Mudi Master Guide Magazine Issue 1
Mudi Master Guide Magazine Issue 1
Mudi Master Guide Magazine Issue 1
Master Guide
A Resource for Adventist Youth Leaders and Parents
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
give them correct theories. It is important that we
correct their erroneous thinking and theories that
dictate how they live. In this way, we can chal-
hey say to “make the end is to make lenge the youth to practically live out correctly the
the beginning. What we often call the end is the unchanging Christian principles in a changing
beginning. The end is where we start from.” As world.
good as it sounds, I do not see the end to this our
In your hands is one of the great tools for parents
beginning. The journey we are embarking on can- and leaders. The great tool for adapting to the
not end. It should not end. It is a journey of con- changes, for being relevant to the youth, for up-
tinued sharing of knowledge, skills and experience dating yourself with the knowledge and experienc-
in the context of Adventist Youth Ministry. The es, for properly influencing the youth and for cor-
knowledge and experiences know no end for they recting the different erroneous theories they hold.
keep on updating as individuals live on. As leaders One more time, this is the beginning of the jour-
and parents of a complicated generation, we can ney that knows no end. Let us journey together to
never cease learning unless we want to cease to the wonderland of knowledge, skills and experi-
be relevant to the youth. We can never cease ences in the context of Youth Ministry.
learning about the youth unless we want to cease
leading the youth.
It is an undisputed fact that the world that we
3 minister in changes rapidly; as such the youth will
need to learn how to adapt to the changes rapidly.
Since they cannot be taught to be adaptive by
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
leaders that are stuck in the past without adapting Thom “Khondie” Khondiwa
to the changes, it is important that we leaders and Master Guide Mentor
parents adapt to the changes as well. We need to
adapt without necessarily abandoning the Ad-
ventist faith and experience so the youth adapt
without abandoning the Adventist faith and expe-
The theories we hold dear to will shape how we
live. The theories that our youth hold dear to
shape their day-today- life. It is important that we
Book Review: Take a Risk by Ben Carson
the BIJANI TWINS— that risky complex and troubling issues and
brain surgery that Ben performed risks although they may not be as
about two decades ago with a extreme as the Bijani sisters. We
hat an amazing team of experts from all around deal with risks when it comes to
book this is! It literally grabs you the world. The twins were born our faith. We believe in a God
from the first page and you keep connected at the head and lived whom we have never seen, for
on reading it. You cannot put it for 29 years! They made a deci- example. So from our faith to our
down! Ben Carson is a genius and sion to be separated even if it work, our choice of friends, and
such a great author and I have meant death. They were willing to our choice of partners for mar-
learnt so much from him. I read take that risk because they wanted riage, our school and in all as-
4 this book at the right time in my to live separate lives. A three days pects of life we have so many
life. Life is full of risks, I mean operation was cut short because risks.
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
there are everywhere from driving both of them bled excessively, Ben made a provision for the Best
a car to something as simple as went into shock and were pro- and Worst Analysis to deal with
sleeping. We can lose our lives nounced dead on the operating such risks since we cannot run
and our valuables in so many table. These twins knew about the away from them. The analysis is
ways. Society has tried so far to risks with the operation and knew made up of four questions:
eliminate such risks but the truth the odds were 50-50 but were de-
is that we cannot eliminate them termined and unflinching in their
all. conviction that death was prefera-
nate you.
most people
Let me share with you some safety tend to
tips that can help to avoid some bridge a fuse
unfortunate incidents and acci- in the plug
dents in our homes:
with a bigger
Make sure that all appliances wire so that they are not trou-
have a top plug of the suitable bled with frequent fuse blow
fuse rating. Most people in their ups due to heavy current loads.
homes and small industries opt This is unacceptable because
for simpler and quicker way of the safety device is bypassed;
fixing power cables directly to you and your equipment are
a power source or socket. not safe.
Good practice
Don’t use broken plugs or
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
Use of extension to supply power from
point A to B should be traded well.
The quality and durability of exten-
sions should be looked into. No unpro-
tected connection and the extension
should be well insulated and well
Moisture is a good friend of electrici-
ty. So avoid using electrical appli-
ance in a moist or wet environment. Safety First, Safety Always
cians, and consider that politicians increased pressure in public aca- involved in this risky behavior.
act more in their own interest than demic resources. More students The behavior can be linked to peer
for society. It appears most young are scrambling for the same public -pressure as most teenagers are
people are used by politicians to universities; this has led to a good copying from their friends. It can
commit various political violence; number of students to farther also be linked to the Media espe-
including looting of people’s prop- their studies in private universi- cially videos they watch and video
erties, damaging properties be- ties. These have to cough for the games they play. The content of
longing to supporters of other par- tuition fees which are higher than these have been made to make
ties, and even involved in beating in public schools. As a church the youth believe that the use of
and killing of the supporters of we can help our youth sail through the illicit drugs and the abuse of
other political parties. The youth this challenge. For example, we drugs and other substances is nor-
can set up a fund that can be used mal even for the teenagers. As a
result, some youth may not perform well academical- Their behaviors need to be understood within the
ly and they don’t respect their parents or teachers framework of the Great Controversy theme. The
whenever they are trying to advise them. youth need to understand that the church is always
there for them—especially when they are caught up
Some even decide to leave their home and go else-
with sin. When they fall they need to be helped in
where to continue with their behavior without having love for we are all in this battle. The Youth Ministry
anyone looking over their shoulder. As leaders and should be modeled after the Old Testament Cities of
the church, we need to educate the youth on the Refugee where sinners were running to for refuge
dangers of the drugs and the benefits of a drug-free and protection. The youth must feel safe in the
church even when they feel they are the most sinful.
As leaders we need not judge them because of their
Spiritual Challenges bad behavior—we need to understand them and
offer them help when the need be. “Do not judge, or
Discussing it lastly does not trivialize it. It is recogniz-
you too will be judged.” Matthew 7:1.
ing that the spiritual challenges need a special atten-
tion. In fact any or a combination of the aforemen- A Summary of Strategies of Helping Young People
tioned challenges may eventually lead to the spiritual
challenges. On the one hand, the spiritual challenges “Train a child in the way they should go for they shall
could be likened to signs and symptoms of a particu- not depart from God.” (Prov. 22:6). Be a good exam-
lar disease—they may point to the actual disease. As ple to young people. Having a conversation with a
an example, an economic challenge could be a prob- teen or young adult about difficult issues is not some-
lem which may make the youth to absent themselves thing you should shy away from. Even when it seems
from the church. This challenges us to look for the like they are not listening, as a leader you are one of
real causative agent that may be behind the spiritual the most influential person in their life. It is important
challenge. On the other hand, spiritual challenges are to lay a strong foundation before the window of op-
the problems themselves that need serious and ur- portunity closes. Listen to what the youth have to say.
gent attention. Many young people are in the valley Try not to be judgmental but make your expectations
of making the right decision spiritually. Romans and opinions clear. It is important that the youth un-
7:15, NIV: "I do not understand what I do. For what I derstand that you don't condone certain behaviors
want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." and that they know the consequences of breaking the
Most young people indulge in certain behaviors which
12 they don’t like spiritually because of the Great Con-
troversy between good and bad. The youth need not
to be judged by their spiritual shortcomings, no.
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
Mabvuto Chipeta
Chaplain, Malawi Adventist
University (MAU)
wi Conference adopted an elderly person. Mr. Liyo
Tsilika is aged 87 and resides in Township of
Ndirande, Makata village, Traditional Authority Kapeni
he vision of Global Youth Day (GYD) is to of Blantyre. He lives on repairing worn out shoes for
recapture the reality of Adventist Youth as global those who
movement mobilized for service contributing to the happen to
proclamation of the everlasting gospel and ushering pass by.Living
in the second coming of Jesus Christ. Our Mission is in a very di-
to perform acts of kindness in the community and Be lapidated
the Sermon on that Day. house along
13 Nasolo River,
According to the GC Youth Ministry, Global Youth Day
Mr. Tsilika
was launched on March 13, 2013 with the support of
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
could not
General Conference Administration the 13 Division
afford a sim-
youth director, Middle East and North Africa Union
ple decent The old “house’’
and the Israel Field. “Since then, a theme for every
house as he
year has always been developed to target an area of
is economi-
charity the youth can be involved worldwide to
cally challenged and has no known relatives around
reach the world’s masses who have not yet received
for his wife supposedly left him in 1960 together
Christ as their personal Saviour and
with their two daughters on an unknown errand to an
LORD.” (
unknown destination. To this day, it is not known
Under the theme “I care” the Adventist Youth of Mudi whether the ‘wife’ or the daughters are still alive or
Seventh Day Adventist Church in the South Mala- not. To a human eye, it has been a lonesome journey
for Mr. Tsilika who has been living alone ever since.
However, it was about to be apparent that Mr. Tsiliza
was not left alone for God was with him. Through the
ministry of the Mudi Adventist Youth, God reached out
to Him in a remarkable way.
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
left many countries and citizenry fore God. May I take this oppor-
with nothing to do as many peo- tunity to challenge you to admire
ple have lost their jobs, businesses the heroes of faith as stipulated in
ince the emergence of heavily affected, new worshipping the book of Hebrews (Heb. 11.
the Corona Virus in Wuhan city of styles, many souls laid to rest 4,5,7,8,11,20,22,31,32). The Bible
China, the World in which we are while many trades among coun- states that all these people were
living in has never been the same. tries have come to a halt. In times still living by faith when they died.
It is due to that virus that led tolike these, what are we supposed In other words, these people did
the famous disease commonly to do as Christians? Unbelievers not waver in their faith till death
16 known as COVID-19. This disease are losing hope. What about us called them to rest. These people
has affected the whole world no the believers? The answer is sim- showed their faith when they
wonder the World Health Organi- ple: Keep Faith!!! were in an utmost challenging sit-
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
David, Samuel and the prophets conquered king- “In the face of COVID-19
doms. (Heb. 11.29-32) Just imagine the benefits of
and Economic Crisis, God
Our Faith Today is looking for His faithful
In the face of COVID-19 and Economic Crisis, God is people as He did with the
looking for His faithful people as He did with the oth- other people in the past.”
er people in the past. These are our utmost challeng-
ing situations in which our true faith is being called
into practice. Hear what God says; “But my righteous
one will live by faith and if he shrinks back, I will not
be pleased with him. But we are not of those who CONCLUSION
shrink back and are destroyed but of those who be- My fellow Christians hear what the Bible says, He-
lieve and are saved.” (Heb. 10.38-39). It was during brews 12. 2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author
the Storm Crisis on the sea of Galilee when Jesus and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before
Christ questioned His disciples, “Why are you so Him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat
afraid? Do you have no faith?” Some storms in life down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Let
are so terrifying that we tend to lose faith and doubt us keep faith and live for Jesus.
the saving hand of God. The news we hear each
The itching question one may ask is: Why should we
passing day both from within and globally are so ter-
fix our eyes on Jesus, keep faith in Him and live for
rifying and challenging to our faith; it is in times like Him? The answer to this question lies in the question
these that our Lord and Savior calls us to, turn “to Jesus Himself asked (Luke 18. 8 ), “…When the Son of
me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Our
17 God and there is no other.” (Isa. 45. 22). To look up Lord is very much concerned about our faith there-
to God during times of crisis means you have got fore let us be people of faith during this perilous
faith in Him; without it you cannot. times of the end as Jesus is about to come and take
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
Indeed, you learn by history. His- a requirement. Well, Church Her- neapolis, we enter into this room,
tory, whether sacred or secular, is itage is the history of the church. the Conference Room for this
our constant reference despite the But it is more than history for it is church which is officially 28 years
fact that most of us tend to turn a the only point in time where the old. The climate of the room is so
blind eye to or ignore the lessons future meets the past. Like a hot and is characterized by tense
from it. I have to confess, history stream that feeds a river, the past debates and anger. The future of
has never been my thing. I did not feeds the future. More than feed- this church is in doubt. After this
want to memorise the past dates, ing the future, it shapes it. Join me Conference, will the church contin-
and the names of dead persons; in this episode of Church Heritage ue or the Conference is its de-
the thinking was rather simple, as I head back to the past, trailing mise? What’s happening?
‘why should I, as if I am a muse- the future in the process. In this
Well, where there are debates
there are two sides or more. In this case, there are sustain their Sabbath beliefs. They found it a verita-
only two. Two groups, each led by two individuals. ble arsenal of proof texts, which could be marshaled
One cannot fail to see the “Generational Gap” esca- with crushing logic to demonstrate the perpetuity of
lating issues for we have one group being led by the the Sabbath. They courted debate and, impercepti-
“OLD” (they are in their 50s) and the other group by bly to themselves, tended to become just what they
the “YOUNG” (they are in their 30s). As if this was were charged with being: legalists looking to their
not enough, the YOUNG are challenging the “OLD” own actions for salvation rather than to Jesus Christ.”
on interpretation of prophecy {Daniel 7—the 10 king- Richard Swarz and Floyd Gleenleaf quoted by Jud
doms} and on Galatians 3:19-25—is the law moral or Lake. Lake concludes, “Consequently, obedience,
ceremonial? The church (its senior leadership inclu- rather faith, became the key word for most Ad-
sive) believed it was ceremonial; this stand is being ventists during this period.” Indeed, many Adventists
were “convicted that Adventism’s prophetic warn-
challenged by the “YOUNG.” Apparently, the “OLD”
ings should take the front seat, and basic Christian
are the renowned members of the church: The presi-
teaching the back seat.” Ibid.
dent of the General Conference (George I Butler) and
the editor of Church periodical, The Review and Her- Olson tells us that “Adventist ministers preached
ald, and the brains behind the book which was con- much more about the law and the Sabbath than
sidered by many pioneers as inspired, Daniel and about Christ. They became skilled debaters who prid-
Revelation, Uriah Smith. The “YOUNG” are Ellett J. ed themselves on their ability to outargue their Sun-
Waggoner and Arthur T. Jones, coeditors of the Signs day keeping counterparts.” (Robert Olson, 1888—
of the Times, a pioneer missionary paper. issues, Outcomes and Lessons). This ‘traditional Ad-
ventism’ was on the verge of being changed. Indeed,
Some Highlights
the 1888 GC Conference saw the winds of change
“A. T. Jones’s lectures on the 10 kingdoms, presented tempestuously blowing. The change was here for
on the second day of the institute (Theological Com- Olson informs us that “Waggoner’s sermons were
mittee), resulted in discussion that at times became different. He concentrated on Christ—His deity, His
acrimonious.” (1888—issues, Outcomes and Les- humanity, and His righteousness, which He offers to
sons) us as a gift. In this new emphasis Waggoner had the
19 total support of Ellen White.” Ibid.
“As the ministerial institute merged into the General
Conference session, the presentations included ear-
“Adventist ministers preached
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
know in part and we teach in part. Sometimes what ple are to come out of her for them to be saved.
we think to be correct today may as well be wrong These base their conclusions on doctrinal changes
tomorrow. The Bible was given to mankind over an including the modification or expansion of the doc-
extended period of time. This implies that at any trines or introduction of new doctrines into the
point in time the people of God were given the truth church. ‘Indeed, so different is Adventist theology
just enough for their salvation. We are privileged to- today from that of the earliest generation, says
day for we have the closed Canon. Think of Abra- George Knight [the denomination’s historian and the-
ham, Jacob or Israelites in the wilderness. How much ologian], that “most of the founders of Seventh day
did they know compared to us? They knew very Adventism would not be able to join the church to-
little. But whatever they knew it was enough for day if they had to subscribe to the denomination’s
Fundamental Beliefs.”’ Richard Rice, Remnant Identi- ing—a betrayal to what the church stood for and a
ty Past and Present: A central Issue For Adventists To- betrayal to the ‘Remnant’ calling. For them the
day. change was a serious threat and an anomaly to the
identity of the Seventh day Adventist church as a visi-
ble eschatological Remnant of the book of Revela-
tion. And so they fought the change but to no avail.
Do you know why? Because given time the truth will
“However, thinking that definitely march on conquering and to conquer.
Adventism is drifting to- Today we are happy because the church swallowed
its pride and changed its earlier stance. Looking at
wards “Catholicism” be- individual pioneers, one will see that they had earlier
positions they changed as they gained more light as
cause our beliefs are well. It is of little wonder then to note that some of
our pioneers like Joseph Bates and James White were
changing is misleading, anti-Trinitarians i.e. were against the teaching of one
God being Three; a position they changed some years
confusing, myopic and later as they discovered more about the truth in the
Bible. Do we have anyone who has not changed or
disastrous as it confines even challenged their own earlier thinking or practice
because of subsequent knowledge and/or experi-
God in the past.” ence? I bet we all have, at least on one point in time.
Again, “Historic Adventism” is not always purer than
the “Current Adventism.”
One last ingredient as I wind up: That gem of truth
However, thinking that Adventism is drifting towards that was rediscovered and incorporated into our faith
“Catholicism” because our beliefs are changing is mis- practice should permeate the teaching and experi-
22 ence of the Seventh day Adventists because it is only
leading, confusing, myopic and disastrous as it con-
fines God in the past. It restricts God’s revelation to Christ’s righteousness that is enough to save us, sin-
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
has been there for a while focus- and do all sorts of amazing skills
ing on Adventurers and Pathfind- with the bike. It was so awkward
ers. Let me highlight here that for the older me and I vowed to
here has been a boom the developers of Master Guide learn. It wasn’t easy as some
of membership towards Master
curriculum had a Pathfinder in trainers were younger than me;
Guide training in the church for
mind although in later years they add that to the mockery that
the past five years. I have been
wondering what caused the sud- bent the curriculum to cater for came with the lessons. It was
den surge in interest towards thethe Adventurers as well. The embarrassing but I was deter-
Junior Youth leaders training leadership for the Pathfinder and mined.
course. Is it the promotions by Adventurer clubs requires one to My aunt was married to a District
the Youth leaders, the rumor millbring out youthful characters to Health Inspector and he was re-
proclaiming that no one without life and mix it with maturity. sponsible for distributing bicycles
Master Guide accolades shall be Putting on children’s shoes helps to Health Surveillance Assistants
elected for church eldership? I
23 a leader to earn trust from them. (HSAs). So, getting a bicycle was
still cannot comprehend fully and
It is not a mean achievement to not a problem. The problem was
would not like to speculate; but it
strike such a balance. how to ride it! More so with
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
years) and Young Adult (22-30+ God has entrusted parents with an
years). Much as the ministry is enormous job of raising children
open to all members from the age physically, mentally and spiritually.
he Adventist Youth 4, the membership of the ministry As parents we are reminded to
Ministry is an organisation within is largely dominated by the youth train up a child in the “way he
the seventh day Adventist church between 4 to 30 years. To achieve should go and when he is old, he
whose goal is to involve all the the goal of the ministry, it is im- will not depart from it" (Proverbs
26 youth in activities that will lead portant for everyone in the church, 22:6). As a primary care unit a
them to active church membership parents inclusive to be involved in family is an institution which is re-
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
and train them for Christian ser- the ministry either by being a sponsible for the growth of a
vice. The ministry caters for the member or by supporting the child's spiritual life. Most of the
youth from 4 years of age to those youth who are the members of the parents tend to relax when their
above 30. This is to say that every- AYM. children are members of the AYM;
one young and old, who is 4 years “Similarly, the Youth they leave the whole responsibility
and above, qualifies to be a mem- to the leaders and instructors. Hav-
Ministry does not take
ber of the AYM. The Youth Ministry ing your child in school does not
away the parents' God-
ministers to the youth according to take away the duties of parents to
their ages: Adventurer Club (4-9 given-roles of guiding help them with home works and in
years), Pathfinder Club (10-15 the child in God's way.” studying; going for medical check-
years), Ambassador Club (16-21 ups frequently does not mean par-
ents shouldn't work hard to keep children healthy. which they are supposed to do. Parents should al-
Similarly, the Youth Ministry does not take away ways check with their children on what they are
the parents' God-given-roles of guiding the child in learning or if there is any active assignment to be
God's way. Indeed, the ministry is there to help the done and they should offer assistance where neces-
parents in discharging their duties and not to take sary. Parents should also check with the youth
over their responsibilities. leaders on the same so the completion of the class
How can parents get involved in Youth Ministry? requirements is done with a highest quality possi-
Well, parents with a child in the Adventurer club ble.
should consider themselves Adventurers as well. It is important for parents to familiarise themselves
This is because the Adventurer programme is spe- with the lessons that their children learn during
cifically designed to assist parents in the exciting their regular club meetings. This will help them
and challenging task of raising children spiritually. monitor their child’s progress as it has already been
"The programmes in the Adventurer club are de- alluded to. Remembering that the lessons that the
signed to support parents in assisting children with youth are taught are meant to develop the youth's
the challenging task of developing fully as followers active church membership and train them for Chris-
of Christ. These programmes are for both parents tian service should make parents vigilant to monitor
and children and are supposed to be done both at their child’s progress in completion of curriculum
home and at church." Seventh day Adventist requirements.
Church Manual, pg 140. Among other activities par- Above all, the AYM invites all the parents to be
ents can be involved in are holding parent meetings members of the ministry. When the parents are
where the activities of the club are to be discussed, members of the youth ministry, they become role
attending regular club meetings and assisting the models to the youth, they become the ever present
Adventurer with assignments that are given by their counsellors the ministry needs for the youth, and
instructors. they teach the youth humility seeing a parent
Apart from the distinct roles that parents have in among them and sometimes following orders given
27 the Adventurer club, parents should also be aware by someone younger than themselves.
that their roles continue as their children grow and
move from one club to another. Those with chil-
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
cross cultures and can be applied ard Rice, The Reign of God: An in-
in every setting. Policies on the troduction to Christian Theology
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020
other hand are narrow and site- from Seventh day Adventist Per-
specific. What can work at point T spective.
have to mention this at may not necessarily work at point
What I would like to do is to strike
the onset: The slope I am about to K.
an invisible balance between the
tread on is very slippery. People
two ditches that exist on this is-
are divided on this; whenever this The question to be addressed is:
sue. I believe it is always safe to
issue pops up, intense debates Based on 1 Timothy 2.9, 10, walk in the middle of the road. In
that are characterized by anger should we allow ladies participate achieving this objective, I will give
and name calling pop up. Howev- in the Youth Ministry with braided a simple, quick historical context
er, as youth leaders we need to be hair? to the passage, especially in rela-
guided on this sensitive issue. It is “In reading the Bible, we cannot tion to gender and shame of Paul-
ine churches. Then I will answer the “what of now” tery and prostitution. Indeed, (Bruce) Winter notes
part of the text. that a prostitute, by implication, ‘could no longer
Historical context wear the traditional mantle to signify marriage and
hence pull it over the top of her head in public.’”
Generally, Paul’s message is a universal message,
Eliezer Gonzalez.
applicable to all of us. Though universal, it is
wrapped up in a culture of the first or original recipi-
ents. Like most of the authors, Paul shaped his mes- “For Paul, it is
sages according to the culture of people he was ad-
dressing. Indeed, “the honor-shame culture of the “improper” or
first century is a fundamental social background
against which Paul’s epistles must be understood.” “shameful” or
Eliezer Gonzalez, Gender and Shame in Paul’s
Churches. Allow me to illustrate using one of the “disgraceful” for a wife
Paul’s epistles.
“But every wife who prays or prophesies with her
to shave her hair or not
head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the
same as if her head was shaven. For if a wife will not
cover her head.”
cover her head, then she should cut her hair short.
But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her Clearly, for women shaving hair was associated with
hair or shave off her head, let her cover her prostitution. Today, some encourage our ‘sisters’ to
head.” (1 Corinthians 11.5, 6) have “short hairs.” The Greeks and Romans would
have considered it improper and a sign of sexual im-
For Paul, it is “improper” or “shameful” or morality. You see, what was normal for the Romans
“disgraceful” for a wife to shave her hair or not cov- and Greeks may not be normal for us today; clearly,
er her head. Well, how should we understand this? this passage was not intended to be normative and
Cultural context (especially within honor-shame dy- cannot be applied to us today as it was applied to
29 namics) unlocks it. ““[A]s the veil symbolized the the original recipients. If we were to apply it the
way they did then it would mean that our sisters in
husband’s authority over his wife, the omission of
short hairs were all prostitutes. After all, for Paul,
Mudi Master Guide MMG 09 2020