Gwyneth Castro NCP

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Nursing Care Plan

Patient’s Code: Covida Pandemy Age: 37 yr. old Sex: Female Civil Status: Married Date & Time of Admission: June 30, 2021 | 11:00 A.M
Chief Complaints: _N/A___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nursing Diagnosis (PES): Risk for unstable blood glucose level associated to pregnancy as evidenced by insufficient dietary intake, insufficient diabetes
management, and nonadherence to diabetes management plan.

Definition: Susceptible to variation in serum levels of glucose from the normal range, which may compromise health.

Assessment/ Cues Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation

(Subjective/ Objective) (Goals and Objectives)
At the end of my 8 hours of
Independent: Independent: The planned care was
Objective Data: ➢ Instruct the client that meals
nursing care, the patient will be ➢ An irregular schedule or met as evidenced by:
able to prescribed/diet should be eaten at nonadherence of prescribed
➢ Fasting blood glucose is regularly paced intervals in a diabetes plan may interfere with the ➢ The client has a blood
152 mg/dL. ➢ To have the recommended relaxed setting. recommended blood glucose of the glucose reading of the
blood glucose reading of less ➢ Teach patient how to perform home client. following within 2
than 180 mg/dL within 2 hours glucose monitoring. ➢ Blood glucose is monitored before hours after meals;
after meals (lunch and meals and at bedtime. Glucose ➢ Lunch: 164 mg/dL
dinner). Dependent: values are used to adjust insulin ➢ Dinner: 159 mg/dL
➢ Instruct patient to take oral doses.
hypoglycemic medications as
directed: Dependent:
➢ Meglitinides: repaglinide ➢ Stimulates insulin secretion by the
(Prandin) pancreas.
➢ Biguanides: metformin ➢ These drugs decrease the amount
(Glucophage) of glucose produced by the liver
➢ Thiazolidinediones: and improve insulin sensitivity.
pioglitazone (Actos), They enhance muscle cell receptor
rosiglitazone (Avandia) sensitivity to insulin.
➢ Incretin modifiers: sitagliptin ➢ Sensitizes body tissues to insulin
phosphate (Januvia), vildagliptin and stimulates insulin receptor sites
(Galvus) to lower blood glucose and improve
the action of insulin.
➢ Increases and prolongs the action
of incretin which increases insulin
secretion and decreases glucagon

References: Herdman, H. T., & Kamitsuru, S. (2017). NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2018–2020 (11th ed.). Thieme.

Name of Student: _Gwyneth Hannah T. Castro_______________ Yr/Crs/Sec: 1st yr / BSN / 1A____ RLE Group: _no. 2_____ CI: Ma’am Catherine Delfin_________

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