March 2011DunbarSloane

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M A R C H 2 0 11
Tribal Art Auction
Including The World Class
Kenneth Athol Webster
Part III
An important and rare collection of Maori
Artefacts returned to New Zealand from England.

Lo c ation

Auction to be held at 12 Akepiro St, Mt Eden, Auckland.

View ing

Friday 18th March 10am-5pm

Sunday 20th March 10am-3pm
Monday 21st March 9am-4pm
Tuesday 22nd March 9am-4pm

Auc tion
Tuesday 22nd March 2011, 6pm start.
Maori & Pacific Artefacts
Oceanic & African Artefacts

Buyers Premium:
There is a 15% buyers premium plus GST on this premium.


F O R E N T R I E S A N D E N Q U I R I E S P H : 0 9 6 3 0 9 1 7 8 • E MA I L d u n b a r. a k l @ x t r a . c o. n z

11 & 12 APRIL 2011

Vitrually all items to be sold at no reserve

Comprising a major collection from a 19th C. New Zealand Chemist shop

A large collection of Swarovski in original packaging
A large collection of coins - mostly NZ proof, commemorative medallions,
Waitangi crown, gold & silver
A large collection of Bossons.

9 & 1 0 M AY 2 0 1 1

Futher suitable entries invited until March 31st.

Estate Jewellery


Tribal Art Auction Highlights
Including The Webster Collection Part II
14 September 2010

1 8t h C . wa ha i k a $ 2 5 , 4 6 5 18t h C. teko teko $43,985

Ca p ta i n Co o k pe r i o d ca n o e p row $18,520

La rg e gre y wa ck e s to n e a d ze $ 12,732

Cap t ain Co o k p er io d f ish ho o k $8102

R a re co nta c t pe r i o d ta i a h a $ 1 6 ,205
Recent Highlights

19t h C . M a or i com b $4630 Co nta c t pe r i o d f ish ho o k $4861 M ao r i alb at ro ss ho o k $10,417

M ao r i p a re $37, 0 4 0

18t h C . gre e n s to n e m e re $ 2 6 , 6 2 2

Ca p t a i n Cook p e r i o d wa k a h u i a fe ath e r $ 2 8 ,937


D u nba r Slo ane are the New Zeala nd a g e nt fo r t he Airs t re a m t rave l t ra il e r m ade
at the original fac to r y in Ja ck s o n, O hio, U.S .A.

The Ai r stream travel trailer is wo rl d - re now ne d fo r it s ico nic s t re a m - l ine d

app earance and hand-b uil t cra f t s m a n’s at te nt io n to d e t a il.
Fo r fur ther information and m o d e l s s e e w w w . a i r s t r e a m . c o m

Th e re a re three brand new 2 0 1 0 t ra il e rs in New Ze a l a nd o f va r y ing m o d e l s,

interior colour schemes and l ayo u t s. P l e a s e co nt a c t M r Sl o a n e S r o n
09 630 9178 or email dunbar.ak l @x t ra if yo u a re a s e rio us p ro s p e c t ive
b u ye r t h at would like to view. Hav ing v is ite d t he f a c to r y in O hio, M r Sl o a ne Sr
c an a n swer most q ueries, indic ate p rice s a nd a d v is e a b o ut N Z co nd it io ns fo r
imp o r t ing e tc.
Tribal Art Auction
Including The World Class
Kenneth Athol Webster
Part III
Tuesday 22nd March 2011, 6pm start.

Friday 18th March 10am-5pm
Sunday 20th March 10am-3pm
Monday 21st March 9am-4pm
Tuesday 22nd March 9am-4pm


Buyers of Maori artefacts

All artefacts that have a Y number can only be purchased by those that are registered collectors
with the Ministr y for Culture and Heritage. These collectors have a “registered number ” which is
shown to us before you can pick up the items.
Y number artefacts cannot leave the countr y without written permission from the Ministr y.
If you are not a registered collector, you can apply to the Ministr y for Culture and Heritage to
become one. Forms are in the back of this catalogue. You can register as a collector if you usually
reside in New Zealand.
In such circumstances you can bid and pay for your purchases immediately, but you cannot uplift
them until you produce your registered collector number.

There are no restrictions on the purchase of Maori items that have no Y number.
There are no restrictions on Pacific Island or other artefacts from around the world.

Dating of Artefacts:

Pre - European - Before Captain Cook (1760s and earlier)

Captain Cook Period - 1760s to 1790s
Contact Period - 1790s to 1840s
Trading & Collecting Period - 1850s to 1920s

Pre-sale estimates are intended as a general guide only and are prepared well in advance of the sale. All lots,
depending on the degree of competition, can realise prices above or below the given estimates.
Please read this forward written by Kenneth Athol Webster. London 1948.

The late Edward Armytage formed what was probably one of the finest private collections of Maori
jade items in existence.

Edward Armytage was a man of many interests, but his ruling passion, at least in the latter years of
his life, was his collection of Maori jade artefacts.

Between the two wars Armytage made three trips to New Zealand, and during those visits he got
many of his specimens, often direct from Maori owners and on more than one occasion by personal
finds on old inhabited sites. One or two pieces were bought in Australia where they had probably
been taken by early voyagers and whalers. Some of the pieces were bought at sales and from
dealers in London and other places in Britain, and these, unfortunately, were not localised as were
most of the specimens he obtained in New Zealand and Australia.

By far the largest group accession to the collection was when he bought the Maori jade collection
of T.E. Donne in 1944. This was largely composed of items from the White collection and it will not
be irrelevant here to give a brief history of these pieces.

At some time before the end of last century White sold his collection to an English buyer. The late
Augustus Hamilton, Director of the then Colonial Museum at Wellington, laid a paper before the
House of Representatives in 1902 on the need for a National Maori Museum and for legislation to
stop the export of further valuable Maori material from the country. In this paper he named several
important collections that had been sold out of New Zealand in recent years, and among them he
lamented the loss of the White collection. Little could he foresee the chain of circumstance that
would take the better part of the collection home again.

The person for whom the collection was bought died, and it was deposited on loan in the Bristol
Museum. Thence the bulk of it was bought years later by T.E. Donne, at that time N.Z. Trade
Commissioner in London. Towards the closing years of his life Mr. Donne resolved to sell his Maori
collection by auction, and I made strenuous efforts to get somebody in Great Britain to buy the
collection for New Zealand. Eventually I met Armytage and introduced him to Donne with the
result that he bought all of Donne’s jade. The immediate necessity was accomplished – to keep the
collection intact.

Seven months later, in February, 1945, Donne died at the age of

85, and a year later Armytage died, aged 52.

Here was a situation that called for urgent action.

Eventually, authority was given to me to select for the Dominion

Museum specimens to the value of £400, with the agreement that
I should also select specimens for my own collection.

Those pieces bought by the Dominion and Auckland Museums

are now back in New Zealand, and as my own collection will soon
be returning there, too, one can feel satisfaction that the whole of
this great collection has at last returned home. Webster sold his
collection in 1962 to a New Zealander, Mr A. Meit.

Kenneth At ho l We b s te r (1906- 1967)

Webster was a collector dealer who repatriated a significant slice of New Zealand’s heritage that he
had sourced in the United Kingdom.
He was born in Wellington and educated at Victoria University. After employment in the wool
industry he farmed in Taranaki and then worked his passage to England as a steward in 1936.
There he held a variety of jobs before being called up and served in the Royal Ordnance. In 1944, he
married Leila, a nurse from New Zealand who was working in London. At the end of the war he held
the rank of Captain.
He then became a collector/dealer and published the Armytage collection of Maori Jade (1948) and
was involved in the sale of William Oldman’s Pacific collection to the New Zealand government. He
also wrote articles for Apollo (1951) and for the Journal for the Polynesian Society (1956 and 1957).
Webster became a self appointed procurer to the New Zealand museums, and in their name
exchanged material he had found in small English country museums and private museums which
were disposing of their collections, and in one case, just before it was consigned to the local tip!
The great ethnographic collector, James Hooper made exchanges with him on the assumption that
the items would go to New Zealand, only to see some of them reappear in English collections.
In 1962 he moved from Belsize Park, London to Colchester and planned to create a private
museum. He collected a vast quantity of New Zealand related material including ephemera,
paintings and artefacts.
When Webster died (of a heart attack whilst gardening) his wife returned to Auckland. The Turnbull
Library made acquisitions from his library and also hold many of his paintings and personal papers.
His catalogues and a sample of his Maori artefact collection are in Te Papa.
The above information and photograph is supplied by Hermione Waterfield and Michael Graham-
Stewart. A chapter on Webster is to be included in Hermione Waterfield’s book, “Twelve dealers and
collections in England, 1770 to 1970”.
Some of these tikis and other jade items arrived in England in 1900 (ex the John White Collection).
They were then acquired by T.E. Donne at the time he was the NZ Trade Commission in London.
The Donne collection was purchased by Edward Armytage, (who died shortly afterwards in 1946).
Webster arranged for the collection to be expatriated to NZ, also selecting items for himself.
Other pieces went to the Dominion and Auckland museums.

Ken Webster was the last of the pre-1950 collectors. He swapped items with Hooper, searched the
auction houses, car boot sales, antique and second-hand shops of the United Kingdom and Europe.
He also purchased and swapped with private U.K. collectors. His well-trained eye was attuned to
items of exceptional patina, age and shape.

It was about 1962 when Ken Webster offered this, the last part of his private collection, to the
New Zealand Government. They declined the offer. Our vendor (now deceased) stepped in and
purchased the collection of Ken Webster in the UK. It was his wish to see it returned to New Zealand
and is now being offered by his family to collectors, museums and galleries.

An introduction to Mr Meit by Dunbar Sloane Sr

Andy Meit, a gentleman, was a good friend of mine and his family have asked me over the years to
dispose of the Webster collection by auction. This is virtually the last of the great collections and
an opportunity for serious collectors and museums to enhance their collection of pre - European,
Captain Cook period and contact period rare and important Maori artefacts.

18th C. Rare Maori Fish Hook (Matau).
Wooden shank that is extended to form the point limb with a short bone point.
Carved tiki face on bend.
Lashed snood and line. L. 13cm (excluding line).
Webster Collection No. 522.

Captain Cook Maori Fish Hook.
Very rare fish hook from the Captain Cook collection, taken to England by Captain
Cook. With Captain Cook label; provenance 'Ex Methodist Missy. Socy. Given to socy
from Cassiobury Park Museum (Private) about 1900. Museum formed largely from
Missionary Sources'.
Wooden shank, with very sharp bone point. Lashed snood and line.
L.9cm (excluding line).
Webster Collection No. 1015.

3 4 5

3 4 5
Late 18th C. Period Maori Composite Late 18th C. Composite Shark Hook. Late 18th C. Period Maori Composite
Shark Hook. Full bodied wooden shank limb with Shark Hook.
Wooden shank limb with serrated beautifully carved snood knob, and Wooden shank limb with bone point.
bone point. Lashed snood and line. small bone point. Lashed snood and Lashed snood and line.
L. 14cm (excluding line). line. L. 10cm (excluding line).
Webster Collection No. 246. L. 16cm (excluding line). Webster Collection No. 1075.
Y15602. Webster Collection No. 521. Y15612.
(Webster). Y15599. (Webster).
$600-1400 (Webster). $600-1400

6 7 8

6 7 8
Late 18th C. Composite Shark Hook. Late 18th C. Period Maori Composite Early 19th C. Maori Shark Hook.
Wooden shank limb with small Shark Hook. Metal 'U' shaped point with flax
serrated bone point. Lashed snood Wooden shank limb with serrated fibre snood and line. L. 8cm, W. 6cm
and line. bone point. Lashed snood and line. (excluding line).
L. 13cm (excluding line). L. 11cm (excluding line). Webster Collection No. 1489?
Webster Collection No. 382. Webster Collection No. 602. Y15600.
Y15605. Y15603. (Webster).
(Webster). (Webster). $400-900
$2000-4000 $600-$1400

9 10 11

9 10 12
Pre-European Maori Barracuda Unique Contact Period Maori Large Contact Period Maori Shark Hook.
Hook (Okooko). Trolling Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai). Metal 'U' shaped point lashed with
Straight large shank with an Paua shell shank decorated with flax fibre snood and line. W. 6cm.
unbarbed serrated bone point which notches with sharp bone point - Y15610.
is rendered more secure by a small could be bird beak? Lashed snood (Webster).
wooden wedge driven into a hole. and line. L. 12cm (excluding line). $400-900
The shank has an outer snood knob. Webster Collection No. 1078.
L. 17cm. Y15604. 13
Webster Collection No. 452. (Webster). Contact Period Maori Shark Hook.
Y15606. $1000-2000 Metal 'U' shaped point lashed with
(Webster). flax fibre snood and line (broken off ).
$1800-3000 11 W. 4.5cm.
Late 18th C. Maori One-Piece Shark Y15611.
Hook made of one piece of wood, (Webster).
most likely rimu. Inner and outer $400-900
barbs. W. 14cm, L. 20cm.




14 15
Pre-European Maori Barracuda 18th C. Stone Carved Whakawae.
Hook (Okooko). Door jamb that holds up the
Straight thick shank with an carved lintel from a door porch.
unbarbed bone point which is Three tiki figures are carved with
rendered more secure by a small paua shell eyes, one male and two
wooden wedge driven through female. Has a brown addressed
a hole. The shank has an outer envelope that comes with it.
snood knob. L. 110cm, W. 12cm.
L. 15cm. Webster Collection No. 905.
Y15608. Y15655.
(Webster). (Webster).
$300-500 $20,000-50,000


Late 18th C. Stone Carved Oval Waka Huia Lidded Box.
With spiral carving all over the underneath with two tiki bodies as handles each end, male
and female. Lid has two tiki figures and partially carved in whakarare style carving.
L. 42cm, W. 12cm.



17 18
Early 19th C. Wooden Maori Teko Teko. A Book, 'The Armytage Collection of Maori Jade', written
Female tiki figure with hands on stomach. by K. Athol Webster.
Stressed condition needs professional clean. Published 1948.
L. 48cm. Made and printed by 'The Cable Press', London, England.
Y15656. It is a very rare book that is out of print. Webster has
(Webster). written inside the front cover, 'To Paul Meit with good
$7000-15,000 wishes from A.K. Webster. 23/IV/61'.
80 black and white pages.




19 20
Early 19th C. Hawkes Bay Bird Snare (Mutu). 19th C. Wooden Maori Carved Pipe.
Given by the local chief to Mrs Sidwell's (nee Lambert) Beautifully carved with lizard and Maori tattooed head.
daughter (who was the first white female born in the L. 8cm, including mouth piece
Porongahau region, south coast Hawkes Bay). L. 13cm.
Carved knob and head. Y No. to be assessed.
L. 25cm, W. 14.5cm. $500-1000

21 details


Rare Pre-European Early 18th C. Maori Steering Paddle (Hoe Urunga).
Tiki carved on the blade with a ridge running down the centre ending in a raised design, the point of the blade is slightly
thickened. A well worn curious figure at very end of shaft. From the Northland region.
Ref; Plate 63, No. 55, 'The Oldman Collection of Maori Artefacts'.
L. 195cm.

22 24 29 27

23 25 28 26

22 24 26 28
Early Contact Period Maori Early Contact Period Maori Early Contact Period Maori Early Contact Period Maori
Bone Fishing Point. Barbed Shell Point. Bone Piece From a Hook. One-Piece 'U' Shaped Full
L. 3.5cm. L. 5cm. L. 8cm. Bodied Bone Hook,
Webster Collection No. Webster Collection No. Webster No. 1266. broken in half.
1471. 1453. Y15226. L. 8cm.
Y15231. Y15233. (Webster). Webster Collection No.
(Webster). (Webster). $50-100 1452.
$100-150 $100-200 Y15229.
27 (Webster).
23 25 Early Contact Period Maori $50-100
Early Contact Period Maori Early Contact Period Maori Bone Barbed & Serrated
Barbed & Serrated Bone One-Piece 'U' Shaped Bone Point, from a fishing hook. 29
Point. Hook. L. 11cm. Early Contact Period Maori
L. 9cm. L. 5cm. Webster Collection No. 595. One-Piece 'U' Shaped Bone
Webster Collection No. Webster No. 1262. Y15234. Fishing Hook with outer
1252. Y15232. (Webster). serrations.
Y15228. (Webster). $200-400 L. 6.5cm., Webster
(Webster). $100-200 Collection No. 1264.
$100-300 Y15243.

30 31 32

33 35 34

30 32 34
Early Contact Period Maori Barbed Early Contact Period Maori One- Early Contact Period Maori Barbed
Bone Point with notches at base Piece 'U' Shaped Bone Fishing Hook. Shell Point off a composite fishing
where it would have been lashed. W. 5cm. hook, broken into two pieces.
L. 4cm. Webster Collection No. 1254. L. 6cm.
Webster No. 1251. Y15242. Webster Collection No. 1454.
Y15227. (Webster). Y15237.
(Webster). $200-400 (Webster).
$100-200 $100-200
31 Early Contact Period Maori Serrated 35
Early Contact Period Maori One- & Barbed Bone Point, off a fishing Early Contact Period Maori Barbed &
Piece 'U' Shaped Bone Fishing Hook. hook. Serrated Bone Point, with hour glass
Nice and flat. L. 7cm. hole down one end.
W. 5cm. Webster Collection No. 1053. L. 5cm.
Webster Collection No. 1256. Y15245. Webster Collection No. 1472.
Y15230. (Webster). Y15238.
(Webster). $200-300 (Webster).
$200-400 $100-200

The 'Kronfeld Mere' - Rare & Magnificent 18th C.
Greenstone Mere.

History: Known as the Kronfeld mere (also, the 'P&O

mere') after the first collectors, Dr. and Mrs M. Kronfeld,
who presented it to the NZ Shipping Company Ltd.
Dr Kronfeld was the Port Health Officer in Wellington,
which meant frequent contact with P&O crew and
staff. This mere was displayed in a solid box especially
made by the ships carpenter and placed under the
board room clock on the R.M.S. Ruahine which went
on the London passenger service run.
The plaque read: "An old jade weapon of war (Patu
Pounamu) from the pre-European period of New
Pre-European meres were once owned by a chief of
rank and authority.
Large well worn stone drilled hour glass hole,
beautiful medium green colour with waves of white
Unknown Maori Chief; Dr Kronfeld; NZ Shipping
Company Ltd.
Note: P&O purchased NZSCo. then Dubai Ports
purchased P&O. Dubai Ports did not want the
historical mere and asked Dunbar Sloane Auckland to
sell it.
L. 38cm.

Late 17th/Early 18th C. Large Highly Important Greenstone Tiki of a classic pre-European shape. Typical
of what was in the oldman collection. Showing goaty beard, strong neckline, big head, hands on stomach
and hip. In the contact period red sealing wax was added to the eyes for decoration. Worn all over due to
age. Overall colour is dark green with black specks.
L. 12cm, W. 7cm.

A Contact Period Beautifully Stone Carved
Wooden Canoe Prow.
Spiral carvings all over, with a manaia bird
figure at top of stem one paua shell eye on
one side. Maori face at base.
H. 43.5, W. 7.5cm.

Contact Period Stone Carved Maori Small Wooden War Canoe Prow (Tauihu).
Carved from one piece of wood, head raised (missing tongue), shoulders back (missing arms), with
two spirals (pitau) between figure and splash board mounted with figure.
H. 15cm, L. 30cm, W. 10cm.


40 41 43
Late 19th C. Maori Large Food Bowl Early Contact Period Maori One- Two Contact Period Maori Bone
(Kumete) of elliptical form. Carved all Piece 'U' Shaped Bone Hook with bait Fishing Barbed Points with grooves
over with a central ridge consisting of string (papaikai) still attached; lashed for lashing onto shank.
two stylised anthropomorphic figures snood and line. L. 4cm. Webster Collection No. 1249.
separated by a central loop, the eyes L. 2.5cm. L. 4cm. Webster Collection No. 1250.
of each figure inlaid with paua shells. Webster Collection No. 621. Y15235, Y15236.
Each side of the lid carved with a large Y15231. (Webster).
tiki head with inlaid paua shell eyes (Webster). $200-300 (2)
and nose, within carved curvilinear $200-300
pattern. The base with figureheads 44
at each end and tiki-style inlaid with 42 Two Contact Period Maori Bone
paua shell eyes on each side. Kumetes Two Early Contact Period Maori Bone Fishing Points. One sharp with
would be used for the purpose of Fishing Hook Pieces. grooves for lashing onto shank.
serving up preserved birds to visitors One piece has notched snood knob. L. 4cm. Webster Collection No. 1462.
of rank. This kumete was discovered L. 5cm. Webster Collection No. 1460. Other barbed with grooves for
in England. Other piece could be part of a one lashing onto shank. L. 3cm. Webster
H. 35cm, L. 71cm. piece bone fish hook. L. 5.5cm. Collection No. 1470.
Y14551. Webster Collection No. 1463. Y15246, Y15244.
$6500-11,000 Y15241, Y15240. (Webster).
(Webster). $200-300 (2)
$150-300 (2)




48 50

42 46 41

45 43 44

55 56 57

45 47 49
Two Contact Period Maori Bone Contact Period Maori Bone One- Contact Period Maori Bone Shank
Fishing Barbed Points. Both have Piece 'U' Shaped Hook. From a Trolling Hook with hour glass
carved lateral bait cleats probably L. 6cm. hole and bevelled end. L. 9cm.
used in trolling hooks. Webster Collection No. 1253. Webster Collection No. 1455.
L. 5cm. Webster Collection No. 1461. Y15583. Y15585.
L. 4cm. Webster Collection No. 1465. (Webster). (Webster).
Y15247, Y15248. $100-200 $100-200
$200-400 (2) 48 50
Contact Period Maori Bone Barbed Contact Period Maori Bone One-
46 Point off a fish hook, with hour glass Piece 'U' Shaped Hook with barbed
Contact Period Maori Bone One- hole drilled at bottom. point and grooves for bait string.
Piece 'U' Shaped Hook. L. 7cm. L. 3.5cm.
L. 7cm. Webster Collection No. 1467. Webster Collection No. 1051.
Webster Collection No. 1594. Y15584. Y15582.
Y15581. (Webster). (Webster).
(Webster). $200-300 $100-200



Contact Period Large Maori Bone One-Piece 'U'
Shaped Hook. L. 10cm. Webster Collection No. 1595.

An Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather. Feathers were stuck
into the topknot by their quills. The tail feathers of the
huia were regarded as the most valuable and were
kept in waka huia treasure boxes. The huia bird is now
extinct. L. 20.5cm.
Y15680. 75

An Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather. See above lot for
further information. L. 20.5cm.
$800-1600 53


54 55 57
Early Contact Period c.1790s A Rare Contact Period Maori Fish Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
Superbly Carved Oval Waka Huia Hook & Line. One piece in-turned Hook (Pa Kahawai).
Lidded Box. point shell hook, bait string (pakaikai) Used for catching kahawai. Wooden
Spiral carving; suspension point still attached. Lashed snood and line shank, paua shell laminate, inner and
carved with two giant tiki faces each attached to wooden stick with notch outer barbed bone point (kawiti).
end with paua shell eyes (one eye on one end. Lashed snood and line.
missing). Male and female tiki figures L. 13cm of stick, L. 3.5cm of hook. L. 9.5cm (excluding line).
carved on the underside in sexual Webster Collection No. 518. Webster Collection No. 1484.
connection, with two paua shell insets Y15578. (Webster). Y15576.
on male figure. The lid has a raised $900-1800 (Webster).
serpentine shaped carved handle. $700-1500
Hairline split one end with staple 56
inside and a tiny patch. Contact Period Maori Branched Fish
L. 43cm, W. 16cm. Hook. Twisted wooden shank with
Y15060. metal hook lashed with flax fibre
(Webster). onto end. (The shank was produced
$12,000-20,000 by tying young branches apart and
allowing them to become fixed by
growth). W. 11cm. Webster Collection
No. 543. Y15577. (Webster).

58 61 60

59 62 63

58 63 68
Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
Hook (Pa Kahawai). Hook (Pa Kahawai). Hook (Pa Kahawai).
Wooden shank, paua shell laminate, Wooden shank, paua shell laminate, Wooden shank, paua shell laminate.
inner barbed bone point (kawiti). inner barbed bone point. Inner barbed bone point. Some
Some lashed snood, no line. Lashed snood and line. feather fibre fragments in lashed
L. 8.5cm. Originally from the Edward L. 10.5cm (excluding line). snood point. Lashed snood and line.
Armytage Collection No. 47264. Webster Collection No. 1539. L. 8.5cm (excluding line).
Y15250. (Webster). Y15596. Webster Collection No. ?02.
$700-1500 (Webster). Y15591.
$700-1500 (Webster).
59 $700-1500
Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish 64
Hook (Pa Kahawai). Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish 69
Wooden shank, paua shell laminate Hook (Pa Kahawai). Early 19th C. Contact Period Maori
inner barbed bone point. Lashed Wooden shank, paua shell laminate, Trolling Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai).
snood and line. inner barbed bone point. Partial Metal shank, paua shell laminate and
L. 10cm (excluding line). lashed snood, some line intact. metal point. Lashed snood and line.
Y15249. L. 10.5cm. L. 11cm (excluding line).
(Webster). Webster Collection No. 619. Webster Collection No. 1274.
$700-1500 Y15595. Y15590.
(Webster). (Webster).
60 $700-1500 $400-800
Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
Hook (Pa Kahawai). 65 70
Thick paua shell shank, inner barbed Rare Contact Period Maori Trolling Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
bone point. No snood or line. Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai). Hook (Pa Kahawai).
L. 11.5cm (excluding line). This hook has no wooden shank and Wooden shank, paua shell laminate.
Webster Collection No. 461. is therefore an older pa kahawai. Inner Lashed snood and line.
Y15580. and outer barbed bone point. Inner barbed bone point.
(Webster). Lashed snood and line. L. 9.5cm (excluding line).
$700-1500 L. 10cm (excluding line). Webster Collection No. 1105.
Webster Collection No. 1079. Y15589.
61 Y15594. (Webster).
A Rare Contact Period Maori Trolling (Webster). $700-1500
Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai). $900-1600
This hook has no wooden shank and 71
is therefore an older pa kahawai as 66 Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
later Maori figured out that paua shell Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai).
alone was too thin to form strong Hook (Pa Kahawai). Wooden shank, paua shell laminate.
shanks that could cope with the Wooden shank, paua shell laminate, Inner and outer barbed bone point.
strain. Also this hook has a paua shell inner barbed bone point. Lashed snood and line.
point that has an outer barb. Lashed No snood or line. L. 13cm (excluding line).
snood and line. L. 7.5cm (excluding L. 10cm. Webster Collection No. 1538.
line). Webster Collection No. 1268. Y15587.
Webster Collection No. 1077. Y15593. (Webster).
Y15598. (Webster). $700-1500
(Webster). $500-1200
$800-1900 72
67 Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish
62 Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai).
Contact Period Maori Trolling Fish Hook (Pa Kahawai). Wooden shank, paua shell laminate.
Hook (Pa Kahawai). Wooden shank, Wooden shank, paua shell laminate, Inner barbed bone point.
paua shell laminate, inner barbed inner barbed bone point. Lashed snood and line.
bone point. Lashed snood, no line. Lashed snood, no line. L. 10.5cm (excluding line).
L. 12cm. L. 8cm. Y15588.
Webster Collection No. 1102. Y15592. (Webster).
Y15597. (Webster). $700-1500
(Webster). $600-1300

65 67 69

68 64 66

70 71 72 73

73 74 75
Contact Period Maori Subcircular An Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather. An Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather.
One-Piece Bone Fish Hook, with Feathers were stuck into the topknot Feathers were stuck into the topknot
serrations and small serrated knobs by their quills. The tail feathers of by their quills. The tail feathers of
on outer edge of hook. the huia were regarded as the most the huia were regarded as the most
Lashed snood and line. valuable and were kept in waka huia valuable and were kept in waka huia
W. 7cm. treasure boxes. The huia bird is now treasure boxes. The huia bird is now
Webster Collection No. 486. extinct. extinct.
Y15586. L. 20cm. L. 19.5cm.
(Webster). Y15677. Y15679.
$800-1600 (Webster). (Webster).
$800-1600 $800-1600

Extremely Rare 17th C. Greenstone Mere
with old hand drilled hour glass hole and
a suggestion of one ridge on the butt. Very
good green colour greenstone with small
black flecks. Little nibbles to edge.
L. 30.5cm.

54 u n d e rsi d e

77 78
20th C. Greenstone Peka Peka with serrated paua shell Contact Period or Earlier Maori Wooden Waka Huia
eyes. Carved by Charlie Wilson, good quality. Lidless Box. Rare early large oblong shape. Carved bottom
L. 6.5cm. in koru and semi circular pattern with two manaia figures
No Y number needed. on each end (four in total). Sides are not carved. No lid.
$600-1000 L. 50cm, W. 15.5cm.


78 including reverse side



79 80
Early 19th C. Maori Wooden Short Club (Wahaika). Rare & Beautiful Heberley 18th C. Maori Wood & 18ct.
Carved human figure (marakihau) on incurve and a carved Gold Pipe.
head to butt. Knots in pohutukawa wood and wood is a Carved tattooed faces with tiny paua shell eyes on the
bit stressed. Sometime in 19th C. a steel-bit hole has been bowl. 'Kia Ora' is carved on the underside of the pipe. The
drilled. gold bands are marked 18ct. and hallmarked G.P. (maybe
L. 35cm. George Pretkethly - NZ jeweller and goldsmith). Also
Y15649. marked Christeson, who was a Wellington tobacconist.
(Webster). The carver is Tom Heberley.
$4000-8000 L. 12.5cm.

82 including reverse




81 83
Pre-European South Island Maori Greenstone Adze 19th C. Maori Whalebone Kotiate (Short Club). Two
(Toki), probably used for canoe hafting. Found on a beach figures carved on each side of the blade, paua shell eye
south of Ashburton. Cutting grove one side. Probably been insets (one missing). Manaia carved butt, with wax infill
in the sea, good rare pale colour (some pitting). eyes.
L. 32cm. L. 34.5cm.
Y14958. Y09504.
$1500-2500 (Webster).
(Ex Webster Part 1, November 2002 auction).
82 $6000-9000
19th C. Maori Kiwi Feather Kete Bag with flax line
and tassels. Long light brown kiwi feathers in excellent 84
condition. Superb Stone Adze (Toki). Would have been used for
W. 18cm, H. 14cm. felling large trees. Nice smooth stone and good cutting
Y10757. edge with a small chip, defined side edges. Stone is
$2000-3000 blackened by fire. Greywacke type stone.
L. 30cm.

87 86 93

85 87
19th C. Maori Teko Teko Gable Figure. Rare Early Contact Period Maori Fishing
L. 83cm. Sinker. Orange stone/quartz? with rope
Y13863. groove and rope attached both ends.
$3000-$5000 L. 5cm of sinker.
Webster Collection No. 1292.
86 Y15645.
Rare Early Contact Period Maori Fishing (Webster).
Sinker. White stone/quartz? with rope groove $800-2000
and rope attached both ends.
L. 4.5cm of sinker. 88
Webster Collection No. 1290. Early Contact Period Maori Whalebone
85, detail of base Y15644. Cloak Pin (Rei Puta).
below (Webster). L. 14.5cm.
$800-2000 Webster Collection No. 11?




91 89

89 91 93
Contact Period Maori Twisted Flax Twelve Wooden Maori Needles. 19th C. Maori Hand Made Rope/
Fibre Rope Bundle. Average length 9.5cm. Fishing Line. Taken overseas by Mr
Note attached saying: Originally Edward Armytage Carrington who laid out the first town
'Taken overseas by Mr Carrington who Collection No. 47767-47778. in New Zealand.
built the first town in NZ, they found No. 451-462 are inscribed which L. 10cm (length of bundle).
it remarkable how tight and neat the would be Webster Collection No. Y15648.
twist is without the use of machinery'. Y15634.1-Y15634.12 (Webster).
Bundle L. 16cm (not rope length). (Webster). $100-300
Y15647. $100-300 (12)
(Webster). 94
$100-300 92 Late 18th C. Maori Greenstone Ear
Five Bone Maori Needles. Pendant (Kuru). Light green colour,
90 Originally Edward Armytage rounded form with hour glass hole.
Three 18th C. Maori Mako Shark Collection No. 47314-47317. L. 7.5cm.
Teeth Ear Ornaments. Originally from No. 435-439 are inscribed which Y15632.
Edward Armytage Collection. would be Webster Collection No. (Webster).
L. 4cm, E. Armytage Collection No. L. 9.2cm longest needle, L. 6cm $500-1000
153. L. 3cm, E. Armytage Collection shortest needle.
No. 154. L. 4cm, E. Armytage Y15639, Y15640, Y15641, Y15642,
Collection No. 158. Y15643.
Y15636, Y15637, Y15638. (Webster).
(Webster). $400-800 (5)
$300-600 (3)

97 98 99 114

96 109

94 95

100 102 101 113

95 97 99
Late 18th C. Maori Greenstone Ear Contact Period Maori Greenstone Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Pendant (Kuru). Lovely green colour, Chisel/Ear Pendant with hour Chisel (Whao). Light green colour.
rounded form with hour glass hole. glass suspension hole. Some Maori L. 4.5cm.
L. 7.5cm. craftsmen would wear their chisel as Y15631.
Y15633. an ear pendant as a safe way to keep (Webster).
(Webster). his tool. $200-600
$500-1000 L. 4cm.
Y15630. 100
96 (Webster). Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Contact Period Maori Greenstone $300-800 Chisel (Whao). Green and golden
Ear Pendant/Chisel with hour colour.
glass suspension hole. Some Maori 98 L. 4cm.
craftsmen would wear their chisel as Contact Period Maori Greenstone Webster Collection No. 410?
an ear pendant as a safe way to keep Chisel/Ear Pendant with hour Y15628.
his tool. glass suspension hole. Some Maori $200-600
L. 4cm. craftsmen would wear their chisel as
Webster Collection No. 418. an ear pendant as a safe way to keep
Y15629. his tool.
(Webster). L.3.5cm.
$300-800 Y15626.

110 103 105 107


112 104 108 106

101 103 105

Contact Period Maori Greenstone Contact Period Maori Greenstone Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Chisel (Whao). Dark green colour. Chisel (Whao). Dark green colour. Chisel (Whao). Nice sharp edge.
L. 4cm. L. 4.5cm. L. 6cm.
Webster Collection No. 751. Webster Collection No. 745. Webster Collection No. 742.
Y15621. Y15625. Y15624.
(Webster). (Webster). (Webster).
$200-600 $200-600 $200-600

102 104 106

Contact Period Maori Greenstone Late 18th C. Maori Greenstone Ear Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Chisel (Whao). Light green colour. Pendant (Kuru). Light green colour, Chisel (Whao). Light green colour.
L. 3cm. rounded form with hour glass hole. L. 5cm.
Y15627. L. 7cm. Y15623.
(Webster). Y15042. (Webster).
$200-600 (Webster). $200-400
Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Chisel (Whao). Golden green colour.
L. 4cm.


108 110 112

Two Contact Period Maori Contact Period Maori Greenstone A Contact Period Obsidian Scrapper.
Greenstone Chisels (Whao). One with Adze with good cutting edge. Would have been used for scraping
sharp edge, light green colour. Other L. 6cm. flax or scaling fish.
river-worn and very smooth. Y15618. L. 2.5cm.
L. 5cm. Webster Collection No. 759. (Webster). Originally from the Edward Armytage
L. 3cm. $400-600 Collection No. 47833.
Y15620, Y15616. Y15619.
(Webster). 111 (Webster).
$200-600 (2) Contact Period Stone Arrowhead. $100-200
L. 4cm.
109 Originally from the Edward Armytage 113
Contact Period Maori Greenstone Collection No. 47734. Contact Period Maori Greenstone
Adze, river-worn. L. 4.5cm. Y15614. Adze. Sharp edge, smooth and river-
Originally from the Edward Armytage (Webster). worn around body.
Collection No. 48068. L. 9.2cm.
Y15615. Y15613.
(Webster). (Webster).
$200-400 $200-400


119 118 121



125 122 127 124

117 123

114 116 119

Contact Period Maori Greenstone 18th/19th C. North Auckland Stone 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone Adze
Adze. Nice cutting edge with rope Adze (Toki). Greywacke type stone. (Toki). In good condition, no chips.
groove for securing to haft. L. 20cm. L. 17cm.
L. 6cm. Y15087. Y15086.
Edward Armytage Collection No. $100-200 $100-200
Y15617. 117 120
(Webster). 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone Adze Early 20th C. Maori Carving of
$500-700 (Toki) with some history. a Stylised Waka with six manaia
L. 13cm. with paua shell eyes and 12 wave
115 Y15084. projections.
Contact Period Maori Greenstone $50-200 L. 78cm, H. 14cm (not including
Hei Tiki. Beautifully stone carved stand). Y No. to be assessed.
Kawakawa type, old hour glass 118 $400-800
suspension hole to back of head, 18th/19th C. North Auckland Hafted
good spinach green colour. Old break, Stone Adze (Toki). Some chips. 121
missing bottom legs. Head to right, L. 16.5cm. 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone Adze
hands on thighs. Y15085. (Toki). In good condition.
L. 9cm. $50-100 L.14.5cm.
Y15049. Y15083.
(Webster). $100-200




131 129

122 125 128

Small 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone 18th/19th C. North Auckland Small Fish Bladder Float/Pendant.
Adze (Toki). L. 9cm. Stone Adze (Toki). Found in dunes at Fish bladders were used by Maori as
Y15079. Keri Keri in 1972. floats on lines and small nets when
$50-100 L. 8cm. fishing. Toggle on end.
Y15080. L. 11cm.
123 $50-100 Y No. to be assessed.
18th/19th C. Taranaki Adze (Toki). $100-200
In good condition. 126
L. 12.5cm. 18th/19th C. Rare Stone Drill Point. 129
Y15082. L. 5cm. 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone Fishing
$100-200 Y15092. Sinker. No hole, just impression of it
$100-300 being started.
124 L. 8cm.
Small 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone 127 Y15091.
Adze. Greenish colour. Small 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone $200-400
L. 7.3cm. Hafted Shape Adze (Toki). Beautiful
Y15081. smooth shape; in excellent condition.
$50-100 L. 9cm.



130 132 134

Important 18th C. Taranaki Large Large 18th/19th C. Taranaki Stone Kahurangi Marsden Flower Jade
Stone Adze (Toki). In very good Sinker for a fishing net. Groove for River Boulder. Smooth, deep green
condition; from Patea. Possibly pre- rope all the way around. colour.
European. Good patina and smooth L. 24cm. L. 40cm, W. 28cm.
appearance, some old small chips half Y15089. Weight 14.4kg.
way down the adze, cutting edge is $400-900 No Y number needed.
perfect. $9000-14,000
L. 26cm. 133
Y15090. A Large Natural Greenstone River 135
$1000-2000 Boulder. Water polished smooth; Natural Greenstone Slab with long
beautiful pale green colour. cut to one end. The cut reveals deep
131 L. 40cm, W. 20cm. even-green colour inside.
A Superb Pre-European Stone Flax Weight 12.2kg. L. 22cm, W. 14cm. Weight 2.1kg.
Pounder (Patu Muka). Wonderful No Y number needed. No Y number needed.
shape and proportions. Has a dome $5000-10,000 $200-800
top on the handle. From the lower
North Island, possibly Foxton. 136
L. 27.5cm. 20th C. Greenstone Maori Tiki. Good
Y15088. colour; head to right shoulder, hands
$1500-3000 on hips. L. 9cm.
No Y number needed.

140 1 41 143 138

145 137

137 140 141

20th C. Maori Canoe Bailer from Airtu Ahwito (Fungus). Considered Airtu Ahwito (Fungus). Considered
Rotorua, (Maori Arts and Crafts sacred and used as an indelible dye in sacred and used as an indelible dye in
Institute). tattooing. Burnt to a cinder and mixed tattooing. Burnt to a cinder and mixed
L. 36cm. with dog fat and soot. What ever with dog fat and soot. What ever
No Y number needed. remained after each use was carefully remained after each use was carefully
$150-300 preserved and handed down from preserved and handed down from
father to son. father to son.
138 L. 18cm. L. 16cm.
Late 19th C. Kauri Gum Chief's Head No Y number needed. No Y number needed.
with tattooed face and feather cloak. $1000-1500 $1000-1500
H. 10cm.
No Y number needed. 142
$160-400 18th C. Maori Bone Items.
Comprising: 2 bone fishing shanks;
139 1 bone tip; 1 composite hook and a
Historical Whales Tooth From a pendant.
Russian Whaling Ship. Inscribed 'N.Z. Y14156, Y14174, Y14173, Y14154.
Campble Station from ss. "Gnevny". $200-400 (5)
USSR. 14-15/I 65'.
Tip of tooth is chipped; once was
mounted. L. 18cm.


142 150

143 145 147

Airtu Ahwito (Fungus). Late 18th/Early 19th C. Maori Stone 19th C. Maori Stone Adze.
Considered sacred and used as an Sinker. Slight old chipping to hour Nice cutting edge, worn butt.
indelible dye in tattooing. Burnt to a glass hole. L. 12cm.
cinder and mixed with dog fat and H. 9cm. (Y No. to be assessed).
soot. What ever remained after each (Y No. to be assessed). $100-200
use was carefully preserved and $300-600
handed down from father to son.
Note: it is missing the stick with the 146
fungus on it. 19th C. Maori Stone Adze.
L. 6cm. Flecked stone, tiny chips in cutting
No Y number needed. edge.
$50-100 L. 12.5cm.
(Y No. to be assessed).
144 $100-200
Maori Stone Adze.
Some tiny chips to cutting edge.
L. 20cm.

149 (6) 154

151 152 153 (2)

148 150 153

Ross Johns Greenstone Sculpture 18th C. Maori Stone Sinker. H. 11cm. Two 19th C. Maori Stone Adzes. Both
'The Leaf'. Ross Johns is a member Y14086. found in Auckland region.
of the Ngai Tahu tribe and the only $500-1000 L. 10cm, Y13052.
artist selected by Ngai Tahu to have a L. 6cm, Y13074.
piece of his artworks gifted to Te Papa 151 $100-150
forever. Te Papa Museum's Shop sold Early 19th C. Maori Stone Adze.
a Ross Johns piece to a Russian for Found in Auckland region. 154
NZ$5000. Chips to edge. Early 19th C. Maori Hocken Flax
L. 42cm, H. 4cm. L.12cm. Thread & Needle. Used on capes and
$600-1200 Y13036. cloaks.
$100-150 L. 5.5cm (excluding thread).
149 Y14175.
Early 19th C. Maori Bone & Stone 152 $200-400
Items. Comprising: 2 Stone fishing Early 19th C. Maori Stone Adze.
shanks; 2 bone fishing shanks; 1 bone Found in Auckland region. 155
fishing tip; and a sharks tooth ear Some chips to top edge. Large & Rare c.1910 Maori Flax
ornament. L. 15cm. Sleeping Mat (Whariki).
Y14155, Y14157, Y14153, Y14172. Y13029. Gifted to the vendors grandmother by
$200-400 $100-$150 local Maori in the Rotorua area.
L. 303cm x W. 163cm.
Y No. to be assessed.




16 3

156 158 161

Early 19th C. Stone Patu. Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather. Feathers Rare Contact Period/Early 19th C.
Greenish colour; in excellent condition. were stuck into the topknot by their Carved Oratory Stick. Carved by Ihakara
Found in lower North Island river in quills. The tail feathers of the huia were Te Aukaha. L. 97cm. Y14058.
about 1947. Some marks of river or sea regarded as the most valuable and were $3000-5000
slugs that were attached at one stage but kept in waka huia treasure boxes. The
now removed. huia bird is now extinct. This lot also 162
Y No. to be assessed. comes with a 3cm huia breast feather. 19th C. Maori Flax Floor Mat (Whariki)
L. 36cm. L. 14.5cm. c1830 - 1840. L. 270cm x W. 154cm.
$8000-12,000 $1000-3000 Y14047
157 159
Early 19th C. Huia Bird Feather. Feathers Flax Pui Pui Skirt with black and white 163
were stuck into the topknot by their woollen border. Late 19th/Early 20th C. Maori Childs
quills. The tail feathers of the huia were W. 42cm. Taiaha Fighting Staff. With paua shell
regarded as the most valuable and were $50-100 inlaid eyes. L. 102cm. Y13535
kept in waka huia treasure boxes. The
huia bird is now extinct. 160
L. 14.5cm. 20th C. Maori Carved Small Wooden Box
20th C. Brian Flintoff Whalebone
$1300-1500 with sliding lid. Carved all over.
Pendant & Wooden Base. 'Ika Whenua'
L. 12cm.
With description and a small flax kete
Y No. to be assessed. woven by Heeni Kerekare. H. 12cm of
$100-400 wooden base, pendant W. 6.5cm

157 158 158

160 164

148 161

170 171 172

No lots between 165-170

The following Papua New Guinea collection

was collected by Rev. Williams who was
based in a Catholic Missionary station 171
in Papua New Guinea in the 1930s. Rev. Rare Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua
Williams bought the collection back to New Guinea Necklace. Seed pod collar
Christchurch before WWII. Our vendor with diamond shaped pendant made of
purchased all the following Papua New coloured trade beads and seeds with a shell
Guinea artefacts off the Williams estate in border.
the 1980s. The necklaces from the 1930s L. 40cm.
were made from clam shells, turtle shells, Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
seeds, tiny shells, and dog, fish and porpoise $400-800
teeth. (Shells were used for trade and
currency). 172
Beautiful Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua
170 New Guinea Anklet. With coloured trade
Beautiful Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New beads on hand made rope, and dog teeth
Guinea Necklace with coloured trade beads and seed pod hanging pendant/noise
and seeds, and a shell border. maker decoration.
L. 50cm. L. 21cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
$600-1200 $150-300

173 174 175

173 175
Superb Late 19th/Early 20th C. Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Papua New Guinea Necklace. With a Guinea Necklace. Made of small
seed and coloured trade bead collar carved shell pieces.
in a geometric pattern, and a curved L. 58cm.
shell pendant. Slight damage to collar. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
L. 47cm. $200-500
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.

Stunning Late 19th/Early 20th C.
Papua New Guinea Necklace. Made
of shell and seed pods with six tassels
on the bottom.
L. 31cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.

181 183 182 180 179 178

184 186 1 77 185 187

176 178 181

19th C. Rare Papua New Guinea Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Hand Made Pottery Bowl. Decorated Guinea Wooden Hand Carved Figure. Guinea Hand Carved Kneeling
with geometric cross hatched lines H. 24cm. Figure with almond carved eyes and
and small bumps around the rim. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. eyebrows.
Found in the field. $150-300 H. 19cm.
H. 10cm, L. 21cm. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. 179 $150-300
$300-500 Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Guinea Hand Carved Wooden Figure 182
Papua New Guinea figures collected with shell eyes. Crack through the Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
early 1930s in the field by Rev. face. Guinea Hand Carved Bearded Figure.
Williams. All figures left as found by H. 22cm. Whimsical expression; nice detailed
the vendor when they bought them Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. carving.
off Williams. $150-300 H. 22cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
177 180 $150-300
Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Guinea Wooden Hand Carved Male Guinea Hand Carved Wooden Figure.
Figure with big pectorals and shells H. 28cm.
eyes. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
H. 40cm. $150-300
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.

198 including reverse


183 186
Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Guinea Hand Carved Figure. Split on Guinea Wooden Hand Carved Statue
the stomach. of a birdman figure holding his beard,
H. 31.5cm. with shell eyes. H. 41cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s.
$150-300 $250-400

184 187
Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
Guinea Hand Carved Figure. Guinea Hand Carved Wooden Figure
H. 37cm. of a birdman. Found in the Ramu river.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. H. 28cm. Provenance: Rev. Williams
$250-400 1930s.
Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New 188
Guinea Wooden Hand Carved Statue Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New
of a figure on top of a tree kangaroo, Guinea Wooden Hand Carved Skull
with shell eyes and jewellery. Rack of a female figure with birds on
H. 26cm. either side. Shell eyes and the item is
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. painted with light grey paint. L. 70cm.
$150-300 Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. 188





195 197

189 191 193

Late 19th/Early 20th C. Papua New Late 19th/Early 20th C. Massim Aboriginal Heavy Wooden Club/
Guinea Wooden Spear Thrower with Culture District Wooden Hand Spear Thrower. Hand carved with
geometric carving on both sides with Carved Bowl. Decorated with a circles and curved lines.
a reddish paint. Hand made string still fish/sea creature. Traces of white L. 37cm.
attached in some places. colouring. $100-150
L. 104cm. H. 10cm, L. 42cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. 194
$500-1000 $700-1200 Aboriginal Heavy Wooden Club.
Hand carved with parallel lines and
190 192 dots.
Rare Late 19th/Early 20th C. Massim Early 20th C. Small Aboriginal Shield. L. 64cm.
Culture District Lime Gourd with Hand carved wooden elliptical shape $600-1200
bone swivel stick. Beautifully carved with handle. Decorated with broken
with geometric patterns. Hand made lines framing parallel lines in panels 195
flax twine. on both sides of the shield. Aboriginal Boomerang. Hand carved.
H. 29cm. L. 68cm. L. 53cm.
Provenance: Rev. Williams 1930s. $300-500 $300-600

1 91



196 199 202

African Wooden Zulu Orators Staff Pacific Islands Paddle/Club with wide Fijian Throwing Club (Ula).
with a soft twist pattern carved on a blade. Lovely patina and diamond shape
third of the stick. L. 121cm. carving to lower handle.
L. 133cm. $100-300 L. 40cm.
$1000-2000 $450-900
197 A Fijian Club (Gata), also known as 203
19th C. African Wooden Headrest 'gunstock' club. Carved detailing all Fijian Throwing Club (Ula).
From Congo in a wonderful wood over; chip to top. Lovely patina and triangle lined
selection with ethnic repair to splits. L. 90cm. pattern to lower handle.
Carved from one piece of wood. Nice $500-800 L. 38cm.
plaited leather handle; smooth patina $400-800
all over. 201
H. 18cm. West African Mask with vegetable 204
$1000-2000 fibre braids. Early 19th C. Large War Club.
H. 24cm, W. 14cm. L. 107cm.
198 $150-300 $1000-2000
Polynesian Clamshell Adze. L. 15cm.


21 2 211

205 208 212

19th C. Samoan War Club. 19th C. Pacific Island Saw Bill Club. 'Captain Tilly' Melanesia Breast
L. 64cm. L. 74cm. Pendant (Santa Cruz Group).
$600-1000 $400-700 Shell with geometric tortoise shell
206 209 $1500-2500
19th C. Large Fijian Spear with traces 19th C. Samoan Wooden Axe/Club.
of sennet bindings. L. 59cm. 213
L.218cm. $400-800 Cook Island or Maori Stone Crop God
$500-1000 (ex Auckland Theosophical Society).
210 H. 19cm.
207 19th C. Tongan Fly Whisk. $2500-4000
18th C. Rare and Important Large L. 64cm.
Vanutau Chief's Foot Stamp War $400-700 214
Club. South Pacific Island Club. L. 31cm.
Ten-point star head with kill notches 211 $200-400
at base and head. Missionary Santa Cruz Breast Pendant Shell with
collected. geometric tortoise shell decoration.
L.125cm. D. 15cm, L. 52cm.
$6000-8000 $1500-2500

205 209

202 203

208 204 206 d e t ai l


2 07 d e t a i ls






215 218

215 218 221

Early 19th C. Wooden Fijian Priest's 19th C. African Akan Wooden Chief's 19th C. Samoan Kava Bowl with 12
Oil Dish. Stool. Reference: 'Art & Artefacts, The legs and suspension lug.
L. 36cm. James Hooper Collection' by Steven D. 39cm, H. 15cm.
$2000-3000 Phelpes, pg 380. $600-1000
H. 27cm, W. 41cm, D. 22cm.
216 $1000-2000 222
Early 19th C. Cook Island Wooden 19th C. African Wooden Four Legged
(Atiu) Chief's Stool. 219 Stool.
With original fine plated sennet cord 19th C. Fijian Ceremonial Kava Bowl H. 30cm, D. 37cm.
on two legs (used for hanging). in the shape of a sea turtle. $1000-1500
W.44cm, H. 15cm, D. 20cm. H. 14cm, W. 55cm.
$2000-4000 $1000-2000 223
African Wooden Head Rest with two
217 220 figures.
Early 19th C. Tongan Wooden Pillow. 19th C. Polynesian Coconut Grating H. 20cm, W. 21cm.
D. 11cm, W. 45cm, H. 16cm. Stool. $400-700
$2000-4000 L. 59cm, W. 22cm, H. 25cm.
$1800-3000 224
Solomon Islands Dog Head with
painted black nose and pink gums.








227 (2)

229 detail


part 229

225 229 231

Hawaiian Wooden Poi Vessel with Two Tapa Cloths, Fiji & Cook Island. Papua New Guinea Pig Killing Apron.
three carved gods at base. Fiji cloth L. 190 x W. 131cm. L. 80cm.
H. 26.5cm. Cook Island cloth L. 270 x W. 61cm. $1000-2000
$1000-2000 $300-500
226 230 Papua New Guinea Apron with pig
Large Australian Boomerang with Papua New Guinea Anstead Mask. tusks and beads.
carved emus and kangaroos etc. Made from a whole tortoise shell L. 60cm.
L. 80cm. body. Ex Hudig Collection Wellington $800-1500
$400-800 (Hudig visited Papua New Guinea for
Phillips Electrical in the 1960s). 233
227 L. 30cm. Papua New Guinea Woven Geko or
Two 19th C. Golden Kauri Shells $800-1500 Lizard Figure. L. 60cm.
(used as Polynesian currency). $500-1000
L. 10cm. The next six lots are from an old
$300-400 Papua New Guinea collection 234
c.1940s from Upper Mendi Valley, Papua New Guinea Headdress Hat.
228 Southern Highlands. Made with hair; original beading has
Old & Rare 19th C. Fijian Tapa Cloth. gone.
L. 401cm, W. 80cm. W. 54cm.
$800-1500 $1000-2000

part 228

232 231 233

230 236



235 238 241

Papua New Guinea Headdress Hat. Important 19th C. Fijian Gunstock Suku Fetish From Zaire, Africa.
Made with hair; original yellow beads. Club. Carved with ripple effect on one Wooden figure with feather movable
W. 40cm. side up the top. arms and flax skirt.
$1000-2000 L. 104cm. H. 63cm.
$1500-2500 $200-300
Rare & Old Papua New Guinea 239 242
Chief's Hat. Made of vegetable fibre 45 Journals of 'The Journal of the Fon Fetish Figure From Benin, Africa.
and decorated with painted clay/mud. Polynesian Society'. Wooden figure painted with mud/clay
H. 34cm, D. 34cm. Selected Journals from March 1922 - carrying ceramic pots.
$3000-5000 March 1937. H. 37cm.
$500-1000 $200-400
Society Islands Shell Breast Pendant. 240 243
L. 38cm, W. 18cm. South Pacific Flax Woven Bag. Makande Tribe Mask From Tanzania,
$400-800 L. 60cm. Africa. Has ethnic repair work.
$50-100 L. 21cm (of wooden mask), W. 13cm.


235 reverse



2 41 2 43 244

245 247 248

242 254 246 256 ( 2)

249 255 251

253 250 252


244 250 258
Makonde - Makua Tribal Group Mask Lega Mask from Zaire with flax beard. Papua New Guinea Ancestor Figure.
from Tanzania/ Mozambique. L. 38cm (including beard). L. 234cm.
Wooden mask with feather bloom in $150-300 $1000-2000
H. 34cm, W. 20cm. 251
$350-600 Guerre Mask From Liberia.
Velvet patterned fabric on forehead,
245 animal skin and hair in beard with
Chokule Mask From Angola with vegetable fibre hair.
vegetable fibre braided hair and L. 24cm.
geometric carved detailing. $250-500
H. 18cm, W. 14cm.
$200-400 252
Kifwebe Mask, Songye Tribe From
246 Congo. Hollowed protruding mouth,
Teke Figure From Zaire. Split to side alternating black and red ridged
of head with ethnic repair. angular face.
H. 37cm. H.35cm, W.19cm.
$250-400 $350-700

247 253
Baule Tribe Mouse Oracle (Gbekre), Gio Mask From Liberia.
Divination Bowl from Ivory Coast. L. 60cm, W. 18cm.
Used for fortune telling. The physical $200-400
apparatus of the gbekre is contained
within a terracotta vessel inside a 254
hollow wooden cylinder. A shelf Baule Figure From Ivory Coast.
divides the vessel into two distinct Red beaded eyes, wood has splits.
chambers, which are connected by H. 30cm, W. 9cm.
a hole. The mice are placed in the $100-200
lower chamber and pass through
the hole into the upper chamber, in 255
which the diviner has placed ten small A Royal Bamum Tribal Mask From
sticks (originally, bird or bat bones Cameroon Grasslands.
were used). The small sticks, called H. 39cm, W. 22cm (not including
gbekre nyma ("eyes of the mice"), stand).
are coated with flour and attached at $500-900
one end with fibre to the shell of an
earth turtle. The actions of the mice 256
in the upper chamber change the Papua New Guinea Pay Back Figures.
positions of the sticks, creating a new Female and male figures that are
configuration that constitutes the sign anatomically correct with genitalia.
to be translated by the diviner. Figures are a stylised image of a
Lovely geometric border, lightly person who had been killed.
carved, with figure carved in the H. 39cm (both figures).
round attached at the back. Split to $400-800
the side which has been repaired.
H. 23cm, W. 17cm. 257
$400-800 Malagan Frieze From New Ireland,
Papua New Guinea. Used for story
248 telling. Brightly decorated with birds
Baule Tribe Bird Mask From Ivory and a central male head with sea
Coast. H. 28cm. snail opercula eyes. Originally from
$200-400 the collection of Harold Gallasch
(Australian Minerals, Adelaide, S.A.).
249 Collected 1960s-1970s.
Baule Tribe Mask From Ivory Coast. H. 22cm, W. 130cm.
Split to face with repair. H. 31cm. $500-900

3/4 view 259

A Massive and Rare Early 19th C. Polynesian Tapa
Cloth, Gata Vakatoga of fine quality.
Probably a royal marriage tapa; a room divider
folded up the centre to screen the bride and groom
during wedding ceremonies.

Prior to European contact, a complex exchange

system existed between Tonga, Fiji and Samoa.
Highly stratified Tongan society maintained chiefly
marriage alliances with Samoa and Fiji.

This Tongan style of rubbing block patterned tapa is

overpainted with Samaon siapo dots and framed in
a traditional Fijian Masi Kesa border, probably from
Lau, Fiji. Traditionally made by women and then
decorated by men.

Displaying regional diversity with distinctive styles,

the tapa combines features from both Melanesia and
Polynesia, particularly of Tonga and Samoa.

Provenance: From the Berryman Collection, the

estate of the third generation, Australian antique
dealer. Originally collected from the descendant of
an early whaler.

W. 6.5m x L. 8m.


For similar tapa design elements refer to Grammar

of Ornament by Owen Jones, London, 1856 plate I,
patterns 2 and 9. Also see Tapa of the Pacific by Roger
259 detail
Neich and Nick Pendergrast, p.24.

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