College of Computing
& Information Sciences
Information Security 39
Information Systems Audit 40
Information Technology Project Management 41
Internet and Intranet Architecture 42
Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies 43
Introduction to Software Engineering 44
Islamic Studies 45
IT Infrastructure 46
Linear Algebra 47
Logical Paradigm of Computing 48
Management Information System 49
Mobile Application Development 50
Simulation and Modeling 51
Multimedia Communications 52
Multivariate Calculus 53
Natural Language Processing 54
Network Programming 55
Numerical Computing 56
Object Oriented Analysis & Design 57
Object Oriented Programming 58
Operating Systems 59
Operations Research 60
Pakistan Studies 61
Parallel and Distributed Computing 62
Probability & Statistics 63
Professional Practices 64
Programming Fundamentals 65
Real Time Systems 66
Semantic Web 67
Software Construction and Development 68
Software Design and Architecture 69
Software Engineering Economics 70
Software Engineering 71
Software Metrics 72
Software Project Management 73
Software Quality Engineering 74
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Software Re-Engineering 75
Software Requirements Engineering 76
Stochastic Processes 77
System and Network Administration 78
Systems Programming 79
English 3 (Official Communication and Report Writing) 80
Theory of Automata 81
Theory of Programing Languages 82
Technology Entrepreneurship 83
Virtual Systems and Services 84
Visual Programming 85
Web Engineering 86
Web Technologies 87
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Applied Physics
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites:
Artificial Intelligence
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Data Structures and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs
Basic Electronics
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites:
C 3 7
Compiler Construction
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Theory of Automata
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the basic techniques used in compiler C 2 1
construction such as lexical analysis, top-down,
bottom-up parsing, context-sensitive analysis, and
intermediate code generation
2. Explain the basic data structures used in compiler C 2 2
construction such as abstract syntax trees, symbol
tables, three-address code, and stack machines
3. Design and implement a compiler using a software C 3 4
engineering approach
4. Select and employ appropriate code generation and C 4 5
optimization techniques.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Computer Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Comprehend the structure of modern computer graphics
2. Explain the basic principles of implementing computer
graphics fundamentals
3. Compare key algorithms for modelling and rendering
graphical data
4. Develop design and problem solving skills with applications
to computer graphics
5. Construct interactive computer graphics programs using
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Computer Architecture
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: COAL
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the basic knowledge of computer organization, C 2 1
and assembly language.
2. Implement data in different representations, and show how P 3 2
data is stored and accessed in, I/O modules, and the
interconnecting components of the computer systems.
3. Analyze the relationships between hardware architecture and C 4 3
its instruction set.
BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain,
P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Cyber Security
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Computer Vision
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand and explain the field of computer vision in
C 1,2
general for different applications, etc.
2. Understand and implement camera calibration C 1,2,3
3. Work under OpenCV or Matlab computer vision toolbox,
C 1,2,3
4. Implement an algorithm to assemble the extracted features
C 3,6
to develop a higher-level perception
5. Implement different algorithms for spatial and frequency
domain filtering, feature detection, structure from motion, C 3
motion estimation, etc.
6. To detect, recognize and track different types of the objects
C 3,6
in the scene
7. Develop an algorithm for context awareness or scene
C 3,6
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:
Database Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domai BT Level* PLO
1. Explain fundamental database concepts. C
2 2
2. Design conceptual, logical and physical database
C 5 4
schemas using different data models.
3. Identify functional dependencies and resolve
C 2 4
database anomalies by normalizing database tables.
4. Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database
C 4 5
definition and manipulation in any DBMS
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Design Pattern
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: OOAD
Differential Equations
Credit Hours: 3-0 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Identify, analyze and subsequently solve physical
situations whose behavior can be described by ordinary C 2 1
differential equations.
2. Determine solutions to first order differential equations.
C 3 2
3. Determine solutions to second order linear homogeneous
and non-homogeneous differential equations with C 3 2
constant coefficients.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Discrete Mathematics
Credit Hours: 3+0 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Understand the key concepts of Discrete Structures
such as Sets, Permutations, Relations, Graphs, and C 2 1
Trees etc.
2. Apply formal logic proofs and/or informal, but
rigorous, logical reasoning to real problems, such as
C 3 3
predicting the behavior of software or solving
problems such as puzzles.
3. Relate discrete structures into other computing
problems such as formal specification, verification, C 3 2
databases, artificial intelligence, and cryptography.
4. Differentiate various discrete structures and their
relevance within the context of computer science, in
C 4 4
the areas of data structures and algorithms, in
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Web Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the concepts and standards related to the C
discipline of E-Commerce.
2. Analyze complex real world problems found in C
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Enterprise Systems
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Database System
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Graph Theory
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Nil
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts of Graph Theory. C 1
2. To provide knowledge for application of Graph Theory in C 2
subsequent courses in the design and analysis of algorithms,
computability theory, software engineering, and computer
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Information Security
Credit Hours: 3+0 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain key concepts of information security such as
design principles, cryptography, risk management, and C 2
2. Discuss legal, ethical, and professional issues in
A 2
information security.
3. Apply various security and risk management tools for
C 3
achieving information security and privacy.
4. Identify appropriate techniques to tackle and solve
C 4
problems in the discipline of information security.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Islamic Studies
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
IT Infrastructure
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Linear Algebra
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Multimedia Communications
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:
Multivariate Calculus
Credit Hours: 3-0 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the basic concepts and know the basic
techniques of differential and integral calculus of functions
of several variables;
2. Apply the theory to calculate the gradients, directional
derivatives, arc length of curves, area of surfaces, and
volume of solids;
3. Solve problems involving maxima and minima, line integral
and surface integral, and vector calculus;
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Network Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: OOP, DCN, OS and COAL
Numerical Computing
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT PLO
1. Demonstrate the understanding of common C 2 1
numerical methods.
2. Apply typical numerical approaches, errors, to C 3 2
compute approximate solutions to Mathematical
3. Evaluate numerical methods for a variety of C 5 3
Mathematical processes and problems, including
integration and differentiation.
4. Develop numerical methods using a programming C 6 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Operating Systems
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Data Structures and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Understand the characteristics of different
structures of the Operating Systems and identify C 2 1
the core functions of the Operating Systems.
2. Analyze and evaluate the algorithms of the core
functions of the Operating Systems and explain the
C 4,5 3
major performance issues with regard to the core
3. Demonstrate the knowledge in applying system
software and tools available in modern operating C 3 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain,
A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Operations Research
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn the characteristics of different types of
decisionmaking environments, appropriate decision
making approaches and tools to be used in each type.
2. Solve the Transportation Models and Assignment Models.
3. Understand the basic methodology for the solution of linear
programs and integer programs.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Pakistan Studies
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): Domain BT PLOs
Demonstrate the understanding of political and C 2 8
constitutional system of Pakistan
Understand the social, moral, and cultural values C 2 9
system of Pakistan.
Analyze the contemporary problems faced by Pakistan C 4 8
(social, human resource, economic development, food
safety / water resources)
Develop an understanding and appreciation for C 4 10
patriotism and loyalty towards national interest.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor
domain, A= Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Professional Practices
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Programming Fundamentals
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Understand basic problem solving steps and logic
C 2 2
2. Apply basic programing concepts C 3 3
3. Design and implement algorithms to solve real
C 3 4
world problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Semantic Web
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:
Software Engineering
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: OOAD
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
1. Describe various software engineering processes C 1 1
and activities.
Software Metrics
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explains how quantitative and empirical methods are C 2
applied to software engineering problems
2. Presents the fundamentals of measurement, C 3
experimentation, data collection and analysis
3. Critically evaluate and discuss different software matrices C 3
of different applications in the real world with course
participants and learners
4. Have a working knowledge of software size measurement
C 4
(Function Point counting, etc.)
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Software Re-Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Construction and
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain the concepts and technique of software C 1
2. Apply reengineering techniques to maintain and modify C 3
software systems
3. Analyze and understand maintenance related problems C 4
associated with object oriented software systems.
4. Able to perform complex design reengineering and reverse
C 5
engineering problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Stochastic Processes
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Define basic concepts from the theory of Markov chains C 1
and present proofs for the most important theorems.
2. Compute probabilities of transition between states and C 2
return to the initial state after long time intervals in
Markov chains.
3. Derive differential equations for time continuous Markov C 3
processes with a discrete state space.
4. Solve differential equations for distributions and
C 4
expectations in time continuous processes and determine
corresponding limit distributions.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Systems Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:
Theory of Automata
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
Technology Entrepreneurship
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLO
Visual Programming
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Use the different elements of a visual programming C 1
language as building blocks to develop correct, coherent
programs. C 3
2. Program using the fundamental software development
process, including design, coding, documentation, testing, C 4
and debugging.
3. Analyze problems, develop conceptual designs that solve
those problems, and transform those designs to Visual
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Web Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
CLO-1: Discuss how web standards impact software C 1
development. C 2
CLO-2: Describe the constraints that the web puts on C 4
developers. C 4
CLO-3: Design and Implement a simple web application.
CLO-4: Review an existing web application against a current
web standard.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
National Computer Education Accreditation Council
Web Technologies
Credit Hours: 4 (3,1) Prerequisites: