Needle Stick Injuries
Needle Stick Injuries
Needle Stick Injuries
Needle Stick Injury
800,000 Needlestick Injuries
Occur Each Year in the United
Needlestick Injuries Among
Health Care Workers
Lack of time
Employer response
Concern about HIV status
What Types of Devices Are Most Commonly
Involved in Needlestick Injuries?
Hollow-bore needles are the cause of injury in
68.5% of cases
Items Most Frequently Causing Sharp-
Object Injuries, 1995
Location Where Puncture Injuries and Other
Blood Exposures Occurred, 1995
The majority of needlesticks occur when health care
Dispose of needles
Administer injections
Draw blood
Recap needles
Handle garbage and dirty linen
When Do Needlesticks Happen?
HBV and HCV Pose an Even Greater Risk Then HIV
Occupational Risk of
Hepatitis C: