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Nam, Daegeuk, "The "Throne of God" Motif in the Hebrew Bible" (1989). Dissertations. Paper 106.
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Andrews University
A Dissertation
Doctor of Theology
Daegeuk Nam
February 1989
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A dissertation
presented in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Doctor of Theology
Daegeuk Nam
ilty Advisor: Gerhard F. Hasel Raoul Dederen, Acting Dean
iessor of Old Testament and SDA Theological Seminary
Biblical Theology
___________ 7^ ? /-gay
William H. Shea, Adjunct Professor Date Approved'
Archaeology & History of Antiquity
Kbith N. Sc
Professor of Hebrew and Semitic
Studies, University of Wisconsin
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(c) Copyright by Daegeuk Nam 1989
All Rights Reserved
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Daegeuk Nam
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Andrews University
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such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Ugaritic, and Egyptian
unique provenance.
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Dem, der
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A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ......................................... xx
I. INTRODUCTION ................................... 1
Pentateuch 14 3
The Book ofE x o d u s 14 3
Exodus 17:16 14 3
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Historical Writings ........................ 151
The Books of Kings and Chronicles . . . . 153
1 Kings 22:19//2 Chronicles 18:18 . . 153
1 Chronicles 29:23 ................... 159
2 Chronicles 9 : 8 ......................161
The Book of L a m e n t a t i o n s ............... 163
Lamentations 5 : 1 9 ................... 163
Prophetic Writings .......................... 17 0
The Eighth-Seventh Century Prophet ... 171
Isaiah 6 : 1 ............................ 171
Isaiah 66:1 ... ................. 194
The Seventh-Sixth Century Prophets . . . 205
Jeremiah 3 : 1 7 ........................ 205
Jeremiah 14:21 ........................ 217
Jeremiah 17:12 ........................ 222
Jeremiah 49:38 ........................ 236
Ezekiel 1:26 .......................... 242
Ezekiel 1 0 : 1 .......................... 272
Ezekiel 43:6 .......................... 279
Zechariah 6 : 1 3 ........................ 289
Wisdom and Hymnic Literature ............... 310
Wisdom Literature ........................ 310
Job 2 3 : 3 ................................. 311
Job 2 6 : 9 ................................. 318
Hymnic LiteraLura ........................ 323
Psalm 9:5, 8 (ET 9:4, 7 ) ............. 323
Psalm 1 1 : 4 ............................ 334
Psalm 45:7 (ET 4 5 : 6 ) ................. 339
Psalm 47:9 (ET 4 7 : 8 ) ................. 355
Psalm 89:15 (ET 89: 1 4 ) ............... 369
Psalm 93:2 ............................ 383
Psalm 97:2 ............................ 399
Psalm 103:19 .......................... 402
Apocalyptic Literature ...................... 4 07
The Book of D a n i e l ...................... 4 07
Daniel 7 : 9 ............................ 407
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................... 4 66
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AA Agyptologische Abhandlungen
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ARAB Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. 2
vols. Vol. 1, Historical Records of Assyria
from the Earliest Times to Saraon; vol. 2,
Historical Records of Assyria from Saraon to
the E n d . By Daniel David Luckenbill. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1926, 1927
AT A Alttestamentliche Abhandlungen
BA Biblical Archaeologist
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BAT Die Botschaft des Alten Testaments: Erlau-
terungen alttestamentlicher Schriften
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BO Bibliotheca Orientalia
BS Biblische Studien
BZ Biblische Zeitschrift
CT Cahiers theologiques
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CUOS — Columbia University Oriental Studies
DP — Dor leDor
DRCS — Daniel & Revelation Committee Series
EB — Etudes bibliques
ET — English translation
Ex p o — The Expositor
FV — Foi et vie
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GHG — Gesenius1 Hebrew Grammar. Edited and enlarged
by E. Kautssch. Translated by A. E. Cowley.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1310
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Int:BCTP— Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching
and Preaching
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KAI Kanaanaische und aramaische Inschriften. Mit
einem Beitrag von 0. Rossler. 3 vols. Vol. 1,
Texts; vol. 2, Kommentar; vol. 3, Glossare «
Indizes » Tafeln. By H. Donner and W. Rollig.
Zweite, durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage.
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1966, 1968, 1964
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LSS — Leipziger semitistische Studien
LXX — Septuagint
MSiS) — Manuscript(s)
MT — Masoretic Text
NF — Neue Folge
NT — Maw Testament
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NTS — New Testament Studies
Or — Orientalia
OT — Old Testament
RB — Revue biblicrue
RevExo —
Review and Expositor: A BaDtist Theoloaical
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RSV Revised Standard Version
SB Sources bibliques
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TARWPV Theoloaische Arbeiten aus dem Rheinischen wis-
senschaftlichen Prediger-Verein
TB - Theologische Biicherei
TS Theological Studies
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TUAT Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. 2
vols. Edited by Rykle Borger et ai. Gutersloh:
Giitersloher Verlagsnaus Gerd Mohn, 1982-198S
VS — La vie spirituelle
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VT Vetus Testamentum
WC Westminster Commentaries
WMANT Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und
Neuen Testament
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of valuable assistance to me in regard to the mechanical
xx i
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6:23-28, esp. vs. 27), propound the idea that the cherubim
Mettinger continues:
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sanctuary in OT times?
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(Ps 103:19), and the other text reports that Yahweh pro
the prophetic context states, "At that time they shall call
what do its movability and motion imply? What are the real
indicates the seat of judgment (cf. Pss 9:5, 8 [ET 9:4, 7];
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scenes present?
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only peripherally.
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chronological order.
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this chapter.
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Preliminary Remarks
scholars •^
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the throne of God which have been published since the rise
of modern scholarship.
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The object towards which they turn and for which in some
It is seen from the side, the back is higher than the arms,
and the legs are all four, without regard to the laws of
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"Die Kerube galten als eine Art von lebendem Thron Jahves,
4Ibid., 9.
6ir»id. , 22-23 .
7Ibid., 23.
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93:1; 97:1; 99:1; cf. 47:9 [ET 47:8]; 95:3; 96:10; 98:6).
2Ibid., 294-301.
3Ibid., 294.
4Ibid., 295.
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Yahweh is the King not only over all peoples (Pss 47:9 [ET
47:8]; 99:1) but also over all gods (Pss 95:3; 97:7).2
to judge the earth (cf. Pss 96:10, 13; 98:9)4 and even the
5C f . ibid., 298.
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only with the form, contents, and origin of the ark, from
cluded that the ark was initially "an empty throne" ("ein
2C f . Hugo Grepmann, Per Messias. FRLANT 4 3 (NF 26)
(Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1929), 212-218.
5Ibid., 59ff.
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are the "Trager der Gottheit,"1 and the other group finds
Es zeigt sich dabei, d a p , wenn die Lade ein Thron
ist, die Keruben zu diesem Thron gehdren nicht als
ein zufalliges Merkmal, sondern als ein wesentli-
cher Bestandteil. Durch ihre Stellung an der Lade
bringen sie— eben nach Art des erwahnten Schemas—
eine Verherrlichung des Gottes zum Ausdruck, dem
sie als Throntrager dienen. . . . Das wichtige
aber ist: An der Lade qehoren Thron und Keruben zu
The first influential studies in connection with
3Ibid., 74-85.
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the OT.
Mowinckel's major contribution in biblical scholar
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This hypothetical argument has met with both pros and cons.
cosmic conflict."2
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5Ibid., 1:107.
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He continues:
The poet's vision is of something new and
important which has just taken place: Yahweh has
now become king; hence the new song of joy and
praise to be sung. What the poets have seen in
their imagination, and describe or allude to, is an
event and an act which was linked with an enthrone
ment, Yahweh's ascent of the throne.1
Mowinckel emphasizes that Yahweh has become king
not only of Israel but of the whole earth2 and that this
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Israels Feinde und Heil uber Israel, das sind von jeher die
We may sum up that while Grepmann's understanding
is "dap die Lade ein Thron, eine Art Sitz sei, und dap
mvissen, dap sie sich unter dem Sitz des Gottes befanden."5
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1Ibid., 39.
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ward Konig!"3
5Ibid., 120-129.
7Ibid., 132-137.
8Ibid., 137-144.
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sizes that many texts, e.g., Pss 47 and 68, refer to the
2Ibid., 4-9.
3Ibid., 7 (emphasis his) : "keine Hoffnung, sondern
ein Erlebnis."
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Gerhard von Rad's article, published in 1931,1
reveals a new idea about the concepts of the tent and the
with the ark."2 To quote him, "Where the ark is, there is
tion that "the conception of the ark has not by any means
5Ibid., 112.
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of this view.
Apart from this, von Rad observes that the purpose
'theologies' are connected with the Tent and with the Ark--
and also the place where Yahweh spoke (Num 7:89) , the ark
5Ibid., 1:239.
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Von Rad's concept of "two theologies" may be bib
scriptural evidence.
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formed the throne proper,3 while the ark was the footstool
of the throne.4
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25:20; 37:9) .
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Testament.1 In chap. 9 of this book ("Jahwes Konigsherr
of the ark had two notions: "as the throne of God and as a
2Ibid., 191-216.
3Ibid., 193-197.
4Ibid., 216.
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throne,l! because
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2Ibid., 258-259.
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2Ibid., 28-39.
3Ibid., 35.
4Ibid., ix.
5Ibid., 135.
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rabbinic tradition.
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and Isa 40:22, and that these texts can be divided into two
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5Ibid., 101-102.
6Ibid., 102.
7Ibid., 105.
8Ibid., 106.
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1 T* W
X U »
fa m n h a e i e
y ■ w tU jifk A M W d k h /
V-» -i r- \/
tlX W •
2Ibid., 126.
3Ibid., 147.
6Ibid., 126.
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Gruppe, die sie aus der Wiiste nach Kanaan brachte, wurde
the topic of the formulaic clause YHWH mlk6 and the other
7Ibid., 392-456.
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1Ibid., 391.
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the remark that there is "kein Platz fur den Gedanken, die
4Schmitt, 127.
6Schmitt, 127.
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the kingship of God, Gray did not pay any serious attention
2See bibliography.
4Ibid., v i i .
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Cherubim Throne."3
Heinz-Josef Fabry's study on the word kisse' in
Fabry deals with the "throne of God" motif from the his
the ark of the covenant, then with the temple, then with
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R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout p erm ission.
1841 and 1844,1 in which he expressed the idea that the ark
conclusion is:
Die Lade ist aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nicht als
leerer Thron verstanden worden. Die Aussagen des
Alten Testaments iiber die Lade zwingen an keiner
Stelle zu der Annahme, da0 sich mit der Lade die
Vorstellung eines leeren Gottesthrones verband.
. . . Aber die Hypothese, da{3 die Lade als trag-
barer Untersatz eines nicht sichtbaren Jahwethrones
verstanden worden ist, fvigt sich gut in die
wechselnden Vorstellungen, die mit der Lade ver-
bunden waren, ein und la0t manche Aussagen iiber die
Lade verstandlicher werden, als das bei anderen
Hypothesen der Fall ist.3
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following resume:
2Ibid., 144.
4Ibid., 147.
6Ibid., 149.
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redactors) made select ir-.s for their own times and for
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1Ibid., 289.
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R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout p erm ission.
the ancient Near East and the OT have not been investigated
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Sumerian Literature
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"reign" or "rulership.1,4
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used for the seat of the king who is also called a "high
priest Eli was sitting by the side of the gate (1 Sam 1:9;
banquets the gods were given specific seats and order for
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God sits upon His throne and all the host of heaven stand
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which are:
(1) en-ship, (2) godship, (3) the exalted and
enduring crown, (4) the throne of kingship, (5) the
exalted scepter, (6) the royal insignia, (7) the
exalted shrine, (8) shepherdship, (9) kingship,
(10) lasting ladyship, (11) (the priestly office)
"divine lady" . . . (15) truth . . . (22) the flood
. . . (24) sexual intercourse . . . (28) art . . .
(32) music . . . (35) power . . . (63) judgment
. . . (64) decision . . .2
Two facts are self-evident in this list: First,
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Later in the same text, over the city of Agade, which the
XA N E T . 641.
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ing words:
Obverse II:
1 Whatsoever things are named . . .
2 May he with understanding of the seven (numbers)
grandly [adorn m e ] .
3 Sin first born son of Enlil,
4 A throne of royalty [^iSgu-za nam-lugal-lal . . .
5 In a chamber of ruling loftily [may . . .]3
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she means that she wants "the end result— her rule and
1 2 fattened sheep
2 (the) first time;
3 1 fattened sheep, (the) second time;
4 1 fattened sheep, (the third time);
5 (for the) throne (of the) divine Bur-Sin
6 Ur-Bau (being) "great official" (for the) year.3
words, the throne not only represented the one who occupied
it, but the throne itself was deified and worshiped: the
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Ill documents from the Drehem archive and the thrones of at
2Ibid., 65.
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Another interesting phenomenon is that, besides the
Dynasty of Uruk about 2071 B.C., there have been found many
4I b i d ., 6 (No. 31).
R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout p erm ission.
720, 721, 737. Cf. Gadd and Legrain, 61, 62 (Nos. 213,
215, 216, 221).
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tinues as follows:
who is seated upon the throne is the chief judge and the
1A N E T . 52-57.
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seems to have been the common idea among the Semites that
once the throne appears as the seat for the high priest-
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Akkadian Literature
24 . . . Je me suis porte
25 au trone de la royaute.
26 II m'a assis sur le royal flitt.: de la royaute)
27 siege a moi. . . .4
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that in Assyria one person could be both the king and the
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IV:28 They [the gods] were glad and did homage (say
ing) "The king is Marduk."
29 They added unto him a scepter, a throne [1?u -
kussa] and hatchet.6
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sovereign ruler.
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and over this are the symbols of the sun, the planet Venus,
tion.1- The whole picture seems to mean that the priest and
the king come to the god sitting on the throne to ask for a
E.g. ,
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there are some tablets which give the same idea as the
Esagila,4 there were among others the bed (ir£u) and the
1A N E T . 512.
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the temple complex, and was 3 and 1/3 cubits (ca. 1.66 m)
long, 3 and 1/3 cubits (ca. 1.66 m) wide, and 1 and 2/3
Hittite Literature
1Ibid., 178-179.
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of kingship."4
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The phrases "before the throne" and "at the throne" in the
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"Come! Let us go to the Mountain! I, the king,
will give thee glassware. Let us eat from glass
ware! Rule thou over the Mountain! . . .
. .1 hailed the Throne, my friend (and
"'Art thou not a friend of me, the king? Let
me have that tree (that) I may cut it down?'" And
the Throne answers the king: "Cut it down, cut (it)
down! The Sun-god and the Storm-god have placed it
at thy disposal."1
Uaaritic Literature
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other words, mtb,1 tbt,2 'd,3 alt,4 and nfct5 which are
related with ks ' , are usually rendered as "sitting,"
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16 VI:
22 ytb. krt. 1'dh (and) Keret sat down on his
23 ytb. lksi mlk he sat down on the throne of
(his) kingdom,
24 lntyt. lkht. drkt on the cushion on the seat of
(his) dominion.1
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fight of the gods, especially Baal, Yam, and Mot, for the
Thus "to sit (ytb) on the throne" or "to ascend (yrd)3 the
throne" means "to be the king," while "to drive out (grS or
nr) someone from the throne" means "to deprive him of the
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one reads:
4 VI:
38 'dbt. b h t [h . b']l Baal put his mansion in
(39) y'db. order,
hd. 'db[. 'd]bt Hadad put his palace in
(40) hklh. order.
tb{j. alpm[. ap] He did slay oxen, [also]
(41) sin sheep,
• • • • ■ • • •
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2K T U . 11 (1.3 11:37).
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2K T U . 26 (1.6III:15).
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(1) Wenn der 1. Tag des Monats Addaru vergangen
ist, (2) dann (findet) das kispum inmitten (3) der
Stadt (und) im Umland (statt):
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2T U A T . 2:326, n. 7 a ) .
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"I will set my throne in Elam, and destroy their king and
texts one does not find any passage in which the term ks'
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as follows:
together with kht, is by and large the term for the prerog
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the status and relations among those who were present. The
Egyptian Literature
by the fact that stools were used from the very earliest
are seated on the throne come from the First Dynasty (ca.
from the private tombs of the First and Second Dynasty (ca.
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2Killen, 51.
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that each god or goddess had his or her own throne: "May
every god transmit unto thee [Tem] his throne for millions
of years";4 "Every god giveth up to Pepi his throne in his
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kingship or kingdom.
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was the king or ruler of the two lands— Upper Egypt and
Lands," not only expresses the status of the god but also
the Fifth Dynasty (ca. 2494-2345 B.C.)4 and later holds the
"universal kingship."5
ing passage:
3Hart, 4.
5Hart, 5.
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3Ibid., 242.
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Levi 3:8).
for the divine thrones. There were the Great Throne,2 the
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2Ibid., 542.
9Ibid., 2:246.
10AN E T . 232, 236, 238, 248, 255, 325, 326, 367, 373,
375, 380, 447, 448, 470; Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians,
11, 13, 16, 17; Lichtheim, 1:230; 2:16, 26, 28, 31, 35,
43-46 passim, 105, 224; 3:20, 31, 32, 74, 91; Simpson and
and Faulkner et al . , 68, 143; TUAT. 1:527, 554, 555, 573,
590, 591.
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On,1 the seat in the land of Upper Egypt,2 the seat in the
1Lichtheim, 2:26.
7Lichtheim, 2:40.
8Ibid., 1:59.
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was regarded.
2Ibid., 534-535.
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divinize it.
throne: this was the source of the royal authority and the
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that the gods were given specific seats and order for
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throne of God in these hymns of the OT is set up was miss
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sometimes demonstrates that the word has moved far from the
2Ibid., 218.
4Blosser, 3.
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"ks' I" (Common Semitic) for "throne" and "ks' II" (Bibli
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One scholar suggests that kussH(m) may derive from the verb
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6UT, 11.
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two forms of the same word are used without any distinction
in meaning as follows:
1U T . 11-12.
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Job 26:9:
He [God] shuts off the view of His throne [kisseh],
Spreading His cloud over it.
(NJV) .1
mo &5b
the place where the king (Saul) or God sits, these versions
xThus KJV. Cf. RSV, NIV, NASB, NEB, JB, NJB, etc.,
have "moon" or "full moon" for kissSh in Job 26:9.
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"I am sitting on the throne of God," but the NJB reads, "I
am divinely enthroned."
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The word tekunah occurs three times in the OT (Job
thinks that the tekunah of Job 23:3 derives from the root
kun and that of Ezek 43:11 and Nah 2:10 (ET 2:9) from the
takes tkn for the root of the tekdnah of Job 23:3, and F.
Oswalt,6 and K. Koch,7 on the other hand, take kvn for the
root of all three. It is difficult to decide which is the
1GHCL, 863.
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form" noun which was derived from kwn and obtained the noun
5B D B . 456; K B L . 1028.
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In the other two cases (Ezek 43:11; Nah 2:10 [ET 2:9]), it
is translated in many different ways-1 The KBL renders it
2K B L . 1028.
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Ancient of Days.
what Solomon spoke to Yahweh when the ark was brought into
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of the king (Gen 41:10 and passim). The Hebrew word kisse'
the king ?-.» the throne are linked may be seen from the
following passages:
old man who is the priest (1 Sam 1:9; 4:13, 18) and the
2C f . p. 1, n. 2 and p. 2, n. 1 above.
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that the Messiah will sit "on the throne of David and over
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chair and had wide armrests. On the back of the throne was
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a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel" (Jer
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related to judgment.
the wise man says, "A king who sits on the throne of judg
ment winnows all evil with his eyes" (RSV) . Here, the
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contrary to justice."3
puts it, "A God who Punishes."4 This is obvious from the
2Ibid., 350.
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both cases (Matt 19:28; 25:31) "it is used for the sover
will sit "on the throne of His glory" (epi thronou doxes
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found only once in the Hebrew Bible: "God reigns over the
nations; God sits on his holv throne" (Ps 47:9 [ET 47:8],
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Exodus 17:16
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w a yyo'ner
ki-yad 'al-kes yah milhamah laYHWH ba'amaleq
middor d o r ;2
this verse: (1) "What does che hapax leqomenon kes3 mean?"
^■My translation.
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5Hyatt, 186.
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2Gradwohl, 493.
3Ibid., 494.
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offer the reason why Yahweh "will have war with Amalek from
generation to generation" (Exod 17:16b, KJV, RSV) . In
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2Ibid., 110.
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manna and quail (chap. 16); and (3) the supply of water
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the Promised Land was God's will and plan for them, any
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29:23; 2 Chr 9:8; 18:18. 1 Kgs 22:19 and 2 Chr 18:18 are
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with the Syrians in chap. 20, and this is now his third and
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"God still controls what they speak" and "they are part of
the clash between the prophet Micaiah and all the other
the prophet and the king, the former presents to the latter
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De Vries proceeds:
term "all the host of heaven" (kol-s®ba'
haSSamayim) has various meanings in the OT. But there can
be no mistake about its usage here. It does not refer, as
elsewhere, to the astral deities that were introduced with
the Baalim and Ashtoreth (2 Kgs 21:5; 23:4), nor to the
stars serving as God's innumerable armies (Gen 2:1; Deut
4:19; Ps 33:6;Isa 34:4; 45:12; Jer 33:22), but rather to
the heavenly beings or angels that act as God's servants
(cf. Ps 103:21). Cf. Gwilym H. Jones, 1 and 2 Kings. 2
vols. NCBC (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Com
pany, 1984), 2:367; Bahr, "The Books of the Kings," L: C H S .
6:1:252; Walther Eichrodt, Theology of the Old Testament.
2 vols., OTL, trans. J. A. Baker (Philadelphia: Westminster
Press, 1961, 1967), 2:194; De Vries, Prophet against
Prophet. 43-44.
The term is also suggestive of the council (sod) of
God. For a discussion of this, see H. Wheeler Robinson,
"The Council of Yahweh," JTS 45 (1944): 151-157; Frank M.
Cross, Jr., "The Council of Yahweh in Second Isaiah," JNES
12 (1953): 273-277; Edwin C. Kingsbury, "The Prophets and
the Council of Yahweh," JBL 83 (1964): 279-286; E. Theodore
Mullen, J r . , The Assembly of Gods: The Divine Council in
Canaanite and Early Hebrew Literature. HSM 24 (Chico, CA:
Scholars Press, 1980), 111-280; Mettinger, "YHWH SABAOTH—
The Heavenly King on the Cherubim Throne," in Studies in
the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essavs. ed.
Ishida, 109-111; Alomia, 333-375.
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also due to the verb yaSab. Quite often this verb is used
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(1) Yahweh in heaven stands above all earthly thrones— He
appoints and deposes Icings and has power over all kingdoms;
the great Mind who operates and controls the entire macro
cosm and His throne room is the control center for the
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1 Chronicles 29:23
The last two chapters of 1 Chronicles (chaps. 28-
King Solomon.
And they made Solomon the son of David king the
second time, and they anointed him as prince for
the LORD, and Zadok as priest. Then Solomon sat on
the throne of the LORD as king instead of David his
father; and he prospered, and all Israel obeyed
him (1 Chr 29:22b-23, RSV, emphasis supplied).
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2:12 reports, "So Solomon sat upon the throne of David his
(kisse1 YHWH) , and that the real king of the kingdom was
5K B L . 592.
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2 Chronicles 9:8
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and judgment.
Lamentations 5:19
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end that they would learn the lessons of the past and
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for help.
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rises to the prayer that Yahweh may not forsake His people
past and the bright vision for the future more striking.
2Keil, K D :C O T . 8:2:453-454.
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2Naegelsbach, ibid.
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of Yahweh. The poet makes this the basis of his appeal for
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and providence.
Prophetic Writings
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Isaiah 6:1
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Isaiah's message?
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told that the vision was given "in the year that King
Uzziah died" (vs. I).1 The date of Uzziah's death cannot
lar date, and their opinions range from 758 to 734 B.C.2
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cantly "in the year that King Uzziah died" that Isaiah saw
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the vision, not the time when Jotham his son was enthroned.
This is why John N. Oswalt proposes a "more compelling
divine throne.
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". . . for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts I"
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Him. The same was true with the prophet Isaiah.4 By being
and dominion over all the peoples and nations, Isaiah was
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he did was to a s s e r t that he saw the Lord enthroned, thus
Lord is seated "on a throne, high and lifted up, and the
3G H C L . 12.
5Delitzsch, K D :C O T . 7:1:190.
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him. But the temple he saw in the vision was the heavenly
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book. Isaiah's call came from the holy God on the heavenly
throne, high and lifted up. Hence, his was, in the fullest
3Newsome, 72.
4B D B . 1002.
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5Delitzsch, K D :C O T . 7:1:190.
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Vs. 2 of Isa 6 describes the surroundings of the
six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he
covered his feet, and with two he flew" (RSV) . The sera
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sense, are mentioned only here in the OT, and they suggest
greatest of hymnology:
qadfiS qaddS qaddS YHWH ^ba'dfc
m elo' kol-ha'Ires k®b6d6:
3K B L . 932.
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it and made Himself its king."1 Or, whereas the first line
2Newsome, 73.
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3C f . Newsome, 72.
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judgment (cf. Isa 40:5; 60:1; Num 14:21; Ezek 39:21; Hab
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notes, "Not a king, just any king, but the King, the
that the judgment and the hardening will not cease until an
end has been made with these people and they have been sent
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will be left (vs. 13), from which a new Israel will sprout
(cf. Isa 4:3; 7:3).^ Here again it becomes clear that the
is issued.
This oracle of God to Isaiah (vss. 9-10) is quoted
against (and for) the people, was the throne of God which
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(Isa 6:1) and "the King, Yahweh of Hosts" (vs. 5); (3) it
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Isaiah 66:1
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not only the end but also the climax of the book. In them,
and "are set in the great hall of the heavenly king with
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and rewards His faithful3 and then the new creation and the
new age set in. Thus, the throne of Yahweh is, by its
The One who sits on the throne is the One who judges this
world in the present age and will rule over the new crea
1Ibid., 337.
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tive "Thus savs the LORD" (koh 'amar YHWH) and concluded by
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hand has made, and so all these things are mine" (Isa
applied with the same meaning, but this time for the "new
Creator and King of all and rules over and fills the entire
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According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus cites our
earth, because they are not our own possession but God's;
created them.
The question about the historical situation arises
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where you can build a house big enough for Me!" In either
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"What manner of house will you build for Me, and what place
shall be My rest?"1
In Ps 95:11 refers to Canaan, which was
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your turnings-about").1
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vss. 14, 22), and here the reasons urged for Israel to
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People would neither ask for it, nor call it to mind, nor
2Keil, K D :C O T . 8:1:94.
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for God will dwell among His people, and all nations will
true religion."1
Sam 4:4; 2 Sam 6:2; 2 Kgs 19:15; Pss 80:2 [ET 80:1]; 99:1;
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2011enburger, 50.
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The mention of the ark of the covenant recalls the
fortunes of the ark, first in the wilderness (Exod 25:10-
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Menahem Haran argues that the ark was destroyed during the
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(1) There was not any competition between the cults during
new shepherds (Ezek 34) and a temple without the ark (Ezek
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21:22, 23, that the latter will have no temple, neither sun
nor moon, "for the Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb,
are its temple" and "for the glory of God has illumined it,
and its lamp is the Lamb" (NASB). The analogy between the
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Jeremiah 14:21
Jer 14:21 is a part of the prophet's lament and
(vs. 20), and appealing to Yahweh for help (vs. 21), for
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is based on Deut 32:19, "And the LORD saw this [the way by
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first colon and the parallelism of the first two cola focus
clear from the poetry that the verbs of both the first and
the words lm' n Smk andk s ' kbwdk. Intertwined with the
4Ibid., 420.
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4Carroll, 318.
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appeal to His throne and the temple was "a kind of last
Jeremiah 17:12
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fices, their sins were for all intents and purposes still
which the animal would be bound and where the blood was
(vs. 2). Thus they kindled God's anger, and He was going
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The two poems and one proverb in between have one common
message: humanity's heart condition is desperate and
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regard to this poem are: (1) How shall the six words of
to vs. 13?
!My translation.
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The other possibility is to group the six words of
throne of glory [is in] the height, from the beginning [is]
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from them in that he divides the verse into two cola, while
6Cf. p. 22 5, n. 1 above.
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before the Exalted God (the High God, ,elohe marom)?" (Mic
2Keil, K D :C O T . 8:1:284.
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the LXX from the MT in Jer 17:12, i.e., the absence of any
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142 :5 ; etc.).
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with the titles used in the first part of the poem is that
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the throne of God presents a striking contrast to riches
does God Himself who sits upon it. As the throne demands
Jeremiah 49:38
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is given.
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biblical thought.
We may summarize the interpretations of the throne
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merely the God of Israel but is the Lord over all the
of the 0T.
will break the bow of Elam” (Jer 49:35, RSV); "I will
bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of
I will send the sword after them" (vs. 37, RSV); and "I
3Cf. Christensen, 22 3.
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earthly pagan powers and set up His own throne over them
age,"5 when God will restore everything and make all things
3K B L . 33.
4B D B . 31.
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Ezekiel 1:26
The book of the exilic1 prophet Ezekiel has been
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(2) vss. 15-21 speak of the wheels; (3) vss. 22-25 concern
the raqia' ("firmament" [KJV, RSV], or better, "expanse"
1Low, 65.
2Ibid., 76.
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advocated2 than any other view. This view is the only one
two of his many visions and oracles (cf. Ezek 8:3; 40:2).
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ness and origin of the vision and to locate each aspect and
5Durr, 8.
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for the throne of God is that it moves. The text can never
the only one that God has. But, as far as the throne as
man with Matthew, the lion with John, the ox with Luke, and
the eagle with Mark. Bede and Augustine made a different
series of identification: man— Mark, lion— Matthew, ox—
Luke, and eagle— John. There are some more transpositions:
cf. G. A. Cooke, A Critical and Exeaetical Commentary on
the Book of Ezekiel. ICC (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1936),
14; Webber, 86.
2Low, 190-192.
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Klein remarks,
was not of one wheel inside or within (RSV) the other,5 but
of the rim of one wheel being smoothly level with the rim
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that "the wheels in the present form of the call vision add
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the fourth row of the breastplate that the high priest put
upon his breast (cf. Exod 28:20; 39:13). The wheels were
"full of eyes all around" (vs. 18, NIV; cf. Rev 4:6), and
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movable and moving. They proclaim that the One who sits
Whereas the wheels connected the vision with the earth, the
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(1:6-8, 14, 15, 17, 20), twice in the Psalms (19:2 [ET
vision (Ezek 1:26-28) that describes the throne and the One
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human form."3
1Low, 237.
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24:10 says that Moses saw under God's feet "something like
of the throne.
In regard to the symbolism of the sapphire in our
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That the sapphire is brought forward on account
of its heaven-like colour is shown by Ex. xxiv.10,
where the whiteness, or the clear shining of the
sapphire, stands in connection with the purity
of heaven. The heaven-like colour of the throne
indicates the infinite eminence of G o d 1s dominion
over the earth, with its impotence, sin, and
2Eisemann, 1:86.
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It is the purest form of smokeless fire that the
human senses can perceive. . . . The word is a
compound of haS mal [lit. silent; speak1 for it is
proper to be silent about its implications which
defy human description (Metzudas David) .2
1Eisemann, 1:76-77.
3Eisemann, 1:87.
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used as the bow of war. Since the rainbow was given as the
to i t .
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glory (vs. 28), and later His throne (10:1).1 This would
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saw that the glory of Yahweh departed from the temple (Ezek
9-11) and that it would return to the new temple and fill
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He continues:
concern of Ezekiel is
3Zimmerli, "The Message of the Prophet Ezekiel,"
m e £ j \ / • x 4 3 •
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his people that the fall of Jerusalem does not mean the
2Low, 2 2.
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Israel but in all nations of the world, though the loud and
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Eichrodt says,
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fell down upon his face means that he could not see and
and that the One who sits upon it is all-seeing and all
Ezekiel 10:1
2C f . William H. Shea, "The Investigative Judgment
of Judah, Ezekiel 1-10," in The Sanctuary and the Atone
ment . ed. Arnold V. Wallenkampf and W. Richard Lesher
(Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association,
1981), 284-285; idem. Selected Studies on Prophetic
Interpretation. DRCS 1 (Washington, DC: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 1982), 14-15.
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purpose of it all?
ended with the angelic scribe clothed with linen and having
the burning coals3 over the city. Just between these two
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empty (cf. 9:3) but which Yahweh must shortly mount (cf.
rupt the natural flow of the vision which runs from 9:11 to
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goes up from the cherubim and pauses over the temple (vs.
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the throne is the seat from which God pronounces His judg
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l Lo w , 194.
2Durr, 14.
4Low, 225.
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Ezekiel 43:7
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Ezek 43 belongs to the last of the four main parts
^■Eisemann, 3:667.
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biblical interpretation.1,1 This section has also provided
Chaps. 40-48 culminate in two main thoughts:
one hand the sanctity of the Temple, and on the other the
east gate and fills the temple (Ezek 43:1-5). The east
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sons of Israel.
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Heaven is my throne
and the earth is my footstool.
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made in our text indicates that neither the temple nor even
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vs. 7b) and y®raliaqfl. ("put away," vs. 9a)— well summarize
that summons and obligation. God's requirement is speci
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the temple area, but the other reading b®m6tam ("in their
1Hulst, 217.
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Zechariah 6:13
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the book.
Following the superscription and the first oracle
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2My translation.
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person and office the Man, the Branch, known to us from the
and "whom the crown really fits."3 "Behold, the Man!" (in
popular Latin, Ecce Homo, John 19:5)— these words are the
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both Jer 33:15 and Zech 6:12 the cognate verb samah is used
in Zech 6:12.3
2My translation.
3C f . Petersen, 276.
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and (2) "from His own nation and country." Feinberg prob
ably reads too much into the text for the first idea. But
and the place from which the Branch will come. It denotes
land of promise.3
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The oracle stresses the role of the Branch: He
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the last clause of vs. 12, and the LXX the first clause of
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[ET 21:5]; 45:4 [ET 45:3]; Jer 22:18) and the majesty of
God (1 Chr 16:27; Pss 8:1; 96:6; 104:1; 145:5; 148:13; Isa
30:30; Hab 3:3).3 Then arises the most important and most
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she states:
2Beuken, 277, n. 3.
3Chary, 112.
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Messiah should be both the true High Priest and the true
King, and thus the last words (ben £ enehem, "between them
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the Messiah will be both King and High Priest on one and
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and utilizes the word n£l for 'rule.'"1 The Messiah will
the text has puzzled many scholars, even the authors of the
shown how the LXX reading arose from the Hebrew text and
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"that the chair was his judicial and sacramental seat and
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between the Father and the Son from all eternity, but here
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Wisdom Literature
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Job 23:3
ness far from your [Job's] tent" (vs. 23, NASB). Eliphaz
Job's feelings."!
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find Him, but God has eluded him. God is present but
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place"); the Targum, "d indvr byt mvqd&yh ("to the place
2Ibid., 52.
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Hebrew Bible (Ezek 43:11; Nah 2:10 [ET 2:9]), but its
tekdnah: kfln for Job 23:3 and takan for Ezek 43:11; Nah
2GHCL. 863.
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rather difficult to take one and discard the other for the
the verb kfln and has the noun preformative taw (t) and the
2Delitzsch, K D :C O T . 4:2:4.
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This becomes more obvious when one notices that the verb
supreme and final Judge (cf. Job 23:7). The whole speech
3Hartley, 3 38, n. 8.
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e.g., Num 27:5 and Job 13:18. The other term tckahot
2GHCL, 519.
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Job 26:9
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by Job himself.2
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Second, ksh (or ks') is not the (full) moon itself, but the
day of the full moon, the fifteenth of the month (cf. 1 Kgs
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(cf. Job 23:3) and his obsession with presenting his suit
before God's "face" (panim, Job 23:4; cf. 13:15, 24), even
2Hartley, 364, n. 4.
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Hymnic Literature
different psalms: Pss 9:5, 8 (ET 9:4, 7); 11:4; 45:7 (ET
Psalter (Ps 9:5, 8 [ET 9:4, 7]), one needs to look at both
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great conflict between good and evil being waged in the two
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3KBL, 570.
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God who also rebukes the nations and destroys the wicked
13, MT) and the Defender of the weak, never forsaking those
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Break the arm of the wicked and evil man! Seek out his
ki-'a^ita miSpati w^ i n i
y5£abta l®kisse' Sopet sedeq:
For You have maintained my right and my cause;
You have sat on Your throne,
judging righteously.2
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But the LORD sits enthroned1 for ever,2
he has established his throne for judgment;
and he judges the world with righteousness,
he judges the peoples with equity.
(RSV) .
ment over his own case ("my right" and "my case") and moves
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Jer 12:1; Lam 1:18) even to the utmost degree as the Judge
5Ibid., 754.
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throne (e.g., Pss 93:2; 103:19) and many of its usages have
enthroned for ever" in the same verse (Ps 9:8a [ET 9:7a]),
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His throne— "for judgment"; (3) the scope of His rule and
means that "all the peoples of the earth are under the
5Kirkpatrick, 45.
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Psalm 11;4
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temple" in the text may refer to the earthly temple and the
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such did not exist yet during the time of David and even
concept of the high and holy God does not imply remoteness
available and accessible for the people who put their trust
world and thus can help His people in any case of danger or
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fire and brimstone" upon the wicked and "a scorching wind"
divine judgment for them. Both the wicked and the right
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It is the task of the righteous and almighty God to
regard and protect the indigent man who trusts in Him. His
all-seeing eyes examine for purity the works of all mankind
be vindicated.
enjoy the peace of mind and the assurance which are the
2C f . Baethgen, 30-31.
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Ps 45:7-8 reads:
kis'aka 'elohim olam wa' ed
Sebet miSor "Sebet malkviteka:
'ahabta ssedeq watti^na' re%a*
'al-ken m®£ahaka 'elohim 'eloheka
Semen £a£on mehabereka:
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of
Your kingdom.
You love righteousness and hate wickedness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of joy above Your fellows.1
in this verse is, How are the two Hebrew words ks'k 'lhym
^•My translation.
2Harris, 69.
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Elohim," "0 Divine One," "O Ruler," "O divine king," "0
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it, ks'k 'lhym has been rendered four different ways: (1)
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3Mulder, 7 3-80.
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45:8 [ET 45:7]; 89:21 [ET 89:20]), as the son of God4 (cf.
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he concludes:
the king and God and between the king's throne and God's is
the text can be realized only when one looks on the king as
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is for ever and ever.” The point is that the words quoted
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and will rule and judge with justice (mi&or) and righteous
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4Ibid., 315.
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Anyone who posits an annual enthronement of Yahweh
in the worship of Israel must assume— even regard
as fundamental— the possibility that Yahweh could
lose his lordship for a period of time, that is,
that the God of Israel "functioned" in a manner
analogous to the dying and rising deities. There
is no basis for such an assumption in the psalms of
Yahweh's kingship, indeed in the entire Old Testa
ment. Moreover, to assume that the enthronement
concept was adapted to the situation found in the
worship of Yahweh is a last resort which ends in
abstractions and lacks any relationship to the
facts. . . . Thus, in the light of the data, the
assumption of an "enthronement of Yahweh" is an
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like that.
Some similarities exist between the Hebrew poems
Yahweh in Israel.4
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Mowinckel suggests that "Jewish tradition affirms
the enthronement psalm (Ps. 47), to be a new year psalm."1
to God's ascension (Ps 47:6 [ET 47:5]) has been the basis
Ascension Day.4
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psalm. He states:
2Ibid., 132.
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zwischen dem Konigtum Jahwes und dem Els und Baals zeigt
the idea of "our King" (vs. 7, MT) who "is seated on His
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acclaiming God as "the Great King over all the earth" (vs.
3 [ET 2]) and "the King of all the earth" (vs. 8 [ET 7])
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[vss. 2a, 4a, 10a, MT] , le •ummim [vs. 4b, MT] , goyim [vs.
9a], MT) are used to give emphasis to this address, and the
poet sings in the three pivotal points of the hymn that the
vision (vss. 3b, 8a, 10c, MT) .1 Thus the whole world is
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the full sense of the word, He is the "Great King over the
whole earth" (vs. 3b, MT) who subdues and conquers all the
world (cf. vs. 4, MT) . For all the victories He won, God
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call to praise God, but this time not only for His vic
first stanza, Yahweh Elyon is the King over all the earth,
tically the same words are used: Elohim is "our King" and
"the King of all the earth." God's kingship, and that over
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ki l e 'IShim maginne-'eres
m'od na'alah:
The throne is called "His holy throne" (kisse'
One who reigns sitting upon it. Thus "the throne of His
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ing ("over the nations" [B] and "on his holy throne" [C]).
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with the holiness of His throne (vs. 9b, MT) and His
"Der gro£e und herrliche Gott Israels ist jetzt Konig alier
(Pss 73-83) and the psalms of the Korahites (Pss 84; 85;
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that the king represented the dying and rising nature deity
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vss. 3-4.3
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to Yahweh (vss. 2-3, MT) and the divine covenant (vss. 4-5,
beings praise Him (vss. 6-8, MT) and the earth and the
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(vs. 10, MT) , the Conqueror of the enemies (vs. 11, MT) ,
is "one God and Father of all, who is over all and through
all and in all" (Eph 4:6, NIV). The crescendo reaches the
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The Hebrew noun makdn needs careful attention. It
Bible. All but one of its usages (Ps 104:5) refer either
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of holy place (Zech 5:11) and the place of the altar (Ezra
m ekdnah, and their root verb kiln, reveals that the throne
divine government.
2E.g. , 1 Kgs 7:27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 43; 2
Kgs 16:17; 25:13, 16; Jer 27:19; 52:17, 20; 2 Chr 4:14.
Cf. Koch, "kiln," T W A T . 4:96.
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this idea from Egypt.3 Zeev W. Falk has claimed that the
justice, and the royal throne was used primarily for this
2Ibid., 426.
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and the holy place of Yahweh. Thus it does not seem that
1Goulder, 225.
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would call them the divine virtues by which God reigns and
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firm foundation upon which His people can put their trust
the summum bonum, and even the best treatment for the
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Psalm 93:2
Ps 93 is a sort of prelude to the remarkable group
Num 23:21; Deut 33:5; Judg 8:23; 1 Sam 8:7; 12:12), and He
1Kirkpatrick, 563.
2Briggs and Briggs, 2:29 6-3 03, note that "Pss. 93,
96-100 were originally a song of praise, celebrating the
advent of Yahweh, the universal King, for judgment";
Julius Boehmer, Per alttestamentliche Unterbau des Reiches
Gottes (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1902),
150-159. On the relations with other psalms and on the
arguments for an early dare of composition, see Helen
Genevieve Jefferson, "Psalm 93," JBL 71 (1952): 155-160;
James Donald Shenkel, "An Interpretation of Psalm 93,5,"
Bib 46 (1965) : 401-416; Lipifiski, La rovaut6 de Yahwe.
4C f . p. 13, n. 1 above.
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His throne.2
With this hypothetical background, Mowinckel holds
psalms," YHWH mlk3 (Pss 93:1; 96:10; 97:1; 99:1; cf. 47:9
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King” ("Jahwa ist Konig geworden").1 According to him,
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And he proceeds:
the phrase YHWH mlk has an unusual word order in which "das
1Gelston, 512.
2Allman, 155-156.
3Ibid., 156-157.
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"Es ist Jahwa, der Konig (geworden) ist,” in the sense that
"Es ist Jahwa und nicht ein anderer Gott (Baal, Marduk,
geworden1, sondern 1J. ist Konig' und dass der Psalm ein
subject. He suggests:
xIbid., 188-189.
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Wenn wir die Satze vom Typ YHWH mlk als zusara-
mengesetzte Nominalsatze verstehen, konnen wir die
Ansichten von KOHLER und RXDDERBOS vereinigen:
Als Pradikat eines zusammengesetzten Nominalsatzes
berichtet mlk keine neue Handlung, sondern einen
Aspekt des Subjektes, ja fast schon eine Eigen-
schaft. "Mit Jahwe verhalt es sich so, dass er
Konigsherrschaft ausubt" Oder "Jahwe ist einer,
der Konigsherrschaft ausubt.1,1
mlk, he concludes:
ist also nicht, dass er den Titel Konig fuhrt, sondern dass
2Ulrichsen, 372.
3Ibid., 373.
4Ibid., 374.
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5Ibid., 45.
6Combs, 219.
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1Ibid., 219-220.
4Ibid., 391.
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mlk initially refers to the past event, i.e., the fact that
Yahweh was and has been King; and it also points to the
as follows:
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1Clarke, 237.
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also noteworthy that the verb nakdn in Ps 93:2 and the noun
from the same verb kiin. While makdn in Pss 89:15 (ET
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of vs. 5 reads:
2Clarke, 237.
3Shenkel, 408-409.
4Ibid., 416.
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besonders fragwurdig.!!1
4Ibid., 339.
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the fact that Yahweh has been, is, and will surely be the
1Ibid., 19.
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Psalm 97:2
77:19 (ET 77:18); Hab 3:10; etc.; the next part (vss. 7-9)
worship Him.3
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sedeq CtmiSpat mek6n kis'd:
(Ps 97:2b).
the earth" (,adon kol-ha'ares, vs. 5b) and "the Most High
is "exalted far above all gods" (vs. 9b) and His holy name
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Psalm 103:19
stanzas, the first (vss. 1-5) and the last (vss. 19-22)
or inverted parallelism:4
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(vss. 19—22).1
It is significant that the Psalmist refers to the
fact, our text (vs. 19) forms the climax of the song and
power and character of the One who has provided all the
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17a),1 mercy and compassion (vss. 4b, 8a),2 satisfaction
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11:4) and Kis kingdom rules over all (cf. Ps 47:9 [ET
means the specific location of it. The One who has set up
vss. 19-21) .
3Makrakis, 587.
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everlasting (Ps 90:2) and shall reign for ever and ever
(Rev 11:15).
realm. The heavens are the most stately and comely pieces
most visible, and His glory and power most splendid (cf.
Ps 19:1) .
The Psalmist has depicted the varied attributes of
Apocalyptic Literature
Daniel 7:9
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(vs. 7), "the little horn" (vs. 8; cf. 8:9), the "Ancient
"the saints of the Most High" (vss. 18, 22, 25, 27).4
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and challenging.1,2
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i.e., 550/49 B.C.1 In that year Daniel had a dream in
which he saw four great beasts, each different from the
others, coming up out of the sea (vss. 2-3): the first was
and had four wings of a bird and four heads (vs. 6) ; and
fourth beast and to the ten horns which were upon its head.
over to poetry:2
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hazlh hawet
'ad di korsawan r ^ i w
v®'attiq yomin yetib
l^dSeh kitlag hiw a r
Ctfi®'ar re' Seh ka'amar n®qe’
kors^yeh S®bibin di-ndr
galgillohi n&r daliq:
n®har di-ndr naged
w®napeq min-q°d3m6hi
1elep 1alpim ye£amme§iinneh
v®ribbo ribwan q°damdhi y®qvbntin
dxna' yetib
^sigrin pet ihil:
I kept looking
Until thrones were set up,
And the Ancient of Days took His seat;
His vesture was like white snow,
And the hair of His head like pure wool.
His throne was ablaze with flames,
Its wheels were a burning fire.
A river of fire was flowing
And coming out from before Him;
Thousands upon thousands were attending Him,
And myriads upon myriads were standing
before Him;
The court sat,
And the books were opened.
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fourth beast (vs. lib), the fate ofthe first three beasts
(vs. 12), and the glorious triumph of "One like the son of
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This chiastic structure of vss. 4-14, with the
forms the climax of both the vision and the whole book of
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Now the question is, How many thrones are left and who will
dictum is that "one [throne] was for Himself and one for
how long wilt thou profane the Shechinah? Rather, [it must
mean] one [throne] for justice, and the other for mercy."3
Rashi understood that one throne was for judgment and the
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suggests that the figure who appears in vs. 13, the Son of
not only the seat of a judge, but more basically the seat
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the evidence that they indicate one and the same judgment—
(Dan 7:8, 11, 21-22). This means that the judgment was
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does not say anything about the identity of the ones who
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down or takes His seat (y^ib) . The verb "to sit" (Hebrew
1 Kgs 1:46; 2:12; Jer 22:4; Esth 1:2),! and in many cases
Gammie notes:
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vision with its flames and wheels (Ezek 1 and 10). Fire is
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has not been. This means that the "thrones" which "were
3B D B . 1113; K B L . 1124.
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"book of life" (cf. Luke 10:20; Phil 4:3; Rev 3:5; 13:8;
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kingdom. The title of the One who takes the throne, "the
Ancient of Days," points to one side of time, the Urzeit.
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With all these implications, God and His throne occupy the
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Hermann Gunkel, and Jan Dus maintain that the ark of the
book Vom Kultus zur Gnosis. Johann Maier dealt with but
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2Ibid., 147.
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The third chapter of this dissertation is devoted
of other cultures.
god.2 Other scholars are not known to have dealt with this
is 9i5gu -za and the other aS-te. But the latter is not so
^-Ibid., 250-296.
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the term "throne" (gu-za) is used for the seat of Gudea who
theism in which the one God sits upon His throne and all
1C f . p. 63, n. 1 above.
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The "throne" was also connected with the concept of
only represented the god who occupied it, but the throne
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with the king but later provided him with the will of the
for a throne.
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administration or rulership.
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history, even from the predynastic era. For them the idea
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fate (Sumerian).
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and the next three concepts (Nos. 3-5) are also found in
the Hebrew Bible. But the rest of the list (Nos. 6-11) is
Bible has not been borrowed or taken over from the neigh
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’ have not treated the subjects of the cherubim,
the sanctuary was built "that I [God] may dwell among them"
(vs. 8) , and the holy of holies was the room where God
you, and from above the mercy s e a t , from between the two
Here two facts become evident: (1) all three items— the
His throne in the sanctuary was the space above the mercy-
seat and between the two cherubim. This means that, while
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"throne of God" and its place was given to Moses and the
once in Job 26:9). The two forms are used without any
the verb yaSab ("to sit, dwell, inhabit") and occurs forty-
times (Job 23:3; Ezek 43:11; Nah 2:10 [ET 2:9]), but only
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book of Psalms.
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premonarchical era.
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tration of the world and all creatures, His regard for and
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throne of God (Pss 45; 47; 89; 93; 97) cannot be precisely
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remains the same, that the throne will endure for eternity,
ultimately established.
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is the seat for the Person who is both Creator and Judge,
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for all relationships and titles which Yahweh holds toward
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His throne and His footstool and both are His own handiwork
66) not only constitutes the end of the book but also
describes the end of the world and a "new heaven and new
new creation takes place and the new age sets in. Thus the
rewarding, new creation, and new age. The One who sits on
age and will rule over the new world in the age to come.
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other nations. This means that the old covenant will come
to an end and the era of the new covenant will set in (cf.
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The appeal to His throne and the temple was "a kind of last
redoubt of hope."1
throne being used to denote the One who sits upon it. To
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Elam, and destroy their king and princes" (vs. 38, RSV) .
is not merely the God of Israel but is Lord over all the
provides the idea that the throne of God is movable and can
R ep ro d u ced with p erm ission o f the copyright ow ner. Further reproduction prohibited w ithout p erm ission.
as "the ground of appeal and the prospect of future hope"1
the throne and the One who sits upon it. When Ezekiel
upon His chrone and having the right to judge and to bless
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from a temple, but now he sees the return of Yahweh to a
was used not only for kingship but also for priesthood. As
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states that "thrones were set up" and the "Ancient of Days"
from which God and His throne have existed. The verb "to
sum up, judgment issues from the throne of God for those
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biblical history.1
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of judgment or blessing.
Eastern literatures.
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and His sovereign authority over the whole universe and the
of both the righteous and the wicked, reward for the faith
both the present time and the end-time. All the judgments
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xJer 3:17; Pss 9:5, 3 (ET 9:4, 7); 47:9 (ET 47:8);
93:2; Dan 7:9.
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4Isa 6:1; 66:1; Ezek i:26; 10:1; Job 26:9; Pss 45:7
(ET 45:6); 89:15 (ET 89:14); 97:2.
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in God.
and all the titles and relationships which God holds toward
of His people.
■klob 23:3.
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-------- . The Gods of the Egyptians or Studies in Egyptian
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-------- . The Ancient Near East. 3rd rev. ed. New York:
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(Gordon, 51, I, 30-44)." Uaarit-Forschunqen 7
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---------. "Der Sinn des Wortes 'Augen" in Ez. 1,18 und 10,
12." Biblica 59 (1978): 93-96.
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