidopsis showed higher tolerance to heat and other
related to bioremediation have been conducted under the abiotic stresses (Mantero-Barrientos, et al., 2008). The
laboratory conditions. The concept of utilizing fungi for encoding protein product of this gene facilitates higher
bioremediation of soil contaminated with certain level of fungal resistance to heat and other stresses such
pollutants is relatively older. There is liberal evidence of as osmotic, salt and oxidative tolerances. Putative kelch-
various Trichoderma spp. contributing to polycyclic repeat protein coding gene Thkel1 isolated from T.
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation, even as harzianum regulating the glucosidase activity was able to
affecting native mycorrhizal fungi both positively and/or, induce improved tolerance to salt and osmotic stresses in
negatively (Azcbn-Aguilar and Barea, 1997). Degradation Arabidopsis thaliana plants (Hermosa et al., 2011).
potential of rhizosphere-competent Trichoderma strains Number of proteins, for example mitogen-activated
against several synthetic dyes, pentachlorophenol, protein kinase, Sm1 (Small Protein 1), 4-
endosulfan and dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) phosphopantetheinyl transferase, and PKS/NRPS hybrid
were demonstrated previously (Katayama and enzyme from T. virens were confirmed and involved in
Matsumura, 1993). Hydrolyses, peroxidase, lactases and conferring resistance against several soil born and foliar
other lytic enzymes produced by Trichoderma spp. are pathogens (Howell et al., 2000; Perazzoli et al., 2012;
probable factors aiding indegradation of these Viterbo et al., 2005).
contaminants. Therefore, application of some detoxifying
agents along with Trichoderma spp. would provide
healthy soil and environment (Table 4). It may help to
Wood preservation
improve not only the health of soil and plant, but also a
sustained crop yield protection. Trichoderma spp.
Trichoderma spp. displayed a killing action against these
inoculated in the soil can grow rapidly because of
fungi in in vitro tests, but in situ action was ineffective.
naturally resistant ability to many toxic compounds, such
Ejechi investigated the ability of T. viride to inhibit the
as fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and phenolic
decay of obeche (Triplochiton sceleroxylon) wood by the
compounds (Chet et al., 1997).
decay fungi Gloeophyllum sp. and G. sepiarium under
Trichoderma strains may play an important role in the
field conditions under dry and wet season in tropical
bioremediation of soil contaminated with pesticides and
environment for 11 months. T. viride exhibited total
possess the ability to degrade a wide range of
inhibition of the decay fungi by means of mycoparasitism
insecticides: organochlorines, organophosphates and
and competition for nutrients (Ejechi, 1997).
carbonates. ABC transporter protein systems in
Trichoderma strains may be involved in resistance
mechanisms against tested noxious compounds (Harman
Industrial bioreactors
et al., 2004).
Biofuel production is one of the eco-friendly ways to
Biotic and abiotic stress tolerance reduce expenditure on energy sector and tackle the
global warming effects on environment and human health
Trichoderma species are good source of natural proteins (Rubin, 1997). T. reesei, a non-biological agent is one the
1962 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
most important genus for industrial purposes as a factory alleviating uptake of nutrients in plants, enhancing
for the production of secreted cellulase in biotechnology nitrogen-use efficiency in different crops, and assisting to
and a model for basic studies on protein secretion improve photosynthetic efficiency. The use of this genus
(Ahamed and Vermette, 2009; Li et al., 2013). Molecular has expanded worldwide as general plant protectants
insights into the mechanism of the cellulose degrading and growth enhancers, besides their application in a
pathways and genome sequencing of T. reesei provide a variety of industrial processes. The genome of
platform to explore novel ways of metabolic engineering Trichoderma spp. has been extensively investigated and
(Kubicek et al., 2009). T. reesei contains the smallest has proven to contain many useful genes, along with the
number of genes encoding enzymes responsible for plant ability to produce a great variety of expression patterns,
cell wall degradation within Sordariomycetes (Martinez et which allows these fungi to adapt to many different
al., 2008). An alternative strategy to the first generation environments (soil, water, dead tissues, inside the plants,
energy sources includes manufacturing of biofuels using etc.). The metabolomics of Trichoderma spp. are
agricultural waste products with the help of cellulases incredibly complex, especially in terms of secondary
andhemicellulases produced by T. reesei or other strains metabolites production but with the help of advanced
and further fermentation by other microbes such as yeast molecular and proteomic approaches, it is possible to
(Schuster and Schmoll, 2010). Nonetheless, the explore new pathways, novel functions of compounds
efficiency of this process needs to improve several folds produced by this genus and their potential applications.
of magnitude to reach final goal of equally compatible The proteome of Trichoderma spp. growing in a variety of
energy sources like fossil fuels. Additionally, genus conditions and interactions has been mapped, and the
Trichoderma is a good source of many secondary information has been used to develop new products
metabolites useful in application against phytopathogens, based on synergistic combinations of the living fungus
which Keswani and co-workers have recently with its secreted metabolites. These new formulations,
summarized Keswani et al. (2014) Secondary which combine biocontrol with biofertilization, are
metabolites inhibiting growth of pathogens can be used considered to be more effective than older products and
irrespective of geographic location and such formulations active on a wider range of pathogens.
can be produced with longer shelf life.
Conflict of Interests
Sensitivity against agrochemicals
The authors have not declared any conflict of interests.
The efficiency of the bioagents is hampered due to
poisonous nature of fungicides which are used
simultaneously in crop production technology. Therefore, REFERENCES
the sensitivity and tolerance of Trichoderma have been
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tested by our group and many others (Sawant and of culture conditions on spore shelf life of the biocontrol agent
Mukhopadhay, 1990; Pandey and Upadhyay, 1998; Trichoderma harzianum. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 7(13):225-
Sharma, et al., 1999; Nallathambi et al., 2001; Sushir and 232.
Ahamed A, Vermette P (2008). Culture-based strategies to enhance
Pandey, 2001; Bhatt and Sabalpara, 2001; Patibanda et cellulase enzyme production from Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30 in
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