Early Fault Detection

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Modeling and Simulation of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) for Early Fault Detection in

Interconnected Two-Area Network

Asad Waqar, Zeeshan Khurshid, Jehanzeb Ahmad, Muhammad Aamir, Muneeb Yaqoob, Imtiaz Alam
Department of Electrical Engineering
Bahria University, Islamabad.
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—The electrical power system is becoming more and The wide area monitoring system (WAMS) consists of a huge
more complex with the increasing demand of the electricity number of PMUs which are placed in the different
across the world, as the world is becoming the global village. The geographically dispersed locations [6]. As known, PMU gives
electrical power system must be reliable and safe enough to fulfil the synchronized measurements of voltage or current phasors
the energy requirements with the continuous supply of energy.
and the synchronization is achieved by using a very high
The chances of power system’s blackouts and outages are
increasing with its increased complexity. So, there is a need of an precision time reference i.e. GPS which gives a 1 pulse /s
efficient control system to make the power system more safe, signal with the synchronizing efficiency of less than 1μs. [7,
efficient and reliable. Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and 8]. An idea of implementing the PMU in MATLAB is
Control system (WAMPAC) is becoming an emerging technology presented [9]. A Non-Recursive DFT based technique is
for an efficient monitoring, protection and control of power presented for the designing of the PMU in order to reduce the
system. Phasor measurement unit (PMU) is an integrated part of complexity of the design [10]. A review of PMU is proposed
wide area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPAC) earlier [11].
system, which can be used for monitoring, protection and control Most of the research is being done for the efficient
of complex electrical power systems. PMU gives the synchronized
placement of PMU and very less research is done about the
phasor measurements of voltage and current and can easily
monitor and control even small disturbances in power system to modelling of phasor measurement unit. The contribution of the
protect the power system from any blackouts and outages before proposed research is that a Simulink based model of PMU is
any fault occurs. In the proposed paper a PMU model is designed designed and then PMU is also used to protect the power
in MATLAB/Simulink and then PMU is used for power system system during a 3-phase fault in a two-area network power
protection and the comparative analysis are done with the system as a case study. The comparative analysis is also done
conventional protection technique for an interconnected two-area between the PMU and the conventional protection technique
network power system.
Keywords—Global Positioning System (GPS), Phasor
Measurement Unit (PMU), Wide Area Monitoring System Arun Phadke and Thorp, firstly introduced the phasor
(WAMS), Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control
measurements at Virginia Polytechnic state university in 1988
[12] which gives the phasor estimation of voltage and current.
I. INTRODUCTION The reference time signal is obtained from the Global
Positioning system (GPS) to define these phasors. Through
The power system was very simple and small in the old
which the synchronized measurements of phasor are achieved
days and the structure of the power system management was
for the power system. In 2003, a very large blackout was
also very safe and secure. However, the managerial efficiency
occurred in the northeast part of the USA. After that in Feb
of the power system was reduced with the increasing
2004, the outage task force of the US-Canada submitted a
complexity of the power system due to increasing power
finalized report to suggest the use of PMU to get the complete
demand from the power system [1]. The stress on the power
visibility of the power grid. Later the number of installed
system is also increased as the competitive structure of the
PMU in US was increased from 166 in 2010 to 1126 in
market increased the utilization of the power system. The
2013[13]. PMUs are high speed power devices and can be
replacement of the traditional non-renewable energy resources
used to provide the synchronized measurement of phasors.
of the power generation with the renewable energy resources
Phasor measurements include the amplitudes of voltage,
also increased the complexity and challenges for power
current, and phase angle. PMUs can also be used to measure
system monitoring, protection and control [2]. The real-time
the frequency, rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) and real
data measurement and monitoring is required to make the
and reactive powers etc. The synchronized measurements
present grid more reliable and efficient [3]. Wide area
mean that PMUs takes the real-time samples of the waveforms
monitoring system (WAMS) has been implemented all over
of current and voltage by using the GPS (global positioning
the world for the synchronized monitoring, protection and
system) as a reference source of real timing signals.
control of the power system from blackouts and are being
Phasor measurement unit (PMU) takes the samples of
upgraded continuously [4]. The digital bidirectional
voltage and current waveforms by using its own sampling-
communication between the supplier and consumer in the
time. The synchronization is achieved by using PLL system.
Wide area monitoring system (WAMS) makes the grid
The standard of power system monitoring, protection and
smarter [5].

978-1-5386-5482-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

control is promoted by using synchronized phasor c) Analog to Digital converter (ADC)
measurements. The functional block diagram of PMU is given The output from the anti-aliasing filter is fed to the analog
in Fig.1. to digital converter, which converts the analog input into
digital signal through the process of sampling and
quantization. The sampled signal is passed through the DFT
block in order to convert it into complex signal. The output
from the ADC is fed to the sequence analyzer.
d) Sequence Analyzer
The sequence analyzer is designed with the help of
MATLAB function. The sequence analyzer receives the
sampled data from the ADC and computes the sequence
components of voltage. The sequence components can be
Fig.1.Functional Block Diagram of PMU
represented as
Va 0 Va  Vb  Vc (1)
The MATLAB Simulink is used to design the simulation 1
model of a PMU. The model is shown in the Fig.2. The Va1
Va  aVb  a 2Vc (2)
phasor measurement unit model is consisted of the following
x Potential Transformer
Va 2
Va  a 2Vb  aVc (3)
x Low Pass anti-aliasing Filter Where, a= -0.5+0.866i
x DFT based ADC
x Sequence Analyzer Va0, Va1 and Va2 are the zero Sequence, positive sequence
x Complex to Magnitude and Phase Angle and negative sequence components respectively. While Va,
Conversion Vb and Vc are the phase components.
x Display Module
e) Complex to Magnitude and Phase Angle Conversion
The complex to magnitude and phase angle conversion
block is used to get the magnitude and phase angle of the
different sequence components of the voltage.
f) Display Module
The display block is a kind of screen to see the different
measurements from the phasor measurement unit.


Fig. 2. Simulation Based Model of PMU The controller is used to monitor and protect the power
system from the blackouts or damages. The output from the
The working of the different Simulink blocks of the phasor phasor measurement unit is fed to the controller. The
measurement unit model are described below. algorithm working inside the controller computes the state of
a) Potential Transformer (PT) power system that either the power system is working the way
The potential transformer is used to measure the analog that it is wanted to be or not. If there any fault occurs in the
inputs. The inputs are connected to the area where the PMU is power system, the controller takes the control action quickly
to be placed and the outputs are connected to the low pass and prevent the power system from any damage. The
filter. controller has the one input and two control outputs. The
output.1 is to be connected with the main power system and
b) Antialiasing Filter output.2 is to be connected with the backup system. During
To convert the analog signal into digital signal, two any fault the output.1 disconnects the faulted area of the power
methods are performed which are known as sampling and system and the output.2 connects the backup system to the
quantization. For the reconstruction of the signal from the main system to withstand the continuity of the power to the
sampled signals, the sampling frequency must be greater than load and to increase the reliability of the power system. The
twice of the maximum frequency of the original signal. This is flow chart of the controller is shown in the Fig.3.
known as Nyquist sampling theorem. If the sampling rate is
less and does not follow the Nyquist theorem, then it becomes V. SIMULATION OF TWO AREA NETWORK POWER SYSTEM
difficult to obtain the complete information from the sampled (CASE STUDY)
signal and valuable information may be lost. This error is
The proposed research is tested and verified by using a
known as aliasing error. To remove this error, anti-aliasing
Simulation of a three phase two area network power system as
filter is used. The inputs and outs of the low pass anti-aliasing
shown in the Fig.4.
filter are connected to the potential transformer and analog to
digital converter respectively.
Start Delta (D1) Winding Parameters:
Vrms (phase-phase): 13.8kV, Resistance (p.u): 0.002 and
Wait Untill
Inductance (p.u): 0.08
Magnetization Resistance: 500 and Magnetization Inductance:

c) Three Phase Parallel RLC Loads
Vrms (phase-phase): 220kV, Frequency: 50Hz, Active
Power: 10e3W, Inductive Reactive Power: 35VAR and
Capacitive Reactive Power: 0
B No Data Matched?
d) Three Phase Series RLC Branches:
Yes Resistance: 0.0002*100(Ω) and Inductance:0.2*100(H).

A e) Three Phase Circuit Breakers:

External Control: Breaker Resistance: 0.001 Ω, Snubber
Resistance: 1e6 Ω and Snubber Capacitance: inf.
The results are shown below from the Fig.5 to F.g.8
Power Power
System is
System is
a) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_1
Properly working Section
Properly The voltage (p.u) from the Area_1 are shown in the Fig.5.

Offline Online
Backup Backup
System System

Fig. 3. Flow Chart of Novel Controller

Fig.5. Voltage (p.u) from Area_1

b) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_2

The voltage (p.u) from the Area_2 are shown in the Fig.6.

Fig.4. Two Area Network Power System

The system has the following electrical components.

1) 3-Ф Generator -02 no.
2) 3-Ф Transformer -02 no.
3) 3-Ф Circuit Breaker -02 no.
4) 3-Ф Series RLC Branches -02 no.
5) 3-Ф parallel RLC Load -02 no.
Fig.6. Voltage (p.u) from Area_2
c) Voltage (p.u) across the Load_1
The electrical ratings of the Simulink model shown in the
Fig.4. are given below. The voltage (p.u) across Load_1 is shown in the Fig.7.

a) Three Phase.Generators
The three-phase generators have the following ratings,
Vrms (phase-phase): 13.8 kV, frequency: 50Hz, Base Voltage:
13.8 kV.
b) Three Phase Transformers
The two Windings three phase transformers have the
primary windings in star-connection and secondary windings
in delta(D1) connection. They have the following ratings: Fig.7. Voltage (p.u) across load_1
Power :100MVA and Frequency: 50Hz.
Star Winding Parameters: d) Voltage across the Load_2
Vrms (phase-phase): 13.8kV, Resistance (p.u): 0.002 and The voltage (p.u) across Load_2 is shown in the Fig.8.
Inductance (p.u): 0.08
Fig.8. Voltage (p.u) across Load_2
Fig.12.Voltage (p.u) across Load_1
3-ϴ (L-L-L-G)
The voltage (p.u) across the load_2 are shown in the Fig.13.
The proposed power system is tested by applying a 3-ϴ (L-
L-L-G) fault at time=0.1s on the Bus.1 in area.1 as shown in
the Fig.9.

Fig.13. Voltage (p.u) across Load_2

The proposed power system is protected by using both the
The results are shown below from the Fig.10 to Fig.13. phasor measurement (PMU) and conventional protection
a) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_1 method.
The voltage (p.u) from the Area_1 are shown in the Fig.10. A. The Backup Protection System
The backup system used to restore the proposed power is
given in the Fig.14.

Fig.14. The Backup Protection System

Fig.10. Voltage (p.u) from Area_1

b) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_2 The backup system has the following electrical ratings of
The voltage (p.u) from the Area_2 are shown in the Fig.11. the different components.
a) Three Phase Generators
The three-phase generators have the following ratings,
Phase-to-Phase Voltage (RMS): 13.8 kV, Nominal frequency:
50Hz, Base Voltage: 13.8 kV (Vrms ph-ph)
b) Three Phase Transformers
The two Windings three phase transformers have the
primary windings in star-connection and secondary windings
in delta(D1) connection. They have the following ratings:
Fig.11. Voltage (p.u) from Area_2 Power:100MVA and Frequency: 50Hz
Star Winding Parameters: Vrms(phase-phase): 13.8kV,
c) Voltage across the Load_1 Resistance (p.u): 0.002 and Inductance (p.u): 0.08
The voltage across the Load_1 are shown in the Fig.12. Delta (D1) Winding Parameters: Vrms(phase-phase):
220kV, Resistance: 0.002 and Inductance: 0.08
Magnetization Resistance: 500 and Magnetization
c) Circuit Breakers: External Control

Breaker Resistance: 0.001 Ω, Snubber Resistance: 1e6 Ω

and Snubber Capacitance: inf.
B. Protection with PMU
The PMU is placed in the proposed power system at
Area.1 as shown in the Fig.15.

Fig.19. Voltage (p.u) across Load_2

C. Protection by using Conventional Technique

(Analog Scheme)
The complete mechanism for the restoration of the
proposed power system using Conventional Protection
Technique is shown in the Figure.20.

Fig.15. Power System Protection with PMU

The results are shown below from the Fig.16 to Fig.19.

d) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_1
The voltage (p.u) from the Area_1 are shown in the Fig.16.

Fig.20.Power System Protection with Conventional Technique

The results are shown below from the Fig.21 to Fig.24.

d) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_1
The voltage (p.u) from the Area_1 are shown in the Fig.21.

Fig.16. Voltage (p.u) from Area_1

a) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_2

The voltage (p.u) from the Area_2 are shown in the Fig.17.

Fig.21. Voltage (p.u) from Area_1

e) Voltage (p.u) from the Area_2

Fig.17. Voltage (p.u) from Area_2 The voltage (p.u) from the Area_2 are shown in the Fig.22.
b) Voltage across the Load_1
The voltage across the Load_1 are shown in the Fig.18.

Fig.22. Voltage (p.u) from Area_2

Fig.18.Voltage (p.u) across Load_1
f) Voltage across the Load_1
c) Voltage (p.u) across the Load_2 The voltage across the Load_1 are shown in the Fig.23.
The voltage (p.u) across the load_2 are shown in the Fig.19.
protection and control of the power system. The Simulation
based analysis of the PMU shows that it is an efficient
equipment for the monitoring, protection and control of the
power system. The contribution of the proposed research is
that a Simulink based model of PMU is designed and the PMU
is also used to protect the power system during a 3-phase fault
in an interconnected two-area network power system as a case
study. The results are compared with the conventional
protection technique used for the monitoring, protection and
control of the power system. The conventional protection
Fig.23.Voltage (p.u) across Load_1 techniques are analogue protection techniques and the PMU is
a digital protection technique. PMU measures each small
g) Voltage (p.u) across the Load_2 sample of the digitalized data and continuously sends it to the
controller. The controller continuously compares the received
The voltage (p.u) across the load_2 are shown in the Fig.24. phasor data with the predefined phasor data and takes the
remedial action before any fault occurs as the received phasor
measurements differ the predefined phasor data even for a
small sample of digitalized phasor measurements. The power
system is a dynamic system and the power system control and
protection is an emerging challenge from the beginning and
has become more challenging task after the introduction of
renewable energy resources. So, the PMUs are very reliable
and efficient for the complete stability of the power system.
The comparative analysis showed that the PMU only takes
0.1ms and conventional technique takes 35ms to operate and
Fig.24. Voltage (p.u) across Load_2 protect the power system from the blackouts and damages
during any fault in the power system.
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