Optimal Placement of PMU S Using Greedy Algorithm and State Estimation
Optimal Placement of PMU S Using Greedy Algorithm and State Estimation
Optimal Placement of PMU S Using Greedy Algorithm and State Estimation
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
Abstract-This paper proposes a new technique of state Accordingly, emphasis has been given in literatures
estimation (SE) for electric power systems. In the proposed for optimal placement of PMU in the system, retaining
scheme, the Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) are first complete observability to minimize its nwnber [7-10].
placed optimally using Greedy Aigorithm for cost reduction, Baldwin et al [11] has also presented a novel method to
while complete observability of system is also obtained. The
obtain optimal placement of PMU for a given power
SE uses a linear measurement model to obtain the estimated
system so that the number ofPMUs are reduced while the
states directly, without any iteration, thereby improves the
system is fully observable.
quality of the estimated data base. To reveal the efficacy of
the proposed scheme it has been tested on standard IEEE 5-
The measurements from PMUs are transmitted over
bus, 14-bus, 30-bus, 57-bus and 118-Bus test systems and the different communication channels through suitable
test results are presented. modem. The measurement vector thus obtained is given as
Keywords-Phasor Measurement Unit; Synchronized an input to the state estimator whose function is to find out
Measurement; Optimal PMU Placement; Greedy Algorithm the best estimate of the power system state variables.
that through the use of dock pulse of G lobal Positioning and is known as measurement residual. Thus,
Satellite (GPS), all the PMUs in a power system can be [z;eas - X)]2
synchronized in time thus elevating the power system J(x)= I
i=l O'i
monitoring, control and protection standards to a much
higher level. It also improves the bad data detection and where, Nm is the nwnber of independent
identification, thereby uplifting the accuracy of the measurements and (J;2 is the variance for the ith
estimated states. Timing pulses from the GPS system are measurement.
used for obtaining synchronization by simuItaneous Equation (2) can be written in compact form as
sampling of voItage and current phasors [6].
The biggest disadvantage of analog meters is their J(x)=[z- h(.x)fR-1[z- h(x)] (3)
dependency upon time. When a disturbance occurs at any where R is known as the measurement error co
substation, they may or may not trigger at that very variance matrix.
instant. Hence, the disturbance may remain immeasurable. Minimization of equation (3) yields an iterative
This makes the use ofPMUs a must for avoidance of such solution as
problems. But the problem associated with the use of
PMU is its high cost. Llx = [HT R-1H r HT R-1t,z (4)
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
solution can be obtained in single iteration only, thus under different normal operating conditions. However, for
reducing the complexity of the problem. the sake of brevity, some of the important resuIts are
Another advantage ofPMU over conventional method portrayed only for the stated simulated conditions.
of state estimation is its low redundancy level. Where, the The resuIts of optimized PMU placement for the five
ratio of number of measurements input to the system to IEEE test systems using G reedy algorithm for full
the number of states to be estimated is defined as observability are shown in Table 1. This table reveals the
Redundancy. effectiveness of the G reedy algorithm in reducing the
number of PMUs retaining full observability of the
III. COMPUT ATIONAL PROCEDURE systems for SE. Table 2 shows the properties of the five
For implementation of the proposed scheme the main test systems along with number of measurements and
computational steps are as folIows: redundancy used for simulation studies. From this table it
Step J: Read the available line data. is clear that SE using PMU requires much less
Step 2: Determine the bus connectivity matrix using measurements compared to WLS technique, where
the admittance matrix. redundancy used in general is 2.0.
Step 3: Find out the highest degree bus and place a The comparison of estimated active and reactive
PMU at it. powers at different important buses of the five IEEE test
Step 4: If two or more bus es have same connectivity systems with true values are shown in figures 1 to 10. In
then randomly choose any one of them and all these figures it is clear that estimated values are very
placePMU at that bus. close to the true values of active and reactive powers.
Step 5: Update the visibility matrix.
Step 6: Check if all the buses are observable or not. If Bus System NO.ofPMU PMU Placement Buses
not, then go to 3rd step, else the resuIt ofPMU IEEE 5- bus I 2
placed buses is given as an input to the state IEEEI4-bus 5 4,6,2,9 and 7
estimator. IEEE 3O-bus II 6, 1 0, 12,27,2, 15,24,3, 19,9 and 25
IEEE 57-bus 21 9, 13,38, 1 ,4,4 1 ,6, 15,24,29,32,36,
Step 7: Using the available data carry out SE.
56, 19,2 1 ,27,30,39,46,50 and 53
Step 8: Print the results.
IEEEI 18-bus 40 50, 1 0 0, 13,80, 18,38,60, 1 ,6,33,85,
92, 1 05, 16,57,63,66,70,77,96, 1 1O,
20,24,28,3I,4 1 ,47,2, 1 0,22,30,35,
The efficacy of the proposed scheme has been 45,52,54,69,7 1 ,75,89 and 86
evaluated by testing it on IEEE 5-bus, 14-bus, 30-bus, 57-
bus and 118-bus test systems under simulated operated Test No.of No.ofComplex State Variables Redundancy
conditions and the test resuIts have been compared with System Lines Measurements (Voltage
the true values obtained from successive load tlow Magnitudes and
Phase Angles)
5 7 4+ 1=5 9 I.I I I I
A. Description ofSimulation 14 20 20+5=25 27 1.85I9
30 41 43+ 1 1=54 59 1.8305
The simulated operating conditions have been 57 80 70+2 1=9 1 1 13 1.6I 06
obtained by linearly varying the load at each bus from 179 179+40=2 19 235 1.8638
70% to 120% in 30 time steps. The system jitter is Note: Number of eomplex Measurements=Number of eomplex Ime
eurrent measurements of eonneeted liDes plus number of eomplex
considered by a normally distributed random tluctuation
voltage measurement ofbuses at whieh PMU are plaeed.
o f zero mean and standard deviation of 2% of the
trend component. The system power factor is
considered to be constant so that the reactive power
follows the active counterpart. The total load change is o.l
load tlows. The simulated measurements of c o m p l e x
b u s v o I t a g e s a n d c o m p l e x line f10ws a r e obtained �
by adding a normally distributed error of zero mean and
standard deviation of 2% of the true values. .02
B. Discussions of Results � 10 , ."
The performance of the proposed technique of SE has
Fig. I: Comparison of Aetive Power at 2nd Bus ofIEEE 5 Bus
been tested extensively on all of five IEEE test systems
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)
- OONe)
0.4' -QfPMU)
Fig. 6: Comparison ofReactive Power at 25'h Bus ofIEEE 30 Bus
Fig. 2: Comparison ofReactive Power at 2"d Bus ofIEEE 5 Bus
03------------------ --�� --
0.25 02
l 0.1
� O.o!
.! -'0
� .0;
.0 ;$
o '0 1�
o 10 1� 20 T
Fig. 7: Comparison of Active Power at 42"d Bus ofIEEE 57 Bus
Fig. 3: Comparison of Active Power at 12'h Bus ofIEEE 14 Bus
j - Q(PMU) 02 1 :::��J� l
0.2 --
I D1
"'- ...
0.1 0
i ·01
l 0
. .,
.e ·0.1
. .o2
/\ -..
:8l -03
o 10 20 30 ��---5�- -�1�O�--�1��--���-�·
Time(k) TlmeOO
Fig. 4: Comparison ofReactive Power at 12'h Bus ofIEEE 14 Bus Fig. 8: Comparison ofReactive Power at 42"d Bus ofIEEE 57 Bus
Fig. 5: Comparison of Active Power at 25'h Bus ofIEEE 30 Bus Fig. 9: Comparison of Active Power at 1 0 1 'hBus ofIEEE 1 18 Bus
1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)