NCP Metro San Jose
NCP Metro San Jose
NCP Metro San Jose
Collaboration with
specialists is helpful for
developing individual plan
of care to meet patient’s
specific needs using the
latest techniques,
continence products.
Subjective: Acute pain related to tissue Desired Outcomes: Independent: The goal was met after 8
“Sa sobrang sakit po hindi trauma/stretching as After an 8 hour shift of hours of nursing
ako makakilos ng maayos;” manifested by the nursing interventions, the Obtain client’s assessment To rule out worsening of intervention as evidenced
as manifested by the positioning to avoid pain. client’s pain is relieved and of pain to include location, underlying condition/ by the patient was able to:
patient. controlled. characteristic, onset, development of
frequency, quality, complications. 1. report the characteristic
Objective: Short Term: intensity, and precipitating of pain.
•Guarding behavior After 8 hrs of nursing factors. Reassess each 2. perform pain
• Facial grimace interventions, the patient time pain is reported. management.
• Expressive behavior will be able to: rest and sleep
(irritability) continuously.
• Slowed movement 1. report the characteristic Observe nonverbal cues/ Observations may or may
of pain. pain behaviors. not be congruent with
2. perform pain verbal reports or may be
management. only indicator present when
rest and sleep client is unable to verbalize.
-Anticipate the need for any -To find out if there are
laboratory examination as complications in relation to
supervised by the physician pain
Catheterization may be
Administer medications as necessary as a treatment
needed: Oxybutynin and for evaluation if patient
(Ditropan), propantheline is unable to empty bladder
(Pro-Banthine), or retains urine.
hyoscyamine sulfate
(Cytospaz-M), flavoxate
hydrochloride (Urispas),
tolterodine (Detrol).
These drugs reduce
COLLABORATIVE: bladder spasticity and
associated symptoms of
Refer to urinary continence frequency, urgency,
specialist as indicated. incontinence, nocturia.
Collaboration with
specialists is helpful for
developing individual plan
of care to meet patient’s
specific needs using the
latest techniques,
continence products.