Leave Rules G.O
Leave Rules G.O
Leave Rules G.O
In exercise of the power conferred by Sub-section (1), and in particular by clause (d) of sub-section
(2), of section 45 of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act 1963 (West Bengal Act V of
1963), the Governor is pleased hereby to make, after previous publication as required by sub-section
(1) of the said section, the following amendments in the Management of Recognised Non-
Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1969 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules):
(a) after clause (i) of $ub-rule (9) of rule 28, add the following note, namely :
"Note — The Committee shall grant leave according to rules shown in the appendix;
Rules for the grant of leave to the teaching and the non-teaching staff of recognised non-
government Secondary Schools other than Sponsored Schools or any other Schools or Class of
School as the State Government may specify.
1. (a) 'Leave' means, except in the case of casual leave, absence from duty attached to the tenure of
the post. There may be the following kinds of Ieave admissible to a teacher or a non-teaching
employee of an institution:
(b) Absence of a teacher attending duties as Juror in a Law Court or Head Examiners’ Meeting of the
Board or having an interview with the Board, if called for by the Board, or if required, to join a
seminar organised or sponsored by the All India Council, State Government or by the Board, shall be
treated as on duty.
(c) 'Medical Certificate' means a certificate granted by a Registered Medical Practitioner in the
following form—
“I .................... after careful personal examination of the case certify that ......................... whose
signature is given above is suffering from ........................ and I consider that a period of absence
from duty of .................. is absolutely necessary for the restoration of his or her health.”
A similar certificate may be necessary when a teacher or a non-teaching employee declared fit to
rejoin his duties.
(d) 'Average pay' means the average of basic pay for the period of twelve months immediately
preceding the date on which the teacher or the non- teaching employee proceeds on leave.
2. Casual Leave
Casual leave shall not be treated as absence from duty and there shall, consequently, be no
interference with the rate of emolument of the teacher or the non teaching employee concerned.
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of the school may have 14 days of casual leave in a calender
year. The casual leave may be affixed or prefixed to any holiday or Sunday but the total period
including the holiday or Sunday shall not exceed 7 days at a time. Sundays and holidays falling within
the period of casual leave shall not be counted as a part of the casual leave;
PROVIDED casual leave shall not be affixed or prefixed to any long vacation.
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of school may be granted 15 days leave on half average pay in
a year of service;
PROVIDED that the total period of leave on half average pay which may accrue to the credit of the
teacher or the non-teaching employee shall not exceed two months;
PROVIDED further that during such period a teacher or a non-teaching employee shall be entitled to
a leave salary at the rate of half of the average pay.
The total period of leave on medical ground, which may accrue to the credit of a teacher or a non-
teaching employee shall not exceed one year, that is, 365 days during the whole period of service in
a school or schools.
During the period of leave on medical ground the teacher or the non-teaching employee will get a
salary at the rate of full average pay.
Note : (i) Leave under rule 5 may be granted with the approval of the Board to a teacher or a non-
teaching employee of any school suffering from prolonged illness, such as, Tuberculosis, injury to
limbs requiring plastering etc. making him or her bed-ridden for a long time, when he or she has
exhausted all other leave due to him or her.
(ii) Leave on full pay under rule 5 may be granted to a teacher intending to appear at an examination
for the period of examination and a week prior to its Commencement.
A study leave of any other nature shall, however, not be granted to any teacher under this rule.
(iii) Subject to notes (i) and (ii), the period of leave may be granted on half average pay (or full
average pay by the Managing Committee with prior approval of the Board).
6. Compensatory leave
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted compensatory leave for half the
period he or she may be required to attend the school for duty during a long vacation or holidays
provided he or she attends the school at least seven days during such vacation or holidays.
7. Extraordinary leave
If for any unforeseen reason a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school fails to attend his or
her duties and if there is no other leave due at his or her credit he or she may be granted leave
without pay at the discretion of the Managing Committee for a period not exceeding two years.
8. Maternity leave
(1) Maternity leave may be granted to a permanent female teacher or a non- teaching employee, on
full pay, for a period which may extend upto the end of three months from the date of its
commencement or to the end of six weeks from the date of confinement, whichever is earlier.
(2) Maternity leave may also be granted to a temporary female teacher or non-teaching employee,
on full pay, upto four weeks prior to the date & confinement, and four weeks after the date of
PROVIDED that she has been in service for at least nine months immediately preceding the date of
(3) Maternity leave may also be granted to a female teacher or a non teaching employee in case of
miscarriage or abortion subject to the condition that such leave shall not exceed six weeks and the
application for the leave is supported by a certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner of a
Government Hospital.
(4) Any other kind of leave, in continuation of maternity leave may be granted if the request for its
grants is supported by a medical certificate.
9. Quarantine leave
Quarantine leave is a leave of absence from duty necessitated by orders not to attend school in
consequence of the presence of infections disease in the family or household of a teacher or a non-
teaching employee of a school. Such leave may be granted on production of a certificate of a
Medical or Public Health Officer for a period not exceeding 21 days, or in exceptional circumstances
30 days. Any leave necessary for quarantine purpose in excess of this period shall be treated as
ordinary leave. Quarantine leave may also be granted when necessary in continuation of other leave
subject to the above maximum. No substitute shall ordinarily be appointed in place of a teacher or a
non-teaching employee absent on a quarantine leave. A substitute may, however, be appointed for
the absence of a teacher or a non-teaching employee on quarantine leave, whose duties cannot be
arranged otherwise. A teacher or a non-teaching employee on quarantine leave is not treated as
absent from duty and his or her pay is not intermitted;
Explanation — For the purpose of granting Quarantine leave under this rule the list of infectious
diseases shall include the following:
(b) For persons employed in the preparation and distribution of food, the additional diseases should
also be treated as infectious:
(i) Dysentery,
10. (i) No kind of leave except Casual Leave should be availed of without written application and
previous sanction except in very exceptional circumstances which should be expanded to the
satisfactory of the leave sanctioning authority.
(ii) Any member of teaching and non teaching staff remaining absent for more than 3 days for
reasons of illness, shall submit a certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
(iii) Leave for reason of private affairs except Casual Leave must be applied for and got approved
before it is availed of. Member of the teaching and non-teaching staff before finalising their private
engagement should previously ascertain from the authority concerned as far as practicable whether
the leave asked for a likely to be granted.
PROVIDED that in exceptional case of emergency nature in which it was not possible on the part of
the staff concerned to apply for the leave and got it sanctioned before proceeding on leave, formal
leave application fully stating the facts and circumstances necessitating such leave should be
submitted to the authority concerned at the earliest possible opportunity.
11. (i) No permanent teaching or non-teaching employee shall be granted leave of any kind for a
continuous period exceeding 5 years. Where such an employee does not resume his or her duty
after remaining on leave for a continuous period of 5 years or where such an employee, after the
expiry of his or her leave remains absent from duty, otherwise on ground of suspension for any
period, which together with the period granted to him or her exceeds 5 years, he or she shall, unless
this Board on reference from the school authorities and in view of exceptional circumstances of the
case otherwise determines, be deemed to have resigned and shall accordingly cease to be in the
employment of the school.
(ii) When an employee who is not in permanent employment, fails to resume his or her duties on the
expiry of maximum period of extra-ordinary leave granted to him or her under rule 7 or where such
an employee who is granted a shorter period of extraordinary' leave than the maximum period
admissible, remains absent from duty for any period which together with extraordinary leave
granted exceeds the limit upto which he or she would have been granted such leave under rule 7, he
or she shall, unless the Board on reference from the school authorities and in view of exceptional
circumstances of the case otherwise determine, be deemed to have resigned and shall accordingly
cease to be in the employment of the school.
12. Excepting Casual Leave and Compensatory Leave, any kind of leave mentioned below, may be
granted in combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave stated below :
5. Maternity Leave.
Sd/- B. N. Chatterjee
Sub: Rules for grant of leave to the teaching and the non-teaching
staff of recognised Non-Government Secondary Schools.
The undersigned is directed to state that representations were received by the Board from time to
time from the Heads of recognised Secondary Schools seeking clarification whether a teacher or a
member of the non-teaching staff servicing a secondary school shall continue to enjoy the benefit of
leave during the period of extension of their services, as contemplated under Leave Rules published
in Government Notification No. 1541-Edn.(S) dated 15.12.77.
2. The Heads of Institutions are hereby informed that an approved teacher or a member of the non-
teaching staff of a recognised secondary school whose services have been extended by the
Managing Committee of such an institution may be granted all kinds of leave, as contemplated
under the said leave Rules.
Sd/- N. Sinha
Pursuant to an order of the Administrator of the Board in reply to the clarification as desired, the
undersigned is directed to state that D.A. is to be paid to the staff of the school according to slab
system, as may be admissible on the half average pay.
Sd/- P. Mazumdar
for Secretary.
Date : 24.1.80
Sub: Clarification of Leave Rules (Medical Leave) for the staff of the
Pursuant to an order of the Administrator of the Board the undersigned if directed to state that
Medical Leave availed of by the staff concerned of the school preceding or following the vacation is
not to be counted for the vacation period provided he or she is present on either side of the
for Secretary
In reply to his query made in his letter under reference the undersigned is directed to state seriatim
the following:-
1. Whether the casual leave can be availed of by the 1. Casual leave can be availed of only after it is duly
staff of the school without assigning any reason for sanctioned. In exceptional circumstances, a staff of
their absence in writing? the school may remain absent from duty without
prior sanction; provided subsequently he submits on
application justifying his absence at the earliest
The question of enjoying casual leave or any kind of
leave without submitting application does not,
therefore, arise.
2. Whether staff of the school can take leave on 2. A staff of the school remaining absent in the
Medical Ground without submitting any Medical school for 3 days or less is not required to submit the
Certificate thereof? Medical Certificate thereof.
3. Whether the teachers are bound to take classes of 3. Attention is drawn to the Govt. Notification No.
the absentee teachers of the school? 772-Edn. (S) dated 8.7.74 which reads there—
The teaching load for a teacher should normally be
36 periods per week, distributed as follows (a) Class
room teaching— 25 periods (including occasional
work for absentee teachers), (b) Tutorial Class-II
(including correction of home work).
Sd/- M. Sengupta
for Secretary.
Rules for the grant of leave to the teaching and the non-teaching staff of
recognised non-teaching staff of recognised Non-Government Secondary
Schools as the State Government may specify.
1. (a) ‘Leave’ means except in the case of casual leave absence from duty attached to the tenure of
the post. There may be the following kinds of leave admissible to a teacher or a non-teaching
employee of an Institution:
(i) Casual Leave, (ii) Leave on half-average pay, (iii) Leave on medical grounds, (iv) Special Leave in
exceptional circumstances, (v) Compensatory Leave, (vi) Extraordinary Leave, (vii) Maternity Leave,
(viii) Quarantine Leave.
(b) Absence of a teacher attending duties as juror in a Law Court or Head Examiners’ Meeting of the
Board or having an interview with the Board, if called for by the Board, or if required, to join a
seminar organised or sponsored by the All India Council, State Government or by the Board, shall be
treated as on duty.
(c) ‘Medical Certificate’ means a certificate granted by a Registered medical Practitioner in the
following form:—
A similar certificate may be necessary when a teacher or a non-teaching employee is declared fit to
rejoin his duties.
(d) ‘Average pay’ means the average of basic pay for the period of twelve months immediately
preceding the date on which the teacher or the non-teaching' employee proceeds on leave.
2. Casual Leave :
Casual leave shall not be treated as absence from duty and there shall, consequently, be no
interference with the rate or emoluments of the teacher or the non-teaching employee concerned.
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of the school may have 14 days of casual leave in a calendar
year. The casual leave may be affixed or prefixed to any holiday or Sunday but the total period
including the holidays or Sunday shall not exceed 7 days at a time. Sundays and holidays falling
within the period of casual leave shall not be counted as a part of the casual leave :
PROVIDED casual leave shall not be affixed or prefixed to any long vacation.
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted 15 days leave on half-average pay
in a year of service :
PROVIDED that the total period of leave on half-average pay which may accrue to the credit of the
teacher or the non-teaching employee shall not exceed two months :
PROVIDED further that during such period a teacher or a non-teaching employee shall be entitled to
a leave salary at the rate of half of the average pay.
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted 15 days’ leave on medical ground
for each completed year of service spent on duty, on production of medical certificate from a
Medical Officer or a Registered Medical Practitioner with the application for leave and a fit
certificate at the time of resuming duties.
The total period of leave on medical ground, which may accrue to the credit of a teacher or a non-
teaching employee shall not exceed one year, that is, 365 days during the whole period of service in
a school or schools.
During the period of leave on medical ground the teacher or the non-teaching employee will get a
salary at the rate of full average pay.
Note : (i) Leave under Rule 5 may be granted with the approval of the Board to a teacher or a non-
teaching employee of any school suffering from prolonged illness, such as, Tuberculosis, injury to
limbs requiring Plastering etc. making him or her bed-ridden for a long time, when he or she has
exhausted all other leave due to him or her.
(ii) Leave on full pay under Rule 5 may be granted to a teacher intending to appear at an
examination for the period of examination and a week prior to its commencement.
A study leave of any other nature shall, however, not be granted to any teacher under this rule.
(iii) Subject to Notes (i) and (ii) the period of leave may be granted on halfaverage pay (or full
average pay by the Managing Committee with prior approval of the Board).
6. Compensatory Leave:
A teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school may be granted compensatory leave for half the
period he or she may be required to attend the school for duty during a long vacation or holidays
provided he or she attends the school at least seven days during such vacation or holidays.
7. Extraordinary Leave:
If for any unforeseen reason a teacher or a non-teaching employee of a school fails to attend his or
her duties and if there is no other leave due at his or her credit he or she may be granted leave
without pay at the discretion of the Managing Committee for a period not exceeding two years.
8. Maternity Leave:
(1) Maternity leave may be granted to a permanent female teacher or a nonteaching employee, on
full pay, for a period which may extend upto the end of three months from the date of its
commencement or to the end of six weeks from the date of confinement, whichever is earlier.
(2) Maternity leave may also be granted to a temporary female teacher or a non-teaching employee,
on full pay, upto four weeks prior to the date of confinement and four weeks after the date of
confinement :
Provided that she has been iri service for at least nine months immediately preceding the date of
(3) Maternity leave may also be granted to a female teacher or a non-teaching employee in case of
miscarriage or abortion subject to the condition that such leave shall not exceed six weeks and the
application for the leave is supported by a certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner or a
Government Hospital.
(4) Any other kind of leave, in continuation of maternity leave may be granted if the request for its
grant is supported by a medical certificate.
9. Quarantine Leave:
Quarantine leave is a leave of absence from duty necessitated by orders not to attend school in
consequence of the presence of infectious disease in the family or household of a teacher or a non-
teaching employee of a school. Such leave may be granted on production of a certificate of a
Medical or Public Health Officer for a period not exceeding 21 days, or in exceptional circumstances,
30 days. Any leave necessary for quarantine purposes in excess of this period shall be treated as
ordinary leave. Quarantine leave may also be granted when necessary in continuation of other leave
subject to the above maximum. No substitute shall ordinarily be appointed in place of teacher or
non-teaching employee absent on quarantine leave. A substitute may, however, be appointed for
the absence of a teacher or a nonteaching employee on quarantine leave, whose duties cannot be
arranged otherwise. A teacher or a non-teaching employee on quarantine leave is not treated as
absent from duty and his or her pay is not intermitted.
Explanation—For the purpose of granting Quarantine Leave under this rule the list of infectious
diseases shall include the following :
(a) (i) Small Pox, (ii) Scarlet Fever, (iii) Plague (Bueumonic or Bubonic), (iv) Typhus, (v) Cerebro-spinal
(b) For persons employed in the preparation and distribution of food, the following additional
diseases should also be treated as infectious :
(i) Dysentery, (ii) Enteric fever (Typhoid fever), (iii) Malta fever, (iv) Paratyphoid fever.
10. (i) No kind of leave except Casual Leave should be availed of without written application and
previous sanction except in very exceptional circumstances which should be explained to the
satisfaction of the leave sanctioning authority.
(ii) Any member of teaching and non-teaching staff remaining absent for more than 3 days for
reasons of illness, shall submit a certificate from registered medical practitioner.
(iii) Leave for reason of private affairs except Casual Leave must be applied for and got approved
before it is availed of. Members of the teaching and nonteaching staff before finalising their private
engagement should previously ascertain from the authority concerned as far as practicable whether
the leave asked for is likely to be granted.
PROVIDED that in exceptional case of emergency nature in which it was not possible on the part of
the staff concerned to apply for the leave and get it sanctioned before proceeding on leave, formal
leave application fully stating the facts and circumstances necessitating such leave should be
submitted to the authority concerned at the earliest possible opportunity.
11. (i) No permanent teaching or non-teaching employee shall be granted leave of any kind for a
continuous period exceeding 5 years. Where such an employee does not resume his or her duty
after remaining on leave for a continuous period of 5 years or where such an employee after the
expiry of his or her leave remains absent from duty, otherwise on ground of suspension for any
period, which together with the period granted to him or her exceeds 5 years, he or she shall, unless
the Board on reference from the school authorities and in view of exceptional circumstances of the
case, otherwise determine, be deemed to have resigned and shall accordingly cease to be in the
employment of the school.
(ii) When an employee who is not in permanent employ, fails to resume his or her duties on the
expiry of maximum period of extra-ordinary leave to him or her under Rule 7 or where such an
employee who is granted a shorter period of extra-ordinary leave than the maximum period
admissible, remains absent from duty for any period which together with extra-ordinary leave
granted exceeds the limit upto which he or she would have been granted such leave under Rule 7,
he or she shall, unless the Board on reference from the school authorities and in view of exceptional
circumstances of the case otherwise determines, be deemed to have resigned and shall accordingly
cease to be in the employment of the school.
12. Excepting Casual Leave and Compensatory Leave, any kind of leave mentioned below may be
granted in combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave stated below :
1. Whether Sunday and holiday either 1. Vacation, short holidays or Sundays may
preceding or succeeding the Medical Leave be prefixed or affixed to the Medical Leave
would be added to the Medical Leave ? and the whole period will not be treated as
Medical Leave. If, however, Medical Leave
falls within vacation, short holidays or
Sundays, the whole period will be treated as
Medical Leave of the staff concerned of the
2. (a) Whether the compensatory leave 2. (a) & (b) Existing Leave Rules (under
earned in a particular year by a staff of the Clause-6 of the Rules) do not provide any
school, can be availed of by parts and in bar. The staff concerned of the school may
continuation of vacation or holidays? avail of such leave (duly earned under the
(b) Whether compensatory leave earned in a said rule) according to his/her necessity with
particular year, can be availed of in the prior approval of the leave sanctioning
subsequent years according to the authority of the school.
exigencies of the situation of the incumbent?
3. To observe several occasion, viz. Netaji 3. No, Compensatory leave on the matter is
Birth Day, Rabindra Jayanti etc., (declared admissible. The school should request all the
holidays of the school) some staff remain members of the staff of the school to remain
present and some staff remain absent. present of the dates of such functions of the
Whether any compensatory leave can be school and make it a grand success.
granted to those staff of the school who
attend the said function of the school as
because such function could not be done by
the school in future ?
Sd/- M. Sengupta
for Secretary.
In reply to his query in his letter under reference, the undersigned is directed to state below
1. What will be the time of marking for late 1. Appointed hour for the staff of the school and the time
attendance of the staff of the school? for commencement of classes are different. ‘Appointed
hour’ for the staff of the school should be fixed at least 15
minutes prior to the commencement of classes. Hence the
marking time for late attendance and the absence for the
staff of the school are to be decided by the school
authority in the best academic interest of the school.
2. Whether the permanent and temporary staff 2. Existing Leave Rules do not provide such proportionate
of the school can be allowed to avail themselves leave.
more than one day’s C.L. in the first month of
the calendar year or according to proportionate
basis considering the period of his/her service.
3. Whether the staff of the school can be 3. Under the existing Leave Rules, a staff of the school can
allowed to draw pay etc., against Medical Leave be allowed to draw his/her pay etc., after getting the said
as prayed for before it is being sanctioned by leave approved by the competent authority.
the competent authority for the said month.
Sd/- S. Chatterjee
for Secretary
1. Whether the absence of the staff of the school to work as 1. Absence of a staff on the dates concerned
members of the Centre Committee formed for the conduct reported from the school on the matter should be
of the Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) and to regularised by granting them Special Casual leave or
work as a member of the Inspection team for visiting the by treating their absence as on duty on the
school in connection with its recognition/ upgradation is to production of their respective documents to show
be regularised by way of granting Special Casual Leave to that they actually performed their such duties
them? assigned to them.
2. Whether absence of a teacher to work as a member of 2. No Special Casual Leave in the matter is
the Indian Science Congress and for attending its annual admissible as the same is not obligatory or
conference is to be regularised by way of grant ing Special necessary in the interest of the school or approved
Casual leave to him/her? by any competent authority.
3. Whether the Headmaster/Headmistress of the school is 3. In the best academic interest of school the Head
entitled to suspend classes on the dates of Work Education of the School is the competent person to decide the
and Physical Education Examination of the Madhyamik matter with the approval of Academic Council and
Pariksha (Secondary Examination) and to exempt the the Managing Committee of the school respectively.
teachers not required for the said examination from giving
their attendance on such dates?
Sd/- Secretary.
The undersigned is directed to state that the matter referred by him under his above quoted letter was
considered by the Executive Committee of the Board in its meeting held on 4.1.83. It was decided by the
Executive Committee that the medical leave and casual leave in respect of a teacher and a non-teaching
employee is admissible under Leave Rules serving in a secondary school, would be carried over if he
joined another school.
Sd/- A. Gupta
for Secretary.
Ref: His Memo No. 681/S.E. dated 14.4.83 addressed to the Director of Secondary
Education, West Bengal.
In reply to the query in his letter under reference, the undersigned is directed to state below:
1. Whether Leave applications are required to 1. Admissible Casual Leave can be availed of by the
submit to the school authority by the staff of the staff of the school after it is duly sanctioned by the
school after availing of casual leave under the said school authority concerned. In exceptional
provisions of the Leave Rules. circumstances, without prior sanction, a staff of the
school may have to be absent from duty, but he or she
must submit his/ her application at the earliest
opportunity justifying his/her absence. Therefore, the
question of enjoying casual leave or any kind of leave
by a teacher or a nonteaching employee without
applying for it does not arise.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- A. Gupta
for Secretary.
I am directed to inform you that if a teacher intends to avail herself of casual leave from Monday to
Saturday and resumes her duty on next Monday, both the Sundays affixing and prefixing the period of
leave will be counted to her leave and that according to Rule of the Leave Rules casual leave is not
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- L. Roy
for Secretary.
Dear Sir,
I am directed to state that as per existing leave rules quarantine leave is admissible in case of Small
Pox only, while Chicken Pox cannot be considered for the purpose of granting quarantine leave.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Illegible
for Secretary.
Sub: Special leave (on medical grounds) in favour of Sri Sambhu Nath Pramanik, an asstt.
teacher of the School.
I am directed to inform you that leave accrued to an approved teaching and non-teaching staff prior
to extension period of service in a school may be granted during the tenure of extension period, if
normal procedure is maintained quite in tune with leave rules.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Illegible for Secretary.
Sub: Special Casual Leave to the employees of non-Govt. Secondary Schools who acted as
Presiding/Polling Officers in the last Panchayet Election.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am directed to state that the Board had been informed that a good number of teaching and non-
teaching staff of Secondary Schools who were appointed to act as Presiding/Polling Officers in the last
Panchayet Election held on 28.2.88 had to take one day’s Casual Leave for casting their votes.
Govt. employees on similar polling duties were allowed Special Casual Leave for a full day or half day
as the case may be, for casting their votes.
Accordingly the matter was placed before the Executive Committee of the Board. The meeting after
careful consideration resolved that the employees of non-Govt. Secondary Schools who were
appointed Presiding or Polling Officers in the last Panchayet Election held on 28.2.88 may be allowed
Special Casual Leave for one day for casting their votes in the said election on the following terms and
conditions as also applicable in the cases of Govt. employees on the similar occasion :
1. The concerned employee shall produce before the School authority his appointment letter and also
satisfy them that he was actually a voter in an area where Panchayet election was held.
2. Such employee shall also report in writing to the concerned authority that he actually cast his vote
in the said election.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay(Secretary)
It has been represented that a large number of teaching and non-teaching staff of recognised
Secondary Schools who have availed of Special Leave under Rule-5 did not get their approval from the
Board as required under the rule either due to the fact that the School authorities did not forward
such cases with necessary documents and recommendations in time or the staff concerned did not
supply the required documents and at present are not in a position to procure and supply the same. It
has been claimed that a considerable number of such cases for the period upto 31.3.81 are pending in
the Board for disposal for want of supporting documents. As a result large numbers of staff are
suffering for want of approval of such leave cases which are essentially required for computation in
the Service Book of the concerned staff.
The matter was placed for consideration in the 99th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
dated 12.1.80 when it was resolved after deliberations that the prayers for approval of Special Leave
under Rule-5 which have been enjoyed prior to 1.4.81 only and which are under consideration in the
Board and which have been enjoyed upto 31.3.81 only and may be submitted to the Board later on by
the present Managing Committees will be disposed of on the basis of the specific recommendations
(i.e. mentioning the period of leave to be approved and whether leave is recommended with full
average pay or half average pay) of the Managing Committees even if the School the incumbents fail
to produce the required timetable of examinations or medical certificates as the cases may be.
Hence you are requested to forward with specific recommendation of the present Managing
Committee the cases of Special Leave under Rule-5 of Leave Rules enjoyed by a staff prior to 1.4.81
only but have not yet been forwarded/approved for want of supporting documents.
You are further requested to send the cases of Special Leave enjoyed by a staff w.e.f. 1.4.81 onwards
with specific recommendation of the Managing Committee accompanied by supporting documents, if
any, as stated above.
I am directed to state that the Board has been moved for sometime past for making a provision of
‘Lien’ for the employees of Secondary Schools.
The matter was placed before the 34th meeting of the Board on 24.1.90 for consideration. After
detailed and careful considerations the Board adopted the following resolution:
Under the provision of Rule 7 (Extraordinary Leave) the Managing Committee may also allow a
teacher or a non-teaching employee of a School to be retained on ‘Lien’ for the reasons of personal
ground or serving elsewhere for a period not exceeding two years (at a time not more than one year)
without disturbing usual leave standing in the credit of the employee concerned proceeding on ‘Lien’.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay
Sub: Sanction of special leave on full pay to a teacher intending to appear of an examination under
Rule 5(ii).
It has been observed that some members of the teaching staff of recognised secondary schools, in
order to have higher qualification are appearing at Special Honours/M.A. Examination as Private
candidate in any subject of their choice, not relevant to the (Subjects) taught by them in school, such
as B.Sc. (Bio) teachers appearing M.A. Examination in Bengali/English/History etc. It is also observed
that the school authorities are also sanctioning special leave on full pay to such teachers for appearing
at the said examinations under rule 5(ii), subject to the approval of the Board and thereafter sending
those cases to the Board for according approval.
A few such cases were placed before the Executive Committee of the Board at its meeting held on
14.2.91 for consideration. It was decided that the Board shall not grant special leave under Rule 5(ii)
to such teachers.
This may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information & guidance.
Sd/- Sudin Chattopadhyay(Secretary)
The Heads of all recognised Secondary Schools are informed that in cancellation of this office circular
under reference, the members of the teaching staff of recognised Secondary Schools who appeared at
Special Honours/M.A. Examination as Private Candidates in the same subject taught by them in the
Schools, will be granted special leave under Rule 5(ii) of the existing Leave Rules subject to the
provision that such leave will be granted to them once only during the entire tenure of their service in
the schools.
This order will come in force on and from 2.5.91. Cases occurring before this date may be referred to
the Board for consideration and necessary action.
Sd/- S. Chattopadhyay
Sub: Granting leave of absence for the teachers and non-teaching staff acting in various Panchayet
Bodies of this State.
It has come to the notice of this State Government that often a number of teachers and non-teaching
staff of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs contest the elections of various Panchayet
Bodies of this State and get elected as members of those bodies. It may so happen that a number of
such persons may either desire to or are sponsored by different political parties to contest the
elections to the posts of Sabhadhipati, Sahakari Sabhadhipati or Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad,
Sabhapati or Sahakari Sabhapati of a Panchayat Samity and Pradhan and Upapradhan of a Gram
Panchayet. Under the latest amendment of the West Bengal Panchayet Act, 1973 elected members of
Zilla Parishads intending to contest election to the posts of Sabhadhipati, Sahakari Sabhadhipati and
Karmadhyaksha of the Sthayee Samities of the Zilla Parishads are required to declare that on being
elected to the said posts they will be the wholetime functionaries and during the period for which
they hold or are due to hole such office, they will not hold any office of profit unless they had
obtained leave of absence from their places of employment; similar declarations are also to be made
by persons intending to contest the elections, to the post of Sabhapati and Sahakari Sabhapati of
Panchayat Samities.
Earlier, this Department had issued an order, vide G. O. No. 767 Edn. (S) dated 24th June, 1991,
permitting extraordinary leave without pay and extending terminal and other benefits for teachers
and non-teaching staff of various levels who were holding the posts of Ministers of this State or
Confidential Assistants to Ministers but there is no such provision for granting leave of absence and
terminal benefits for teachers and non-teaching staff holding the posts in Panchayet Bodies.
After careful consideration of all aspects and in the interest of smooth administration of Panchayet
Bodies the Governor has been pleased to order that the teachers and non-teaching staff of Schools,
Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs, who have been or will be elected as Sabhadhipatis, Sahakari
Sabhadhipatis and Karmarihyakhas of Stayee Samities of Zilla Parishads may be granted extraordinary
leave without pay for the full term they serve as such; this leave, however, shall not exceed five years
at a stretch from the date of taking charge of such office(s).
The Governor is also pleased to order that the same benefit be also given to the Sabhapatis and
Sahakari Sabhapatis of Panchayet Samities of the same terms and conditions.
The West Bengal Primary Education Board, the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, the West
Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, the West Bengal Madrasah Education Board and the
Universities under this State Government as the case may be will sanction this kind of Leave after
being satisfied that the incumbents concerned actually have worked in the capacity of Sabhadhipati,
Sahakari Sabhadhipati Or Karmadhyaksha of a Zilla Parishad and Sabhapati or Karmadhyaksha of a
Zilla Parishad and Sabhapati of a Panchayat Samity for the entire period (not exceeding five years) of
his/her claim.
The secretary to the Managing Committee or the Governing Body will send the proposal to the
concerned authority certifying that the concerned teacher or nonteaching staff would have continued
in his/her service as a Zilla Parishad/Panchayet Samity functionary.
The incumbent concerned may be allowed to contribute to his/her own share of provident fund
account, if there is any.
The aforesaid period of absence shall count towards increment and other terminal benefits i.e.
pension and gratuity including the benefit of employment of wards under death-in-harness category.
This order issue with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U. O. No. Group B/1103,
dated 18.8.93.
Sd/- S. Sanyal
Joint Secretary
Sub: Appeal preferred by Sri Siba Prasad Chaki against the authorities of your school
(appeal No. 7/93).
Dear sir,
I am directed to forward herewith the entire decision of the appeal Committee of the Board taken in
its meeting held on 9.12.93.
“The appellant is present. Sri Nilotpal Sarkar. T. R and Sri Dibyendu Talukdar another teacher duly
authorised by the Secretary are present. Heard the parties.”
The case of the appellant is that the respondent has not sanctioned his compensatory leave for 95
days in 1989 and medical leave for 33 days in 1993.
The case of the respondent is that he apprehended that there is serious irregularity in the matter of
accumulation of compensatory leave and Medical Leave and considering the total irregularity, the
Managing committee was not inclined to grant the said compensatory leave and medical leave and
decided further to treat the same leave as leave without pay and to realise the money already paid to
the appellant from his salary.
Though no decision was taken by the Managing Committee in respect of compensatory leave and the
medical leave as prayed for by the appellant the fact is that no amount has yet been deducted from
the salary of the appellant—H.M. He has been paid full amount of his salary and admissible
The question now is whether compensatory leave and medical leave should be granted. It was only in
1989 that the M.C. decided to start the leave register and the leave register was duly started in the
last year. The leave register has not been maintained in the way it should have been done. There are
no entries in respect of some of teachers and entries in respect of some of teachers are incomplete.
The appellant has also filed his service book. There are entries in the service book upto the year 1989
and it appears that leave prayed for was not considered. It is not proper that leave should not be
sanctioned only because the papers are not available. It is the duty of the M.C. to see that the papers
are maintained in accordance with the rules. This has not been done. Only in respect of some other
teachers the M.C. has sanctioned leave by resolution of the M.C. One of the resolutions shows that
the M.C. did not sanctioned leave of the appellant. This does not appear to be fair. If no papers are
ready, the appellant should not be made to suffer. It is true that the appellant has been receiving full
pay, no deduction has been made. But unless the matter is regularised this will effect the interest of
the appellant after his retirement. Not only that if papers are not properly maintained with regard to
leave the interest of all teachers will suffer, after their respective retirement.
In the interest of the school the appellant giving an undertaking before the Appeal Committee that he
will prepare leave register of all teachers after consulting
the records and the service books of each teacher. This the appellant has undertaken to do during the
next summer vacation. The M.C. considering the interest of all the teachers should see that it is
properly done during the coming summer vacation. Meanwhile, the leave prayed for by the appellant
should be sanctioned. If all papers are made ready and it appears that the appellant is not entitled to
get the leave he has applied for he will be bound to refund any amount which he has got on account
of leave.
No deduction has yet been made from his salary. This will be done if after all the papers are properly
maintained and it is found that the leave as prayed for by the appellant is not due. One of the
grievances of the respondent is that the appellant is not to get compensatory leave because he did
not perform any work which will entitle him to get compensatory leave. Rule 6 of the leave Rules says
that a teacher may be granted compensatory leave for the period he may be required to attend the
school for duty during the long vacation or holidays provided he attains the school at least 7 days
during such vacation or holidays. These 7 days need not be consecutive and a a stretch but during
these 7 days a teacher must attend the school.
The appellant is the Headmaster of the school. It is the duty of the H.M. to see the affairs of the school
during holidays. The appellant categorically stated that during the holidays he attended the school for
attending certain duties, in the circumstances non-sanctioning of leave as prayed for by the appellant
is not justified.
Hence leave, both compensatory and medical should be sanctioned immediately. The Headmaster will
also prepare necessary documents and leave register in accordance with the rules during the Summer
vacation. If he does not do it or if it is found from the documents that the leave prayed for is not due
to him the sanctioned leave may be cancelled.
Hence ordered that the appeal be allowed Compensatory Leave for 95 days and Medical Leave for 33
days in 1993 should immediately be sanctioned as per the conditions mentioned above.
You are, therefore requested to comply with the above order of the Appeal committee of the Board
immediately under intimation of compliance to this office.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- A. Gupta
for Secretary.
Education Department (Secondary Branch)
In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) and, in particular, by Clause (d) of sub-section,
(2) of section 45 of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act, 1963 (West Bengal, Act V of
1963), the Governor is pleased hereby to make, after previous publication as required by sub-section
(1) of the said section, the following amendments in the Management of Recognised Non-
Governmemt Institutions (Aided and un-aided) Rules, 1969 (hereinafter referred to as the said Rules);
In the appendix to the said rules,—(1) for rule 3, substitute the following rule
(1) A teacher or a non-teaching employee of an institution may be granted 15 days’ leave on half-pay
for each completed year of service:
Provided that the total period of leave on half-pay which may accumulate to the credit of the teacher
or non-teaching employee shall not exceed 60 days at a time.
(2) Commuted leave, not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave, may be granted on private
affair or on medical certificate to a teacher or a non-teaching employee, subject to the following
(a) when commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half-
pay leave due;
(b) commuted leave on medical certificate may be granted only when no medical leave is due to the
credit of a teacher or non-teaching employee;
(c) half-pay leave upto maximum of 60 days may be allowed to be commuted during the entire period
of service in school or schools”;
(1) Special leave on medical ground may be granted to a teacher or non-teaching employee of a
school for a period not exceeding eighteen months, provided the case is reported to the Board with a
concrete proposal which shall have to be approved by the Board. Leave under this rule may be
granted with the approval of the Board to a teacher or non-teaching employee of any school suffering
from prolonged illness such as tuberculosis, injury to limbs requiring plastering, cancer, heart trouble
or any other serious ailment making him or her bed-ridden for a long time, when he or she has
exhausted all other leave admissible to him or her under these rules.
(2) Special leave on full pay may be granted to a teacher or non-teaching employee of an institution
who intends to appear at any of the examinations noted below, for the period of examination and a
week prior to its commencement and also the period of journey to enable him/her to resume his/her
duties after completion of examination.
(a) For teachers’ examination for obtaining B. Ed. (not deputed) Hons, or Master degree in his/her
In case of a teacher intending to appear at the B. Ed. Examination as a deputed candidate such leave
may be granted by the school authority without referring the matter to the Board.
(b) For non-teaching employees—any of the examination—Madhyamik, H. S., Madrasah, Bachelors, B.
Ed. or a Master degree.
Such leave shall not be granted more than once for the same level of examination in the total period
of service of a teacher or non-teaching employee.
Note For the purpose of sub-rules (1) and (2) determination of leave salary, namely, half-pay or full
pay, shall be made by the Managing Committee with the approval of the Board.
(1) A female teacher or non-teaching employee may be granted maternity leave on full average pay
for a period of 120 days from the date of its commencement.
(2) Maternity leave may also be granted in the case of miscarriage, including abortion, subject to the
following conditions
(3) Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any kind. Commuted leave, for a period not
exceeding thirty days, applied for in continuation of maternity leave may be granted without
production of medical certificate.
(4) Maternity leave in continuation of leave granted under sub-rule (3) may be sanctioned on
production of medical certificate for illness of a female teacher or non-teaching employee. Such leave
may also be granted in the case of illness of a newly born baby, subject to the production of a medical
certificate to the effect that the condition of the baby warrants mother’s personal attention and that
her presence by the baby’s side is absolutely necessary.
“13. Lien:
(2) Such teacher or non-teaching employee seeking permission to serve in higher post in another
recognised institution or college within West Bengal or to accept other service within West Bengal
where teaching experience is essential, may be granted extraordinary leave, referred to in rule 12,
without pay for a period, not exceeding two years, with permission to retain lien.
(3) The lien shall automatically terminate if such teacher or non-teaching employee—
(b) leaves the post for which the lien was granted, or
(c) does not return after completion of two years, whichever is earlier.
Note:- Conditions relating to the filling up of such deputation vacancies shall apply if consequential
vacancies are filled up and the teacher or the non-teaching employee, appointed to the post so
vacated temporarily shall forthwith have to quit in the event of the holder of line reverts.”
Sd/- J. R. Saha
Dy. Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal.
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It is notified for information of all concerned that the State Government under Notification No. 79.
Edn. (S) Dated, Cal, the 28th January, ’94 have made the following amendments in the Management
of Recognised Non-Government Institutions (Aided and Unaided) Rules, 1996 (Referred to as the said
Rules). These amendments are effective from the date of Govt. Notification, that is from 28th January,
Same as per Circular No. 79-Edn. (S), dated 28.1.94 by Govt. of West Bengal Education Department
(Secondary Branch).
Sub: Sanction of special casual leave to the teaching and non-teaching employees of Govt. aided/
Sponsored Jr. High/Higher Secondary Schools and Madrasahs who have been elected to Municipal
Corporations and Municipalities.
2. After careful consideration the Governor has been pleased to order that the employees of Govt.
aided/ Sponsored Jr. High/High/Higher Secondary Schools and Madrasahs.
(a) Who have been elected Mayor/Dy. Mayor/Mayor-in-Council, of Municipal Corporations and
Chairman of Municipalities be granted Special Casual Leave for the period during which they are
required to remain absent from Schools in connection with their work in Municipal
Corporation/Municipalities; and
(b) Who have been elected Councilors of Municipal Corporations and Vice-Chairman and
Commissioners of Municipalities be granted special casual leave for the period during which they are
required to attend meetings of the Municipal Corporations/Municipalities.
Sd/- P. N. Bhadury
Joint Secretary.
School Education Department, Secondary Branch
Sub.: Granting leave of absence for the Teachers and non-teaching staff of Schools, Colleges,
Universities and Madrasahs acting in various posts of Zilla Parishads and Panchayet Samities of the
Ref.: G. O. No. 629(2)-Edn. (S) dt. 24.8.93, read with G.O. No. 786-Edn(S) dt. 17.11.93.
With reference to the aboye the undersigned is directed to state that the Govt. in this Deptt. has
decided to give retrospective effect from 01.01.1978 to provisions contained in the G. O. No. 629(2)
Edn. (S) dt. 24.8.93 read with G.O. No. 786-Edn(S) dt. 17.11.93 in order to regularise the absence of
teaching and non-teaching staff of Schools, Colleges, Universities and Madrasahs elected as
Sabhadhipatis, Sahakari Sabhadhipatis and Karmadhyakshas of the Sthayee Samities of Zilla Parishads
and Sabhapati and Sahakari Sabhapati to Panchayet Samities, subject to condition that such members
of teaching and non-teaching staff as would be granted extraordinary leave without pay will have to
refund their salary and allowances, if already drawn, for the period of their absence to be regularised
now by such extraordinary leave without pay.
Sd/- S. Som
Joint Secretary.
Sub: Sanction of Special Casual Leave to the teaching & Non-teaching employees of Govt.
aided/sponsored Primary/Junior High/High/Higher Secondary Schools & Madrasahs of all types who
have been elected to Municipal Corporations and Municipalities.
The undersigned is directed to say that the teaching and non-teaching employees of State-aided
Educational Institutions, when elected Chairman/Vice-Chairman/ Chairman-in-Council/Councillors of
different Municipalities and Mayors/Deputy Mayors/Councillors of different Municipal Corporations
are finding it difficult to discharge their duties/attended meetings in connection with their work in
Municipal Corporations/Municipalities for want of suitable provision for sanction of Special Casual
Leave from their respective Schools/Madrasahs. The matter has been engaging attention of the
Government for some time past.
2. After careful consideration the Governor has been pleased to order that the employees of State
aided/Sponsored Primary/Junior High/High/Higher Secondary Schools and Madrasahs of all types.
(a) Who have been elected Mayor/Deputy Mayor/Mayor-in-council of Municipal Corporations and
Chairman of Municipalities be granted Special Casual Leave for the period during which they are
required to remain absent from Schools in connection with their work in Municipal
Corporations/Municipalities ; and
(b) Who have been elected councillors or Municipal Corporations and Chairman-in-Council/Vice
Chairman and Commissioners/Councillors of Municipalities by granted Special Casual Leave for the
period during which they are required to attend meetings of the Municipal Corporations/
4. This order issues in modification of the earlier in Memo No. 169-SE(S) dt. 25.03.96.
Sd/- S. Som
Joint Secretary.
The Teacher-in-charge,
Khidderpore Milani High School,
8-1, Braunfeld Row, Alipore,
Calcutta-700 027.
Sub. : Question (i) Whether no. of Medical and Casual leaves enjoyed by an employee are to be
computed in same manner for the same academic session and
(ii) Whether date of increment will defer for extraordinary leave without pay.
In Connection with the above two matters, I am directed to inform you the following information :
(i) Medical leave should be counted from the date of joining of incumbent. Medical leave of 15 days is
credited to the incumbent in one year from the date of his joining.
(ii) Though the financial disbursement is being dealt with the D.I. concerned you are informed that the
introduction of increment and fixation of higher scale is deferred in accordance with the leave without
Yours faithfully,
S. Dasgupta(for Secretary.)
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata-16
The Headmaster
B. T. Road Govt. Sponsored H.S. School,
35/2, B. T. Road, Kolkata-2.
I am directed to inform you that any teacher absenting himself or herself from the school on medical
ground in his/her first year of service can be granted medical leave with/without pay by the Managing
Committee and the said leave shall be adjusted to the medical leave which will be accrued to his/her
credit in subsequent period of his or her service. This is in terms of office circular No. S/435 B, dt.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Illegible
For Secretary.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
From: Secretary
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
Sub: No. of Holidays in Secondary Schools for the changed Academic Sessions 2009-2010, 2010-
2011, 2011-2012 & 2012 and the No. of days for Casual Leave to be enjoyed by the Teaching & Non-
Teaching Staff of Secondary Schools for the revised / changed sessions noted above.
In pursuance of Govt. Order vide No. 635-SE (S)/10M-39/2009, dated 18.6.2009 and as per decision
taken in the Special General Meeting of the Board, held on 29.07.2009 the Heads of all recognized
Secondary Schools under the jurisdiction of the Board are hereby informed that due to changes in
Academic Session in our State in School level education norms for (A) the Holidays, and (B) Casual
Leave of the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff for the Academic Session noted above are given below:
A – Holidays
(i) For the Academic Session, 2009-2010 (May, 2009 to February, 2010) 65 days less the public
holidays scheduled in the month of March & April, 2010 which were included earlier in the holidays
list of 65 days.
(ii) For the Academic Session, 2010-2011 (March, 2010 to January, 2011) 65 days plus the public
holidays falling in the months of March & April, 2010
(iii) For the Academic Session, 2011-2012 (February, 2011 to December, 2012) 65 days
(iv) For the Academic Session, 2012 (January, 2012 to December, 2012) 65 days
B – Casual Leave
Keeping conformity with the Board’s Notification No. S/943 dated 22.12.1989 the total No. of Casual
Leave for the following Academic Sessions are noted below:
(i) For May, 2009 to February, 2010 (10 months) 12 days
(ii) For March, 2010 to January, 2011 (11 months) 13 days
(iii) For February, 2011 to December, 2011 (11 months) 13 days
(iv) For January, 2012 to December, 2012 (1 year) and for successive calendar years Leave Rule No. 2
of the Management of Recognized Non-Govt. Institutions (Aided and Un-aided) Rules, 1969 as
amended will be applicable. 14 days