The European Union and Forms of State: Westphalian, Regulatory Post-Modern?
The European Union and Forms of State: Westphalian, Regulatory Post-Modern?
The European Union and Forms of State: Westphalian, Regulatory Post-Modern?
March 1996
Department of Political Science,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
This article sets out to chart the evolving institutional structure of the EU, in the
context of theories about forms of state. ‘Forms of state’ are taken to be
conceptually possible expressions of political authority organized at the
national and transnational levels, here dealt with as emphases and qualities to
be accented rather than phenomena to be sorted into categories. The EU is
examined in the light of three stylized state forms -the Westphalian state, the
regulatory state and the post-modem state. Each of these captures important
elements of the evolution of the EU, and provides support for analysis of its
development as a form of ‘international state’. Such an analysis implies
attention not only to forms of state, but also to related concepts such as
government and governance which give leverage on the exploration of ‘inter-
national state forms’. Conclusions are drawn about the power of the three
‘metaphors’ used, and the relationship to possible empirical studies.
I. Introduction
Since the passing of the Single EuropeanAct (SEA) in 1986, the European Union
(EU) has been marked by acceleration in both its legislative activity and its
institutional developments. At a minimum the approaching Intergovernmental
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hand’ can do. Even a simple international division of labour depends upon secure
property rights (for goods in transit, foreign investment), an agreeable system of
payments, secure and respected credit institutions, etc. Both the Single European
Act and attempts to create markets in the former Soviet Union demonstrate that
markets are not self-instituting.
Rosenau’s answer is roughly that international government, thought of as
public agents holding positions of political authority, making and administering
laws at the international level, is the usual but not necessary condition for
governance - thought of as collective problem-solving capacities among states.
In this formulation, international governance becomes possible by recreating a
hierarchy at the international level in the image of domestic politics. It is possible
that presently constituted nation-states could, without creating an international
hierarchy of political authority mirroring domestic governments, nevertheless
manage their relations to solve common problems.
This discussion calls for distinctions between governance, government and
the state. Governance refers to collective problem-solving in the public realm.
It directs attention to the problems to be solved and to the processes associated
with solving them, rather than to the relevant agents or to the nature of the
political institutions associated with these processes. Government, by contrast,
refers us to the institutions and to the agents (personnel) who occupy key
institutional roles and positions. In the EU, key elements of the government
structure include the Commission, the Council of Ministers, the European
Council, the Committee of Permanent Representatives, the European Court of
Justice and the European Parliament. Each is an institution which survives the
tenure of any office-holder. But each institution also defines a location occupied
by specific government agents, who can act.
The third term, the state, hopefully clarifies the significance of the prior two
concepts. The state refers, b la Benjamin and Duvall, to ‘... the enduring
structure of governance and rule in society’ (1985, p. 25). The term ‘structure’
implies an ongoing, reproductive set of processes, the patterns of which are
stable across different agents. The state considered as a political structure
includes not just formal rules guiding inter-state interactions (e.g. voting rules,
agenda-setting rules) but also norms, understandings, standard operating proce-
dures, and accepted, ongoing ‘ways of doing things,’ that may or may not result
from formal legislation. In the EU, ‘soft law’ (Wellens and Borchardt, 1989),
acceptance of national methods of achieving Community objectives, and infor-
mal networks of interest groups, policy experts, national bureaucrats and
Commission experts, all point to important political structures that are not
captured by the label ‘government’.
The significance of this view of the state is best captured in contrast to its
conceptualization in neorealist theory. In the neorealist formulation, the state (or
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nation-state) is a pure agent, an actor with the ultimate right to decide within a
given territory. Reading its security interest directly off its position within the
international structure, it sends diplomats, mobilizes troops, decides on defence
budgets, etc. At issue here is not the unitary character of the state, but whether
the meaning of statehood is exhausted by focusing on public agents and their
activities. By contrast, Duvall and Wendt conceptualize the state as ‘... a
structure of political authority in which governmental agents are embedded’
(1987, p. 32). Rethinking the relationships between government, governance
and state has a consequence of immediate significance for this article. Focusing
on the EU, it is easy to obscure the distinction between absence of international
government and absence of an international state. There is no shortage of
scholars who argue that the EU lacks an international government, in the sense
of a centralized, hierarchical political structure, independent of the governments
of the Member States, and capable of acting (authoritatively) on a broad range
of issues. But this argument, even if true, is not ips0 fact0 a denial of an
international structure of governance, i.e. an international state. One thesis of
this article is that the EU already has, indeed has had for some time, an
international structure of governance based on the extrusion of certain political
activities of its constituent units. In short, the EU, or more accurately the ongoing
economic and political relations between the Member States mediated by the
institutions of the EU, is already an international state.
Recognition of the regional international state is obscured by our habit of
looking for discrete islands of hierarchy, centralization, autonomy and authority
at the international level, created in the mould of domestic structures, and at the
same time partially replacing them. Miniature state-like structures, situated in
Brussels, enjoying considerably autonomy from the nation-states, mimicking
their functions and competing for political influence, constitute evidence of an
emerging regional state. Thus, disproportionate attention is focused on the tug-
of-war between Member States and EU institutions, on the assumption that the
emergence of European authority structures comes at the expense of national
The question of who has the power (resources, autonomy, legitimacy, the
‘right’ to decide) is of course critically important, but power issues are normally
pitched at the level of agents and, as a result, attention is deflected from the EU’s
more strictly performative activities, those off the agenda, because they are
‘solved’, bureaucratized, unproblematic, or co-ordinated quietly by the actions
of public and private actors in an ‘apolitical’ fashion. In sum, a focus on agents
turns us to government and governmental machinery. A focus on the ongoing
structure of political authority and governance turns us toward the international
In the rest of the article, I focus on three particular forms of state: the
Westphalian state, the regulatory state and the post-modern state. Each concept
is an ideal type. The result of my analysis will not be that the EU belongs in one
of these three categories. I chose these three state forms because I think that each
captures certain tendencies represented in the EU. The Westphalian state is the
Weberian ideal in which monopolies of legitimate violence, rational bureaucra-
cies and centralized policy-making authority correspond to territorially exclu-
sive political orders. The regulatory state corresponds to the transnational
political structures associated with attempts to control imperfections of interna-
tional economic exchange, including failures of exchange to occur. It owes
much to neoclassical economics, especially the theory of externalities and public
goods. The post-modem state corresponds to emerging forms of governance that
are fractured, decentred, and often lacking in clear spatial (geographical) as well
as functional (issue area) lines of authority. As will become clear, the regulatory
state owes more to Ronald Coase than to Bodin or Hobbes; the post-modern state
more to Frederic Jameson and David Harvey than to Machiavelli or Weber.
much less so for the EU. Class conflict was important in the emergence of nation-
states and continues to be important in international integration, though in
strikingly different ways. The emerging capitalist class from the sixteenth
through to the nineteenth centuries hired armies and privateers to do its bidding.
Capitalism today secures its ends through its flexibility, ease of movement, and
ability to outmanoeuvre labour. Similarly, the expansion of citizenship, growth
of state powers in the provision of welfare, and spread of democracy were all
thought of as state achievements in the sense that they all gravitated toward a
single place’ a national executive, legislature, political party, or symbolic
document, such as a constitution. By contrast, European integration is polycen-
tric and lacking in a single, centralized, political location. This is not fertile
ground in which political responsibility and legitimacy can take root.
If the Westphalian model encourages us to see the EU in terms of the same
historical project as nation-building and state-building, the consequence has
been predictable. The portfolio of functions performed by France, Germany and
England is not duplicated by the evolving EU. Similarly, the historical processes
which led to the accumulation of state power are substantially different from
those occurring in Europe today. These discrepancies have been interpreted as
a shortfall (the EU is not a ‘real’ state), rather than as a qualitative difference in
state-building patterns.
The appropriation of the Westphalian model by political science emphasizes
the ways in which historical state and nation-building processes correspond to
or differ from integration in Europe today. The analogy has not proven fruitful
- not just because the EU falls short, but because activities go off in directions
not captured by the Westphalian state. Yet I indicated previously that the
Westphalian model had some unrealized potential.
Moving from political science to legal studies provides a different prism
though which to view regional integration. In part, this is because lawyers have
a different vocabulary and analytical toolkit; in part because their focus is on law
and legal integration - not on economic transactions and patterns of political
decision-making per se. But should not legal and political integration move
together? If law codifies and gives direction to political behaviour, should not the
two proceed (forwards or backwards) in step?
Joseph Weiler (1982) has cautioned us against making such an assumption.
Because the process of integration is multidimensional, we should not infer that
all the parts move together. The components of the integration process may
themselves not be integrated. Simon Bulmer has noted the disjunction between
I By ‘place’, I do not mean an exact location, a geographical headquarters where central authoriy resides. But
the establishment and development of the democratic state brought along with it the idea that political
authority, no mater how diffuse it was geographically (among territorial governments) or functionally
(among branches of government), was nevertheless ‘located’ somewhere (in a constitution, set of shared
understandings, etc.). This idea seems central to the related notions of accountability and responsibility.
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‘a highly developed governance structure’ and the ‘absence of a clearly fixed
state identity to which it is attached’ (1994, p. 353). Weiler argues a different
disjunction, between legal and political-decisional supranationalism (Weiler,
Legal analysts have tended to see the process of European integration in rule-
like terms, as a system of evolving rules and norms, not qualitatively different
from the domestic polity. Explanations of political behaviour have tended to be
rule-bound, appealing to obligations, norms, and legal sanctions, rather than
based on power and interest (though these variables are far from irrelevant).
In pressing their agenda legal scholars have relied without apology on ‘the
domestic analogy’, especially the concepts of federalism and constitutionaliza-
tion. The concept of federalism has deep roots in political and legal analysis. It
refers to both a specific type of polity (federal) in which power is legally
distributed between central and local entities, and to a general organizing
principle for governing relations among spatially differentiated units (Elazar,
1987, pp. 11-12).
Constitutionalization is a less familiar concept. The ending of this lengthy
word suggests a process, in this case a process of change from a state where
countries are governed by treaties into one in which they are bound by constitu-
tional principles, more akin to municipal than international law. Federalism and
constitutionalization have affinities for one another but they are not identical, as
the discussion below shows.
In ‘The Community System: The Dual Character of Supranationalism’,
Joseph Weiler shows that there is still life in the concept of legal federalism.
Weiler argues that there have been important changes in the EU since 1958,
changes involving the relationship between the Community centre and the
Member States, as well as changes in the way international treaties and laws
affect citizens within these states.
These changes have come about through a series of landmark decisions that
established direct effect (Van Gend en Loos), supremacy of EU law (Costa v.
Enel), and pre-emption (for relevant cases, see Weiler, 1982, p. 277). The Van
Gend case established the direct applicability of Community law (including the
Treaties and Regulations) on individuals, without mediation by national govern-
ments. The Costa case established the supremacy of EU law when conflicts with
national laws exist. And the pre-emption principle established that where the
European Court of Justice has legal competence, Member States are pre-empted
from taking action (Weiler, 1982, p. 277). There are powerful decisions that
parallel in importance the establishment of judicial review (1803), federal
supremacy (1819), and federal regulation of interstate commerce (1824) by the
Supreme Court of the United States.
capital. The lessening of capital controls during the 1980s and the freeing-up of
markets for both industrial and financial capital, advantaged capital more than
labour. If capitalists do not like their regulatory environment, they are able to exit
more readily. This of course increases their bargaining power in relation to
labour. Even if workers enjoy the right to move from country to country, they can
not exercise it as freely as capital (which, as a more abstract factor of production,
can move without as great a human cost as labour).
The informational and organizational costs confronting labour are high and
simple numbers work to their disadvantage. In addition, labour and labour power
cannot be separated the way capital and capitalist can. Compared to the
sluggishness of labour, capital is quicksilver. It moves fluidly across borders,
often accompanied by a highly mobile transnational capitalist class (Cowles,
1995). If an international capital regime is a ‘cooperation non-problem’ (Duvall
and Wendt, 1987),because leaders of central banks, finance ministers and chief
executive officers of corporations meet regularly, without the guidance of a
central institution, a labour regime did not make much progress for quite
different reasons. Interests are diverse, collective action problems daunting and
prospects of winning not encouraging.
In short, the regionalization of the European economy, guided by the EU, is
not a politically innocent process. Manageable national markets, capital con-
trols, national control over monetary policy, inflation, interest rates and central-
ized wage bargaining (typified by corporatism) were important underpinnings of
labour strength. The importance of the EU is only partially captured by a
typology of policy-making. Relations between the state (both domestic and
international) and the economy have changed to the advantage of capital.
'However, see Leibfried and Pierson (1995) and Pierson (1995) for an argument that the importance of the
EU in social and welfare policy is increasing.
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templates compared to the building of nation-states still stand. The EU may never
perform the functions currently performed by states.
Do the EU’s institutions and practices add up to some constitutionally
recognized form? Does it have a constitution at all? International lawyers and
legal scholars have given a resounding ‘yes’ to this question (Mancini, 1991;
Weiler, 1991; Stone, 1994; Shapiro and Stone, 1994), arguing that the jurispru-
dence of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has in effect ‘constitutionalized’
the Treaty of Rome. However, Mann’s argument runs in the opposite direction:
Europe does not in effect possess a constitution, clearly regulating these
complex institutional relations. The major encroachments on national sover-
eignty are not really constitutional - the replacement of one sovereignty by
another. Instead, they are the practical, surreptitious, and delayed implemen-
tations of decisionstaken by the Council of Ministers, whose decision making
processes reflect partly consensus and partly the geopolitical influence of the
various member powers. The encroachments are routinized, constraining
practices like the dense web of product regulation or the narrow band of
currency fluctuations permitted by the EMU. (1993, pp. 127-8)
The relative weakness of the core is best illustrated by social policy, an area
where by general consensus the EU has made only modest inroads. But as
Leibfried and Pierson (1995) point out, the conclusion that EU social policy is
weak has more to do with our analytical focus on central political initiatives of
the EU and less with the substantive development of social policy. Preoccupation
with efforts by the Commission ‘... to foist an activist “social dimension” on a
reluctant Council has been a mistake’ (1995, p. 4). Social policy has in fact
developed substantially but less as a result of conscious, centrally directed
policy, more as a consequence of practical problems stemming from market
The relative weakness of the core does not imply a weak state. A second
characteristic of the state form in Europe is that it has many spatial locations.
Gary Marks and his collaborators (Marks, 1993,1994;Marks et al., 1993,1994)
have picked up on the dispersed nature of the state with their concept of multi-
level polity. Marks et al. see two separate logics operating in the EU - the logic
of state executive bargaining in the Council of Ministers and the European
Council, and the logic of multi-level governance operating through the Court,
Parliament and the Commission (Marks et al., 1993, p. 4).
According to the multi-level framework, regional integration is not a zero-
sum process. Nation-states are simultaneously ‘throwing out’ functions to the
supranational level and devolving responsibilities to subnational regions. Dense
policy networks exist among Member States, supranational institutions and
subnational institutions. Analysts should not have to choose between intergov-
structure of a decentralized state system. Capital also has increased its ability to
alter its form from fixed capital with large sunk costs, to smaller and more
flexible forms of capital. In short, the sectoral and geographic mobility of capital
has increased.
By contrast, labour is weak, disorganized and still largely confined to national
economies. This is less and less true for legal reasons (labour may move too) but
it remains the case for personal and sociological reasons. Capital is separable
from the capitalist. It can circulate geographically without physical accompani-
ment by the capitalist. No such separation is possible for the labourer and his or
her labour power. This fundamental asymmetry between the two factors of
production implies changes in their bargaining power when integration occurs.
The weakening of national political institutions has both resulted from and
caused changes in bargaining power between labour and capital. While national
welfare states have been more resilient than many expected (Pierson, 1994), they
have been on the defensive. National corporatism, defined as centralized
bargaining between capital and labour, has also deteriorated. At the same time,
as John Lambert notes, capitalism has ‘... organized world wide [and] it escapes
those checks and balances built up over the years in the nation-state framework,
by workers’ movements and parties of the left’ (Lambert, 1990, p. 1).
Those who worry about the democratic deficit have identified an important
problem, one that is given a different twist by theorists of the Left. From this
standpoint, the deficit is not just an across-the-board shortfall of democratic
participation and control, to be corrected by extending citizenship rights,
broadening participation, and increasing legislative oversight and control. More
importantly, the uneven political power of labour and capital resulting from the
‘freeing up’ of the European market needs to be brought into balance at the EU
level. A restructured political framework is needed to compensate for the
increasing irrelevance of national political institutions such as centralized wage
bargaining, trade unions and political parties which play a role in class-based
politics (Streeck and Schmitter, 1991).
VI. Conclusion
The purpose of this article has been to explore the potential of three metaphors,
broadly captured by the labels Westphalian, regulatory and post-modern. No
attempt was made to decide which category proved to be most relevant and no
unplanned success occurred along these lines. The Westphalian model illumi-
nates the ways in which the European state both resembles and differs from the
traditional (domestic) state. Legal scholars have provided surprising mileage out
of notions of federalism that were once dormant. The newer concept of consti-
tutionalization not only provides a lever for understanding transformations in
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state-society relations; it also weakens one of realism’s objections to the
importance of international law, namely that it has no enforcement mechanism
and relies upon the voluntary compliance of states whose interests may be to
Yet, legal scholars are open to the criticism that progress in policy-making,
and the ECJ’s jurisprudence, are limited to market-perfection exercises and
regulation of the self-disorganizing aspects of market capitalism (e.g. monopo-
lies). The Court’s jurisprudence revolves heavily around questions of competi-
tion, free movement and the elimination of barriers to trade.
The regulatory state model captures an important part of the intemationali-
zation of the European state. While the EU lacks an overall political architecture
specifying relations between citizens and representative institutions, it provides
abundant evidence of islands of political authority centring on regulation of
economic activity (civil aviation, pharmaceuticals). While policy-making is
authoritative in these areas (regulatory agencies rely on delegated powers from
Member States), there are nevertheless problems. Majone’s work highlights
problems of accountability, explores the tensions between independence and
accountability, and identifies ways in which the two can coexist. But is account-
ability the main problem? Special purpose authorities fragment power, rely
heavily upon expertise, and utilize power and knowledge within narrow deci-
sion-making contexts that lack transparency and general popular interest. To the
extent that the respublica of the EU are preoccupied by the details of civil
aviation, regulation of pharmaceuticals, and the labelling of food goods, genuine
popular engagement is unlikely to be forthcoming.
The post-modem state model dovetails in some surprising ways with the
regulatory approach. Both stress the fragmentation of political power, the
decentring of authority, and the lack of overall coherence in the integration
process (this last point also made by legal scholars). To a federalist, the
fragmented political structure of the EU is vertical, arranged along a territorial
axis. Other cleavages (e.g. between sectors) are attributed to the EU’s incomplete
development. To the post-modernist, the polymorphic structure of the EU is
simply the reflection of the post-modem condition, and quite likely permanent.
Let me return to a point made at the start: that the study of European
integration is in its post-ontological phase is a refreshing development. Endless
debate about ‘what the EU is’ cannot be productive unless tied to detailed, though
theoretically informed, empirical studies. Similarly, these empirical studies are
unlikely to acquire their full significance unless integrated with broader concep-
tions of the nature and significance of the evolving European Union. Hopefully,
the decade ahead will harmonize these up till now somewhat unconnected
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