NCP Aleeyah 2n
NCP Aleeyah 2n
NCP Aleeyah 2n
6. To maintain
level of pain
Assessment Nursing Specific planning Nursing rationale evaluation
diagnosis explanation intervention
Subjective data: Risk for fluid the first Short term: Independent: Short
“nakaramdam volume warning After 30 1. Oral fluid term:
ako ng deficit r/t signs of an minutes of 1.. Urge the patient replacement is After 30
pagdurugo” as blood loss as ectopic nursing to drink prescribed indicated for mild minutes of
verbalized by the evidence by pregnancy intervention amount of fluid. fluid deficit and is a nursing
patient light vaginal are light s cost-effective method interventio
2.. Provide for replacement
bleeding and vaginal The patients ns the
comfortable treatment. Older
Objective data: pallor bleeding and complete patients have a goals were
environment by
Pallor pelvic pain. blood count covering patient decreased sense of met as
Light Vaginal If blood will be back with light sheets. thirst and may need evidence
Bleeding leaks from to normal ongoing reminders to by, patient
the fallopian drink. Being creative stated the
V/S taken as tube, you Long term: in slecting fluid CBC went
follows: may feel After 3 days sources (e.g., back to
T 36.5 C shoulder of nursing flavored gelatin, normal
Maintain bed rest frozen juice bars,
BP, 110/70 pain or an intervention Monitoring V/S sports drink) can
HR 88 bpm urge to have s the patient Monitor intake and Long term:
facilitate fluid
RR 14 bpm a bowel risk for fluid After 3
out take of fluid replacement. Oral
movement. deficit has volume hydrating solutions days of
Your specific been (e.g., Rehydralyte) nursing
symptoms prevented Monitor can be considered as interventio
depend on hemoglobin, needed. ns
where the hematocrit and The goals
blood 2. Drop situations were met
collects and where patient can as
which Administer evidence
overheating to
nerves are medication as prevent further fluid by patient
irritated prescribed loss. stated that
the risk
for fluid
deficit has