What Is Stress The Reality
What Is Stress The Reality
What Is Stress The Reality
Many of us, if not all, have heard of this word and more than likely are ruled by its definition. Because,
remember the words we use when speaking can tie us into their tone and the reality they create by repetitive
vibration when spoken.
So yea, stress as a word has made life…very stressful.
‘stress (v.)
c. 1300, "to subject (someone) to force or compulsion," from Middle French estrecier, from Vulgar
Latin *strictures, from Latin stringere "draw tight," which also is the source of stress (n.). The figurative
meaning "put emphasis on" is first recorded 1896, from notion of laying pressure on something by relying on
it. Related: Stressed; stressing.
stress (n.)
c. 1300, "hardship, adversity, force, pressure," in part a shortening of Middle English distress (n.); in part
from Old French estrece"narrowness, oppression," from Vulgar Latin *strictia, from Latin strictus "tight,
compressed, drawn together," past participle of stringere "draw tight" (see strain (v.)). Meaning "physical
strain on a material object" is from mid-15c. As an abstract force in mechanics from 1855. The purely
psychological sense is attested from 1955.’ - etymonline
Although there is some reference to how it relates to humans, it seems that the definition itself relates more
to the idea of force being placed on a material object or the amount of strain created.
So, when did stress become a concept applied to the human mind and body?
Who can exactly say for sure? We do know that the development of Eurocentric ideals and concepts known
as Medicine and Science had a strong boom during the 1800’s and 1900’s. The works of psychologists Hans
Selye and Walter Cannon were fine-tuning the framework of how the term/word/sound vibration called
stress would be used in psychology language/terminology in the 1930’s. And wouldn’t really be put into
active use until the late 1940’s and 50’s; both psychologists being very careful to manage the impact of using
this word within their practices.
Another thing to be considered, psychology is a Eurocentric system designed to observe the human condition
of the mind and body yet, other cultures had their own notions of observation and created their own
framework of language, based on their cultural expression, for discussion. So, stress as a concept should only
be applied to Eurocentric observation and not to, let’s say Nubian culture in the following way as an example:
‘The early Dogons dealt with stress through the guidance their divinations…’
Although you can say or cite semantics, that the Dogons did deal with stress through certain cultural
practices, you would be not be accurate as the term stress involves a framework of thinking that may or may
not be reminiscent of certain cultural practices of the Dogon. In fact, since the framework had not really
taken off until the 1800’s and involved an Eurocentric view on life, it cannot be directly compared to
anything the Dogons did, since the Dogons already established frameworks of their own thousands of years
before. Because, the mentality of a person who knows their ancestors and works with nature is radically
moving in another direction than a person trying desperately to be heard by their creator and seeks to
subsidize nature for profit.
After reading different expressions of what stress is, I found a definition that was almost acceptable…for me
that is:
‘Stress generally refers to two things: the psychological perception of pressure, on the one hand, and the
body's response to it, on the other, which involves multiple systems, from metabolism to muscles to memory.
Through hormonal signaling, the perception of danger sets off an automatic response system, known as the
fight-or-flight response, that prepares all animals to meet a challenge or flee from it.’ – psychology today
So basically…it’s all about present and past perceptions of pressure and how the body chooses a pattern
to synergize with the pressure being placed on its integumentary(skin) system and its self-
identity(ego/psyche/soul). Both of which are a form of connective tissue with a pattern of behavior stored in
the brain and in each of the trillion of tissues involved. And yes, if you did miss it, I said that the self-identity
or soul is a form of connective tissue…just not the tangible form we are used to discussing. And if you also
missed, notice there was no mention of dealing or managing stress, just an explanation of choosing a
pattern to synergize. Otherwise, we take the stance that stress is out to attack us.
go for walks when their body says to…but wait for Fitbit to tell them
look forward to getting sun in the early part of the day
thank their ancestors
warm-up their bodies or exercise on daily basis just because they feel the need
rest when their bodies call for rest
eat healthy
and the list goes on…
These simple things help the body maintain their pressures and helps the thalamus and hypothalamus regulate
balance/Ma’at/homeostasis otherwise you attempt to force control from the naturalness of your body and
Remember you need light and sound that is healthy. Stress is a signal…not a reality.
Going to get some SUN now…
For more information on how I arrived at these conclusions or for information about my massage therapy:
Rise in Excellence,
DjaDja N Medjay