Academic Rules and Regulations Updated in March 2019
Academic Rules and Regulations Updated in March 2019
Academic Rules and Regulations Updated in March 2019
B.Tech., B. Arch., M. Tech. and M.Sc.
This booklet gives comprehensive information on the existing Rules and Regulations
for B. Tech, B. Arch., M. Tech., & M .Sc Programmes for all the branches. All
undergraduate and postgraduate programs will be governed by these rules and
VNIT, Nagpur gives freedom to its various departments /centers/IDP to tailor their
academic programmes as per their specific needs, within the frame work of the
Rules and Regulations approved by the Senate from time to time, keeping in view,
the ever growing challenges and new developments. The revised programme,
provide additional opportunities and flexibilities for students to optimize their
learning experience. This needs continuous and meticulous planning of the academic
profile on the part of each student to fully utilize the opportunities. The students,
and parents/guardians, are therefore, advised, in their own interest, to get fully
familiar with the Academic system of the institute, since in many ways it is different
from what they would have come across earlier. Student’s attention is brought
particularly to the assessment procedures and the specific rules governing the
grading system, academic performance requirements, etc.
VNIT, Nagpur is a very student-oriented place and our endeavor is always to ensure
that our students are offered the best opportunities that are needed to create
outstanding scientists and engineers.
Dean (Academic)
1 INTRODUCTION _________________________________________________________ 1
1.1 Organizational Structure for Academic Administration ___________________________ 1
1.2 Academic Calendar ________________________________________________________ 1
1.3 Academic Departments ____________________________________________________ 2
1.4 Academic Programs offered_________________________________________________ 2
1.5 Student’s Identification No. (ID Number), and Roll number _______________________ 4
4.1 Overall requirements _____________________________________________________ 15
4.2 Degree Requirements ____________________________________________________ 16
4.3 Termination of registration due to unsatisfactory academic performance ___________ 16
4.4 Summer Term ___________________________________________________________ 17
4.5 Change of program (UG Only) ______________________________________________ 17
4.6 Measures for helping SC/ST Students (UG Only) _______________________________ 17
All undergraduate and postgraduate programs will be governed by these rules and regulations.
The curriculum provides broad based knowledge and simultaneously builds a temper for the life
long process of learning and exploring. At undergraduate level, a student needs to do compulsory
foundation courses in the areas of basic sciences, humanities, social sciences and engineering
apart from departmental requirements. Further, students undergo instructions in open electives to
develop broad inter-disciplinary knowledge base. At the postgraduate level, students are
encouraged to specialize in a particular stream. The medium of instruction throughout the
Course Studies is English.
The Institute follows the semester system. An academic year runs from July through June next
year and is comprised of two semesters. Typically, the 1stsemester (Odd Semester/Autumn) starts
in the third week of July and ends in the last week of November; the 2nd semester (Even
Semester/Spring) starts in January and ends in the last week of April. Detailed schedule is given
in the Academic Calendar, which is made available before the start of the academic year.
Notwithstanding any clause that is stated in the regulations, the Senate has the right to modify
any of those from time to time.
1.3 Academic Departments
Each academic program is offered by a Department or Centre. Various departments and their
two-letter code are given below:
Table 2 Undergraduate Programs
SN Department Programme Title Qualification
1 Architecture and B. Arch. ARC
Planning As per norms
2 Chemical Engineering B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering CME decided by
3 Civil Engineering B. Tech. in Civil Engineering CIV competent
4 Computer Science and B. Tech. in Computer Science and CSE authority
Engineering Engineering appointed by
5 Electrical Engineering B. Tech. in Electrical & Electronics EEE MHRD
6 Electronics and B. Tech. in Electronics & ECE
Communication Communication Engineering
7 Mechanical B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering MEC
8 Metallurgical and B. Tech. in Metallurgical and MME
Materials Engineering Materials Engineering
9 Mining Engineering B. Tech. in Mining Engineering MIN
Electronics and 13) Communication System Engineering CMN
Mechanical 14) M. Tech. in Heat Power Engineering HPE
Engineering 15) M. Tech. in Industrial Engineering IND
16) M. Tech. in CAD - CAM CDM
Metallurgical and 17) M. Tech. in Materials Engineering MTE
Materials 18) M. Tech. in Process Metallurgy PME
Mining Engineering 19) M. Tech. in Excavation Engineering EXV
Chemical 20) M. Tech. in Chemical Engineering CME
In the second year, B. Tech./ B. Arch. Students are given a alpha numeric roll no., XXnnYYYmmm,
where, ‘XX’ Indicates Programme Code (Table 4), ‘nn’ indicates year of admission, YYY
indicates discipline code (Table 2), mmm indicates Sr. No. in programme. For example,
BT13ECE001 indicates roll number 001 of B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication) student
admitted in 2013
M. Tech. / M. Sc. : After completion of admission, students are given a alpha numeric roll
no., XXnnYYYmmm, where, ‘XX’ indicates Programme Code (Table 4), nn’ indicates year of
admission, YYY indicates discipline code (Table 3), mmm indicates Sr. No. in programme.
MT13STR001 indicates roll number 001 of M. Tech. (Structural Engineering) student
admitted in 2013.
Code Program
BA Bachelor of Architecture
BT Bachelor of Technology
MT Master of Technology
MS Master of Science
RA Master of Architecture (Research)
RT Master of Technology (Research)
MB Master of Business Administration
DA Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture
DS Doctor of Philosophy in Sciences
DT Doctor of Philosophy in Technology
DH Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities, Social Sciences & Other areas
2.3 Course Code scheme
A course code shall be DDTNMM, where
DD indicates the code of department, which is offering the course.
T indicates the type of the course,
N indicates the level of the course, and
MM indicates the course number in the category.
Levels of the course shall be as given in Table 6. The Table also indicates the guidelines to assign
the level to a course.
Table 6 Level of courses
Pre-requisite: CEL14O/CEL15O/CEL16O and earned credits 74
A student who is ready to study required topics from CEL14O, CEL15O, CEL16O and has earned
74 credits will be eligible to register for this course.
2.9 Grading system
The grading reflects a student’s own proficiency in the course. While relative standing of the
student is clearly indicated by his/her grades, the process of awarding grades is based on fitting
performance of the class to some statistical distribution. The course coordinator and associated
faculty for a course formulate appropriate procedure to award grades. These grades are reflective
of the student’s performance vis-à-vis instructor’s expectation.
he/she has qualified for at least DD grade. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled, the audit
fail (NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course are not considered in
calculation of SGPA or CGPA. No credits are earned through Audit courses.
SS and ZZ grades: The SS grade denotes satisfactory performance and completion of a non-credit
course / attendance based courses. The ZZ grade is awarded for non- completion of the course
requirements. In case, if it is a core/compulsory course, the student must register for the course
until he/she obtains the SS grade
The Earned Credits (ECR) are defined as the sum of course credits for courses in which students
have been awarded grades between AA to DD. Grades obtained in the audit courses are not
counted for computation of grade point average.
Earned Grade Points in a semester (EGP) = Σ (Course credits x Grade point) for courses in which
AA- DD grade has been obtained
SGPA = EGP / Σ(Course credits) for courses registered in a semester
in which AA- FF grades are awarded
CGPA = EGP / Σ(Course credits) for courses passed in all completed semesters
in which AA- DD grades are awarded Sessional examinations & End-semester examination should be conducted and result
shall be declared as per schedule in academic calendar. Sessional examination shall be of 1-hour &
end semester examination shall be of 3-hour duration. Course coordinator can conduct longer
duration examination but only with pre-intimation (at the beginning of session) to students and
concerned HoD. Answer books shall be shown to the students. There is no provision of
revaluation/rechecking of the answer books. Students are advised to utilize this opportunity to get
their doubts/ grievances, addressed properly by the course coordinator. Students are advised not
to pressurize the Course coordinator for undue increase in marks or lowering the ‚pass‛ cut off.
Any act of this or similar nature will be treated as unfair means. In spite of all, if grievance exists,
the student will immediately appeal to the concerned Head of the Department for redressal.
10 A student who remains absent for Sessional examination without intimation shall be
awarded zero marks in the Sessional examination. Students who remain absent for Sessional
examination, can be subjected to suitable mode of evaluation by the course coordinator within 10
working days from the last date of the respective Sessional Examination. This provision is made
only for genuine cases accounting for illness and circumstances beyond control of student. A
student should apply to the concerned course coordinator with recommendations of Faculty
Advisor and with relevant documents. Students who remain absent for sessional examinations
due to medical reasons, shall approach Course coordinator for a make-up test immediately on
return to the class. The request shall be supported with a medical certificate from the Institute
Health Center. A certificate from a registered medical practitioner will also be accepted from
students normally residing off-campus, provided registration and contact details of the medical
practitioner appears explicitly on the certificate. Permission for the make-up test is the discretion
of course coordinator. Note that a medical certificate does not automatically entitle a student to an
absentee test. It is the discretion of the course coordinator to consider the application. A student who remains absent for End-semester examination shall be given zero marks
in End Semester examination and will be awarded FF grade. Such a student will not be eligible to
appear for re-examination also. If student is absent from the end semester examination on
medical ground or due to circumstances beyond control of student, and if student wishes to
appear in re-examination, then, student shall make a written application to Dean (Acd) to give
permission to appear in the re-examination. This application shall be made through Faculty
Advisor and HoD and shall reach Dean (Acd) before the completion of the entire end semester
examination. All the relevant documents which justify the reason for absentee from the end
semester examination shall be attached to this application. 1st year B. Tech. students shall give
application through Faculty Advisor/Faculty Mentor and 1st year B. Tech. co-ordinator.
A Central Committee under the chairmanship of Dean (Acd) shall examine the case. This
committee shall include Medical Officer, and two HoDs. Committee’s decision on the student’s
request will be final. For students with learning disability, special evaluation methods, as approved by the
Senate are also available.
2.11.2 Course Evaluation of Practical (P Type) & Practical Component of L Type Courses Course Evaluation of Practical Courses (P Type) and Practical Component of L type
Courses shall be based on continuous evaluation. Assessment can be made either in every class or in the phases, however manner in which
assessment is planned should be declared in the beginning. The weightage shall be 60-75% for
continuous evaluation and 25-40% for end session evaluation. The phase I assessment shall be frozen immediately after 1st Sessional examination for
30-35% assessment. Additional 30-40% assessment (phase II) shall be frozen immediately after 2nd
Sessional Examination. End session evaluation is the evaluation made at the end of session based on complete
work in the session.
11 For End session evaluation, if recommended by the Department, examiner other than
teacher, either from within the Institute or from outside the Institute can be nominated. Approval
for external examiner, including financial aspect shall be obtained from the Director. There will not be any make-up examination for Practical Courses.
2.11.3 Course Evaluation of Project Type Courses shall be on continuous evaluation basis. Course evaluation shall be done in phased manner. Mid-session evaluations, two in
number, shall be of 20-30% weightage each. End term evaluation shall be of 40-60% weightage. For B Tech Project phase II, UG project examination board shall conduct the examination.
If a student’s performance is not satisfactory then, the project examination board may give
additional time of maximum two months for improvement. Refer Annexure – I for details. For M. Tech. project phase II, PG project examination board shall conduct the
examination. If a student’s performance is not satisfactory then, the project examination board
may give additional time of maximum two months for improvement. Refer Annexure – II for
details. M. Tech. project can be done jointly with National Laboratories, IITs, IISc, Public Sector
companies and industries, subject to the conditions defined by the Institute. Refer Annexure – III
for details. Absenteeism for assessment can be condoned by the HoD on genuine grounds beyond
control of student, on recommendations from Faculty Advisor and Course Coordinator. Under
such circumstances an alternate assessment chance is given to a student. However, grades should
be finalized before stipulated date.
3.3 Addition, Deletion, Audit and Withdrawal from Courses
HoD will recommend the cases of add/drop of courses by students under peculiar circumstances
a) Pre-registered courses could not be run due to non-availability of sufficient number of
b) Some new courses are offered which were not available to the student at the time of
c) Department is withdrawing the offered courses for whatever reasons,
d) Student has cleared the courses after completing the registration formalities (during re-
examination or summer term) or
e) Any other unforeseen but critical reasons, etc.
b) Partial withdrawal from the courses registered in a semester is not allowed on medical
c) Application for semester withdrawal must be made as early as possible and latest one
week before the start of the End Semester Examination. No applications for semester
withdrawal will be considered after this time limit.
d) In case of request for withdrawal on medical ground, the student must produce a
certificate from the Institute Health Center. Certificate from a registered medical
practitioner will also be accepted, provided registration and contact details of the medical
practitioner appear explicitly on the certificate. This certificate shall be endorsed by the
Institute Health Center.
e) In case of request for semester withdrawal for valid reasons beyond control, the student
must produce appropriate documents in support of his/ her claim.
f) Dean (Acd), depending on the merit of the case, may approve such applications.
g) A UG student can withdraw for maximum two semesters during the course of completion
of programme. A PG student can withdraw for maximum one semester during the course
of completion of programme.
a) All students must attend every class and 100% attendance is expected from the students.
However, in consideration of the constraints/ unavoidable circumstances, the attendance can
be relaxed by course coordinator only to the extent of not more than 25%. Every student
must attend minimum of 75% of the classes actually held for that course.
b) A student with less than 75% attendance in a course during the semester, will be awarded W
grade. Such a student will not be eligible to appear for the end semester and re-examination
of that course. Even if such a student happens to appear for these examinations, then, answer
books of such students will not be evaluated.
c) Students will be informed about their attendance status after the 1st and 2nd sessional
d) A student with W grade is not eligible to appear for end semester examination, re-
examination & summer term.
3.8.2 Assistantship Requirements
a) M. Tech. student irrespective of the source of assistantship must attend at least 75 % of classes
in each course in which he/she is registered. In case his/her attendance falls below 75 % in any
course during a month, he/she will not be paid assistantship for that month. Further, if his/her
attendance again falls short of 75 % in any course in any subsequent month in that semester,
his/her studentship and assistantship will be terminated.
b) All students who are offered assistantship are expected to put in 8 hours per week towards the
work assigned by the Department / Faculty.
c) Continuation of assistantship in a subsequent semester would be subject to the condition of
obtaining a satisfactory academic performance and assigned task. If CGPA of a student, as
calculated after re-examination falls below 6.75, then, his/her stipend will be reduced as per
the Institute Norms. However, in the subsequent semesters, if student improves the CGPA
equal to or above 6.75, then stipend will be restored from the immediate next month.
d) If student has FF grade in one or two courses after re-examination, then stipend will be
reduced. As and when student will credit that course with pass grade, then stipend will be
restored from the immediate next month.
e) If a student gets W grade in any course or if student has FF grade in three or more courses
after re-examination, then stipend will be discontinued. Once discontinued, stipend will not
be restored again under any circumstances.
f) If a student seeks semester withdrawal then stipend will be discontinued and will not be
Credit Requirement
SN Category of Course Symbol B. Tech. B. Arch. M. Tech. M. Sc.
(4-Year) ( 5 Year) (2 Year) (2 Year)
Program Core
1 Basic Sciences (BS) BS 18 04 - -
2 Engineering Arts & Sciences (ES) ES 20 18 - -
3 Humanities HU/ 05 06 - -
4 Departmental core DC 79-82 168 33-39 54-57
Program Elective
3 Departmental Elective DE 33-48 17-23 13-19 06-09
4 Humanities & Management HM 0-6 0-3 - -
5 Open Course OC 0-6 0-3 - -
Total requirement :BS + ES + DC+ DE + HM + OC = 170 219 52 63
* All HU & HM courses are deemed to be equivalent for all batches admitted in past.
4.2 Degree Requirements
4.2.1 Earned credits
For award of a degree, student must earn credits as per the Table 8. The credit requirements
stated here are the minimum requirement. To account for credits of individual subjects, total
earned credits of a student can exceed by maximum 3 over the prescribed requirement. (i.e. 173
for B. Tech., 222 for B. Arch, 55 for M. Tech. & 63 for M. Sc.).
*If this condition is met with at the end of the second semester(i.e., at the end of 1st year), then the case may
be referred to Dean (Acd). Such a student may be given one opportunity, wherein, student can register for
all the 1st year backlog courses in the next one year. In doing so, at the end of one year, if student is left with
six or more backlogs again, then, student shall withdraw the admission.
4.4 Summer Term (UG only)
a) Summer term is offered in L type of courses only. If a course has built-in practical
component, then summer term will be applicable only for the theory component of the
course. Performance in practical component remains same as in the associated main
examination while evaluating the overall performance in the summer term.
b) The students who have obtained FF grade (excluding those who remain absent in end
semester examination without valid reason) in a course in any one of the immediate two
preceding regular semesters, are eligible to register to the summer term.
c) Student involved in act of indiscipline are not eligible for registration to summer term. A
student with W grade is also not eligible for summer term.
d) A student is permitted to register maximum three L (lecture) type courses.
e) A summer course will run only for the designated courses of First Year and Final year
provided teachers are available to conduct the courses.
f) The summer term is of 30 hrs duration & maximum grade that can be awarded is CD.
i) CGPA : ≥ 8.50
ii) Candidate should have no FF and /or W grade
b) Change of the discipline will be permitted strictly in the order of merit as determined by their
CGPA at the end of first year subject to the limitation that
i) the actual number of students in the third semester in the discipline to which the
transfer is to be made, should not exceed the sanctioned strength and,
ii) the strength of the discipline from which the transfer is being made, does not fall below
90% of the existing strength.
c) If student of a particular branch does not get change in Branch A, due to ii) of b) above, then,
the student of lower CGPA from any other branch will also not get change to Branch A.
5.1 Academic Program and Performance Evaluation Committee
5.1.1 Constitution
Chairman: Dean (Academics)
Members: Immediate previous Dean (Academics), Four Senate members nominated by the
Senate. Tenure of nominated members will be two years, with two of them retiring alternate
Secretary : Dy. Registrar (Academics)
5.1.2 Responsibilities
a) To scrutinize the degree requirements, syllabus, course content proposed by BoS.
b) To review the cases for termination of students and recommend termination of students.
c) To consider the applications of students for special academic provisions under exceptional
d) To recommend to Senate changes in rules and regulations.
e) To review academic result.
f) To formulate the rules and regulations for academic programme.
5.2.1 Constitution
Chairman – Head of the Department
Member – All teachers in the Department
Member – One teacher (preferably Professor) from other department, (to be nominated by BoS,
with approval of Chairman, Senate)
Member – One teacher from other Institutes, preferably from IIT / NIT, (to be nominated by BoS,
with approval of Chairman Senate)
Member – One expert from Industry, (to be nominated by BoS, to be nominated with approval of
Chairman Senate)
5.2.2 Responsibilities
a) To frame the program qualification.
b) To frame the program requirement.
c) To prepare the course content.
5.3.1 Constitution
Chairman – Faculty of Department who does not teach any course prescribed for the program.
(to be nominated by BoS)
Member – All course coordinators of courses covered in the group.
Member – Two students with CGPA of more than 8.0. (Not to participate in grades finalization)
5.3.2 Responsibilities
a) To review conduct of the course and results of first sessional after first sessional examination.
b) To review conduct of the course and results of second sessional after second sessional
c) To identify academically weak students based on performance in 1st and 2nd sessional and
report their names to HoD.
d) To finalize grades awarded for the courses, if requested by the course coordinator(s).
The nature of Malpractice during theory examinations and the prescribed Quantum of
Punishments are given in Table 9. Student involved in malpractices at Practical/Dissertation/
Project Report Examinations will also be dealt with as per the punishment provided for the theory
(b) Actually copying in the End – 1) Student will get FF grade in the
semester or Re-examination concerned subject in that examination.
2) Student will not be allowed to register
for that subject at the next possible
3. Possessions of another student's 1) Student will get FF grade in the
answer book. concerned subject in that examination.
2) 2) Both the students will not be allowed for
admission /registration for the next one
academic semester.
4. Possession of another student's 1) Student will get FF grade in the
answer book + actual evidence of concerned subject in that examination.
copying there from 2) Both the students will not be allowed
for admission /registration for the next
two Academics semesters.
5. Mutual / Mass Copying. 1) Student will get FF grade in the
concerned subject in that examination.
2) All the guilty students will not be
allowed for admission/registration for
the next two academics semesters.
6. a) Smuggling - Out or Smuggling 1) Student will get FF grade in the
– In of answer book as copying concerned subject in that examination.
material. 2) The student will not be allowed for
admission/registrations for the next
two semesters.
b) Smuggling - In of written 1) Student will get FF grade in the
answer book based on the concerned subject in that examination.
question paper set at the 2) The student will not be allowed for
examination. admission/registration for the next
three semesters.
Annexure I
a) For B.Tech/B/Arch Project Phase -II Examination, the following board shall be constituted by
the HoD concerned.
i) Chairperson
ii) External Examiner
iii) Supervisor
b) The Chairman BoS/HOD will prepare, well in advance of the examination, the panel of
external examiners and chairpersons in the prescribed format and send it to the academic
section for endorsement. This endorsed list shall be attached along with TA/DA
c) The Chairperson will be a faculty from other departments of VNIT at Professor/Associate
professor level. He/she will supervise the project examination and submit in the prescribed
format the statement of marks to the HoD.
d) HOD will propose in the prescribed format, the panel of external examiners and chairpersons
for approval.
e) If a student does not perform satisfactorily in the viva-voce, then, student may be given
maximum two months time for another examination. The same or any other available external
examiner from the approved panel will attend the re-examination.
f) All B.Tech. project reports shall be submitted in the specified format. This format shall be
available on website.
Annexure II
a) The following project examination board shall be constituted by the Chairman BoS/HoD:
i) A faculty from other department of VNIT --- Chairperson
ii) Examiner from other institute (as given below) --- Member
iii) Examiner from within the dept. --- Member
iv) Supervisor --- Member
b) Chairperson, i.e., faculty from other department (preferably at Professor/Associate Professor
level) will not be the examiner, he/she will be like Director’s nominee who will supervise the
project viva. The final grades in the attached format shall be sent with the signature of all four
members to HoD.
c) The external examiner shall be selected from following organizations, in the given order of
preference: IITs, NITs, Research organization, Govt. colleges/Dept, Reputed Institutes/
Industries (The examiner shall be of the level of Associate Professor or above).
d) The Chairman BoS from each department shall form, well in advance of the examination, a
panel of external examiners as well as Chairpersons in the prescribed format and send it to the
Academic Section for endorsement. This endorsed list shall be attached along with TA/DA
e) Copy of the thesis (soft or hard) shall be sent to the examiners at least 15 days in advance.
f) If student does not perform satisfactorily in the viva-voce, then, student may be given
maximum two months time for another examination. The same or any other available external
examiner from the approved panel will attend the re-examination.
g) All M Tech. thesis, shall be submitted in the specified format. This format shall be available on
Annexure III