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National Computer Education Accreditation Council


College of Computing
& Information Sciences

NCRC Computing – 2017

BS Course Learning
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

BS Course Learning Outcomes 1

Agent Based Software Engineering 5
Applied Physics 6
Artificial Intelligence 7
Basic Electronics 8
Big Data Analytics 9
Business Process Engineering 10
Business Process Management 11
Calculus & Analytical Geometry 12
English 1 Proficiency Development 13
English 2 Public Speaking 14
Compiler Construction 15
Computer Graphics 16
Data Communication and Networking 17
Computer Organization and Assembly Language 18
Computer Architecture 19
Cyber Security 20
Computer Vision 21
Cryptography 22
Data Structures and Algorithms 23
Database Administration & Management 24
Database Systems 25
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 26
Design Pattern 27
Differential Equations 28
Digital Logic Design 30
Discrete Mathematics 31
E-Commerce 32
English Composition & Comprehension 33
Enterprise Systems 34
Formal Methods in Software Engineering 35
Global Software Development 36
Graph Theory 37
Human Computer Interaction 38
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Information Security 39
Information Systems Audit 40
Information Technology Project Management 41
Internet and Intranet Architecture 42
Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies 43
Introduction to Software Engineering 44
Islamic Studies 45
IT Infrastructure 46
Linear Algebra 47
Logical Paradigm of Computing 48
Management Information System 49
Mobile Application Development 50
Simulation and Modeling 51
Multimedia Communications 52
Multivariate Calculus 53
Natural Language Processing 54
Network Programming 55
Numerical Computing 56
Object Oriented Analysis & Design 57
Object Oriented Programming 58
Operating Systems 59
Operations Research 60
Pakistan Studies 61
Parallel and Distributed Computing 62
Probability & Statistics 63
Professional Practices 64
Programming Fundamentals 65
Real Time Systems 66
Semantic Web 67
Software Construction and Development 68
Software Design and Architecture 69
Software Engineering Economics 70
Software Engineering 71
Software Metrics 72
Software Project Management 73
Software Quality Engineering 74
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Re-Engineering 75
Software Requirements Engineering 76
Stochastic Processes 77
System and Network Administration 78
Systems Programming 79
English 3 (Official Communication and Report Writing) 80
Theory of Automata 81
Theory of Programing Languages 82
Technology Entrepreneurship 83
Virtual Systems and Services 84
Visual Programming 85
Web Engineering 86
Web Technologies 87
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Agent Based Software Engineering

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the agent system terminology and C 2
development process of agent-based systems.
2. Understand the techniques to design agent-based system. C 2
3. Understand how to modify architecture of the current
software systems and restructure them to be agent-based C 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Applied Physics
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Artificial Intelligence
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Data Structures and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs

1. Understand key components in the field of artificial

C 2 2
2. Implement modern artificial intelligence techniques C 3 5
3. Analyze artificial intelligence techniques for practical
C 4 3
problem solving
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Basic Electronics
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Understanding of fundamental concepts and C 2 1

basic laws that governs semiconductor devices.
2. Apply the acquired knowledge to solve small C 3 2
scale circuits problems.
3. Analysis the methods of node analysis, mesh C 4 2
analysis, to aid in dc circuit analysis.
4. Demonstrate the skills to design and analyze
C 3 2
circuits using a variety of techniques
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Big Data Analytics

Credit Hours: 3(2,1) Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics,
Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Provide fundamental information to get insight into the C 1
challenges with big data.
2. Understand techniques for storing and processing large C 2
amounts of structured and unstructured data
3. Application of big data concepts to get valuable C 3
information on market trends
4. Implement and deploy a sample project for extracting
C 4
useful information from a mid sized dataset.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Business Process Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Business Process Management

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Discover the various technologies that support Business C 2
Process Management
2. Analyze the performance of existing processes and identify C 3
process improvement.
3. Propose business solutions in written and verbal forms for C 3
process innovation and redesign projects.
4. Create a BPM implementation strategy and implementation
C 5
plan for an organization.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Calculus & Analytical Geometry

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs

1. Describe real value functions of one and more C 1 1

2. Apply the concepts of limits and continuity to solve
C 3 3
problems in differential calculus.
3. Solve applied problems by applying concepts of C 3 3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

English 1 Proficiency Development

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Participate actively in group discussions by A 2 6

exercising attentive listening and constructive debate.
6 A2
A 3 7
2. Initiate a conversation and communicate effectively
by employing intermediate-to advanced level English
vocabulary. 7 A3
A 3 7
3. Express or present ideas independently in front of
an audience and effectively respond to queries.7 A3
C 3 7
4. Write formal business letters by applying technical
writing skills. 7 C3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

English 2 Public Speaking

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Demonstrate English listening skills to function A 1 7

successfully in target language listening situation. 7
A 1 7
2. Exhibit English reading skills to comprehend
various aspects of the nature of the reading material. 7
3. Practice English speaking skills to express A 1 7
effectively through speech. 7 A2

C 3 7

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor

domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Compiler Construction
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Theory of Automata
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the basic techniques used in compiler C 2 1
construction such as lexical analysis, top-down,
bottom-up parsing, context-sensitive analysis, and
intermediate code generation
2. Explain the basic data structures used in compiler C 2 2
construction such as abstract syntax trees, symbol
tables, three-address code, and stack machines
3. Design and implement a compiler using a software C 3 4
engineering approach
4. Select and employ appropriate code generation and C 4 5
optimization techniques.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Computer Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Comprehend the structure of modern computer graphics
2. Explain the basic principles of implementing computer
graphics fundamentals
3. Compare key algorithms for modelling and rendering
graphical data
4. Develop design and problem solving skills with applications
to computer graphics
5. Construct interactive computer graphics programs using
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Data Communication and Networking

Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs
1. Describe the key terminologies and technologies of
C 2 1
computer networks
2. Explain the services and functions provided by each
C 2 2
layer in the Internet protocol stack.
3. Identify various internetworking devices and
C 4 2
protocols, and their functions in a network.
4. Analyze working and performance of networking
C 4 3
5. Design Computer Network Topologies C 6 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the basic knowledge of computer organization, C 2 1
and assembly language.

2. Implement data in different representations, and show how P 3 2

data is stored and accessed in, I/O modules, and the
interconnecting components of the computer systems.

3. Analyze the relationships between hardware architecture and C 4 3

its instruction set.

BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain,

P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Computer Architecture
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: COAL
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the basic knowledge of computer organization, C 2 1
and assembly language.
2. Implement data in different representations, and show how P 3 2
data is stored and accessed in, I/O modules, and the
interconnecting components of the computer systems.
3. Analyze the relationships between hardware architecture and C 4 3
its instruction set.
BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain,
P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Cyber Security
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Computer Vision
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand and explain the field of computer vision in
C 1,2
general for different applications, etc.
2. Understand and implement camera calibration C 1,2,3
3. Work under OpenCV or Matlab computer vision toolbox,
C 1,2,3
4. Implement an algorithm to assemble the extracted features
C 3,6
to develop a higher-level perception
5. Implement different algorithms for spatial and frequency
domain filtering, feature detection, structure from motion, C 3
motion estimation, etc.
6. To detect, recognize and track different types of the objects
C 3,6
in the scene
7. Develop an algorithm for context awareness or scene
C 3,6

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain

National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
Describe some of the classical cryptographic C 2 2
techniques and their weaknesses.
Explain the principles of the most widely used C 2 2
private/public key cryptographic schemes.
Apply the principles of the most widely used C 5 3
private/public key cryptographic schemes.
Relate broad principles underlying cryptography and C 6 4
its applications.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor

domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Data Structures and Algorithms

Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domai BT PLO
n Level*
1. Explain and compare various data structures and their
C 2,3 1
2. Analyze simple algorithms and
C 4,5 2
determine their complexities.
3. Apply the knowledge of data structures to other
C 3 2
application domains.
4. Design new data structures and algorithms to solve
C 6 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Database Administration & Management

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Database System
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Database Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domai BT Level* PLO
1. Explain fundamental database concepts. C
2 2
2. Design conceptual, logical and physical database
C 5 4
schemas using different data models.
3. Identify functional dependencies and resolve
C 2 4
database anomalies by normalizing database tables.
4. Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
C 4 5
definition and manipulation in any DBMS
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Data Structures and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Explain what is meant by “best”, “expected”, and C 1 2

“worst” case behavior of an algorithm
2. Identify the characteristics of data and/or other C 2 3
conditions or assumptions that lead to different
3. Determine informally the time and space C 1 3
complexity of simple algorithms
4. List and contrast standard complexity classes C 1 2
5. Use big O, Omega, Theta notation formally to give C 3 3
asymptotic upper bounds on time and space
complexity of algorithms
6. Use of the strategies(brute-force, greedy, divide-and C 3 4
conquer, and dynamic programming) to solve an
appropriate problem
7. Solve problems using graph algorithms, including C 4 4
singlesource and all-pairs shortest paths, and at least
one minimum spanning tree algorithm
8. Trace and/or implement a string-matching algorithm C 3 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Design Pattern
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: OOAD

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Learn the role of design patterns in software C 3 2
2. Examine the structure of design patterns, the C 5 3
logic of design patterns, and the importance of
design patterns in software development and the
details of object oriented programming by
comparing the object-oriented programming
model with the standard structured
C 3 4
3. Apply design principles for conceiving high-
quality software components
4. Evaluate the quality of multiple software
designs based on key design principles. C 6 3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Differential Equations
Credit Hours: 3-0 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Identify, analyze and subsequently solve physical
situations whose behavior can be described by ordinary C 2 1
differential equations.
2. Determine solutions to first order differential equations.
C 3 2
3. Determine solutions to second order linear homogeneous
and non-homogeneous differential equations with C 3 2
constant coefficients.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council


Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand the basics, applications in general, working inside the
digital camera, sampling and quantization, image representation, C 1,2
2. Implement image enhancement, image segmentation, image
transformations, spatial and frequency domain processing,
C 3
filtering, convolution, image registration, feature detection,
pattern recognition, etc.
3. Evaluate the performance of different image processing
C 4,5
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Digital Logic Design

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Applied Physics
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Acquire knowledge related to the concepts, tools and C 2 1
techniques for the design of digital electronic circuits
2. Demonstrate the skills to design and analyze both C 3 2
combinational and sequential circuits using a variety
of techniques
3. Apply the acquired knowledge to simulate and P 3 4
implement small-scale digital circuits
4. Understand the relationship between abstract logic C 2 3
characterizations and practical electrical
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Discrete Mathematics
Credit Hours: 3+0 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the key concepts of Discrete Structures
such as Sets, Permutations, Relations, Graphs, and C 2 1
Trees etc.
2. Apply formal logic proofs and/or informal, but
rigorous, logical reasoning to real problems, such as
C 3 3
predicting the behavior of software or solving
problems such as puzzles.
3. Relate discrete structures into other computing
problems such as formal specification, verification, C 3 2
databases, artificial intelligence, and cryptography.
4. Differentiate various discrete structures and their
relevance within the context of computer science, in
C 4 4
the areas of data structures and algorithms, in
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Web Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the concepts and standards related to the C
discipline of E-Commerce.
2. Analyze complex real world problems found in C
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

English Composition & Comprehension

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Enterprise Systems
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Database System
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Formal Methods in Software Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Discrete Structures
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Describe the costs and benefits of formal methods’ C 1
2. Construct formal models of sequential software systems C 2
3. Implement sequential software systems based on formal C 3
4. Verify attributes of formal models C 3
5. Demonstrate formal correctness of simple procedure C 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Global Software Development

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the principles of the software engineering in C 2
context of global software development.
2. Evaluate and discuss the issues around global software C 4
development and techniques for managing distributed
3. Understand Configuration management systems, release C 2
management and task assignments in context of
distributed projects.
4. Acquire strategies for effectively dividing tasks among
C 3
teams, controlling the communication among teams,
planning tasks and collaborating on modular project with
the help of realistic examples.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Graph Theory
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Nil
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of Graph Theory. C 1
2. To provide knowledge for application of Graph Theory in C 2
subsequent courses in the design and analysis of algorithms,
computability theory, software engineering, and computer
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Human Computer Interaction

Credit 3 (3,0) Prerequisites Software Engineering
Hours: :
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Explain context of HCI and different measures C 2 2

for evaluation.
2. Apply the principles of good design for people C 3 4
from the perspective of age and disabilities.
3. Analyze techniques for user centered design for C 4 3
a medium sized software.
4. Evaluate the usability of a medium size C 5 3
software user interface.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Information Security
Credit Hours: 3+0 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain key concepts of information security such as
design principles, cryptography, risk management, and C 2
2. Discuss legal, ethical, and professional issues in
A 2
information security.
3. Apply various security and risk management tools for
C 3
achieving information security and privacy.
4. Identify appropriate techniques to tackle and solve
C 4
problems in the discipline of information security.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Information Systems Audit

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand the concepts and standards related to the C 1
discipline of Information System Audit.
2. Analyze and Audit Information Systems C 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Information Technology Project Management

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Internet and Intranet Architecture

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Describe the key terminologies and technologies of C 1 1
computer networks
2. Compare and contrast the functions and
C 2 2
operations of classful and classless routing protocols.
3. Understand enhanced switching technologies such C 4 2
as VLANs, VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).
4. Configuration of basic operations of a small
C 3 5
switched network.
5. Build Computer Networks on various Topologies. P 3 4
6. Troubleshoot and solve routing problems within a
P 5 3
routing domain
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies

Credit Hours: 3 (2,1) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Know and demonstrate understanding of basic C 1, 2 2
computer science concepts.
2. Summarize overview of major courses of C 1 1
computer science program included in the
course outline.
3. Analyze computer systems and assess their C 3 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Introduction to Software Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Describe various software engineering processes and C 1
2. Apply the system modeling techniques to model a medium C 3
size software system
3. Apply software quality assurance and testing principles to C 4
medium size software system.
4. Discuss key principles and common methods for software
C 2
project management such as scheduling, size estimation,
cost estimation and risk analysis
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Islamic Studies
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

IT Infrastructure
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Linear Algebra
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domai BT Level* PLO
1. Interpret the fundamental concepts of linear C 2 1
algebra, vector equations and linear transformations.
2. Apply the basic knowledge of vector spaces, eigen
C 3 2
value and eigen vectors to solve the critical problems
of Linear Algebra.
3. Solve systems of linear equations appearing in C 3 3
different engineering applications.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Logical Paradigm of Computing

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Discrete Structures
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand how formal methods (FM) help produce C 1
highquality software
2. Write and understand formal requirement specifications C 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Management Information System

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand and articulate concepts of information C 2
technology management.
2. Assess and apply IT to solve common business problems. C 2
3. Suggest and defend effective solutions to business
problems, and design a database application to solve a
business problem. C 3
4. Explain in details the ethical aspects of information
technology use in the organization and its governance C 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Mobile Application Development

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Discuss different architectures & framework for Mobile C 1
Application development.
2. Develop mobile applications using current software C 3
development environments.
3. Compare the different performance tradeoffs in mobile C 3
application development.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Simulation and Modeling

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain the model classification at different levels. C 1
2. Analyze complex engineering systems and associated issues C 3
(using systems thinking and modelling techniques)
3. Apply advanced theory-based understanding of engineering C 4
fundamentals and specialist bodies of knowledge in the
selected discipline area to predict the effect of engineering
activities. C 4
4. Analyze the simulation results of a medium sized
engineering problem.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Multimedia Communications
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
CLO-1: C

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Multivariate Calculus
Credit Hours: 3-0 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the basic concepts and know the basic
techniques of differential and integral calculus of functions
of several variables;
2. Apply the theory to calculate the gradients, directional
derivatives, arc length of curves, area of surfaces, and
volume of solids;
3. Solve problems involving maxima and minima, line integral
and surface integral, and vector calculus;
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Natural Language Processing

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Identify techniques for information retrieval, language C 1
translation, and text classification.
2. List the advantages of using standard corpora. Identify C 2
examples of current corpora for a variety of NLP tasks.
3. Define and contrast deterministic and stochastic grammars,
providing examples to show the adequacy of each. C 3
4. Simulate, apply, or implement classic and stochastic
algorithms for parsing natural language. C 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Network Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: OOP, DCN, OS and COAL

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Use the different elements of a Socket C 2 2
programming language as building blocks to develop
correct, coherent programs. C 3 4
2. Design Client server interaction using threads and
Asynchronous Sockets
3. Analyze problems, develop conceptual designs that C 4 3
solve those problems, and transform those designs to
4. Principles and operations behind various C 4 2
application layer protocols like HTTP, SMTP, FTP.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Numerical Computing
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Demonstrate the understanding of common C 2 1
numerical methods.
2. Apply typical numerical approaches, errors, to C 3 2
compute approximate solutions to Mathematical
3. Evaluate numerical methods for a variety of C 5 3
Mathematical processes and problems, including
integration and differentiation.
4. Develop numerical methods using a programming C 6 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Object Oriented Analysis & Design

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
Understand object-oriented methods for analysis and C 2 2
Analyze, design, and document the requirements through C 4 3
a use case-driven approach.
Develop appropriate techniques (such as sequence C 6 4
diagrams, state machine diagrams, and collaboration
diagrams) to achieve a systems development process's
objective and expected results.
Apply the concepts of architectural design for deploying C 3 5
the code for software.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor

domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Object Oriented Programming

Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Understand principles of object oriented C 2 1
2. Identify the objects & their relationships to build
C 3 2
object oriented solution
3. Model a solution for a given problem using object
C 3 4
oriented principles
4. Examine and evaluate an object oriented solution. C 4 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Operating Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Data Structures and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Understand the characteristics of different
structures of the Operating Systems and identify C 2 1
the core functions of the Operating Systems.
2. Analyze and evaluate the algorithms of the core
functions of the Operating Systems and explain the
C 4,5 3
major performance issues with regard to the core
3. Demonstrate the knowledge in applying system
software and tools available in modern operating C 3 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Operations Research
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn the characteristics of different types of
decisionmaking environments, appropriate decision
making approaches and tools to be used in each type.
2. Solve the Transportation Models and Assignment Models.
3. Understand the basic methodology for the solution of linear
programs and integer programs.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Pakistan Studies
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Domain BT PLOs
Demonstrate the understanding of political and C 2 8
constitutional system of Pakistan
Understand the social, moral, and cultural values C 2 9
system of Pakistan.
Analyze the contemporary problems faced by Pakistan C 4 8
(social, human resource, economic development, food
safety / water resources)
Develop an understanding and appreciation for C 4 10
patriotism and loyalty towards national interest.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Parallel and Distributed Computing

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Operating Systems
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Learn about parallel and distributed computers. C 2 2
2. Write portable programs for parallel or distributed C 3 4
architectures using Message-Passing Interface
(MPI) library
3. Analytical modeling and performance of parallel C 4 3
4. Analyze complex problems with shared memory C 4 3
programming with openMP.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Probability & Statistics

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Explain and express the basic understanding of C 2 1

probability and statistics.
2. Demonstrate an ability to use descriptive
C 2 2
techniques to describe the statistical data.
3. Apply inferential statistical methods to solve C 3 3
C 4 3
4. Analyze and investigate any given data distribution.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Professional Practices
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Programming Fundamentals
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Understand basic problem solving steps and logic
C 2 2
2. Apply basic programing concepts C 3 3
3. Design and implement algorithms to solve real
C 3 4
world problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Real Time Systems

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the issues and basic concepts of real‐time C 1
software development.
2. Demonstrate the ability to develop embedded real-time C 2
software using appropriate software methods and tools.
3. Analyze the timing performance of a real‐time software C 4
design using real‐time analysis tools.
4. Apply real‐time software engineering knowledge in C 3
developing a medium to complex program
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Semantic Web
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the concept structure of the semantic web C 1
technology and how this technology revolutionizes the
World Wide Web and its uses.
2. Understand the concepts of metadata, semantics of C 2
knowledge and resource, ontology, and their descriptions
in XML-based syntax and web ontology language (OWL).
3. Describe logic semantics and inference with OWL.
C 2
4. Use ontology engineering approaches in semantic
applications program semantic applications with Java
C 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Construction and Development

Credit Hours: 3 (2-1) Prerequisites: Software Design and Architecture
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the role of design and its major activities within C 1
the OO software development process, with focus on the
Unified process
2. Develop Object-oriented design models and refine them to C 3
reflect implementation details
3. Evaluate different architectures for a medium size software. C 4
4. Implement design model using an object-oriented C 4
programming language.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Design and Architecture

Credit Hours: 3 (2-1) Prerequisites: Software Requirement Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the role of design and its major activities C 1
within the OO software development process, with focus
on the Unified process. C 2
2. Comprehend the advantages of consistent and reliable C 3
software design. C 4
3. Design OOD models and refine them to reflect
implementation details
C 5
4. Apply and use UML to visualize and document the design
of software systems.
5. Implement the design model using an object-oriented
programming language.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Engineering Economics

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
6. Overview economic analysis techniques and their C 2
applicability to software engineering
7. Develop software cost estimation skills using industry C 3
standards. C 3
8. Critically evaluate and discuss the issues in cost estimation
of different applications in the real world with course
participants and learners.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Engineering
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: OOAD
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Describe various software engineering processes C 1 1
and activities.

2. Apply knowledge of software engineering C 3 6

appropriate to the discipline, particularly in the
modeling, design, testing and deployment of software

3. Analyze and solve small-scale Software C 4 3

Engineering problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Metrics
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explains how quantitative and empirical methods are C 2
applied to software engineering problems
2. Presents the fundamentals of measurement, C 3
experimentation, data collection and analysis
3. Critically evaluate and discuss different software matrices C 3
of different applications in the real world with course
participants and learners
4. Have a working knowledge of software size measurement
C 4
(Function Point counting, etc.)
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Project Management

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain principles of the project lifecycle and how to C 2
identify opportunities to work with learners on relevant
and appropriate project scenarios to share this
understanding C 3
2. Critically evaluate and discuss the issues around project
management and its application in the real world with
course participants and learners
C 4
3. Choose project management techniques for IT projects to
initiate, plan, execute and evaluate a project and work in
teams to create a project plan for a project scenario that
includes key tasks, critical path, dependencies and a
realistic timeline. C 4
4. Present strategies for gaining confidence in managing
projects through simple project planning examples.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Quality Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Outline software testing and software quality assurance C 1
2. Prepare test case and test suites for completely testing all C 3
aspects of a system under test (SUT)
3. Analyze which of the software testing techniques are C 4
relevant for a particular case and know software reliability
analysis tools and techniques.
4. Compile findings of a quality assurance cycle.
C 5
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Re-Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Construction and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain the concepts and technique of software C 1
2. Apply reengineering techniques to maintain and modify C 3
software systems
3. Analyze and understand maintenance related problems C 4
associated with object oriented software systems.
4. Able to perform complex design reengineering and reverse
C 5
engineering problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Software Requirements Engineering

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Describe the requirements engineering process C 1
2. Effectively analyze software requirements for the C 4
development of cost-effective and efficient technical
solutions. C 3
3. Prepare both functional and non-functional requirements
along with validation for a medium-size software system. C 3
4. Document effective requirements in Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) using clear,
unambiguous requirements.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Stochastic Processes
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Define basic concepts from the theory of Markov chains C 1
and present proofs for the most important theorems.
2. Compute probabilities of transition between states and C 2
return to the initial state after long time intervals in
Markov chains.
3. Derive differential equations for time continuous Markov C 3
processes with a discrete state space.
4. Solve differential equations for distributions and
C 4
expectations in time continuous processes and determine
corresponding limit distributions.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

System and Network Administration

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Operating System
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Systems Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
CLO-1: C
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

English 3 (Official Communication and Report Writing)

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Demonstrate formal and informal English writing C 3 7

skills to express ideas and convey messages to target

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor

domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Theory of Automata
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Explain and manipulate the different concepts in C 2 2

automata theory and formal languages such as
formal proofs, automata, regular expressions,
Turing machines etc;
2. Prove properties of languages, grammars and C 5 3
automata with rigorously formal mathematical
3. Design of automata, RE and CFG C 6 4
4. Transform between equivalent NFAs, DFAs and C 6 2
5. Define Turing machines performing simple tasks. C 1 2
6. Differentiate and manipulate formal descriptions of C 3 3
languages, automata and grammars with focus on
regular and context-free languages, finite automata
and regular expressions.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Theory of Programing Languages

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. The better understating the underlying theory of programming C 1
2. Enable a student to choose the appropriate Language for a C 2
3. Learning of formal semantics design for a programming C 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Technology Entrepreneurship
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO

1. Understand the context of Technology Entrepreneurship C 3 1

and different measures for conducting a business plan.

2. Analyze the market trends, competition, growth rate and C 4 3

technological requirements for the business plan.

3. Evaluate techniques for pricing, available channels, C 5 4

segmentation and positioning patterns.

4. Create all the applicable concepts on the startup MVP. C 6 8

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Virtual Systems and Services

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Domain BT

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Visual Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Use the different elements of a visual programming C 1
language as building blocks to develop correct, coherent
programs. C 3
2. Program using the fundamental software development
process, including design, coding, documentation, testing, C 4
and debugging.
3. Analyze problems, develop conceptual designs that solve
those problems, and transform those designs to Visual
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Web Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
CLO-1: Discuss how web standards impact software C 1
development. C 2
CLO-2: Describe the constraints that the web puts on C 4
developers. C 4
CLO-3: Design and Implement a simple web application.
CLO-4: Review an existing web application against a current
web standard.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council

Web Technologies
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=

Affective domain

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